HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-11-03, Page 2Large congregation
at Whalen service
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Remember! Buy a poppy!
. . .
Myrtle Shorthill, London, visited
Thursday with Mr. & Mrs. Alex
Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Pullman,
Roy and Ronnie and Mrs. Flor-
ence Johns, Exeter, were at
Brampton Sunday and visited with
Mr. Harvey Herbert. Mrs. Johns
spent the weekend with the Pull-
Mr. & Mrs. Don Carter and
Wayne, Metropolitan, visited
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Ken
Mary Johnson spent Monday
evening in Granton with Janice
Mrs. Gordon Johnson enter-
tained Friday afternoon at a
birthday party in honor of her
daughter Mary's 10th birthday.
Their guests were Janice West-
man, Linda Irvine, Jackie Vader
and Charlene Gilnick.
Mr, Frank Parkinson and Glenn
visited in London Sunday with
Mrs. Evelyn White.
Whalen YPS attended a Hallow-
e'en party Saturday evening at
C entralia.
Whalen United Church had an-
niversary service on Sunday
morning with a good crowd at-
tending. Rev. John C. King, Wood-
ham, was the guest speaker.
The choir provided music and
Janice Morley and Carol John-
son sang a duet, with Mrs. Duf-
field at the piano.
Those attending the service and
later spending the day with
friends were;
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Atwood, Jen-
nifer and Hillary, London with
Mr. & Mrs. J, Finkbeiner.
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jaques,
Zion, with Mr. & Mrs. Wm.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Mardlin,
Wesley and Mrs. Minnie Mard-
lin, Granton, with Mr. & Mrs.
Hamilton Hodgins,
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Rawlings and
Glenn, Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Raw-
lings, Clandeboye, with Mr. &
Mrs. Alton Neil,
Mr. 8z Mrs. Melville Gunning,
Muriel and Mr. Wilfred Herbert,
Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Johnson,
London with Mr. & Mrs. Gordon
Miss Judy Blair, Centralia,
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hern and
family, Zion, with Mr. & Mrs.
McLeod Mills.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Parkinson
and family, St. Marys with Mr.
& Mrs. Wm. French.
Mrs. Laverne Morley and Mrs.
Art Abbott attended a joint teach-
ers' meeting at the StephenCent-
ral School Thursday evening.
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Squire and
Douglas were guests at the Hast-
ings—White wedding atSt. Paul's
Anglican Church, Stratford, Sat-
urday October 29 with reception
at Victorian Inn.
Mrs. Laverne Morley visited
Sunday with Mrs. Helen Thomp-
son, Markdale a patient at Vic-
toria Hospital, London and also
with Miss Eileen McKenna, St.
Marys a patient at St. Joseph's
Hospital who had surgery Thurs-
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hodgins
visited Saturday evening with Mr.
& Mrs. Walter Gee, London.
Miss Cora Nuttycomb and Mrs.
Mt. Carmel Complete last minute details
Telephone men are busy completing the final details for the switch to dial on the Dashwood exchange,
Sunday morning. When the changeover is made, all subscribers on the Hay Municipal System will have
dial. Above, from the left: Bill Wagner and Manager Harold Zehr, of the Hay System, and Tom Feeney,
of the Bell Telephone Company, Clinton. --T-A photo
Youths hold costume party
in Woodham church hall
The Messengers held a Hal-
loween concert in the church
basement Friday evening. The
evening opened with a masquer-
Winners in Pre-school, Chris-
tine Tomlinson, Terry Brintnell;
6-8 years, boys, David Jansson,
David Tomlinson; girls, Linda
Timms, Lorie Webb; best dress-
ed couple under 9 years, Mar-
garet and Janet Parkinson; 9-
11 years, boys, Graham Robin-
son, Earl Thomson; girls, Janet
Tomlinson, Judy Dickey; 12-14
years, girls, Patty McLaughan,
Linda Tomlinson; 15 and over,
Reg McCurdy, Pearl Brine, Mar-
ilyn Robinson, Mary Bilyea, Har-
vey Bilyea; best dressed couple
over 10 years, Karen Rodd, Bet-
ty Jean Miller.
The Program opened with a
chorus by all Messengers and
Several ladies attended a show-
er for Miss Darlene Boyle held in
Neil's School last Saturday even-
ing. Darlene is a bride-elect of
this Saturday, November 5.
Many relatives and friends of
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Gibbons (newly-
weds) attended their wedding and
reception Saturday evening held
at the Shillelagh Motel in Lucan.
Mrs. Christina Dietrich, Louis
and Stephen accompanied by Mrs.
Joe Glavin and Mr. & Mrs. Ben
Dietrich attended the funeral of
the former's sister, Mrs. Regina
Henhoefer, Kitchener last Wed-
Mrs. Catherine Morrissey and
Mrs. Mary Bedard arrived home
by plane from a pleasant trip to
Vancouver in time to attend the
Desjardine-Gibbons wedding Sat-
Rev. Hugh Fleming PP, Aylmer
visited with his mother, Mrs. Pat
Fleming and Tom on the weekend.
Mrs. Mike Ryan Sr. has re-
turned home after a visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Gerard McCarthy
and family. Ladies elect
at Dashwood
included a song by Michelle Rob-
inson, Mary Lou Thomson, Lorie
Webb; .a musical on the electric
guitar by Paul Parkinson; a chor-
al reading by Eddie Rodd, David
Tomlinson; Larry Rundle; aplay-
let "Halloween" by Pamela Rodd,
Karen Insley, Nancy Jaques.
Recitations were given by Jan-
et Tomlinson, Vernon and Earl
Thom so n. Graham Robinson
favoured with an accordion sel-
ection. A duet was sung by Mar-
garet Parkinson and Linda
Timms. A play entitled "The
Friendly Ghost" was put on by
Deborah Jaques, Julie Webb,
Murray Insley, Robin Dickey,
Paul Parkinson, Judy Dickey and
Graham Robinson.
The first meeting of the GNO
club was held at the home of Mrs.
Milford Merner. New officers/
were elected. President is Mrs.
Harry Hayter; vice-pr es id ent,
Mrs. Lloyd Guenther; secretary,
Mrs. Howard Klumpp.
The girls decided to buy dolls
for the Children's Aid.
lin and family of Waterloo, Mr.
& Mrs. Wilbert Kirkby of Kirk-
ton were Sunday guests with Mr.
& Mrs. La Verne Rodd and fam-
Mrs. Robert Rundle assisted
at a painting party at the home
of Mrs. Don Ellis of Komoka
last Wednesday evening.
Mr. & Mrs. John Witteveen,
Sharon and Brian and Mrs.
George Budzinski were Sunday
guests with Mr. & Mrs. George
Landman and family of Grand
Mr. Frank Levy, Hilda and
Helen of Transvaal were Sunday
guests with Mr. & Mrs. Jack
Mr. Milton Boyle and Miss
Helen Boyle of Toronto, Mrs.
Jessie McTaggart of Pilot Mound,
Manitoba, were week end guests,
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Brintnell
Terri and Scott were Sunday
visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Wm.
Rundle and Larry.
Mrs. George Budzinski re-
turned Wednesday to her home in
Brandon, Manitoba after visiting
for three weeks with her
daughter, Mrs. John Witteveen,
John and family.
Mr. Ernie Vodden was a guest
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Allan
Summers of St. Marys.
Brenda and Larry McCurdy
of Kirkton visited Thursday, with
their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs.
Ira McCurdy.
Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean and
Mrs. Stan Mountain of St Marys
spent the week end with Mr. &
Mrs. Charles Walker of Canfield.
Mr. & Mrs. John Rodd,Pamela
and Calvin were Sunday guests
with Mr. & Mrs. Dave Spence of
St. Marys.
Mr. & Mrs. George Wheeler
and Mrs. John Butters visited
Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. John
Cooke of Thamesford.
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Thomson
and family visited Sunday with
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Thomson of
Mrs. Wm. Love, Mrs. Elgin
Webb, Mrs. Alex Hamilton and
Mrs. W. Gill attended the fifth
regional meeting of the UCW at
Elimville October 28.
Mr. Russell page is a patient
in St. Joseph's Hospital, London.
Misses Rose Mary, Sylvia and
Donna Karges of London, Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Mitchell, Wayne,
Dennis and Michael of Ailsa C raig
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
W. Gill.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacLaren
and son of Ottawa spent last week
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. B. MacLaren.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rossar and
Barbara of Ailsa Craig visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Rev. and Mrs. Earl Burr and
family of Mount Elgin visited
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Garnet Patterson Sunday.
At an executive meeting of the
Canadian Bible Society it was
decided to carry out a canvass in
Grand Bend and district. Can-
vassers will be calling Monday,
November 7.
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Hern were
Sunday evening visitors with Mr.
& Mrs. Ephriam Hern of Zion
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Wurm,Carl
and Kevin of Exeter were Sun-
day guests with Mr. & Mrs.
Gerald Lawson and Ed.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Beck-
ett were Saturday evening guests
with Mr. & Mrs. Ray Keizer and
family of Woodstock and helped
Theresa celebrate her birthday.
Mr. Oliver McCurdy of Exeter
visited Friday with Mr. & Mrs.
Ira McCurdy.
Miss Mary McAlister of List-
owel spent the week end with
her aunt and uncle Mr. & Mrs.
Harry Webber.
Mrs. Robert Rundle spent a
couple of days with her mother
Mrs. Wilbert Payne and Jim of
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Smith were
Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs.
Tom Lisle of Strathroy.
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer McLaugh-
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Reath
and family of London were Sun-
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Parkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker
and family were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hartwick
and family of Ebenezer.
Mrs. George Carter 8th line,
Mrs. Basil Romphf of Parkhill,
Mrs. Alvin Ward of Strathroy
were Thursday afternoon guests
of Mrs. Claire Sisson.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sisson
were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Petch of Strathroy.
The fowl supper sponsored by
the local men's club was a great
success. The deepfreeze was won
by Ross Horner.
Sunday visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Irvin Rader and family were
Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Taylor and fam-
ily of Waterloo and Mr. & Mrs.
Elgin Rader and boys.
Mr. Rudolph Miller returned
home Friday from South Huron
Hospital, Exeter.
Mr. & Mrs. Siegfried Miller
and family of Port Dover spent
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph
The Dashwood WI will hold
their meeting November 8, due to
the London Area Convention at
Goderich, November 1 and 2.
They will entertain sister in-
Look smarter and save money
by shopping at
We are marking
and wish to thank our friends and customers in Dashwood
and the surrounding area for their support.
Anniversary Specials
Fronts of Coleman — Chubs
BEEF lb. 43¢ SUMMER SAUSAGE lb.850
HAMBURG 2 lbs. 890 BANANAS 2 lbs. 250
All meat Gov't inspected Fast freezin g & wrappin g
"A pleasant place to shop, with always something new"
Dashwood, Ont.
(where quality counts)
do now on your calls within your
local calling area.
And one more thing: A personal
list of telephone numbers will help
you avoid mistakes. Jot down the
full seven figures of the numbers
you frequently call, Your new
telephone directory contains all
Dashwood listings.
Bell Canada
Starting Sunday, November 6th,
calls between Exeter and Dash-
wood will be local calls — no
more long distance charges.
This is another step in the con-
stant efforts of Bell together with
the Hay Municipal Telephone Sys
tem to keep telephone service
apace with the growth of these
Remembers On calls between Bxe- .
ter anti Dashwood you will simply
dial the full seven digits of the
number you want to reach as you We would like to thank the girls at the Dashwood switchboard for
their excellent service.
Times-Advocate, November 3, 1966
F ree
electric blanket
with the purchase of
McClary Easy
offer expires Nov. 12
SPECIALS: Chesterfields, lamps
Good selection of Giftware
Storting Nov. 5, this store will close at 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays during the winter months.
TIEMAN'S Hardware.
and Furniture
Phone: 237-3681
We wish to add our thanks to the Dashwood switchboard operators for a long and
excellent service.
Thank you
"Operator" SALE Three days
Bread 5/994
194 Carrots 3 lb. poly ba g
gl Heinz, Ready to serve
• Soups
-71 Schneiders — Hot Dog
8 oz. 6/494
lb. 514
▪ Christies, Westons, McCormicks
1 lb. box 374 Crackers
E.= Larg e box
Corn Flakes 16 oz. 374
Startin g Nov. 5 this store will close at 6:00 p.m.
on Saturdays during the winter months.
Dial: 237-3403
First quality
Wider local calling
Exeter to Dashwood
Dry Goods
Men's Furnishings
Ladies' Ready-to-Wear
Drapery * Floor Covering * Groceries
Fresh fruits & vegetables in season
Registered Egg Grading Station
Just phone us for prompt service
Dial 237-3531