HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-07-28, Page 12Page 12 Times-Advocate, July 28, 1966 Local girls perform at Kirkton Li an area eiris, Maureen Smith and Marlene Butler, were among the 15 competitors in the Juvenile Contest stat.7el In l,onneotion last week's Kirkton Garden Party. Maureen, left, walked off with fourth place. Tv be ehosen among the 15 competitors, the two girls had to compete against a total of 77 children who sought berths in the popular program. They're shown here with Dave Wilson, CFPL TV, who was atudii-ator. —T-A photo Lucan Kevin O'Shea, Nancy Ryan, Mark Seifried, Helen Sentjens, John Steeghs, Nellie Timm er mans, Joan Toonders, Jacqueline Vad- er, Martin Vanderloo, Mary Van Gelderen, Joan Vereyken. Teacher, Miss Janet Blair. TO GRADE 5 Bill Biemans, Helen Biemans, Bernard Boland, Susan Co Dyre, Tommy Co Dyre, Shirley Cruni- can, Wilma De Kort, Joseph De- wan, Fred Egan, Olga Grim- minck, Joseph Gysbers, David Harrigan, Frank Jorna, Diana Martens, Peter Milne, Moyra Morkin, Kevin Mu nn, Stephen O'Brien, Michael O'Dwyer, Art O'Neill, Amy Robertson, Gerald Spruyt, David Toonders, Joseph Vader, Bertha Vande Borne, John Van Eyk, Peter Vens, Peter Vereyken, William Vere yk e n, Donald Walters, Richard Wood. Teacher, Mrs. C atherine Garvey. TED HOLMES List promotions at St. Patrick's Patrick Ryan, Joanne Schoen- makers, Rita Swinkels. Teacher, Mr. Leonard Maloney. TO GRADE 9 Bernadette Clymans, EMUYCo Dyre, Jean Crunican, Harry Da- men, Mary Jorna, Valerie Moon- ey, Richard Munn, Sharon Munn, Sandra Murphy, Michael O'Neill, Eugene Seifried, Agnes Steeghs, Peter Timmermans, Mary Van Geel, Bert Vens, Paul Wood. Teacher, Mr. Leonard Maloney. haert, Anthony Martens, Law- rence Milne, Jean Murphy, Carol O'Dwyer, Arthur Skonleezny, Barbara Spruyt, Dorothy Tim- mermans, Jane Vande Borne, Rita Wood, Sharon Wood. Teacher, Mrs. Edna Mockler, TO GRADE 8 John Dewan, Paula Dietrick, Remie Grimminck, Nell Gysbers, Benedict Harrigan, Catherine Harrigan, Janet Nagle, Thomas O'Shea, Kenneth Titnmermans. Teacher, Mrs. Edna Mockler. TO GRADE 8 Carol 13enn, Alice Biemans, William Darren, Francis Heenan, Bruce Maslen, Paul Milne, pat- ride. O'Dwyer, Geraldine O'Shea, TO GRADE 2 Patrick Benn, Joanne Boland, Stephen Cahill, Robert Charette, Joan Co Dyre, Anne Crunican, Michael Crunican, iviargaret De- wan, Christine Dietrich, Mary Duenk, Marianne Giesen, Ther- esa Grimminck, Rosemary Hes- sels, Rennie Jorna, Debbie Loy- ens, Gerald Martens, John W- illi arge y, Christopher Milne, James Mitchell, Gregory Self- tied, Anita Steeghs, John Toond- ens, Harry Van Boxmeer, Connie Van Russel, Frank Van Russel, Marian Vanden Heuvel, Henrietta Vandeursen, John Vanderloo, Leonard Vood, Martin Wood, Mi- chael Wood, Matthew Toonders. Teacher, Mrs. Beverley Toohey. PERSONALS Mrs. Joseph Mordush and Charleen and Miss Marie Varga of London, have returned home after spending a few days with Mrs. Mordush's mother, Mrs. Chris Fischer. F/O A. J. Hodgins and family of Trenton spent a few days last week with Mr, liocigins' parents, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hodgins and family, before leaving Saturday for their new home at Val D'Or, Quebec. Get Your FREE Carton of Pepsi at SOUTH-END SERVICE this weekend! More passes are announced During the week the following names of successful Medway stu- dents were phoned in, which had been omitted last week. Grade 9 to 10, Willie Dickey; Grade 10 to 11, Wendy Elston, Linda Backman and Nancy Van Geel; Grade 11 to 12, David Els- ton, Mary Korevar and Margaret Armstrong; Grade 12 to 13, Judy Blair; 4 Year Special, Judy Dick- ey. 1111 .1111111111111 lllll 11111111011 llllll 11111111.11111111111111114 TO GRADE 6 Mary Benn, Marlene Boland, Angeline De Brouwer, Mary Diet- rich, John Gysbers, B e r nar d Harrigan, Lucy Hillman, Helen Jorna, Gary Maslen, Ruth Mit- chell, Dennis Munn, Patricia Nagle, Gregory Robertson, Col- leen Ryan, John Sentjens, Mia Steeghs, William Timmermans, Peter Vande Borne, Ann Van Eyk, Walda Van Geel. Rec news It 's a Fact ... $10,000 invested in Investors Mutual of Canada in Feb. of 1950 is worth $45,000 today. By J. E. BURT „emeneweeeeneeneeneeememe lllll wee TO GRADE 3 James Benn, Joseph Cahill, Mary Co Dyne, Diane Crunican, Linda Crunican, Victoria De Block, Harriet De Kart, Anne Marie Dewan, Helen Duynisveld, Anita Gysbers, Frances Gysbers, Mark Harrigan, Lillian Jonge- neelen, Annie Jorna, Marita Kloseck, James Milne, Leo Milne, Denise O'Brien, Kimberly O'Dwyer, Matthew O'Neill, Wil- liam Sentjens, Helen Timmer- mans, Joan Toonders, Margaret Toonders, Wilbert Vader, Frank Vanden Heuvel, Gary V and en Heuvel, Helen Van Gelderen, Jay- me Van Praet, Elizabeth Verey- ken, John Van Deursen, Michael Walters. Teacher, Mrs. Patricia Grace On Monday evening the Lucan Bantams came their nearest this season to winning a game when the final score with Mitchell was 11 to 10. Mrs. Burt is in charge of the swimming pool snack bar this year. and district news TO GRADE 7 Mary Damen, Richard DeBlock Gerard Dewan, Frank Dietrich, Sylvester Grimminck, Casey Schoenmakers, Martin Steeghs, Keith Van Geel. Teacher, Mrs. Mary Murray. WijeglOa 145 Deer Park Circle, London SYNDICATE LIMITED Or mill this coupon Without obligation, please send me more information. NAME Phone 227.4255 Correspondent: Mks Lina Abbott ADDRESS CITY TOWN --- PROY. TO GRADE 7 John Biemans, Kathleen Co Dyre, Margaret Crunican, Jo- anne De Kort, William Gysbers, Veronica Jorna, Irene Kerck- RAIN All things come to those who wait — if you wait long enough. After six weeks of patient wait- ing Lucan got two nice showers of rain Sunday afternoon, in spite of the weatherman's prediction of "little change". TO GRADE 4 Maggie Biemans, Suzann e Charette, Jefferie Debroumer, Peter Duenk, Leonard Duyniseld, Robert Grimminck, Mary Bysb- ers, Randy Harrigan, Anne Marie Heenan, Gerry Jong eneele n, Mary Martens, Joseph Mitchell, Patricia Morkin, Nancy Murphy, Michael Nagle, Shelley O'Dwyer, Playground activity shows some drop r Woman suffers injury in crash in a rear-end crash on High- way 4 and Concession 10, Lon- don Township, last Monday, a car iriven by Peter VanLeeuwen of RR 1, Atwood was rammed by a car driven by Miss Elizabeth Paisley of Ilderton. Mrs. Var. Leeuwen suffered a severe face cut and a broken right arm when her face hit the windshield. Her husband escaped with a bruised knee and Miss Paisley was uninjured. The in- jured couple were taken to St. Joseph's Hospital. Constable Douglas Emery of the Lucan detachment, investi- gated the accident. TOP VALU FOIL WRAP 2 rolls $1 00 (18 .x25') • approximately 20 children a day. A typical day at the playground begins at 10. We have roll call first and then a few simple exer- cises usually in the form of a "Simon Says" game. The active games follow this for the rest of the morning with a few breaks between games. At the afternoon session we have roll call again and then a few quiet games and songs. We do crafts in the afternoon also, some of these are drawing, color- ing, painting and making things. A story usually ends the afternoon session. We are planning to have a special event near the end of the summer school term. The child- ren will be the main ones involved here for they shall present their work. The parents will then be able to see their child's accomp- lishments and all that he has been doing. As a closing note, we invite all children to attend Summer School. We hope to keep them interested and busy and feel they will learn while there. • Miss Eleanor Cantelon, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Cante- lon of Victoria is making an extended visit with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H, Can- telon. Mr. and Mrs. Lang De Coursey of Detroit visited a number of their Lucan friends last week. Mrs. Roberta Dundas and two children from St. Pauls, Ontario, were Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hearn. Miss Lilies Powell is spending a few days in Brantford, the guest of Dr. and Mrs. R.K. Start, who were co-workers with her in Obese, Japan. Mrs. Lloyd Haskett of RR 1 Lucan won the spelling prize on CKSL Coffee Club program. Mrs. George Paul underwent surgery at St. Joseph's Hospital last week. Mr. & Mrs. Mervin Hedden, Mrs. E. Pace and Mrs. Vera Goldwyn of Brantford have re- turned home after a week's visit with Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Hedden. Sunday evening Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Armitage and Sheila visit- ed Mr. & Mrs. Ken Thar at their Grand Bend cottage. Mrs. John Casey of Alice St. is on the sick list. Mrs. John McLean of Toronto spent a few days last week at her home here. SHIRLEY GAY HOT DOG or BUNSHAMBURG PREM By MARILYN HEARN The playground has been a suc- cess so far this year. The child- ren are interested in the program and I feel they enjoy it. Cathy Mathers and myself work alter- nately from week to week as playground leaders. The hours for summer school are 10-12 am and 2-4pm. The age group that attends is usually from three years old to eleven. During the first week we regist- ered 62 children but the attend- ance has slacked off during the past two weeks. We now have pkgs. of8 .00 TOP VALU SALAD DRESSING 32-oz. Qt jars CLARK'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE 48-oz, tins $1 .00 McLAREN'S FRESH PAC SWEET PICKLES WAFER 4 15 ja-orsz. $1 00 ROUND CANNED LUNCHEON MEAT 2 12-oz. el no tins AYLMER CANADIAN STYLE BEANS WITHINPORK TOMATO SAUCE 6 15-oz. C tins 101 .00 TOP VALU POWDERED DETERGENT 2-lb. $ pkgs.1.00 Top Valu Canned Asst'd Flay's Soft Drinks 10,:ionl . 60 VP ROSE SWEET GREEN RELISHES HA ININBU RG HOT DOG mstilum nnlllnllnll Lill 111111,11, ten LOLL,11111111111111,IIIIIIIUIInnlnlnnlnllllllll, llllll 1111111111111U11,1111111110 Lucan Personal Items ,111111'J111111111111111Illlllll Lill lllllllllllllll I lllllll /11I lllll11111,Illlll11111111 Milli Iii111111 llllllllllllll lllll 11111.1 llllll 1 • 4 laor:s1.00 Asst'd FLAVOURS Special Pock Swift Froz. Beef-Chicken-Turkey • FRESHIE 20 Pkgs. $ Miss Maureen Smith was solo- ist at Holy Trinity Church Sun- day. Sunday guests with Mrs. Wes Hodgins were Mr. & Mrs. Jim Tubb and family of Mitchell and Wednesday guests were Mrs. Isa- bel Copeman and Mrs. Shirley Earl of London, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Smith and family have returned home to Wallaceburg, after a three day visit with Mrs. George Hodgins and family. They took their son, Fred home and also Pamela Smith, six-year-old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Don Smith. Mrs. Laura Morgan and daugh- ter Mrs. Paul Foot and babe Mi- chael have purchased and moved into the house, formerly owned by the late Mr. Wm. Amos of Francis St. Mrs. Harold Butler Jr. and Marlene are camping at the pro- vincial Park Ipperwash for a month. Sunday evening guests with Mrs. Chris Fischer included Mrs. Wes Hodgins of Lucan, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Fisener, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Thompson, Ann and Tommy of London, Mr. & Mrs. Kennon Fischer, Kennon Jr. and Jamie of Exeter and Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Fischer and son David of C entralia. Chief Constable A. E. Cowan, who moved from Lucan to Ayr has been in St. Marys Hospital, Kitchener, for the last four weeks. Miss Florence Chown of St. Thomas spent a few days last week with her sister, Miss Reta Chown. Mr. & Mrs. Don Abbott last Wednesday visited Mr. & Mrs. Fred Suter of Ailsa Craig and saw their new son Tod, born in St. Joseph's Hospital, July 9. Mrs. Bruce McNiven of Lind- say who attended her brother, Mr. W. H. Dundas' funeral last Wednesday in Lucan spent a few days with Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hamil- ton. Mr. & Mrs. Keith McComb spent the weekend in Kitchener the guests of Mr. & Mrs. Sam Sehults. Pot Pies 4 81;c::s $1 Mr. & Mrs. Rufus Thompson of Main St. attended the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Wil- bert Farrow of Owen Sound Sat- urday and spent the weekend in Owen Sound. Mrs. Cliff Cronkite spent the first week of her month's vaca- tion, with Mr. Cronkite at their cottage at Bayview and Sunday attended the Greenwood family picnic, with her family at Bur- ford. Dr. & Mrs. S. J. Morrison of Detroit, who spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rummell left their two small daughters, Catherine and Marilyn for a holi- day with their grandparents. Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Redden at- tended the Ford picnic at Wood- stock last Sunday. Other rela- tives were present from Toronto, London, and Exeter. Mrs. Wm. Lawrence, the form- er Rose Revington, who was ser- iously injured in a car accident Feb. 28, 1965, has now left St. Mary's Hospital, London and will be going into a London Apart- ment with Mr. Lawrence August 1. At present she is with her sister Mrs. Harry MeNaughton of London. Mrs. Murray Hodgins, Mrs. Erwin Scott and Mrs. Frank Hardy attended the WI Historical Research workshop at Bethel Church, last Monday. JELL-O (Asst'd Flavours) SCHICK SUPER STAINLESS RAZOR 2 oPfkg5s . BLADES ALLSWEET PARCHMENT Margarine 3 p1.9,bs: 890 INSTANT 6 Pkgs.$1 PUDDING Top Valu Frozen White or Pink Lemonade an 61:2 5 TOP VALU (All Flavours) Shirley Gay 24-oz. Pie Strawberry Pie 590 Ice Cream 4 Punts Si Nabisco 18-oz. Pkg. Chase & Sanborn 12-oz. Jar Hostess 13-oz. Pkg. Shredded Wheat 37C Instant Coffee 9.75 Potato Chips 69' DOLLAR DAYS GOVERNMENT INSPECTED, FRESH (21 /2 -3 lb. SIZE) FRYING CHICKENS GRADE "A" Friends shower bride with gifts Miss Ilene Donaldson, bride- eleet of August, was taken com- pletely by surprise when she walked into the new addition to the Lucan United Church, Friday evening, to find over 30 of her friends there, to offer their con- gratulations and to present her with pantry and kitchen gilts. The sponsor of the shower, Miss Margaret Sach, had taken Miss Donaldson with her to meet Mrs. Myles Armstrong of Bervie, who is to be soloist at the wed- ding. When they went to the church the bride-elect thought it was for a practice, so imagine her sur- prise: An interesting program had been pi epared. Readings, were given by Mrs. Calvin Haskett, Mrs. Murray Hodgins and Mrs. Myles Armstrong. Though no prizes were given, all enjoyed three contests, Miss Sach, who has been one of Ilene's room-mates, for the past two years, read an original poem and assisted another room- mate, Miss Alice Mae Sidebotham and seven-year-old Lorraine Lewis, present the gifts. Miss Judy Haskett and Miss Coralyn Donaldson aided the bride-eleCt in the opening of the gifts, I b. SWIFT'S CANADIAN READY TO EAT PARTLY SKINNED COOKED HAM SHAHOKN b . 5, SWIFT'S SWEET PICKLED (%'5) SWIFT'S PREMIUM SIDE BACON TOP VALU WIENERS 1-lb' 99c COTTAGE ROLLS Ib, 69¢ Pkg, MICHAEL O'NEIL VALERIE MOONEY TOP VALU (5 Varieties) "b. 59' COOKED MEATS 6,;P aIc. 29' pk9. ALL. PRICES EFPECTIVt JULY 27.30 INCLUSIVE SOUTH AFRICAN (Size 163's) OUTSPAN WE FIEStRYt THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Pick two winners of CWL awards ONT, NO. 1 POTATOES C DARLING'S IGA EXETER and LUCAN ORANGES 3 Doz. 89C 25-1b. Bag U.S. NO. 1 RED CARDINAL GRAPES U.S. NO, 1 CELLO CARROTS 3 Lb. Lb. Bag CALIFORNIA BARTLETT 29' PEARS 5 for 39° U.S. NO, I CALIFORNIA 390 PLUMS Qt, 55° Each year the CWL of St. Patrick's Church, Lucan $10 each for the most outstand- ing Grade 8 girl and bey in St. Patrick's Separate School. This year's winners were Val- erie Mooney, 12-year-olddaugh- ter of Sgt and Mrs. Henry Moor,Py,' with an average of el and Miehael O'Neil, 14-year-old son ef Mr. and Mrs. Clifford O'Neil, with an average of 83. BETTY St ART S IGA GRAND BEND SEE THIS WEEK'S HANDBILL FOR MORE OUTSTANDING VALUES Valerie is also a talented vo- calist and public speaker. She won three prizes at the 1966 Music Festival and several a- wards for public speaking this year. Michael's talents, on the other hand, are focused on sports. He belongs to the Lucan f3antams and Midget hockey teams and the Bantam hell team, Jo, • • W