HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-08-11, Page 10Notice to Creditors It has been officially announced by the Department of National Defence that CFB Centralia, Ontario (near Exeter, Ontario) will cease to function as a Training Establishment as of 5 September, 1966. All creditors who have an outstanding account against either the Department of National Defence, CF13 Centralia, or Non-Public Accounts, CPT Centralia, are advised that their account should be in the hands of the Base Comptroller, not later than 22 August, 1966. This notification authorized under the authority of the Minister of National Defence, 1, kW., 130 DISPLAY Man (Window) etot to 1100 Able Age.ncl rnlihing" agc/ nor--tram goo.. 415 St clifEoltiodapytuth; InfoK Eitt heArticy.ufpopulyrY 04: jits! row (ill Gt. 6 9403 LIP121:341, vahandlq Neu L P5C1::::(15-'°O9'4A'7t1ft:illt0c4:1(5n9:1:41sthlt,l'' EcA ,_11 C eL/ 9K LAh ns s '529Tr Gd dells. Gr,flith A .....O.P"Piifs 'lg.- b;iVi'. int into I;Vi'll 's.tsrl's' il;;,,I $90 Gloria. Agency, 152 W 42_ EDITI. Acct t de meg gam to GOR 42 (1240) TORIA allied xri T6 5 A Top iiisl'incy; 180134; CIV ENG.FtEC GRADS, TO $7M'' Sanitary or strclt top0, tee od Z i.i""e'lAV 14 ":ciVnftriiere agency 17W2 Eou l A BOY/MAN RECEIVING C-CERK $75 42 $OYfM EOL/I BO OU1 cuLJI IIKPII,.-aftY rep ok-So the NSA- ank YOur sal of $4700-p00 we, cons. acct CA ENCY E 42 EN ..512.3 LOP ALJCIE5 160 Sway MENT Si 100 SUPER asst, tremens shoe up, to $125 Gerard-Merriti Agency, 37 W. 39 toA gl Y ts" to 507 BKP PyeeP-R B9 51h XY111--OFCE )epend. SK TAN whole 152 layout ext), Si. , 489 5TH AVE Jr L.I. %Open ar en St ....NLY.t Jr $40470 arren St NYC S9 II As $130 QUO' Y.-509 5 Al' ACLU SOTS. TOYS, inl ty A SOY, Kell 575 SOY. St KELLOGG SOTS, ACCURA ER F .:onyert I ass SIL t F.C.--, 11 Volume deater-N Y C tricinit Waite Agency. 260 Madison (40) DOFEEPER•iypIst igeneral Wks 1~si. 485 to start. Pt 5-1259. RKKt'R , MFG SIO PEC1ALTY AGENCY, 115 W. 42 RM 202 6,000 CLK/ Teletype, esti res 90 Gr I Nosp ,5 D Trok Tr ad Agency 11 W 42 COFFEE SH MGR $125 LY 4F BW CLERICALS-ACCTG $70.85 LD 3.4331 a ncr E m 10Y-Ottict, nice type, A.1 co. Abbington Agency, 1 John St. Rm EE, w/wo dee, dson test equip] $1-91.4; EG NNER-BR i big pot!. Gri ffith Agency. Nov 5 Aye I SWIFT AGENCY 509 5 EL Fa. diners, mine .sn (1.404S 41414, „DRA.FTSMAN-STRUCTURA "ency, 5th F ? ii.)'NTACT AgenLyit' E MU 5 1674 CASHIER-CHECKER r 11 Properly For Rent MODERN 2-bedroom bungalow ideally situated with all con- veniences. Phone 235-0781. 2ltfnc APARTMENT - 2-bedroom up- stairs, utilities paid, private en- trance. Phone 2.35-2427, 11*Unc 2-BEDROOM apartment on Sanders St. West. 3-piece bath, lots of closet space upstairs, living room and kitchen down- stairs, use of basement, heat- ed. Apply Mrs, Whitney Coates 229-6576 or 1 mile south of Exe- ter and 16 miles east, 2ltfnc MODERN 2-bedroom apartment, stove, frig. heat supplied, own bath, broadloom in living room, $65.00 per month. Available Aug. 15, Phone Lucan 227-4-106, 11e LARGE 2-bedroom cottage with bath, in Lucan. Phone 227.4254 or 227.4312. 2ltfnc 16 Properly For Sale MODERN 2-bedroom bungalow ideally situated with all con- veniences. Phone 235-0781. 2ltfnc 1-STOREY .fairly new house fac- ing Victoria park, living room, good kitchen, utility room, oil furnace, bath, two bedrooms, nice lawns, carport foundation. Terms, early possession. W. C, Pearce, Realtor, 235-1402, 2ltfnc Page 10 August 11, 1966 5 Help Wanted 9 Services 13 For Sale 4 Female Help Wanted 3 Male Help Wanted Classified Rates NEW FAMILY wagon, 15" tires. Phone 227-4511. 11c REFRIGERATOR, TV, bed, dresser, chesterfield suite. Dial 235-1017 or 235-1827. Ile PUREBRED male boxer, excel- lent pet, sells for best offer. Phone 2933067. 11e WASHER, used 1 year, $60.00; girl's bicycle, $23.00; doll car- riage, $7.00; hand mower, $9.00; dinette table, 4 chairs, $45.00; all in new condition. 103 Em- press Ave., CFB Centralia, Dial 228-6335. 11* SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED - immediate s e r v i c t', always available. Harold Butler, Lucan, phone 227.4254 or 227-4312 col- lect. 10:4ffnc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum clean- ed. No mess, no fuss, speedy service. Phone Grand Bend 238- 2031 or 238.2166. 8:8tine WANTED immediately - Man or woman to supply consumers in good district around Exeter with Rawleigh Products. Can earn $50 weekly part -time; $10e and up full time. Write Raw leigh, Dept. 11.202-336, 4005 Rich- elieu, St. Henry, Montreal. lit. BABY SITTER housekeeper, rr children, 3 in school, mother teaches. Phone 228.0979. 11:18e NEED immediately - One lady in the Kippen area with am- bition to earn money. Good in- come, part time. Write or call collect Mrs_ Millson, 17 Hawkes- buryAve.,_London. 451-0541. lie A LADY companion to live in with elderly lady in Exeter. Apply Box 10 Exeter Times- Advocate. lie LARGE, well known Seed Coin- pany has local opening for an active representative, full or spare time employment Ex- cellent income for the right man. Write -Agent", Box GSC The Exeter Times-Advocate. 11c CASH DISCOUNT RATE If paid within 8 days First Insertion 40 PER WORD (Minimum 800) 4 Female Help Wanted POSTAL CLERKS OXFORD DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTD. 1 cent per pound for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses. Small animals also picked up. 24.hour service 7-day week JIM MURRAY & SON ('all collect Hickson 462-2614 License Number 2 C 66 We go any place any time. 3ltfnc PART-TIME POSITIONS CALL JB AT 1863 Second Insertion 2 0 PER WORD SMinimurn 700) $4165 - $5215 vat -944 Post Office Department Sarnia, Ontario 0 ,xA,sa 1 2. CRIB, honey finish, $22 or best offer; car seat, $5,00; play pen, $7.00; Mary 'Proctor steam iron used 1 year, $5.00; dinette suite (walnut) chair seats gold, $70.00; car top carrier, $5.00; clothes dryer pipe. All in good condition. Phone 228-6853. line Six Insertions 30 PER WORD (Minimum 600) The Times-Advocate will have an opening for two female em- ployees in the very near future. t,11 MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY A.M. AND THURSDAYS IN THE FALL AND WLNTER ) This position combines the set- ting of newspaper headlines on a photographic machine, and typing. Typing necessary but no previous experience necessary- on the headline machine. I 2 ) MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENLNGS (AND THURSDAY EVENLNGS LN THE FALL) This position is the same as the one above. Typing pre- ferred but not essential. Pleasant working conditions in air-conditioned plant. Pay com- mensurate with ability. These are creative challenging posi- tions. Apply in writing to Robert Southcott, The Times-Advocate, Exeter. 21tfn EXETER - Two bedroom house with oil heat and large garage. $6,500.00 arid vendor will hold a mortgage, EXETER-Three bedroom older frame home located on quiet. street. Good size lot and de- tached garage. Priced at $4,700. EXETER-Newer two bedroom house with oil heat, paved driveway and detached garage. Priced at $12,500.00. EXETER-Three bedroom ranch type with full basement and in excellent repair. Priced at $11,900.00, $70.00 per month will carry after down payment. 10 acres of land with modern- ized brick house and good barn. Located in Centralia area. Ask- ing $13,000.00 and mortgaging can be arranged. 63 acres within the corporate limits of Exeter on the west side. 55 acres are workable and there is also a large barn set up for laying hens. Approximately 4 acres of land with a good house located in Exeter. Property is zoned and has future development poten- tial. Priced at $11,500.00 and we can arrange a mortgage, 91 acres and a frame house located on #4 highway south of Exeter. Appraised by VLA at $10,400.00 but we will let go at $10,000,00 and arrange a mortgage. DASHWOOD - Nice three bed- room brick with oil heat. Large garage and workshop and taxes only $100.00. This would be ideal for a retired farm couple or family and the asking price is only $8,000.00, For full particulars as to du. lies, qualifications, and appli- cation forms, see posters on display at Post Offices and Na- tional Employment Service. Send application to the Civil Service Commission, 388 Dun- das Street, LONDON, Ontario before August 12, 1966. Quote Competition 66-T-1058. THE COUNTY OF HURON requires 20 0 EXTRA If not paid in 8 days following publication. MODERN 2 bedroom bungalow with 4-piece bath and new oil furnace in Exeter. Phone Grand Bend 238-2142. 11 : 18c 3 MODERN unfurnished apart- ments, steam heated, 1-bed- room, 2-bedroom and 3-bed- room. Apply Art Gaiser, El- mart Apt., days 235.1505, eve- nings 235-2754. 28tfnc MODERN 2-bedroom apartment. Heat and hot water supplied. Phone 235-0746. 28tfne MODERN 3 - bedroom home, double garage, lairge garden area. Available August 31. Dial 235-0228. 11c UNFURNISHED house with all modern conveniences, 237 Huron St. W., available Sept. 1. Phone 235-2005, 28* LARGE self-contained oil heat- ed apartment, 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen and living room. Apply 181 William St. 235-0736. 14tinc FORMAL, blue, floating panel, size 9, street length, worn once. Can he seen at Slid-Town Cleaners. 11'' . . 10 Livestock For Sale COURT REPORTER BROOD SOWS, some due soon. Alvin Gingerich, 236-4735. 23tfnc Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion-Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion- Per Inch $1.25 Minimum two inches, accepted only in multiples of 1 2 inch. for office of Judge R. S. Hetherington. Above average shorthand ab- solutely necessary. Salary com- mensurate with experience and ability. Excellent employee benefits, State age, experience, educa- tion, when available. Written applications only. APPLY TO: John G. Berry, Clerk-Treas., County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario 11c RELNFORCED cement tile, 4' and 3'. Lorne Ziler, RR 3 Dash- wood. Phone 31R4. 7:28-9:1c CORNER KITCHEN cupboard with counter top and single basin stainless steel sink; 2 wall cupboards; 3 screen doors; rustic chair; grindstone with frame; window screens; 12 piece set Limoges china, "Brid- al Wreath"; iron kettles. Ira Geiger, 55 King St., Hensall. 28:11c lie 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1960 RAMBLER wagon parts, only 2,000 miles on new 6 cyl. motor, good transmission and rear end. Dial 262-2121 Hensall. 28:11c 6 Business Opportunities PLAN YOUR FUTURE SIMPLEX PART TIME VACANCY Requires only 2 to 4 hours per week in your spare time. Openings for men and women to service Automatic Cigarette Vendors on prominent es\tab- lished locations. Start earning cash immediately. Only $900.00 required to commence. Bank financing available with $100.00 deposit for sound individuals. Write Box SAN,' Exeter Times- Advocate. 11:18c 1962 DODGE station wagon. 9- passenger, V-8, standard trans- mission, power hack window, custom radio, new tires. Phone 238-2861. 11c Classifications 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent e 21. Property Wanted tF 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales 23 CC. FT. VISCOUNT chest freezers at $224.95. Exeter Dis- trict Co-operative. Phone 235- 2081. 11c 13 For Sale 5 Help Wanted FEMALE border collie pup. Phone Ron Swartz 228-6299. lie 21' MOBILE HOME, like new, hot and cold running water, inside toilet, propane stove and electric refrigerator, sleeps 4, $950. Albert Hess, Zurich 236- 4987. 28:11c MAN OR WOMAN to clean of- fice, approximately 1 - 114 hours daily. Apply in writing to Box OHE The Exeter Times-At:No- cate, stating salary expected. lie PIANO and bench, in good con- dition. Phone 234-6248. 11c TWO-YEAR-OLD German Shep- herd, female, spayed, good with children, Bob Galloway 234-6279. lle 9 Services 3 BEDROOM modern house on Crediton Road. Phone 228-6258, 14tfnc PIANO LESSONS - All grades, practical and theory. Contact Miss Elaine Powe, A. Mus., A.R.C,T, 228-6258. 11:18* PALNTED DESIGNS, colors fast on place mats, pillow cases, wall hangings, etc. If interested write Box 150 Exeter Times- Advocate. 11e FOR YOUR General Insurance needs, fire, auto, etc., and Western Farmers' Weather In- surance, phone Bev Morgan 235-1487. 5tfnc VACUUM CLEANER Sales and service for all makes. Robert X. Peck, Zurich. Phone 262-5350 Hensall. 4tfnc ALUMINUM windows, doors, awnings, siding, porch and step railings, columns, etc. Call us for free estimates. Walker Alu- minum Sales, 17 Nelson St., Exeter. Phone 235-0722 (collect), 9tinc HOUSE, 1,11 storeys, available August 1. Phone 235-1377. 7tfnc CENTRAL, clean, comfortably furnished, heated 1-bedroom apartment. Ken Johns, 67 John E., 235-1185. 28tfnc BEAGLE PUPS, 7 weeks old. Phone 235-0315. 11- INTERNATIONAL combine and hay baler. Apply George Deel- stra, RR 1 Centralia. 11:18c DACHSHUNDS, Toy Manchester and Fox Terriers, smooth, short coated pets. Visitors, inquiries invited. Macintosh, Clandeboye, 227-4598. Closed Sundays. 9tinc McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Phone 235-1680 DR. DON R. GRATTON DENTAL SURGEON D.D.S., L.D.S. 346 Main St. Phone 235.0601 Closed Wednesday Afternoon BABY CRIB and high chair in good condition. Phone 234-6307. lie Centralia Farmers Supply Ltd. Exeter BARBIE, Skooter and Skipper dolls, and wardrobe, nearly new, reasonable. Mrs. Ted van Eyk, 227-4394 Lucan. lie 3 Male Help Wanted JOHN BURKE PETER L. RAYMOND, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Hensall Office in the Town Hall open Wednesday 2 to 5 p.m. PHONE 235.2234 EXETER APPRENTICE electrician, Gr. 12 minimum requirement. Ap- ply Timmerman's Electric, Lu- can. Phone 227-4647. 11c Limited Real Estate General Insurance Mortgages Devon Building, 476 Main St. Phone 235-1863 lltfnc TWO A-6 CASE combines, 1956 and 1957, both in good condi- tion and both with P.T.O. Harry Arnold, 227-4428 Lucan. 11c BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C., B.A. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons Grand Bend Saturday Mornings by Appointment PHONE 519-235.0440 EXETER Grain • Feed • Cement Building Supplies Coal 228-6638 WILLLNG TO DO custom com- bining. Phone 116 Dashwoocl. 28:11:18* LETTER CARRIERS OLIVER COMBINE, power take- off, 4 years old, very good con- dition. Phone 235-1207, 11:18c 225 LINCOLN arc welder; also acetylene cutting and welding torches; heavy duly gauges and 50' of hose, 200 lb. pres- sure and other tools. Apply 433 Andrew St., Exeter. Mine CUSTOM SPRAYING-Na-Churs plant food on corn, beans or any crop not producing. Two sprayers available, 1 Jeep will go anywhere. 234-6479. 6:30-8:11* PHONE 228-6214 DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235-1083 C. V. PICKARD 54215 - $4965 14 Wanted To Buy Ready Mix CONCRETE Post Office Department Sarnia, Ontario TRUST CERTIFICATES, GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES SEVERAL COMPANIES BEARING 6% INTEREST ROBERT BELL threshing ma- chine in good condition with cutter, 24" or 28" cylinder. George McConnell, RR 4 Mea- ford. Phone 538-2238. 11* SMALL USED piano, in good condition. Contact Mrs. Jack Eagleson 238-2031. lie GOOD CLEAN used furniture; also house lots of furniture. Write P.O. Box 550 Parkhill stating phone number, 11:18:25c INVISIBLE MENDING - Cuts, tears, burns disappear from suits, clothing, fabrics. C. La- tour, 489 Main St., Exeter, 235- 2263 after 5 p.m. 7:28-9:8c SWATHING a n d Combining, grain, beans and corn. Contact George Troyer, RR 2 Hensall. 262.5282. 7:7.10:27c NOTICE TO ALL FARMERS- For all your spraying needs call Hubert Cooper & Sons Spraying Service. We spray At- razine, Lorox or 2-4D on corn; Eptam on beans; also grain spraying, pasture, fence bot- toms, etc. Whitewashing & dis- infecting jobs also done. Phone 235-2807, 3:10-8:25* REFRIGERATION SERVICE - Commercial, Domestic & farm milk coolers, Neilson Appliance Service, Parkhill, 294-6321. 23tfnc Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons STUDIO GIRL cosmetics. Apply Mrs. David Rose, 152 Thames Road, Exeter. 21:28:11:18* DION 28 x 48 thresher, fully equipped for forage threshing; also a Dion forage apron blow- er. Apply Maurice Heist, RR 2 Centralia or phone 234-6420. 21 : 28 : 11* DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235.0233 For full particulars as to du- ties, qualifications and applica- tion forms, see posters on dis- play at Post Offices and Na- tional Employment Services. Send applications to the Civil Service Commission, 388 Dun- des Street, London, Ontario be- fore August 12, 1966. Quote Competition 66-T-1057 JACK HEYWOOD LICENSED AUCTIONEER All types of sales "For Top Prices" EXETER LONDON Please phone us and we will call on you at your convenience. C. V. PICKARD--REAL ESTATE 56 John St. E. Phone Res. 3c 235-0414 Pl ant 235-0833 Residence 228-6961 451-8630 Phone 235-0720 Need Back-To-School Money? Use the Want Ads Now! C.A.McDOWELL Ltd. 15 Wanted 8-TON WAGONS (new) with 1100x12 eight-ply used aircraft tires, $380.00 and up, John En- gel, RR 2 Grand Bend. 30tfnc 10 USED bicycles to clear from $15 to $30, We need the room for more bicycles. 80 guns of your choice to choose from. Rifle scopes, 2i to 10 power. We take trade - ins. Rollie's Sports & Cycle, Grand Bend. Mine ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD Phone 119 lie N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone 235-2433 RIDE TO LONDON in Septem- ber for student attending Beal Secondary School. Phone Randy Jones 235-2415 evenings. 7tfnx TOWN OF DRESDEN POLICE CONSTABLE BEFORE YOU INVEST 16 Properly For Sale ... look into the advantages of Investors Mutual Fund and Investors Growth Fund. The Dresden Police Commission requires a full-time constable for the Dresden Police Depart- ment, Applications will be received by the undersigned up to and including Wednesday, August 31st, 1966. Married man pre- ferred, Application forms may be ob- taired at the office of the Dress "den Police Department or the Municipal Office, Dresden. Phone: Dresden 683-4350 or 683.4306 J. L. Babcock, Secretary Dresden Police Commission 11.18:25c TWO BEDROOM modern brick bungalow, sewer connected, carport, newly painted, alu- minum storms. Phone 235-2847. 7:28-9:8* PERCY WRIGHT CROMARTY For Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous call Wright auctioneer HENSALL 262.5482 CHIROPRACTOR ANYONE wishing whitewashing or disinfecting barns for brucel- losis, contact Bill Watson, call 37R19 Dashwooth 23tfnc TED HOLMES 145 Deer Park Circle, London USED REFRIGERATORS $35.00 and up, New 21 cu, ft. freezers $239.00 and up. New and used bulk and can milk coolers. Brand new cream coolers $285 and up. New spray type milk coolers $500 and up. Bruce Re- frigeration, Sales and Service, Grand Bend, We sell the best and service the rest. Phone 238- 2385. 16tfnc 3 END TABLES; drop leaf table, extra leaf; Kroehler day bed; chesterfield and matching chair; platform rocker; kitchen table and 4 chairs; girl's bi- cycle, Phone 235-0147. 11nc. C. Harry Roder, D.C. 228 Front St., E. Strathroy, Ont. 4 - BEDROOM, modern ranch style, brick and cedar, with attached garage, den, dining room, large living room with open fireplace, 4-piece and 2 piece baths, divided full base- ment, large landscaped treed lot, close to downtown, schools and churches, 404 Edward St. Phone 235-2835, 28tfnc EXETER NURSING HOME-24- hour nursing care, moderate rates, Mrs. R. Iles, 30 Sanders St. Phone 235-0810_ 17tfnc SYNDICATE LIMITED Or mail this coupon Without obligation, please send me more information. NAME BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE Phone 245-1272 HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Prepaid Health Plans at Cost FURNITURE BY WEBSTER ADDRESS CITY/TOWN USBORNE a HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office - Exeter, Ont. Directors Robert G. Gardiner RR 1 President Cromarty Martin Feeney RR 2 Vice-President Dublin William IL Chaffe IN ZURICH - 4-bedroom, mod- ern ranch style house with car- port. Apply 183 Andrew St., Exeter or phone 235;4057 after 5:00 p.m. 2ltfnc the way Ft EFINISIIING CUSTOM DESIGNED BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mrs. 0. G. Anderson, RR 5 Wingham Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Exeter G. Kirkland, RR 3 Lucknow Kenneth Johns, Exeter Fordyce Clark, RR 5 Goderich Bert Irwin, 1111, 2 Seaforth Roy Strong, Gorrie Hugh B. Smith, RR 2 Listowel G. Richardson, RR 1 Brucefield R. McMillan, RR 2 Seaforth Lorne Rodges, RR 1 Goderich Bert Klopp, Zurich Representative G. E. McCullough Miss C. E. Plumtree Secretary For information, call your nearest director or our office in the Credit Union Bldg., 70 Ontario Street, Clinton. Tele. phone 482.9751. CUSTODIAN Phone 235-0680 WEBSTER SIGNS Victoria St., Exeter McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA BOARD requires for September 1, 1066 a custodian for an 8-room school situated 6 stoles north- west of Ailsa Craig. A copy of contract will be available for applicants to see at David Henry's residence at Ailsa Craig. Remuneration according to qualification. Applications to be in the hands of secretary. David Henry, by noon on Saturday, August 13. (Signed ; Itovul Henry RR 4 Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun RR 1 Science Hill Raymond McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton Tim Toohey RR 3 Lucan Agents Hugh Benninger Dublin Harry Coates Exeter Clayton Harris Mitchell 5tfnc DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL POWER HACKSAWS $76.50 & up DRILL PRESSES $92.00 & up Brochures on request Dealer for L.K.S. products FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS - Call Collect - DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Phone Lucan 227-4710 Dead Animal Licence No. 25.('.W; 12tfne Johnny's Shell Station Secretary.Treasurer Hugh Patterson Exeter Grand Bend, Ont. Phone: 238.2788