HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-07-21, Page 13All Bathing Ha is 40 off Reg. Price MIDDLETON Drugs PHONE 235-1570 EXETER . . , pnoto by Engel MR AND MRS DOUGLAS OVENS Lucan Public School graduates Thirteen pupils of Lucan Public School graduated recently, Left to right, front row are Sherri Fisher, Jane Hodgson, Betty park, Grace Smith, Kathy Arnold, Janis Freeman, Lori Crudge; back row, Alan McPhee, Jim Hearn, Brian Currie, Bruce Haskett, Mike Culbert; absent, Andy Hardy. . . photo by Engel WIN CASH DAILY!! ON I.G.A.'S EXCITING QUIZ SHOW GIVE AWAY" DAILY ON • CFPL Radio, London • CKWf -Radio, Windsor • CKNX-TV, Winghom TO ENTER: Just print your name, address and telephone number on the back of an IGA cash register tape or facsimile and mail it' to any of the above radio or television stations.. SHOP THESE NEW BONUS BRANDS • "Monarch" Salad Dressings • "Clubhouse" Peanut Butter and Sauce Mixes • "Swing" Fruit Drink Crystals • "Mother Porker" Instant Coffee 9 "Top Volu" Canned Fruit Drinks and Fruit Juices • "Kam" and "Klik" Luncheon Meats • "Kent" Fruits and Tomatoes (Canned) • "Clark" Canned Soups and Tomato Juice • Facelle "Royale" Paper Products • "Shirriff" Potato Chips • "Party Tyme" • "Cured" Plastic Cocktail Mixes Bandages I GA SELLS ONLY NO. 1 CHOICE RED BRAND BEEF ! FRONTS OR CHUCKS BEEF OF CUT TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS ! ALL TABLERITE MEAT ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECT[ SHORT HIPS CUT INTO ROUND STEAKS OR ROUND STEAK ROAST 5n, cp. lb. lb. COLEMAN'S SKINLESS TABLERITE TRIMMED CENTRE CUT WIENERS OR BURNS' COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE .99 6-LB. $ PKG. (FOR BAR-B-QUE) PORK CHOPS lb.790 Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Elson spent last weekend in Hamilton, guests of Mr. & Mrs. P. J. Laverty and family. Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Powell of Detroit spent last weekend with Mr. & Mrs Cliff Shipleyand Miss 141as Powell. Iiiasday guests with Miss Lina Abbott were her sister- in-law, Mrs. Harold S. Abbott of Vic- toria and her nephew Mr. Jack Abbott of the Nelson High School staff. Susan Kennedy is spending a few weeks in Toronto, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Thelma Thom- as. Mrs. R. G. Harper of Pt. Perry is holidaying with Mrs. T. C. McFarlane. Mr. & Mrs. John Knight and Lynne of Kintore, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Frank Hardy. Sgt. Henry Mooney left Monday by plane, for Banff, Alta., where for the next six weeks he will be instructor at a High School Cadet camp. Mrs. Jack Hardy and baby Rob • are holidaying at Port Fr anks • with the former's sister from Toronto. Mrs. Ruth Hughes and two children, who have been visiting Mr. James Sigsworth and family for the past two weeks has re- turned home to Virginia, taking 16-year-old Billy Sigsworth with them for an extended visit. Billy writes teit is 102" down there so perhaps we should be thankful it is only 90 plus here, Mr. & Mrs. Bert Thompson have returned from a 10-day holiday at their cottage at Pike say. Mrs. Don Ankers is relieving at the post Office, while post- master, Chas. Sovereign is on a three-week Vacation, Ready Mix CONCRETE Plant 235.0833 Pe sidencd 228.6967 C.A. MCDOWELL Ltd. ATTENTION BEAN GROWERS Now is the time to spray your bean crops with NA—CHURS Liquid Fertilizer. Don't let the dry weather rob you of growing a fine crop this year. Just call your nearest NA—CHURS Representative, Don Gal se, Exeter ph; 2351543 Andy Verhaeghe Aylmer ph; 773-3301 Bob Fulton St, Thomas ph: Fingal 6-4-11 Robert Toews St. Marys ph: 229,8881 Maurice Hunsberger New Hamburg ph: 662,1471 Peter Bes Embro ph; 475,4018 Bill Van Rooy Waterford ph; 443,5607 Mark Whitney Creditors ph: 2346479 Times-Actvocate, July 21, 1966 Page .13 Couple to make home length pastel yellow brocaded taffeta gowns, with elbow length Sleeves and matching wedding- ring head pieces. They carried miniature white carnations edged with blue, Mr. Clarke Railings of RR 2, London was best man and Messrs Allan Ryan Jr., and Emerson Bradley, were ushers. Church organist, Mr, Gordon Jacklin provided traditional wed- ding music. At a reception and a dinner, catered to, by the Holy Trinity Ladies' Guild in the church base- ment, the bride's mother re- ceived in a two-piece pastel blue Y N Baskets of white mums and gladioli formed the setting in Holy Trinity Church, Liman, at 2.30 pm Saturday, July 9, when the Rev. A.H. Jared of Arva (in the absence of the rector) united in marriage Edna Dorothy Ryan and Douglas Planting Ovens. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ryan of RR 1 Luean and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ovens, of RR 1, Clandeboye. Given in marriage by her , fath- er, the bride chose a floor- length sheath of Nottingham lace over satin-back crepe, styled with a bateau neckline and elbow length sleeves. The detachable long train extending from the waist-line was accentuated with appliqued roses of Nottingham lace. A tiara of pearls held her elbow-length illusion veil. She carried a cascade of white ice- burg mums, gold roses and trail- ing ivy, Mrs. Clarke Rollings, of RR 2, London, as matron of honor, and Mrs. Allan Ryan Jr. of RR3, Komoka and Miss Kathleen Ryan of RR 1 Lucan as bridesmaids, were dressed alike in floor- Lucan and district news 411111 ... Phone MASS Lucan kids pass Correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott Medway HS tests Coughlin family enjoy south trip Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coughlin, daughter Judy and Mrs. Erle Young, all of Lucan, and Mrs. Edna Johnston of Toronto, re- turned home from a 7,000 mile motor trip to California, Thurs- day. Mr. Coughlin reports they had ideal motoring weather, with only one slight shower, during the three week trip, Among the stop-over were, Salt Lake City and Hollywood. They went as far south as San Francisco. in Lucan eyelet - embroidered ensemble With white accessories and pink and white carnation and pink rose bed corsage. She was as- sisted by the groom's mother, who chose turquoise lace dress With matching three - quarter length coat with white accesso- ries and corsage similar to the bride's mother. For a honeymoon trip to Nor- thern Ontario, the bride changed to a three piece yellow linen suit, with white accessories, and gardenia corsage. The young couple will make their home on Beech St. North, Lucan. TO GRADE 13 Anne Culbert, Sheila Elston. 4 YEAR SPECIAL COURSE Carol Latta, Linda Ankers, Susan Shipway, Linda Young, Maureen Harrigan and Cheryl Thompson. ..1111•11/11.M11111•1 1111•1111111011110/1100, District woman dies in London Mrs. Alfred David Filson, 79, of Concession 13, London Town- ship, passed away Wednesday July 13, in St. Joseph's Hospital London. Funeral services were con- ducted in the C. Haskett and Son Funeral Home, Lucan, Friday July 15, by the Rev. Bruce Guy of Ilderton. Interment was in Birr United Cemetery. Pallbearers included Messrs Stuart O'Neil, John Haskett, Wil- liam Hodgins, Rueben Hall, Wil- liam McComb and Don Eedy. Mrs. Filson is survived by one . son Hugh of London Township, one brother Thomas Tugwell of Saluno, Alta. one sister, Mrs. Mae Martin of New Liskeard and five grandchildren. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tugwell, Mrs. Fil- son was the former Sarah Tug- well. She was born near King- ston. She was a member of the Birr WI. Help parents celebrate event The following are some of the local successful Medway stu- dents: TO GRADE 10 Margaret Holland, Judy Ram- say, Carol flaskett, Jane Corbett, Bonnie Bobor, Jane Crozier, Peggy Eisen, Heather Froats, Janyce Grose, Sylvia Mitoraj, Joyce Butler, Jim Nace, Joan Nagle, Wendy Cronkite, Marie Cochrane, Ken Latta, Patsy Smith, Alan Dickson, Joyce Rum- mell, Willi Horuk, Gary Crudge, Rudy Engel and Wendy Elston. TO GRADE 11 Susan Kennedy, Marlene O'- Neil, Roberta Cochrane, Cathy Mathers, Linda Inson, Donna Gardiner, Sandra Abbott, Sharon Davis, Ingrid Theanders, Norma Davis, Harold Herbert, Larry Armstrong, Billy Sigsworth, Sherrie Nace, Dianne Shipway, David Elston. Pony rider breaks arm TO GRADE 12 Nancy Park, Marilyn Hearn, Judy Coughlin, Brian Cronkite, Philip Lewis, Ken Ready, Andy Van Geel, Cindy Bowerman, Geo- rge Dauncey, Nancy Kest 1 e, Nancy Watson, Bob Bobor, Jack Legg, Linda Smith and Marilyn Smith. While exercising her pony last Monday Susan Crozier, 12-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crozier, was thrown over the pony's head to the ground. She escaped with a fractured left arm. Her sister Jane was with her at the time, exercis- ing her horse. Both girls are good riders but accidents will happen. Susan was taken to Dr. C.H. George's office and later to St. Joseph's Hospital. 11111111111111111.11111.111111/1111 llllllllllll 1111111111111W llllll 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DROUGHT CONTINUES Rain to the south, north, east and west but not a drop for Lucan. Lawn-mowers are hav- ing a rest. For four weeks lawns have gone unmowed. Gardens are at a standstill and flowers were never poorer. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Embree of Hawkesbury, N. S. celebrated their golden wedding June 4. Among those who attended was their daughter, Mrs. Maurice Cobleigh of Alice St. Lucan, who had not been home for 20 years, although her parents visited her here 13 or 14 years ago. Mrs. Cobleigh arrived home Thursday after her six week's visit inNova Scotia. Lucan Personal Items 11111111111111111111111111111111 llllll 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1 lllll II llllll 1111311111111111111111111111111 lllllllll IIM Julie Henderson, Julie Hardy, Brenda Herbert, Karen Herbert, Frances Elson, Dianne Corbett, Ann Stanley, Ken Freeman, Peter Culbert and Jeff Culbert are at- tending the Huron Church camp at Hayfield for 10 days. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Aylestock and Ronnie have returned to Montreal after a week's visit with Mr. Aylestock's parents, Mr. & Mrs. William Aylestock. Monday all celebrated Donald Aylestock's birthday with him, in London. Mrs. Ogura of St. Boniface, Manitoba, Mrs. Uyeda and son of Toronto and Miss Violet Saunders of London, were recent visitor; with Mrs. Alma Price, Mrs. M. L. Crinnian and Miss Lina Abbott were Sunday guests of Mrs. Jane Somerville at her Blanshard summer home. Mr. David Long a student at Huron College took the service in the Anglican Church for the first three Sundays in July while Rev. E. 0. Lancaster was on vacation. SCOTT FAMILY (ASST'D COLOURS) Bathroom Tissue 8 Rolls 99" SQUIRREL (SPECIAL PACK) PEANUT BUTTES 251::. 890 TOP VALU SWEETENED ORANGE DRINK 64;u7 49° 10.16 79„ Bag GRANULATED FINE WHITE SUGAR Among those who attended a family get-together Sunday at Exeter Park, to welcome Mrs. Arto Delve, her daughter and family of Camrose Alta., were Mr. & Mrs. Billy Abbott and family of Niagara, Mi% & Mrs. Cliff Abbott, Mrs. Jim Mugford, Janice and Muriel Abbott of RR 1 Lucan and Mr. Murray Abbott of Centralia. The ladies' committee of the Lucan Arena Saturday catered for the Spence—Zubal wedding at the arena. Mr. & Mrs. Sid Lewis and two daughters, Lenore and El- deen of Winnipeg are holiday- ing with Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Haskett and family. Mr. Murray Abbott, return- ed with his son Billy for a holi- day at Niagara Falls. TOP VALU FANCY TOP VALU FROZEN (White or Pink) LEMONADE $i TOMATO JUICE 4 4.1.3-i: 99' MOTHER PARKER'S (SPECIAL PACK) BLUE BONNET PARCHMENT MARGARINE Pkglb .990 Instant COFFEE $1,49 ASSORTED FLAVOURS SHIRLEY GAY RAISIN PIE 39° 24-ox. Family Size Pie WHIP `ri CHILL 2 3 /14:97. 55' DAVID'S LEMON OR ORANGE TIDE (SPECIAL PACK) FRUIT CHEWS 3 1::: $ JULY 20-23 INCLUSIVE. WE RESERVE DETERGENT SizKo inPgIcs. $ 1 .39 THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE The site of Expo 67 is within 10 minutes' driving distance from downtown Montreal. CANADA NO, I (product of U.S.A.) JUMBO — SALMON FRESH CANTALOUPE DARLING'S IGA EXETER and LUCAN BETTY ART 'S IGA GRAND BEND for eNNO IVON00000nOM CLIP MIS VALUABLE COUPON FREE GOLD HOMO STAMPS ONT. GROWN CORN " COB he 10 Cobs 69' Large White Head 29 Fitr l.iowER Wrri.t 54445 COVAON re. Bobr lon,n I . IRA No pv..ek.., T.J 5114. a. 1.1 v, I, :1 'AS' ONT. GROWN U.S. NO, 1 FREESTONE 3 CARROTS 2 Buorli COP 'HIS VALUABLE mum .000000L10000000,),YHONLAi, lll ll ••'• • 25 PEACHES , •