HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-06-09, Page 11WHITE BEANS Order Your Seed. Early CERTIFIED NO. 1 1250 PER C.W.T. We Have All Popular Varieties Grown From Foundation Seed Quality and Germination Excellent CONTRACTS AVAILABLE FERTILIZER & EPTAM AT COMPETITIVE PRICES Hockey player -Continued from page 5 ing a buffet lunch was served, For a trip to Washington, the bride wore a white brocade sheath dress with matching full length coat, large pink bat andpink car- nation purse corsage. The couple will reside in Lon- don for the summer and will live in the United States during the winter. The groom is a profes- sional hockey player and played his first season last year with the Tulsa Oilers, a, farm club of the Toronto Maple Leafs. BRIDE ELECT FETED Prior to her marriage, Miss Elaine Keys was feted at an after, noon tea held in the borne of Mrs, John Heal, Hensall. The bride was presented with a corsage of red and white roses. After refresh- ments were served the bride was presented with many beautiful gifts by Misses Julie and Jane Heal and Miss Ann Keys, after which Elaine expressed her thanks to all the guests present. Mrs. Ralph Stephenson, RR 1 Varna, entertained at her borne in honor of her neice, Miss Elaine Keys. Many relatives and friends were present and Miss Debora Stephenson assisted her mother with games and contests, The bride's chair was decorated with pink and white streamers and balloons and she was presented with a corsage of pink and white mums and carnations. The ad- dress was read by Miss Joan McClymont, Varna. The bride was the recipient of many lovely gifts. 25 Auction Sales Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises GODERICH TOWNSHIP, mile north of Holmesville or 9 miles north of Varna on. SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 18 at 0:99 p.m.. Complete list of sale in fol- lowing issue. J. ARCHIE JONES, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Oe Twilight AUCTION SALE of Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises 95 SIMCOE ST., EXETER FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 24 at 6:30 p.m. Complete list of sale in next week's issue. EZRA ROBINSON, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 9c Rec news — Continued from page 7 16—Dodgers vs Tony Tigers 21--Dodgers vs Smokeys 23—Losers vs Tony Tigers BOYS SOFTBALL JUNE 8—Chargers vs Fierce Lions 13—Detroit Tigers vs Chargers 15--Fierce Lions vs D. Tigers 20—Fierce Lions vs Chargers 22—Chargers vs Detroit Tigers 27—D. Tigers vs Fierce Lions 62. "Beat it, Mac! We're discuss- ing our community property settlement!" 25 Auction Sales Twilight AUCTION SALE of Home Furnishings $ Car FOR PERCY SKILLING, 94 SIMCOE ST., EXETER, 2 blocks east of No, 4 Hwy. FRIDAY, JUNE 17 at 6:30 p.m. DST Selling will be—Dining room table and 4 chairs; btiffet; china cabinet; Danish style chesterfield •and 2 chairs; rug 9xe with under pad; Sylvania 21" television; Philco console radio with 3-speed record play- er; new bedroom suite with box springs and mattress; Mr. and Mrs. dresser; chest of drawers; knee hole desk; Un- derwood typewriter and type- writer table; new bedroom suite, bed, springs, mattress and dresser; large wardrobe; 4-drawer chest of drawers; pole lights; upholstered chairs; hassocks; book rack; pole bang- er; Viking Nordic electric stove, new; Cold Spot refrigerator with 100-lb. freezer across top, new unit; kitchen table and 3 chrome chairs; Westinghouse electric washing machine with pump; Lawnboy rotary lawn mower; rotary pump and mo- tor; 14 ft, extension ladder; kitchen utensils; garden tools; work bench; tools; some used lumber; lawn chairs; garden wheelbarrow and many other small articles. This is all excellent furniture. CAR: 1953 Meteor sedan, ex- cellent condition. The owner is moving to the west coast and everything must sell. TERMS: Cash, plus 5% sales tax if applicable, BILL ELLIOT, Auctioneer Phone 294-6759 Parkhill 9;16c ANNUAL AUCTION of Household Effects, An- tiques and Miscellaneous Items sponsored by TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH on the church premises WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 6:30 p.m. Complete listing in next week's paper. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 9c APPLICATIONS for position of Custodian Hay Township School Area, Hensall School Applications are requested for the position of Custodian for public school located in Hensall. Ap- plicants should state salary expected. Lowest or any application not necessarily accepted. Duties to commence during July, 1966. Applica- tions must be sealed and marked "Applications" and in the possession of the Secretary Treasurer, Robert Westlake, Zurich by 6 pm on Saturday, June 25, 1966. Robert Westlake Secretary-treasurer Hay Township School Area, Zurich, Ont. BA Home Heat Customer WINS BIG PRIZE! wiinimminiiiiiiiiIiiiiiIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimminliniiiiiiiiiiminniumniffiniiilliiiiminiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim at a I 1 Fa I Walter D. Burton = I s INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS ..z - B I AUTO • FIRE • LIFE I F. E i EA (Specializing in Term In sura nce) 7.-. g I 141 GIDLEY ST. E. 235-0793 a iiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimmmulumminimiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirli HAVE YOU AN AUTO INSURANCE PROBLEM'? Regardless of age or driving record, as long as you have a driver's licence, we can provide ihsurance for your auto IMMEDIATELYI • Public Liability • property Damage • doll is ion a Comprehensive • Medical Payments Coverage Monthly Payments Available • Coll Us For Fast $ervice JOHN J. PAYNE Insurance Agency Mein St., Grand Bend Ph: 238.2354 2384111 Times-Advocate, June 9, 1966 Page 11 16 Property For Sale 16 Properly For Sale 22 Notices LOT 76'x99' on Thomas St., $750, Phone 235-1595, 5:12-6:19c 17 Properly For Rent POLICE VILLAGE OF CREDITON NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS RESIDENTS OF CREDITON All dog owners in the Police Village of Crediton are remind- ed that the Township of Stephen By-Law No. 8, 1952, is in effect in regards to dogs running at large, This means that no per- son owning, possessing or bar- touring a dog shall allow the said dog to run at large within the Police Village or Crediton, from May 1 to October 1, Any dog found running at large may be seized or killed by any peace officer or any person authorized to enforce this by- law. Signed, Trustees of the Police Village of Crediton. 2:9c NOTICE Garbage Collection Police Village of CREDITON Please have your garbage placed on the roadside for pickup SATURDAY, JUNE II AT 10 A.M. Hensall COOK BROS. Milling Co. Limited 2 62-2605 25 Auction Sales C. V. PICKARD 2-BEDROOM apartments, fur- nished or unfurnished, on Main St., Crediton. Private entrances, available immediately. Phone 234-6336 after 5 on week days, anytime on weekends. 16tfric UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simi-eon's Apt. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 12tfnc UPSTAIRS apartment, 2-bed- room, stove supplied, all utili- ties paid, private entrance, west on Huron St., available May 21, Phone 235.2427 or =- 1027, 5 : 12*tfne SUMMER COTTAGE — 3 miles south pf Bayfield, available Aug. 14 - 28, $60 per week. Dial 235-2466, 9c NICELY furnished apartment, centre of town, Elliot Apts., 442 Main St. 235-2912, 9tfnc SMALL COTTAGE, suitable for two or three persons. Good basement, oil heated, hydro range and some other furnish- ings supplied. Quick possession. Rental $60.00. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 56 John St. Phone 235- 0414. 2tfnc ONE-BEDROOM home, conven- iences, garage. Apply 166 Queen St. W., Hensall. 2:9* APARTMENT, ground floor, pri- vate entrance, heated, 1 bed- room and room suitable for cot, stove supplied, 184 Main St. N. Phone Mrs, Obre 235-0512, 2tfnc NEW 2 LARGE bedroom apart- ment, living room with broad- loom, large kitchen, ceramic tile bath, utility room. Avail- able Aug. 1. Phone Harold Thy- 'or 235-0674. 9tfnc HOUSE — 2 bedrooms, unfur- nished, unheated, in Exeter at corner of James and Andrew Sts. Rent reasonable. For fur- ther information phone 229-6576 Or write Whitney Coates, RR 1 Centralia. ethic APARTMENT for two, 426 Main St., heated, hot •and cold water, 3-piece bath, available at once, $45.00 per month. Apply at The Times-Advocate. 9tfnc SMALL HOME on 78' lot, suit- able for one or two, new wir- ing, plumbing and bathroom, floor furnace. $3600 buys with $1100 down. Phone 235-1483, 12tfne HOUSE --,,- 2 bedrooms, garage, nice lot. in immaculate condi- tion. Phone 235-1695. 9c 3-BEDROOM house, utility room, garage, patio, oil heat, 1 month possession. Phone 235-2196. 21tfne 1-STOREY fairly new house fac- lag Victoria park, living room, good kitchen, utility room, oil furnace, bath, two bedrooms, nice lawns, carport foundation, Terms, early possession, W. C, Pearce, Realtor, 235-1402. 21tfne CREDITON— Completely remod- elled one floor, 3-bedroom borne, Located across from school. Phone 234-6452, 9nc 100 OR 150 ACRES good clay loam (good corn land), level, drained. Barn for 100 head of cattle; implement shed; garage. Seven room brick house, full bath down, toilet up; running water in house and barn. Build- ings all painted; 65 acres of growing crop, balance hay and grass. Possession a n y t i m e. Phone Bervie 2218 for appoint.' menu. Six miles east of Kin- cardine on No. 9 Highway. 2:9* 6-ROOM brick bungalow in the town of Parkhill, newly deco- rated throught, one acre lot. Phone Parkhill 294-6808. 2:9;16c 5 ACRES, 9 room brick house, oil furnace, 4 piece bath, drilled well, aluminum windows and barn 34x48. COTTAGE, 6 rooms, 2 bed- rooms, bath, kitchen. living room, dining room, oil furnace, situated in Lucon. Phone Harry Hardy, 227-4535 or 227.4841, rep- resenting Harry E. Waghorn, Realtor, St. Marys. 9c (Signed) Crediton Police Village Trustees 9c 18 For Rent TRUST CERTIFICATES, GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES SEVERAL COMPANIES BEARING 6% INTEREST Please phone us and we will call on you 'at your convenience. C. V. PICKARD-REAL ESTATE 56 John St. E. Phone Res. 3c 235-0414 FLOOR SANDERS, electric Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12;13tfnc 21 Properly Wanted CALL JB AT 1863 FOR OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES WILL TAKE brick cottage in Exeter as payment on brick duplex in London; 2 four-room apartments, clean, good repair, veranda, garage, handy to bus, shopping, churches, school. Code 519 438-9378. Apply to Box TRS The Exeter Times-Advo- cate. 9:16* 22 Notices CREDITON COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 11 at 1:30 p.m. Sale will be held in Community Field beside school. We will sell the following: N.S.U. motor bike, made 41 Germany, like new; drapes, 7 ft.; antique high chair; trilight lamp; table lamps (matching pair); pillows; dishes of all kinds; roasting pan; small ta- ble; sealers; picnic table; 6 kitchen chairs; Annex wood & coal stove; tablecloth; curtains; lady's bicycle; love seat; two lawn chairs; power lawn mow- er; table and 2 chairs, metal; bathroom awning; boy's bicycle; restaurant booths; 6 ft. canopy; door frames; door windows; quantity 6 and 11 qt. baskets; table lamps; 2 wash tubs; 1 ironing board; electric iron; brown iron bed and springs; green rocking chair; china cab- inet; buffet; end table; 2 stack chairs; pressure cooker; 2 fry- ing pans; knickknack shelf; 2 lawn chairs; 8-piece setting of bone handle knives and forks; 8-day clock, like new and many more items not mentioned above, TERMS: Cash. No reserve, highest bidder is the purchaser. DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer Crediton 9c NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. DESTROY WEEDS You get more with a ...TORO Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Keyes of RR 3 Seaforth, O nt., recently put their name in the Game, and won $500.00 worth of household appliances, including: Electric Food Blender, Hair Dryer, Razors, Shoe Shine Kit, etc., plus a Cash Bonus of $100.00, Presenting Mr,. and Mrs. Keyes, left, with their prizes is Mr. E. W. Luttrell, B/A Representative, Mr. Wm. Middleton and Mr. Ralph Genttner, B/A Agent-Distributors, Exeter, Ontario. Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land in accordance with Weed Con- trol Act, Sections 3, 13 and 19 that unless noxious weeds grow- ing on their lands within the Municipality of Exeter are de- stroyed by June 21, 1966, and throughout the season, the mu- nicipality may enter upon said lands and have the weeds de- stroyed char g i n g the cost against the land in taxes as set out in the Act. The co- operation of •all citizens is ear- nestly solicited. (Signed) JAMES PAISLEY, Supt. Town of Exeter JOHN BURKE New, easy to use, single action bag- ging attachment. Exclusive Wind Tunnel' housing of cast magnesium—stronger, lighter, rustproof. 0 Adjustable height, tubular steel handle. 0 0 WINCHEISEA — 4 b e dr oom brick home with hot water oil heat. Four piece bathroom up- stairs and two piece down. Sit- uated on 2i acres with large barn. Taxes are only $110.00 and the vendor will hold a first mortgage, HENSALL — Completely reno- vated house with four bed- rooms, full dining room, large kitchen, family room with fire- place. Large barn and all situ- ated on eight acres of land. HENSALL — Renovated older home located one block from main street. New siding, new roof, new furnace and nicely decorated throughout. We can arrange mortgaging. CENTRALIA — 10 acres of land with good brick house and barn. House has been modern- ized and is heated with hot water fuel oil furnace. Taxes under $100.00. We have some farm houses for rent with rents starting at $50.00 per month. PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GAME Height of cut adjustment frorn 1/2"- 3" with finger pressure only. Limited Real Estate General Insurance Mortgages Devon Building, 476 Main St. Phone 235-1863 2tfnc 7 0 0 "TRIMIT" blade for edging along sidewalks—while you mow! "AUTO-OILER" exclusive visual oil filler ends messy oil checks! New heavy-duty bag-40% longer wearing. With every delivery of safe, dependable B-A Heating Oil to your home, you will receive an official entry for "B-A Musical Showcase"— Canada's most prized TV game show. You will have a chance to win fabulous weekly prizes such as cars cash . .. boats ... trailers ... trips ... major appliances and furniture, plus an exciting Grand Prize worth thousands of dollars, Order B-A Home Heating Oil today! YOU CAN TURN IN TO WIN TOO! Every purchase at a B-A Service Station (credit, cash sales slip or reasonable facsimile) makes you eligible! Watch "B-A Musical Showcase" for winners and prize results. Watch Channel -13 - Kitchener, Tuesdays at 7:30 P.M. Channel - 8 - Wingham, Saturdays at 7;30 P.M, 21" WHIR& 3 ii.P,, 4 cyclOion'idne safety. Sfee'Stert Fun, entertainment and Canada's greatest array of prizes! ALSO AVAILABLE WITH RECOIL STARTER MILT'S MOWER & CYCLE ARTHUR BROS. MIDDLETON & GENTINER MERKLEY 122 Maitland Street Sanders Street Alfred Street GODER1CH 514-9232 EXETER -- 235-2411 'WINGHAM — 30-3570 .......... PHONE 235-2940 EXETER