The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-09-29, Page 17Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. LIVESTOCK REPORT DONALD CASE Cow 1420 lbs. GEORGE LATTA Steer 990 lbs. JESSIE RADER Cow 1070 lbs. ▪ . @ $18.00 • . @ $28.25 . @ $19.25 For Service Call WM. GREEN Exeter 235.0897 25 Auction Sales forks; shovels and other in*. items. GRAIN: quantity seed mixed grain, HOUSEHOLD E F F E CTS -- Oak extension table; 2 cook stoves; antique cupboard; chest of drawers; assortment dishes,. etc„ etc. TERMS: Cash. RYDER SISTERS, MIKE TOOHEY, Props, GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 29c Evening. Consignment AUCTION SALE of Antiques, Household Goods, Misc. Items. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 at 7:30 p.m, in the West Middlesex Memorial Centre, STRATHROY ANTIQUES: Brass table with large glass inlaid shade; desks; chests; etc. HOUSEHOLD GOODS; 23 inch console TV; two 21 inch con- sole TVs plus assortment of portables and cabinet style TVs; combination washer and dryer; standard washer; automatic dryer; walnut bedroom suite; chesterfields; large dining room table; large library table; bunk beds; refrigerator; sewing ma- chine, etc. MISC. ITEMS: Mercury Mark 25 outboard motor, complete with controls and tank, excel- lent condition; floor polishers; electric heaters; record play- ers; mantel and car radios; toasters; irons; 2 school desks; trunks and assortment of guns, etc. TERMS: Cash or credit ar- rangements available. L, B. GROGAN, Auctioneer 29c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Farm Machinery, Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 27, CON, 2, HAY TWP., 1 mile west of Hensall thence 2 miles north The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTOR AND FARM MA- CHINERY: John Deere 2-plow tractor on rubber; John Deere 2-furrow plow, 12 inch bottom; M.H. 7-ft. binder; M.H. 13-run grain and fertilizer drill; Cock- shutt 3-bar side rake; John Deere 7-ft. power take-off mow- er; tractor disc; 3 - section spring tooth harrow; 4-section diamond harrows; rubber tire wagon; hay loader; walking plow; set of sleighs; buggy; cutter; farm trailer and racks; garden seeder and scuffler; garden tiller; 10x12 brooder house; aluminum 18 ft. house trailer, good condition; 2-burn- er propane stove; steel water trough; oil heater; post hole digger; post hole auger; 2 grindstones; lh h.p. gas en- gine; oil drums and pump; hay fork car; fork and sling ropes; 140 ft. rope; iron kettle; antique Swedish saw; crosscut saw; quantity 2 inch spruce planks; team harness; single harness; chime bells; saw man- drel. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Large selection of antique fur- niture, dishes and misc. items to be listed in next week's is- sue, TERMS: Cash, JAMES S. PETTY, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 29:6c 24 Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 4th, 1966 for supply, on rental basis, of two trucks equipped with snowplow and wing to be used in snow- clearing operations for the win- ter of 1966-67 in the Township of Usborne, Description of equipment is requested and price submitted to be per hour while working and also standing time rate, if any, to be quoted. Equipment to be of adequate design and in good state of repair. Work to be done under the direction of the Township Road Superintendent, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, For further particulars to: W. J. ROUTLY, Road superintendent, RR 3 Exeter, Ont. 29c 25 Auction Sales apply TRACTOR REPAIRS, WELDING Mechanic with 15 years experience on farm tractors For Sale 1 - McKee model S and 24' automatic rack 1 - David Brown 950 1 - New Idea 180 bus. spreader. SPECIAL THISWEEK 1 - New Idea 323 Corn Picker Wm. Clement FARM EQUIPMENT - SALES & SERVICE Hensall Phone: 262.2018 Boneless Tenderized HAM Sliced or piece lb. $1.09 HOME RENDERED LARD 2 lb. Container 45 Limited Quantity 1 to a Customer NESCAFE .11 ..069ozv.alue $1.39 6 oz. - 1.19 value 93t NESTLE'S QUIK 1 lb. - 69 value 2 lbs. - 1,19 value 46C 79' MEAT MARKET Phone 14W We Deliver MERNER'S DASHWOOD CUSTOM KILLING & PROCESSING All meat double wrapped To prevent freezer burn THAT MAKE THE MEAL! 16 Properly For Sale 2-BEDROOM house, $2,500 down, take over in 8-year mortgage. Phone 235-2436, 22;29:6c 4 - BEDROOM, modern ranch style, brick and cedar, with Attached garage, den, dining room, large living room with open fireplace, 4-piece and 2 piece baths, divided full base- ment, large landscaped treed lot, close to downtown, schools and churches, 404 Edward St, Phone 235-2835. 28tfne SEVEN-ROOM house, fenced lot, bath up and down, oil heat, town sewer. Evenings, 170 Car- ling St, 25tfnc 1-STOREY fairly new house fac- ing Victoria park, living room, good kitchen, utility room, oil furnace, bath, two bedrooms, nice lawns, carport foundation. Terms, early possession. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 234-6467. 2ltfnc HOUSES FOR SALE - Apply A. Whilsmith, 235-2473. 8:18tfnc LOT IN HENSALL, 66' x 198'. Phone 676-5100. 22:29:6:13c C. V. PICKARD TRUST CERTIFICATES, GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES SEVERAL COMPANIES ALSO NEW ISSUE CANADA SAVINGS BONDS yielding 5.48% to maturity. By allowing interest to accumu- late amount invested will dou- ble by Nov. 1, 1979. Bonds are cashable with ac- cumulated interest at any time. Please phone us and we will call on you at your convenience. C. V. PICKARD-REAL ESTATE 56 John St. E. Phone Res. 9: 29tfnc 235.0414 17 Properly For Rent 900 SQUARE FEET commercial space, new building on Victoria St. Phone 235-0680. 15:22:29c APARTMENT - Lower, 2-bed- room, 3-piece bath, utilities paid. Phone Lucan 227-4369. 15:22:29c HOUSES - Apply Whilsmith Senior Citizens' Apartments, 235.2473, 9:15tfnc NICE ROOMY 2 - bedroom apt, in Exeter. Good cupboards, ample closet space, laundry tubs in basement, private en- trance, ideal location for senior citizens. Please phone 234-6301, 29c FURNISHED apartment suit- able for one or two people, heat and hot water supplied. Apply 70 John St. East. 29tfnc UNFURNISHED apartment, 4 rooms, lower, 3-piece bath. For full particulars call 235-2376. 22tfnc FURNISHED modern two-bed- room house. Electric stove, re- frigerator. $12.50 weekly in- cludes hot water, hydro. Port Franks (9 miles south of Grand Bend). 296-4340 evenings. 29c 3-BEDROOM house on Huron St. W., Exeter, hot air oil heat- ed, nicely decorated, available Oct. 1. Apply 37R2 Dashwood. 22tfnc WE HAVE FOUR, and room for one more, refined lady who would like good company and a comfortable home on the first floor of the quiet steam heated Elliot Apts. on Main St. only one block from the post office. Sandy Elliot, 235-2912. 29c 3-ROOM apartment on ground floor, heated, modern, self- contained, partly or fully fur- nished, private entrance. Ap- ply 145 Victoria St. 29c 4-BEDROOM farmhouse in the Kippen area with 3-piece bath, large kitchen with built-in cup- boards and large L-shaped liv- ing and dining rooms, oil heat- ed. For further particulars call Vern Alderdice, 262-5494. 29c 4-BEDROOM house in Clinton. Good location, immediate pos- session, oil heat. Phone 229-6194. 29c SMALL apartment on ground floor, suitable for 1 or 2 per- sons, furnished or unfurnished, heat, hydro and water sup- plied, Apply Bill's Barber Shop or phone 227-4652. 15tfnc APARTMENT - 2-bedroom up- stairs, utilities paid, private en- trance. Phone 235-2427. 11*tfne 2 LARGE bedroom apartment, living with dining area, kitchen with stove and frig, bath and utility room. Harold Taylor 235-0674. 9:ltfnc 17 Properly For Rent LARGE, modern, air condition- ed 3-bedroom apartment, un- furnished, living room, dining room, bath, kitchen and utility room, private entrance. Apply Art Gaiser, Elmart Apts. Days 235.1505; evenings 235-2754. 9:15tfnc CENTRAL, clean, heated, fur- nished 1-bedroom apartment. Apply 67 John St. E. Phone 235-1185. 9:1tfric UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmon's Apt. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 12tfnc COMFORTABLE two • bedroom apartments, furnished or un- furnished, in Crediton, All utili- ties paid by owner, reasonable rents, available immediately, Phone 234-6336. 9:ltfnx 18 For Rent FLOOR SANDERS, electric - Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfnc 20 Wanted To Rent HOUSE IN EXETER - 2 bed- room, one floor, garage, re- liable tenants, no children. Write Box 731 Exeter Times- Advocate. 22; 29nc BACHELOR school teacher re- quires room or small apart- ment or would like to purchase house or apartment. Apply Box 850 The Exeter Times-Advocate, 9:22-10:27* 2 OR 3 BEDROOM house on outskirts of Exeter. Phone 227- 4570, 29* LAND in the vicinity of Dash- wood or Crediton, for cash crop, Apply Box C V The Exe- ter Times-Advocate. 29:6* 12 Notices TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND County of Lambton TO WIT: By virtue of a war- rant issued by the REEVE of the VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND under his hand and seal of the said Corporation bear- ing the date the 30th day of June, 1966, Sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the VIL- LAGE OF GRAND BEND will be held at my office at the hour of 10 a.m. o'clock (local time) in the morning on the 9th day of November, 1966, un- less the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for ar- rears of taxes was published in the ONTARIO GAZETTE on the 6th day of August, 1966, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. TREASURER'S OFFICE, this 30th day of June, 1966. MURRAY A. DES JARDINS, Treasurer. 8:11-11:3c 24 Tenders Wanted FURNACE OIL The trustees of the Evangeli- cal United Brethren Church at Dashwood invite tenders for the supply of furnace oil for the church and parsonage for the 1966-67 heating season. The tenders' are to include maintenance service of the fur- naces. Lowest or any tender not necessarily •accepted. Tenders closing Saturday, Oc- tober 1 at 6:00 p.m. should be forwarded to Mr. Kenneth Mc- Crae, Chairman, Dashwood. , 22:29c FURNACE OIL The trustees of the Exeter Separate School invite tenders for the supply of Furnace Oil for the school during the 1966-67 heating season. The tenders are to include maintenance service of the fur- nace. Tenders closing Saturday, Oc- tober 8 and should be forward- ed to MRS. CECILIA MITTEL- HOLTZ, RR 3 Exeter. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 29c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Electrical Appliances and Misc. Items On the premises THIRD HOUSE SOUTH OF GRAND BEND PUBLIC SCHOOL The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 at 1:30 p.m. Chesterfield and chair; 2 light oak end tables and cof- fee table; davenport and chair; leather swivel chair; light oak Electrohome Hi Fi 3-speed stereo combination record play- er and television; 100 records; light oak modern 4-piece bed- room suite; chest of drawers; light oak modern 3-piece bed- room suite; Axminster rug 9 x 12; congoleum rug 12 x 18; like new; set of table lamps; trilight lamps; set of TV trays; Admiral med. size refrigerator; heavy duty med. size electric stove; Simplicity electric wash- ing machine; floor polisher; floor sweeper; Electrolux vac- uum cleaner, all attachments; chrome kitchen table & chairs; 2 large mirrors; book stand and books; set of Encyclopedia; 2 set fiberglas gold drapes, like new; variety glassware; silver- ware; kitchen utensils; ironing board; new pop cooler; lawn chairs; garden tools, etc., etc. Plan to attend this outstand- ing sale. TERMS: Cash. BOB MANTHA, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractors, Truck, Combine, Farm Machinery, Grain, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 11, CON. 6, BIDDULPH Twp., 11 miles west of Whalen Corners, thence 11 miles south or 6 miles north-east of Lucan on Roman Line. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 at 1:00 p.m, TRUCK, TRACTOR, COM- BINE: 1963 Chev 3A ton truck with low mileage, in good con- dition; Allis Chalmers W.D. 45 standard tractor equipped with heavy duty Horne loader; Allis Chalmers W.C. Farmall trac- tor equipped with 2-row scuf- fler. Tractors in A-1 condition. Allis Chalmers No. 60 pull type power take-off combine in good condition. FARM MACHINERY: M.H. 13- run grain and fertilizer drill, like new; Ontario 17-run grain and fertilizer drill, good condi- tion; Fleury Bissel 28-plate trac- tor disc; M.M. 40-plate tractor disc; New Holland side delivery rake on rubber, recently pur- chased; New Idea power take- off 7 ft. mower including wind- rower; John Deere tractor spreader on rubber; Int. 3-fur- row plow on rubber; two 3- drum steel rollers; 3 rubber tire wagons; 3-section spring tooth harrows; 6-section har- row pole; stiff tooth cultivator; forage harvester including box; cement mixer; set of sleighs; grain blower p p e; tractor chains; single plow; chain saw, like new; roll of wire; steel posts; snow fence; steed water trough; fanning mill; cutter; grain grinder; extension ladder; Have you found the answer to accumulating money- one that guarantees results? Call: The Mutual Life of Canada Representative: G,R. GODBOLT, Corner Sanders & Edward Sts., Exeter, Ontario Ph: 235.2740 25 Auction Sales AUCTION .SALE of Tractor, Farm. Machinery, Dairy .Cattle, Household Effects and Misc Items - On the premises HAY 'IVY?. GOSHEN LINE SOUTH, on SATURDAY, .00TOBER 15 JACOB GINGERICH, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 29c AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery, Beef Cattle and Misc. Items On the premises 1 MILE EAST OF HILLSGREEN WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19 LUDWIG SCHULTZ, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 29c Important AUCTION SALE consisting of Stephen Township Schools WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26 BOSS BROWN, CHAIRMAN Stephen Twp School Board ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 29c Crediton gal to be nurse By MRS. W. MOTZ CREDITON EAST Mr, Eber Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wein and grand- daughters Sharon and Sheryl Anne visited Mrs. Lewis in Goderich Hospital, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Weido have returned to their home near Tor- onto after spending some time with his father, Mr. Elmer Weldo and Mr. and Mrs. Verne Weido at Dashwood. Margaret Haist has left for University of Western Ontario. She has enrolled in the nursing course. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Haist and Margaret visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Finkbeiner and family of Devizes. Mr. Don Dinney has obtained employment as steam fitter at the University of Western On- tario. 111 Health ? See your doctor first. Bring your prescription to MIDDLETON'S DRUGS By MRS. ARCHIE DEWAR PERSONALS The Iia.ker families held a sur- prise party at the home of Mr. & Mrs, Newman Baker of Nissouri in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Baker who will celebrate their 26th wedding anniversary Oct. 8. Their son Elton has chosen that day for his marriage, Mr. & Mrs. WV Spence, David and Susan attended Zion West an- niversary services Sunday and were guests of her parents, mr. & Mrs. Norman Brock and Bill. Mrs. Ted Brine held a shower in her home Friday evening for Miss Elizabeth Esson, bride-to- be October 8. Mrs.. Oliver Baker, Mrs. Nel- son Baker and Mrs. Delmar John- son attended a shower held in honor of Miss Elizabeth Esson, bride-to-be at the home of Mrs. Harris Butson, Munro. Mr. & Mrs. Austin Timms and family were Sunday guests with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Denzil Facey of Wellburn. Messrs Wm and Howard Rinn and Miss Noreen Walkom were guests Sunday of Mr. & Mrs. Russell Adams, Gorrie. Mr. & Mrs. S. Marriott, Ron and Maryanne and Wm Elston were Sunday guests with her parents, Mr. & Mrs, A, Dewar. Mr. & Mrs. Jules De Braban- dere and family were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Ted Welbe Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. David Holland at- tended the church anniversary at Ailsa Craig Sunday and wer e guests of Mr. & Mrs. David Henry. Times-Advocate, September 29, 1966 Page 17 ? t‘ 't• •• We convert gas stoves to bottled 9as, provide guaranteed repairs on all mcikos of bottled gas appliances. Prompt deliveries, dependable instohlottons Hotson Propane 238.2005 GRAND BEND We are in the market for buying WHITE BEANS Highest prices paid Contact W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. mirror with shatter-resistant vinyl-edged glass and breakaway support; lane-change feature incorporated in directional signal control; energy-absorbing instrument panel with smooth-contoured knobs and levers. ontiaci967 While safety is an intrinsic part of everything engineered into Pontiac, we'd like to list here some of the more notable standard safety features in every '67 Pontiac: Four way hazard warning flasher; dual master cylinder brake system with warning light; seat belts-front and rear with push-button buckles; GM-developed energy-absorbing steering column; passenger-guard door locks-all doors; inside day/night On display at your Pontiac dealer's now GM MAIN STREET Be sure t o watch televised At your service '40044-4 Ride the Pontiac winning streak Introducing the adventurous new Pontiacs for 1967! The biggest car news for 1967 comes from Pontiac. Canada's perennial Success Car gets away to yet another flying start with new styling, new models, new interiors, new safety fea- tures and new glamor options. Grande Parisienne, Parisienne, Laurentian and Strato-Chief series all have completely new Grande Pansienne Sport Coupe with optional vinyl top styling. Bowing in is a brand-new series called 2+2. It's the last word in full-size adventure cars. Whatever you want most from your new car in 1967-luxury, high style, performance or practicality-you'll get it from one of Pontiac's 52 new models. Pontiac is for today's kind of people. People like you! Parolenee 2+2 Sport Coupe Seeyour atrtiiOr'iled Pontiac dealer e.167t ZURICH, ONT. anad inn Football League Games. See local listings for time and channel, TAYLOR MOTORS LIMITED