HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-11-03, Page 8Sorority hosts four new pledges
At the Ritual of Jewels Sorority banquet for new members Tuesday Smith, president, Mrs. Frank Wilkinson and Mrs. Kevin Delbridge,
evening were, left to right, Mrs. C. S. MacNaughton, sponsor, Mrs. also new pledges, and Mrs. Ernest Jackson, past director.
William Batten and Mrs. Dwayne Tinney, new pledges, Mrs. Lloyd --T-A photo
Four pledges
at Sorority
Four pledges joined the Ex-
eter Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi
Sorority at the ritual banquet
held Tuesday evening at the Duf-
ferin Hotel, Centralia. They were
Mrs. Frank Wilkinson, Mrs.
Kevin Delbridge, Mrs. Dwayne
Tinney and Mrs. William Bat-
Mrs. Joe Wooden proposed a
toast to the Sorority's sponsor,
Mrs. C. S. MacNaughton. Mrs.
peter Raymond toasted the
pledges to which Mrs. Batten
responded. Mrs. E. Jackson, a
former director, was a guest
for the evening. President Mrs.
Lloyd Smith chaired the meeting.
The members made plans to
attend a comedy play at Goderich
Theatre "Never Too Late" star-
ring W. G. Cochrane, formerly
of Exeter, November 11.
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Pancake Flour Aunt Jemina
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Apple or Raisin Pies
Fresh Grade A 6 lb. overage
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64 oz. 750
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Church ladies meet at Elimville
Participating in the program for the Huron UCW south regional meeting held in Elimville United Church
Friday were, left to right, Mrs. S. E. Lewis, Huron Presbyterial treasurer, Mrs. Hector Murray,
presiding officer, Mrs. Einar Egilsson, Woodstock, guest speaker, Mrs. John Batten, president of the
host UCW, and Mrs. Clarence Youngs, Lambeth, chairman of public relations for London Conference
UCW. --T-A photo
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"Our Purpose-Our Response"
was the theme of the fifth South
regional meeting Huron Presby-
terial United Church Women at
Elimville church, Friday, Oc-
tober 28,
Mrs, Einar Egilsson, guest
speaker from Woodstock re-
viewed the United Church pur-
pose with her audience and stres-
sed the response to this purpose.
She said "This response has to
be commitment for life to Christ
and His Church. It has to be
a personal, a practical, a pro-
gressive and priority commit-
ment to the mission of Christ's
church. We become a living
church only when the members
give service to others. God places
demands on Christians and ex-
pects them to be the church in
the world.
"Each UCW member should
say, 'I'll be a supporter, a
booster, a worker, a prayer and
a leader for I am the church'.
"Are you an active member
or do you just belong?"
Mrs. Egilsson was introduced
by Mrs. William Love, Grand
Reports of the various sec-
retaries were received. Mrs.
S. E. Lewis, Exeter, reported
for finance, Mrs. 0. Harrison,
M onk t o n, for the Westminster
College Furnishing Fund which
she hopes will be concluded by
the end of this year.
Mrs. Walter Bewley, Walton,
for literature reviewed and re-
Area lady
heads Wis
Mrs. Harry Strang, RR 3, Ex-
eter, was elected president of
the London Area Women's In-
stitutes at the annual convention
held in Knox Presbyterian
Church, Goderich, Tuesday and
Wednesday. She succeeds Mrs.
A. J, Gettler of Fullarton. The
London Area includes the dis-
tricts of Elgin, Middlesex, Ox-
ford, Huron West and South and
Perth South.
Mrs. Strang served on the
reception committee and pres-
ided for the Tuesday evening
The theme of the convention
was "When tillage begins, other
arts follow" on which Mrs. John
MacLean, Seaforth commented.
Among the guest speakers were
Mr. Bob Carbert of CountryCal-
endar, CBC, Mrs. Everett Small
RR 1, Essex, FWIO president
and Miss Helen McKercher, dir-
ector of the Home Economics
branch, Dept of Agriculture.
A display of crafts was ar-
ranged by South Huron District
and a tour of Huron County Mus-
eum was a feature of Tuesday
Commended several books and
helps and Mrs. Gen. Potter, RR
3, Clinton, for supply reported
that bales were being sent to.
Rev. Gibson for the Long Plains.
Indian Mission near Portage La
Prairie; to Norway House Resi-
dential School in Manitoba, to
Adam Fiddler, United Church,
Favourable Lake, Ont. as well
as an overseas bale to Angola,
Greetings were expr essed
from Elimville UCW by the presi-
It's that time again! The sea-
son when women all across Can-
ada are joining hands across
bazaar tables, and bake tables
are loaded down with jams,
jellies, pickles, cakes, cookies
and all sorts of intriguing
goodies. Half the fun, of course,
is buying things that are a little
out of the ordinary, with different
flavor combinations—things you
can't buy in the stores for any
Here are some recipes "cook-
ed up" with bazaars in mind.
1 1/2 cups fine graham wafer
1 tbl flour
1/3 cup lightly-packed brown
1/3 cup butter, melted
1 (15 ounce) can sweetened con-
densed milk
2 tbl lemon juice
1 cup choppied candied pineapple
2 1/2 cups flaked or shredded
* * * *
1/4 cup soft butter
1 1/2 cups sifted icing sugar
1 tp warm cream
1/2 tp vanilla
red food coloring
For the crust:
Butter an 8-inch square cake
pan. Combine wafer crumbs,
flour and brown sugar; drizzle
with melted butter and combine
thoroughly. Press evenly in pre-
pared cake pan. Bake at 325
degrees 10 minutes.
For the Filling:
Combine sweetened condensed
milk, lemon juice, chopped can-
died pineapple and coconut and
mix well. Pour this mixture over
the baked graham crust and
spread evenly. Bake in over 20
to 25 minutes. Cool on cake rack.
For the Icing:
Cream the butter; gradually
blend in the icing sugar alter-
nately with the cream. Beat in
vanilla. Tint delicately with red
food coloring. Spread on cooled
cake. Cut into small squares.
(Makes one 9 x 5-inch loaf.)
1 3/4 cups sifted all-purpose
1/2 tp baking soda
1/2 tp salt
1 tp cinnamon
1 tp nutmeg
1/2 cup soft butter
1 cup lightly-packed brown sugar
2 eggs, well-beaten
1/2 cup sour milk or buttermilk
1/2 cup whole cranberry sauce,
canned or home-made
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
Sift together the flour, baking
soda, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg.
Cream butter; gradually beat in
sugar. Beat in eggs. Add sifted
dry ingredients to creamed mix-
ture alternately with the milk and
cranberry sauce, Stir in nuts.
Bake in a preheated oven 50 to 55
min. Cool on cake rack 10 min-
dent Mrs. John Batten; from
London Conference by the presi-
dent Mrs. W, B, Cruikshank,
Wingham; from Huron Presby-
terial by president Mrs. Gilbert
Beecroft, 13 elgr av e; from the
Evangelical United Brethren
Women by Mrs. Gordon Bender,
Dashwood, and from Huron Dean-
ery and the Trivltt Memorial
Anglican Church Women by Mrs.
W, E. Middleton, Exeter.
A short skit, called. Encounter,
utes. Remove from pan and cool
(Makes 7 1/2 dozen sticks.)
3 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 cup chilled butter
1 egg slightly beaten
2 tbl lemon juice
1 to 2 tbl ice water
2 tp grated lemon rind
2 cups (1/2 lb) shredded Cheddar
Measure flour into a bowl. Cut
in butter finely. Combine egg and
lemon juice and stir into flour
lightly with a fork. Sprinkle with
ice water and mix lightly until
mixture will cling together. Roll
out to 1/4 inch thickness on
lightly floured board or canvas.
Sprinkle lemon rind and shredded
cheese over half the dough.
Fold other half over top. Fold
ends up to meet in center of
dough, and roll out to 1/4 inch
thicknes s. Repeat folding and
rolling three more times. Finally
roll into a 15 x 12 inch rectangle
and cut into 4 x 1/2-inch strips.
Arrange on ungreased cookie
sheets and chill 30 minutes. Pre-
heat oven to 350 degrees and bake
8 to 10 minutes or until golden.
Remove from cookie sheets and
cool thoroughly. Store in tightly
covered container. To serve—
reheat in 350 degree oven 8 to 10
Was ably presented by Mrs. Ken
Ottewell and Mrs. Winston Shap-
ton of James St. Church, Exeter,
After dinner served by the
ladies of the Elimville Church
the Thames Road UCW opened
the afternoon session with a
Hymn Sing led by Mrs. Reg
Hodgert and a solo by Mrs. Ray
Cann accompanied by organist
Mrs. Freeman Horne and pianist
Mrs, Philip Johns.
The roll call was answered
by each UCW president giving
the highlight of the year's meet-
Four discussion groups were
formed: Leadership Development
was led by Mrs. Bert Alton,
Lucknow; Program by Mrs. G.
Beecroft, Belgrave; Community
Friendship and Visiting by Mrs.
L. Bond, RR 3 Clinton, and Pub-
lic Relations by Mrs. Clarence
Youngs, Lambeth, chairman of
the Public Relations committee,
London Conference UCW. She
was introduced by Mrs. Lorne
Porter, Exeter.
Mrs. Youngs said that in this
specialized age public relations
and publicity are highly skilled
activities and that, (Thus spake
the Lord', is perhaps the great-
est public relations publication
of all times - The Holy Bible.
She said, "It is important that
United Church Women build a
better understanding with all
news media through courtesy,
accuracy,promptness and a know-
ledge of their rules. By being
aware of the UCW purpose and
by using the proper channels a
more favourable image of the
church as an integral part of
life will be revealed through
the press, radio and television."
Courtesy remarks and an in-
vitation for 1967 to Greenway
United Church was expressed
by Mrs. E. Curts.
Mrs. R. E. Pooley, Exeter,
was secretary for the meeting.
Mrs. Douglas Warren, Exeter,
who led the closing worship was
assisted by Mrs. P. H. Murray,
Exeter, president of the South
Region, who was in charge of
the meeting.
Nearly ninety delegates at-
Page 8 Times.Advocate, November 3, 1966
Purpose and response of UCW
theme for session of south group
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