HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-11-10, Page 5Times-Advocate, November 10, 1966 Paw! S. Hens and district news Hensa ll personals zzrawaraniatssezatxrAnc=maxsarl CORRESPONVENT$ Mr;, Maude Hedden, Phone 262-2002 Mrs Eeirtiha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 UC women study Canadian heritage WI board make plans 1111•100111.111MPININO11111, Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan David and Tommy, Waterloo, Charles Mickle, Hamilton, Rob- ert, UWO London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Allan and family have taken up residence In the home they recently pur- chased on Queen Street. Charles Hay of 1-lensall was the winner of the weekly draw of $25.00 Friday night at Crest Hardware and sponsored bylien- salt Kinsmen. Mr. William Simpson, Birm- ingham, Mich., son of Mrs. Louise Simpson of Hensall, an engineer for Chrysler Corp., who is building a new plant in Pret- toria, in South Africa, left a week ago for a three weeks so- journ in Capetown, South Africa. The Agriculture meeting of Kippen East WI will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm Bell Wed., November 16 at 8:30 pm. Co- hostess is Mrs. Wm. Kyle- Guest speaker will be Mrs. Elgin Mc- Kinley. Mr. A. J. Voth, of Birmingham, Mich., left Friday November 4 for Australia and India on busi- ness. He is the son-in-law of Mrs. Louise Simpson. Commemorating the dead of two World Wars Hensel' Branch EZLWZ=Z2,1.17:=="4.402. Miss Myrtle Pearl is a pat- ient in Victoria Hospital, London where she underwent surgery Tuesday, November 8. Mrs. Louise Simpson left Wed. morning of this week with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. W. C. Simpson, for Birmingham, Mich., where she will visit. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Campbell, Eric Campbell, and Miss Eliz- abeth Ellerington of Exeter, were in Detroit for the weekend where Eric is remaining to take a business management course with the Ford Motor Co„ De- troit. Mr, Croyden, regional centen- nial representative from London, will speak and show slides on Centennial projects and promot- ing of celebrations at Hensel' Centennial Committee meeting on Thursday, November 17 at 8 pm in Hensall Town Hall, to which all interested persons are welcome. Mrs. Malcolm Dougall frac- tured her left arm in an accident at her home. X-rays taken at South Huron Hospital revealed the fracture which was placed in a cast. Mr. and Mvs. Harold Hansen of Stratford, spent the weekend with the latter's mother, Mrs. Violet Schwalm and Ray, Mr. Fred Beer and Mr. Harry Horton attended the annual re- union of the Canadian CorpsCye- list Battalion, C. E. F. November 5 held at King Edward Sheraton Hotel, Toronto, of the Canadian Legion 468 and. Ladies Auxiliary will observe Remembrance Day Sunday, No- vember 13 with a service at the Cenotaph at 9:30 am when wreaths will be placed, followed with a service at Carmel Presbyterian Church at 10 am when Rev. J. C. Boyne will deliver the sermon. A parade headed by Exeter Legion Pipe Band will march to the church. Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. Wm Smale, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Harry Horton, Mrs. W. li, Mrs. Harold C ampbell, Mrs, Gordon Munn participated in a bowling tournament at Exeter Wed. November 2, sponsored by Exeter Legion Ladies Auxiliary. Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Munn, Mrs. Horton and Mrs. Bell were prize winners in var- ious draws. UCW Unit 4 met in the Fel- lowship Hall in the United Church Thursday afternoon November 3 with leader Mrs. James McAl- lister in the chair. Mrs. N. E. Cook had charge of the timely devotional with the Centennial in mind. Sacred pas- sages were read by Mrs. Albert Alexander. Mrs. Harry Caldwell gave the study "On Our Canadian Heri- tage" from the first period in the study book which was the year 1450 to 1550. Mrs. E. Chip- chase favored with the reading of two poems. Mrs. Harold Currie gave a repeat of the memorial she con, Automatic oven in a range that's budget iovin' Lodge women to aid centennial Amber Rebekah Lodge met Wednesday, Nov, 2 with Noble Grand Mrs. Lindsay Eyre in charge of the meeting, Mrs. Leona Parke and Mrs. George Clifton were appointed delegates to attend the Centen- nial meeting at the Hensall Town Hall November 17 and bring back a report to the Lodge. A dona- tion was given to the Oddfellows and Rebekah Home at Barrie, Plans for a CP & T euchre were discussed to be held the first Friday in December, Dec. 2, At their Christmas partyDecem- ber 7 members will exchange gifts. Hensall 'Centennial Committee MEETING Thursday, Nov, 17 at -8;00 p.m. Hensel{ Town hall. Regional Centennial Repre- sentotive Mr. Croyden of London will be present. Any i n terested persons ore invited to attend. The Fall Board Meeting of South Huron Women's Institute was held in the Town Hall Hen- sail Monday, November '7 with twenty-five members present. Mrs. Fred Beer, Distr ict President chaired the meeting and the secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Wilbert pilling read the minutes and presented the fin- ancial statement showing a bal- ance of $93.01. Mrs. James Drummond was named a delegate to the National Convention to be held in Guelph; alternate delegates are Mrs. W. D, Mack, Crediton, and Mrs. Beer, Hensall. Mrs. Drummond gave a ten- tative report of the Ploughing Match booth and gave an ap- proximate $1,500.00 as the net profits from the booth. Mrs. Wilfred Coleman gave the report of the Area Convention as compiled by the Area delegate Mrs. Leonard Strong. Crediton extended an invitation to next year's Huron County Rally. It was voted that South Huron Dis- trict WI considers that the Rally books should be audited. ducted at the general meeting recently in tribute to the late Mrs. W. B. Cross. A moment of silent prayer was observed in honor of Remembrance Day Nov. 11. The December Christ- mas meeting will be in charge of units 1, 2 and 3, unit 4 to be guests. On December 28 unit 4 will meet at 2:30 to clear up business for the end of the year. Mrs. Chipchase reported for the fall bale when nine large cartons of good used clothing were packed and sent to Tor- onto for overseas relief, and three smaller boxes for the Sal- vation Army at London. Amammoth bake and candy sale is scheduled for Saturday, No- vember 26 at 3 pm in the church. Featured also will be a talent ladle. Unit 2 will cater for the layman's banquet for Huron Presbytery in Fellowship Hall of the church Wednesday, No- vember 16. A report was given of the regional rally held at Elimville recently. Lunch was served by Mrs. Alexander and her committee. Ladies' groups hold successful bazaars IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY. COMING TO THE PARTY? ert Bell, Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau, Mrs. Harold Knight, Mrs. John Skea, Mrs. Stewart Bell and Paul- ine, Mrs. Gordon Schwalm. Mrs. J. C. Boyne and Mrs. Harvey Hyde formed the re- ception committee. Expo 67 is the candle on Canada's Centennial birthday cake. The crowning event of a whole year's celebrations, it opens in Montreal next April 28th for six months—the biggest, most exciting show you have ever seen. Make it a date, now. Get your entrance Passport now—and save. Reduced prices up to February 28th: Daily Passport, $2, Weekly Passport (7 consecutive days) $7.50. Also big reductions on Season Passports and Youth Passports. Children 2-12 on April 28th, 1967, half price. On sale at banks, travel agents, transportation companies, department stores, service clubs, women's associations, labour groups, and wherever you see the official Expo 67 sign. Ask about Bonus Books, too, for big discounts on food, rides and entertainment, Accommodations? Guaranteed, Write to the official EXPO 67 accommodation bureau: LOGEXPO, Expo 67, Cite du Havre, Montreal, P.Q. Speaker talks about speaking Mr. Herman Young of Kincar- dine, was guest speaker at the November meeting of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary Tuesday even- ing, November 1. He spoke on public speaking for school child- ren through the Legion Ladies Auxiliary. The speaker was in- troduced by Legion President E. R. Davis. Plans were outlined for their annual Christmas party in De- cember when members will ex- change gifts. Mrs. Garnet Allan was appointed convenor of a Christmas doll draw for which tickets will be sold. Plans were discussed for their Centennial Ball New Year's Eve. Nominations were held conducted by Past President Mrs. Roy Smale. President Mrs. Harold Campbell chaired the meeting. Mrs. Wm S male won the mys- tery prize, Mrs. W. H. Bell, the guessing prize and Mrs. Harry Horton, the attendance draw. Bingo and lunch rounded out the evening. xpo67 ,,, MON1NEAL CANADA FRIGIDAIRE Sales with Service DRYSDALE CAW HARDWARE Dial 262-2015 HENSALL The Universal and International Exhibition of 1967 Montreal, Canada APRIL 28—OCTOBER 27, 1967 ettop...t.IN10.C.604,4..*MM110W4EAUN Centennial of Canadian Confederation Iii iM. The Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church held a suc- cessful bazaar, bake sale and afternoon tea in the church schoolroom Saturday November 5 with the proceeds very grat- ifying. Committees were: bake table, Mrs. Ed Munn, Mrs. Lorne Luk- er, Mrs, Percy Campbell, Mrs, Clifford Moir, Mrs. Clarence Voiland; sewing table, Mrs. Earl Campbell, Mrs. R. Faber, Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. G• Walz, Mrs. Harry Snell; produce, Mrs. J. Love, Mrs. Robert Madge, Mrs. A. Hoggarth; candy, Mrs. Len Purdy, Mrs. George Troyer; touch and take and white ele- phant, Mrs. Esther Wright; tea tables, Arnold Circle, Mrs. Rob- Dies week after anniversary fete Residents of Hensall arid com- munity learned of the sudden passing of Mrs. Stanley (Stan) Tudor, in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Sunday, November 6, one week after she celebrated her 50th wedding anniversary 'with her husband and family in Hen- sail. She was the former Alice Mabel McKee. Surviving are her husband, two sons, Maurice, Hensall, John B., St. Marys, one daughter (Mar- garet) Mrs. Les Parker, Wood- stock, one sister (Agnes) Mrs. Harold Green, Aldershot, and seven grandchildren. The late Mrs. Tudor rested at the Bonthron Funeral Home Hen- sail until Tuesday, then was tak- en to the Cattel Funeral Home, Dundas, where public services conducted by Rev. J. B. Spencley were held Wednesday, November 9 at 2 pm. Interment was in Waterdown cemetery. SHOP HERE ! UCW BAZAAR Chiselhurst United Church in a setting of autumn flowers was the scene Wednesday afternoon November 2 for the annu al bazaar, bake sale and afternoon tea of the UCW of the church. Despite weather conditions it was a success. In charge of booths were: bake table, Mrs. Clare.nce Coleman, Mrs. Russell Brock, Mrs. Ross Riley, Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson, Mrs. Jack Brintnell, Mrs. R. Taylor; produce, Mrs. Wm. Brintnell, Mrs. Harold Parker, Mrs. Ed Dick; candy, Mrs. Ben Stoneman, Mrs. Alvin Cole; sew- ing, Mrs. Earl Kinsman, Mrs. Roy McDonald, Mrs. Robt Boyce. Tea tables, Mrs. Alf Ross Sr., Mrs. Aif Ross Jr., Mrs. George Boa, Mrs. Wm Gibson, Mrs. Percy Wright, Miss Mary Kins- man, Mrs. Wm. Brintnell, Mrs. Ed Taylor, Mrs. Robt Kinsman and Mrs. Percy Harris. WEEK END SPECIALS FOR NOVEMBER 10, 11, 12,166 Milton Love dies in hospital Milton Love of Hensall, 74, passed away in South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, Friday, November 4, where he had been a patient for eight weeks, having suffered a severe stroke from which he never regained consciousness. A resident of Hensall for many years he was a well-known cattle buyer. Surviving are one son Howard, Toronto, two sisters, Mrs. Albert (Anna) Keys, Exeter, Mrs. John E, (Grace) McEwen, Hensall, three brothers, Ross, Kippen, Glenn, Hensall, Grant, Caro, Mich. Mrs. Love, the former Lillie Ann Workman, prede- ceased him in 1952. Public funeral services were held Monday from Bonthron Fu- neral Home conducted by Rev, Harold Currie, interment was in Hensall Union cemetery. Pallbearers were Messrs, Winston Workman, Verne Pin- combe, Gerald Glenn, Rochus Faber, Tom Brintnell and Maurice Coates. size 180's 2 dozen PRODUCE No. 1 SUNKIST ORANGES FOR THE BEST IN TV SERVICE 236-4094 ZURICH Beef & Pork Sausage 69 590 ‘1 2-lb. bog 24-oz. pkg. FROZEN FOOD MIXED VEGETABLES Supreme FISH & CHIP DINNERS Highliner (haddock) 12-oz. jars Over 300 at teenage dance Mrs. Harold Knight was hos- tess for the meeting of Teen Town at her home Monday ev- ening when plans for the Christ- mas Dance December 22 and New Years Dance December 27 were discussed. Gary Kyle and Beth Cook were appointed re- presentatives to attend the Cen- tennial committee meeting No- vember 17. Over 300 attended the dance Saturday night. lb 1-lb. bag 2/49 2 boxes 490 1-lb. pica. 694 15 k -o zp.tgi .ns 590 12-ox. 3/47 16-oz, tin 6/$1 tube 590 79 791 3/$1 Cubed Stewing Beef Giant Size GROCERIES RELISHES McLaren's assorted S.O.S. PADS 10's VELVEETA CHEESE Kraft SLOPPY JOES Libby's NOODLES Catelli dry fine or broad MILK Carnation CREST TOOTHPASTE COFFEE Hostess COTTAGE JAMS CAKE MIXES McADAMS TV 4 Quality Paints NOW at one low price (added pectin) 48-oz. tins Apple Strawberry or Apple Raspberry Young people choose officers Hensall Young People Hi-C Fellowship group of Hensall Un- ited Church met Sunday evening with Paul Drysdale conducting the meeting, Miss Joan Simmons and Bill Taylor were appointed dele- gates to Toe-Alpha Conference at Niagara Falls Dec. 27 to 30. One of group's projects will be the selling of calendars early in December. The new executive is; president, John Goddard; vice president, Joyce Flynn; sec- retary, Joan Simmons; treas- urer, Bill Taylor; convenors, Paul Drysdale, Jayne Pyette, Carolyn Cook, Bill Hulls, Robinhood GLIDDEN CARAVELLE Interior Latex High Gloss Enamel Semi Gloss Enamel Porch & Floor Enamel 19-oz. pkg. layer type Stuart House large Size FREEZER or GARBAGE BAGS 20's 59 ib. 55' Area drivers hurt in crash C AT FOOD Dr. Ballard 's 15-oz. tin 3/5 3 :04vgassoinalnumatasc.,,,3 $5.95 gal. $2.35 qt. Spred Satin 'II Spred Lustre 20% off 1Ninoittli. 15 Wieners lb 45' Floyd Turner, 28, of Verna is in Seribus condition in Vie- toria Hospital, London, with head injuries and Ivan Coleman, Hen- sail, is a patient in Scott Mein- oriel Hospital, Seaforth with minor injuries as a result of a one car accident on the Kipperi road between Kippen and Sea- forth Saturday night, Loin Pork Chops ib 67' Everyone icisee in a forest tire. Plumbing & Heating Limited — Hensall FINK Chicken Legs lb 55' ( MARKET HENSALL- ONTARIO