HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-07-21, Page 4• N: . . •
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All agony,
no ecstasy
Member: C.W.N.A., O.W.N.A., C.C.N.R. and ABC
Publishers: J, M. Southcott, R. M. Southcott
Editor: Bill Batten
Advertising Manager: Val Baltkalns
Phone 235.1331
This week's editorial comment is in regard to the
closing of CPS Centralia, an event that will touch the lives
of every resident within a wide range of Centralia. We
hope some of the comments will start other people think-
ing about the problems that may arise — but more im-
portant — some of the solutions to those problems.
The Times-Advocate invites comment from all
readers on this subject in the belief that the thoughts of
many people could provide assistance to those affected
by the loss of this "industry" as well as providing helpful
suggestions to those community leaders who are presently
investigating the possibility of filling this gap.
Al.! about us
is conflict
Unusual and unreasonable
ness enthusiasts are down on
lumbermen or road builders or
subdividers. ,Bird lovers have
little use for men with pump
guns. Shoreline owners oppose
park proponents and vice-versa.
All about us is conflict.
Must this be? Yes, apparently
it must, Conflict will not be
erased completely ---- ever!
But the true conservationist in
his wisdom is confident that de-
spite the zeal of extremists,
there will be enough of his kind
in resource management to carve
out the single permanent solu-
tion --- peaceful coexistence,
Guest article
by J. T. McCauley
The general ideas for these
ruminations occurred to me
while touring along Michigan's
Highway 27, which is the gate-
way artery to the north part
of the state. It's something like
turning 401 at a right angle and
pointing it past Exeter up the
Bruce Peninsula. The dichotomy
is: adequate recreational resour-
ces by our standards, but scads
of people to use them, which
topples the scales in favour of
the need for planning their use.
Peaceful coexistence. A fami-
liar term this, whenever or
wherever international affairs
are mentioned. Essentially the
words mean the getting along
together of diametrically opposed
idealogies so that mankind can
exist, without blowing itself to
It gained its new dimension
in recent years when the threat
of total extinction became a rea-
lity for the first time in man's
history; when his thoughts of
things international began to
scare the daylights out of him.
Peaceful coexistence is not an
exclusive expression of those
who speak or write of foreign
affairs however. Although it does
not imply the threat, which back-
stops its meaning in world dip-
lomacy, we find it increasing in
significance in the management
of natural resources; in conser-
As people increase in num-
ber, wants and needs naturally
increase too. Variety describes
their demands, economic con-
cerns, their recreational pur-
suits and their personal philo-
sophies. Common interests with-
in this variety are banded to-
gether into organizations. Pres-
sure groups are born. Dominant
minorities trumpet their single
causes. Ideologies are cham-
pioned. In some places, all hell
breaks loose and a clamor of
emotionalism deafens the softer
sounds of reason. Extremists
rise up within each segment of
all this.
There seems to be a kind of
choosing up sides going on all
about us. Fishermen oppose
water-skiers, clean water ex-
ponents get mad at industrialists
and municipal officials. Wilder-
PRESSIROMMEEMAS Despite the fact we agree with
local officials that conducting a wake
on the closing of CFB Centralia will
serve no useful purpose, this news-
paper is of the opinion that the federal
government acted in a most nonsensi-
cal manner regarding this major deci-
It is almost impossible to compre-
hend the thinking that went behind
the decision to act with such speed in
closing down the base. Certainly, it is in
sharp contrast to the speed with which
our elected officials in Ottawa act on
matters which appear to be of much
lesser importance.
At a cost of several hundred thou-
sand dollars and many valuable hours,
they debated at an unrealistic length
the choice of a new flag for this coun-
try. They spent more fruitless hours in
delving into the scandalous lives of
their $18,000-a-year cohorts.
Yet, with an expediency that al-
most makes our head swim, they de-
cide it should take less than two
months to close down Centralia and
dump anywhere up to 250 workers out
on their ears.
The result can only be one of
chaos and one which is causing a great
deal of concern among residents—es-
pecially those now unemployed — in
this area.
There is little to argue about the
closing of Centralia. If it was not serv-
ing a useful purpose then we as tax-
payers must concur with the decision
to eliminate this expense on the Ca-
nadian economy. That's only practical,
and while it will cause us hardships.
we must expect our government to be
But, why all the hurry? Why does
an operation that has been in existence
for some 25 years have to be closed
down within the short period of less
than two months?
Given more time to prepare for
the future, the hardships that may arise
from this major decision could pos-
sibly have been averted, and certainly
the chaos that could arise due to the
vast unemployment could have been
Had the move to close CFB Cen-
tralia been set for one year, many
things could have taken place that
would be of great value.
It would have given local, provin-
cial and federal officials one year to in-
terest an industry in purchasing the
base. If that had happened, workers
in this area would have had the assur-
ance that at least other jobs may have
been available to them.
• Even if no industry had come
along in that year, workers would have
had ample time to make plans for their
future. It would have given them time
to sit down and make decisions that
would have been based on clear-think-
ing rather than the hurried and cloud-
ed decisions a man has to make when
fear, worry and concern are hanging
ominously over his head.
.Perhaps there are some people in
Ottawa who don't realize the hardships
and distraught circumstances that pre-
vail upon people when they are sud-
denly cut off from their source of live-
It is too late to rectify this situa-
tion, of course, but the plight of the
people affected in this area should be
of prime concern of all officials, and
the expediency which has been ordered
in the closing of Centralia should be
met by an equal sense of expediency
in assisting those who now find them-
selves without jobs.
We trust the federal government
will at least show as much concern
about their plight as they have shown
in matters which have been of far les-
ser importance.
By Val Baltkalns
Refteote:#1 Welt
Over forty years ago I made a
rockery about 25 feet long and 8
feet wide and filled it with 15 or
20 varieties of rockery plants.
After a few years I found that 3
or 4 of the varieties were taking
over and I tried to hold them back,
but after working at this for years
I gave up the struggle. It took a lot
of time as it was all hand and tro-
wel work. It is now covered with
California poppies and violas,
both biennials that seed them-
selves out and keep the rockery
in color all season with the help
of clumps of tulips and daffodils,
for an early start. I saved one
rockery plant, one variety of see-
dum called acre. Two sides of a
sunken rose bed slope down about
two feet and is banked with rocks
a total length of about 30 feet. The
rocks are completely covered
with acre which is a colorful
green all season other than 2 or
3 weeks in June when it is in
flower, which are a bright yellow
and cover the green, they are so
I have grass paths between my
rose beds, 30 inches wide and
raised 2 or 3 inches. This means
that the grass has to be kept trim-
med on the sides. I found that the
standard grass shears that sell
for around one dollar will do this
job nicely if you reverse them
from the way you use them for
horizontal trimming and cut down
on an angle. Have a flat eight inch
file handy to keep them sharp so
they will cut clean.
Must have the answers
officials should soon be outlining
plans for their celebrations.
Most have already started cen-
tennial projects, but they should
remember that appropriate cere-
monies should be conducted to
give them the impetus they de-
Next year will be a busy one
throughout Canada and manypeo-
ple will have special events and
places they will want to visit.
Therefore, the earlier local
plans are made, the better it
will be.
Officials concerned with the
Main Street parking problem
should give some consideration
to a program being used in Eng-
land and also in Paris.
The system is known as "disc
parking" and it operates very
When a motorist parks his car
on the street, he adjusts the dial
of a cardboard disc to show the What will happen to the facilities
at CKB Centralia? That's obviously the
most important question being asked
in this area at the present, and it could
provide officials with one of the tough-
est decisions in regard to the facilities.
The first reaction is that any use
of the facilities that would help fill
the gap in the local economy and em-
ployment would be greeted with open
arms. Certainly, something is better
than nothing.
By the same token, one small in-
dustry is not as good as one large in-
dustry. But then, two small industries
may be better than one large industry.
We could continue at length with
hypothetical possibilities to point out
that the decision is indeed one of great
complexity and one which officials in
this area should be prepared to help
It is very doubtful that we will be
able to pick and choose from among
a list of industrial candidates, if in fact
there are any at all at the present time.
But we must also consider the future.
One of the first things that must
time, and places it behind his
This indicates clearly how long
the car has been parked, and
when a violation begins.
This system would demand a
great deal of honesty on the part
of the driver, but the police
could have some control over it.
After all, it wouldn't take long
to determine if the motorist had
set his disc ahead of time, if it
was set at a time that had not
already elapsed.
Local officials interested in
knowing more about the system
could possibly get more details
from the Ontario Safety League. be determined is what type of industry
the area could facilitate. What type of
labour is available? What type of la-
bour could conceivably be enticed into
the area if needed?
Studies of this nature have been
conducted before, both in this area and
in other areas. What is needed is a
co-ordinating committee that can com-
pile all the available information into
one complete package so the entire
story can be told from one source.
That committee should be named
from a representative group of all area
elected and appointed officials who
could then work closely with whatever
government assistance they could be
That government assistance has
been promised, but it is a fact there
is no one who knows more about the
area than some of the local residents
and everyone should be prepared to
contribute as much as possible.
It is, after all, our future at stake.
We must be prepared with answers to
questions that any industrial concern
may have.
Monday evening the Trustee
Board of Main Street Methodist
Church formulated definite plans
to re-erect a new cement block
shed on the site of the old one
de-stroyed by fire.
Miss Vera Muxworthy is in
Palmerston this week taking part
in an entertainment put on by
the Dramatic Society.
The bowling green has been
wired for hydro and is now well
lit up at night.
Heywood--Bedford--In Exeter
on Thursday, July 20 by Rev,
J.W. Baird, Miss Evelyn Ber-
neice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
G.R. Bedford to Gordon Clifford
Heywood of Usborne.
Miss Jean Petrie, queen of
the Ki,:smen Dominion Day cele-
bration, presented the key to the
Kin car to lucky winner Fred
Wilson of Grand Bend.
Legion members will be on
Main Street Saturday night lining
pennies in a string up and down
both sides of the street endea-
voring to reach a mile long
stretch of pennies to aid in the
Legion building fund.
Believed to be the last steam-
powered tractor in Huron the
42-year-old machine left the
county to go into active service
at Leamington. The puffer was
used for many years to run the
pea viners at Brucefield.
More imperative than ever
First shipment of the low-
winged monoplanes now autho-
rized for use as training planes
by the RCAF is expected to ar-
rive in Centralia this week.
Little change in personnel is
anticipated in the establishment
of the new pilot training school
at RCAF Station Centralia which
was announced this week.
Exeter's share of the cost of
the Morrison Dam will be met
through increased water rates,
PUC Chairman L.J. Penhale an-
nounced this Week.
A week back in the commu-
nity has given us an opportunity
to see some of the countryside
and we note very few changes.
Still going strong is the Exe-
ter playground program and the
kids had themselves a great day
on Friday when they donned their
costumes to celebrate Hobo and
Gypsy Week.
Oddly enough, registration is
down slightly this year--due in
part to increased activity at the
swim pool -- but the numbers
weren't too far behind normal
for the big parade.
There's no doubt that kids
still love a parade and Alvin
Willert and his energetic super-
visors found that the numbers
in attendance for the proceed-
ings didn't quite coincide with
the number of registrants, The
truth is, there were more on
hand for the games and bean
feed than had registered.
However, this is a good sign.
Mothers in the area who ob-
viously spent so much time get-
ting the kids dressed for the
first of the summer parades
are to be commended.
And speaking of kids, Dr. R.
M. Aldis had a few good parting
words upon his retirement from
the position as Huron County
Medical Officer of Health.
The story on his recommen-
dation that Exeter consider ad-
ding fluoride to the drinking sup-
ply unfortunately may have been
missed by some in view of the
news about Centralia closing.
There are some who strenu-
ously oppose fluoridation, but
time has proven them wrong,
and the benefits to be derived
are of major significance,
Dr. Aldis noted that Zurich
has been given a natural supply
of fluoridation and it has always
been the contention of many peo-
ple in that community that a
dentist would starve to death
due to the fact tooth decay is
kept at a minimum,
While the effect of the closing
of Centralia may preclude
thoughts on other problems in
the area, it would indeed be
unfortunate if the words of Dr.
Aldis were unheeded by local
PUC and town officials.
It is something to be consider-
ed very seriously, and while
debate on the subject would no
doubt bring about some contro-
versy, it is still a very small
price to pay for saving chil-
dren's teeth.
With Canada's centennial
drawing closer every day, area
Fred Simmons enlisted this
week with the RCAF at the Lon-
don Recruiting Centre.
Robert Southcott has joined the
staff of The Times-Advocate,
Lakeview Casino presented
Willis Tipping in a highly enter-
taining program at Grand Bend
last Sunday evening. The pro-
ceeds went to the Exeter Branch
of the Red Cross.
To conserve gas and oil the
government at Ottawa prohibits
the sale of gasoline and oil for
motor cars from 7 pm to 7 am
each day and all day Sunday.
Times Established 1873 Advocate Established 1881 Amalgamated 1924
barely allowed the kid to pass,
and the kid, who had allowed a
year to pass as though he'd been
on another planet.
But she couldn't just keep on
sobbing and uttering maledic-
tions. We had arranged to go on
a picnic with another family and
their four little kids.
So we went. And the results
proved to me once again that
stupid old platitude that "life
goes on." It was a wonderful
combination: sun and sand; their
baby eating algae and ants; their
little boys burning themselves as
they roasted marshmallows; and
a most peculiarly potent potion
of Gordon's lemonade I'd mixed.
Under this prescription, my
old girl was so relaxed that she
burst into tears of shame and
rage only four times during the
Next day she was definitely
on the mend. She cried until
noon, brooded on her bed until
four p.m., but got up and put
the chicken legs in the oven
for some people we'd invited
for dinner.
By great good luck, their kid
had failed his year outright and
dismally. That cheered things
up a bit.
Later in the evening, an old
friend, a professor of English,
dropped in with his wife. They
were on holidays. Their daugh-
ter, an extremely brilliant stu-
dent in high school, had also
just completed first-year univer-
sity. They hadn't yet seen her
We had the extreme pleasure
of telling them that she, like
Hugh, had barely s taggered
through. They left, looking sick.
We went to bed, the boss almost
And she wonders why my
hands shake.
My wife keeps asking me why
my hands shake. It would not be
polite to respond, "Baby, living
with you would make anyone's
hands shake."
So I blame it on the war,
Some fellows have burned faces,
aluminum legs, sleeves pinned
up, glass eyes. Some have great
shrapnel wounds on abdomen or
buttocks, which they will happi-
ly show you at the Saturday
night party. My hands shake.
She doesn't believe the war
bit anymore, so I blame it on
booze, the tension of teaching,
or the pills I take for my bursi-
But the real reason is that
living with her would make any-
body's hands shake.
What brings this to mind is
that I've just gone through about
48 hours of domestic purgatory.
Cowardly husbands go quietly
off to mental institutions, or
have heart attacks. My hands
The occasion was the recep-
tion of our son's marks at the
end of first year university and
about $1,700. Plus tax.
When the paper arrived with
the first-year results, I threw it
on the table, ran to the bath-
room, locked myself in, and star-
ted flushing the toilet at twelve-
second intervals.
As I suspected, it was futile,
The alternative sobs of grief
and shrieks of rage penetrated
my refuge. I had to come out
and be a father.
I know you won't believe it,
but that kid's name was not at
the head of the first-class hon-
ors list, Nor the second-class
honors list. Nor the third. (He
had told me, just before leaving
for the west coast job, to start
looking for his name from the
bottom of the page up.) At least
it was there.
I tried to console the Old
Lady With stuff like, "Rome
wasn't built in a day, you knout,"
and "You can't grow roses with-
out thorns, you know," and "What
the hell, we'll all be dead in
fifty years, you know," and si-
milar bits of homespun comfort.
It was as useless as trying to
hum Flow Gently, Sweet Afton
with a Beatles, record going
full bore,
Kim was a big help, though.
She sat there tossing, "What
a lazy bum! Why weren't you
tougher with him? How could
he be so stupid?", and other
bits of oil on the fire.
Frankly, I was relieved that
he'd passed. My wife was infuri-
ated alternatively with the Lord,
who hadn't caused a miracle to
pass, his professors, who had
Paid in Advance Circulation, March 31, 1966, 4,180
Published Each Thursday Morning at Exeter, Ont.
Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Dept, Ottawa,
and for Payment of Postage in Cash
Throughout the years, this news-
paper has waged a continual fight to
show area residents the need and ad-
vantages of shopping at home. The
closing of CFB Centralia now makes
this even more of a necessity.
There are many people in the
area who are under the false impres-
sion that the closing of the base will
have no great effect on the economy
of the area. The truth is, it will touch
the lives of practically every single
person within a wide range of Cen-
Just how far reaching the effect
will be, remains to be seen, and until
all the facts are known on the plight
of all the civilian workers at the base,
speculation is most difficult. The num-
ber of military personnel to remain at
the PIVIQ's for the next year is another
aspect that must be determined before
a clear picture can be reached.
However, there is no doubt that a
great decline will be experienced in
the weekly payroll in this area and ob-
viously, no such decline can take place
without having some bad effects on
Houses will be vacant in most com-
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Canada 0.00 Per Year; USA $7.00
munities and this means the remaining
residents will have to pay a greater
share of tax dollars to meet local
People providing services and mer-
chandise to the military and civilian
personnel will experience a decline in
the need for their services. This in
turn starts a chain reaction as money
becomes tighter, affecting not ony those
who have dealt directly with Centralia's
military and civilian personnel, but also
those who indirectly benefit from the
area's largest payroll.
it is not our intention to exude a
feeling of gloom and despair, but it is,
nevertheless, important that all area
residents are made aware of the prob-
lems that may arise.
Knowing the problems, we can
then take whatever steps necessary to
provide solutions wherever possible.
One of the solutions is that every-
one must be prepared to do his part in
filling this gap, and one of the most
important aspects is shopping at home
and using the services of the area
tradesmen, suppliers, merchants and
Failure to do this could result in
more lost jobs in the district,
Sorry, lid, I'm .01111.; to
lecture. t-Iclen's mother has
Invited us ovt.1—
44, 19