HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-10-27, Page 10Town of Exeter Notice Re Change Of Time Citizens are requested to take notice that the Town of Exeter will change back to Eastern Standard time at Midnite, Saturday, Oct. 29 Signed, ERIC CARSCADDEN, Town Clerk THIS IS THE SALE-OF-THE-YEAR BAINTON LIMITED Annual FACTORY OUTLET SALE - THE OLD MILL - BLYTH, ONTARIO - 523.4413 • WOOL & LEATHER GOODS SPECIALS • STARTING OCT. 26 THROUGH NOV. 19 Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Daily Including Wednesdays - Saturday to 10 p.m, H. 141 11 ,VUMLL MUL ,1,4 00 DISPLAY Man tWindowS/ exol to SIDO Able Agency 575F ralshing" CV e-$6- ngr-lrain wive, 475 St. laroot CO, 111 469 5Th AVE Jr 1.1. SOgen arrsn_St NYS Jr $441.$70 rren St_NYC etal Ay $T 41 6-6 &Otte ou di7/44.1.iitireirie l'arliclAtI7V4).7 ECIU 1110Y/MAII.REC WING 'CLERK 2 • $75- 1 .4 YOO' co. 646 AllIt'ACY: 'BW;Y: CIV ENG-AEC GRADS, TO $7M Sanitary or s1rctl, too 0, fee od Hirt today! PARKER Agency, 1.tu w 4I CLERK MumAlas .4. heating supply ego iirieing • .1,- estanaimo -a.11_ Gt. "-6 9403 4Yikst Aanita LE'24.451.- • WIN firm, vocal Agency 509 -51h A IIKPL-ang mug of-Sae the USA- Alai your sal of $4706.-$300 wk expose acct. CA NCY 7 E 42 T-0111 Ur AGENCIES 160 ewe ENT II ;100 '"'"6'13'X'';' break into'";Ut;ri.'n,r1 il;r4 190 Gloria Agency. 152 W 42 EDItL Acct..,_ matt ego to GOR 42 11240/ I TOBI 'illled xis 16 5 Ay, BUYER asst, salmons shoo exit, to $125 GerardMerrill Agency, 37 W. 39 A ults" cy 507 Pre, h R $9 5t J(P11--ORCE )0pend whole 152 'AGENc CLERk, Ilk O. Y, '104 C 4 E . .CLERK-Tyrkst, twriti 175 . 'HORN -Agency CLERKS.. ogiat Iles, Glum 'Agency 509 $1h CLK/Asst Exec, TV. Gd -detls." Griffith CLK/ Teleyew, exp res 1 .90. • Griffith SK TAN soYs, o‘ccu Joys, ty A COY, tl 1 $75. Kell Voiotia dialtr-N Y C 1/Kaki Boy, 5 0.111 Age /A fC Y,5 .$130 09 Ouse' 5 A, EG NNER.IIR SWIFT AGENCY 509 5 RRAFTSMAH.STRLI yIRA' sth F tf. Waite Arr. 215 Madison (401 KELL OGG TursisT,..rt1.s'tiNItigwag: 1 ',Nita 6,000 0 3-4331 EE, w/wo dm, dsen test egujpi $74M; big aotl. Griffith Agency, 509 5 Ave ELFCL soars. trilrla ,ern. t141+ SO S. ACCURA gents, E m LY 49/8W CONTACT AgencyMNI.. E 41 MU 5 1674 (k:1 CASHIER-CHECKER AKKPR, krm co. $.4 10Y-OffIce,type: nice , A.11 PECIALTY AGENCY. 115 W. 42 RM 70 Abbington Agency. 11 John St COFFEE 511 MGR $125 tiosoi5 0 Trok Triad Agenc-r 11 W 42 CLERICALS-ACCTG $70.85 CO, Re Page 10 October 27 5 Help Wanted 10 Livestock For Sale JERSEY COW, 6 years old, due late October. Phone Lorne Hod- gins, Lucan 2274509. 27c 13 For Sale ICE BANK 65 - can bulk milk cooler, demonstrator, with new unit, new guarantee, 25% under list. Crocker Refrigeration, Dashwood 37R4, 27:3:10c GIRL'S ORLON pile coat, quilt- ed lining, size 10. Phone 262- 2241. 27c 16 Property For Sale 1-STOREY fairly new house fac- ing Victoria park, living room, good kitchen, utility room, oil furnace, bath, two bedrooms, nice lawns, carport foundation. Terms, early possession. W. C, Pearce, Realtor. 234.6467, 2ltfnc 4-BEDROOM house in Dash- wood, white brick, oil furnace, 3-piece bath upstairs, 2-piece bath downstairs, garage. Henry Hoffman, Prop. Phone 85 or 99 Dashwood. 13tfnc ELIMV1LLE - 2-bedroom brick home. New furnace, bath, etc. Must be sold to settle estate. Phone 235-2420. 10:20tfnc 17 Property For Rent 21 Property Wanted 23 Legal. Notices Classified Rates ATTENTION - Voluntary help required as assistant Cubmas- ter. Male or female 20 to 30 yrs. Tuesday evenings. Please call Bob Richardson 235.1222, 27c MALE OR FEMALE - Expe- rienced part time bookkeeper- typist. Apply in person. Wedge the Mover, 141 Main St., Exe- ter. 27* LARGE 5-ROOM apartment in new Taylor apartments with living room with wall - to - wall carpet, frig and stove supplied, washer and dryer. Available December 1. Harold Taylor 235- 0674, 10:27tf no 2-BEDROOM heated apartment in Exeter. Lots of closet space, rent reasonable, available Oct. 15. Call 229-6576 or 235-0906. 13tfnc CLIENT WANTS about 50 acres, good house, barn not important, within 10 miles of Exeter. Write W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, 10 : 13tfnc NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Michael Carey, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Michael Carey, late of the Township of McGillivray, in the County of Middlesex, Labourer, who died on or about the 25th day of October 1957, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 29th day of October 1966, after which date the estate will be distrib- uted having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario, 13:20:27c CASH DISCOUNT RATE If paid within B days First Insertion 4 0 PER WORD (Minimum 80's) 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1961 COMET, stick shift, cus- tom radio and snow tires. Driven by girl, clean condition. Phone 293-3280 evenings and weekends, 20: 27c 34 TON Cornmer window van in good mechanical condition. D.O.T. inspected. No reason- able offer refused, Apply 267 Carling St., Exeter. 20tfnc 1957 CHEV 2-door, good body and motor. Want to sell im- mediately. Contact Bob For- rest, RR Hensall or phone Kirkton 229-6660. 27* 1961 VAUXHALL Victor, rust free, recent valve job, $395 or best offer. Phone 2354683 or ap- ply 72 Thomas St., Exeter, 27c 50-100 ACRE FARM-Good cash crop land, good large house with basement, within 10 miles of Exeter. Apply Box CPV The Exeter Times-Advocate, 27:3* CHESTERFIELD suite, good condition; electric stove; stain- less steel sink with cupboards. Phone 85 or 99 Dashwood. 27c ATTENTION FARMERS - We are unloading a carload of beet pulp, $73.00 per ton. Exeter District Co-operative 235-2081. 27c 22 Notices Second Insertion 3 1 0 PER WORD (Minimum 700) Six Insertions 3 0 PER WORD (Minimum 600) REGISTERED NURSES (Male and Female) NEW DUPLEX apartment - 2 bedrooms, good closet space, very private, full basement, Sanders St. E., close to schools. Phone Eldrid Simmons 235-0526 or Fred Simmons 235-1854. 10:20tfnc NOTICE - Effective Tuesday, November 1, 1966, service at the Bank of Montreal, Crediton will be as follows: Tuesday, 10 a,m. to 3 p,m.; Thursday, 10 a.m, to 3 p.m. 6:13:20:27c and REGISTERED NURSING ASSISTANTS C. V. PICKARD MAN'S BROWN suit, size 38; topcoat, light blue wool, size 40; lady's beige tweed coat, size 10-12. May be seen at Mid- Town Cleaners. 27* DISC PLOW, 4-furrow, in new condition. Contact Emerson Penhale, first farm east of Elimville, Phone 229-8203, 27* GERMAN SHEPHERD, male, 13/4 years old, purebred. Phone 229- 8851 after 6 o'clock. 27:3:10c BY APPOINTMENT at BLUE WATER REST HOME Zurich, Ontario Temporary office: Ph. 236-4373 Opposite Taylor Motors Ltd. 27e FURNISHED apartment on Main Street, Heated, hot water, 3 large rooms, available Oct. 28. Phone 235-2376. 10: 20tfnc RURAL HOUSE - 2 bedrooms, hot and cold running water, bath, oil furnace, partly fur- nished, Phone 40R16 Dashwood. 27* Township of Usborne NOTICE TRUST CERTIFICATES, GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES SEVERAL COMPANIES ALSO NEW ISSUE 20 ¢ EXTRA if not paid in 8 days following publication. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 13 For Sale After November 1st the Us- borne and Blanshard Muni- cipal Dump will be closed except for supervised dump- ing on Saturday afternoons from 1 - 5. No wire, car bodies, cement or stumps will be accepted. H. G. STRANG, CLERK 10:6-11:10c CANADA SAVINGS BONDS In the Estate rane, late of Hensall, in the on, Housewife, about the 21st 1966. of Jennie Coch- the Village of County of Hur- who died on or day of August, Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion-Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion- Per Inch $1.25 Minimum two inches, accepted only in multiples of 1/2. inch. HEAT HOUSER, fits size 30 or 44 Massey tractor. Phone 294- 6528, Albert Wydooghe, RR 8 Parkhill. 27nc PIANO and bench $50.00; 21- inch Admiral TV $35.00; fur- nace gun type oil burner, com- plete, $10.00; 2-wheel trailer, 6 ply tires, deep steel box, $65.00; amplifier, mike, carrying case, speakers, $100.00; air blower, $5.00; air blower complete with motor, $15.00. Phone 236-4059. 27c 9 Services MODERN 3-bedroom house at 121 Gidley E. across from the High School. Large living room and dining room with wall-to- wall broadloom. Kitchen equip- ped with frig, stove, dishwasher and built-in breakfast suite, Full basement tiled for recrea- tion. Available Dec. 1. Phone 235-2146 after 3 o'clock. 10:6tfnc CREDITON - Nice roomy 2- bedroom apartment, good cup- boards, ample closet space, laundry tubs in basement, pri- vate garage, ideal location for senior citizens. Please phone 234-6301. 10:6tfnc MODERN 2-bedroom apartment, unfurnished, living room, din- ing room, den, utility room, private entrance, bath, heated, hot water supplied. Apply Art G-aiser, Elmart Apts. Days 235- 1505; evenings 235-2754. 10:6tfnc APARTMENT - 2-bedroom up- stairs, utilities paid, private en- trance, Phone 235-2427. 11*tfnc UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmon's. Apt. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. •. 12tfne CENTRAL, clean, heated, fur- nished 1-bedroom apartment, Apply 67 John St. E. Phone 235-1185. 9: ltfnc COMFORTABLE two - bedroom apartments, furnished or un- furnished, in Crediton. All utili- ties paid by owner, reasonable rents, available immediately. Phone 234-6336. 9:ltfnx JOIN THE T.O.P.S. club (take off pounds sensibly) at Lucan. Phone 227-4725. 27c USED QUEBEC heater in good condition. Phone 235-1924. 27c PORTABLE TV - Phone 235- 0753. 27c yielding 5,48' to maturity. By allowing interest to accumu- late amount invested will dou- ble by Nov, 1, 1979. Bonds are cashable with ac- cumulated interest at any time. Please phone us and we will call on you at your convenience. C. V. PICKARD--REAL ESTATE 56 John St. E. Phone Res. 9; 29tfnc 235.0414 Creditors and others having claims against the above es- tate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of November, 1966 after which date the estate's assets will be distributed hav- ing regard only to claims that have then been received. PETER L. RAYMOND Barrister & Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors. 27c INVISIBLE MENDLNG - Cuts, tears, burns disappear from suits, clothing, fabrics. C. La- tour, 489 Main St., Exeter, 235- 2263 after 5 p.m. 10:6tfnc FOR YOUR General Insurance needs, fire, auto, etc., and Western Farmers' Weather In- surance, phone Bev Morgan 235-1487. 5tfnc SANITATION SERVICE - Septic tank pumping and drainage re- pairs; installations. For imme- diate service phone Bill Finch 238-2291 Grand Bend. 10:6-12;8* VACUUM CLEANER Sales and service for all makes. Robert K. Peck, Zurich. Phone 262-5350 Hensall. 4tfnc SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Fast, latest equipment. Hensall, Zur- ich and district. Harvey Dale, 527-1406. 10: 27-12 : 29c SWATHING a n d Combining, grain, beans and corn. Contact George Troyer, RR 2 Hensall. 262-5282. 10:27-11;24c REFRIGERATION SERVICE - Commercial, Domestic & farm milk coolers. Neilson Appliance Service, Parkhill. 294-6321. 23tfnc WALNUT BUFFET and china hutch, Phone 235-0693. 27* 2 NEW SNOW tires, size 670x15, and one wheel for Chev car. Phone 262-5583. 27c Classifications TREASURER'S SALE 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10, Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales OF LAND FOR TAXES VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND County of Lambton TO WIT: By virtue of a war- rant issued by the REEVE of the VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND under his hand and seal of the said Corporation bear- ing the date the 30th day of June, 1966, Sale 'of lands in arrears of taxes in the VIL- LAGE OF GRAND BEND will be held at my office 'at the hour of 10 a.m. o'clock (local time) in the morning on the 9th day of November, 1966, un- less the • taxes and costs are sooner paid. - 2 CORDUROY jumpers, size 4- 7; 5 dark cotton dresses, sizes 5.7; red velvet dress, size 7; grey plaid skirt and jacket; blue plaid skirt; brown plaid skirt and top; all size 5-7; dining table and six chairs. Phone 293-3180, 27c 2 SUITS-1 boy's size 16, char- coal; 1 youth's, 37" chest, brown. Excellent condition. Less than half price, Phone 262-2003. 27* 1966 DUCATI, 160 c.c. Just un- dergone extensive overhaul, new head, valves, piston, cyl- inder, etc., very low mileage. Must sell, Call 235-2385. 27tfnc SNOW FENCE - $16.00 per 100' roll. Exeter District Co-opera- tive 235-2081. 27c APPLES - All leading varieties. Give us a call. Victor Jeffery, 235-0387. 13tfnc DRY MIXED slab wood; dry mixed body wood; also good cedar posts. We deliver, Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, or phone 232-4450, Nairn, ,be- tween 5:00 and 7:30, evenings. 8:18tfnc CALL JB AT 1863 1100 BUSHEL all steel corn cribs in stock, $473.00. Exeter District Co-operative 235-2081. 27c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Eric Wayne Mousseau, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Electrician, who died on or about the 22nd day of Septem- ber, 1966. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of November, 1966 after which date the estate's assets will be distributed hav- ing regard only to claims that have then been received, PETER L. RAYMOND Barrister & Solicitor Exeter, Ontario Solicitor for the Administrator FOR RENT - In Exeter. Three bedroom house with oil heat and attached garage. Immedi- ate possession. EXETER - $500.00 down on an older house which needs some paint, determination and elbow grease. A good starter for a young couple. EXETER-Newer two bedroom house located on Main Street. Oil heat, garage and paved driveway. EXETER-Large older home lo- cated on Main Street corner. Oil heat and detached garage. EXETER-New three bedroom with large living room, fire- place and wall-to-wall broad- loom. Full basement with oil heat. 4 BEDROOM house and 40'x60' hollow concrete block shop. Suitable for almost any use. Located on busy paved road. 63 acres within the corporate limits of Exeter on the west side. 55 acres are workable and there is also a large barn set up for laying hens. Approximately 4 acres of land with a good house located in Exeter. Property is zoned and has future development poten- tial. Priced at $11,500.00 and we can arrange a mortgage. 9 3/4 acres and a frame house located on #4 highway south of Exeter. Appraised by VLA at $10,400 but we will let it go at $10,000.00 and arrange a mortgage. COMPLETE LINE Western & English AND Riding Equipment Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for ar- rears of taxes was published in the ONTARIO GAZETTE on the 6th day of August, 1966, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. TREASURER'S OFFICE, this 30th day of June, 1966. MURRAY A. DES JARDINS, Treasurer. 8:11-11:3c .-- Also - RACE HORSE HARNESS AND HOBBLES, ETC., ETC. USED SADDLES ON HAND 1 Lost, Strayed ALUMINUM windows, doors, awnings, siding, porch and step railings, columns, etc. Call us for free estimates. Walker Alu- minum Sales, 17 Nelson St., Exeter. Phone 235-0722 (collect). 9tfnc STRAYED - Onto Lot 34, Con. 5, Biddulph, a black steer. Owner can have same if prop- erly identified, paying for this ad and grass. Mrs. G. Ryan, RR 1 Lucan. 20:27:3* ANYONE wishing whitewashing or disinfecting barns for brucel- losis, contact Bill Watson, call 37R19 Dashwood. 23tfnc EXETER NURSING HOME-24- hour nursing care, moderate rates. Mrs. R. Iles, 30 Sanders St. Phone 235-0810. 17tfnc SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED - Immediate s e r v i c e, always available. Harold Butler, Lucan, phone 227-4254 or 227-4312 col- lect. 10:4tfnc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum clean- ed. No mess, no fuss, speedy service. Phone Grand Bend 238- 2031 or 238-2166. 8 : 8tfnc RON SWARTZ 18 For Rent 27c CLANDEBOYE Dealer for Calgary Saddle Co. CLOWN SUITS, adult size - Exeter Kinette Club, phone 235- 1687. 27c 3 Male Help Wanted DACHSHUNDS, Toy Manchester and Fox Terriers, smooth, short coated pets. Visitors, inquiries invited. Macintosh, Clandeboye, 227-4598, Closed Sundays. 9tfnc T-A Want-Ads Get Results ROUTE SALESMAN - W a g e, plus commission. Opportunity for the right person. Phone 482-9134 Clinton. 20:27c 27c FLOOR SANDERS, electric - Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfnc PRESS PLATES - Suitable for lining garages, farm buildings, etc. Aluminum .009, 23" x 35". Doug May, phone 235-0953. 13:20:27nc 14 Wanted To Buy 19 For Sale or Rent MEDIUM-SIZED coal Quebec heater with good grates and in good condition. Phone 234-6359 evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. 27c Career Opportunities HOUSE in Hensall. Four bed- rooms, new oil furnace, modern kitchen 'and bathroom. Reason- ably priced for quick sale. Phone 262-2226. 10:6tfnc BRUCE REFRIGERATOR Sales & Service, Grand Bend. We sell the best and service the rest. Phone 238-2385. 10: 13tfnc FERGUSON 20-85 tractor, good condition, equipped with fully hydraulic Davis loader. Con- tact Jack Taylor 229-6472. 9 : 29tfnc FURNITURE BY WEBSTER REFINISHING CUSTOM DESIGNED GOOD USED piano for Lucan United Church. Contact treas- urer 227-4714 Lucan. 27c 3-BEDROOM house, hot water heating, large living room with dining area, broadloom fug, full basement. Phone 235-2803. 20:27* STUDIO COUCH, 2-piece ches- terfield suite, clean, in good condition. Phone 235-2056 after 6 p.m. and in the morning. 27c GOOD CLEAN used furniture; also house lots of furniture. Contact R. S. Tozer, Auctioneer, P.O. Box 550 Parkhill stating phone number or phone 294- 6948 days or 238-2779 evenings. 25tfne The Bank of Montreal is pres- ently providing exceptional op- portunities for qualified young men seeking a career. CHRISTMAS TREES - (Scotch Pine) 500 and up, from 3 to 12 ft. Jerry Van Leeuwen, RR 2, Grand Bend, 33 /4 miles south of town on hwy 21. Phone 238- 2757. 6:13:20:27* CORN PICKER, 1-row Interna- tional, $75.00 or best offer. 262- 5150 Hensall. 20:27c CREDITON - Brick, cottage style house, 3 bedrooms, living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, 3-piece bath, hot water heating, on Main St+, Crediton, Contact 234-6281 after 5 p.m. 20:27c Phone 235-0680 They offer rapid advancement, competitive salaries and many supplementary benefits. JOHN BURKE WEBSTER SIGNS Limited Real Estate General Insurance Mortgages Devon Building, 476 Main St. Phone 235-1863 10:27tfnc Victoria St., Exeter 5tfnc Inquire at your local branch for particulars. 20 Wanted To Renl GOOD STANDING TIMBER - Apply Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig or phone Nairn 232-4450 before 8:30 a.m, or after 5:00 p.m. 9:ltfnc DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL BACHELOR school teacher re- quires room or small apart- ment or would like to purchase house or apartment. Apply Box 850 The Exeter Times-Advocate. 9:22-10:27* Warehouse Sale BANK OF MONTREAL 17 Property for Rent 27:3:10:17c Maytag Washers and Dryers with Blanket; Wringer Washers; Kelvinator Ranges, Refrigera- tors and Freezers; Bedroom Furniture and our reliable Pos- ture Zone Built Mattress, guar- anteed for 5 years at only $39.95. Warehouse on James Street. Office Apt, 107 above Canadian Tire Store, FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS - Call Collect - DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Phone Clinton HU 27269 Dead Animal Licence No. 25-C-66 12tfnc 16 Property For Sale NICELY FURNISHED steam heated apartment, centre of town. Elliot Apts,, 442 Main St. Phone 235-2912. 13tfnc 13/4 STOREY house available on or before Nov. 1. Phone 235- 1377, 10 : 13tfnc FARM - 50 acres, 35 work- able, 35 plowed, Bruce Thomp- son 238-2385. 13:20:27:3c 4 female Help Wanted 'Tis Hallowe'en . but there's nothing scary about T-A Want Ads TWO BUILDING LOTS-Exeter at 402 and 406 Edward Street, 3 blocks from post office and stores. C. V. Laughton, 235-0441. 20:27c CASH IN on the big Fall and Christmas selling season. Rep- resent Avon in your neighbor- hood. Territory available in Ex- eter or Hay Township. Call col- lect tonight Mrs. M. Millson, London 451-0541. 13:20:27c ACCURATE part-time typist for statistical work, $1.35 per hour, bookkeeping experience helpful but not essential. Hours ne- gotiable. Must have own trans- portation. Box CMJ The Exeter Times-Advocate. 27c PART-TIME typist and recep- tionist for local accountants' office. Phone 235-0120 for ap- pointment, 27c WAITRESS WANTED, full and part time, Apply in person at Rether's Restaurant. 27c HOUSE - 2 bedrooms, utility room, basement, oil heat, low taxes and heat, sewers avail- able, 3 blocks from uptown. easy terms. 235.1483 or apply 373 Marlborough St. 27:3c EXETER - 3 bedroom, brick home and lot located on Huron Street. Terms may be arranged. For further particulars, contact Industrial Mortgage & Trust Company, Forest, Ontario, or our representative, John Burke Limited, Exeter, Ontario. 9 : 15tfn c SEVEN-ROOM house, fenced lot, bath up and down, oil heat, town sewer, Evenings, 170 Car- ling St. 25tfnc OXFORD DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTD. SANDY ELLIOT LARGE 2-bedroom self-contain- ed apartment, furnished or un- furnished, separate entrance, Apply 181 William St. oirp3hteinn ee SMALL235-0736. o:i STORE, could be used for office; reasonable. Apply Ersman's Bakery. 27;3* 2-BEDROOM house, half mile from Denfield, with new oil furnace. Phone Nairn 232-4343, 27c 13tfnc 1 cent per pound for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses. Small animals also picked up. 24-hour service 7-day week JIM MURRAY & SON Call collect Hickson 462-2614 License Number 2 C 66 We go any place any time. 3ltfnc APPLES-Pick your own Spys, Also picked: Kings, McIntosh, Sweets, Greenings, Snows, De- licious, Russets, Baldwins, etc. Open on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Phone 482-3214. Fred McClymont & Son, I mile south of Varna. 20:27c TODDLER'S snow suit white orlon pile jacket, blue nylon pants with mittens and boots size to fit 1-2 years. Can be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners. 27* ANTIQUE WALNUT chest of drawers, Phone 235-2406, 27* WINDFALL APPLES - Macs & COurtlands. Call evenings only, Wilfred Mousseau 2 3/4 miles west of Hensall. Dial 236-4110. 270 COMMERCIAL SPACE, approxi- mately 900 sq, ft. Ideal for small business. Phone 235-0680, Don Webster, Victoria St. 27:3:10:17c 4-ROOM apartment in Exeter north, furnished or unfurnished, ground floor, private entrance, heated, available immediately. Phone 235-0512. 10:27tfnc 10 Livestock For Sale 5 Help Wanted OPENINGS NOW FOR men or women to distribute nationally known products in this area. Training given, good income, part et full time. Write G. A. LeOnard, 42 Craig St., London for appointment. 9:22-10:27c OWNER TRANSFERRED ....Must sell. Four or five bedroom modern bungalow styled home, attached garage, large living room, dining room, 2 baths, divided basement, reasonable terms. 404 Edward St., Phone 235-2835. 10: 20tfne REGISTERED SUFFOLK rani lambs, Apply to Alan Wright, RR 3 Ailsa Craig. Phone 294- 6762. 20:27* HOLSTEIN heifers due in No- vember. Joe Van Dongen, RR 2 Grand Bend, 238-2618. 27:3:10c