HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-10-20, Page 20BISHOP VOCKLER
Adults 504
Children under 12 free
accompanied by adults
The new 1967 cars from Chortles Auto Sales; Dobbs Motors Ltd.; Hensall
Motors Ltd.; Mothers Bros. Ltd.; Snell Bras. Ltd.; Larry Snider Motors
Ltd.; South End Service; Taylor Motors Ltd.
Comedian Ben Lucas, appearing in two shows Thursday night.
Guest appearance by Marjorie Schofield, Miss Ontario, Friday night.
The judging and crowning of Miss Kinsmen Auto Show Friday night.
Free Coffee and Donuts each evening, compliments of your
Toastmaster salesmen: George Pratt, Virgil McNabb.
100 Free roses each evening to the first 100 ladies,
compliments of Crescent Finance.
Oct. 20 - 21, 8 p.m.
Marjorie Schofield, Miss Ontario
age 20 Tinne§-Aclvocate, Octot7er 20, 1966
Leaves today and
arrives day before
Anglicans from churches
across Huron County will Meet
this Friday (October 21) in St.
George's Church, Goderich, to
hear one of the youngest and most
dynamic Bishops of the Anglican
The Right Reverend J, C. Vock-
ler became a bishop seven years
ago at the age of 36. His diocese
of Polynesia is the largest in area
of any in the worldwide Anglican
Communion, although it has been
described as "mostly wind and
It covers an area of eleven
million square miles in the South
Pacific, and straddles the Inter-
national Date Line. This means
that Bishop Vockler can leave
Fiji one day, fly for 4 1/2 hours,
and arrive in Samoa the day be-
fore all without leaving his
The Diocese includes the Fiji
Islands and the Gilbert and Ellis
Islands which are British Colon-
ies, Tonga which is a self-gov-
erning kingdom, Western Samoa
now independent but formerly a
New Zealand Trust Territory and
Tahiti which is French.
The service, to which all mem-
bers of the public will be wel-
comed, will begin at 8:00 p,m.
and will be conducted by the Rec-
tor of St. George's, the ReV.G.G.
Russell, and the Rural Dean of
Huron, the Rev, J. P, Gandon,
Exeter, Joint choirs from Huron
County's Anglican churches will
lead the singing.
Following the service there is
to be an informal Coffee Hour in
the Parish Hall so that members
of the congregation may chat with
the bishop and ask him questions,
This service is one of a series
of eleven at which Bishop Vockler
will speak during his visit to the
Anglican Diocese of Huron.
Man dies at
Mt. Carmel
Plow Match
Mrs. Catherine Morrissey has
returned home after a very plea-
sant trip visiting with relatives
on West coast.
Mr & Mrs Ray Ducharme and
daughter Sarnia, spent week-end
with Mr & Mrs Gerald O'Rourke,
The community here were sad-
dened by the sudden death of Mr
Roy Dietrich Monday morning.
For the past few months he has
been caretaker at Mt Carmel
church and will be greatly
Mr & Mrs Hubert Carey visited
with Mr & Mrs Paul Masse of
Windsor over week-end and at-
tended Etue-Galvin Wedding,
Several families attended the
International Plowing Match held
at Seaforth last week.
Mr & Mrs Joseph Carey &
Mr & Mrs Jim Carey spent week-
end in Detroit and attended the
Etue-Galvin wedding,
Mr & Mrs Ted Dietrich and
Mr & Mrs Milford Dietrich,
Windsor visited with relatives
over week-end.
Miss Peggy Hall has accepted
a position in Vancouver; Mr &
Mrs Kerr Marshall and boys
Peterborough visited with Mr &
Mrs John Hall Sr over week-
end and with John Hall Jr of
Vancouver while home on a hol-
Mr, & Mrs. Cleve P ul 1 m an
were Sunday visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. George Pullman, Mitchell.
Mrs. Alex Baillie r ec eived
word Wednesday of the sudden
death of her friend, Mrs. Ruth
McClean, London.
Mr. & Mrs. Len Powell and
Heather, London, Mr, & Mrs.
Cliff Rawlings and Glenn, Clan-
deboye, visited Sunday with Mr.
& Mrs. Alton Neil.
Miss Sophia Richard, Listowel
visited Wednesday with Mr. &
Mrs. J. Finkbeiner.
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hodgson and
Brian were in London Sunday
visiting with Mr. & Mrs. Wm.
Mr. & Mrs.• J. Finkbeiner and
family visited in London Sunday
with Dr. George and Mrs. Fink-
Mrs. Myrtle Shorthill and Miss
Cara Nuttycomb, London were
Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs.
Alex Baillie.
Mr. & Mrs. McLeod Mills and
family were Sunday guests of Mr.
& Mrs. Gordon Johnson.
— Continued from page 13
people, Miles reported.
The Huron official paid trib-
ute to those who had worked so
hard in planning the event and
arranging for the county ex-
hibits, the 1 at t er consituting
some of the highlights of the
"It was very well done," Miles
stated In reference to the display
of livestock, produce, museum
articles and the exhibition put on
by the Hog Producers.
One of the awards of the Inter-
national Plowing Match will re-
main close to the 1966 site for
at least one year.
Miss Amy Stewart, of the host
township, McKillop, and daugh-
ter of Huron County Warden Ken
Stewart captured the "Queen of
the Furrow" title.
Another title just missed com-
ing closer to home. Exeter's
mayor, Jack Delbridge, display-
ed his plowing skills and was
judged second best in a field of
eight mayors from Western On-
tario. The local representative
was edged by Erwin C. Rier of
The southern part of Huron
county was well represented in
the general plowing competitions
by Charles and John Becker and
Glenn Miller of Dashwood and
Allen Hayter, Parkhill.
Each of the above-mentioned
young men had their names ap-
pear three times on the official
list of winners.
The local entrants placed well
up in each of their divisions,
some of which contained as many
as 28 entries,
John Becker and Glenn Miller
represented South Huron in the
inter-secondary school competi-
tion that was won by Waterford
District high school.
John Feagan, RR 3 Goderich,
also showed well in three class-
es entered, taking athird inclass
15, against eight opponents,
Enjoy 'hay ride'
at Thames Road
The Youth Fellowship Club en-
joyed a hay ride Saturday evening,
Messrs Victor Jeffery and Almer
PaSsmore were the tractor driv-
They all returned to the church
for games and lunch.
The church was decorated with
various colors of mums for the
anniversary service Sunday
morning with the Rev. Stewart
Miher as the minister. The choir
sang an anthem accompanied by
the organist, Miss Agnes Bray,
Mr. Ross Rowe also provided
music on the plane.
Quite a number of relatives
and friends attended the service
among some of them were:
Mr. & Mrs. John Selves, Mr.
& Mrs. William Lamport of Ex-
eter, Mr. tarry Matz of Shipka
with Mr. & Mrs. Lee Webber;
Mr. & MRS, Melvin Gardiner
Of Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Olen
Stewart, Janke, Sandra and Mi-
chael, Miss JoAnne Hodgert with
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Stewart;
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ben, Mr.
& Mrs. ttobert Bell, Linda and
Alan of frensall, Mrs. Alfred.
Hunkin of Exeter with Mr. & Mrs.
Wilfred Huhkim Mr. & Mrs, Gerald Gilitiour,
• Paul and David of Lucan,
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Strapp, Laurie,
Michael and Jamie of London,
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bray, Ro-
bert, Janet and Ruth with Mr. &
Mrs. John Bray and Agnes;
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Kerslake
of Exeter with Mr. & Mrs. Glenn
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Hodge, Barry
and Betty Ann of Mount Pleasant
with Mr. & Mrs. Reg Rodgert;
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Morley,
Ralph and Karen of Exeter with
Mr. & Mrs. William Rohde;
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Brock of
Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Brock,
Karen and Merton of Zion with
mr. & Mrs. Edwin Miller;
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Williams,
Mrs. Preston of Exeter with Mr.
& Mrs. Robert Cann;
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Thomson
and family of Woodhani with Mr.
& Mrs. Glenn Jeffery.
& Mrs. James Hodgert of
Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Gordontiog-
garth of Staffa, Mr. & Mrs. Ar-
nold Cahn, Judith and Bradley,
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Hodgert, Diane
and Alan were Saturday everting
guests with Mr. & Mrs. Reg
Many people from this com-
munity attended the International
Plowing Match at Seaforth last
Mr. & Mrs. boss Hodgert,
Diane and Alan were Sunday
guests with Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne
Tinney of Exeter.