HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-05-12, Page 16Lucan
and district news
Receives award
Mr Thomas Weller of London, in Toronto two years ago, did not
son of Mrs and Mrs 'i'om Weller receive his interprovincial award
of Lucan, who took a special from the labour board, until last
three month course in carpentry week.
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(R) DI-SYSTON is a registered trademark, Reg. U.S. and Can. Pat. Offs. by
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P190 16
Times-Advocate, May 12, 1966
Biddulph Council awards
$3,785 drainage contract
Former Lucan girl wed
Last Tuesday at the meeting
of the Bidduiph Township Coun-
cil, held at Lucan a $3'785 con-
tract for drain construction was
awarded to Roth's Farm Drain-
age of RR 1 Gadshill,
Work will begin on the drain
August 1. It will service 10
properties on the Roman Line,
Plan fireworks
display again
At the Lions Club dinner meet-
ing in the Anglican Church base-
ment last Monday eve, arrange-
ments were made for the annual
fireworks display back of the
Arena May 23. Lion president
Bill Allen and Legion president
Earl Carling were named co-
chairmen. It was decided t o
charge a flat rate of $1 per car
for admission. There will be the
usual booths but as yet no
arrangements have been made for
the provison of music.
The float committee, headed by
Mr Gerry Van Bussel, for the
District Convention in London
was again discussed.
Mrs Kay Egan's group of the
Ladies Guild catered for the
Fete bride-elect
Vicky Eizenga
Miss Vicky Eizenga, daughter
of Mr and Mrs Meine Eizenga of
Main St., Lucan, was guest of
honor at two miscellaneous
showers, prior to her marriage
to the Rev. John Boaz in the
Pentecostal Gospel Temple,
London, Saturday, May '7.
Mrs John Armitage, now of
London, and Mrs Keith McComb
of RR 3, Lucan, were co-
hostesses for the first held at the
home of the latter. Trudy Eizenga
niece of the bride-elect, assisted
in the opening of the gifts.
Miss Beverly Agar of London
was hostess for the second
shower held at the Gospel
Temple, for some 75 members
of the congregation.
Baby shower
held for twins
Mrs Jack Henson of Main St.,
Lu can who gave birth to twin girls
Sherry Lynne and Shelly Colleen
in St. Joseph's Hospital London,
April 19, was guest of honor at a
baby shower held at the home of
Mrs A. R. Wilkinson Water St.,
last Wednesday evening, by her
Lucan relatives and friends. Co-
hostesses were Mrs Harry Bond,
Mrs Paul Dykeman, and Mrs
Nellie Kenzie.
During the evening three games
of robber bingo with three prizes
each were played. The following
were the winners, Mrs George
Ward three prizes, Mrs A. R.
Wilkinson two and Mrs Jack Hen-
son, Mrs Nellie Kenzie, Mrs
Cecil Armitage and Mrs Paul
Dykeman, one each.
Supply Ltd.
Grain • Feed • Cement
Building Supplies
Realize the highest returns for
your wool by patronizing your
own Organization.
Our Registered
Warehouse No. 10,
Carlton Place, Ontario
Obtain sacks and twine
without charge from
Exeter District
Ot by writing to
40 St. Clair Avenue East
Toronto 70 Ontario,
four miles north-east of Lucan.
Clerk Austin Hodgins said the
$3'785 bid, about $200 lower than
estimates was the only one sub-
mitted. Total expenditure will
be about $18,000. The contract
for the ditch to join the Mitchell
municipal drain is for labor costs
with council paying for materials,
engineer's fees and expropria-
tion costs.
Council appointed consulting
engineer C. P. Corbett & Co.
In lieu of previous Shamrock
Teas, the Lucan-C land eboye
CGIT decided this year to hold
a May-pole Tea, in the United
Church schoolroom Saturday May
A large may-pole with blue
and white streamers looked very
effective in the entrance hall.
Auxiliary will
donate trophy
At the meeting of the Legion
Auxiliary Tuesday evening a mo-
tion was passed to again donate
a trophy to the North Middlesex
Music Festival, and to make a
donation towards the fireworks'
display back of the Arena, May
The purchasing of a piano for
the Legion Hall was discussed,
unless some kind friend has one
they could donate. Mrs. James
Avery won the mystery prize.
Music students
at Strathroy
The Academy of Musical Arts
recently presented a ,,Music in
Motion" program at the Strath-
roy Public School Auditorium.
Of the 123 taking part the follow-
ing were Lucan pupils of Mr.
Neil Degraw: Leona Beswarick,
Geraldine Boland, Dennis Ma-
guire, Ronald Riddell, Ann Re-
ger, Herman Wilk, Roy Willis,
Jeffrey Hermeston, Donald Walt-
ers, Craig Townsend, Fred Egan,
Lynn Emery, David Hill, Paul
Milne, Anita Hodgins, John Sen-
jens, Kevin McComb, Gary Bark-
er, Ronald Crudge, Jim Mc-
Naughton, Fred Sleight.
Lucan pupils will be among
those taking part in the Ontario
Music Festival at Chatham, July
22 and 23.
Ltd. of Lucan to estimate costs
in extending the Mitchell muni-
cipal drain to the Ausable river.
Two rate payers petitioned coun-
cil to extend the drain across
their property, after flooding had
The ditch currently ends on
one of the affected rate payer's
Council decided to hold its
June meeting May 1, because of
councillor's holiday plans.
A medium sized may-pole on the
lace covered tea table and small-
er sized may-poles on all the
small tables, added to the may-
pole decor.
Mrs. P. 0. King, president of
the Anglican Sr. WA and Mrs.
Charles Sovereign, UCW presi-
dent who poured tea, also as-
sisted Leader Mrs. Murray Hod-
gins and CGIT Heather Froats
receive the guests. Roberta
Cochrane had charge of admis-
Alternating at kitchen duties
and serving, were Daisy Cob-
leigh, Helen Lewis, Joan Lewis,
Marie Cochrane, Linda Lightfoot,
Leslie Carling, Sherry Fisher,
Kathy Arno 1 d, Janyce Grose,
Marlene Butler, Maureen Smith
and Marilyn Smith. Mrs. Robert
Stutt and Mrs. George Carpenter
alternated as table and kitchen
supervisor. Miss RetaChown had
charge of the tea making.
At the candy and may-pole table
were, Helen Shipway, K e n
Grose, Marie Cochrane, Daisy
Cobleigh, Jane Corbett, Marilyn
Smith and Linda Lightfoot.
Mrs. C. H. George was in
charge of the large number of
"take-out" desserts, delivered
by the girls.
During the afternoon a short
program was presented twice.
It consisted of solos by Maureen
Smith, Marlene Butler and Les-
lie Carling and a Beatnik Mar-
riage skit with Betty Park as
bride, Lori Grudge, as groom,
Jane Hodgson, as bridesmaid, Pat
Smith, as best man and Grace
Smith as flower girl.
Bowling winners
Sputniks and Ramblers of the
Women's Bowling League play-
ed off Wednesday April 27, the
Ramblers winning. Ramblers and
Dairymaids bowled off last Mon-
day. Ramblers were defeated so
the Dairymaids are the grand
Tony Damen, son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Damen, RR 3 Lucan
was among recent graduates from
Western 0 n t ario Agricultural
School, Ridgetown. He will re-
ceive his diploma at the gradua-
tion exercises on May 17.
(James Studio)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Spence
and Bobby and Mr. & Mrs. Mal-
colm Spence, RR 6 St. Marys,
Mrs. M. L. Crinnian and Miss
Lina Abbott with Mrs. Jane Som-
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Robb, with
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bawtenheimer
and family, of Sarnia (Mrs. Robb
remained over for a few days).
Mrs. Wes Atkinson with Mr.
& Mrs. Gerald Atkinson and fam-
ily of London.
Mr. & Mrs. John Woods, Perry
and Pamela of London with Mr.
& Mrs. Robert Jenkins.
Mr. & Mrs. S. E. Reilly and
family of London with Mr. &
Mrs. A. E. Reilly.
Mrs. Frank Hardy's large fam-
ily all called on her for Moth-
er's Day.
Mrs. J. R. Murray and Mr.
Robert Murray with Mr. & Mrs.
Jack Murray of London.
Mr. & Mrs. George Frayne of
Kirkton, Mr. & Mrs. H a r old
Frayne and family of Granton,
Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Patterson of
Parkhill, Mr. & Mrs. Russell
Lee and Mr. & Mrs. Ross Math-
ers and Larry of Exeter with Mr.
& Mrs. Robert Patterson.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ross and
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Adamson of
Toronto, with Mr. & Mrs. Wil-
liam Aylestock.
Mr. & Mrs. D. L. Waterston
of London with Mr. & Mrs. Ron
Mr. & Mrs. Sheridan Reving-
ton with Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Mc-
Falls of Riverside Dr., London.
Mrs. Bob Coleman with her
family in London.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hamilton
of London and Mr. & Mrs. Ger-
ald Hamilton of Lucan with Mr.
& Mrs. Roy Hamilton.
Saturday evening Mrs. Cecil
Armitage entertained eight girls
from London and Lucan, in hon-
or of her daughter Margaret's
20th birthday. The evening was
highlighted by the showing of
family films and the playing of
tape recordings.
Mr. Ray Dobroski, arena man-
ager, has tendered his resigna-
tion and Mr. H. B. Langford,
chairman of the Arena Board,
will announce his successor in
due course.
Tail white tapers, in ivy en-
twined wrought iron candelabra,
potted palms, and baskets of white
mums and pink snapdragons
formed the setting in St. James
Lutheran Church, Williamsford,
when the Rev. Calvin Glick united
in wedlock Doris Lauber of Kit-
chener and Harvey Albert "Bill"
Chown of Stratford (formerly of
Alice St., Lucan) Saturday, April
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Lauber of
Williamsford and the groom is
the son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel C. Chown, formerly of
Given in marriage by her fath-
er the bride chose a floor-length
gown of white peau de sole and
Guipure lace, styled with a sheath
skirt. A simulated solid pearl
head band, held her shoulder-
length bouffant veil. She carried a
white lace, partially opened, par-
asol, holding white carnations and
pink sweetheart roses.
Mrs. James Goodyear of Kit-
chener, attended her sister,
wearing a full length sheath gown
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dykeman and
family spent last weekend in
Burlington, guests of Mr. & Mrs.
James Baeker.
Mr. Joe Kelly is a patient in
Victoria Hospital, London.
F/O A. J. Hodgins and family
of Belleville, spent a few days
last week (and Mother's Day)
with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hod-
Miss Flo Chown of St. Thom-
as spent a few days last week
with her sister, Miss Reta Chown.
Miss Margaret Eizenga, daugh-
ter of Mr. & Mrs. Meine Eizenga
of Lucan, graduated with honors
from the Saskatoon Bible College.
Mr. & Mrs. James Freeman
attended the funeral of the latter's
uncle, Mr. John Gould of London,
Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Cantelon have
returned from a few days visit in
West Lorne, with Dr. & Mrs.
Bruce Cantelon and family.
Mrs. Herman Young is holi-
daying with Mr. & Mrs. Percy
Lyons of Detroit.
Mr. Richard Davis has return-
ed from a 10 day business trip
to Columbus, Ohio.
Janice Traversy of Toronto,
spent the weekend with her friend
Kathy Arnold.
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Armitage and
family attended the funeral of
Mrs. Armitage's uncle, Mr.
Amos Darling, in Exeter last
Mrs. Alma Price is spending
a few days in Toronto, the guest
of Miss Florence Graham.
Brenda Haskett spent last
weekend with her aunt, Miss
Angela Armitt of London and re-
turned home Sunday with her par-
ents, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Has-
kett and grandmother, Mrs. Will
of rose French nylon crepe,
fashioned with a bodice of Chan-
tilly lace. She wore a self ma-
terial headpiece and carried a
cascade of white and pink car-
Shelley Goodyear, niece of the
bride, made a charming flower-
girl in a gown similar to the
other attendant, She carried a
basket of white and pink minia-
ture carnations.
Glen Ingram of Toronto was
best man and Harold Lauber,
brother of the bride, was usher.
Mrs. William Glasser provid-
ed traditional wedding music and
accompanied the soloist, Mrs.
Douglas Campbell.
At a reception, held at the
Sunken Motel, Owen Sound, the
bride's mother received, wear-
ing a navy shantung ensemble,
pink accessories and a corsage
of pink carnations.
Following a honeymoon trip
to Montreal and southern United
States Mr. and Mrs. Chown will
reside in Stratford.
Relatives of the groom who at-
tended the wedding were Miss
Reta Chown of Lucan, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Dawson of Toronto, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Blough and
Miss Florence Chown of St.
Thomas and Robert and William
Chown of London.
TB meeting
The annual dinner meeting of
the Beck Memorial TB Associa-
tion of London and Middlesex was
held Thursday evening at the Car-
ousel Motel, London.
Among those attending were
area delegate, Mrs. Sheridan
Revington, and her daughter Mrs.
John Marshall of Lucan. A sur-
vey is planned for this district
this Fall.
This year I am planting my beans with "Na-Churs" Liquid Fertilizer. It is
easier on my back and my results are sure very profitable, over 10 bushels
more per acre. I planted my beans with "Na-Churs" Liquid Fertilizer and
sprayed my beans, and would highly recommend "Na-Churs" Liquid Ferti-
lizer on every bean crop.
We Are Your "Na Churs" Men
Gc.t 5e1 poo
Jack Geiser
Maypole tea held
by local CGIT group
Mother's Day guests
Now You Can Plant
Up To 18 Acres
Without Even Stopping
For Fertilizer
With "Na-Churs"
Bean Special Fertilizer