HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-09-17, Page 3- c I. . - »,a, .. " I' it y ( - ' -:. I ( - - , , - I •:.`. t I :, . s 'rv,§- 'el, I T, .1 I .:.... .a,rau �n:, I". hwr, ... ,::.I- x-w::.u....".-:.r+-+:_-,.--:-_.-•--,-..-°-.+.w'.«,....+ ,- .a. n . _ ... _ . ... _, _ 7b.�= - - Igen" i1= bt nixes. 6madilt't .- W+�R ierraat 41st �Ianted. $HE�P's BI►lst oa 1.i►]tDe. m -..w. . > FOR WHEAT f -- FARM FOR SALE! D� 'j`s Unto ew.bl.a T .Yl.. d . 1xY d U&t1mt1�..1r."L'Frx,elrt d tweW--- st �-- • �(. w oe r::���trlIq .: -f k �� Flr..r and Wl.oe, B _ Hoer aaaTiti. n Yaeiw ird 9w Hrw/F� ,( Jy���y/alw�ggl•�.ir.l Yir•a1L• , t11InatA Nwr•Frai (lea - _ <, _ TQ 8� SOT w `�,`j�IlTppri a y �' ( Dat F•r .Wf rl� [o w (i d My■ry'� unit wy.1d oi.ur oflfYal� •ai ire. �_ . 1 Ia DM• �Dadr ■.•Ave- D. b•RABBIt, LD ffMN < ' N r1 ww lawn Lrl.{a.l •R•nY Ike l.■•b •.•I N••- e ��rYi/v/ (� k,,,y Comity (oun d V U ted Curntr d ohs .1 Mu 's (�y�I�l D�b •w 4. fb wknLwa ikFwYt) a IMN «► :.w.•. -, �,BNM!'�f jpy % V ,+w,arw- , ,..:awJZ 1kw•w. Mei W w Juw:.Nl Wi■w N rico d tl.Mew YrBur•Y •■d W (IIY =_�rI - Ktltr r•r+e hf PAN M d oalb b-A.m sloe e(yld tis all ur.m•r• d W dlur &.a at the w d -- J r•wr r West koYd L+ •. 1�• " la Wille •d ll•mge Ma1CwSN, EaetWoxs d &t lM slim. w Wdbu Ra bad J&tar. .oro■ Mtit dJ . ' iAIfE VER)[ i sUM /+. w TM eU wua. d - . I ..'• arra.% ad t.kw s Eanr W ow sR ter r1abA. I La.. sriord .ss gain * aeerees Air ���� (Welty. b W Wbrta•'lSalti-Ibrrww•/taw .w, 'Ibwd.y, ibli: i4 law w111 edlawesr■td WfhNr NeCwata. w1 f .,P ..d ,.,.dY tW-W A yd vkm a.d taenw d th' rd aefad•nu, s at ta low and Nlsast a the (lees �i•/•M• n d 60 ''���� ���, �' �� . � PPAW A CO' !V,1a ellu ►raw est ham a"•d �- w Eiterdirk, TInurtd■r, 17th. ,t�ol.ig 1 Mw Mail ..d Wn Iw Ytk.�u{Iw �r N•r4n '(YntY�elgbl all I.W."uTwirely-wfad Fuss ogwaln a1�kt•!� �■/ /IasM•/, r w 6 ff k'/ i • 121! all ibe r hI, ul4 tad wM..w w tM rd wI 1 wwrkr d tew(AarD•, ori d Ile• Oa(k•r Nry1r (A/! f9Oi •/w, on ham, oleo i1 •sold, bard waved Nod. fad u�i vel fNIn u !►alkerfoh, SfUturday, ilth n ad w that dxnrr Irnd ,r I.w t d \rod I.J tM akre■th cows, pr ►e P ' 4 ��Z, It1Rh Iafftant, n tly N n Stay. , •�edowd■ 1'tL pr Solve., wlwtd a it. ww.wkrp d UJwrr is �at. Ia fM r.- li I; .a j&mdv% a R_ithe landsTvrrYiP .snow sI A.Wl w h1wr i ata/wry P ly •r Som 1r tkerwuly til H°n.u. ,vrt.rwug I,y allreawrr- ka°'1'^l ave ea. u...rc Delo! waw\ v in the �r in to a/ka IM■r lir br NI Ir� A grixobty AasDaTYL/T or WELL SETTLED RIGEORH000 "t " >i.= _ ,� -�•ta' �•° °�' rte " a;�,; �„- 4" on Timalo;ntFt1Yt� 1p- 1I�Tows� field. Saturday, 2&h. rel one ane w as teas, rorty x kr, brio ! t t1tYrA Hduw, o TM Tows d0 , WHETHER , T th . 9e uurehady Wes duwg w east d iM r~ �r� Leat; a 6l, !tour oft . d the f Mt, Mrsa. Vow F • 11 D r� O 0 0 d a . OOTOB� 1885. d,.a Y!.ed� Ina , d r EArter, m y/u( uuweU'. day the Twew1-- U der Of Wq rddl wac,Ml T„ 4 wW .t Ihr 41 the !toot W Trdre dlbe ,:k- L, sooh. JOHN MA A Ua,.,,,, ,.. •w10/ rich, M_AAT 12th. ,(w icy, ubg !tasty a"nibsr.e-aiss,,nthe >lep., �� 200 tat Ar-, (lDde /1st ouwaaewl.r ufuberd wru►up u(Il.lwxr; JOHN MAL'UONALD, L' LOW PRICE OF I Uth •' Chown. Tuesday, 13th. w►.'k l.". toll trine nems l a►w0 .&, fir rirkt Sh cid, M. t. B. w S. #Du.ocs, DepMy. ,. Heel, lY• Weduewlav, lith. wyut., LI este Court H,"r, m the Iowa w tly b. 7aiLt,.ca, Depry Shard. aMnPsCAS, ,Gdybb, bA'!'CHMAI[h.lt AND JEWELLER, C�1�Y' oII� HO pv/cYh,bd leas uu ureas. Yw lunuer pbn,ul- ( Slh „ Ear, ,.,Q ,day 1610. (!oder.\, �w lwrlwy. the 'fvwoiy-wlatk /ey W -'If a..- ,Vine, QoMl. k. � wet .(a Mlpr, ISD/. r. 1rr apply to T d.a. l.,. ml_, uAov ,4 yarn g,,, y 2 u u Mole neat, St the boar W Twelve o/the slunk, 19th Jose, 1463. ' OODERICH v 6Th Fhln ,lien. rraad. olh. - - W)iST aT.. I -.----_ FIuUDa+. w Ibll 1 uJ� Agent. IMytlu : ,.r w Y.0 ,. �Fi1�FF al $e Ll�i QF irrtw w: pre good inklrw, I... Dgag,BiBZR, 1163. JOIfY M.[CI><,NALD, Sheriff's Bele of Lands. J!iwtt door East Of Mr. SAotts'Saddkry, THE SVRSCIIIBER h•, to- sppwrW OrowS will begives.Ilbertff, H.rB. HIM , T vin." d w Wut d u oam..nLNw. 1 Apot lD lkk town I ,he ■.le ,d the aspoemYr lglh. VM. _�- w3gJt Ill\ IAV , W rulrler, :3slurday, 5th. tlY S Po�u,ctt. [4ryay t•brn67 UoY•i Car11=1)1T vlrlw u( % .{ Peen Hy,,,. ata . � B YaaJnrri Eapoasb sad WATCHES, CLOCKS AND 1EWElR� Im "hine'.' Jose. Iblill. HYnr .MI llttt.,) FN u. !toff.! fwd w Har Tr tall, Fax( Ptdr fs .red.., ,w-� A%1 of lire A. 11t. f3ra Juar. Ino'. ( M== To stn: 1) 1Dw y'. I dilly C'wn W .wit DW u Her VH2!Zy's (:Dewy curved the 1RYZ■RD ON etl011l hcrnCK, t) ■��g .ARI; om ehr deJ !Ago... the Hurst ref tleam .rd w V.kW Curliee dHrwa ■std Brwr.. vii b w Is the best Style it Warranted. II British American Magazine, FA•� F08' $ R. COOPER. SH?:BIFF'8 $ALE OF LANDS, rdumlalaguna tier 1-,or"ua,wd e.wsewu,d d,relw.,Naallh•L.d..wdnr..rer..rJwe J. 11. t U. lame. Reil, N the .u,1 dd Jan"•. J.mwNr. I lW.",al IG avid dth. post d Utpyr ■ W pleb r .ppeenrally ab Ptd w IW tyro d w 100 ACRES. L'ruted l."unth „f I) I' redo d 1.►u wnu w hew seised •of Lien ID F aeculr,n dl the rwhl. 1 bow. •timed sad takes i...... he ttA t� tgk . ata, .tow .a.wrru, or THE gnat Cased- puMw. Tata Iw d -111twllon 17 is Iliaa&a 140" Jewell watches. (tar tl 13,S n .voce..., N'aro _it. Certified to be a true copy, u entered of Hun•u rod lkuae, puri oiestyt !Coed "d na So herrVu of the rd*--if-a' m ad to ,ilk dd u.knw of 1 pd Arkreili _ std Td ia., ae., 1r em brsuer, every wrorr d uWe ,a the ProvIM.. I 1 fu wet : of Il,r Ha)Mr'• Court W Iwd Nusleer, V„w lees, as IM e1tL avamvw,w .a IM book MH .f Lot 111 llsb,r Ilene. Gou OYYi- No.11sn 1, 9, 3, a •ad A uuw ready. Pas. iy .>< Muew, Nalrea uWc< Irn,n t:,lderehws rccutd, pun"sul to lM S4tIWr' C,"uuwn Pkds and Cooly Court d Ar ''mud 114 wwsohup w Grreuvek and count of Suer, volae, 2itrwaT, wiI►Orwt Westra Haad tb.raww,, the teoh.r rood to IAletaow, one uue .el . half LAT!. LILA HN, Counts of Yves sod P-1 ud w m• d, WIW ed n 4f ld humbet four, Runk HNkI tluwel, C w Wd it, enrr•We d W Ytrpf•rmad iy eta. atoA. with 14 h.a. I @b ll ,Are it "6 : hmi N.d. W e esti seer ldllad.d. frena Jnbn Yc Nomlr', Wvrrr. 7�c lad r ,e,he Cloth Of IM Pltwee, Heron food Bruen. ■ge.•M Ile I.h,k ■d leaerrenta d Ywlawln aW IteeYlenta I .kali o,ffel bx MIC al Y,y Urns is yak heal alurtw lkeerW, N IM rlDag• d BO�•- th'ffwlna. I. s.purber, IA% N�aN T. J. MOUBHOUSE. b1r yu.4ty, h, h. dry ad well w.lend. There Cam,ron, a1 tau .o u d Auanm f'. Herm„Nt the Court Hou- n the owe f Ooalirkk, w upload Comely dar.re ; alai. LDA Nbwta+ MONEY TO LEND r a .pang tele, with a Water r °k.r w,Ih,u . UIfIL'e ofthe Clerk ortM Pence, 3 ad Edw.,d Make, I haw mlad ad taken 1. Tha.d.v th.Twnl-..DI\d■yw N'pfewbef rat. else, m the twelfth moor.rtet, Rd Imlk /ta/f few rude of the gre rel rod. I Lwm r • W e (iuderieh, lo( Zk'PI.1 Inti• 1 w 11 eaecuUuD, ■11 the ,Wet title sod interest til lb .t the fi",,A Twelve of IM aloeS, uuw. 1lrr I .!eves ad twelve, a the I►1 w i+ra ta w Qy^4 ekanog, . V,W log horse, two home, • yew \g , all,u u,rd akk■drat is ad w the lulld.w,wrr J01IN MACDONALD, the www4up d•3e.gmrb, Dl, Ike owl (.urrry of ON tmpptroorad fYeAnS U a per psi; Sian a be Parcels of Stationery -.-,it ua IM prewues, Intense thou. . - l,r m Ike Iowa W W yield. m The luwwbrp w B�,(R d, B. Bevins i which Nab ad NrebumLi I aw fool! ►uad.ed puuedNr own JUHN GUUU. lAac4v, Is the Caway u(Hrroa, adw:orrtag to a '�' ata tale &t tar office a IM Cutin Hawrw, N the J B f�OFiDUN. In yutatilin to suit Country Dealers, at Low- Wawuoodb PAPON0 a 1r1. Ho. SoarInint�I�'t g tN■ tkenddnwa ley Tales. Muk•won►. I L By S. P°u.bcil, , G.A.el'olY rkenL. Tows d (bderr•►. w Tviwiy. AM l\iebrWk wbwwl al W bokwla Haws, "the -_" --- _ 4 i• 3 ,ria t L°A. Numhen 1 to TH Qwchrw) I,ra �''nR'• (d'x, (•dcncwr e �UGTI®1V i�ALE� _ __ r il9 P./13 H. elb C, /Is F., /17 D ; ,. A ). B _ lAa Just. Ir43 { - 21 -- D( QtDbr.Date Dl IM kawlf w twelve 01 VOLUNTEERSI"Iblk. ■w a. ENSE STOCK t SI(}xe7.' OFF,CE ~ - -- - s WDak hounded by lNyr1.N Tartare. F-Ia'w JOHN YACBbwWH. t. Jr.>w's.• IlvimiAefa.rd. tea• >> . Pisa., k ho ndedu NraeN; Iw B T. Ens.Yate S$EKIFF'8 SALE OF LAl!IDB, DON H.. B eP dd park Iwo aur.ben 1 to 13 (mollrne) w tl 8. luLwce, RMrIR. 11 Met u1 6latlsserT Detsl. HYSICIAN,SL'RGEOY,lee.,OODial''1(. Csmoo .4,r(,.l.,therewervii uaJ" Lid Y,u.wtil0Wr.laPleas y Dip"'= I Orrlct ad mhihni -Eve lot~- led ' by K. B elbege'a o/I,x. Oadwiehr deybk, !'\fele. ad 1■r wear. • 6 alas., tat Flwroa fad tlrse. Paelu cowl out a.f Her til►, INS. i dewems d Dark'. Hwef. wrlglA } B•I+. Th. IYW. e90 ML-SLASept. L `l)7�T 1_ _ 3bd pperas dkr .wLLe tlaylsld Rud Ik To Wit; MajeMy'. CwWr t'..un w 1 11 R M STOCK b�C. t1M. H...o.., wwsebQ u(G,ldrnrb, aim Pork la ■rm4r It. the U&tW ('waw. d Heron rd ffnoe LANA. e eve - C, .°rmerly i• 1ba• wwavbPO(GawNrwi,Ruw ad w nes daresed • taw the Irsd• .d Trus 99EBIFF'S SALE � LANA. nes PIPES. ! PIPES!! _.S y P Fi Y S i C I A Y , S L' R G E O N , i• the bow d C,wIn:A, eaaNissg w er.e1.h Irate d I,•ato B-.. al the out w Jawe. Join"- Jl Ufre rd leriieu.+-A1 Mts. Ae'w■'Wsr•- ,air or kw ; which Nda ad Iereorrels 1 6"I wo, 1 Mee -sed .d ukew is EamArow .Ir the 1; nikd Cuuwlus of jj Y runue d a \IM e1 ATTENTION P I IP E s 111 C. Me Trueman rtes Ltfeel, Caderi nter leer Anteal my °i,. ,s tee (:Dun How. Ih ,,SQ, fill, .nd ;.seta o1 the std Dewndrel, a llul= .d fkvi,., y B Frei Fa bed awes • b 1N371iU('rEU b W r Il ARRl1, E� the tows W G-ri-6, w Ti,esby the teal\ d•Y and to Lot Twenty,.. the ti a ,one Lon- at, D. TO Wit: d Ho X • Caw 1 eel ' 71r. Colo. of Novemtrr evil, rt the hwr of twelve d the = th t Cel Road Md ilmila hep W Awit by near r ATE OF STANLEY-CLINTON, HU H. is the wwns\ry u1 Bnul Ndawonl. w Hrw.•; Court of the L'aard Cwulkt M Hb oak ted A large mod epleM)d •a.on-ii. of the Ufavrl Nod ■t DYngrrsu,l, w .r9 by Ase- L da:l, Suun. where ,.wwb sed Icael■ru 1 .kala a.ier aur ',', fi- and w u oirrMed yywins the Lica& leer!! W Ji>i\i�i F: i) tion, on the r,.rnur., the rdermeel,.,md Irlltk• ma Nod. (M r. 'fhwaile,'Juli. 1, '8!. Ston JOHN MACLONALD. at Any Oil: sea the ('stn Hw.r, m the '1'uwu til ieoe thew. of EJward M.CS4 et the los 2N ��//��//�� TT Brierwood, Meerschaum, French and n,ruI., Ferrer �tw-1, &c , Jrc . w Sbrnff, H. k R. lyad,rxh, w TIN.da the 'I wrr,ly-(.,tine d.y W aW\J,{7V{I VOLViR i .4.Al- tZO TOlt RIFED CLAY PIPES! 2iobesd Mo9nlorb. B S. Pol!oel•Dta r hen[ November ext, et ilw hour nl 1'wolye til tar "n e, utwa Gunn, 1 bast .rind tad takes u Friday, September 2518, 1Bilf; 1 r Deputy r .:.- s�ow all de Yana, Tek dd iarrew of let i .� eba... Boot$ and Shoes, ST aVTLRli,6, Sheriff"..Iy 3Iae, lia,den.k, clack. nod. adv„ tamed deixthS•1 Io ad u. Lal Nulla To F Nexrvad ■sJ aur oak (lwmueucln N I I u'c lu,-k, a. m. P HY81 C i A N AND 8C ROS N- duly 71, Iro3. r w!7 / JUIN 1L.A She d, If. 61: B Th,i, o Ike NSU rvay laf dtM with the 9 1r11otmtw- , -,1 Greswrk td Cw&t d tlrame, with the H E A D Q II A R T E H S IYPtSYLbTe : A. 1P . 8telnlao8. M. Sheriff 'a 6 Of Lands. bo ld,. 06 f Gr kr .b. j . hathh.."I. p lkerw everted saw w iamb .nd ver 1 Thm",. Macklr, 1 Fewatn Mdt..T .bent •• ugu4 IS krlmb, t nes I elect To fax Anes at bT, an is sd Coen At-n(r, w raw STOCK of g g ear OVBOPATHPC PHYSICIAN. 6U - L'eile.l !folie. of P v,rtw d• vent d Yrs• tech Augu.i, trap ,fuer N lM Tows of li.rderKl, ve Tuesday she u( H,rrow.. 1 fkse, 3 Pkwgh., 1 two h„sae ,;auv, 6Cc. Rei i,Jewre at Mr. T. Eve - HYnD Sd &Ne. d,trosr Eapwa.•d F,sof ♦T Photograph, Autograph, ,and eke• 1 Turnip Corr, S Lrwhrr 4'sa9na., 1 ,,,may,, y. uYwiu Stne(, LY(.fou, To stn: 1 n Paclu clot nW d Hs Sher'iff's Sale or LaIlYa. Tweet •. oft e o lelf,martrrwl,M lM luau F DVNCAN'8 COMPOSITION ALBUMS, uxcon, l two uta- ,-1,ee,gh, 1 k11ver t, I u(rw.�..dlMrJOHIN w. Sith tg angalaeee: M• sty'. ('ou.Ty (:uue d the United U,rntre JOHIr ilCbONALD S■wu`9 M.ehu.e %w rtirg Furr,vld; 1 .eN Double Hrrhi 1 Saddle. A f. tareoe l s I let, M Trow. w Yo k of 1-.unm •"d " te" r d to ,tau anwo ours., t'aaed l'wnluw of Y =s of a -a .Purl r.+ the l-aMk end lenesurw:o d Uuacae IG.wwr• sInesir, H. a' /N,arlarw Nae■, chi. M 0.. Sinucaae; Joest E M. D., New Yost How ad fkua:e, FN+.. salad uuA of H.+ By a PbtAwrea, Meer a►riL .(}left BOOL and Shoe Store, p, FARM STOCK : ty, n946m r J,mire Bond, AkaauJ r Owed ad John Mond, To w,T : '' , Coal Court d lYoiene r SMrif'. Oise, b, i + AT $UTIaYH'S. - --- -- et taw ►ort of Angu, Smith, I terve aeisrd and the t'ml.d l'wn11,. .(4r. a avid U- tad w 1 yule Nrge Oxen. 7 yoke Ween-vata,ur iaur Ittb, Ile. sours SID& wg�T FTR21T, -- _ - -- - _ arm; a cows, 4 Hed tA4 t three Yr. old Bull, one DR. A. WORTHINGTON. taken s 1.2-1 w all the right, tl•Ir .rd re- me Arm of arsua the Lamb and ti -meal- a , _ , WHB,IE you will fed uta largest and KION EY TO LOAN, tboto llgb•Paa F'JI"w,'7 ad i n, uW-.pi, one! deb: *( der-danu, fad w ti •th Wrw Rad Frr 1.] N the rias on sit i Gwo.lh•ve bee rack . PALL AND WlVTEY tied iil'FiCi %N, SURGEON, le., will at- lInrger d Luk Thuy woe, eo.me.ebw A., " = ad talon t. Fxe•wrm s111Ye nsM fYie •�% ! y00 T3 AND 3/IU PA at bon URa WHICH iHlt /O t/C1lffiws NA,C ow .pa■ yesrl,ng e4.o, uue euperuw tier, tea tr:W, panlalNnty, bdiwowe of and wrgimel Range; In the liven hip °f Ku■esidule) s the ,meas+! °(the rd drh•adii .n ■d w LAA l4we, { DAYS' S HOT, iii11111 /' Y^rx'• Fr wuh ellod Wher rnu•le.. openuys u tee e. i,ously of Brore, av"utawrg by dmf asuredseM bee T►rase.. , .s IM thirteenth sea uw."r .d the e'•. olffo u (leder..► before. THE CANADA Rte ry Mo.,ca t� oa. Oro. IS. 1M2. Iwt7-Ir two Seers .nd •-ball w lard, mon,x k4%, 103elh- ww..htp M It set •d C'wWy. 19 Krog, ,nth the ON res GRATIL BOAR; < Perimeter attention Ped w Cllsnfm Work.- TERNS OF SALE -1;, month. Croiit _ or with the S esm Mill ad Me Anse y lber,•o•; bwWtngs thereua ^rreled; whxlt Lode an a,ov- Hoeing aerated the orrvles d lcod w,ekrte., allowed, by furM(AIn(f ■ppn,ved J,nnt \,ates. AYYlselm lg`tirter. w►ic► Neb Sd trwsetu l ata0 offer kirrte r1 stela I •hall ,wfrr (,e Sale a my 1 /f.. tan the N]<•'AB. I I , I,O e Sad wo the bo matenal., he ,as .&.ofao- g G El(C I 8 S 0 C I►T 1011 N. M.- be ..4 will he without r•oerve' wA Nr. x y kwon Ho•ee in the 7 own {UDdynch, w T,ra- k nes *T(JRNE •AT -LAR. wv.. ITOS I d m olff le d t o Cwn How A the &f k dUud tore ae andcle that c■waA ff Harriette K&ta`1 hu Fst, I ver a uumwer uf,rara ,t• ywyesnov. Y by the Twealy-ninth day u(N e.n4r rat, a THE w InsFwrtnowd• • Chao,s Cw tic. IP/dr i«., rr,ek. w TuewN the Twenl)-aNVrd der { pt L ho, be m Me­nsfiffal pa IMit M Lae 1J• Remember the pIAm• Kay.' I%wk. Wed R.cL x11:1 urea G.dvrw h, 91.1 Angst. Iht3. w30-wltr2 foie,, ,,, (fnlce. '116.1 Iv :e, kr kit, .1 the bout of Twelve of lte. War & 6Y , pee.o the hwr d Twelve d N stew#, coup. W kir tM'ee) =bees! patrolmen those bwait N. a-aeilmrmg Jur with heat tem .d dr (� cluck, Irua. rd ups kis-espviAnflT w offin bow w•• L Large Fads fee IareelalNll i Ttaotnwa wewtdratld. JON. YACINi\ALD. JOHN �l.[Cltlt\.1411. .n a.aatli,lraw- skrahreppanstry dap WWk• t Poy CIVii, ENGiNEEI( AND PROVINCIAL Sheriff, H. k & Fbrnff, H.,k tl. P,wag W •.R■ frleob bad tb gasartRy. Wm. DU�ICAN. ��/ B S. PoLtare.Ie Ar Sheri �,. Inu.r. taw �'Yy'- lAtwl �urve'nr. Uice and Na•.ilr.a., by S. Po..lae, De y Steri(. r � . W IM Net prop www a." .IMPROVED ora .IMPROVED FARMS I---- -- ' 9irn8-b Jose. t,63: ,el,.+ aWut iwjr t byawnim t4Qratg. Mi �► 1 Bwuhua •':ra'et, lio,atenrb. vI61u3 S:er•ff'o (Mk.•, lr.,,4rlch.t IA•h lune: Inti!. ( w91 std . - _ - --- - - __ Nth Ams.. 1143. t w" T /y Ree Huss Ilea by a 7rgr ofarlik/ --- i•dir4 FROM, raalOn9 Or r I A. 39arS, $H •�FF'$ SALE OF �S. bawtolwed.,.l dill ,,.. L. r �or Mhw ` NUGATESFrom Three to Seven Years. STEAM WEEKLY j p Civil 1CIA4 LAUD SURVEYOR.JulAND $HEHIFF'$ SALL OF LANDS. ooki Pa(aaa. � ~' Ci'il Eaginee',Cliotuo. July 1,'61. Lbal • icaot m Itoww eve 4 D,,,,,� 7o t _ _ United Count.. d)) Y vlrtx oft Writ M U.eou Cwuwro of BY virtu, ,d there Wrie- 'tat it w on a maw w MlMrs assets I in th" NOW In Part Received! For further infurmttion, apply to I _ LryEtr�y _ WSGOW, John Der.■mon, y Hurst ail flirty ) B Fur, Faer•If: noted vel I Hurwa ed Bruce, nl Frn F'eciaje w e mol. AsetYw rt elle r his row rt it u.1 GODFRiCII A.H. ROC HF,, DROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, To Wit: )oaf Her M■irdy'. Cerl.ty ,_,t offn'(:ummwPteau aannld 1.HnraNsCled re1iNe,eWTih-=ieMs*toi��iobehor• �OTth@rII drivel Road. M ... 8"' ' •LONDON AYD CORK A l't'd Eogimer, tc- Serve• ing of every Coon "I 11, I'nited Cwotir of 110 -'ad tai ,�aar1 tee lads a d tenement. n( Henry C. Te"water, Walkenw, tel. wM W " IA \t'.11'agion'Strcet, (nearly op"ue the Par,. y ,krripuDa, and Are hihrrunl PI■Ir eae+•uled; ad 10 tr ver -eked eesnar the Lan4.nd Tease- Pa !!amen! BalWmg..) Turruto. AT OESATLY REDUCED FARES, IA•Jr rsamiwit and valued. m,nmof Fnn1•u Walker, ■t Use suit d Jaunet, U•vbk, Join Galt Il. Lewu ■ie n. the rt, %.W t• a Us rbla gn'M n•d. term • •tie II■%FIKLD. IW3. T42-TITSF Gairdner, 1 have veiled .mi fallen io Eleeiw° 1 at the 1 [wit. of mead dm nd ibe 1wun. ,4 Clyid the 4ttp board pdeti.I w Mrwareb $# RN.lDp Hill, ng.oulu roar den*- Hie 1tY _ = Lonsda Iska d CesNla,dd lee. in of Upper cueapa,trnperxx sdt isMi T Ww Hdl, Du umm, nes Urn•. t(dl Or to CHARLES 1YiDDF.R, --_----_ all then 1. tikes rd mleesl d Ov rd dekd- IDP aY Valuer, ih 1-1, g' (.endo, 1 save .nod and take. w Fxeauuuw; wrk n th a tel ►utnr en day rahe Delo.► THF. LIVERI'OOl NER' 1 UIIK .\\]I! L.. H. Hwnilln, fat, w.eJ to Lw cumber Tweart vel. Ear ell the n h1, title Rod letter t d fhe Nd d.{Md- huR r IM most eomrwodio•s N the aew1T y gate+, for oat• ,-tar, feed! 1.1 erlWier, Ihb3, to ff TOtk aeplemlMT. Ib81, wdl tar n.etrad by lou °Ano- N. B. -The Aaaoriwuw have no Agenu 1. any PHILADELPHIA BRITISH JTEA�1 I CIVIL }:V (: [VEER AND `1U RV ErUI( Nuron Te-nce, .d fwt nn,u her 7we•u'r-efghl, Selo in rd to l:d. n..mhers Sia, 478 ed 900 on hotels, pelf. eauePAed.) Pty • ere IM Is turf n „f the Province. v Agent vlya We.t uea•a'Ireet. hub un Ife vdlapeW Alncer• pp.•'� der.gasd, sp to Tek Sodas!. r P SHIP COMPANY.. IA■ I A tit ad Coe oyer, Kim-Aidise Q the Mark -rt uwre in the town ,{ Go,feru•S .d bur• r tee! R TV. Fferalme, R. Muth and L< Bata llCat a to 4 paid rnwtbty. Augtut 96th, Ib,63. tier 103,71 - _ -__ Il; dice and Ca•wuty .4 Iklrr. ror,umeg y dro,ar Cway of Hunan : also, Lots nn...Len S .MI 9 un _ Fseh Tender mw gore the n.mce d 1wn nor v o arc one ballacre w LAW, n.ch, be rbe wmeou'• New mor M the Someone apor■•ihk ender. wt It, t eea+.me .1 Iw- lex I A �x LINE! .. AS• T- G: tutem:d 6r Co.. raurlw Ier• 1 wk"�h L.sd. •d I•"wusu 1 okall ,be ewU oeM M the. HawnHHuNI to the red Town gr ►w pw'wled w 'Summer Rx kr if►tt( tea dole nt w t'u Kot rd t4 wm■ate L'R9iERYNEN, DEALERS iN FRUiT offer for talc wT ny u6.< in ,he C."In How in d (ioderw•h ud('ne.ly of HYrw.w►ia•h ISrda ■nl (rienala. Pal's I'en' Corpowd of the fidNwms 1a CNet, Clydk ,-.k.: nnaaenU 1 sholt tiller fur rte a ryy oi.•r is the CHARLES I)ATS, y� the a !rent o(Whev the codnwm require) Ips NAwr°rk.pr, oarwly : and iknamesttl Taw, l4wb., arc. w the To. n of Goderich, on Terday, the >eye■- Coun Howlw. in the town W Gekrxb un Tnu•.alat. era 1wMrw f 4n promptly &tied" to. I I terah day d Nwenti a1 the hour of Twelve w/e•1 PsYerMa►o J. M.t l'itOYALD, Largest) I City. %wood.., City of Cwt, 1f1 - - - of Ise elm k, noun. of twelve JsydNw•cmher next howl Cite .� \fere Ywt, L'.finorrgl, JD,]la QSpP6tU. r JOHN 11tACDu',aIALD. of lwdw delle Wcl°rt. nooe. Prtr.dr 1 N.0. R. Co. ��• JUiIN IIACDONAI.D, �' iio�r u� 1 �. e N t H a.((w Az1:c,+•r1 V E Y E R A L CO1lYIS810B AGENT llF. H. b B. S SSOT gadrneIn.l6lbd■ydLeplember.IA63, - TITHE Diiiiw Yifi\DS 'd►d mow• .w10Nu1 C.y,y B.Jiiwarr, %:/..Siert 1 C,"nmu•i,merm QQueawh BS•ei. Ise Wong By S. P(x.l.oca, tk)/rrtr Ci.riJr. heriff, H. h B. �. add ,,t%( onvrvsneer, &i,., &.. Odkwom Brood Bken4'. (Jda e, (Jadeneh, r BT S. Pol.L m , ti -ale ek, fl. 'fes Con of Newilimre, Edea, wy,l(dNga•ol Knieardise.C.W. 169 10th Aug., 11'63. ( >s 8tri9's !!lame. G•,Jina•h,!4. _1% COUNTERFEITS. I Pd - - _ ._---�- -.-- &b AY it -fill ( wtde * te, tee wITCAT/D IX TRt TIC"I'll f/F Cif irinMrwd,, or.r. Salt• •Ox dAbtwe Sleaaem leRms New Y.k, leen- Jobs K..." SUPE vile s,idlrn herr Iwen p.lmmg eff Cheapest, fairly at noon, SA Ill"', -hunt We (• oNiNt1iz9UlNEH IN THE COURT OF Sheriff's Sale of Lands. •�� 1 s SALE OF LA1�8• • Yq.n the mhwb,tsntt. of lbs C■..I.., counter :Lakes HURON and SUPERIOR 71..' V l( neen'. Ranch, Cuovayanber, te. A eg- Mte u( my rIV,1Ml nmadrr.-Hohow.y'. Pi1N i acv L'" of FAnn ad Tow. t•ota for Snk; cal- t'.iI. j a7Z, p of t1 Y vtnw of a Writ of Fievi ! Uarter Cooahe• M B rime d • Writ of and (hot al 1 IheKfore warn .11 lktlgstwa, r Y1 oil • hihb.h,d Nd f.r..me len•. 4 Rpn•.d.l tore has. not lot. ver sale, w desiring lu• p-1111 c, Huron ed Brolive, p r.." isird .wl W Her Heron ■Id Ilrure, �, t Fkri Fovw \toed Apahe'wne►, Jrr„last 1 \'ace pl.rad ■a.mp Ia TNa CND6RMi;VTkl\Pop Tlly\'\NHII'l. �'ffe.n„hip, i. un-erpooed by any.ill" 9,1 V1,A w,ll ,e •'d It'll Lmilan. X11111el�!� Y m rleseiles, and kale a jil The stn rfrly, fwd e,MR n, pea pas T. K'd: wjew''M'wnly('wn dthe To wit: Son of Her Mejesty4 Cwsry Poa Y Rs+ P Thr hl . r hwr se.wo..dYi.n. for N,u' IA''•=°0''"'�, F'rb. 40. 1037. 99 ((mtel t'w n1.. M Ymu and tlnf<, a..'. In IW d1- Court W i4 Cnuwiry• d W Stenon, ad lu use Jr Pa'b tr., tau tea Mme ern fad In rev the differ- A%D a Chia out "o. nu,•r Paw ,tan• sea. ine,d+tar_ raclad a inV the LwM4 ■d teoemeae. u(SI hen recltyl • •,Dal the Iwbda •d Iem Iflo. , J■ have Will be open for Sale �<� F ry<•Mr I Ir 9wrrrvr�le, et nd d Jan r. Wa"k, 1 havr �t �+ e.ee bas rota the old Ityle . the new. Their - I�vw, ermy,nn n, wetrr.t:ght mn:pwnmena Rud rnm' mq l�o� 11T g I I OFT Tl ¢ i ! William., at thv stn l CSrw W tllu Sd Uwrgr ,ctard std I�,le.IID Eaacutiw all rhe ng►1, lick 3 O R O � Mo 303 (ere oibe'sh" wi11 consult thole non wlrly b' buy- _ lent Fre Anlrnl.bw. A l.ss, rrmR "rQ 1t 1 b, 1(L Ila 1 IlAo M C°nrtell, Ex -fon of the Ido will .d IMS lag so more off myle P.H. and (h.lment• u 1 can- Cpo n the usllul tc tam. of payment, on and nblamr„g poo ur< w the eubrnl <r. waw Oc.rb. sea•' __ mens „f William McConnell, dee r:a ad. I Mve ad inlereV M the fad DNrd.nl, In end Io 14 e r to warrant we Their b.0 yL /fter D<m<ly Ino f.r ,-ne',.Ikw.her adv ufTe -mare,.• mixed and 1•krn m Siva ion al tau n h1, title North ►o1(u( lea numb!, Tt nlevn, n the Pwr- AND MADE 'rU ORIF$B, R ■enwne. To !here V _ ff ,. who have the old role on had. f they aro in un. L Ir.r•. ,tion 1w„v«M !•y ,.Nr 1•n<r. HUGH DUNLOP, • o interest d ah imids o tracts of la In •df eri .II tenth ruscr e,( d(rb tuwndrp til N -fife, rho Irtikw prkages, I Ovula, exchange them for new MONDAY TRE 6th of OITOBE R N EXT � II■x. een.In p.rorlv or into d Ind 'aMl prcmr- in t4 tvl•el, ref .f po taivsptuwg tlwre1 til Iw,A of Eacnrsion• Tickets t rK n► TuteaTD, ,..ilwle ht the township ,{ C•hurho in the a NIWna taw pan d Iwa mm�lrr 13, "i- Style, ur ttyk, a my Doty elpeve--.hal u to sty, 1 will - • P cewluw N, l.or Ieltn 1, n of U Ia 14 vneswn, �, pay t►, fr. clia to my dept .ndboi k, II retuned OD hettion to J04EPH WILSON. the !-LI) .-.I tl E[•TF['LLY 1\FORS! roue! h Huron,cm.(t ng by ■. W J . r.'. i�TC�rI I,09H, b eta brlore The 104=141. etnlrr. Ileal. � SPP Th, o,1!wnhrr M• rdras.r< r1 rluw,,,u ,.Ig ,love t. ,• " � R and Len !3e in Lr"•1nuw, ed d a ern. e,IJ err 90 MLar, New York. - Resident Ageut at the nn.. n 1.,oa,d w Arora , that e U pone it ed the wrroine, in Twar NM of an acre of Lid, hr the wme wore rnuntry slut br hu opened to The ■bora hast, m eve kat, being Lou Nom4n ldM y -acne• !moot- Dr'T'rdy hY uhr ■levy earned def-dwnl, Tu He. - . HOLLOWAY. r `rg� . Return Cabin Pau, at a Trifle Oyer the premum. drately a fi ,iiia To Sad Ear of Ibe 1-drwn Road ash Mrlkrt John RnnprNc amt Luke M. Red ; Opposite the Market. w33 -3m E V)�It 3JEiUL'(>�'iI l� AL Ii 1• STE. :1iAItIN., i whi i 10.0. •d treerneeu I id-&' we w4 a C a Fare -and -a -Half. Lately' 9celi Y,ed b' :tiro F. W. 11011is ,a the vJ mgr of Exeter, MaCuorll'. Survey, ;r Oiee in the Coat Hoo•, u1 the town N (Ad- y t being pan d (Jriginel Let number Elshtees In terve\, om Toewler the Third day f November All kinds or repairing done, to opt real �aRT6rA6rE SALE �•t c( to the cOri�il on of actual and Cwtliu- Gd.v P 1, GI r Cw L.•n .t• . l4 bre N, os d Unmoral, ah"a•..d ad Dnable terms. wm3T '1e l,ivcrpo.u!, l:l•1 „w eta C',•rl, ab Iq QI] WEST STREET, theliurRee mil-ve on I UpbD iolrly "j tad ; to Wal. ai the hour of 'Twelve of the dr"•k era. bole Seftk•Soent trout the dale or the pur- etre • d„ d., d.......... 31 30 JOHN MA('rN)NAt•D, chase. Townships of g,.e, •from L,rr- CoL sea-°n'D•d ''•foie ln,n, Ihr Market Siloam, And hope• McCo.n d"A ode v!!beta in (hsn.al Lor mtheriff,H.ha. AT.�g �d mh1 . u C-» Ila 1st,/lora ..... �.......... $3! NI' Ix fret .crtmon and I-ripinude Io bu,mer to number Seventeen In The fast vewevhooa 4 tie By S. Pa.f.ecs, Ile ly'Shr•J r. were a.IAK.4 public Psteiw o. 0wh U.k, 1 UMer Power of Sale iB liortgage. TO rtla MACDONALD, all 1'a,.rr.<r. ,.f rh,. lun< tar & rte4 .. Iw m, wwnehtp •forted; wb:ch Nod.ed mer tlbene4,nuly, Nr- '„rte by Far+<n Tnu". the \eve T„�H Carty HUGH DUNLOP. menu 1 .boll earl hx tale a my office . tb• IW. Jules, IIt/a. teff. - WILL4wYhyPublkA.,I,..,athe.45• AWERSB, it. -0 j GoAYiet. Apra 117, leY ell -Ivy Court Hu.rle.in the town ofUwkr"b, on Tlr-- -----, -`--�� d Rurd1 t Read, r -I. r the Village of PENNEFATHER, tl- F,a Meeh.. ur.t•_n-.,n< Rnwe TrRrfa and _ day the Twenty-nioth day d September best, at SHTX FF'S SALE OF LAND. Gboron,w F)E�NI3 .her inr•rrnu.., arpl>e. :N�Y t>:IR11t3•r The hour of Twelm d the eleek, non. JOSIAS HRAY, II! JOHN MACDONALD. Umtmd C,wnteso( Y .,nor a three we" of Saturday the 12th Sept. , Inst. , KARS, Itttd .W, Ar'.t DEPARTMENTAL Sheriff, H. B. Jfmon .d &Dee, } B Fkrl FN•iS. i.wod CITY OF 40DFMCH Nr11 N." to the R.n 011ie By & Por it K, Ikpnly Sheriff. .: To w,l : )d Her Molest), (',ort r 11 o'rbck, ■ m , IAA numh,r, Luer hundred ! - FHNW1CK, HarM:tw, Anbum Jn1h, Ih61 wJI-Int A" :,tienff'. 0&-e, Grden Iii r CYwrtmw Plea. C'ouavCourt at u„ Coumfy of • Rad tweezer row, , t Huron Road, tan The std And Town lot of APA UOSH,on the Gou Parliamentary A at& :,rd June, ItW. { w9y Waterloo and Cund .1 Cou•1 d the line, Cwn- Village „(CI�aTou,,vntun.ng ode gnrnn of ■p P Q Ira d Heroin and -Wore, awl tau me JDt�r(ed p c�� Sere, mon w kat. ■d more pert. .rly dai it lois River, In the township of Fenwick. __ _ . _ I against The Led. ad Tr,e_uu aJan.- Bur- Birds and _,FourtooWd Arlmals Slhfld, ed1w • M.Mg. ge (mm riwrrel C, Comg*o ■d Si ned, WN. SPRAGGE. YkJJ Ilei. C i. 16 , ►r 1 nwb, JSmea "e -h ad H° h Gdnn -' at Ihr VA;, PI (Signed,) ver' BHEB.IFF 8 BALE OF LARD. f w , w Lok. yen. oil. u! '.mea Hvkky, Charlet Mrndry ■ml Wd. r'rcorrreel and ,.et up m (lee wast Nnonl portive. Tile twDanta�m (elite Dt went, L' w J. A. )1►SSA(TS RC91NFi.9 WITH THE The above f Clip y it eilu&tcd in the eoYr. part Ism MrKeri I bait• .and , ■ m u►. w tie Elea! w inter. Case " d for oil NeI d tike. tad tar tklnj'llla,(e of Clinton. Q•e4ee, Sept. 1tb, 1!363. RwIOT 6t ��4G T Cmwa lases end cher Fou Inenti 114- (andel Co,uW.ea d BY linty of Inure wnu M ter all 111. right, Int! ■d 1s1eKst M the rd Its srFe it lee ruing, a Mr. MIINT(J8H•4-Gou• [ padl,M.aL: Takla a'ut Pawn. 6r Inrenuun..- Hurua ad Crope, ) Y, ,i:. Poo" ir"red out f.,d.nl•, m and to Lot Nmr w ll.e fwnh.�oam• wnRt, ellsvosm D TermACash. Deed under power of Rule r k•_ J jkSn.e"Wkr.ch.,rgeofPriwl,SilbdunnRthe T. Wit: )HMMaj,•wy4CounlyCourt oh)aof imi, townnh,F of Brent. ,vmimm�g m,e eosWned In MortJagr. 'Set.ies, ,kr , .Yc., oke . for Pa -lies reeding in of the Vnited C...I , of Hume and Renee and handn.l erre•; 4d uW in the .,rod e,m,.rwn (•p,a.rCasada. uta elrawhero. to me Jircaled Spines the [Anda ed tenemeau or ,1 .rd tnwndllp. ,•,m1at11iag iny.x.; also dr" DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP ROBT. NICHOL, CHANCERY POWER'S PATEBT, AUG 3, 1863. _ _ Molteno. Done- at the rota.! Munlaw•\ Guidon, lit *aid in the ushth cwrvswra w the evwrleh q• F„( I'Oe for t'"" Would not r Dor burg the to I71etM Exe,rme a the cart wdl std raw.ment a Wna11 nes Carne 1, r•,.ntuu�ng f Iy sa•rr; .Imo lens 167 ,n 1 G,dw,c►, �'pt. Liao 4661. w s' p NOTICE to CREDITORS. THE VICTORIA ' T' H• MONTGYOMERY,' (inn!°.. *k'w'on", WtUtam Nhr.ww'k. Juba, Ihm 9d cos,mr ,.,Ml Ino. 24 and 11- the 3rd or dttetmlolnfs. (:oidner and Ruben H. Gardner. Lx"ulnn M ruaerlwbn, S.D. R of the wworh.p .it I net. The above Sale is pnetpuned until Satter- SURGICAL ,be law will end tedament of Thoma Uurdner• containing me hundred Rd Arla M ; .11 in Ihr OTICE iS HERERY GIVEN that 1 WASHING MACHINE "v' tleeeu:,l, and Aktnnd,, CSIuunA, 1 bast bawd wanly M &ere; whwh 1 ands Rd tenrn"•n1. I L 1 flan ata ,ship h,r,lufww ,xnring bNyeeea the Jqr the 26th instant, al salol, al the same 1 [ 0"A N 13 A L and Taken in Evei tit in ■1, the right• title ed un- ,hall idler for tole at my Old" ,n the Coun Her• soden gaed, under the Tyle Sed fes o H. 6se- Ple• O Acne) the 1-T 12.22 &I the Pn vl ..l Fx lemon of the and defen dent in .mi to W Number in lh, Tuwn dtiudr-It, on 'ruewhy th, Tway- dr■er & Co.. ver !bis day dissolved 4 onama RORT. NiCHOin ►.Nlwa to Loadnr,ia IS61. ' , � ►`, I G T' Twin, Range l,inthewwn•\,pa Fl oleymdrmin• \mash Jay d November next, .l thin I~ d e,00wst. Soffc.or for Mwtgorm. w .l L' i IT *(No". lounieg Ian a,-. mewl or .r; Twehe w the raua•t, nm . HUGH GARDNER, THISPHILIP R. ROSS. (iadwx•►, ItnA'Srptewntlrr, 1e67. AN�� T IN CHANCERY • Sok"a.iar"*!k 't;"„ H,�wrlto TIe1 win JOHN SiA �it(INAr.Tt. LIBUUB'8AII1tG 11[ICBIIIE Oiet---OFer the ifEedital Ball, r h.•ntr, H. & a Signed, GDde ich, Jul 14. 190. BETH EBI', nck, ,w Ts wday the Ftnr Jou d December v. PnlanrK, f4pny `eerie. g" F.(;s I , ",farm the Puidrr that h, wd1 perfi- seat, ■1 the hour o Twelve oflbi clack .Dole q. lf, . ,r,cv, . Persons, OelorRe Henry Par- "� AS 1 •red by the Bwrrwa of Agnr"hnr A A B I.. U•ekrrh t The bnwew will !r mem" ma the e0J.ra And Jam" Peroiral `;tow `` decNnd w 4tH bw yet baso ht ndrr, •II t) noon. the Src earude,l w bm in a JOHN MACDONALD lah A, t Ihh3 ' ( 70 w it a Ad,d n,anerr. '� , nater the ryhe dM. lisrditer i t'w howD, Thorw Vorelard, and John lbenr omm*- It aamPlem na con.ln(u,mo, lh Art,wui fn•th Inwrtedon Yoknlnsd Robb, o, if, JL 4 D. -_ __ _ . F(rldau., Plaint e, wnrked, ■d eve wb,w t to ret ant d r. n. Std ('oMmnrw G•m wort. By 11 Pm.ro(e. r dwelt. HUGH OARDINML The Omissio wows a ,Mend nytShe rep.1 Gu . h fie rrgulstioa : N%,,,# -. Odlk J�DaeneJi. SHEEIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. 1 ombm du. wilte�r m IM Mechmr, ed MH b P•nr•u, .nenuon d In the n WILLIAM GA�rI($H. APPRECIATIVE PIIBLIC Ate f11h.A,1wn.!963. w7e .w110t.11q n tar rwAMw t rh,HKd. urin, anJ Fhe plaster. sea o(" It. li.del .'..unto r( Y Donor dTwuWna rT Joke klcibnRW, John liennelt liraur lye bemhy •rndmt the .light- ..lural wee. I !Alas Rod Julio Hlrr'tll, .r spry In the /rel twlr"s, with i mnch lest Hen.. and ,,ewv, FIer1 F.c,s. neu,d wt FOR SALE R. - C'y.r.crd,Ynfr.n(rewdw// lYo,d WorrYrr,.( BheT1Ji'a Bale Of Lands. 7',. Wil: .d Hrr Ma)r. y . (',war • • 1 ptslay W asp 1MD under 14 hed-waolrng t)efewdrtstf. .Valets. ►,rconm who have Dad Than dK .."tr 'i'1•: tNte". CANFI. C-1 of the Coanly of M.kllr•..•x .d Co." a • aT 1Q D Q 30 l - (',wsmal Pkr, and To m, ,b Krum aim.." Ili. fed that iM shu.. a " W & rip!. a tan a Nw- (Irw•t"w M) T 'tete d • writ M Is,ut, aMl trnerrreNo whr'h we"" W JuN,ph prIL4UANT b t I]eelee a.da nn Illie d a, a nmalanl .uprdy " Tea\ Powder 5 B Rwey d..d.etnl at tar IUW of hw Jeal\ ,n t e L wick Nton bean ao ern 4 Saran l bed m • Moen fad Dnwr,, ` Peen aom cowled out OTS I and 19, 1st Read Sa••ti Di Dlkr t!s•te, dated eke Flh► dsy of May. I Ai3, lis c"Jra Ua. foal \Selo Unlr "./,•eau ■eta Bo:. 11 To std : d Her Ya' + 1 , , Oar M ry MD^r'r• -_-- - p.ya ('anew - tbt Crdttnn of The last Ars of Jobst Mci)w -- h n6,d WdIrSo Eery :dm,rustnror of r'I aMt flare !toad, Ritlrrt. UotM dIt, 1 wdCwr,wo' Ilan,R a Bre".. C" I.OT No. 2T 2d Comrsenioa, Tooemb e* aN i Co., of Two W God.rie► in t4 Slilr� 4-rJ 011 the titre and Llwr SOU 6:11 iCFi ed Tn m, Lor Leal .piety the Lundy end revue- ng,lee the d• ■d o \furl•, Rlsht. ��wJ Cnd11S whi,�A wolf (d hwph 'P Cotnly d Htroe (wbieIn ver cora of Ir.d rw{d.rd. yrA. �wq g.w +w0y sea+. Sones d AneIMW Mrdr, 'Sear., 1 Iba oil of iCin{otR- J..Aw Q,w Jam,. Par r, Joke RrwV - edit&,..! N The tier orf ba .katn YeMuMi .Sole! liaww ed 1„he !1. Pia floe. win died ewor.te, a1 14 mita d Adelphu. A.- I.OT No. T, id Range, q(wtk DtoMr Rena, ;TLOiAI.SAYYM k (1 nJ w Dafeedwoe JD►a Melk.nald and NI Aoroe M 1M Ktr,d AR II'rr'(, T y Amb Their Opinion Lal Solicited 1 Porter, Iahe d t►• sod Tbwn of Godericq NaeL the ExkiaMlon Weer",, end WAGS � GE 1 Mrw ae And sd Tatn In Ea msnr w, elf dnwm fwd Joseph Every the rosary" I bow Greeseek. �Mtlyd A. Merchant, dece•swl, ills testator in tb! o loot uial,r°lho,,•Ilrcr(dacl..m; .•holed Taken nix. f" stnIbe right lNyi _ f I'., 14 edea, Tat and Peal: _ 'right. tMle adIne•rr•r d Ik w:d DsiFmNsl is rd ml• ii dAb, ob..w n.m,d lkf,ndrl sea sodLOT No. aa, IN Rause, Bomb DIrIn/�' fIFiadiaps r tiewd, wM, died on nes Rbot( V M.'A l��_ fwd tan 1•,11 wmlr Twinejj•• (hree it (•o.r..w., Bose. eieerrdise. . titAitleeelIn y ofgt teterInte, IO6T, taw in ly, FAq., M. P. P., Wrcl- B, un the I.Weehl dliss(wd C,wm d Byre•. Iw l 0I Nrm4r Ekv,n in the 10TH emtr.t a •>ho&*@ a ata esy sett awndwOw Aad iMir Tordict, ion will be aR ) faI'+:Nmd,rweft Inbe.,ff, 'army "me -.,-$0a, HYd std Arses, rt11n e. Per( 'h•Towrb dl'.fw,rn, .w th, l'dwwt dH•nr ��SII �as�spy �, ata l wlkilor a a beton lbs d Pen► : Hwt 1 Y LOTS Apo IIII urwl 3!, led ttsal�N rs/f■resr1 �Jsorsae ptmDa kJ 7. 1p.,C� Tka,mpw .F+rr , �.` I wtw,h IA,i.d Twne<,wwu 1 aksR sRe br fele rewnoirLww kanti flew M Nd tore nes 4w Durbae 116011, KiswaraY•. . Y sY 4slNta•InTIIrVPati W tbesMetrea Y It y.��L� Hwry FrBp ('imlwrw• Strom, Chan. Ihr erne Ik ,Wong. U„Ko• ,r tate!. wh"•h Lowes!• 1r miowo"tb oo TWeilq-last day of Wolfer, 1%3, .elk,. N•Nr eel, allies. L. Jrm., fad may 'icy .ice. is the Coun Hovis, r tb• Toter a tad Mrwer,ns 1 shall offer f a rte a •sty .,fflea N LOT G., Rtb Crine,wi6n, $arse. , . r 'i.i'wi. w Tnea►. iM E' i m 4 '. �Tsa1 affil be bas 1ben, o tM 1. ire d To.e.wrn y y 1be G,Yn How, .. Me to Son ,{ O.r4rur\. w dalt.rrin, of IMbor wive w M dole, TflB FRONT Re Aeew elf :was Na► a 1 E is ffOw r fes% !Mir thts folie a N so". Tviwdwy the Tw,nrT-u ,wl ,toy I Mopwmbw . +P! Oa''NI � �"" GASH PRICE ONLY 86.50, = d the Clerk, aoo4 8 and 9. Naitlar"! rome im, (dIn,t,r tjy CbaNMn M a Z] ti 2 A o t O Any JOHN CDONA LD, wad, a the boo n 1%. pulo"o-, h.'rit{ p i, h. -d it,, P.1-( to "Ir M. t a. JOHN MACiX)NALD LLL l pg,r ►�/ •R Cl[EM's Lira /Tr#a 2%"Shlf coior I Ill< THE TOWN OF OODM011, pqm Re the l'onry .( Hotta, •. e„w pK(.Kd 1 RT R. MLI V, tJd pry f, !el rror, H. t 1L 1: \h O �taf. be 6P Iles will M rid •2llbdsd Ttl wrPPir t4 mor\,ny.Df wkwi M r,I,.n. a v sl, THf: rylr•nhrr wn,M .nnrmmy t0 Ike pees" FcInN.lsy Gil...p„drleb, + Ry s. M..l.ert. Dray Inherit Apply (n i.' [: -1 1 pe o sol'b J fdriin(f..weed that al oleo Lr a sty M pkvtd 1 4 Heron end Rrwr, that he k•. nw hed !U Angr, 17rA. ( w� NMrig'a!life, Iioder,h,+ �f C. fv �s�rwh /r ave fta� as e( 0. tYL 91tiYg D. SEB S, ,78 •, CO. from all b t ■Irdwr lM tad detest, Mea t1iLL Ile npiay bd eel with wit, S. lit .MI will n 10 -11, ('•ergo. Woo-, He.: 171\ leve. IM97. ( .111 aa, y. yAwLaOlr, sr AMrTYItI �I•�srgQr day lM wn.M day of Ne.erber, iRi3, at dew w.nww and .Sb,wurw. ....h .. �IlrkYwrd.- ,._.,4r,, wh"•h will M Nr,l rw.p hoe cook ,r' sw:T 1 Gwdriek .w..wrrsaiYYY�irrraTTMMMssra. t Ye9titrTff► Ci dlbe rock p Tb. odfor ho N y (nil. � M he nm&W at a... r.�. A a(.,ts 6" h d s�•d� JOHN PAMMORE, ��A SALE Ot LADS. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS $��1 ��m� les>oi. T�•t �� �, 0 `, CMAnbors,ling r .the el d tam btae+af ria all. *A be a•r IM tax. awl -red t-rhxs Wryvil. f\Lvlwviw �� Vw!►Wrf iediealin a the elRirta. r'Drad it two"-. O-40 011. Uriud .ad p , M ))) T ehw ref • vent al Wrn M Wbmaesw.es as�Tr Ment( AkMa► R F°A sgro a .taw M prKberA All the .eA pal les, 11C.i ver 9m : Hraw dd M1.rr,. � B lwdils•1 62prrsw� "lam Cwmwe d� B '"eve .•r a aragartgaa_t�a�ti1 t1ts0 a OodAriek,'kit PV1i �y of Sop ..,I,,,%-- w tMt t\w mer t. of t\e M.MIr ,eorlw Htew •M Bross. Ii FNri Feer w,m d rW ♦Ts{,Tr w tks Oassty lye lrTw1/R he t• ba■ m 1st twobar, iMS. oiadl Mrl.reo..rel♦ t..a.d. Penn wrhu m T. stn: Pei Fseiraim H�te glwadel/ M/�rtffM fie w�alLA Vi80N t TOMB, t . ,.n ..,orwnww .w wick IM R Pf � 0 V E D . ,,so d Ne, Ma}r r is (-o,viwry G•ow d the C.ia./ r To tel : d Fbr Msyw,. ( Iver ., oro me M.; a /sews) D. KERB, aF V NE. Co.,VVry VELI R, .;•laity of Mumu ed Brw,. sod b s &-.Wit room Ceo" CwaWs d Ileads s 1 Raw •, new of do w Tet Misr sY l ntTfaL uta. eFFlfs ( PVitJf'2 aolieitet/, (ieesrieIn. A. CO1' VEI.IEr; ' sg,sisr the 1.06 owl hime es d ),w" Btett, mesh d Mt'Mtl Thr. e1 tke .Int a -Mew ad • riw$bmwm f. ata) u,d b sAn tltretead the NwA. and me s- ane � Yy uwhb- tg sb s bow" *4 ` T8k nsa:-ewR 1■ R COOP$F� amg•no h-, o"'V3. HA 91 R`u'R1 RNR w"m riem U" rase.& ath•wY.fs•nori Mrlk�f t Mw risrd •lirdhe 0 'hew~• (r fills a9f" w: -W Moshe, at GO/srtti. Nvai brie Iw. IND. w7t T tag p,M" rh.t M hs nr°ewi b 14 T•veM (a& n even"- •Y tM elle!. Tiel swi oawNr „wlk's'o"w I bays leer.!. aM eight. rMe ad Oak" is �t s� � ~ ((]]�,�,�j., Q�y�,Q� M,,.r,,y ,y.•ar•el he Ms I. Fnrwealsw, Orta, dem vaidAdemNwt se •M w [Al Ne. ►wwreme, •std 0.sw he Iles mil der•dna is wed w Ila . l7Vlru8 <Tl l/l/C7R ie� of arson■ dsd vrtlwr (\rJO tar IIns M t..e.wewot, N. D. R., n %be Tow _ M; Iwo ■ tM tbMeotrwsir,• d Ihw ww.eaiP .qV SiVles ' FAM FOR SALE. To Sehod w26 JOHN ALLFN, d Z m 40 CDSNy e(Iln±., ewt■i.iwe nwn r Nr GeM(}7 rm R( 110. wR ch suss n•rr,w kr wInf.•b Ys1fa ad w,wemeuwr r b" Iawaloetlsr 1 rMll can ffn •asst atm (,shd tfi i2ADT-KAD11 C AITRUG, �' - ( 1 ha, 1 1 •abt d skeet+ Mad- U *"ft in ices. bM M w4 a icy affk+ Ia r b. (won Hnlr P� i1 /�•.`*^M�� C FIn r a • ... ,t, aN:• rtttl/ IINet1, i1.lathe*. �♦ , N • geed Rasa d sellrOeali, vets TKAC HSR. M yew d Me, with family. hV N JICi i N Ib Tors d 9wdwfek. me Tsaiy the "o" tet Toter d Aryrki w T,le"sy tM Kirkuk � w us esiF inn ler► •r T1s �, f1aiM9E1. 1a1.. y1. tear altwr9 f i tom (M ( \ s.t�y TYan atFwr•r(t N wa,►,agI �(iR mw■1mre, .neaM twwN )M dal of fktM.Intp true r lIne base d rwvilw taw M mT Dawmk.r was. a (M bete d T.Mw eta* I �p kir �Id d oke Ntd M ° A F i N i d 1 1 r1rYAg r91tw • R,kwL !.Mary eta et mtrb a. r,t�e� �. i,t Met warms, wtii yew. '+"rib aDDa tM •f --- Iw-, •f�tsw aed9e rwifftlr strgslyww/ r •64 ones .mem. on• ere iter (•,,.,w.drr rFe+AI�IM tNto '. JOHN MACDONALD, JOHlf MACDOIiA .•!MF. flet pppN1RTIM (» t(ttl/tfftlea TANNesT 0• lw.Da7- Mhz s Ines Msw H ffaN• eeslo tw1Y•stlafa w b drVatrr alefd' Mow ern k InM,a � L IM ASL RH A W i "CLA y'+I. p. ♦ AL�ag �.rftr wM 6N/,t 1,80i[ASD AII101790316, A4*mw A. L C., tan trier., 4w., t7e9ii ► of I�, ft .see. ItiPah N\wN 1y A POLIAM. norm, Ph"W :::°' Q tlwk f►f iIIalNlff/1, Ma+l[ .fed .. Oed.rr,b. orN+t� (7i1 w. �+.�l.a. pplreadm (lark pa. P--,Uoq I .i (:ttderiei. (:. M, t, •'*k'�'li 11f: Eh9111, atgll.InaF"4 plR.rrawa.lNrer� waaef ffeInaal .CelMrw►P. U. (:.!.elle. G(I Flb..'a, -"746,4" 1Ai Air( tw { e Iw Popf.. iML wM . ,, �'"�'� - ' a , - .. , ,,,s ;, °JT e(•a'i,ti.' , •.oils ' 4T'y, 1s€, ,w -t" ,I., �, .., -. <,e,. ,� i� Ir....; , 1 ,,49 94, 111 . e '4? t ..,M,(i, ,.. , .,�.: ( "� n' d : 'Ad ( 6$ fie.. syi[*M . m -z "'. ,.: "' "j'P!'�r �.t�. l% '•q. rKe(,�:`h t' `b• ;'Y> ,r,• "id hyo .... :hr .. ,�,.�p , ,... .�" +o ,.i,,..i ,: .e+. .,',.,.e .,'r:;,. ' .iX p •`h ..r. .., , \ ;.'S,'6 L` lL,:., it {a m i, �"t„s1Ot4> r tv k r ., y plfaar .mgt ^.. f" e L ») ' )i.Ki 1 ,3 f« $ • :.kik i , y1R , ►r �Y a _ e. , .., ."' +'v.. `.Fa ,. .f`.` 41.;Y d >,k=ir„t k,: yew .t, % r. w ° +(' .Any +. .s e. a ,. "f •,. - � + .., ,. r... :.. > w: .. ,'_\. w vii . - .. ... .. ... ^b ,, <... M� .,.y '.:a J,.., e „..,r'•+ •l>` "`'+Gt 1,•,'Mr (' s..' q,; ,. vv (, (::g , ,• e... ..,, t • e ta( -,* f :tg 1, '..._ „- :a * : ': ;?: +!`". +:dita M*:..°yiidk,l,a,a i x, •;1:ikWra^ ' v.sd'a,..:t-est-aiur- F. v..• #4 • - 1,41 a t•• f r 0 •� fuQ. ,B �ll , .., , . , .,.. _. m... ., .. _ .. - ::_ + . , r "., ^. "iLY�..., .w _ . _.r.•._ » �-'„�.,,�-,a..•.- •'..�:ea1a*'& �_ . \h .. � ,