HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-10-06, Page 18TOP VALU PLAIN CHEESE SLICES,. ALLSWEET PARCHMENT MARGARINE... THE BEST OF ElleRYTWING FOR L) )n ) WE GIVE THANKS FOR A BOUNTIFUL HARVEST AND FOR THE GOOD FELLOWSHIP WHICH IS ENJOYED DURING THIS OCCA- SION. JOIN WITH US IN THANKSGIVING AND REJOICING. WE HAVE ESPECIALLY SELECTED TURKEYS, HAMS, FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AND A MATCHLESS GROUP- ING OF CANNED FOODS TO HELP YOU IN PREPARING A SPECIAL MENU FOR THIS SPECIAL DAY. ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT. S 8 INCLUSIVE WE RESERVE THE OUGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES OCEAN SPRAY (Whole or Jellied) TOP VALU UNSWEETENED 0\ CRANBERRY SAUCE m um also 49. TINS TopAPPLE JUICE \taw \ woo 110 ,„, 448-0Z. ,t5. 1 TINS a AYLMER CHOICE Fruit Cocktail 1S-Oz. 99 TINS CHEEZ WHIZ 2.j•labr. $61 19 KRAFT RICK'S Yum Yum Pickles 48-oz. Jar 69c RED ROSE ALL PURPOSE GRIND COFFEE Bag 79c 79c 21C51a/r2t ;7. 25c CARAMELS MOTHER PARKER'S TEA BAGS • • • GRANDMA MOLASSES Pkg. of 60 BASSETT'S LIQUORICE ALLSORTS.. 2 10:1 $1.00 FROZEN Bag Poly 49c • • • FRASERVALE FANCY GREEN PEAS. HIGHLINER FROZEN COD FILLETS. • • • pl-g. 390 lb. 16-oz. E914 Pkg. OCIA Pkgs. Ual‘ BATHROOM TISSUE 8/89 blYfiggiR.9;ALFe 79e 1 CALIFORN1 Adalkik GRADE 'A' FROZEN (6 to 9-1b. Size) GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BROILER RKEYS lb. OP: ORANGES U.S. NO. .1 TOMATOES, ori*!.ptipwo ong4.4 CABBAGE., ESSEX PACKERS (ASst'd Pack) COLD CUTS 79c • Pkg, SHANK HALP" lb. 750 BUTT HALF" lb. 79e TOP VALU LIQUID DETERGENT... 9 32.01. Plastic Ctners. TOP VALU FOIL WRAP 1:5,- 2 Rolls 99c KRAFT (WITH FREE MASK & BAG) 3-Blba.g og piami DARLING'S IGA Exeter, Lucan BETTY & ARTS IGA Grand Bend TOO VALU BROILED WITH SLICE ATTACHED TURKEYS. %%lob' 47g- SMOKED NAM JIFFY (SPECIAL PACK) PIE CRUST MIX 1p81.::: 35c SHIRLEY GAY APPLE PIE... 3 2:stosx $L00 TOP VALU (WHITE OR PINK) Couple to- make home in Toronto Sharon Ann Stanley and Peter John Boyle exchanged rings and Vows in a candlelight service at Lucan United Church with the Rev. 0, W. Sach officiating at 7 pm Friday, September 23. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Stanley RR 2 Denfield. The groom's par- ents are Mr, and Mrs. John Boyle of London. The bride, given in marriage by her father chose a white crepe gown, fashioned with empire waist line and A-line skirt, Hand stitched re-einbroldered lac e edged the entire cathedral train and bell shaped sleeves. To com- plete her outfit the bride wore a French pure silk illusion finger- tip yell, caught up by a heirloom crown of seed pearls. She carried a cascade bouquet of white or- chids and English ivy, Mrs. Robert Stanley, Sister- in-law of the bride, was matron of honor. Miss Judy Purcell and MISS Diane Boyle, sister of the groom attended as bridesmaids.. They were gowned alike in jade green French velvet empire bo- dice with white crepe A-line skirts. They wore jade green velvet petal crowns with match- ing cocktail veils and carried bouquets of white and yellow mums. Richard Boyle, brother of the groom was groomsman. Robert Stanley,brother of the bride , Will Waugh and Tom Shoebottorn ushered the guests, Larry Tadjuck of London was organist and accompanied the soloist Mr. Francis Daniel of London who sang the Lord' s Area councils okay highway alterations Prayer and 0 Perfect. Love, For receiving guests at the Ivanhoe the bride's mother chose a floor-length gown of green bro- cade with feather and tulle hat, matching accessories and orchid corsage, The groom's mother chose a gold peau de sole with cathedral coat, matching shoes and profile hat of green and gold feathers. Her corsage was a bronze orchid. For a wedding trip the bride donned a bronze wool suit with matching accessories, and cor- sage of cymbiclium orchid. The couple will reside in Tor- onto. Autumn Fair Bazaar and Tea LUCAN ARENA Friday October 14 8:00 p.m. FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILY HOME BAKING, COUNTRY STORE, SEWING, CHILDREN'S BOOTH, HOME- MADE CANDY, PENNY SALE, FISH POND. HARDY RAILING CO. proposed alignment, for the high- way which will give Lucan four-lane street through the vil- lage. Plans also provide for re- aligning intersecting to wns h reads so that they will cross the highway at right angles with wide vision for traffic entering or crossing the highway. Lucan councillorswereas- sured that the highways depart- ment would urge the O nt ar io Water Resources Commission and the Ontario Municipal Board to permit installation of sewerage service along main street before the roadway is reconstructed. The village is negotiating the matter with these bodies. Just north of Lucan, where the high- way will be rebuilt, west of the existing road the present right of way will be closed so that the land can be sold to adjoining property owners wishing to pur- chase it. The new bridge will be built 175 feet downstream from the present structure. Men, Women and Children All Welcome DRAW FOR Radio (10 transistor) Kodak (Fiesta) Camera Kit Timex Watch (Lady's or Man's) Complete Mobile Service Ornamental Railings TV Towers Antenna Service Welding Admission 25e Eligible for $5.00 door prize and tea Legion sponsor four puck teams At a meeting in the Legion Hall last Friday night, Mr. Pat Crudge, chairman of the present hockey committee, reports the Legion will again sponsor four hockey teams this season with the following coaches and man- agers: Squirts with coach, Jim Freeman; Peewees, coach, Geo- rge English; Bantams, coach, Carl Nickles and manager, Gary Crudge; Midgets, coach, Joe O'- Neil and manager Jim Davis. J. W. Smith was named chair- man of the door committee. As- sistant, Area manager, Jim Burt, who is also a Legion member. LUCAN REUNION Eight Lucanites and former Lucanitee held a happy reunion recently in London, when Mrs. Ernest Jennings (the former Ada Coursey) held a birthday party for Miss Nellie Foreman. Other guests included Archdeacon C. W. Foreman, Mrs. Clare Norton (the former Helen Stanley) Mrs. Ken- neth McGoun (the former Edna McDougall), Mrs. Frank McGoun (the former Etta Stewardson)and Mrs. Harold Corbett and Mrs. T. C. McFarlane of Lucan. Area girls plan to parade hats The Lucan-Clandeboye CGIT still need funds to complete the payment on the stain glass win- dow, which they are going to unveil and have dedicated at the annual vesper service inDecem- ber. To assist in this project they are holding a Hat Show by "Sil- houette Hats of Hamilton" in the United Church schoolroom, Thursday, Oct. 6, at 8 pm when hats for teens, young women and matrons will be displayed and modelled. After the show- ing, those present will be given the opportunity of trying on any of the hats. The window, "Behold I Stand at the Door and Knock", has already been ordered. EXPLORER'S MEETING The Lucan-Clandeboye Explorers held their third ex- pedition in the UC school-room last Monday evening with an at- tendance of 39 Explorers and three counsellors. Mrs. Keith Kraul took charge of the games. Mrs. Charles Corbett led in a singsong and the teaching of a new hymn. Mrs. Froats and Mrs. Mohr, as leaders of the gold and blue star girls conducted a Bible quiz each; based on the theme, "MY Bible is a Library." The red star girls continued making their Explorer books. Sponsored by the Catholic Women's League, St. Patrick's, Lucan, Ontario. JIM HARDY 227-4439 LUCAN Pmaettoal4 Mr. Keith Frost has seen much of the world since leaving Lucan five years ago and wants to see more, At present be is with the Parachute Regiment in England. He is on a two month vacation and arrived in Lucan last Satur- day. He is staying with his par- ents Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Frost of Alice St. Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Morris and family of Mount Forest were weekend visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Merely. They left their daughter Sandra with her grand- parents for a couple weeks. Mrs. Charles Glenn of Eliza- beth St. won a hamper on the Coffee Club program last Mon- day. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Knoblauch and family have moved into the house formerly occupied by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jenkins on Butler St. Mrs. Ira Carling's daughter Mrs. Elmer Walpole won three first prizes at the Kincardine Fair, on her table cloth, afghan and drift wood, Mrs. Evelyn Sweers has re- turned to Scotland, Ont. after spending last weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mugford, Friends shower bride with gifts Miss Sharon Stanley, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stanley, RR 2, Denfield, was entertained at sever al social functions prior to her marriage to Mr. Peter Boyle in the Lucan United Church, Friday Sept. 23. Miss Sue Biffin of London en- tertained at her mother's sum- mer home, ',Tall Trees", Lake Huron. Guests included members of the staff of the Xray Dept., St. Joseph's Hospital, of which the bride-elect was a member. After the presentation of gift's luncheon was served onthe patio. Mrs. Joe Boyle held a cup and saucer shower at her Briscoe St. home in London. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stanley, brother and sister-in-law of the bride-elect, entertained the couple and 15 couples In their honor in their apartment North cliff Towers, London. Mrs. Jack Ryan and Mrs. Mur- ray Shoebottom were co-host- esses at the former's RR 2 Den- field home for a large community shower, where the bride-elect received many beautiful gifts. Mrs. Tom Shoebottom and Miss Joan Shoebottom entertained many of Miss Stanley's young friends at a miscellaneous shower held at the former's home. Father and mother of the groom,. Mr. and Mrs. Boyle en- tertained the bridal party at the Latin Quarter London Thursday evening, following rehearsal. Sickness hits many residents Seldom before—if ever—have so many Lucanites been hospital- ized at the same time. Even though Mrs. George Paul got home Saturday, Mrs. J. W. Smith, Mrs. Bernard Avery, Mrs. Chas. Hopps, Mrs. J. IL Murray, Mr. Charles Windsor and Mr. Russell Bowman are still in St. Joseph's Hospital and Mrs. Wes Atkinson is in Victoria Hospital. (2 row mounted) Farm Equipment, Trucks N.T. MONTEITH EXETER Page 16 Times-Advocate„ October. 04 1960 Liman and district news Correspondent: Miss Abbott photo by Aziz MR. AND MRS. PETER BOYLE At a joint meeting of the Lucan and Biddulph councils at the lat- ter's headquarters last Wed- nesday, the councils consulted with Arthur McConnell, highways ‘department planning represen- tative, on reconstruction plans for Highway 4, just west of Lucan. The plans provide for a new bridge over the Ausable River, the raising of the highway 13 feet and the widening of the present curve. Both councils approved of the Bruce Powell dies in hospital Bruce Powell 79, passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital, London Thursday, Sept. 29. The body rested in the C. Haskett & Son Funeral Home, Lucan until Sat- urday, Oct. 1, when the Rev. G. W. Sach of the Lucan United Church, conducted funeral ser- vices. Interment was in Medway cemetery. Pallbearers included Graydon McRoberts, Chester McRoberts, Melvin Marshall, Wilfred Mar- shall, Frank Walden and Omar Burnett. Mr. Powell was unmarried so his only survivor is one sister, Mrs. May Marshall of London Township. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Powell, he farmed on the 15th concession of London Township, Prior to his death he had been a patient in the Strathmere and Delaware Nursing Homes. YOUTH ENJOY CLEAN-UP Some weeks ago the Lucan Lions Club, which sponsor the Scouts and Cubs held several bees renovating and painting the Scout Hall, cleaning up the grounds and keeping the grass mowed. Since then many teenagers and young fry can be seen every day (Sunday included) enjoying good clean wholesome sport on the grass, rather than on the street. 11...••••• IA TRACTORS NEW 234 CORN PICKERS Phone .227,425.