The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-05-12, Page 15ANNOUNCEMENTS ,ezeier4:MILMZEZ.; ...... e"ae:letaea .0..eaoeese- TAYLOR — In loving memory of a dear father, Clarence R. Tay- lor, who passed away one year ago, May 12, 1965. Gone dear father, gone forever, How we miss your smiling face, But you left us to remember, None on earth can take your place. You're not forgotten father dear, Nor ever shall you be, As long as life and memory last, We shall remember thee. Those who have a father, Cherish him with care, You'll never know the heartache Till you see his empty chair. —Sadly missed by his daugh- ter and son, Shirley and Robert. Over 300 Trees On Display In Our Yard Clump Birch 6 - 7 ft. high All our shade trees grafted REDER'S FLORISTS 2 35-26 03 Austin L. Parnell, award-winning corn grower of Drumbo, says ATRAZ I N E 65W "the best thing that has happened to the corn business!" "Atrazine is a good product to work with because it is so safe," accordincli to Austin Parnall, who plants 600 acres of corn, "We've never hod any damage with it. In '65, we used Atrazine with oil and sprayed around the middle of June when the weeds were up about an inch. It burned off the weeds pretty fast and gave good control through to harvest with no culti- vations." Stressing the safety of Atrazine, Mr. Parnall reports: "We've nNer had any problem from residues when following treated corn with soybeans on my farm." Mr. Parnall goes on to say "In the future we will not use oil with the Atrazine because for the best results I believe Atrazine should be used es soon after planting as possible (early May) for more moisture." Start using Atrazine this year-discover how profitable corn production can be. Ask your dealer for an instructional leaflet rn Atrazine 66W and place your order now. Gesaprim u brand of Atrazine 65W is available in 5 lb. bags and 50 lb. cartons from farm supply dealers, 'EtRegd.T.A4.olGeigy Fisons (Canada) Limited, 234 Eglinton Avenue East,Tomnto12,Ontario woommowannetmoromiftwom Times-Advocate, May 12, 1966 Page 15 14 Wanted To Buy 16 Property For Sale 23 Legal Notices 25 Auction Sales FRENCH DOOR, standard size. Phone Zurich 236-4160. 12ne PIANO for a Legion Hall, rea- sonable. Phone 227-4203. 12e BOY'S CUB outfit, size 8 - 10. Phone 235-1547. 12nc BOY'S used bicycle, standard size, good condition, Phone 229- 6192, 12* 15 Wanted PASTURE for horse, near Grand Bend. Phone 238-2493, 12nc ROOM & BOARD, immediately, for the summer months, or Would rent small trailer. Leave name and phone number at The Times-Advocate, 12c Attention Farmers WANTED SCRAP STEEL, IRON & CAST All Kinds of Metals, Batteries, etc. We will pay $2,00 a ton.-More for scrap delivered at our yard. EXETER SALVAGE 235-0781 14tfnc 16 Properly For Sale 2-BEDROOM nearly new brick house, full basement, carport, good drainage, at 329 Marlbor- ough St., Exeter. Phone 235- 0606, Harold Jeffery. 12:19* SMALL HOME on 78' lot, suit- able for one or two, new wir- ing, plumbing and bathroom, floor furnace. $3600 buys with $1100 down, Phone 235-1483. 12tfnc CREDITON - New 3 - bedroom house, angel stone, electrically heated, full basement. Phone 234-6334. 28:5:12c 3-BEDROOM house, utility room, garage, patio, oil heat, 1 month possession. Phone 235-2196. 21tfnc LOT 76'x99' on Thomas St., $750. Phone 235-1595. 5:12-6:19c 2-BEDROOM house in good con- dition, with utility room, partial basement, floor furnace. Asking $6,500. Apply 373 Marlborough St. Exeter. 4:21-5:26c 3 BEDROOMS 2-STOREY SOLID BRICK HOUSE 1 block from Exeter business area. Spacious living - dining room, hardwood floors, fireplace, at- tractive bookcase wall. Master bedroom has hardwood floor and walk-in closet, Second bed- room, wall-to-wall carpet and could be used as family room. Family-sized kitchen, large ga- rage. Reasonably priced for quick sale. Owner will carry a mortgage. Phone 235-1247 after 6 p.m. for appointment to see this prop- erty this weekend. 12c 3-BEDROOM ranch style brick home in Exeter, full basement, attached garage, sewer con- nected, 1 block from schools, CMHA financed. Phone 235-2695. 28tfnc 1-STOREY fairly new house fac- ing Victoria park, living room, good kitchen, utility room, oil furnace, bath, two bedrooms, nice lawns, carport foundation. Terms, early possession. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 235-1402. 2ltfnc V, L. A. half acre building lot. 235-2554 after 6 p.m. 12* 11- STOREY frame house and large lot in the village of Kirk- ton. Apply to Mr. Alfred Mitch- ell % Mr. Cam Dorman, Ailsa Craig. Phone 293-3349. 21: 28: 5 : 12* BARN located at AUSABLE GOLF COURSE, 1i miles east of intersection of Highways 83 and 4, then 1/2 mile south 42'x66', in good condition, TO BE REMOVED FROM PROPERTY PHONE 235.1637 5tfnc 7 ROOM house, bath up and down, hardwood floors, oil heat, fenced lot, garage. 170 Carling St. 24tfnc C. V. PICKARD TRUST CERTIFICATES, GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES SEVERAL COMPANIES BEARING 6% INTEREST Please phone us and we will call on you •at your convenience. C. V. PICKARD-REAL ESTATE 56 John St. E. Phone Res. 3c 23,5-0414 CALL JB AT 1863 HENSALL - Three bedroom Modernized home close to Main Street. New oil furnace, new roof and siding. Owner is leav- ing area and reduced price to $7,000.00. HENSALL - Located on # 4 Highway between Hensel]. and Exeter, Completely modern 4- bedreom home With large kitch- en, 2 bathrooms, full dining room, wall-to-wail broadloom in living room, large family room With log burning fireplace. All this and a good size barn and implement shed with 8 acres of land. CREDITON - Three bedroom house located on 1 acre of land in the village. Nice garden and some fruit trees. Taxes only $90.00. EXETER - Three bedroom 1 storey brick on Main St. Two bathrooms and oil heat. $12,900. EXETER - Newer three bed- room brick located two blocks from post office, Fireplace, oil heat, large garage and paved driveway, three rooms recently decorated. EXETER - Older home with three bedrooms on William St. Owner transferred and we can give immediate possession. Priced at $6,500,00, EXETER - Wartime house on corner lot. Priced to sell at $5,000.00. EXETER - Four bedroom home on Andrew Street. Close to schools. $6,500.00. EXETER - Three bedroom 1 storey located on corner lot. Newly decorated and we can give immediate possession. $11,500.00, EXETER - Large old home with new wiring, new furnace, new kitchen, full dining room, family room, utility room, at- tached carport, located on nice corner lot. $12,500 and we can arrange mortgaging, EXETER - Three bedroom modern home with large kitch- en, oil heat and attached ga- rage. Enough land available to qualify for VLA. EXETER - Two bedroom with oil heat and large garage. $6,500 EXETER - Modern three bed- room with full basement and oil heat. Log burning fireplace and wall-to-wall broadloom in living room. $2,500 down pay- ment. EXETER - Three bedroom bungalow with full basement and oil heat. $10,500. EXETER - Commercial block with five apartments and store, all rented. Owner will take a $4,000 down payment and hold mortgage for balance. EXETER - Three building lots in registered subdivision. Each 65'x125'. $2,000.00 for the bunch. EXETER - Beautiful building lot overlooking the river. $2,000. EXETER - On #4 Highway- 93. acres of land with frame house. $10,000 and vendor will hold a mortgage. FOR RENT - 0 n e bedroom heated apartment on Main St. $60.00 per month, JOHN BURKE Limited Real Estate General Insurance Mortgages Devon Building, 476 Main St. Phone 235-1863 28tfnc 11 Properly For Rent APARTMENT at Shipka, 2 bed- rooms, kitchen and living room, basement, hot and cold water. Phone 234-6277 Crediton. 28:5:12c UPSTATE apartment, 2 bed- rooms, heat and hot water sup- plied. Apply 70 John St. East. 5tfnc ONE UPSTAIR, one first floor apartment, 2 bedrooms, fur- nished, air conditioned, avail- able now. Phone 235-2405. 5tfnc UPSTAIRS apartment, 2-bed- room, stove supplied, all utili- ties paid, private entrance, west on Huron St., available May 21. Phone 235-2427 or 235- 1027. 28*tfnc SMALL APARTMENT suitable for one person. Available imme- diately. Apply Bill's Barber Shop, phone 235-0915, Exeter. 12tfnc HOUSE - Can be used for two apartments; bathroom, frig and stove in each. Phone 235-0956 or apply 355 Marlborough St. 14tfnc APARTMENT, newly decorated, 3 bedrooms. Apply to Middle- ton's Drug Store, 235-1570; night 262-2510. 7tfnc 2-BEDROOM apartments, fur- nished or unfurnished, on Main St., Crediton. Private entrances, available immediately. Phone 234-6336 after 5 on week days, anytime on weekends. Mine CLEAN, spacious, 2-bedroom apartment, furnished or unfur- nished, oil furnace, separate entrance. Call at 181 William St, Phone 235-0736 evenings or Saturdays. 25tfnc UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmon's Apt. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 12tfnc 18 For Rent PASTURE for young cattle. George Deelstra, 3 miles east of Centralia. 5:12c FLOOR SANDERS, electric - Beavers Hardware, phone 235. 1033, Exeter, 12: 13tfnc WEEKLY RENTAL RATES - Travel trailers $50; Tent trail- ers $32; Utility trailers $10; Tents $7; Boats $15; Motors $12; All 1966 models. Camp-Out Rent- al & Sales, Huron St., Strat- ford, 393-5938. 12c 21 Property Wanted ONE STOREY, 2 bedroom house, fairly new or in good condition, Close to shopping centre. Ap- ply to Exeter Times-Advocate. 12* NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of John Guinan, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of John Gui- nan, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Hur- on, Labourer, who died on or about the 20th day of Septem- ber 1965, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exe- ter, Ontario, by the 21st day of May 1966, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario 5:12:19c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Amelia Desjardine, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Amelia Desjardine, late of the Village of Grand Bend, in the County of Lambton, Widow, who died on or about the 19th day of February 1966, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario by the 21st day of May 1966, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario 5:12:19c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Beatrice Alberta Delbridge, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Beatrice Alberta Delbridge, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Housekeeper, who died on or about the 14th day of November, 1965, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 28th day of May, 1966, after which date the estate will be distrib- uted having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario. 5:12:19c 25 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Household Effects, Car, Piano and Misc. Items On the premises Main Street East, Con. 6 VILLAGE OF CREDITON SATURDAY, MAY 14 at, 1:45 p.m. Under instructions received from the administrator we will sell the following: Piano; 4-burner electric stove; Viking refrigerator; 2 oil stove heaters; iron bed, springs and mattresses; 2 dressers; mir- rors; clocks; gas lantern; cook stove; skates; iron bed; wash stand; 3 small tables; large table; lawn mower; 2 electric irons; 4 electric radios; battery radio; china cabinet; buffet; TV stand; picture frames; gal- lon thermos jug; meat grinder; crosscut saw; lawn sprinkler; 5-gal. crock; 15" wheels and tires; 2 lawn chairs; wallpaper; roasting pan; electric tea kettle; construction cap; table lamp; end table; wash tub; large quantity of dishes; bathroom pitcher; scythes; hoes; rakes; tools; fence stretcher; garbage can; wooden box; coal oil lamp; umbrella; car jack; 2 heavy barrels; quantity of wood; trailer hitch; trunk; large horn; 17 inch Rogers Majestic TV, cabinet style; chesterfield and chair; Max- well power lawn mower; elec- tric stove; 3 electric toasters; 6-piece dinette set. 1958 Chevrolet coach in good condition. TERMS: Cash. Estate of the late Eddie Hogan WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer Crediton, phone 234.6282 5:12c AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises 65 SANDERS ST., EAST IN THE TOWN OF EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 25 at 7:00 P.M. Complete list of sale in next week's issue. ORVILLE CANN, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 12e Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, know as former No. 7 pub- known as former # 7 pub- VILLAGE OF GRANTON Also complete variety of Vain- able antiques & miscellaneous items to be offered by public auction on FRIDAY, MAY 27 and SATURDAY, MAY 28 commencing at 1:00 p.m. Watch for complete list of this important sale in next week's issue. PAT I3LAINE', Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 12e AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery, Trac- tor, Household Effects and Misc. Items OF EMMERY GAISER IS POSTPONED UNTIL WEDNESDAY, MAY 25 Full list will appear in next week's issue. WM. H. smrru, Auctioneer Crediton, phone 234-6282 12c Estate AUCTION SALE of Household Effects MAIN STREET, CREDITON WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 at 1:00 p.m. Chesterfield and chair; set- tee and 2 chairs; rocking chairs; fernery; oak dining room table; buffet; 6 chairs; cherry antique bedroom suite; brown iron bed; dresser; bed- ding; pillows; springs; mat- tresses; wooden bed; numerous rugs; braided mats; electric lamps; floor lamps; book shelf; Connor washing machine; stu- dent's desk; pine table; kitchen chairs; Captain's chair; an- tique churn; folding cot; set of Melmac dishes; pedistal; hall rack; lard press; Victrola and records; books; antique chaf- fing dish; bed pillows; camp bed; wardrobe trunk; other trunks; iron kettle; camera equipment; antique dishes; elec- tric appliances; jardiniers; pic- ture frames; quilting frames & clamps; washing machine; stone jugs; crocks; sealers; carpenter tools; stepladder; bench emery; garden tools; General Electric 4-burner stove, like new; Frigidaire refrigera- tor, like new and other articles too numerous to mention, TERMS: Cash. ESTATE OF THE LATE DR. LULU GAISER HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 5:12c By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL MRS. CLINTON BOWDEN Mrs. Clinton Bowden, 67, of Grand Bend, formerly of Cedar Springs, passed away Tuesday, May 3, in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. She was the former Mary Virginia Pilon. Survivors are husband, son George, Cedar Springs; daugh- ters, Mrs. Robert (Ruth) Stewart Sarnia, Mrs. Maurice (Elsie) Ames, Chatham; sisters, Mrs. Fred (Rene) Kirsch, Lansing, Mich.; Mrs. Harry (Elsie) Gil- lard, in Florida; Mrs. Clayton (Nellie) Mervin, Mrs. Dan (Ella) Attewell both of Cedar Springs, Mrs. Roy (Minnie) Bowden, Col- chester, Mrs. Wm. (D or ot hy) Collins, Cedar Springs, brother Earl, Detroit. Funeral was held Friday from Bowman-Ford funeral home, Blenheim. Burial in Pardoville Cemetery, Raleigh Township. Rev. G. E. Morrow of Grand Bend officiated. MARK BIRTHDAYS Mr. and Mrs. Wm Baird enter- tained with a birthday party Sat- urday evening in honor of Mrs. Thomas Baird and Mr. Delbert Mason, London. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. T. Baird, Mr. Delbert Mason, London; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vanner, Chatham; Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Mason and Pauline, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mason and Diane, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hanlon, Mr. Arnold Mason, Mrs. Joyce McCrackin and Mrs. Muriel Pfaff of Toronto. UCW EVENING UNIT The evening unit of Grand Bend UCW met Tuesday with about seventy members and visitors present. Mrs. Clarke Kennedy welcomed guests and presided for opening worship. Mrs. Ken- nedy spoke on a "Pattern For Christian Living". Mrs. C. McCaffery and Mrs. Wm Brenner sang solos. Mrs. Griffin Thomas introduced the guest speaker, Mother Peters MD of Sarnia who spoke on spiritual values and mental health. Mrs. Jack Eagleson thanked the speak- er and presented her with a gift. Mrs. Leroy Bar ite au also thanked Mrs. McCaffery for her help in the congregation while she was in Grand Bend and also presented her with a gift in re- membrance of Grand Bend as she was leaving Saturday with her family to live in Winnipeg. Sister St. Andrew of Sarnia was also present. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Harold Wolper visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Wally Becker and family at New Hamburg. Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Rehkopf and Wendy of Kitchener and Mr, & Mrs. Pat McCann and Georgie visited Saturday with Mr. & Mrs. George Campbell. Mr. & Mrs. Bob Morrow and son Robert of St. Catharines spent the weekend with his par- ents Rev. & Mrs. G. E. Morrow. Mr. & Mrs. Will Robinson of Newburg, Ont., spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Baker also Mr. & Mrs. Stewart McIn- tosh, Gregory and Janice of Ar- kona and Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Wardell of Strathroy spent Sat- urday with their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Baker, Mr. Lloyd Baker of Beck San- atorium was home for the week- end. Mr. Lloyd Watson of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday with his moth- er Mrs. Lloyd Baker. AeliWiearereaa BIRTHS CALDWELL - Wilma and Har- old Caldwell (nee Kyle), Hen- sall, announce the birth of their son, William Todd, at Clinton Public Hospital, May 6 --a brother for Jamie. DUNDAS - Lorne and S hi rl e y Dundas, London, announce the birth of a daughter, Laurie Deborah, at Victoria Hospital, April 27 - a sister for Brian. GIBSON - Roland and Marlene Gibson (nee Keller) RR 3 Kom- oka, announce the birth of a daughter, Sherry Lynn, at St, Joseph's Hospital, London, May 3 -- a sister for Rusty. HENSON-- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henson, Main St., Lucan, an- nounce the birth of twin daugh- ters, Sherry Lynne and Shelly Colleen, at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, April 19 sisters for Sharon, Sandra, Janet, John and Lori. JOHNS Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johns, RR 1, Cromarty, an- nounce the birth of a daughter at South Huron Hospital, May - a sister for Bob and Roy. JONES - Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jones, Water St., Lucan, an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Sheila Joanne, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, April 24 - a sister for David. MARKUS Mr. and Mrs. Antal Markus (nee Armstrong), Clandeboye, announce the birth of a daughter Christaine, sister for Sandy, Andrew and Eliza- beth at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. O'BRIEN Mr. and Mrs. Pat O'Brien, Exeter, announce the birth of a son, John Douglas, at South Huron Hospital, may 4 - a brother for Timmy. STEINBACH - Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Steinbach, Zurich, an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Karen Annette, at South Huron Hospital, May 8 a sister for Connie. TURNBULL -Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Turnbull, Exeter, an- nounce the birth of a daughter Denise Marie, at South Huron Hospital, May 8 -first grand- child for Mr. and Mrs. Stan Whiting and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Turnbull. ENGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Alice Irene to Mr. Larry Joseph Gardiner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardiner, all of Crom- arty, the wedding to take place Saturday, June 11, 1966, at 3:00 pm in Cromarty Presbyterian Church. 12c Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bower, Exeter, wish to announce the engagement of their only daugh- ter Joyce Elizabeth to Kenneth Grant McCarter, son of Mr. and Mrs. James McCarter, RR 1 Centralia. The wedding to take place on Saturday June 4, 1966, 2:30 pm at James St. United Church, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jennison of Grand Bend, Ontario are pleased to announce the engage- ment of their youngest daughter, Dianne Marie, to Mr. Richard (Dick) James Colter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Colter of Credi- ton. The wedding will take place at 2 pm June 18, 1966 at the United Church, Grand Bend, On- tario. ANNOUNCEMENTS — Mrs. Leslie Adams is holding a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter Gloria Anne on Satur- day, May 14 from 7-10 pm. Friends are invited. 12* CARDS OF THANKS — I would like to thank everyone for the visits, cards and treats while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital. Many thanks to the Nursing Staff and Doctors. - Kathy Campbell. 12* The family of the late Amos Darling wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to the relatives, friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, floral tributes and ex- pressions of sympathy extended to them in their recent bereave- ment. Special thanks to Rev. Lewis, Dr. Read, staff of South Huron Hospital, Hopper-Hockey funeral home, Ed. Burke, Aub Farquhar and Alvin Wurm. 12c I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my neighbors, friends and relatives for cards, flowers, treats and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hos- pital and since returning home. - Bob Dykstra. 12c Sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to my friends and neighbors who so kindly remembered me with flowers, cards, treats and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks to Amber Rebekah Lodge, Kin- ette Club, United Church Women, and Rev, H. F. Currie. Mrs. Blighton F erg. 12e We wish to thank all our rela- tives and friends who sent in food and helped in so many ways in our home at the time of the funeral of our aunt, Mrs. Robert Pollock. Special thanks to the ladies who helped at the house, it was appreciated very much. --Carman and Olive Woodburn. CARDS OF THANKS — Mrs. Garfield Hill and family wish to say "Thank You" to their relatives, friends and neighbors for the acts of kindness, expres- sions of sympathy, the beautiful flowers, the lovely lunch served by the Crediton United Church Women, to Rev. Hiltz for a help- ful message, to the Dinney fu- neral home, the pallbearers and to everyone who helped in our time of sorrow. 12+ Shirley and Ken Keller wish to thank all those who sent flow- ers, treats, gifts and cards at the birth of their son, Jimmy. Each kindness was greatly ap- preciated and will be long re- membered, The Kinette Club of Hensall wish to thank all those who made our rummage sale a success. Money made from this sale will go towards serving our com- munity's greatest need. 12c A sincere thank you to all my friends who so kindly remember- ed me with cards, flowers and visits while a patient in Strat- ford General Hospital.—Rudy petzke. 12c Mr. Robert Pollock wishes to express his sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, floral tributes and expressions of sympathy, extended to him in his recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. G. E. Morrow, M. Box & Son funeral home and the pall- bearers. Many thanks to all those who helped in any way during Mrs. Pollock's illness. 12c The family of Mrs. Fred Preszcator wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their relatives, friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, floral tributes, cards and expressions of sympathy ex- tended them in their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Lewis, Dr. Gans, Hopper- Hockey funeral home, T. Harry Hoffman, Mr. Robert Graham and the ladies of James Street Church and to pallbearers and all who helped lighten the burden in any way. 12c I wish to thank all who re- membered me with cards and flowers while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital. — Mrs. Lloyd Rader. 12c Mr. William Schroeder and family wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to the relatives, friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness, floral tributes and expressions of sympathy extended to them in their recent sad bereavement. Thanks also to the staff of South Huron Hospital, Dr. Ecker and Rev. Hiltz. 12c I wish to take this opportunity to express my thanks to those who visited me and for the cards and treats I received, with spe- cial thanks to the nurses at the South Huron Hospital while I was a patient there. — T. 0. Southcott. x I wish to sincerely thank all my relatives, friends and neigh- bors for the flowers, gifts, treats cards and visits during my stay in St. Marys Memorial Hospital and since returning home. Spe- cial thanks to Granton UCW, Granton WI, Rev. Merkley, No. 222 OES Exeter, Dr. Davis, Dr. Scott, nurses and hospital staff. All was greatly appreciated. — Mrs. Frank Squire. I wish to thank my friends and relatives for kindness shown in treats, cards, flowers and visits while in Strathroy hospital. — Mrs. Bernice Thompson. 12c IN MEMORIAM — CORBETT - In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister, Kimberly Hazel, who passed away suddenly one year ago May 18, 196 5 at age five and one-half years. She didn't have time to say fare- well Nor we to say goodbye; She was gone before we knew it And only God knows why. Please forgive a silent tear A secret wish thatshe were here; The memory of her dear little ways Will linger with us all our days. -Sadly missed and lovingly re- membered by Mommy, Daddy, Steven and Jeff. 12* TAYLOR - In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Clar- ence Taylor who passed away one year ago May 12, 1965. Little did we think when we woke that morning The sorrow the day would bring; The call was sudden, the shock severe To part with one we Toyed so dear; We mourn for you in silence, No eyes can see us weep; For many a silent tear is shed, While others are asleep; No pen can write, no tongue can tell, Our sad and bitter loss; But God alone has helped so well TO bear our heavy cross. -- Ever remembered and sadly missed by his mother, broth- ers and sisters and their fain- Mee. 12* IN MEMORIAM — SMITH — In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Albert Smith who passed away May 12, 1905. Isn't it strange that those we need And those we love the best Are just the ones that God needs too And takes them home to rest. -- Lovingly remembered byHar- vey, Donna and granddaughter Penny. 12c CORBETT -In fond and loving memory of our only grand- daughter and niece, Kimberly Hazel, who passed away one year ago May 18, 1965. Treasured thoughts of one so dear Often bring a silent tear; Dear is the grave where our darl- ing is laid Precious is the memory that never will fade, Her little soul, so pure and sweet, Will blossom at our Saviour's feet. -- Sadly missed by Grandpa and Grandma Corbett, Uncle Al, Aunt Connie, Uncle Bob and family. 12* KIPFER In loving memory of my dear sister and my dear Auntie, Edith Kipfer, who pass- ed away eight years ago, May 10, 1908. Gone is the one we loved so dear, Gone from her earthly home; But oh! What a consolation Just to know she's not alone. For she is dwelling up above With God who knows what's best; Since you've gone first and we remain One thing we would have you do, Walk slowly down the heavenly path For soon we'll follow you. —Ever remembered byyour sister Mrs. Lesume Desjar- dine and your niece Mrs. Ger- ald Mason. 12c SIMPSON — In loving memory of my dear mother and father, Millie Mae and Joseph Simp- son who passed away May 13, 1 963 and April 2, 1934. Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly remembered every day; No longer in our lives to share But in our hearts, you are al- ways there. -- Lovingly remembered by Jack, Lyla and Joe. 12c SMITH - In loving memory of a dear husband Albert who passed away one year ago May 12, 1 96 5. A faithful husband, one of the best, May God grant him eternal rest. -Sadly missed by his wife and family. 12* IN MEMORIAM— WINEGARDEN In loving mem- ory of our darling son, Jeffery, who passed away May 15, 1965, in his fifth year. All of our wonderful yesterdays, A million thoughts and memories, ever here to stay; And as we remember you, little Jeffie, We thank the Lord above For the happy years, that we had you here to love, --Sadly missed, and never to be forgotten by Daddy, Mommy and Jackie Winegarden, 12* WINEGARDEN -In loving mem- ory of a darling grandson and nephew who passed away May 15, 1965 In his fifth year. Dear is the grave where our darling is laid, Sweet is the memory that never will fade; His little soul, so pure and sweet Will blossom at the Saviour's feet. Always remembered with sil- ent tears by Grandma and Grandpa Desjardine, Aunt Phyllis, Eunice, Grace, Dar- lene and families. 12* The average daily crowd at Expo will be 143,000, rising to 350,000 on peak days. Ill Health ? See your doctor first. Bring your prescription to MIDDLETON'S DRUGS FISHERMAN'S COVE GRAND BEND RIVER RD. S. OF BRIDGE CHICKEN & CHIPS ••• FISH & CHIPS 44+ SHRIMP & CHIPS ETC. TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone: 238-2025 PLANTING EVERGREENS Now In Full Swing