HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-06-16, Page 16this Sunday, Wednesday afternoon and during the evening throughout the week. SO YOU DON'T PLAN A TRIP TO THE MOON . . . But surely, you plan lots of other trips. To the beach, to the cottage, into the city, to work and back from it. Some of it does not take planning — you think. Why bother.. . You should. Each of these trips could be your last one. They have been for others. Plan your driving. Be sure you will get there and come back, safely. Check your tires once in a while too. We will do it for you free. It may save you plenty of grief. / MORE CAR FOR YOUR MONEY '66 2-DOOR hardtop, V-8 auto- matic, complete, the works, red and black, new. '66 MONTCALM, fordor, V-8, 289 cu. in., automatic, radio, 3,000 miles, A98184 '66 NEW ANGLIA '66 MORRIS, Model 1100 '64 VOLKSWAGEN, low mileage, K69598 '63 OLDSMOBILE Starfire hard- top, V•8 automatic, complete with tacometer, white buck- et seats, console, etc., Pri• vately owned, A98076 '63 MERCURY 4 • door sedan, completely equipped, A66308 '62 MERCURY hardtop, 8 cyl., automatic, A96360 '61 CONSUL sedan, A96814 '59 METEOR sedan, V-8 auto- matic, A99158 '59 METEOR sedan, 6 stick, A98318 '59 DODGE sedan, V.8, stick, A98112 $150 '65 G M C 1 ton truck, like new, 17,000 miles, C54799 South End Service Russ and Chuck Snail PH 235.2322 EXETER N Emily TIRE & BATTERY SERVICE GOODAEAR EXETER LSFMT CARS 1957 CHEVROLET sedan. Lic. E6276 $169 1959 FORD sedan, V-8 stick. Lic. A99273 $520 1963 ACADIAN sedan. Lic. A63328 $1,209 1962 FORD sedan, new motor. Lic. A95484 $1,240 1963 FORD coach. Lic. A96502 $1,269 1961 MERCEDES sedan. Lic. E4001 $1,279 1962 FORD sedan, 6 cyl. automatic. Lic. A-7910 $1,319 1962 MERCURY 4-door hardtop, loaded. Lic. A97790 $1,400 1963 PONTIAC sedan, V-8 automatic. Lic. A98035 $1,419 1962 CHEVROLET II convertible. Lic. A59694 $1,449 1964 FALCON coach. Lic. A95447 $1,500 1964 CHEVROLET sedan, 6 automatic. Lic. 988639 $1,800 1965 FORD coach. Lic. A96249 $1,969 1965 METEOR sedan. Lic. A96245 $2,079 1965 FORD sedan, loaded. Low mileage. Lic. 96244 $2,619 1965 FORD wagon, a beauty. Lie. 87825X $2,969 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA sedan, 6 automatic. Lic. 974221 $2,250 TRUCKS 1961 VOLKSWAGEN van. Lic. C67229 1959 THAMES van, no 1966 plates 1959 MERCURY pick-up. Lie. C64757 1957 MERCURY 1 ton. Lie. C71417 1955 FORD pick-up, stock rack. Lie. 077017 1954 CHEVROLET, 7x14 stake. Lic. C74100 1958 CHEVROLET pickup, stock rack. Lie. 1961 GMC pick-up. Lic. C71668 1962 MERCURY pick-up. Lie. C71010 $349 $409 . $409 $454 $459 $509 C77792 $529 $949 $1,059 TRACTORS 2-furrow Ford plow 3-furrow Ford 3-pt. hitch plow IHC 7-ft. Ford 3-pt. hitch plow Case tractor and ind, loader, a steal at 1951 8N Ford. Motor overhauled 1953 M M "Z" Oliver baler. OK. 1958 Cockshutt 540 and loader, A good one. 1958 IHC Diesel, new head. 64 4000 Ford row drop diesel, select-o speed, low hours $ 59 $109 $109 $450 $529 $539 $829 $1,379 $1,349 $2,769 LARRY SNIDER AgoToRs FORD', FORDAIRLI TRUCKS 265.1640 ardad",211r7MMOMPlegirAWIrian Page 16 Times-Advocate, June 16, 1966 Grand Bend increases tax rates for 1966 Rain problem serious for area bean crops One-third trees About one third of the 58,000 trees planted this year in the Huron reforestation scheme were planted in the Stephen Township area, Larry C, Scales, zone for- ester, told 1lUron County Council on Monday, COsts totalled $2,514, he said. go to Stephen The county's share was $610. The balance is paid by the Ontario department of lands and forests.. In other business, coupe adopted a recommendation from its personnel committee that the county collect money for main- tenance of children. •••••••••••1004111111011411100410•411 *Al Year to control this weed, he said. Reeve Grant Stirling, Goderich Township, queried if the cam- paign included leafy spurge, The Weed Inspector replied he was making every effort to have this looked after by making arrange- ments with some of the property owners. "I have more spraying to do than I can handle at the present time," The tax rate for the village of Grand Bend was set at a special meeting held Monday night. The residents living North of Highway 81 will pay 77.5 mills residential, 83 nulls commer- cial. Residents in South side will pay 81 mills residential, 86.5 mills commercial. This is made up of municipal rate, 37 mills residential and 30 Dobbs for Dodge DEMONSTRATOR SALE ONE 1966 DODGE CORONET 500, 2-door hardtop. V-8 console, automatic, white walls, 3,800 miles. Lic. A-96970. Lions name new officers Heavy rains last week and this week have created serious prob- lems for county bean growers, Douglas M. Miles, Huron agri- cultur al representative, told members of Huron County Coun- cil Monday afternoon. "Just this morning we got millions of millipedes in a field of white beans which makes for a very bad situation," he related. Mr. Miles reported that crops are looking as well as for some- time, "although in Huron we rarely know a failure." He commented that r e c ent legislation provides for interest- free loans whereby farmers make application to their bank, "How- ever, very few in Huron County have taken advantage of this," lie said. Those who want to may in- sure their fall wheat. Crop in- surance is entirely voluntary." Mr. Miles stated that there is a trend today toward more cash crops, which some people might consider a way of life but the growing of livestock is still very basic to Huron County. He reminded council of the im- portance of the International Plowing Match in October, and reported that more concessions had been signed up than ever be- fore. USED CARS 1962 DODGE 4-door, 6 automatic, sold and serviced here. Lic. A-95313 . $1,295 mills commercial and for county purposes, 17.5 mills, For Stephen Township Public School Area, the rate will be 9 mills residential, 10.5 commer- cial; north side residents sup- porting. Exeter High School, 14 mills, residential, 16 mills com- mercial; south side supporting Forest High School, 17,5 mills residential and 19.5 mills com- mercial, The rate m 1966 is an increase over 1965 when the village paid 58 mills residential and 64 mills commercial, which is 1/3 more than last year, This large in- crease is due to the fact that in 1965 no levy was required for public school purposes, When compared with 1964 taxes, the 1960 rate is only a 16% increase in the 2 years. Pick talent for Kirkton 1961 PONTIAC Laurentian, 2-door hardtop, V-8 automatic, radio. Lic. 977646 $1,195 CNR restores area agents? 0/C R. G. Reid from Debert N.S., attending Dalhousie University, competes in the javelin event at the Reserve Officers' School Track and Field meet at Canadian Forces Base Centralia, on Saturday. 1959 DODGE 4-door, V-8 automatic, original finish, low mileage. Lic. E-11045 $225 Cadets compete at CE CASH for your good USED CAR DOBBS MOTORS LTD. Gerald Godbolt has been elect- ed the 1966-6'7 president of the Exeter Lions Club. Other members of the execu- tive, who will be duly installed at the next and final meeting for the season on June 23 are as follows: Melvin Gaiser, past president; Raymond Murley, secretary; Charles Smith, treasurer; Gerald Webb, 1st vice president; J. G. Burrows, 2nd vice president; Ross Tuckey, 3rd vice president; Tom MacMillan, tail twister; Ken Kerr, lion tamer; Arthur Gaiser, George Busche, one-year direct- ors; Donald Jones, John Grose, two-year directors and Hugh Wil- son, bulletin editor. When the officers are installed on June 23 there will be two re- placements in the list appearing above, due to the moving away from Exeter of Donald Jones and Ken Kerr. The Exeter T-A will be taking a picture of all the of- ficers at the installation cere- mony on June 23. Dave Wilson of CFPL London was the capable adjudicator with the difficult task of selecting the numbers to appear on the Juvenile Program at the Kirkton Garden Party in July. Gerald Paul was the master of ceremonies. Those chosen from about fifty entries in vocal, instrumental and specialty classes are: the Hen- derson Trio, Seaforth; Dianne Henderson, Seaforth; Marlene Butler, Lucan; Maureen Elaine Smith, Lucan; David Strahan, St. Mary s; Brian McIntosh, Lis- towel; Roger Brown, Monkton; Nancy Richardson, Laurel Rat- cliffe, St. Marys and Anderson; Robert Niel Lee, London; Ja- nice Dietz, Margaret Elligsen. Dublin and Walton; Monkton Stepettes, Monkton; Larry Ament, Listowel; Mary Rose An- derson, St. Pauls; Barbara Sey- mour, London; Wendy Greer, St. Marys. These children will compete for cash prizes at the 22nd an- nual Kirkton C o m mu nit y As- sociation Garden Party to be held Wednesday, July 20. The committee in charge of the Juvenile Program is Mrs. Ray Paynter, Mrs. Fred Switz- er and Mrs. Clayton Ross. BARBERRY PREVALENT Alex Chesney, weed inspector, appealed to members of Huron Council Monday afternoon, and to all residents of the county, to let the authorities know the whereabouts of the noxious weed barberry. "We hope to get most of it cleaned up this year," he said. Yellow rocket is also preval- ent, but this is not the time of Bent, Archibald; 220 yard, Gris- dale, Burton, Rogers; 440 yard, Hockin, Campbell, Ker; 800 yard, Peel, Nicholas, Porlier; 1 mile, Wilson, Neate, Vincent; High jump, LeBlanc, Rivals, Archibald; long jump, S mit h, Healey-Ogden, Thomas; Discus, Boyle, Metheral, Murphy; Shot put, Boyle, Campbell, Bent; Jave- lin, Fowler, Metheral, Deschen- eau, The Reserve Officers' School at Canadian Forces Base, Cen- tralia, held their annual Sports Day on Saturday, June 11. Over 200 University Cadets participat- ed in the 12 event program with "A" Flight the overall winner with 41 of a possible 50 points. 0/C Smith from McGill Univer- sity received the Outstanding Athlete award of the meet. Results: 100 yard dash, Smith, 216 Main South, Exeter 235-1250 235.1486 ••••••••••••••••••411•••• Gilbert Dow Kinsmen head Gilbert Dow has been elected president of the Kinsmen Club of Exeter for next season. The immediate past president is Claire Hoffman. Other officers are: 1st vice president, Dave Cross; 2nd vice president, Ed Hearn; secretary, George Pratt; treasurer, Frank Hoyt; registrar, Jim N e wb y; directors, Cal Wein, Ross Dob- son and Gord Baynham; bulletin editor, Dave Cross. A social evening this Thurs- day winds up the program for the season. The CNR plans to r e s tor e agency service at Hensall and perhaps other area locations in the near future, Huron MP Ro- bert McKinley revealed Wednes- day. The MP said he had received word from CNR officials that the Hensall station will be opened possibly later this month. CNR officials at the London area offices would not confirm the report but they did say that information will be released to area officials within about two weeks. Operations manager C. F. Armstrong said the CNR has completed its six-month experi- ment with its master agency plan whereby all customers dealt di- rectly with the London of f ic e rather than with a local agent. "We are just now finishing our evaluation and sorting out the re- sults of the experiment", said Armstrong. Centralia, Exeter, and Ilderton agencies are also affected. The experiment with master agency operation began on Sep- tember 21, 1965. Since then a number of petitions from Hensall, Zurich and other communities have been forward- ed to Mr. McKinley requesting the return of local agency ser- vice. Mr. McKinley said he has had numerous discussions with the CNR over the problem. George Laughton won Cross at 19 George V. Laughton 69, a native of Parkhill and a veteran of two World Wars, died June 11. He served in the First World War as a lieutenant in theNorth- umberland Fusiliers and was de- corated with the Military Cross at Vimy Ridge at the age of 19 years. He also served in the Second World War in the COTC at the University of Toront o training new officers. He was circulation director of the MacLean Hunter Publishing Co. for 44 years retiring in 1964. He was one of the founders of the C anadian Circulation Audit Board and a long time member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation. Surviving are his wife, the former Mary Elizabeth MacDon- ell of Hensall, and two sons C. V. Laughton QC, Exeter and Dr. Paul M. Laughton, professor atCarle- ton University, Ottawa. A private funeral service was held Monday, June 13 in Exeter with burial in Exeter cemetery. Denies reports EMO to disband Stuart Forbes, emergency measures officer for Huron County, told Wingham Town Council recently that published reports to the effect that the Emergency Measures Organiza- tion is to be dropped by the county are not correct. At a recent meeting he had with the county committee, Mr. Forbes said, there was no intention ex- pressed of disbanding the pro- gram. CAR SAFETY CHECK IN EXETER IS JUNE 27- JULY 1 CARS THAT FAIL WILL BE BANNED FROM ROADS Be Sure Your Tires Don't Fail You. See Us!