HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-08-20, Page 1W. T. COX, Litter and Treprtetes.) S1.50 PER ANN. IN ADVANCE1 TES 111141111WITNIL IT,. wane asesease. - Too gogeogo Klebbakwhleb, la the firm sad torlodest dm of old, seat est armed clam of brave warriors to ivory hatsie field, sow, Is this that sad pipiag time of psees. Fforth iso samershle honhis of cloth, to ib threes the iratithle jaws of Use ad Sosihros. it the tda the sleek is driviiii°7 frOsTilad the i.usessg ogre to some spared pies - the foot ofa mossitsia, the side of • lake, sr bear • mod% or in the Neighborhood of • vfill _ or, more likely mill, • boob field- ed Widows me selected to accompany the illlisient pertions ire whisk the drove as 411- wi4th. So far, aft Is ateloo Shot, wanes ftse tho &ruby et me osesi1010.,Ot 01 dai Ne2ess des seeds from • then thermal bills a together, • esesperst aid is w- ars. es seallast the feardooted array ea is dory mese& mom the bather. This prase imst bo • sem " An see ard mos who wear the homes I ens," sr. Ma most be ems is *hem the • warn bath dm stesost essliesso-theses, brave, and skillith. The " " as he it called, le responsible for ethyl j he directs all tee movements, gives dic signsl with, to moor or when to bah; Is always bray-fleir la frost aed then la the rierA sad is, athealted by his subordiaates in all bari- tes He knows the alifolt remit, Over the wildest omits ; the esusatata and the moor ace as (stalker to him ma the boat. path; he prefers the rearward way, which. Mora. 0 the hoofs of his charge, ands/fonts bus.t mouthful, to the hard sod dosty abbe' rood emir betroths the feet of his cattle, ead has kola in the way of food. aglish parties, on their way to the to liok at the wild deer and wild hill., sod E truth the relies of Scott or of Olean, are often startled by • drove emerging fort • glom or reandiag time base of a niornitain, coining lowing aloes, urged or directed by their drivels, who, with wallet cm beck and staff ia rand, are coo/acting them to die south. Besides all the eases and duties, while os the march, tbe topmast has to Ill all the basmins, dispose of all the mule, and be re - astable for their valet to the at torment - parses must evidenCy boa whule onan, just exactly such • nein was Katmai Maid ck, the ter° of our sketch. It was • bright, doodle's autumn day that Kenneth, amn& a powerful bone, with • big broadsoord shiskiag against his saddle, and • strong, fierce wolf hosed by his side, ths pushing bis gay northward to the border. - Lie had just, disposed, in the Eagiish north, of the of tie largest droves that ever left the Iligioands, and with the proceeds of the isle is his poetess, was limeterung homeward in ad - vanes of his esempasions; fee, besides his de- slre Ds mement to his employer, there the a outran ILeggie Oast lie had promised is ease his cattle sold teedily aad well, to merafer into Mrs. Muskrat, aad h e wag, therefore, eery naturally staxithe to Oa all tot es poasible, for lie knew gene was equal iy impatient •ii hebol ye...Tighe might night be, for • has Itioaderehou.oler- ed,erafteowhiskered young fellow, O not often teemermen. Hie red lay tomes n somary part ot the mantel, and for 'mem' boon Le bsd seen no ell h eed till it twiddled is the sio A• this lest anew. • MI6. thengla sasseend ths sallsky Niglither. As the sheep Med same neskieg dews, he naidasely *bed his arm away, and the lime boded late the tough gross wood. Behr be could release the weapon reg•Ter kihnself from the blow, Kassab goes him him • wbbithad. A sheet bot eireggla armed, whisk is - ash. so saga is thedworegs at the rob- ber Oleo with • mildss of dosparthos, he brae away, leaped mos Rannedis hone, whish waste* mialead, and lied away with the speed of the Mod. Oer hem bow lb three too wen to third' ef fsithriag ; ss, essimeertag his sward, and op the ge. he halos seedy lam, CaheliesTrietdo the robber's saddia-whieh be selthessody dimmed to be multd with • Isom amasat el treame-and agar poohd braid teem. ths SellIdeees of the amen Mrs. Cessenes. Mot rag Aso be bad the eadefithlon ot beads( diet sine reerowusd Capri Gorden had been ethisitahly ins through the body bo sere Kathy trendler. Th. OreseAlli Vassals Geed t Greatest Peemille Number." Ikaarag from hrs. 1 ...-- lima. aa hes ekes beet throws array from peewees net Midas the preauitioa to eireueliom their naiads vo dwell at times ort the the proper imethOd Orileting in naergenciea. Fr ois west el this, many run into the very Owl of death, wheat • stripe moment's calla othethes word have pointed on • carter sod easy mesas of seethe It lis the move nemerray 10 1.1 la the mind • general mars of *thou la car of being in a Loses while it bon fire, ems the incet dsomorose coalig- ✓ ations occur at the deed of the at& ; and at the moment a berg mous. from • sound d eep, tbe brain is apt to becomes too cos- tumed to direct the bodily soonsrants with say kind ulappropristeness, without ranee pro vious preperstioe ea the ream costaintd gee. Is iszee cadre one oriall="mst set herr -. The Leaden Fir I. Be to athesim yawed( with the best means a exit limn the house, both se the top and bottom. 2. On the Oka alumna, reflect beim* yoo act. If in bed at the time, wrap yourself in • bleats' or bed -aide that. Opes no more doors than ale absolutely areceesiary, eud shut every door after yore. 3. Then is always from eight tos I we've Weise of pure air close to the ground ; if you canece, therefore, walk upright throti=e the smoke, drop on your bands and aad time progress. A wetted silk handker- chief, a peace of flannel, or a worsted rack- ing, drawn over the face permits breathires, and, to &greet extent, exclude* the smoke. 4. If you can neither make your way up ward oor downward, get into • front room ; If doers is • family, me that they am all collect ed bere, sod keep the door cloned as much as possible, for remember that smoke always follows• draught, aed lire always rushes after smoke. b. On no amount throw yourself, or allow others to throw themselves, from the window. lf no assistaace is at band, and you are in ex. tremity, tie the sheetm togtber, having ragt- ime./ one ails to moose heavy piece ut furni- ture, mei let down thO women and children one by one, by tying the end of the line of sheets around the waist, and lowering then Uarosgh the window that is over the door, rather than one that is over the sin. Yon eau amity let yourself down after the helper are6.161vfeLs women's clothes eatch fire, let her instantly roll herself over and over on the C. Ifs man be present, kt him throw orodws aad do the like, and then wrap ber op in • rug, or tbe first woolen thing . that is at bend. inane to -night will furnish omitted partic- Of the proceeding suggettions, there are two which cannot be too deeply engnmen on elan the nand, that the air is nomareuvely pore within • foot a the floor, and that any wetted silk or wool*. texture thrown over the face excludes smoke to a great extent ; it is often the case that the sleeper is awakened by the sisffocatiageffects of the smoke, and the eery first effort should be to get ii.1 of it; no u to give time too eummoe the :aunt, and math goes." coo l'..- .. , . Is doe auy pe ion of ,.... Is. cly O boned, it emsnot be too strougly impressed on the miod Out putting tbe burned part under wider co mi:k, or other bland fluirl, gins iroetnt• anemia and perfect relief front all pain what ever; and there it should remain until the buns can be covered perfectly with half an ioch of common ebesten lour, pat on with a dredging.box, or any oilier way, and al- lowed to swain until a curt is effected ; when the dry, caked flour will fall off, cr can be Zealot') and Miseder. Ast atromem weeder was eimmitted &boot six o'clock this asontiag, is Ors both No.3..93 Took avenue, the victim lirs. Minter beet • widow with theme sisal children, and the murderer Frederick Muster, • German about 23 years asp. It that lione ter had been psying his =al els to Ls. Heisterbert for sm. time past, sad had also had bees workiag for ber brother, bet lately he had beams redoes of his mistram, who, be sepporad, had been reeeivtag athentithe from smother sian. Abaci six ticker this mooring, the murderer, what lived in the tame home with Ma victim, armed himself with a hatchet and bomber's knife, and entering the room when Mrs. Haireterbert was preparing breekfast tor herself sod children, he struck her down with the hatchet as she .was stooping over the storm. thee with • butcher's knife cut her throat is each • Eraser tbat ber head was randy severed from bit body. Her cries these of her chitties alarmed the Deighbors, who mated into her room only to Sod her dying. The murderer ia dee meantime, made thin least of his way to the twentieth precinct station house in thirty-fourth street, and there delivered liaised( up, stating that be had jrat commented • murder. His manner was so cool sad collected that the sergessit supposed he rem Mang, bet amerthelers scotharoda- sed hies with a oat It was found that his tole the true, It a supposed that Mosier, who had bees driaking hard for emend days previously, wet temporarily insane et the tura of coeinintiag the deed. The deceased was • satin of Germany, and about thirty-five yews of age.-Nme York Costeeerraal 44 sertiser. other ivies creatures. than his dig and nis that bordered the big way-, he perceived, a ealime • °ember of Wes lo hie aid, 001 got Tereatramen Boys ix a Well -An Alarming Amideat. An acci,:e..t of a eery peculiar and diem*. sing nature, at tire florae of' Refuge, moulting i • the deeth 0( 005 of the officers of the into- tatioressel the ir.juritif several of the inflame& It appeals that a well eas beteg seek near the river, arid Ind attained the depth of 21 feet. The curb or tieing was being put 1., bit ettiag rather tigtelLetielegle Milligan, swim - ant engineer of the , who had charge olf hone; bit.. he marl Irmo a little wood tie work, II" • 1•11 beard. somas /1", loPiart Nun GOORRICR, C. W.. AUG. 14. 18a. •••••••,,,kr• Wart remise moth too moth fur the patience of oar owe midge friends M tits We hops ether extra f We thisk wt. that no undoes vishase will be seed the advocacy of thelellea involving our Mitr- e., and that Mona iseethers will strive to show the eitherity of their profeetioas PARLIAMENTARY. ofliberaluint by oultiratiag • spirit of for - Oar Qsebec ourraispondent, front whom 'korona?, and by a strunly impartial man- tra expect telegrams ennonneing ine iPialeion of the Proviacial iktros•arinirs- portant mattetv connected with Parith Sllth • 000115 "al WS be Isulieelari__„ moot now sessiori, says that there la Plelateg to Lewes' Cadeffitho every indicatiori of a hot time--literelly hat net math belFalk " 88°14'. trot, in ooe seam, fur the weather is inset torah!, warm, but figuratively mo with regard to political movements. A greed rally was expected on the 8peakeratip election. The name of Mr. Brown was freely used in liberal circles but it was feared he could not be elected on account of the prejudice existing against him so the part of L. C. members. Mr. Noma' will stand oext ln order. If a 'judicious eboioe is made, the Ministry expects to carry the election by a majority oaf 9 se 10. The Conservatives were lying low,6 but J. 11. Cainef011 was expected bbs their choice. VERY LATEST FROM QUEBEC. MI lean, ag West, me fibres to it for • "01101. No, the reel dasher which Las to be met by the rearm= of Caned& is this : Lower Canada 1. 0411 powerful, and Wino a great axteal is the Muds of threwd but unprincipled mos. 8hoe imag- ines that she has the whip Mod 01 that if we ham Am good will we the every - thew , our highway to the eelea, our means of intercom.m with dos sieter col- our% all the advaatagee Sowing from British connection, sad that we Await! be forced into civil war or have to MI back into the arms ofour unhappy friends screw the border. This is tree oely in part, for Lower Canada does not command the 'bole of the navigation ot the Bt. Law- rence from the old dividing line to Ore sea. She might in turn be shut out by Nova Scotia tad New Brunswick. But will here is tangibility enough ia the idea to cause much annoyanee, and to place this portion of tho Province at a great disadvantage. If oar nspresente tires ask for something like fair May, and demand that we shall not be saddled with institutions repugnant to the feelings of a vast majority of our people they may meet with nothing but abuse: if they threaten to nee the liberal majority to force our measures upon Lower Canada, the Cartier nieo may may that, they will mote heaven and earth to secure a dimwits - tire of the Unioo ; and in say eveut these whip -load men would eadeivor to throw the onus of the trostge that might arise Mn.W ALLBRIDGE ELECTED SPEAKER. By special telegram from Quebec we learn that Mr. Wallbridge lass been elected Speaker of the House of Amenably by a majority of eight Where caa blonsieur Cartier have been with his '• sealed doom " We have so further particu- lars of the vote, end it is a little uncertain which Wallbridge is meant, although the presumption is that Hon. Lewis was the ooly one qualified for the office. In that cases vacancy will be made in the Miuis- try. However, it is pleraing to know that the Ministry has stood the test The short distance before bite, • well-dressed, 01145 Plati°11• this f•red k". the Pug's" screamed with writer, disclueteg a beauttfel, ano)crwe looking kpo„ nom. of pressing it down to its place -the engineer 41•111. 411. COMMISSIONER OF MD OF WORKS. upou our shoulders, whilst they them- . selva would be, in reality, the guilty We are happy to be able to say that parties. Coder tbe circumstanties, then, Liframboise has been elected by a majori- the gram to be played is ow of no wen- t" of 361 over tho nary delicacy. It requires caution,concilia- tiro end firearms. The exercise of these RETRENCHKEN7 qualities w,11: it is to be hoped, in due I C I time. coo ince mwer soar ans t tat we TER MERMAN WAR. Haab Q11•11T1111, Divilttus C• !MAT CORP*, AIRY or Telt Potomac, Warreetoo, aag 7. -To Col. A. .1. Alearader, Chief of staff ef Cavalry Corps ...ohs compliance with a letter juin received from Hadquartras o• the Army uf the Po directing me to give the facts connectediunrat my Isle at Fattier Waters. 1 have ibe honour to stem that at three o'clock on the atoning of tbe 14th ult. I leaned that the notary's pickets were retiring 011 my front, having been pre- viotely ordered to attack at seven a. I was ready to Neve at once. At daylight had reached the creel of hills occupied by the enemy an hour before, and et • ftw weitineres before six Gen. Caster drove the reraparel of the 'noisy 4. to dm river at Williamsport. leserning from amens that • portiere elf the esemy had retreated in the direction of Fel- lieg Waters, 1 at once mond rapidly for %bat point, sad came up with the rearguard of tho earn, at 730 a. sn., ad • poial twu miles der tent from Falling Waters. W. proseed on Moo them before ens DS so ear 10•"7 Pow omen rad era gen. When within oar seder led( mules of Felling Waters, the rummy wits formed in large force, drain up M line ef bet. tle oe lb* enest of & commandise the rood on which 1 wami advaisciag. Ills left was protected by eartionorka, and his right extended to the wOods far oa left The swum was. When first sees, in two lines of batiks, with arms stacked. Witten leer thee 1000 yards of this Large tome a snood woes of,arullory, with ita support, comustrag a le flimsy, wag captured »este attempting togas into a position. The gun was tekes to dee rear, • porters of the 6th Michigan Ceram, seeing uely that portion of gm enemy behed the earthworks, charged ; this charge, led by Major Weber,was the moat gallant •ver mode -et • int be pawed up the hilt received the fire front the whole line.and the oext momect neee throuri and over the earthworks WA passed to the right, sthering Concatenates &lour the entire line, and returned with a Ions I o(341. killed, wounded and missing, including the gallaut Major ft eber tidied. 1 directed Gen. Caster to send forward one nortiorat se skirmishers. They were repu'eed before ewe port cuuld sent them, sod driven rack.closely followed by the Coifed irate until checked Isy tbc,lit Michigan and • squadron of the lith New Took. The second brigade having er:ndurb:Is•J:.; k at .11 towards the raver. %hero 'within &short dis- hiness. from the bird m Geo. Bufones command cense up and took the advance. We lost 29 killed, 36 wounded. and 40 mire sing. We mend alma the field 125 du d Core edemas., tor brought away upwards of fift wounded. A huge number of the enemy's wounded was left on the field in clue,' of their own surgeons. We captured two guns, three battle flap, and upward,* of 1,500 prire otters. To General Croker and Lis tingade, Lieutenant Sentungton and his battalion, and one squadron of the tith New York cavalry of Gerais' Word's command, all praise a due - Very resiectfully, your oh& serrt, Ciignedi J. KILPATRICK. Brig. Gen. of Caral:y. le relieve them. Al Kerr, a we the oeceein, sod allowed them tolimilease." awasung die convoy. the roend the praetors. Lissa shirts rod tram - ors eras thee ansied tii the prim the before they entered the mina. They were divided into don categories. The Least 'silty own shot up iu a room tiredly large esiosigh for fitteen perrens. Ito this they were obliged he remota standing, so clearly loathed that 1 mem impossible to moee. They remained ist this state whole weeks, and die writer my' li i does w oe know whether they were lateness& maw (erred to another prison. Tbe apiond OW gory disappeared without anybody hang able 10 6.4 est that lied bemene of them. The third wra mesa to dm cosemiatio The as formes% wretches were throws tea welke me deep sad narrow that it was i 'the to lie dowa. There dewy remain we a ray el light, tiled their theerable ratios ef feed is lot down to 11110111 b7 • *ord. The beether of mos of these, try partite • herb", soccer. is. ole mining his release, and etas th oars be wale sae.* to recognise both so diamond was be. It is from this pence that the writer got the foingoong pozteculars. The news •hich &nine (mos Lithommis le afflicting. Between G.nillio and Vilest, the "Wien at tee railway motions nag en the highway, 'Death 5 i the Petit veracities." Near the chute:hem anon, soldiers ars pored, who, aa • pastime, ase the butt wads of their muskets tot leasers by, both mara ssed fe- male. The slence of the tomb broods orer Polish Linens rad the Previa..., ot Alinsk, where Moues. ieff, au the SIX seeks of iiii repine, hea caused the dirapirnanuce id 10,000 fami- lies of landed proprieters. Coafientions are efected tidieru the torten are leirales. who are. OfuletWer, arrested or tranwrorled. There im ot rumor *Rat 3lnaravreif it about IA leave Wilma. Wee, he arrised it ii said he only asked tour weeks for the norteraish- thot of order. He sow eoraident he less done his work effectually. The wife of the hero Sierakowski arm 4a0 - 'imbed then dem afire bet orafirantent - &yea persons have lost their reason, among Ithem the photogrspher Kersan,iit conse Inoue :4(11:i:tested& it000 miartro:eii.do: otcosa.bellath.chr. na, ! emus. loakowits before hirt executioa was put to the nick, where his leg ass hroken and the soles of his feet burnt. t onducted tat a cornage to the plan of execution, he sniper timed to the maharanis the coodurt uf the ati. thorities. At Wilna, op to July 3, 32 cap- tives have be.. starved. At Wane,. thwy am drowned in the %.t4 in enter 50melte place tor others. Tbe citizens of Augustowo caution, ehoch belongs to Congress Poland, are transported to Kovno to be tried by Mounmieff. , • me The Mini,try ha.s ..,...^ceoled el000 „„t ,ole demanding jintiOC, and that ITJ ping down the expenditure in several ion- are noe ace;,,un eo use nay power sew(' in Steam Skips for Quebec. portant particulars. Several' old and our hands with • MahloOtIR deDre ta re. , two the ) worn-out public servants have been die. tarn oil treatment. fur the evil treatment' mused on moderate bat well -deemed hare reoemv.d, allowance:. Auriga them. is rk-psty bgiek ewirs„, whamei.g jo the woe ocenpring pusi ion a bo.„ o ihe inzr,uand heathful skin in all awes where the Inspector General Carey. ial 11 are super c . ut tit any case of directioa with himself. boar& and tbb7: to the number of thirty. bore ihe grit egh .hooi -111114•0--4_ THAT WAR WITH ENGLAND. rt d be to compose the It appears that the Fatecutire Govern - two, standing os t edge of the 'curb. A ' " A fine dns, muter drover " the gen- TRY BREAKERS AHEAD demise, as he rew ap abreast:of him. " Mee U& fiddle," rearmed Kenneth. "A lonesome road this," mud the stranger, "sod I am by no meths sony to have met with • ethipanion." "It is • solitary bit of travel for • sociable lad," sorted Kerineth, sad they fell into • pleasant eememation that continued for some time. At length the stranger, who had been talking afire martial riot 01 14. Highland- er, thwarted: " As brave as yos Ilighlathers ars, I golwoo- with so mach Enlist d es you rirtiotss an how you dare to temente the coast generally have in yoar pockets." Fools 1" ejaculated Keane* eontemptn- misty, if we have Enzlielli gold ia the spot, ma, we have Scottish steel is the .heath" A good broedsword is. friend," said the stranger, 'tott a pleat .10r quicker.' bat a pistol assy miss fin -the flat nal slip, or the ball go wide, asd thee vim is the good of it No, ea • gin me the geed Med theta always readj, aod ▪ of so highwayman is the lath" "Not twee esaasraed Captain Coados, who is mid to be sommbeie is the wieinity," mil Jae swifter, is • basmriag tam • w Test OM Caption Gordee," Warmed Matheth, sewing his lagers, md media( tha hilt of his sword t Andrew Ferrara Item and Brea ism,' Benin to the Lam wolf hosed beside him, 'I'd not fear to meet hiwromthis, minete, or to opit ie kis fees any- " KW," exclaimed the other, is tans e a aspvemin doebt I1P to offeasin, "1. year sword • real Ferrara? such bled. me ewes." • De yes desk my weed?" stoked Komeds, salaree; • ealy as I beige rem/bed, each bides sae swe eammem" "By Jopiter, ra thaw.. yea thee,* mid Keeemb, embeethlag bk mead, sod pekities es malmee sem and the dem sa 11, is al pie eiy,' imbed die eibee,psiieg k is his heados dime to weigh the weeps% rear ens or admire it. " Tabs it by the hilt, man' mid Emma 'theta us way to try arwort' The meager *deed it by the md 'sib( his beim Imp swillesty forward, streek melt a fade's blior st poor Bram that his beel Sew se loam tee pesos from his body; a emeleg mos ebb petrified dromr, add t mea a may be mestaimeA" " Tleffpwor your life ; yea me that " Who them& mime ate ant " piped Eseasth beitellored et the momemel ems *Me bed takes. toy= rephis denies, whom hew 11116 with mar ems mopes. So sow die ath dal thee iron of wattle nee of se spit thle, eel I bed mere to mor relime, Mhos I yet yew Med moment or so alter they commenced to force the curb down, the boards gave way beueath the premiere, and the engineer and twenty. seven of the hoys were precipitated to the bottom of the well. Th. or-cur/gen soon brought s erowd to the spot, and immediate semoseres inn takes for Winging the parties to the sorface. The &taproom character a the accident, and the cries of the boys pm rise to dee most resift' anticipseon ; buS • few erameeu solaced to show that the coo- sernesess wen sot by say means se senor as masher.. The engineer was tetra out des 4.1 01 'weapon,. boys who fed ie not one wet severely injured. Several of them are brolly scratched and some admen bruised, bet near of these were injured to any serious tweet. Mr. Milted bad bees ia the employ of the institute since its opening, and was re- gardord as • eery worthy man. An inquest was neld on his romans to -day, said a verdict a accidental daub reedereL -Pitisberg Cbronicla. the mind by instautraeossly removing bodily pain, which is done 13 above named ; the philosophy of it being. that the fluid, whether water, milk, oil, excludes the air front the sound; the flour does the same thing ; and it is rare indeed that water and flour are an not anagrams's:may to be bed in all habit- able localities. -Halts Jowled of Beata. seepTOa Saterday mandato • boy Ms the y of West Brothers, tobacco mansfac- them, St. Jobs Street, Kentivid, the robbed of 111111•3 is the Ontario Bask. It seems that the soy was eon to depoeit the moor, which comisted of twesty-fir dollar in Mil- eth's Baak. and three one dollar bills 10 545 Moran& Beek. On his we be stopped in the Othro Bask to thee a e seeoeitted, sod wide there his pocket was the moray, also the their of Masers. Wad. At the time of the theft them were • somber of pathus is the beak, broths amo- ral°. of the robbery esespedleteetion. The pare were inmediray gatided, sod steps takes to..... the angst of the guilty party. --Adatenteer. radasthe agig ha goo breed to deriver ep tie "Who will berm la be, se bs eth • tharethi Moses ae Brew, "the with swab a geed deg. wed mob se IMMO the maid, an liglibtaingell WNW net • hit , •lor I ben hire Meth 0, sme es Om Mei" wad the rah me Ilea ; I immiller yew Yew hum to bums, • oboe es yes. to tem OM me mese robbed by raft brae. !Ai &Os mei stgla Med es ded Ts Isee be With am belimed wed seethed. "dem tank lel" sewed the caber, mia kg dm higle this Sisk le de es Dews la we mese • IMO meal " eaollaJarmartampar ',the Inthert Nth ▪ sblimweeir plead hi are. de Mew Diewhig amegth bee is Mow, thi rdisething dm beam mead emeel hie deatT4r• regret to ban to seseasee the of alien Wade, Esq., of Ifirldleport, seder tit follerwieg eirsethenees o -Os the morsing ef Saturday int, Kr. Wade went la- ss hi math lee the pur of atmodieff to hi bores and to sassed a raider to the loft, mid Mee ia the an, sad bang about sr or seven bet her the mewed, the of the nava gave way aed precipmead him ea hie ado aad lip so the groml. He lay on the grossil, enable to rise, he over two boars, aril an. Osman came ined seek him to kis bowie sad idea is hal bellissi ael was homed- tit1411 bed, Dia Dee sod delPhersim being ailed M reline his sothrisp, bet allte purpose ; be died es Thamday lem-Dreet- Jlard Oseris. 12.. Os Monday sat, wits some Abb. wets playinotther Mr. Offeeell does to Fergus, es of dem dell We the dam, sod would Ian bees droweel bat Oar the timely 11.11111110011 ofay..ug masa, mod IT years, damtleer et Me11m4s, eria0,1011 remel es say. keit her awe Its is themparg to thse dist .1*4. ABA Tha agog wean. ap- pear, wsjbs4osaImg%w4s.ibsmhi14i. streggliag 15 4. vister, nod while 1. 14. am m eteepieg dews, dipped nom ths log Isto the river. While main 41 tee tier she lifted is WM ma mid pies/ le easky os the log, bat smid get drew bar sea het 5.101 is .01, 4. le envy ~apt only mai &rpm and deeper, wed the mese amend Wrenn sad in Sib mild posimmesie ire i. dremed.--lehre Obserosr. Thenght Essential te Health. If we would have our bodus beeld41. OCT brains must be geed, sad used in ot j and and vigorous ways, that the life giving streams of force may low doss from diem into the expectant organ% which administer bet as they are nuniseered sato. We admire the vigorous serial hfe of the Greeks; and with pities we recognise, and partly seek to im- itate the various gymnastic mid other wane which they outplayed to secure it. But probably we should make • fatal error if we ciesmitted from oar calculation the Warty end gerserOell easumrstnees eith which the high- be atiotit to 1. nide, for the *income 15. went of the United States, rim Makin Ir has been asserted by political prophets the rumor that it was about to take a that, in reference to the harmonious threateningstand with referenoe to Great working of the Union between Upper and Britain, has been at some pars to an - Lower Canada, there are breakers ahead. 'woke that nothing. of the kind has A deoree of trouble there may possibly be, token place or is likely to do 90. So it but we Einecrely hope the breakers will was all -- 11e"ae of thole whoppers prove deep enough to carry us safely over dreseed up in such a garb of particillarity, without touching bottom. As faoou r as we that it ld without difficulty pass Otail- are aoqoaioted with tht state of public ter Oir truth. Pity knows Meows. Lin - feeling thrugliont this section of the traln, Seward, Chase, dres., are bothered Prorinoe, there is no apparent ground- enough,without being tantalised and pitch - work upon which to base prognostications ed abont between, the Tribune and lier, of dangerously roomy times. It is true, all, with their satellites in the newspaper our people have seen 65 50 return a large wrald. majority of liberal representatives to the House of Assembly, and that • quiet bet LEE SOUND POR IFAIMINOTOM. irel demand r Wee. or rather, Perhalla, The latest sensation story is eommetiou with die war, is that Geo. Lee is prepar- ing to march upon Washington' wide an army of 150,000 troops and 300 cannon. He has succeeded in obtaimisg heavy rein- forcements, and is confident that h• whip any Union force that attempts tbe overland route to Richmord. Thee be will be prepared to march directly npon Washingloo. So say the N. Y. Hersh! and other pipers. r est subjects of art, speculation sod politics . gj this bowl were permed by them Sorely, in their Me tight' PPee aode I Poo the beautifel sad energetic mental life was we have been grossly misrepresented by expensed in the athletic end panful frame.way* am unprincipled polieiehme, who And is it a mere extravagance toask whether some part of the lassitude and marines, of am ever ready to make political capital, We, of which we hear so coach in our day, whatever be the mar:Ace. There is DO desire, latent or manifested, in Upper Canada, to deal with our Lower Canadian brethren other than in a spirit of justice and fairness, and all this raving about that "atrocious nwmater " George Brown of the Molar, with hie detensinatioe to trample down all that is good in their umitetiona, must be set dews ...o much atemenee. Mr. Brown is a glover man, undoubtedly; 1.has made for Moran a name in connection with Canadian politics, and Ms opinions -epos say important ques- tion of the day carry with them tench weight, bat we feel confident that were he to propose way step likely to involve the orranta7 in trouble, there would at mos spring up an opposition against which ke meld do Dinkiest. George Bios., ar- dently to desires to see tbe iminevfinte reform of long-standing &berms, ia toe threwd, sad, we believe, too patriot. a a won to podium the pare of hie oratti- try he order to prenipitate events whit* will merely be liceught about in of time. And yen with ihn we therm that Mr Brows ail sot ma ideate, m et the Bans Party. A weep* of party power and Meanie emote red* les mieuelid to any owe Ewa, sod the awaniely Iambi be tee ghe fog wove Iles err est the mminal es well as the real petty dishing. Ie several mem &rig the pot year, the party Us shows that It amid eves ies ewe iihnutglia by dividing au quistimms ism& 10, primiple, sod bes ewer ahem • ihmeltion Is hien M 4. web easy leaks% Asseseleg dist the pemithilemeemmed nil be thehimi to meek ptheeden rit *re limenry imam thr immel mem to ems, dem Nikko did Ihise MI he • breg- up et the Mks, a iilka Opier Omallas may DOl bit doe to lath einem& occupation cm worthy sobjeess, virago and repaying • generous enthusiasm as we I as to an over exordia on lower oats ; whether an engross - asset on matters which ban not satetame.i "Dough to justify or satisfy the mimed grasp, be rat at the root °frame part of the malo dies whiek Aid oer mental coevaleecence Aey one who tries it soon lads out how die- ly exhausting n ma overdose of ri7liPtrailiratatere, compared with aa leas- tity times meat as nal wort. 71this may he ewe, that thra des assesise el brain -of theeght-is eme et do asseetial thin of imam life. Tim perfect health of man•solder risme ea that of as to or hone. The pisperahretiag capacity of his nervous parts dime& a corresponding life. gl• ‚74. 4. et the of plaid 0% bee Mind teem itsed hem appthisil a merekokiser et loathe tee. Flan so elm Weem.-04 Di* • doe segleg h dte Media is the eif 0.1111100. aw Ilk Owed WW1 /4111map.- It Is sappesed le WM eatelmiegg ems moo mei The Sneer eet ash dle ae boa cid de mei he mem asimwd moo le dame. Coatiag Armenia' Preleettles. - - The shm for the Armstrong need guns is mode of eastiroo, each beint coated with • bead of son metal, to make it fit the bo,. - fl. art by peering molten .at sweat iste • nmid, Tweet apes die mid ine shoi.44.,.,_ • premiss of gahrealimg and a . Th. Ine shot me& of this kind, bawds o1014 metal upon deem -bet these wen ismid delbasere- the Mai far off wbos the shot wes deithereed. Aceeding to the mods sow patsies{ is egrainen mhot is tamed is • leis to a emeired gage thee blend bus. ens newly se the momem me of maims side : dipped Imo • ealetioe et edemmeelais t 61/ • I•411 eir heed dm. Thaw • seribee (& seat elate) is Tram the molten sett weed, masiedeg, of lied, sad Lum et th. This esti alloy Forbad, se so.' ANSI IMAM bet AI .51 4.44 map ireedy. 10.111 she ahem le de she maim Meier do shot is do ire de mks, eels& ee the ha- ler sun ups the ihr la • etheele melt swim whit de me thew he 0 , &WO , all O&M day, sa Srly" WI Mimi welds/ Imo am sharp " tee me ma la, isse dr mpg. " kb, bib 1 and Oafs Is* whir I empli te Bo helloes lam Am owl I see pos eithe es mem. dem at • eery wink chsegk se I wee pm dialtig I wed* got yes lo MOM Illiall." MOM Mr. Seward Prophesying War. From tote N. Y. Weld. "It is no lies strange than true,and no less sad than moaner, that the administration seems to know es own roind itig better than it knows the feelings of the people. Here is l'resident of the United Settee officially bad. ding as thank Heave' ear the near preseect 01 peace, end the Secietrry rd State in the same bremth calling upon us semi.oflicially to prepare fur • war wider aid worm then ever yet we have waged. The Secretary of State. virie4seit for the article trom the Niltionol con which the telegraph threw this morning like bomb into all the churches and COIN of the land, bears ton conspietmoly thn mark of iu origie 50 41. (2.111 amdc. as a Sound " Mr. gni idorsof the War DepartmentWhit." ing, we are lee to infer, has gone to England, not as a soheitnr, bat as • pursitivatit-a sort of Itoege-Sangher, boiling defiance of war in ha red right hand. On the slightest oeca- sioa ; "no the keel seooifatworich to the meth rtFietwirinftaiglicionalk::4 • are to Ideate too • freah srd foment contest with England. Oar steam marine, diadainini . , The owners of the Montreel Steamship Lion hare eratraeted with Meows- Steele Co., Greenock, for another vowel, of similar di- mensions and power to the Peruvian, now wider construction the same firm, aad shoot to be launched tor the above company. Time dimensiois of thcee steamers . E tree. length, 300 feet; breadth abeam, 3/4 feet; depth of hold, 26 (-et; giving • meas. ureter -at of 2,500 toss. The cylinders of the engines, el kb are to be 400 horse power and i will be supplier! by Messrs. Macnab k (10.• Thaw's Water k *Retry, will be 6 feet 3 tithes in diameter. Besides the above, Meson Steele have on hand at prement--one nos ss.lingg .hp iif 1,030 tons • ores 1,100 tom; two of 1.00 tons; one ship of mod mei woo (iorn framed and wood plashed) of 800 toes ; one screw steamer .1 400 tons ; and two wood - Alpe, mock 800 tons. Tara BlA Revteer.--Gfelt preparatiose are berg made for ib. OM - log review. The town eared of Besot - ford hos voted $600 torerda defraying 02 - pewee. tee hope Mr. Pall, oi the B. & L. K , will make arraegimeate before- hand for running cheep exeurthet troths on the occasion These theursioas, if pro- perly carried out 4o01 towards iwarees- ing the popalsrity ofthe Road, while We my. they are not direetly aopiegt.. of dr preesisei Om se ere MI der remiss 0111eV itlailigieri bin. Them Al same* is dame imegabb ef as so ethetho i.dr • the peopelml of "theiellisial • alenethas ef wer. 1 I oaf tnee Mete le messes mosees their Mist ee die melee eineed ia 666ra 'wet lead Soward's dettike onkel* 14. more sapidity advised. duel dime am to be leabed for masa* Cis" lila dames et the comanneks, the whose habits stile heed in thous dm vireos, et paudeme sod ffs=asonies.4 ia theas the glebe eswillert ire cm eradrasawal Abe le isg is the eseddisseliee thee, ithmipes Mr. l=smoir • bidetwgespned fuer e• Immedlie war wish alma me la Deessider. MA Me. bide es prepare the se hemellate passe the demi. If asp owe is employ, It men be esehoied they Moo their sew* IV :serrid topmetirsesti pest miser ef the t. , 14 the Confederates, is to pounce directly upon the commerce °like country from which the 'Florid 411' and 'Alabama'sand Olvorgias' ran sallied out to harry us, and 4,, • short time, in very mach leas tinie. no doubt, than "sixty days," is to sweep tits meteor tag of Britain from the seas. Whether, &nee se- tenn,dishing this job,' our steam markt", seder the ceders of the denser and vivacious Goinesixiore Wenn will immediately tura to receive the hniege 015 nation'e petite& rad ad in eaforcing the Conscription law, or whether it eill be allowed to finab the good work by dirensing 01 14. Corifederste cruisers which have skirted our toasts for two years past does not yet appear so clearly me on might with. Let us be satisfied, however, with one thing at • time. We may not be able to sceptres the Confederates at sea, but if we can annitulate the British on trat element it will be • creditahle thing to do. Much injustice has been done Mr. Semod 01 1.1.. Ile has been thought, for instance, to have dined, from mewing die traditional American policy an Ilse fare of the French Memnon cre Mexico. How little did those who cherithed such • ammo nedereand the mingled subtlety rad April of oar premier ! The old proverb bids us "beware the sager of a wont man." siel Mr. Seward necarestrs tia warning no ha tharseter and coarse lie bas rat interfered with the Fritsch adman isle Mexico; be will sot Warfare with the leen" earbenlla.. P"Alid• tensolidetioa of Preset power in Itheitio; he Litton linen die Ukraine ender dete nt the will "ale •"•••ii •P'" ibe •••141•4••••1 • 4MB. ‚74. 70114 Quenon. La Frame assoances that the num* of workmen employ on the fortifications of Coaster& has been inereamed from 15,000 to 18,000. The Cowries 4.. Diesaactle says " Accoi ding to reports, France sod lIng Iliad are not far from addressing • reply to St Petersburg, which oy Us cletracter am well as 10 tbe method of its transmenion, will im- ply the abtiodonment of negotiations, Austria does not think it her duty at present to close the donor to diplomatic negotiatioes." The Pare publishes an article signed by the secretary, asserting tbst the replies of the three powers to the Erashm note will be for. warded early in Angtet. A fortnight will then pmbably elapse before Roatia returns an 60111Wer. Let Ferrate mays :-" We must maintain our alliance with England and Austria for the regithitioa of the Polish question." Beata ie tag Marra etlesesealoy. The death of the Margoks of Iformaty, K. ti„, took plam at o'doelt eft the mervilin 54 the 2014 51*., at ilemiesa-ledge,Saudi Lama los. His Maar ram. a merlon aspect ea Kooky, slid la conerquethe his bother, Sit Clarke Phipps, sad other ever volatiles inn suseenaimed le Londe'. TM Inglas Nem Goostriatee Henry Phippe, Movies elf Nee, maitby, Earl Metzner., roman' Non= end Baroa lifulgraire of Ilmignive. York,io the Peerage of the Caked Kieelem, limos Malgrave of New Mora, Conroy Wex- ford, la the peerage of Delta •rwas the eideell. son of Heary, list Marl Nolgeses, by Martha Sophia, draughtier of the hitie Mr. Chromes" Thome* Meiling a West Herringto. earthy Illurnane His hirdship was bore 1511 May, 1787, tly dee dlasemesd rabisaaar ens in ha 4 lb year. Ha marred 1211 Ares 1818, Ore hcaorable Karla Liddell, eider desghter-of Thomas Henry, km Lord Bar- rolawortikby whether° marries bar InshateM he lames Imes aie nay ems. Getwil• Aglow* Constantine, the Earl of Kalmsve, sow gee PrnOr of Nowa &OD*, who will inherit di Ude ated estates. Inteltgeesee of sae thew& of Normaby's demise ma forwarded by Wet g raph to the gesitt at Ostronse, a few there after the sad event. Death of Dr. Cmogim To -day it blooms' our mottrata duty le r000rd the demide et mother cid art valued reddest 01 111. eity, 54. 4. poi from mweeget es 8111 epees, bed fa the midst of hie tesidniess. We dew em ism who veer enjoyed a burger skews 4 peblie atom ia this egmemaity them Dr, Willius Cralgra • sad we are NNW one °mild have livid a aeon buswitas neefel life. For the greaser part of Urea, ty yean he mai 'ed in this eity, aod was identified with i.s advametomit le wily ways. Although he had a good practice as a physician, be found time to rad vat i mu objects, chief among which wens the Mothanith Institute, 01 .14.1 be wait long. Director, besides being thather of the Upper Canada jiroard of Ark.; and the Hortacmitaral Society, which ba nated. Hie labors' i• Debar 4 ao; objects were hosiseet, 4. 1.'pored " mite fertheriag their Mirada Di. Crewe woe bon on the I Ith Ideseep 1790, ite Beisboth, Pens\ ef Taft Aberdemthire, Soothed. He them% Canada, Nettled at Anomie la4484, rewired te Ilamiltos in 111411. ;um 'studied lir the medial prehetim ifi Maresehal College, Aberdeen, the .410101 &whin 4. 1)014., Iskieg degrees ia all While peeseising1. native ematey, 1. hod the pat/ewe the 4.54 1)01. of Hordes, and seat_ mervedly high es a pethenseer. TOO Hooke wee • v. aboar, 'waft eilif of the Sri met Othede, 4.4.8si high peddles id a seisidilln atedariNg tommeolqiy, below hordenitine 554 Africa/tore. ethels as a moteleados. gist have he many yams been eireeislik etoethly un54.s ethane ; aled 4. 84. queetly lad emisikese to a Owed elP seisms published ist soneesthin *4. 4.' timithsesiew Institut*, el Wealdigkinis-e As a member of the Heard of Ash, hip labon wen Odle most valuable thennes, ter, and *1. 0.,. Madmoiet LAMM 1. greatly imiebaid a kis thertitme. As 14 04 4.10.014. large and within *imprimis *48 4* widely felt. 1141*51.1... el beset mei geoeroas disposition esedered 401• beer- ite, arid no nomober of the prodigies mad have beam more esteemed by his milieba 71. 4. Orme so univermay etes= will be deeply (.41. 04 so ene hes ed from among es who amid have mimed aevoid. lie eeloyed goord health, la het, wee seldom ems Mown to be M ; but bet whiter 164 • seven Milk free which he Inver sem pistely m48u Me west shwa, baratert, gad 111811 Awl se amine se emir thrsegh the gamer pese 01 41. wimeser, when • few weeks Am ii• led a mime of the malady lila Oa* ehleMed the meslory a ides, end 1.14.4 gillerday Agnew Pease* his sae Speissee. - mune to is death is the forthwith Ptromor Dasos.-Oharim mem : -On Then* menem 4. 4. me. seethe( err the view la arm. iron Clio. semi Me book oe at is mbar sial the meal bee% eima be esaisa bees elawialg ep le the ether eat lees ime . mimes MI phobia set, sod slam(1 imieediato thereises were mil 117 'Mg Oniony, he math to rise no meet is lithe - ober osier semi his beily was MIA bit lie wesestrote-MrtheVand Charier. .1 ong to Mexico, breams he geeprahses, 2ed, state dud in dm enders of Vasilkeff. asamedwee-we oil in . 519 f inn , Seriont, kevrits, Greys, and others , there ,, ihsyisit rod ., thee www " I°""r len a sis,gis t_Pr°Prisi.s wis° is out reestablish the regehlie ace • pneamin-, or wog.. etanslos eaphav time, doet 10 5.00 wo. ere 4.and tire acknooledged see eateries* faciiit with whirl' Fneveli armies dracy olf Nepotism 111. to ,In as he is bid, are Arefikiert guarantees thee. re forbearing we mediate!, to eject flimieral Furey Irian Minna. Mt. Seward • scram.d by so airworthy mow sidOrstionil .bat...,. The designs of France hemg apparent, 41 1. not worth elide lb compel .bat power to use mask them. Rut F:nglaiel, perfidious England, is in quite astother nes. She Isa. eshihrted mei ge, indemnities& to fight mi. deo d is evillest she MON ateemoine monis deep &age ageism' es, and Mr. &mud trawl to fares her irraistuse Aocturart.-A Premed Gee adiss labourer, tecently emprappg i. Gil yawl, Aimed, I I We' I Coes. arbilia es= in boiling pub yesterday afternoon, three o'clock, seetdently caegiot ens, low e, • Nonevent me s dame ft ith seigem, pre teener elated, he rushed te the beach, the tide being net st the time, and retied birth( ia tbs mod. Amcor. ether., emigre or hos 11116,taaelt, 610 IldUated Mod IMMI hit bed, and saved hie from instead death. Me was fearfully bent shoot the MOM aal lege. all hi clothes hal to be eat to mho them elf. Ile was coanyatsi. the /meta* int bis Is- jariee are So oriole that le Ma seenely se. QUOIN Daily Nam erns s•st,"•1 wussis moss., :-"Tb• seetivors eseendly astoes, entay of thee' eery 1041111ot. ets. grademos ;dorms is tier hwiloses lialfeser eiglit and siren o'clock, Ise seamed 10.4 .4 shm. gy. Tbe Weems Dehgelits. whom bete we leered a Mr date e. sin = ag6:1 „moo, in Portia& hits eisesenshod et a bail ea trader *hi- Owes see wet „ram, „oak Is eller abolition swim 6.4. 4.$ -ay:64 mem if Mime Os admit* SO Irina.. be the JONA en harleor ef Perthied. limed. la the eimeestme with the sthirgeri Om Renee waders mareb to tbe snack se der cover of bands of peewits. The Poles hesitate to Ire Or00 time easerrad mere, sad an ohm vietime of their rews forbeararas.- A perene who describes himself es an eye. tritons, germ the following a one ef them neeenters -After a horrible raraft• there nemerned &hoot one bemired and eight; Pirilleentre, eshausted he /envie, viewed ell ewer wale woureis, and dpng hunger. Tien liblentan eosso.vwctent neeposd the pensents strip these enfortensies cf their dandling. - The order was Oared', riereested. They were stripped tn their 0.7 .1540. sad ahem, then le they lied ee twenty-eight Wagon radon resehieg Klew. They wen their pet iso nese, sad, eompletely mark ehal4. is poops of three tn trunks al trees, wbieb they rimed to drag after deem. A momg diem then we memo whror rundoico would have Meta of tiger with emipmens. There wee, fee Webers, ea old mes of erraythree, wbe had hem isid ft dm lemmas 1. 54.,. reekine.- fla amid marely breathe, sell lochel mote libe • s.s thes • Frith body. There one • boy elf foimsee, ins had beers ranee with e ms is bit Imesda, with faster ter, tie pietism alma gem, bas eyes 401 4. muk. n th, organ* sew bit drab. These bei se man& et disk Amass mem eargess, .01 time timeshis bleethilis the ihewiiim ...a ow ...a hus rpm wis beim The mord wined to tied bite Mk lir da ether eels, Ina lir ODINIIIIIATINI MI OWIM With MI" Mei Ws/ IMAM hi beak be am thaimill lib de old me led de bey 10 54. emit ef the wen Math oboe were sei .41010 did deem TM Otemeht, heuesor best them ihdr MGM 'MOW hoto ded aim he weesker. et semess=wis slam thee Mumps, vibe Mak opeo ammo Undies a=thhig Ms the hir-sfule all, it sboad two era tido she doss sot mesa to light es ; that is pewees mi 50 ham her eollanteros swPre from the neleit j that she will tidiest the imestrons 1.thee he MOOD OD, at least es than have mem thst the sessi-ollicsal valor of our Secretary et Stem, to of so high • some that were it eta tempered by elide1 diserwtion, the srlsn'e world hod len ere this been overshadowed bi the wimp of oer eagle Whss gaper. era eilemowatly deseribe dee smisiratioe which ths faith ought Utrape eer Cultic popelattem particalarly, sad to all seek poor ma beer miseed Mamie from welaelleviwg, to be dreheil, array 1,tb4. hem that they Aso4 am thee easesias same* to Gabe, the i= mme et a wer with gaped 01*4. ereems r ..554 demeed like wee them 0.Irsb Me is stombse probed Ma ad sod ism Ma Het steseg %17, Aerai haexammTlisy M Ger Tble omit et bi yr •-•tr• air 414 der* acetified emanates, 45( 10 Qemesbery, Poem/ A yoeth wes laWas e a Mena, elm • buin etyma him es the troths posher Li th. peekst, it ••"ee; ; ailr ed, wen • serabor of aloe •--- pineniseeperalp wkh a ignarthy ear. TM ▪ taw Ind the Ness, sod the rash was the trainmen ewe met oe fite. being the theident,44 eseepanithe eiss to he rem. sodpedal og the bereleg nriones, bet son= tbe peer Mimi wseehaly betel ahem is WEL • ; rsv Ilk Thum P11.04111,fidel mem Or itighig, Weise pwadowell pmenseig AM =.'3111-17 swine Mi. 1116/ mid they moo sees thefts melee or mow o. .4 11* mil AM ether weep IMO la es die liasiblgIsr 444