HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-08-25, Page 2Dashwood 'thieves' don't attract police By MRS. ERVIN RADER DASHWOOD There were no sirens, no po- lice cars, just a slight squeak in the stairs as the old Dash- wood school was robbed of its belongings Tuesday for the Cent- ral School. LWML MEETING The quarterly meeting of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League was held last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Albert Miller, pre- sident, presided. Mrs. Ken Keller took the topic "Science and Evo- lution". Plans were made for the convention in St. Thomas in Sep- tember. PERSONALS Mr. Arthur Rader attended the Wortman- Luhring wedding in Fort Wayne Saturday where he was an usher. Miss Janice Hayter has re- turned home after spending some time with Dr. & Mrs. A. C, Whit- tier and family at Peterborough. Mr. & Mrs. Chas Snell and Beth and Mrs. Ron Snell spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Neuman at Pembroke. Sat- urday Mr. & Mrs. Chas Snell and Beth spent the day in Ottawa with Mr. & Mrs. Earl Pearson. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Schenk and family spent Sunday at Walkerton with Mr. & Mrs. M. W. Schenk. John and Orville James, Brad Klumpp and Dean Oestreicher are attending the EUB inter- mediate church camp at Silver Lake this week. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Spear, daughter Suzanne and Lauri e Burr have returned to Detroit after spending their vacation with Mrs. Lucinda McIsaac. Miss Wendy Webb returned home to Exeter after spending two weeks with her aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs. Sid Baker. By MRS. NORMAN LONG Silencers make noise for charity A group of enthusiastic musicians from CFB Centralia and area, From the left are: Diane Knight, Fred Coughtrey, Jerry Tait, known as the "Silencers", complete with go-go girls have been crooner Steve Kennedy holding a money order for the Retarded entertaining CFB youngsters at the Centralia Community Centre. Children fund, Burton Moon and Honora MacDonald. --T-A photo Page 2 Times-Advocate, August 25, 1966 South Huron District High School Notice To Students I. New Students into our District who have not already registered are requested to register at the school immed- iately. It is an advantage to you and your parents not to wait until school opens. 2. All registered students may pay their registration fee of $5.00 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. August 29 to September 2 and be issued with their textbooks and lockers. (If you already own a Dudley lock remember to bring it with you.) 3. Clinton-bound students for Central Huron Secondary School should have received communication from the school last week. If you did not receive a letter please contact my office immediately. If you have not returned your registration form for Clinton will you do so to-day. 4. Centralia-Canadian Forces' Base students or their parents are requested to telephone the school this week (if you have not done so already) to notify us if you are returning or likely to be moving. 5. Timetables will be set between August 29 and Septem- ber 2 for students who fit into one of the categories list- ed below. Please telephone the school for an interview time: I. All grade 13 students; 2. All grade I I, 12 and 13 students who are taking subjects in two grades; 3. All grade II or 12 students of the four-year Pro- gramme of the Arts and Science Branch. 4. All grade 10 students of the five and four-year Programmes of the Arts and Science Branch. L. D. Palmer B.A., Ed. Principal WOMEN'S :! DRESS PUMPS Assorted Colours :-.• Values to $9.95 E.--- = SALE $1.99 = = = E. WOMEN'S HI-GRADE DRESS SHOES Broken Lines Reg. to $15.95 SALE $6.99 WOMEN'S STACK HEELS Walking Shoes Black or Brown Reg. to $9.95 • SALE $3.99 ▪ iNimmmiloolfornomimilliumiimomoitormillionlowill Visitors from afar in community Church honours departing choir master Crediton given ownership of 60-year-old school house Lorne Preszcator and Mr. Clar- ence Moon acted for the con- gregation, Mr, Bocock for the choir and Miss Wendy Neil and. Mr. Cliff Kenny for the Sunday School. The ownership of the Crediton school, closed because of new area arrangements, has been transferred from the Township of Stephen to the Village of Cre- diton. The building was erected in 1906, by George Holtzman the contractor. Those present at the cornerstone laying recall that By MISS ELLA MORLOPK CREDITON The Crediton United Church bade farewell on Sunday to FiL and Mrs. Robert Graham who are moving to Esquimault, British Columbia, To show their appreciation for the valuable service given in mu- sic by both Mr, and Mrs. Gra- ham the congregation, the choir and the Sunday School joined in presenting a gift of a silver cream and sugar server with tray. In making the presentation Mr s. Defence Headquarters in that city. Recent visitors at the home of Mr, & Mrs. Russell Finkbeiner Were Mrs. Nellie McCormick of Galt, Mr. Harold Amy of Hamil- ton, Donna and. Wayne Ferguson of London, Mr, & Mrs. Donald Ferguson, Joanne and Marshall of Scarborough. Elva Finkbeiner accompanied the Fergusons when they returned to Scarborough. Then, Sunday Mr. & Mrs. Russell Finkbeiner motored to Scarbor- ough to bring her home. Brenda Smith and Randy Hoff- man are holidaying at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Ross Krueger. Mr. Hugh Scott of Cromarty called at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Wein on his way to Lo- gan, Utah to visit Ross Wein, Both Hugh Scott and Ross Wein are pursuing doctorate studies in agricultural research. Hendrick displayed the gifts. Mr. Ci arlie Browning has add- ed a cement porch to the front 4f his home. Mr, & Mrs. Al Lang of Detroit spent the weekend is Crediton. Mr. & Mrs, Earl Lippert mot- ored to Kingston. They took their boat with them, planning a trip through the Rideau Lakes to Ot- tawa. S/L Robert Palmer has been transferred from Downsview to Trenton. His family, who were staying with Mrs. Palmer's par- ents, Mr. & Mrs. EmmeryFahr- ner left this week for their new home. The family of S/L John M. Ayres, recently returned frorn Germany, has been living with Mr. Everett Fahrner, father of Mrs. Ayres. They left this week for their new home in Ottawa. S/L Ayres has been posted to Miss Karen Finkbeiner, winner of an Ontario Scholarship, is spending her second summer of employment at Hlim Lodge near Peterborough. She plans to con- tinue the study of languages at Waterloo Lutheran University. Sunday visitors with Rev. & Mrs. Howard Zurbrigg were Mr. & Mrs. Clair Zurbrigg and Miss Joan Rader of Kitchener. The wedding anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Clair Zurbrigg was cele- brated by a family dinner at the home of Mrs. Beatrice Rader, Zurich. Miss Fay Schlenker of Ayr was a weekend guest of Miss Eleanor Wein. Captain and Mrs. Earl Whalen and family have returned from Captain Whalen's tour of duty in Hamer, Germany. Before re- porting to Shiloh, Manitoba he and his family are with Mr. & Mrs. Sam King. Dr. Frederick Morlock and family of Waterloo called on Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Morlock. Howard Beaver of Hamilton spent Sunday with his father, Mr. Harry Beaver. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Finkbein- er and family of Thornton spent a few days with Mr. & Mrs. Joe Finkbeiner. Maureen, Michael and Paul are staying for a week the school trustees in 1906 were Sam Brown, William Wenzel and Michael Finkbeiner, PERSONALS Sgt and Mrs. Lambie and fam- ily of Gypsumville, Manitoba are holidaying with Mrs. Lamble's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lorne.Fink- beiner. The Lambie's have re- cently completed a tour of West- ern Canada. Barrie Morlock with Charles Keating of Exeter, is enjoying a motor trip to Algonquin Park. Mr. & Mrs. Ted Insley and family of Woodham were guests with Mr. & Mrs. William Swartz. The children Murray and Karen are spending a week with their grandparents. Mr. & Mrs. Morris Renney of Detroit were weekend visitors with Maurice and Harry Hirtzel and Mr, & Mrs. Emerson Wein. Several farmers lost cattle by electrocution during last week's severe electrical storm. Ross Krueger lost one, as did Walter Weber. Electrical appliances in home and stable were reported damaged. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Finkbein- er and son Tom of Newell, West Virginia _called on relatives in the village. Harold is the son of Wes Finkbeiner, formerly of Crediton. Son Tom was on fur- lough prior to leaving for Viet Nam. M. & Mrs. Lloyd. Bender and family motored to Collingwood, to Orillia to visit Mr. Bender's sister, and to Bracebridge that the children might see Santa Claus Village. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kester and daughter have returned to Holland after a four week stay with Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Mar- tens. The Kesters were apprecia- tive of Canada's weather, re- porting that the weather in Hol- land has been particularly trying this year. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Cornelis Verkerk were Mr. & Mrs. Jack Zondag and babe of Grand Rapids, Michi- gan and Mr. & Mrs. Schreuders and babe of Kitchener. Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon McCand- less and Mrs. Joan McCandless of Strathroy spent a few days with Mr. & Mrs. Will Oestricher. Mr. & Mrs. Will Oestricher visited Mr. & Mrs, Bill Brown of Zurich and Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Green of Mitchell. LAC Dolby has received an RCAF posting to Camp Borden. He and his family are leaving soon for their new home in An- gus. with their grandparents. Mr. & Mrs. John Wade visited their son Bob and his family at Ancaster. Out of town guests who attend- ed the Krueger-Crawford wed- ding Saturday were Mr, & Mrs. Carl Krueger and Pamela of Newmarket, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Krueger and family of Scar- borough, Mr. & Mrs. Ray And- rews of Toronto, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Snyder and daughter Kathy Of Oakville; Mr. Howard Krueger and Brian, Mr. & Mrs, Marvin Cressman and family and Mr. & Mrs. John Galbraith of Water- loo; Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Major and family of Brampton, Mr. & Mrs. William Lapp and family of Wingham, Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Mitchell and Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Mitchell of Stratford, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Crawford and family of God- erich. Following the rehearsal for the Krueger-Crawford wedding Fri- day evening, the bridal party was entertained at the home of the bride. Following the wedding Sat- urday, neighbors and friend s were invited to the bride's home for a smorgasbord lunch and for viewing the gifts. Mrs. Lloyd Morgan, Mrs. Ray Morlock and Mrs. Charlie Martene assisted in serving the guests. Miss Carol The pall bearers were James Bengough, Nelson Howe, Edison McLean, Allan Johnston, Keith Buchanan, Alex Chesney. Inter- ment was made in Baird's Cem- etery. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Grant Love of Caro, Michigan, spent the week- end with Mr. & Mrs. Edgar McBride and attended the Harris- Baird wedding Saturday. Mr. & Mrs. P. Sproule of Exeter visited Saturday evening with Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Mellis. Visitors during the week with Mr. & Mrs. N. Long included Mr. Fred Rowntree of Rowntree Beach, Mr. & Mrs. John Long, Owen Sound, Mr. Charles Taylor of Stoney Creek. Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson, wife of the late Arthur Anderson, passed away in Clinton Hospital Sunday, August 21 in her 83rd year. She is survived by two daugh- ters, Olive (Mrs. Eldon Jarrott), Brucefield, Frances (Mrs. Ro- bert Upshall), Seaforth; two sons, John and Emerson, RR 2 Hensall, nine grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren; one brother, Alfred Clark, Hensall; two sis- ters, Mrs. Myrtle Kilpatrick, London, Mrs. Ethel Mason, Port Credit. The body rested at the Bon- thron Funeral Home until Tues- day when funeral services were conducted by Rev. E. Roulston of Exeter. M111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111-: SALE OF THE YEAR MEN'S WORK BOOTS Cork Soles SALE $6.99 MYTHS Anniversary S Thursday, Aug. 25 to Saturday, Sept. 3 Hundreds of shoes on display, plainly marked for your convenience. Come early, come often! You can't afford to miss this money-saving event. Extra clerks to serve you. Our motto: Clean house every year regardless of price. YOUNG MEN'S HI - STYLE DRESS SHOES Black Reg. to $12.95 SALE $5.99 THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE OUTSTANDING VALUES WE ARE OFFERING TEEN - AGE WOMEN'S Dress Pumps School Shoes Foam Soles Reg. to $8.95 $3.99 =11,11.11•03,11•MINMNIMINMINNIMEMINk MEN'S Work Boots Goodyear Welt Cork Sole SALE $7.99 SALE WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES SALE Various Styles and Colours Reg. to $10.95 $4.99 CHILDREN'S Party Shoes Assorted Colours Reg. to $6.95 SALE $3.99 TEEN-AGE Dress Flats All Colours and Styles Reg. to $8.95 SALE $3.99 CHILDREN'S Play Shoes Hard Wearing Quality Shoes Reg. to $7.95 SALE $3.99 MEN'S FOAM SOLES Leather or Suede Ties or Slipons Reg. to $10.95 SALE $6.99 Assorted Styles and colours Reg. to $12.95 SALE , , $3.99 TEEN-AGE DRESS FLATS MEN'S Dress Oxfords Luggage SPECIAL 3-pce. MATCH SET $39.95 High Quality Shoes -- Black or Brown Reg. to $30.00 Hartt or McHale MEN'S DRESS SHOES Black or Brown Reg. to $16.95 SALE $7.99 SALE Assorted Styles Reg. to $6.95 $2.99 SALE $14.99 DRESTAF6MPS Illusion or Spike Heels Reg. to $10.95 SALE $2.99 10% OFF MEN'S DRESS SHOES ALL NEW FALL MERCHANDISE INCLUDING LUGGAGE SMYTH S SHOE STORE EXETER ONTARIO $5.99 Leather Soles Reg. to $12.95 E• ....--.1 SALE = E.---_ F..-- iffiiiiiiiiinummthiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifinffillitinitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittilinunimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia