HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-09-08, Page 12MR. AND MRS. HARVEY POOLE Ill l ll11MIIU 111111111111 11111111111011,11111111111111111111111111011,1111111111110111111111(11 llllllll $1011.11111111$1111 lllllll 1ff f LUCAN CHURCH NEWS 111111 lllllllll 1111111111111 llllllll 11 lllll 1 lllll 111111M11111111m11 llllllll 1111111111111111111 lllllllll 111111111 lllll 1 lllll 1 lllll 11111 UCW start • new activity The September General Meet- ing of the Lucan L'CW was held in the schoolroom Thursday evening with the president Mrs. Charles Sovereign, in the chair. The worship service was taken by Mrs. Stewart Park, assisted by Mrs. Erie Young. Mrs. Cecil Robb, as guest speaker spoke on the Rural Life Conference held in St. Marys, which dealt with the develop- ment of rural areas according to soil conditions, roads, and resources. The act called "Arda" (agricultural rehabili- tation developmort act) gave the initial push to rural development to help in the better use of cer- tain lands, conservation, and in- dustry. Plans for the Dec. 2 bazaar in the schoolroom were discussed and for eatering to the Varey— Lankin wedding Sept. 28; Mrs. Owen Saward reported on the ar- ticles needed for the next bale. It was announced the new study books are now available. IL GARDEN PATCH CHOICE GREEN PEAS 8 15-0Z. 00 TINS —SAYE 4k— • It's Western Fair time again in Ontario. Join IGA in saluting this gala occasion and take advantage of the terrific savings offered this week during IGA's "FOOD FAIR" IIIIId1,, r. AYLMER CONDENSED TOMATO SOUP 0.100 —SAVE 17c- BUTTER 1-LB. 64° PRINT We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT, 7.10 INCLUSIVE TOP YALU (ASST'D FLAVOURS) LOI"ROAST PORK (FILLET END) lb. FRESH 117 CENTRE CUT LOIN mph PICNIC PORK CHOPS id Teachers in London wed Mr. and Mrs. Brent Bamford were married In Lucan United Church by Rev, G. W. Seth, The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Harold Cobleigh, R.P. 4 Denfield and the late Robert Donaldson, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bamford, RR 5 London, are parents of the groom. Both bride and groom are graduates of London Teachers' College and are teaching in London. • ALL TARLERITE MEATS '4 TAKE ADVANTAGE OP THIS EXCITING OFFER WEBSTER'S TWENGTNIAET ER H ID C G E E N D TURY DICTIONARY • • __________ BUY A SECTION A WEEK! I4 EE 6,STENTNIETiv,14;,,ITH tiNTUAY UNARRIDaD WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY Niii 'Fit 4cpriir o'ePe 6 Vrva fiV °to Oa AMOVA ••• l h lll MI ll o l ft O lllll II l MI NI a l .1 l SECTIONS 2.16 ONLY 19c EACH! TimosAdvocatt, September 8, 1966. Lucan Pie* 12 Former resident marries Baskets of gladioli formed the setting in the Blessed Sacrament Church London at 1 pm Saturday, August 20, for the double ring Marriage ceremony of Denise Lucy St Amand and Harvey Paul Poole, with the Rev. James T. Saigeon officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert St Amend Of London, and the groom is the ,son of Mrs. Margaret Poole of Londor. formerly of Lucan, and the late Mr. P. Poole, Given in marriage by her fath- er the bride chose a floor-length gown of white Chantilly lace over brocade featuring a bouffant skirt and tight fitting bodice. A crown of rhinestones and pearls held her shoulder-length net veil. She carried a cascade of red roses and white mums. Miss Jean St Amand, as maid of honor for her sister wore a floor-length empire style gown of aqua brocade and carried yel- low roses and aqua mums. Miss- es Shirley Lee and Karen Lid- diard (cousins of the bride) and Mary Jo O'Donnell (friend of the bride) as bridesmaids were gowned in floor-length empire style yellow brocade and carried yellow and aqua mums. Dennise Easton, as flower girl wore a full length aqua dress and carried a basket of yellow roses and aqua mums. Shaun St Amand was page boy. William Darling of Lucan was best man and Jerry Puhl of Wel- land (groom's cousin) Ken Feke, of Strathroy (groom's friend) and Tom Lee of London (bride's cous- in) were ushers. Mrs. G. C. Gordon of London as organist provided traditional wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Mr. Lloyd Armstrong who sang ,e) Perfect Love". At a reception held at the Collins Restaurant, London, the groom's mother received in a gown of pink lace over taffeta, through Ontario the bride changed to a mint green suit, white acces- sories and white gardenia core sage. The young couple will make their home in London. with navy accessories and white carnation corsage. She was as- sisted by the groom's mother in turquoise lace, white accessories and corsage of pink carnations, For a honeymoon motor trip Olympic star weds Paul Joseph Conlin, Lucan's great hockey player, who won Olympic fame and had his picture placed in Lucan's Hall of Fame, was wed to Miss Jo-Anne Mar- garet Graham, in a double-ring marriage ceremony at 11 am Saturday, August 20, by Rev. Father C. A. Moyer, in the Church of Nativity of Our Lord, Etobi- coke. Given in marriage by her fath- er the bride chose a floor-length gown of white silk moire featur- ing a scoop neckline and lace trimmed elbow-length sleeves, A detachable lace-edged cathed- ral train cascaded from a large bow at the back. A tiara held her should e r-length veil of French illusion. She carried a cascade of white orchids. Miss Candace Graham, as maid of honor for her sister, Miss Noreen Conlin (sister of the groom), Miss Darlene Davies (cousin of the bride) and Miss Grannia Mulholland of Toronto, as bridesmaids were gowned a- like in floor-length mint green crepe, with empire-style waist and lace top and sleeves. They carried nosegays of white car- nations and yellow roses. Seven- year-old Cathy Conlin, sister of the groom, made a charming flower girl in a floor-1 ength gown of white crepe, with mint green cummerbund. She carried a basket of yellow roses. Mr. John Conlin of Downs- view, was best man for his broth- er and Messrs Hugh Conlin, Gary Graham and Joe Blonde were ushers. At a reception held at the Sea- way Towers, the bride's mother received in a sheer pink floor- length gown with pink orchid corsage. She was assisted by the groom's mother, who chose a chiffon over taffeta gown, with matching headdress and a yellow orchid corsage, For a honeymoon trip to Niag- ara and Northern States, the bride changed to a pink wool two-piece suit, black accessories and pink orchid corsage. The couple will make their home in Winnipeg, where the groom will enter third year Uni- versity and the bride will teach in St. James District school. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett, Miss Judy Haskett and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Langford of Lucan were among the guests. Girls' group ups number It looks like a big year for the Lucan-Clandeboye CGIT. Al- ready the leader, Mrs. Murray Hodgins has an enrollment of 37. Prior to the first regular meet- ing September 13 an enjoyable wiener roast supper was held on Mrs. Hodgins' lawn last Wed- nesday evening with 27 girls pre- sent. Of these, 14 of the 15 new members were able to be present. Jane Hodgson's and Jane Cro- zier's team won the treasure hunt. Other games were also en- joyed. Marlene Butler and Mari- lyn Hearn led in the singsong. Four amusing impromptu skits were presented while humorous ghost stories and jokes were told around the camp fire. The evening closed with a vesp- er service in charge of Nancy park and Heather Froats. DATE CHANGED The date of the September Guild meeting has been changed from Sept. 21 to Sept. 14 to en- able the group to finalize plans for the bazaar Friday evening, Sept. 23. Mrs. O'Connor buried Saturday Mrs. Daniel J. O'Connor 83, the former Maude Carling of St. Columban, passed away Saturday September 3, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Harrigan, Lot 18, Concession 7, Biddulph. The body rested in the Q. Has- kett & Son Funeral Home, Lucan, where prayers were said at 8:30 pm Sunday. Monday September 5 it was taken to St. Patrick's Church Biddulph, where Father F. J, Bricklin, officiated at re- quiem high mass, at 9:30 am.In- terment was in St. Columban cemetery. Pallbearers included Messrs James O'Connor, Jerry Harrig- an, Edward Harrigan, Danny Mc- libargey, James Dewan and Frank Harrigan. Mr. O'Connor predeceased Mrs. O'Connor, who is survived by five sons and two daughters, John, Joseph, Gerald and Frank, all of Toronto and Harry of Sar- nia, Mary (Mrs. Joseph Harrig- an) of Biddulph Township and Rose (Mrs. Charles Mcllhargey) of London. ANGLICAN Flowers in the church were in loving memory of the late Mr. Jack Sprowl. DEDICATION Four new hymn books, donated by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neil of Vista, California, in memory of Mr. and Mrs. John Abbott, Bert and Lloyd were dedicated at the 11 o'clock service. ORGANIST RE TURNS Mr. Gordon Jacklin, who has tendered his resignation will re- turn for Sunday September 11. A farewell tea will be held in the church basement following the service. Sunday School, Jr. Choir and League of Loyalty all reopen next Sunday. 0 0 Pigs have costly taste UNITED CHURCH PROMOTIONS Superintendent Cliff Culbert was in charge of the following promotions at the 11 o'clock ser- vice: Intermediates to seniors, 10 children; juniors to inter- mediates, 6; primary to junior, 13; kindergarten to primary, '7; nursery to kindergarten, 9. The school has an enrollment of 120 and during July and Aug- - Please turn to page 13 BEEF BARBECUE Last Monday evening Hon. Wil- liam A. Stewart, Minister of Agriculture, entertained 35 Nova Scotia farmers and N.S. Agri- culture Minister, I. W. Akerley to a beef barbecue at his London Township farm home, on the first day of a planned six-day tour of rural Ontario. Monday, May 8, 1967, will be World Red Cross Day at EXPO 67. The date honours the birth- day of Henri Dunant, founder of the Red Cross. iiiiii 111111111,1,111111111111111M1 lllllll 111111.1111.11111111111111111111111111111111111r llllll 1111111111111111t11111111111.111111111111 Lucan Personal Items 141•110111111111111111 ll i 1111 1 1 1111111111111 ill llllll 1111011,1411111,11111. llllllllllllll I/1.1111111111 llllll I lllll 11111,111111 llllllllllllll There is one well known local farmer, who in years to come will be able to vouch for the fact that away back in 1966, there was "money in pigs". Last Monday evening Mr. Aus- tin Hodgins RR 1 Lucan, clerk of the Biddulph Township council, was changing his clothes, when to his consternation he realized his wallet, containing valuable papers and $51 in bills, was not in his hip pocket as usual. A frantic search of the house, the grounds and the fields by Mr. Hodgins and his family were of no avail — no purse was found. As a last resort Mr. Hodgins went to the pig sty. There to his dismay he found small scraps of his wallet and the corner of one ten dollar bill. Apparently one pig — or more — had had an expensive, if not appetizing meal, at his expense. I \ 0 r 4 roo los ••. Dies in hospital at St. Catharines CASHMERE WHITE, YELLOW OR PINK BATHROOM TISSUE GRANULATED WHITE SUGAR 4 ROLLS After eight weeks in St. Cath- arines General Hospital, Mrs. Wilfred G. Crandon 75, of St. Catharines, the former Lottie M. Richardson, passed away Friday August 26. Funeral service was held in the Lindsay Funeral Home, St. Marys, Monday August 29, with interment in St. Marys cemetery. Her twin sister, Mrs. Burns Smith of Alice St., Lucan, was able to spend the last five weeks with her sister. Her only other survivor is her husband. A number from Lucan visited the funeral home or attended the funeral. BLUE SONNET PARCHMENT 5-LB. BAG improved. Mr. & Mrs. Alan Tin- dall of Wiarton were weekend guests and all were guests of Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Mullins of London Sunday. After a two month's visit with her sister (Miriam) and brother- in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Frey of Santiago, Mrs. T. A. Hodgins arrived home Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Morris Darling of London were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Armitage, Bob Arnold, son of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Arnold, who was a patient in Victoria Hospital for two weeks with an infected hand, is able to be home. Mrs. John Campbell and fam- ily and Mrs. Harry McFalls of London were Wednesday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Sheridan Reving- ton. Mrs. Don Ankers is relieving at the post office, while Mrs. Hodgins is on vacation. Mrs. W. W. Garrett and grand- daughter Donna-Jo McTaggart, of London and Mrs. Bob Coleman of Lucan, attended the Salvation Army picnic at Hayfield, Thurs- day. Miss Beryl Cross of Cobourg spent last week with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Corbett. Mr. & Mrs. George R. Crin- nian and son Charles, of Spring- field, Missouri, spent ten days with Mrs. M. L. Crinnian of Main St. While here all spent a weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Don Barber of Guelph. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sovereign and family of London have pur- chased and moved into the house on Langford Drive, formerly owned by Mr. Norman Schell. Mrs.Harry Noels and son Don, of Forest spent a few days last week with Mr. & Mrs. Maurice McDonald. Mr. & Mrs. Alex Colvin and family have returned to Windsor, after spending a few days with Mrs. Colvin's mother, Mrs. U. F, Stanley. SAVE 20c MARGARINE 4 —SAVE 12c— ' 400 Mrs. May Huddleston of Cali- fornia is visiting Mr. & Mrs. Don Black on her way home from Europe. Following their recent mar- riage Mr. & Mrs. Paul Conlin are now settled in Winnipeg. The former is entering his third year at the University of Manitoba. As a member of the National Hockey Team he will play in Austria in February 1967 and the Olympic in Grenoble, France in 1968. Mrs. Clare Stanley, last Sat- urday entertained 10 little girls in honour of her 10-year-old daughter Ann's birthday. Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe Hodgins and family of St. Thomas and Mr. D. A. Ashworth of Lucan have, returned from, a week's motor trip to Ottawa where they were guests of the Rev. & Mrs. E. C. Attwell. Mr. D. R. McLaughlin and Isa- bel Neabel of Toronto were week- end guests of Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mugford. Mr. Murray Abbott, Mr. Don Abbott, Janice and Paul and Mur- iel Abbott attended Paris Fair Saturday, September 3. Reeve Russell Bowan, who un- derwent surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital Friday, is making satis- factory recovery. Mrs. Ron Crozier entertained with a family birthday dinner for her daughter, Mrs. David Mayn- ard, who with Mr. Maynard have returned to London after a sum- mer course in Toronto. Mrs. Rose Atkinson was a guest at the Poole—St Amand wedding. Mr. & Mrs. Milton Price and family of California are visiting Mrs. Price's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Black and other relatives. Dr. & Mrs. Ernest Sadleir of Toronto were Sunday callers on Miss Lina Abbott. Mr. Cliff Abbott, who has been on the sick list, is feeling much 3-LB. PKG. TOP YALU FIRST GRADE CREAMERY ICE CREAM 1/2 GAL 89 CORNEGSFLAKES GILLETTE SUPER STAINLESS STEEL PkgsZ 75g RAZOR BLADES Po lf(gS 590 JELL-O (ASST'D FLAVOURS) GILLETTE SUPER STAINLESS STEEL PUDDINGS 3 Pkgs. 39c RAZOR BLADES oPfk % $1,19 MOTHER PARKER'S (25c COIN PACK) HIGHLINER FROZEN INSTANT COFFEE 6.1: $1.19 OCEAN PERCH 1Pkg. 39(1 BOLD POWDERED DETERGENT FARMHOUSE FROZEN Giant Size 93g Pkg. SERVE BROWN 'Ns BREAD 16-ox. Loaves 39g SHOULDER ROAST ib49' BRYLCREEM (WITH FREE COMB) SHIRLEY GAY HAIRDRESSING Largie,:e" 69C APPLE PIE 24-ox. Family 39 Size Pie BANANAS PLUM CHIQUITA BRAND CAN. NO. 1—PRUNE S 6-qt. Bskt. SUNKIST LEMONS GIs: 0 ONT. NO, 1 FREESTONE PEACHES Qt. ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED GOVERNMENT 99g 39g 33g lbs. CAN. NO, 1 WAXED TURNIPS 21b, 19g 1 CAN. NO. 1 TOMATOES 6-Qt. Basket CAN, NO. 1 COOKING 9c ONIONS 3 Bag 39q .. • . • • • !.• • LAMB LEGS,,,.69c DARLING'S IGA EXETER and LUCAN BETTYGR!ID Ei)E4!,111 IGA Friends shower bride with gifts Prior to her marriage Saturday to Mr. Ronald Leslie Woodward, formerly of Lucan, Miss Marie Louise Small was honored by a trousseau tea and several pre- nuptial events. At the former, guests were re- ceived by Mrs. E. J. Small, the bride-elect, Mrs. Leslie Wood- ward (mother of the groom-elect formerly of Water St., Lucan) and Mrs. Irving Gibson (of Lu- can), grandmother of the groom- elect. Pouring tea at a hand made lace covered table, centred with yel- low roses arid mums, flanked by white tapers, were Mrs. R. G. Petch, Mrs. W. F. Small, Mrs. R. W. Falshaw all of London and Mrs. Wilmer Jones of Kippen (aunt of the groom). Assisting in the tea room were Mrs. Harry Wood, Miss Joyce Wood, Miss Wendy Jones, Miss Sue Bryant, Miss Sharon Mc- Keown, and Misses Brenda and Sue Small. Displaying bridal gifts and trousseau were Miss Jill Mc- Intyre, Miss Linda Cameron, Miss Martha Martin and Mrs. Dave Smith. Hostesses entertaining Miss Small included Miss Jill Mc- Intyre, Miss Linda Cameron and Mrs. DaVe Smith at Miss Mc- Intyre's London home, Mrs. Mil- lard McKenzie, New Saruni, Mrs. Murray Jones, Port Stanley, Mrs. Earle McKenzie, Mapleton, Mrs. Doug Walker at the latter's home, in St. Thomas, Mrs. Gary Petch and Mrs. R. W. Falsha.W at the former'S home, Miss ft ao m I Goodhall and Miss Jo OusseY at the former's home. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Westman, London held a dinner party for the bride and groom-elect. The groom's parents Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Woodward formerly Of Liinan entertained the bridal party Friday night following the rehearsal,