HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-07-28, Page 1111 Property For Rent 2-BEDROOM apartment on Sanders St. West, 3-piece bath, lots of closet space upstairs, living room and kitchen down- stairs, use of basement, heat- ed, Apply Mrs. Whitney Coates 229-6576 or 1 mile south of Exe- ter and lh miles east. 2ltfnc LARGE 2-bedroom cottage with bath, in Lucan. Phone 227-4254 or 227-4312. 2ltfnc 3 MODERN unfurnished apart- ments, steam heated, 1-bed- room, 2-bedroom and 3-bed- room. Apply Art Gaiser, El- mart Apt., days 235.1505, eve- eings 235-2754. 28tfnc MODERN 2-bedroom apartment. Heat and hot water supplied. Phone 235-0746, 28tfnc MODERN 3 - bedroom home, double garage, large 'garden area. Available August 31. Dial 235-0228. 28c UNFURNISHED house with all modern conveniences, 237 Huron St. W, available Sept. 1. Phone 235-200h. 28* NEW, two large bedroom apart- ment, living room with broad- loom, large kitchen, ceramic tile bath, utility room, Avail- able Sept. 1. Phone Harold Tay- lor, 235-0674, 2ltfnc 3 BEDROOM modern house on Crediton Road. Phone 228-6258. 14tfnc HOUSE, lh storeys, available August 1. Phone 235-1377. 7tfnc CENTRAL, clean, comfortably furnished, heated 1-bedroom apartment. Ken Johns, 67 Joint E., 235-1185, 28ttfnc UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmon's Apt. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 12tfne NICELY furnished apartment, centre of town. Elliot Apts., 442 Main St. Phone Grand Bend 238-2680. 23tfnc 18 for Rent FLOOR SANDERS, electric — Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfne 11 Notices NOTICE — Hensall District Co- Op will be shipping cattle to United Cooperatives of Ontario, Toronto, every Monday, To ar- range pick-up phone Hensall Co-Op 262-2608 or Roy Scotch- mer 565-2636 by noon Saturday. 28:11c 23 legal Notices Part of Kirkton executive A-portion of the executive of the Kirkton Community Association was caught by the camera during the 22nd annual Garden Party at the Kirkton Fair Grounds, Wednesday. From the left, Past President, Fred Switzer, Public Rep., Fred Rodgers, President, Al Eveleigh, Public Rep,, Bob Marshall and Marion Urquhart, assistant treasurer and WI Rep. Pair from Bosanquet returning from Japan The umbrella that protects Your Credit Union is a shield that can protect you in financial emergencies It pays to be a member EXETER COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION DEVON BLDG. HAROLD PATTERSON, Manager Times-Advocate, July 28, 1966 Page 11 Grand Bend, Ont. Phone: 238-2788 this S'inday, Wednesday afternoon and during the evening throughout the week. POWER HACKSAWS $76.50 & up DRILL PRESSES $92.00 & up Brochures on request Dealer for L.K.S. products Johnny's Shell Station ILAIMMMMMMMMMMMMMIIIMMMMM llllll IIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMIIII.MM SPORT SHIRTS Regular 2" to $4,00 SALE ' Regular 951 to $5,00 SALE $a Regular $4 95 to $6,00 SALE T SHIRTS SALE $1" 2 For $2.35 Regular $2.95 SALE Regular $5.00 SALE Regular $1.50 198 ;398 110111111 lllll III 1111111111,1111111 n ,M11111111,110 “,..;flmtillulftl.PHIMIIMOMIH111111111111111111111111,111A111110 lllll 1111111111111,11"11111111411111111 llllll 1111111114nr N. BOSANQUET Misses Judy and Barbara Ble- wett are en route home from Japan. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wilson and Kim of Sarnia visited rela- tives at the Haig Farm Sunday. Several youths have part time employment at the Cadet Camp- Ipperwash. Wm. Nordstrom is building an addition to his home for a workshop in the Pinery. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vincent and Ira, Leonard Desjardine and Marg Dunugan of Grand Bend and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gill and fami- ly of Thedford were entertained at a picnic at the Aux Sable park by Mr. and Mrs.H. Prance Sun- day. Camping facilities at the Pro- vincial Park in the Pinery are at a premium this season and accommodation at neighbouring motels. The new highway across the Haig Farm ( on former Lake Smith) was opened to traffic two weeks ago. It will take about another month to clean up the "squeeze out" that is rather difficult to handle in places. The old road across the tri- county bridge-west, has been cut off by an open ditch - along the new curve both sides. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hansen of Morpeth and an aunt from Den- mark visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burley and daughters over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hughes, Dianne and Gregory of London visited relatives over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. G. Gotelaer Jr. and David of Ridgetown visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Prance over BuY N Honour bride-elect at Elimville events NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estates of Lennis Francis Denomme and Betty Lou Denomme All persons having claims against the estates of Lennis Francis Denomme and Betty Lou Denomme, both of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, who died on the 20th and 21st days of May 1966 respectively, are required to file particulars of the same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario by the 13th day of August 1966 after which date the estates will be distrib- uted having regard only to these claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administrators Exeter, Ontario. 21:28:11c 14 Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR PAINTING Exterior trim and interior of three rooms at OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL SCHOOL Paint will be supplied by the School Board.. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Apply to: MRS. CLAUDETTE HOGAN, RR 8 Parkhill, Ont. 294-6756 before August 5, 1966. 21:28c 25 Auction Sales Twilight AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises at WINCHELSEA or li miles south of Exeter thence 6 miles east. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 28 et 6:30 p.m. Solid oak round top dining room table; 6 dining room chairs; buffet; china cabinet; oak corner cupboard; chester- field and chair, like new; Mor- ris upright piano, A-1 condi- tion; combination book case and writing desk; platform rocker; oak and leather rock- ers; Electrohome combination 21 inch television, radio and record player, like new; 4 matching tables including 2 end tables, coffee table, corner ta- ble; day bed; studio couch; mirrors; pictures and frames; spinning wheel; chrome table; kitchen chairs; electric lamps; electric washing machine;„ An- nex coal and wood stove, like new; 2 oak bedsteads; steel bedstead, springs and mat- tress; dressers; commodes; cedar chest; drop leaf table: 25 Auction Sales assortment dishes, glassware, fancy dishes, silverware; kitch- en utensils; sealers; crocks; assortment fruit; copper boil- er; quilting frames; power lawn mower; garden and car- penter tools; step ladder; vice; forks; shovels, etc., etc. TERMS: Cash. MRS. REBA CLARKE, proprietress BEV. MORGAN, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 21:28e AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises Third house east of St. Boniface Church VILLAGE OF ZURICH The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JULY 30 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of West Half of Lot 48 in the Vil- lage of Zurich, on which is sit- uated 2 - storey brick dwelling covered with stucco finish. Main floor—Kitchen and util- ity room, dining and living room, one bedroom. Second floor — Three bedrooms and clothes closets. Full-size base- ment. Also small barn suitable for garage. Inspection invited, TERMS OF REAL ESTATE- 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Ad- miral 17-inch television; oak dining room table -and chairs; kitchen table and Chairs; buf- fet; china cabinet; oak rock- ers; studio couch; phonograph; antique boot jack; antique cuckoo clock; 2 parlor chairs; leather rocker; 2-burner elec- tric stove; kitchen stove; Cor- ona space heater; antique irons; antique magazine rack; Raymond •sewing machine; pic- tures and frames; couch; oak single bed; antique child's bed; 3 oak bedsteads, springs and mattresses; dressers; com- modes; cedar chests; trunks; toilet set; floor lamps; lan- terns; electric radio; dry sink; assortment of glassware, silver- ware, antique dishes; Warwick blue and white dinner set, set- ting for 12; kitchen utensils; coffee grinder; jugs; sealers; apple peeler; quilts; mats; bedding; antique photo and de- veloping set; rifle; shotgun; carpenter and garden tools; masonry set, etc. TERMS: Cash. MIKE MEIDINGER, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 21:28c Twilight AUCTION SALE of Store Supplies and Misc. Items, Boat and Trailer On the premises at WINCHELSEA The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 28 at 7:30 p.m. Sale includes antique meat slicer; beam scales; 30 lb. cap. counter scales; 1 store display island; glass showcase; 8 ft. cooler, suitable for coaling cream cans; soft dripk cooler; store counters; electric deflyep; assortment of disinfectants & fly powders; chicken crates; Chriscraft 14 ft. plywood boat and many other misc. items. No reserve as owner is go- ing out of business. TERMS: Cash. WINCHELSEA GENERAL STORE, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 21:28c Twilight AUCTION SALE of Household Effects, Electrical Appliances and Misc. Items On the premises PORT BLAKE or miles north of Grand Bend. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 3, at 6:30 p.m. 2 solid oak round top dining room tables; numerous dining room chairs; buffet; occasional chair; sideboard; Victorian sofa; walnut chest of drawers; 2 chicken coop chairs; invalid's chair; 2 trailer mattresses; med. size refrigerator; three 2- burner electric stoves; assort- ment dishes, glassware; 12 ft. modern kitchen cupboards with double sink, like new; small cupboard; 2 benches; large size water heater; gale. piping; doors; windows; rubber hose; mail box, variety of books, etc. TERMS: Cash A. SHARROW, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 28c AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate On the premises 236 ANDREW ST., EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public Auction on MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 15 at 7:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Lot 74 in the Town of Exeter, 230 Andrew Street, 53x270 ft, on which is situated 2 storey frame dwelling. Main floor: Large living and dining room, bedroom, modern kitchen, 2-piece bathroom and 25 Auction Sales utility room, sun porch, hard- wood flooring. Second floor: 3 bedrooms with clothes closets, 3-pee bath- room and shower. Full size basement, newly installed oil furnace; also small garage. Property conveniently situ- ated and in good state of re- pair. Convince yourself by in- specting this property before sale date. TERMS of Real Estate — 10q1 on day of sale and balance in 30 days. Sold subject to rea- sonable reserve bid. MRS. MARJORIE NOBLE, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 28c By MRS. FRED BOWDEN Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Thompson of Mount Brydges were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Powe and family. Miss Dianne Stuckless of Lucan was holidaying last week with her great-grandparents, Mr., & Mrs. Alvin Essery. Miss Agnes Anderson visited for a few days last week with her cousin, Mrs. A. Northey inCam- eron. The name of Elaine Powe's music pupil who obtained her Grade 3 piano (Western Con- servatory) should have read Brenda Leathwood not Lightfoot as printed last week. Mrs. Wm. Haddock attended a reunion of the Bestard and Bayn- ham families at Riverview Park, Exeter Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McFalls and Mrs. Samson McFalls of Exeter and Mrs. Phil Johnston of London were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Arthur McFalls. Miss Arlene Newcombe ac- companied by Craig Jacober of Drayton Plains, Michigan, were visitors last week with Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Essery and Robbie. Miss Newcombe is a sister and Craig a nephew of Mrs. Essery. Mr. & Mrs. John Thompson were weekend visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Reid Brown and Roxanne in Lambeth and attended a fam- ily picnic at Pinafore Park In St. Thomas Sunday. Visitors with Mrs. Fred Har- rison were Mrs. Jack Pierce and family of London Saturday; Mr. & Mrs. Don Dixon and family of Hensall, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Har- rison and Tracy of Lucan, Sunday. Mr. Young has returned to Hamilton after visiting for the past three weeks at the home of his daughter and son-in-law Mr. & Mrs. W. Lamb. Sunday guests with Mr. &mrs. Ken Greb were Mrs. Helen Bowles, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Ham- ilton of Wyoming and Rev. D, M. Guest. Mr. George Baynham attended the Bestard and Baynham reunion in Exeter Sunday. By MRS. ROSS SKINNER ELIMVILLE Friday evening at the Elimville United Church the community held a miscellaneous shower for Miss Janet Skinner, bride-elect of Saturday. Mrs. Edward Johns escorted Janet to a prettily decorated chair and read the address. Mrs. Ross Skinner gave two humorous readings. Misses Kathy Cooper and Mary Margaret Johns car- ried in a large basket of kitchen articles. After opening the many gifts Janet thanked everyone. Miss Margaret Johns conducted two contests. Another,miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Miss Kathy Hern of Winchelsea last Tuesday evening for a number of friends. Saturday evening Mrs. Frank Hints held a surprise shower for Janet at her home for the rela- tives. miss Gail McBride con- ducted a game and Mrs. Hints had a contest. Lunch was served by the hostess and co-hostesses Miss McBride and Mrs. Delmer Skinner. Many visit Mt. Carmel MT. CARMEL Mr. & Mrs. Tom Morkin, Lon- don, visited with Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Regan and family Sunday. Mr. Joseph Dietrich and John Conlin left by plane last week to visit the former's daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Patterson and girls in Churchill, Manitoba, for a few days. Miss Theresa Doyle, London, is having a holiday with her cou- sins Jane and Margaret McCann. Rev. Mother M. Ceceliavisited her brother Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Hogan and family and other rela- tives for three days last week. Sister Rene of Hamilton was a long weekend guest with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Regier and family. Rev. Father Vincent Guinan CSB Texas spent a few days with Mrs. Mike Ryan Sr. and cousins. Miss Judy Regier is enjoying a holiday in Detroit with rela- tives. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Carey and family spent Sunday in simeoe with Mr. & Mrs. Walter Mater and their family. last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holt and Tim were on a fishing trip to the north country over the week- end. Mrs, Wm. Blewett is recover- ing from a broken ankle. Mr. and Mrs. H. Prance visi- ted Mr. and Mrs. G. Gotelaer Jr. and David Thursday, Mrs. Prance By MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE WO ODI IAM Miss Jaqueline Beckett is em- ployed with Hinde and Dauch, St. Marys, for the summer holidays. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Rohde and Robert of Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Torn Proulx, Donna and Helen of London were guests with Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lawson at their cottage at Barron Bay over the weekend. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Keizer and family of Embro were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Beckett and girls. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Levy, Karen, Lynn, Barry and Lou Anne of St. Marys were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Walter Levy and Margaret. Miss Ada Hopkins is a patient in St. Marys Hospital. Alex Johns was a weekend guest with Mr. & Mrs. Allan Lawson and Michael of St. Marys. Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Meta, Miss Carolyn Bern RN, Miss Mary Ann Montague RN all of London are holidaying with Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Hern. Mr. & Mrs. Garnet Ford of Detroit, Mrs. James Drake of London were Saturday guests with Mrs. Arthur Hopkins. Miss Danbrook of Moose Jaw, Sask., Mr. Kent Challis and his son Billie of Chatham are guests with Mr. & Mrs. Hiram Hanna. Rev. John Davidson of Calgary was guest soloist at the church service Sunday morning. Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Pringle of London. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Mackie and Alex of Toronto are visiting with Dr. & Mrs. George Morphy. Mr. & Mrs. Norris Webb and family attended the funeral of Mrs. Webb's mother, the late attending a baby shower at Shoe- makers'. Mrs. Pete Burley and Judy leave Saturday on a month's visit to Mrs. Burley's parents and relatives near Halifax N.S. on the coast whom she has not seen for 17 years. A sister of five then is now married with a fami- ly. Mrs. Henry Small in St. Thomas. Nancy Jaques, Julie Webb and Janet Tomlinson are attending camp at Bimini this week. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Blaine and son have moved into the home they recently purchased from Mr. Ross Langford. Mr. Oliver McCurdy of Barrie visited with Mr. & Mrs. Ira McCurdy during the week. Mr. & Mrs. George Wheeler visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Percy Hoffmeyer of Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia and Ellen visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Bev Westman and Janet of Granton. Mr. & Mrs. John Witteveen, Sharon and Brian visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Teke Witteveen of Paris. A Whisper Never Carries The Same Impact As A Sklar DOMINANT SPACE MEANS INCREASED READERSHIP Why Not Take Advantage of This Extra Readership Potential? PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. John Miners and family and Mrs. Agnes Drum- mond of Exeter returned home Saturday after spending three weeks with relatives in Brandon, Man. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Routly visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Rennie and family of London. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Routly of Aylmer spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Routly. All Bathing Ha Ts 40% off Reg. Price Calgary soloist at Woodham service 25% OFF MEN'S o Sport coats a Windbreakers o Swim trunks o Play shirts 20% OFF Boys' o Swim Trunks a Sport Coats o Windbreakers 11111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 See Our /I lllll 1 11111t111111111111111111111111111111 BARGAIN TABLES For Exceptional bargains On • Pyjamas O Foundation Garments • Gowns • Gloves * Socks, etc. anailiaiiniiIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111; = = = ...z..: = = = MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE °"; ,,0:::::::,..:::::::. ..,.... = i-,- = :,..1 = = = ...I, „.......,„14=11H10. E.' = F._ = W11101111 fffff 11111I1.01111110111111111111111111111111,111 lllllll 111M10111111,11111,1111111111111110111111.11:11::::11111111 lllllllllll II/1111111111 lllllllll I lllll g. ..- = = = 7.- LADIES' Special rE 250/0 dresses Jummer cotton 4 : = -..-z--,. c PIECE GOODS Fi = _ Su its, coats and SALE jackets 25% OFF :=2 = OFF a Slacks, shorts, All Cotton and F. pedal pushers Summer Dress = a Summer handbags Materials 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllll 111101111111111111111111111111 lllllll 11111111111111111111111111111111111111,1 388 Main S. rxeter 215 0292 a