HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-07-28, Page 5Pair attend blind event GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE? rt5c) Serving Western Ontario 1941-66 Our aim is to justify the confidence placed in us, and we are endeavouring to maintain the same high standards. Fall Term opens Tuesday, September 6 Senior and Junior Courses approved by THE BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Dial 524-8521, 7284, or 6307, Tuition $35 per month If Your TV Is Sick Just Cali HENSALL TV & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE Phone 262-2933 For Fast Courteous Service Dealers For Rogers Majestic Television Channel Master Radios Seabreeze Fans Channel Master Antennas Will live at Port Credit Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Jaques were married in Main Street United Church Saturday, July 16 at 3 pm by Rev. G. W. Payne, London. The bride is the former Ruth Anne McCarter, daughter of Mrs. Nellie McCarter and the late Ernest McCarter, Port Credit, formerly of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques, Hensall, are parents of the groom. . . photo by McDowell Opinion -- Continued from page 4 same problem but Christian writ- ers don't have the royality in- centive that secular educators have. To solve the difficulty, Christian young people must be trained to be writers and auth- ors. They must be given the time to do this on a full time basis rather than as an extra-curricu- lar exercise. They must have a financial se- curity while they are working this way in full-time Christian service. More Canadian Chris- tians need to be aware of this avenue of Christian service and its commitment of personnel and money. Christian education in Canada is vibrant to-day. It is aware of its task. It needs your support if it is going to meet the chal- lenges of an even more scientific age, and an automated society that lives for more and more leisure time. 100% Frost-Proof —even in the zero zone freezer! Model FI14K, 14.12 cu. ft. (LAMA standard) By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN STAFFA Recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. John Drake and Murray and Mr. & Mrs. Roy MacDonald were Mrs. Ton, Gray, Indian Head, Saskatchewan, and Mrs. Jim Hay, Egmondville. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Parsons, Jane and Ken and Mr. Ken Mc- Cloud left Monday on a trip to the western provinces. Misses Ruth and Mary Jane Templeman are spending this week at the Presbyterian Church Camp at Kintail. Misses Sharon Agar and Mar- garet lloggarth are enjoying a motor trip to the western pro- vinces. Wright family conduct outing Seaforth Lions Park Sunday, July 24, was the setting for the Wright Reunion with 54 in atten- dance. Officers elected were: president, Lorne Ross, Science Hill; secretary, Mrs. Laurabelle Reichert, Hensall; sports com- mittee, Doris and Spencer Jeff- ery, Bob and Dorothy Dalton; table committee, Carl Dalton. Results of races, games or other events on program: peanut scramble for the children; races, under 4, Aubrey Ross; under 8, Janet Muir; under 11, Maurice Ruston; girls under 14, Janice Wright; boys, Dennis Pepper; bunny hop, Janet Muir; wheel- barrow race, Brad Miller and Janet Muir; kick the slipper, Brad Miller; Cup of water, Mr. and Mrs, Herb Kercher; pin on patch, Ross and Jean Pepper; relay, Howard Wrighes team; sponge relay, Orland Reichert's WEEKEND SPECIALS FOR JULY 28, 29 SUPER SAVE BREAD t4,-,::;s 4 /89C VARIETY CEREAL eO lz°.9pg: sg SALADA TEA BAGS 60.s 19C and 30 sCHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS lb. 55C GROUND BEEF Tbs.illn WIENERS 21b. pkg. 98C SIDE BACON 1,79C McCormick's Chocolate Chip COOKIES »a. Bag Southern Cross FLAKED TUNA ,e.. Fresh Ontario No. 1 Dozen 59° Corn 2 /7R 3/6U 2 /5 U 2 /7 tA 6tA 11)5, 5 4A 2 /2U SSC 2ITIA Q.T.F. Tropical FRUIT SALAD „e,. Tin Saico ORANGE JUICE 48 oz. Tin Chef Boy-Ar-Dee PIZZA with sausage 16 oz. Solo Parchment MARGARINE 2 SCRU B BRUSHES Shirriff's Good Morning MARMALADE 24 oz. Jar Sanitary Napkins KOTEX 12's FROZEN FOOD Supreme Brand 24 oz, GREEN BEANS CREAM PIES 2 lb Bag 49C 2/8U Chocolate, Coconut and Lemon AL'S 1 MARKET] HENSALL- ONTARIO STORE HOURS: Open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, closed all day Monday. OPEN Friday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. GO ON A FOOD Times-Advocate, July 20, 1.966 Attentiveyoung listeners A large group of three- and four-year-olds, attending the Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle Vacation Bible School are shown listening to a picture story being told by teachers, Mrs. Marilyn Myhre and Mrs. Jean Triebner. The two week school under the direction of the pastor, Rev. F. E. Allude concludes Friday evening with a pro- gram for the adults. Average attendance has been in excess of 120. Pave 5 time on Con. 4 TlIcIcersantl, A member of the Presbyterian Church, Hensall, he was -of (Met and reserved nature. The body rested at Bonthron Funeral HOMO: Hensall with fa, lieu) services Tuesday at 2 pm conducted by Rev. H. Currie, l nen t leremt eern:,. was in 11 ru e ield Ceme t ery, Pallbearers were W. D. Wilson, Mel Glanville, J, C. MacKay, Archie iloggarth, Joe Howe and John U. MacKay. Wm., MacKay dies in Clinton Mr. Win. MacKay, 91,of Tucic- ersmith Township passed away Sunday, July 24 at Clinton Hos- pital where he was admitted Sat- urday. He had been ailing since February and had made his home with Miss Margaret and Oliver MacKay RR 2 Kippen for the past 20 years. Be farmed up to that Hensall and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Haddon, Phone 247.2002 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-702$ Immigration official was district native The annual CNIB picnic was held at the Lions Park, Seaforth, Wednesday afternoon, July 20. Mr. and Mrs. E. Boswell were hosts and welcomed everyone. The sports were in charge of Misses Amy & Greta Lammie, assisted by Mr. R. Elgie and Mr. Larry Sneider. At the supper hour, the chair- man of the Huron county advis- ory board, Mr. J.H. Kinkead called on Mrs. W. Stirling of Hayfield who expressed the ap- preciation of the blind of the county to Mr. E.F. Wheeler, who has been field secretary in the district for the past twenty years and is now being trans- ferred to the Kingston area. Miss Amy Lammie read a poem to Mr. Wheeler and he was presented with a braille eight day alarm clock, a table lamp and a bag on behalf of the group by Mr. J. Ruddick, God- erich, Miss Iva Switzer, Blyth, and Mr. Stuart Henry, Wingham. Mr. Wheeler thanked the group for the gifts and also all who had helped to make the picnic a success. Kippen district couple mark 25 years wed From St. Petersburg, Florida comes news of the death in Mound Park Hospital in that city on June 29, of Alexander McLaren Doig, a native of Tuckersmith. who rose to positions of influence in the United States as a lawyer and as an administrator in the US Department of Immigration. Mr. Doig was the youngest and the last survivor of six sons and one daughter of the late John Doig, framer of Kip- pen and his wife, the late Ellen McKay. He was born October 27, 1884 and at the time of death had attained the age of 81 years and eight months. Mr. Doig completed his ele- mentary schooling at SS 2, Tuc- kersmith and then attended Clin- ton Collegiate Institute. At the age of 16 he accompanied his uncle, William McLaren Doig, now deceased, to Detroit where both enrolled in Detroit College of Law. After graduation both began the practice of law at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich, The part- nership continued for several years until A.M. Doig entered the employ of the US govern- ment where he held positions of increasing responsibility in the immigration service until his family of Chatham spent Sunday visiting Mr. & Mrs. Ted Robin- son and family. Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Schneider and family, Stratford visited Sun- day with Mr. Robert Thomson. Visitors during the week with Mr. & Mrs. N. Long were Rev. D, A,. & Mrs. MacMillan of Lon- don, Mr. & Mrs. John C. Doig, Grand Rapids, Mich., on Sunday Mr. Oswald Brown QC and Mrs. Brown of Detroit, Mich., Miss Marguerite Ulch, Windsor and Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Little, Hensall. Mr. & Mrs. John C. Doig of Grand Rapids, Mich. called on Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Kyle and Jim on Saturday. Guests were pre sent from Chicago, Chatham, Croton, Kom- oka, Moose Jaw, Sask and Wa- bash. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Martin Van Den- heuvel and family of Watford were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Nick Blom and family. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Lawrence and Jim of MooseJaw, Saskatchewan, are visiting two weeks with the latter's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Ted Robinson and family of RR 3 Kippen. Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Mellis included Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Barnard of Ailsa Craig and Mr. & Mrs. R. G. Gibson and Daisy of Wroxeter. Mr. & Mrs. John Babister and iiiiii 11111111110.1 aaaaaaa 114010011, 44444 1...................... Let Us Help You Plan Your Shop will be CLOSED from Aug. 1— 22 inclusive with the exception that Jack Caldwell will run it from Aug. 1 — 13 on a part-time basis. MORTGAGE FINANCING By MRS. NORMAN LONG KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at their home RR 3 Kippen Saturday July 23, with about 35 attending. They enter- tained by the playing of euchre on the spacious lawn which was flood lighted for the occasion. The three tier wedding cake suitably decorated was placed in the centre of the table on a white linen cloth and flanked by candles. Those serving included Mrs. A. MacBea th, Mrs. D. Triebner, Mrs. D. Brodey, Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. N. Hood, and Mrs. E. Talbot. Friends and neighbors sur- prised the couple arriving in the evening to congratulate them on their anniversary and they were presented with many useful gifts. retirement 40 years later. In 1955 lie and his wife moved to St. Petersburg. In 1910, while serving with US Immigration at Gladstone, Michigan, Mr. Doig was married to Nellie Farrell of that city. Their one child, a son John McLaren Dolg died of accidental injuries at Walled Lake, Michigan six years ago. Mrs. Nellie Doig passed away at St. Petersburg in November 1956. At the time of his death, Mr. Doig was a member of the Lake- view Presbyterian Church of St. Petersburg and of the local chap- ter of retired governmental em- ployees. He was also a member of the St. Petersburg Stamp Col- lectors' Club. Mr. Doig is survived locally by his niece Mrs. harry Cald- well of Hensall. His next of kin were four grandchildren, James of California, Miss Jerri Doig of Chicago, John, US Air Force, West Germany and Jeffrey, a 17-year-old student who resides with his mother Mrs. Jayne Doig at Walled Lake, Michigan. John C. Doig of Grand Rapids, Michi- gan represented the family at funeral services at St. Peters- burg July 1. Be-N-Jay BEAUTY SALON H EN SAL! William Gibson Prop, and operator Dial 262-,2832 servatory of Music at Toronto. She is a pupil of Mrs. Carol Carter of Seaforth. Troyann Bell was successful in passing her junior summer test in figure skating at the Briarwood Arena, Sarnia, Satur- day. Miss Pauline Bell was suc- cessful in passing a senior dance test in St. Thomas Sunday. Her partner was Mr. John Caughell. Miss Karen Bedard has return- ed to London after spending two weeks holidays with her grand- parents, Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Bell. 111111.11111111111.111111.11111111111111.11,111111111111111111111 Many years of mortgage loaning experience can help you choose the best mortgage plan. VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Exeter 2350530 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hansen Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O'Hara and peter of London, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Violet Schwalm and Ray. Mr. Wm.R. Bell, has returned from a three weeks visit with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Brown and family of Omemee, and with his brother, Elliott Bell, of Carnar- von in the Haliburton Islands and district. Thursday, August 4 at 8 pm at Town Hall, Hensall, a meeting to organize Teen Town will be held and to elect a slate of of- ficers. Hensall Kinsmen and Ki- nettes are sponsoring this pro- ject. Mrs. Harry Caldwell and Jack, Mrs. Eileen Consitt, Mr. Angus Cookman of Elmira, are vaca- tioning for three weeks at the east coast. Mr. & Mrs. Dave Kyle and family are vacationing for two weeks at Wawa and the west coast. Miss Pamela Mickle passed her Grade 5 piano with first class honors at the Royal Con- Families at Staffa have visits, visitors Mr. & Mrs. David Sim, Lon- don and Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Pap- pel and Lauraine, Seaforth visit- ed over the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. John Drake and Murray. Mr. & Mrs. Reg Finlayson and Mike are holidaying this week at the Lake. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Armstrong and Mr. & Mrs. Jim Scott, Mit- chell left Monday on a motor trip to the east coast. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hayman, Detroit, Michigan, are holiday- ing with Mrs. Hayman's par- ents, Mr. & Mrs. Darrel Park- e r. Mr. & Mrs. Bev Taylor and family holidayed last week at the lake. Mr. & Mrs. John Templeman enjoyed a motor trip to the Mani- toulin Islands and Sudbury last week. Miss Eleanor Kemp visited in Stratford last week with Mrs. Pearl Frances and Jane. Miss Bonnie Miller visited over the weekend With Mr. & Mrs. Ray Miller, Grand Bend. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Duncan, Exeter, visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. John Templeman and fam- ilies. FRIGIDAIRE Sales with Service! DRYSDALE etteat team; guessing chocolates, Donna Dalton; Wedding anniversary nearest picnic, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jordan; longest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kercher; largest fam- ily present, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dalton; corning farthest distance, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jordan; most change in pocket, Howard Ross; most articles in purse, Doris Jeffery; guessing contents of can, Doris Jeffery; man with fancy sox, floss Kerner; most buttons on dress, Joanne Ross; oldest person present, Herb Kerner. HARDWARE Dial 2622015 HENSALL