HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-11-10, Page 14Paige 14 Throes-Advocate, November 10, 1966 Crediton folk celebrated EARLY BIRD GETS THE VALUES Recalls first Armistice By MISS EL.t..A MORLOCK CREDITON November 1918 M r. Harry Beaver was completing the con- struction of the home now owned by Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Pfaff. He was working on the front verandah. Suddenly the church and school bells started to ring. Thinking there was a fire, Mr. Beaver dropped his tools and hurried downstreet, There h e learned the news — “Armis- tice." He joined a group to go to London. In a team-drawn rig the young man made the trip to London, witnessed the long parade (many floats and bands, Mr, Beaver recalls) and returned the same day, The horses were a team of Arabians. They kept up a steady trot without seeming to tire. to a bazaar and bake sale at the Grand Bend United Church Nevernber 19 was read. Rev, Howard Zurbrigg took charge of the annual election of officerS. President is Mrs. E r v in Ratz; vice-presidents, Mrs. Howard Zurbrigg and Mrs. Gordon Finkbeiner; secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Lamport; assistant secretary, Mrs. Alvin Fink- beiner; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Lorne Morlock; WSWS treasurer, Mrs. Ray Morlock; local treasurer, Mrs. R os s Krueger; Departmental heads are: Mrs. Hugo Schenk, local responsibil- ity; Mrs. G.E. Wenzel, spiritual life; Mrs. Roy Ratz, stewardship; Mrs. Aaron Wein, missionary education; Mrs. Ed Hendrick, social relations; Mrs, H. Zur- brigg, missionary education for children; Mrs. Gordon Ratz, mis- sionary education for youth. COMPARE AT $5.95 VALUE ADJUSTABLE HEAD REST EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE! NYLON-FUR WHEEL COVER WS WS MEETING The WSWS of the HUB Church he'd their monthly meeting Thursday evening, November 3. Mrs. Allen Finkbeiner, Mrs. Roy Ratz and Mrs. Lloyd Lamport were in charge of the program, the theme being "Christian Call- ing to Leadership". Mrs. Howard Zurbrigg sang ''Take Our Minds." Mrs. G,E. Wenzel told of the UCW regional rally she attended at Elimville Friday, Oct- ober 28. During the business ses- sion ,,onducted by the president, Mrs. Earl Ratz, it was reported that four boxes of used clothing had been packed. An invitation COMPARE AT 98c VALUE FOAM-WEDGE CUSHION COMPARE AT $6.98 VALUE FOAM PADDED BABY SEAT anniversary cake of Mr. & Mrs. Russell Schroeder was there, It had been iced by Mrs. Hod- gins. In addition she had made a cake in the shape of a wishing well, a gumdrop cake shaped like a shoe, and a Christmas cake shaped like a yuletide tree, With the cakes were gift-wrapped boxes. Delegates were much in- terested in Crediton's display, VISITS UN Mrs. Ruby Molitor has re- turned from her motor trip to Caldwell, New Jersey.Caldwell is not far from New York City. On a visit to New York Mrs. Mo- litor toured the United Nations building. The guide pointed out the re- volving doors and the staircase which were gifts of Canada. Since the General Assembly was not in session, Mrs. Molitor was able to enter the room and see the desk used by Canada's represent- ative. Tuesday evening November 1 Rev. & Mrs, Howard Zurbrigg, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Finkbeiner, Mrs, Lloyd Hey and Miss Doris Swartz attended a session of the Mission for North America a t Zion E,U.B. Church, Kitchener, The Rev. Daniel Roser of swit- zerland was guest speaker. Big protection for the little tots! Chrome plated frame; sit or stand position and clip-on hooks. Low tone plastic "beep horn". WI DISPLAY AT CONVENTION Mrs, Lorne Hodge and Mrs. Bruce Shapton attended the an- nual convention of the London area Women's Institutes at God- erich November 1 and 2. Mrs. Hodge was particularly interest- ed to hear the guest speaker, Mr. Bob Carbert of CBC Country Calendar, since he had been a neighbour when Mr. & Mrs. Hodge lived at Staffa. In thegeneral display at the convention, the contribution of the Crediton group was a number of cakes prepared by Mrs. Har- vey Hodgins. The fiftieth wedding Chrome plated adjustable angle and height bar. 2-tone vinyl, foam filled. 14" x 6" deep. Assorted col- ors. Whiplash preventor. A sale priced aid for the proper driving position. Assorted vinyl coverings. Big, bouncy chip-foam filling. Approx. 1" square. Warmth and comfort at your fingertips! Soft, plush and long- wearing. Will not slip or slide. Universal fit. Red, black or blue. Event at Dashwood arranged by men ATTEND WARDEN'S BANQUET Mr. & Mrs. Ed Hendrick and Mr. & Mrs. John Morrissey were guests at the Warden's Banquet, Thursday evening, in the North Street United Church, Goderich, About 230 people were in at- tendance. Mr. Jerry Montgomery, for- mer Agriculture Representative in Huron County, was guest speaker, The warden, Mr. Ken Stewart, was honoured by the presentation of a writing desk and chair. By MRS, ERVIN RADER the Hairdresser's show at the DASHWOOD Holiday Inn Sunday afternoon. RECALLS MEMORIES The ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Crediton Bridge last Fri- day was a nostalgic occasion for Mr. E mm ery Fahrner, He re- called that his father Christian Fahrner was the first to drive across the steel bridge upon the day of its opening. He himself was first across the present structure, At Friday's ceremony he was given a piece of the ribbon for remembrance. SAVE! 12 TRANSISTOR SPECIAL! OUTDOOR SAVE A BIG 1/3 ON FAMOUS G. E. MANTEL RADIO AT $29.95 COMPARE 19.99 Crisp, clean design — a new note in luxury listening! Dual speakers create faithful sound reproduction and concert realism. Clock like dial tuning. 12 x 51/2 x 6", 110 volt, Handsome Antique Ivory plastic case. PORTABLE RADIO A9.95 COMPARE 2218 T $2 Brilliant console-like sound—with plenty of eye-appeal. Brush silver t facep tone and on-off switch. Cloek-dial tuning. 9 x 61/2 x 2 84". Hand stitched easing:, Carry strap and earphone. 4 "C" Batteries included. FLOODLIGHT KIT Bnwket Adjustahlo .88 CRYSTAL CLEAR—G.E. socket, Westinghouse bulb. 6' non twist cord. Earth spike included.. TINTED FLOODLIGHT — as above. Red, blue, pink, green, yellow 53.44 WSWS MEETING Rev. L, G. Stairs of the Mis- sion toLepers, showed a sound movie film and gave an enlight- ening talk on the work presently being done for lepers when he was guest speaker at the No- vember meeting of the WSWS of the Evangelical UB church. Mrs. Jean Ann Guenther was chairlady for the worship ser- vice in which Rev. and Mrs. Merrill James gave a musical number accompanied by Mrs. James on the accordion. President, Mrs. Carl Oestrei- cher, dealt with the business. The shut-in box committee consisting of Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan, Mrs. Art Haugh, and Mrs. Syd Baker was appointed. A donation was voted to Viet Nam homeless re- fugees and a collection was taken for work being done for lepers. Men's Day was observed in the Dashwood HUB church Sun- day with the men in charge of the service. Lloyd Eagleson was chairman; Jack Gaiser read the scriptures; Ervin Eckstein led in prayer. Pastor Merrill James pre- sented the topic, "To be Man's Servant". Zurich EUB church is holding mission service this week with Rev. James speaker Monday and Wednesday evening. Rev, and Mrs. James also sang at the Monday night service. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ford and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert miller and family and Mrs. Almira Ford of Exeter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Toni Gusso and family at Lambeth. Mrs. Miller attended VISIT YOUR LIBRARY November 15 to 22 is Young Canada Book Week. "Might as well neglect a friend as neglect a good book." There are good books in the Crediton Public Li- brary, both those that belong to the village (such as issues of the Centennial series) and those that are on loan from the Huron County Library. For a membership fee of only ten cents per year one has access to these books, and to the National Geographic and Popular Mechan- ics magazines as well. By GORDON MORLEY TOWER ERECTED A landmark has been erected on the farm of Mr. Kelly Robin- son by the Sky-Hook Co. of Tor- onto for the Lake Huron Pipeline. The lighted tower, one hundred and seventy-five feet high, one at Arva and one at Port Blake are to control the computers on the line automatically by re- mote control. PERSONALS Mrs. Edward Keller purchased the house belonging to Mrs. Effie Kleinstiver at the auction sale Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Darlene and Mr. Fred Weiberg were Sunday visitors in Waterloo with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wei- berg and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Huffman of Port Colborne spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Syd Baker. Mr. Fred Bowers and Randy and Mrs. Wilmer Pfaff and Glen spent Tuesday at Forest with Mrs. Don Jory. Mrs. Gordon Bender is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. 44x36x15" SIZE Genuine Cowhide Unbreakable Poly. PERSONALS Mr. George Prest left for the west Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Goidwin Glenn and Mrs. Sherwood Brock of Exeter visited with the Glenn's uncle and aunt, Mr. & Mrs. Ver- non Drake of RR 1 Walderon, Ind. U.S, A, A number from this district attended the Kingma—Hodgson wedding in Exeter Saturday. Mrs. Bill Tweddle and Mr. Laverne Allison are both hos- pital patients in London. Misses Gladys Carter and Edna Morley graduated as nursing as- sistants at Byron Friday. Mr. Les Morley left for the north on a hunting trip. Hallowe'en passed very quiet- ly in this district with a few wit- ches, spooks and wierd looking specimens making their regu- lar appearance. SPALDING FAmO" SHIN GUARDS HOCKEY HELMET 4.59 Comp. at $7.95. Moulded plas- tic knee cap and shin protec- tor. Poly foam backed, and felt, wings. Approx. 20" long. COMPARE 88 AT $3.49 • By MRS. ROSS SKINNER ENTERTAIN MOTHERS The Elimville 4H Club held their 8th meeting at the Elim- ville Hall when Club 1 and Club 2 held a joint meeting in the form of a pot luck supper when the members entertained their m others. Mrs. Philip Johns thanked the leaders on behalf of the mothers and Mrs. Jaques re- plied thanking the mothers for coming, making the evening a success. JUNIOR HOCKEY NET CAI M$P41 3.57 SLIAtrin fl: T HOCKEY STICK Features: "Flexo-Thumb", pre-curved fingers, cuff inserts and cross roll pad- ding. Smart black and tan combination.. About 13". Comp. at $2.29. 53" ash con- struction, varnished blade, rounded heel for blazing 1.59 shots. Lefts or rights. Let's protect our future N.H.L. stars. Adjustable chin strap and mouth prote LY ctoBr. IRD to 10 18 years. EAR HOCKEY SPECIAL The ideal gift to keep your young sharpshooter in prac- tice. Light, tubular metal con- struction. Strong cord netting and vinyl tipped posts. Pro Deluxe Model $1.19 PERSONALS Albert Gaiser, RoyRatz, Lloyd Lamport and Ervin Ratz have gone on a hunting trip in the Bruce Peninsula. Miss Gertrude Beaver and Mr. Glenn Lacey of Detroit were weekend guests of Mr, Harry Beaver. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Finkbeiner, Helen and Ruth visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Laverne Hein- miller, Palmerston; Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Kenney with Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mathers, Goderich. Mr, & Mrs. Evan McCandless of Strathroy were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Will Oestreicher. Mrs. Garnet Hill, M r . Otto Brown, and Mr. & Mrs. Jack Galloway attended the funeral of Mrs. Ira Donald at Dorchester Wednesday, November 3. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll of Dutton spent some time with Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Wein. Mrs. William Haviland has re- turned from a visit to Saginaw, Michigan. She reports that last week's snowfall was much heavier there than it was in Crediton. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Radford at- tended the wedding of their daugh- ter Shirley S aturday, Novem- ber 5, to Mr. John Sutherland in a ceremony InSt. Peter's Cath- edral, London. Following the wedding there was a reception at the Shillelagh Motel, Lucan. Mr. & Mrs. Sutherland have gone to Florida for their honeymoon. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym and family visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McFarlane of St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. AlVin Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cooper are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch of Petawawa. Misses Kathy, N an e y, Joan Cooper and Master DouglaS Cooper are spending this week with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morley of Exeter. The Elimville CGIT Mother and daughter banquet will beheld at Elimville church Thursday evening. Mr. Harold Bell and Mr. Em- erson Penhale are spending this week with Mr. Lloyd Bell at his cottage at Crystal Lake where they are deer hunting. Mr. and Mrs, Donald ParsOns and family of Hurondale, Mrs. Harold Bell and Carol were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner. The ElirriVille-Thames Read Youth Fellowship Club Will be holding a skating party at gx- eter Arena Saturday evening, later returning to Thames Plead Church for refreshmentS, *.pi,L 4.° .0, c,.1 o t4,02,1) 1 \ :, • ,4.,.i."3 it .1:4••••• COMPARE AT $1.59 VALUE BIG 45" DUST MOP By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE Mr. & Mrs. McLeod Mills, Bruce and Barry spent the week- end in Guelph with Mr. & Mrs. Orville Davies. Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Pullman visited in Mitchell, Friday with Mr. & Mrs. George Pullman. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kilpatrick, London were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hodgins. Mr. J. Finkbeiner visited Mrs. 0. H. Finkbeiner, Listtlavel, Sun- day. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Fields and family, London were Saturday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Johnson.' Whalen and Centralia YPS met Sunday evening in the church hall, Centralia,. The program was on ArmiStice Day. A short busi- ness meeting was held and a few Bible ouPh Were played. COMPARE Al $1.29 VALUE Long•Handle CORN BROOM '‘ I 4 PARAT .$1.49 VALUE MAGNETIC BROOM By MRS. ARCHIE DEWAR PERSONALS Mies Donna Baker of Toronto visited with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Baker for a few days this week prior to her coming marriage November 12 at Sutton. Mr. & Mrs. Wib McNeight and family visited with her father at Westminster Hospital Sunday and found him much improved in health. Mr. & Mrs. ChriaTho rbu r of Paisley visited with Mrs. Mar- garet Baker and family last week. Mr. Howard Rinn and Miss Noreen Walken). Visited Mrs. Jim McGregor, who is a patient in St. Joseph's hospital, London. Mr. & Mrs. Eric Weatman and family of London were guests With her parents, Mr. & Mrs. David Holland Sunday. Mrs. Jean Vett of Toronto Visited With her parents, mr. Mrs. Arehie Dewar on her way from London, where she is a Special instructor in Education and Teacher Consultant in On- tar ie institute. Early Bird Clean. Sweep of SAVINGS! 5-string thickly tufted wire bound head. Varnished wood handle, long on value — 53" overall, BUY NOW and SAVE A BIG 41c. Full floating action, for under-the- furniture cleaning. Bushy mop head IS easily detached for washing. 48" ena'» nielled hardwood handle. Flagged edge plastic bristles- bring dust out of hiding brisk shake and it's clean, 48" enamelled white hardwood handle. SAVE NOW1 AT CANADIAN TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE - 0. KEN SHAW aelaemisanba. a40...V:4a ...emeee4a4400430x5'S• • •• ..... .„,,,,aatealtaatiaa„ Agegialte:aa mg; . :•k ..4%4,24,:44:T4W44:;%.4:4,.$444.• ' PRO HOCKEY GLOVES AT $10.956 .% COMPARE.