HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-10-13, Page 14this Sunday, Wednesday afternoon and during the evening throughout the week, South End Service at_111( , )p) (El v 1 "If he doesn't go for this, you wouldn't want him," LOOK AT THE SPECIALS Better than new '65 METEOR tudor, radio, automatic, 19,000 miles. Make us a bid. '65 METEOR 2-door hardtop, completely equipped, A96169. '66 MORRIS, Model 1100, white with red, new. '63 METEOR sedan, A95192, '62 FORD Galaxie sedan, new paint, 6 cyl, automatic, ex- cellent condition, A96507. '62 PONTIAC 2-door, A92104. SOUTH-END SERVICE Russ & Chuck Snell Exeter — 235-2322 Page 14 Times-Advocate, October 13, 1966 After some big game' Many visitors for Woodham service Rovers get sore feet Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hazel- wood were Monday guests with Mrs. Arthur Hopkins. Mr., & Mrs. Fred Parkinson, Brenda, Margaret and. Janet spent the weekend at Capreol and Sud- bury visiting friends and rela- tives. Larry Willert managed to hag a rabbit, They started on their home- ward journey later in the after- noon, The boys wish to thank all those Who bought bacon-burgers at the Exeter fair and those who had their cars washed by the Rovers as proceeds from these events made the outing possible. Trucks for the outing were supplied by Dinney Furniture and Larry Snider Motors. spent in watching members bob- bing in cold, rough Miller Lake after tumbles from the group's canoe. The afternoon was spent in Lions Head where they climbed cliffs and annoyed "nature lovers". 0 n Sunday night, to promote bilingualism and biculturalism, the boys played French a nd British. Monday was cool and damp and so little hunting was done although Lodge install new officers. r LSMFT ACT NOW... HENSALL The meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge was held Wednesday, Oc- tober 5, with Noble Grand Mrs. George Clifton presiding. Miss Jean Scott, District Deputy pre- sident and her installing staff of Seaforth Huron District 23, in- stalled the officers. P.N.G. is Mrs. George Clifton; Noble Grand, Mrs. Lindsay Eyre; Vice Grand, Mrs. Jack Corbett; recording secretary, Mrs. Leona Parke; financial secretary, Mrs. E. Chipchase; treasurer, Mrs. Ed. Corbett; warden, Mrs. Earl Campbell; conductor, Mrs. Elgin Thomson; chaplain, Mrs. John Taylor; musician, Mrs. William Fuss; color wearer, Mrs. How- ard Lemmon; R.S.N.G., Mrs. Inez McEwen; L. S. N.G., Mrs. Clarence Volland; R.S.V.G., Mrs. Harold Parker; L.S.V.G., Mrs. Glenn Bell; Inside Guardian, Mrs. Wm. Kyle; Out- side Guardian, Mrs. John Ingram. Noble Grand Mrs. Clifton pre- sented DDP Miss Scott with a corsage and gift on behalf of the Lodge, and N.G. Mrs. Clifton was presented with her past Grand's jewel by Miss Scott. "Happy Birthday" was sung for five members. The installation team received congratulations on their splendid work in installing officers. After the meeting a country store con- ducted by Mrs. Wm. Kyle did a rushing business. Lunch was served in the lower hall. Blessed with ideal weather, the Thanksgiving holiday proved to be an eventful one for the Exeter Rover Crew. They enjoyed a weekend of hunting, camping and just plain fun in the area of Bruce Peninsula. Making the trip were; Barry McKnight, Dave Grainger, Bob Higgins, Brian Hogarth, Bill Din- ney, Dennis Hockey, Fred Sim- mons, Paul Drysdale and Jim parsons, accompanied by Rover Leader Bruce Shaw and their s qu ir es, Doug Beaver, Dave Frayne and Larry Willert. They left at 4;30 Friday, and without being lost very often, reached Stokes Bay around 9;00 p.m., setting up camp at Miller Lake. On Saturday they arose at the crack of dawn (11;00 a.m.) so they could get an early start at hunting. They went into the bush around noon where they encount- ered the first wildlife (not count- ing the bat on Friday night), Bill Dinney managed to bag a duck, while Larry Willert and Paul Drysdale shot a rattlesnake. Wil- lert also bagged another rattler trophy later in the outing. Anxious to get at "the really big stuff", the lads decided there was only one man capable of lead- ing them to it,— Vince Elliot, a cottage owner on Stokes Bay. The "excursion" through what has to be some of the densest bush and over some of the hardest rocks in Canada, proved to be a little more than a nature hike (and a primitive reducing plan) as the animals had managed to take cover from the intruders. A dance Saturday night at Stokes Bay proved to be "inter- esting". The boys claimed they couldn't find a church within several miles, s o Sunday morning was Rovers load up grub for trip Persons watching the Exeter Rovers load food for their Thanksgiving excursion could be excused for thinking the lads were anticipating a stay of several weeks in the bush. They had box after box of food, although reports indicate very little returned unused. The lads spent the weekend in the Stokes Bay area. Shown above, from the left: Doug Beaver, Brian Hogarth, Bill Dinney, Jim Parsons and Barry McKnight. T-A photo Clandeboye ladies send bale to Saugeen Indians 17owa eaftic4 Sun Parlor, a rest home in Leam- ington. Mr. and Mrs. Clance Millson and family had Mr. and Mrs. J. Busywick of Cobourg as holiday guests. Mrs. Emily Tomes had her family Monday, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Sawyer, David, Andrea from petrolia and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lynn, Debbie, Philip and Diane, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tomes and George of Centralia. Mrs. H. Pfile dies in hospital By MRS. J. H. PATON CLANDEBOYE Mrs. Rea Neil entertained the United Church ladies Tuesday evening. President Mrs. Char- lie Coughlin was in the chair. Scripture was read by Mrs. Alex Macintosh and devotions taken by Mrs. Arnold Blake with 10 attending. A bazaar was planned for Sat- urday, Nov. 12 to be held at the church at 2:30 pm. A bale is being prepared to send to Saugeen Re- serve at Southampton the last of the month. Lunch was served by Mrs. Jim Donaldson and Mrs. Rupert Wil- liams and the hostess. Buy this Ford 6000 Commander during the month of October AND RECEIVE FREE Luther of Parkhill visited Mrs. J. H. Paton last Tuesday. Mrs. Jim Donaldson underwent surgery Thursday at St. Joseph's Hospital. St. James Church was repre- sented by Mrs. Karl O'Neil, Mrs. Almer Hendrie, Mrs. Omar Cun- ningham and Mrs. Emily Tomes at the fall Deanery of West Mid- dlesex with Mrs. Ernol Cunning- ham, president of the Women's Auxiliary. A change in the date of St. James Church bazaar is set for Oct. 29 at 2:00 pm at the church. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Davis of the village have sold their property to Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Manders of Lucan and will move back to London where they had lived. They will take up residence Nov. 1 on Merlin St. Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Gebel visit- ed New York and returned after a week, also visited Rochester, N.Y. and visited Mrs. Kather- ine Roberts and son Billy and also Mr. & Mrs. Emil Schmuck and son. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Simpson had her family call over the weekend. Last weekend Mr. and Mrs. Simpson visited with friends Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bloomfield at Philco Portable TV THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving services wer e observed at both C land eboye churches. At St. James Church the rector the Rev, E. 0. Lan- caster took the service of Holy Communion and gave a Thanks- giving message. At the United Church the Rev. G. W. Sach had a guest speaker, the Rev. Maurice Plaits, BA of Melbourne United Church. He is a returned missionary and was an army chaplain in Germany. with a chance in a draw for BRONCO, RANCHERO OR RANGER STYLESIDE TRUCK HENSALL Mrs. Henry Pfile, of Waterloo, formerly of Hensall, passed away Monday, October 10, in Kitchen- er-Waterloo Hospital in her '76th year. The former Edith Durst she was born in Hay Township, and while a resident of Hensall, she was active in choir work in Hensall United Church. Her hus- band, who died in 1957, was a businessman here. Surviving are one sister Mrs. Edgar Geil of Waterloo; two brothers, Albert, Vancouver, B.C.; and Ezra, Detroit. Public funeral services will be held from Bonthron Funeral Home Thursday, Oct. 13, con- ducted by Rev. H. F. Currie. Interment will be in Dashwood EUB cemetery. FREE FINANCING on all Ford tractors and equipment till March 31, 1967 HOLIDAY VISITORS Mr. & Mrs. Peter Banks and daughter Cindy of Sarnia spent the weekend with Mrs. Bank's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Simpson and visited Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Carter, Stephen, Kevin and Joanne. Mr. & Mrs. James Maynard of Chatham with Mrs. Maynard's grandmother, Mrs. Almer Hend- rie for the weekend. Mr. & Mrs. Andy Carter visit- ed Mrs. Carter's niece and fam- ily, Mr. & Mrs. Willis Brown and children Clarence and Isabel at Streetsville. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Hills, Stev- en, Scott and Mary Beth of Kit- chener spent Thanksgiving week- end with Mrs. Norah Taylor and Mrs. R. McInnis, town. Mr. & Mrs. William Pollen of Milton spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Pollen and Mr. & Mrs. Norman Walper. Mrs. Le Ellen Geiger of Ken- neth Square, Penn., is visiting Mrs. Valeria Armstrong and oth- er relatives. Mr. & Mrs. George Pearson of Burgessville visited at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. & Mrs. William Batten and visited their new grandson, Steven William, in South Huron Hospital. Miss Jane Southcott of Alma College, St. Thomas, spent the holiday weekend with her par- ents, Mr. & Mrs. Robert South- cott. Mrs. Nora Sylvester and Jud- ith of Sarnia visited with friends in town over the Thanksgiving weekend, Miss Judith was a guest of Miss Elizabeth Snell. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Witmer and .family, Woodstock spent Thanks- giving with Mr. & Mrs. Wes Witmer. Miss Debbie Johnston of Alma College, St. Thomas, and Mrs. L. M. Johnston of Stratford visit- ed with Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Johnston for the weekend. By MRS. ROSS SKINNER Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques enjoyed a motor trip to North- ern Ontario on the holiday week- end. Mrs. Wm. Routly returned home last week after spending six weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rannie and family of Lon- don. Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Routly were Mr. and Mrs. Don Willcox, Scott and Lori Anne of Kitchener, Mrs. Lena Willcox of St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rannie, Joanne, David and Susan of Lon- don.Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skin- ner attended the 25th wedding anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Robinson of Woodham Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skin- ner and Sandra spent Thanks- giving with Mr. and Mrs. Bev Skinner of Exeter. USED TRACTORS, PLOWS, IMPLEMENTS Friends shower bride with gifts 11•111100•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CARS Dobbs for Dodge 1952 FORD sedan. A96889 $ 75 1958 FORD sedan. A96940 $150 1957 FORD Fairlane sedan, a gem. 957847 $300 1959 FORD sedan, 6 automatic. A96991 $590 1960 VALIANT sedan. 995253 $450 1961 METEOR Wagon, 6 cyl., automatic. 82953X $890 1961 FALCON wagon, very low mileage, solid. 91018X $975 1961 BELAIR coach. A95227 $1,050 1964 FALCON sedan. E9767 $1,390 1962 FORD sedan, new motor. A95484 $1,050 1965 FORD sedan. A94683 $2,400 1963 RAMBLER 660 sedan. A96915 $1,390 1963 MERCURY 2-door, V-8 standard, radio. A94614 $1,450$2740 1964 FORD Galaxie 500 4-door hardtop, loaded. E9252 $1,990 1965 FORD wagon, a beauty. 87825X PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Charles Coughlin and daughters Kathy and Karen entertained for Thanksgiving Mrs. Coughlin's sister, Mrs. and Mr. David Butler and sons, Tom- my, Ricky and Robby of Guelph. Another guest was Mr. Eugene Bice, a teacher of art in Tor- onto, with his sisters and fam- ilies. Last week, Mr. & Mrs. Wil- fred Cunningham had their daugh- ter Mrs. and Mr. Arnold Harper and family Joan, Jimmy andDon- ald of St. Paul's and their son, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cunningham and daughters Kimberley, Tracy and Jill of London. Mr. & Mrs. Aubery Davidson of Thedford and Mrs. Margaret Be sure to see the event of the year "SEAFORTH PLOWING MATCH" and the Chrysler display See you there HE NSALL Mrs. James Bisback, a recent bride, was honored at a miscel- laneous presentation held at the Legion Hall Friday evening, Oc- tober 7 when she was the recipi- ent of many beautiful gifts. Pre- sentation address was read by Mrs. Garnet Allan and presenta- tion of gifts were by Mrs. T. Kyle Jr. and Mrs. George Shiels. Entertainment included Bingo in charge of Mrs. Kyle and Mrs. Allan. In charge of arrangements were Mrs. Shiels, Mrs. Kyle, Mrs. R. Vanstone and Mrs. Dave Ingram. Mrs. Bisback, the former Pat- ricia Sass of Chatham, and her husband are attending University of Western Ontario. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bisback of Hensall. TRUCKS By MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE WOODHAM The annual church anniversary WaS held Sunday with Rev. John King BA in charge of the service, Misses Sharon and Darlene Mills of London rendered a duet, An anthem was also sung by the choir. The church auditorium was very appropriately decor ated with flowers, fruits and vege- tables for Thanksgiving Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mills and girls and Mrs. Laurence Mills of London, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Levy and family of St. Marys, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Mills of Exeter were Sunday guests with Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills. Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler and David, Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods and Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skin- ner of Elimville, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sinclair and family of Lon- don, Miss Phyllis Brogg and Bob Woods of Woodstock were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Woods were celebrating their twenty-fifth wedding anniver- sary. Mr. and Mrs. Don Brine and Cheryl spent the weekend in Northern Ontario. Mrs. Lloyd Smith spent a couple of days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock of Detroit. Messrs. Douglas, Dennis and Michael Webb spent the weekend with their sister , Mrs. Wm Crago. Mr. Crago and family of Pembroke. Mrs. John Butters, Mrs. Jesse Jaques, Mrs. Lloyd Jaques and Mrs. Arthur Hopkins attended the funeral of the late Elmer Selves from the Heath-Leslie Funeral Home, Mitchell, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny and Mary of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shamblaw of Kirkton were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beckett and girls. Miss Brenda McCurdy of Kirk- ton visited Sunday with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Aren- thals, Beth and Barbara of Lucan were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mills, Doris and Keith. Mr. and Mrs. John Constable of London, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gunning, Larry, Steven, Randy and Terri of Toronto were week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, Betty Jean and Bob. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Passmore and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart and family of Thames Road, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Kirk- by of Kirkton, Mr. Charles Brine, of Base Line, Mrs. Edgar Rodd of Exeter were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. La Verne Rodd and family. Mrs. Robert Rundle and Jack visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Culver and Kenneth of Lobo. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Rundle and Larry, Mrs. Wilson Brintnell and Barry of Kirkton were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brintnell, Terri and Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones and Fred, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Rodd of Exeter were Saturday evening guests and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buckley and family, Mrs. Catherine Miller of Napanee, Mr. Ray Miller of Lis- towel, Miss Betty Mitchell of Molesworth were guests with Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, Betty Jean and Bob. Miss Doris Mills visited Mon- day with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Arenthals and girls of Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer and Barbara of Shipka, Mr. Frank Levy, Hilda and Helen of Trans- vaal, Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson Warren, Sandra and Perry of Lakeside were Sunday guests with Mr. Jack Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Fletcher of Conquest, Sask., visited Thurs- day with Mrs. Robert Rundle. Mrs. Lorne Doupe and Jean of Science Hill visited Tuesday evening with Mrs. Arthur Hop- kins. Mr. Ernie Vodden was a guest Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Laur and family of Port Elgin were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johns and family. Announce New Healing Substance: Shrinks Piles 1949 CHEVROLET 3/4 ton. C65176 $100 1956 FORD stake. New motor this spring. Y2587 $750 1958 CHEVROLET pick-up. C71958 $350 1961 CHEVROLET pick-up, long wide box. C1769 $990 1963 CHEVROLET pick-up, long wide box. C72054 . $1,290 1965 FARGO pick-up. C73279 $1,600 We extend A WARM WELCOME $1,175. $1.049. $1,100. $ 795. $ 795. 1963 VOLKSWAGEN 1500 station wagon. One owner, clean. Lic. 87552X 1962 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON Ready to go. Lic. 9081X 1962 FORD 6 cyl. two-door. One owner, like new. Lic. 46746 1962 ENVOY SEDAN Clean and nice; one owner, Lic. 97831 1962 DODGE SEDAN V-8 automatic, one owner. Lic. E6567 to all who participate in the INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH AT SEAFORTH Before you buy just try The '67 Chrysler Models! DOBBS MOTORS LTD. LARRY SNIDER mOTORSntgbf.r,A1FReRAtt;1%UCKS Exclusive hea ling substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids and repair damaged tissue. A renowned research institute has found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor- rhoids painlessly It relieves itching and discomfort in minutes and speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissue. In case after case, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction (shrinkage) took place. Most important of all—results were so thorough that this improve- ment was maintained over a period of many months. This was accomplished with a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) which quickly helps heal injured cells and stimulates growth of new tissue. Now Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- ment and suppository form called Preparation H. Ask for it at all drug stores. Satisfaction or your money refunded. 235.1250 216 Main South, Exeter 235-1486 •04111411141111/001110410410000001111004111111/4111111411000411 40000