The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-09-29, Page 5ALL
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Mrs. M. Noakes, Chairman
H. Page, Manager
A free
electric blanket
when you buy
a new electric
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Nov. 12
of us." Mrs. William Kyle pre-
sented an address on the ((Old
Steam Engine" and Mrs. James
Chalmers favored with a poem,
((The Pioneers". Mrs. William
Gibson and Mrs. Robert Kinsman
conducted a contest on pioneer
articles which were displayed.
Mrs. Vern Alderdice gave the
history of West Wawanosh town-
ship. The roll call was answered
by giving the name of the orig-
inal owner of the member's farm.
A trio comprised of Mrs. W. J.
F. Bell, Mrs. Drummond and
Mrs. June Cooper accompanied
by Mrs. Ross Broadfoot sang
two selections. Mrs. Robert
Kinsman chaired the program.
Mrs. Alex McGregor and Mrs.
W. F. Bell were chosen leaders
for the millinery course. Mrs.
Vern Alderdice and Mrs. Harry
Caldwell were named voting dele-
gates for the County Rally in
Auburn October 3. Mrs. Alder-
dice asked that all pies for the
International Plowing Match be
at her home by 1 pm October 6.
Kippen East will have a booth
at Stanley Jackson's sale Oc-
tober 15; will visit Huronview
December 7 and attend a trous-
seau tea September 30.
Special service
for Chiselhurst
Large congregations attended
anniversary services in Chisel-
hurst United Church Sunda y
afternoon at 2;30 and 7;30 pm.
Guest ministers were Rev. And-
rew D. Boa, of London, after-
noon speaker, and Rev. Donald
Stuart, Brucefield and Kippen
charge, evening speaker.
At the afternoon service a trio
composed of Sharon Strong, Joan
Sinclair, and Elizabeth Smale,
sang and the choir contributed
a number. Soloist at the evening
service was Eric Ross and solo-
ist in the anthem was Janice
Wright. Mrs. A. Ross was pian-
ist. The choir was assisted by
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton from
Flowers were in memory of
Eric Mousseau.
Eight members of Hensall
Kinsmen Club canvassed the vil-
lage Thursday night for the Cystic
Fibrosis fund and realized $165.
Bob Caldwell was chairman of
the project.
Your Mercury Dealer
challenges them all in'67
Fete associates
at UCW event
The Associate members of
UCW Unit 4 were entertained
to a social afternoon in Fellow-
ship Hall Tuesday, September 20.
Mrs. E. Rowe extended a very
warm welcome to all.
Leader Mrs. James McAllister
presided for a short devotional
program. Mrs. T. Sherritt dir-
ected a singsong of old familiar
hymns which was heartily en-
joyed. Miss M. Ellis delighted
the 1 ad i e s with two humorous
readings. Mrs. H. Currie an-
nounced a request from Pres-
byterial Supply Convenor for
several articles of good used
clothing to be in by Oct. 14.
A social hour of visiting was
much enjoyed while lunch was
St. Paul's WA met at the home
of Mrs. M. Aldwinckle last Wed-
nesday with Mrs. Annie Reid
presiding. A new member, Mrs.
Gwynne was welcomed. After
much discussion it was decided
not to hold the bake sale sched-
uled for Saturday, October 22.
Instead members will contribute
a sum of money.
The study book for the com-
ing year will be "The Church
Grows In Canada". It was learned
that prayer partner, Captain Wal-
lace Conie, has moved to Tor-
onto, but the WA agreed to still
write to «The Compass" which
is doing wonderful work among
the needy in Hamilton.
Rev. Gandon urged all mem-
bers to attend the Anglican World
Mission Rally to be held in God-
erich Friday, Oct. 21 at 8 pm.
WA cancel
baking sale
Kippen WI discuss
history of district
Kippen East WI held its his-
torical research meeting last
Wednesday evening at the home
of Mrs. Grant MacLean, Henn11,
using the light of many coal
oil lamps as of olden times.
Mrs. Gerald Bell was co-hostess.
Mrs. James Drummond dis-
cussed the motto, ((We are proud
of Canada; let Canada be proud
Mrs, Maude Haddon, Phone 262-2002
Mrs, Bonilla MacGregor, Phone 262-2025
and district news
Pickering power station, 20
miles east of downtown Toronto,
is the largest nuclear plant under
construction in the Americas and
the third largest in the world.
Ten members of Amber Reb-
ekah Lodge attended the meeting
of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge,
Seaforth Monday evening and pre-
sented the travelling gavel. In-
stallation of Amber Rebekah
Lodge officers will be held Wed-
nesday, October 5 in Hensall
Lodge Hall when Miss Jean Scott,
District Deputy President of Sea-
forth District 23 and her instal-
ling team, will install the officers
for 1966-67.
President Mrs. Harold Camp-
bell and Mrs. Byrap Kyle re-
presenting Hensall Legion Ladies
Auxiliary were delegates to the
32nd Convention held at Windsor
last week which lasted five days.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Amess,
London, were weekend visitors
with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Noakes and
Service in St. Paul's Anglican
Church Sunday morning was con-
ducted by Rev. J. P. Gandon,
rector. The choir under direction
of Mrs. Frank Forrest sang an
anthem. Flowers were in memory
of the late Eric Mousseau. Sun-
day, October 2 Harvest Thanks-
giving will be observed at 9;45
am. Speaker will be Rev. G. G.
Russell, St. George's Church,
Goderich. At 7 pm Rev. J. P.
Gandon will take the service.
Flowers in the United Church
Sunday morning were in memory
of the late Eric Mousseau placed
by the family, also flowers by
courtesy of the Thiel-Dignan
Mr. Joe Flynn, who has been
a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital
London for the past 12 weeks,
came home Friday of last week.
Joe suffered a fractured leg in
an accident and had been hospit-
alized since.
Mr. Russell Moore of Bancroft
visited during the past week with
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McEwen and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hansen
of Stratford, spent Sunday with
the latter's mother and brother,
Mrs. Violet Schwalm and Ray.
Mrs. Yulissee Borger and Mrs.
Sybil Borger, of Detroit, Mich.,
former Yulissee and Sybil Ea-
crett of Hensall, and Mrs. Agnes
Williams, of Barstow, California,
sister of Mrs. Earl Campbell,
were weekend guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Campbell.
Saturday visitors at the home
Of Mrs. Violet Schwalm and Ray
were Mr. and Mrs. Austin Sch-
walm and Susan of Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacKinnon
of Milwaukee, Wis., and Mr.
MaCKinnon's sister, Mrs. Kate
Stewart, of Winnipeg, spent a
few days last week with Mrs.
Janet MacKinnon.
Mr. and Mrs. bon MacLaren
Of Oakville spent the weekend
With the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Chapman and itod.
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