HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-08-11, Page 1Price Per Copy 15 Cents
Silver key from Silver City
some given new jobs
Stephen Township council, and
loca.1 groups, has completed a
detailed brochure on the facili-
ties at. Centralia and these have
been distributed to all groups
who may assist in attracting
This includes both the federal
and provincial government bodies
involved in this work, the Mid-
Western and Lake Erie Develop-
ment Associations, char te r e d
banks, etc,
Councillor Joe Wooden, who did
a large percentage of the work
on the brochure, reported that
over 150 have been sent out to
various sources, including some
in the U.S, A., Germany and Eng-
Other contacts have been made
with the office of the Civilian
Personnel Officer, but time is
starting to run out as the office
will only be open for another two
weeks or so,
Yesterday, members of the
Legislative and Education Com-
mittee of Buren County council
toured Centralia in view of re-
commending that some of the
facilities may be suitable for a
community college,.
They plan to assemble facts
and figures and will possibly
make further presentation to the
proper authorities at the depart-
ment of education.
The tour was being arranged
by Reeve Boyle, a member of
the committee,
The National EMployMent Ser-
vice has conducted interviews
with several of those who will be
unemployed, and will be attempt-
ing to place people as jobs are
made available.
The three civilians who have
accepted jobs at CFB Clinton
are Allan Fraser, Mrs. Irwin
Ford and Ray Foster.
Going to London are: Mrs.
Meanwhile, some jobs are be-
ing made available for the civilian
employees who will be out of work
PYlvaman, Miss AMP Mere nZ,
Mrs. Lyle Anderson, Ralph Kipp,
f3erti 13.aynhare, Roy Bayninion
and Miss Jane Dougherty. Miss
Iris Harvey plans to go to CFB
TWO more have appointments
for medicals at WeAtm.inster
Hospital this week, and U ae-
ceptable, Will be given jobs,
Another encouraging report in-
dicates that several other jobs
may be available at CF13 London.
An announcement has been made
that a unit will presently move
In from CFB Downsview and will
have positions for as many as 26
However, this report has not
been confirmed as yet.
by the first week in September,
To date, J4 people have been
placed with the majority of those
going to CFB London. Three have
gone to CFB Clinton, and others
have been placed at various lo-
cations in London, such as West-
minster Hospital and the Unem-
ployment Insurance Commission.
Offers have been received for
at least five or six more jobs
and today (Thursday) officials
from Waterloo University will be
at Centralia to conduct interviews
for staff in that city.
They are looking for kitchen
helpers, cooks, maintenance men
and electricians. The number of
positions they will offer is un-
That's some form
Local dignitaries were invited to officiate at the opening of the new
floodlights at Exeter's Community Park, Friday, and the Hon. C. S.
MacNaughton displayed a typical Willie Mays style as he knocked
out the first ball, The distance the ball travelled is duly recorded on
the sport's page. While big league scouts may have been interested
in the highway minister's form for some reason they showed no
interest at all in Mayor Jack Delbridge. Take a look on Page 6 and
see why, --T-A photo
Still hope for industry at Centralia
Ninety-third Year EXETER, ONTARIO, AUGUST 11, 1966
Boost OPP to 25
after GB outbreak HENSALL TAXES JUMP
Up over five mills in Usborne
Optimism remains high among
area officials that an industry
will be attracted to the facili-
ties at CFB Centralia, but as
yet nothing concrete has been
Several more interested par,
ties have been given a tour of
the site, according to Peter Ray-
mond, secretary of the Exeter
Industrial Development Ltd,
Some of these have efshown
a definite interest" in locating
at Centralia and the local lawy-
er indicated some of them are
presently negotiating with the
federal government.
serious this negotiation
is, or at what stage, we don't
know," Raymond stated.
However, he did indicate that
some of the industrial concerns
which have shown an interest
would fill the gap left by the
closing of CFB Centralia "very
It is reported that the facili-
ties at Centralia will be turned
over to the Crown Assets Dis-
posal Corporation in September,
but Raymond indicated he doubt-
ed this would really change things
regarding the disposal of the
Be said it was unlikely that
Crown Assets would rush into
selling any of the property or
buildings in a hodge-podge man-
ner until a "good run has been
made at attempting to attract
an industry".
The federal government cer-
tainly wants to see an industry
come in which would benefit the
area, he opined.
and wearing plastic helmets.
A large crowd gathered on the
Sunday evening as well, but was
not as unruly as the previous
The fire brigade was called
out to quelch a blaze of picnic
tables at the beach and were
stopped by the throng. Wires
were pulled from the truck and
several firemen were liberally
sprayed from plastic jars of
catsup and mustard wielded by
the youths.
Three persons were arrested
and charged with causing a dis-
At one time, members of the
mob yelled threats of "kill the
— Please turn to Page 3
The fac,t that Centralia is avail-
able has certainly been receiv-
ing wide-spread publicity and has
resulted in the fact being known
by industrial concerns in Canada
and the United States.
On Monday of this week, Reeve
Derry Boyle and Ross Tuckey,
chairman of the local industrial
group, appeared on the national
TV news over CBC. Area sta-
tions and newspapers have also
created plenty of attention with
periodic news coverage.
In addition, the local com-
mittee representing Exeter and
The OPP detachment at Grand
Bend has been more than doubled
following disturbances by a large
crowd at the resort over the
Civic Holiday weekend.
A total of 25 policemen are
now on duty, compared with the
11 men who started the summer.
Sgt. Orton of Huntsville, has
been placed in charge of the de-
tachment and he has three Cor-
porals and 21 officers under his
Following outbreaks by an un-
ruly mob of some 500 young
people on the Saturday night of
the holiday weekend, some 65
officers were on standby duty in
the vicinity of Grand Bend. Some
of those were military police
from Ipperwash.
During the melee, stones and
bottles were tossed through wind-
ows at the police station, town
hall and LCBO store. Two other
windows were broken, but ap-
parently by the pushing crowd
of onlookers who had gathered
to watch the fray.
Firecrackers were also toss-
ed on the street, radio aerials
were ripped from several ve-
hicles, picnic benches were set
afire on the beach.
The crowd was finally dis-
persed when the police on duty
charged out of the station
carrying three-foot billy sticks
crease in the mutual fire aid
with the Town of Exeter. The new
five-year agreement calls for a
rate of $75 for the first hour
and $60 for subsequent hours.
Usborne also agreed to the
Town of Exeter participating in
a County Mutual Aid System.
In other business, council:
Accepted the tenders of Robert
Nicholson Construction Ltd.,
Monkton, for the Prout and Kers-
lake drains. Tender on the Prout
drain was $1,762 and $3,300 on
the Kerslake drain. The Nichol-
son firm was the lower of two
Heard a request from Huron
County EMO Co-ordinator Stuart
Forbes that the municipality join
with the County in planning for
mutual aid under the provisions
of the Emergency Measures Act.
Complied with a request from
the Village of Hensall that they
share the cost of maintaining the
domestic dump without the limit
of $200.
Residents of Usborne Township
will notice a jump of five and a
half mills on their tax rate this
year, with one and a half of those
mills being added in the last
At their July meeting, council
had set a township rate of only
12.5 mills, but when the budget
was presented at the A u gu st
meeting they decided to hike it to
14 mills in order to balance the
Total rate in the township for
public school supporters will be
60.5 mills, compared to the 55
of last year.
The township rate took the big-
gest jump with an increase of 2.5
mills over last year's rate of
11.5 mills. The other increase
was due to increased high school
and county rates.
Clerk-treasurer Harry Strang
estimated a total expenditure of
$233,800 for the year for all
Council also approved an in-
Policing worries at Hensall
The investigating officer re-
ported Keller drove around Grand
Bend in a dangerous manner and
at one point his skid marks
measured 117 feet. He barely
missed two constables who at-
tempted to flag him down and he
also came close to hitting some
pedestrians and vehicular traffic
in his escapade.
Police found Keller's car in
the ditch on Highway 83 and when
they approached, he ran off into
a corn field, but was apprehended.
The only other area youth in
court was Roland Larry Rumple,
Exeter, who pleaded guilty to a
charge of creating an unneces-
sary noise with his car.
He was fined $15 and costs.
Magistrate Pearson decided a-
gainst taking the youth's licence
when the investigating officer
reported he felt "the lad has
learned his lesson",
Former pupils greeted by chairman
Chairman Roy Ratz of the Shipka School Reunion committee extends simultaneous greetings to Herbert
Harlton of Shipka Hubert Hodgins of Granton, the two oldest former pupils attending the celebration
last week.
Hensall village council approv-
ed a slight increase in taxes to
be paid by residents this year.
Mill rate will be 77 for resi-
dential property and 85 for com-
mercial, a jump from 73,6 and
81.7 over last year.
Separate school supporters will
pay 75 residential and 83 com-
Breakdown of the tax struc-
ture shows the county rate at
16.2 and 16.2; village, 18.3 and
23.3; high school, 13.5 and 14.5;
public school, 19 and 21; separ-
ate school, 17 and 19; library,
1 and 1; park board, 1 and 1;
artificial ice debentures, 2.1 and
2.1; waterworks, 3.8 and 3.8 and
hydrant rental, 2.1 and 2.1,
Predict school addition
underway next month
J. G. Burrows, former inspect-
or of public schools for the south
part of Huron, has been appointed
superintendent of public schools
in Timmins. His appointment is
effective August 15.
Susan Insley, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Doug Insley, 149 Main
Street, has been awarded a sec-
ond prize of a bicycle accessory
kit in Elmer the Safety Elephant's
summer safety contest currently
running in the T-A.
The contest in this area is be-
ing sponsored by Milt's Mower &
Cycle. Any child of elementary
school age may enter. First prize
is a CCM bicycle.
* * * *
The Hon. Joe J. Green, Canada
Minister of Agriculture, will of-
ficially open the 1966 Interna-
tional Plowing Match on the Scott
Farms, Seaforth.
The official opening takes place
on October 11.
A. McDougall Ltd., London.
The firm has already supplied
a new tender for the revised
plans for the addition at a cost
of $1,755,000. Total cost, with
equipment and furnishings added,
will reach an estimated $2,118,-
532, of which the area municip-
alities would pay $574,446.
"All the hurdles we can fore-
see have been passed," Burton
In other business, the board:
Authorized Chairman Ken
Over 100 cases were heard by
Magistrate William Pearson in
Grand Bend court, Monday. The
charges ranged from driving with
faulty mufflers to indecent ex-
posure and common assault.
Close to 40 of the charges re-
sulted from speeding tickets after
the OPP had set up a radar oper-
ation on Highway 21 on July 10.
Many of the other persons were
appearing on liquor violations.
Several youths paid $50 and
costs for consuming liquor while
under the age of 21, while many
others were fined $25 and costs
for having liquor in a place oth-
er than their residence.
A Dashwood man, Raymond
Gordon Keller, had his driving
licence suspended for a period
of 60 days. However, that penalty
was levied on the most minor of
four charges—unnecessary
noise — to which the driver
pleaded guilty.
He was also charged with dang-
erous driving, failing to obey the
directions of a police officer and
having liquor in a place other
than his residence.
Keller was fined $15 and had
his licence revoked for 60 days
on the unnecessary noise charge
and Magistrate Pearson remand-
ed him out of custody for two
weeks to await sentence on the
other charges.
"These other charges are too
serious to decide on a penalty
hastily," the Magistrate explain-
During a discussion on policing
in Hensel', Reeve Minnie Noakes
observed that Ernie R. Davis
should be twins.
Davis acts as the town con-
stable as well as the road super-
intendent, and although his first
Johns to arrange the purchase
and installation of a vault to re-
place the one ruined during a
breakin in June.
Decided to call for the sale by
tender of the barn now situated
on school property and which
must be removed to make way for
the addition.
Agreed to pay the transporta-
tion and board expenses of Prin-
cipal Douglas Palmer at the OSS
Headmasters' Conference at the
— please turn to page 12
duties are as a policeman, his
other title demands a great deal
of his time. Council is concerned
about the growing number of of-
fences against the law, and enter-
ed a lengthy discussion of the
When he took on the job 15
years ago, the arrangement was
"not too bad", said Davis. Now,
he argued, police work in the
village requires the services of
a full time policeman.
Presently, the village is under
protection of the Ontario Pro-
vincial Police. It is not designat-
ed as a police village, therefore
does not receive a grant for
police work and cannot enlist
auxiliary police such as those
engaged in Exeter or Seaforth,
Davis explained his position.
He said that neither of his two
assistants on village work pro-
jects care to drive the tractor
which is needed on most jobs.
Consequently, he must be on hand
to manage the machine. He added
it is very difficult to do police
work at such tina?,s, due to the
fact he is out of uniform.
Davis told council that while
he does take Saturday afternoon
off, he goes on police duty during
Saturday evening, often remain-
ing on the streets until 2 am.
Councillor John Baker sug-
gested Davis might take another
afternoon off earlier in the week
and spend all day Saturday as a
Baker also contended that
Davis should endeavour to put
police duties ahead of village
maintenance. "I'd sooner see an
empty lot full of weeds than some
kid get killed because of a speed-
er. We'll hire others to cut weeds
if we have to," said Baker.
"Clamp down," interjected
Councillor Oliver Jaques, who
thought the $1260 worth of radar
equipment was a "poor invest-
ment" when Clerk Earl Camp-
bell reported very few summons-
es had been issued to speeders.
—Please turn to Page 3
Failing further road blocks —
of which there have been in-
numerable—the contractor could
,be on site to start the planned
vocation addition for SHDHS by
September 1.
Business Administrator W. D.
Burton reported this week that
the Town of Exeter has received
notice from all supporting muni-
cipalities they are in agreement
for the Ontario Municipal Board
to reinstate the application for
the debenture issue, and Exeter
has requested the OMB to do so.
At their meeting last week,
the SHDHS board received final
approval for the addition from the
department of education and Bur-
ton stated that following approval
from the OMB, the contract will
be signed by the contractor, W.
One youth who appeared in
court was given a three-day jail
term in Sarnia.
He had pleaded guilty to re-
moving wires from a polic e
cruiser parked behind the town
One man who contested his
traffic ticket after being clocked
50 in a 30 m.p.h. zone, questioned
why only those going over 40 had
been charged and not all who had
been travelling over the 30 limit.
"We don't have enough men to
stop everyone," the investigating
officer replied.
Start Marlborough soon May do John too
Over 100 appear
on resort's docket
Work on sewers beats schedule
lines could be built.
"It looks very hopeful," he
The reason for moving on the
Marlborough Street line is
simple. When it is completed,
the trouble spots on Thomas
and Victoria Streets could then
be hooked to it.
Otherwise, these two streets
would have to be hooked into
William Street and this would
require expensive lift stations.
Wooden indicated the town was
well ahead of the original sche-
duling on the sewer installation,
Work on Exeter's sanitary
sewer system continues well a-
head of schedule with the an-
nouncement this week that con-
struction on a line along Marl-
borough Street would be started
In the near future.
Councillor Joe Wooden report-
ed to council that Works Super-
ihtendent Jim Paisley had met
with a very favourable respohse
from property owners on the
Street and all but two had in-
dicated they would prepay their
charges to make construction
Wooden and paisley expect to
take plans for the sewer to the
Ontario Water Resources Com-
mission this week for approval.
The line will be built from the
pumping station at the corner of
John Street to the northern limits
of Marlborough Street.
Wooden also reported that sev-
eral reSidente on John Street
East has requested the installa-
tion of a sewer in that area and
he said it was even possible this
work might be undertaken this
Again, most of the residents
on John Street from Edward to
Andrew Street have inditated a
willingness to prepay their
charges to have the sewer in-
With the prepayments and a
$12,000 budget, Wooden stated
there Was a good possibility both
although the three stages pre-
viously set have not been follow-
ed, due to the fact better ar-
rangements have been possible.
Works Superintendent J I m
Paisley has engineered most of
the work, as well as much of
the road work in Exeter. Wooden
stated that his work has resulted
in a Saving of up to $3,000 this
year alone.
Hospitality was great!
T-A given
paper prize
The Exeter Legion pipe Band
was one of the feature attractions
at the Golden Anniversary cele-
brations held in Sherrill, New
York, from July 29 to 31.
The local band, 61 members
strong, was met Friday afternoon
by Sherrill mayor,Marian
Thurstoti and received large key
to the City. Mrs. Thurston is the
only lady mayor in the state of
New York.
Sherrill is located 50 miles
east of Syracuse and is known
as the Silver City. The theme of
the Celebration was based on the
1st verse of 133rd Psalm, "Be-
hold how good and pleasant it is
for brethern to dwell in unity".
Drum Majer Jim Kennedy and
Pipe Major Hee Kingswell along
with a dolOur party that included
Herb Broom, Walt Remanink,
Percy Noels, Gerry LaWson and
Garnet Shipman led the Exeter
band. The local group were rein-
forced by pipers and drummers
front Forest, Strathroy, Clinton
and Brussels. They were the only
Canadian band in attendance.
The Sattirday afternoon parade
included 20 bands and more than
100 floats and covered tWo miles
of Sherrill streets. After the
marching the local bandsmen
Joined with two bands fromSYra,
cuse to perform for the large
The silver key of the city of
Sherrill now resting in the Exeter
Legion will be engraved with the
names of all the persons making
the 300 mile journey to the
American city.
Members of the local canting.
ent on their return Were loud in
their praise of the hospitality re ,
delved from the residents of
Leslie Thomson presented a
request to council regarding the
opening of a 50-foot Street be-
tween Carling and Marlborough
Street in the block bounded by
Gidley and Victoria Streets.
He reported this would open
up from eight to 10 building
lots on property in that area.
Council decided to inquire from
the Ontario Municipal Board
whether this was permissible,
and if so, refer the request to
the town's planning board.
In Other business, council:
Discussed the condition of
street name signs and decided
that next year's council should
consider the erection of new
Requested the police Commit-
tee to review the entire Setup
of the Police betia.rtment.
Decided to issue another lease
to Lorne Keller for use of the
lagoon farm, /t was noted the
lease could be broken after crops
had been harvested. AraNOSN ESISIS
Competing against weekly
newspapers from across Canada
in an open competition, the T-A
women's page edited by Mrs. J.
M. Southcott has been awarded
a third place finish.
Winner of the Senator W. A.
Fraser Memorial plaque for best
women's news and features con-
tent was the Pointe Claire News
and Chronicle from Otiebee.Sec-
ond was the Port Credit Weekly.
Placing in a tie for third place
With The Times-Advocate was
the North Vancouver Citizen.
The awards for the 1906 Bet-
ter Newspapers C ompe t i ti
Were made at the annual ton-
vention of the Canadian Weekly
Newspaper Association held itt
Saint Jelin, N.B., earlier this
Drum Major Jim Kennedy of the Exeter Legion band is presenting the key of the Silver City, Sherrill,
New York, to Legion president Chub Edwards on the band's return to Exeter. Pipe Major Hee Kingswell
is flanked by pipers Fred Simmons and Eric Heywood.