HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-05-05, Page 16Page 16 Times-Advocate, May 5,, 1906 Lucan ,,,,,,, un I , ,,, ...1.1111111.1111111111.1.11111.1 ,,,,,, 1.0111111.1.11111. LUCAN CHURCH NEWS 1. ,,,,, 11111.1.11 ,, I , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, II ,,,,,, 111111411.1111111111141.11111111111.1 1lllll 1111111111111111111111lllllllltll111l111111lilill71Ai.....1.11...,..L...1411.1$4.11111111111111111111110 LUCAN FINA Under New Management TIME FOR A SPRING CHECK UP Free Suckers For The Kids Free Estimates on Body Work HUGO THEANDER •01.1111.11111111 0111.11.1t.L11111111111111111111111.1111.1.111.1111LLIILL.L.11101/IL LIL L ILL 1 .111...10111,11 ..11..111.1i .111111111...1 Personol Spencer -Spirella - the most personal answer to your most personal fashion problem Brassieres and Girdles Made to Your Own Measurements - Created For You and You Alone - CALL - Mrs. Valeria Armstrong Your Spencer- Spirella Corsetier Phone 235-1920 89 ANNE W. EXETER IIIMIL111101.111111111111111111114111111111111111,111111111111.1111.1111.111011111111111111111111$1111111111.1.111M ,LMIL.LL1111111 ice.:. l>'_< riktheitaco FL WE MIXED BOUQUET GERANIUMS POT MUMS COLOURFUL MIXED POTS HYDRANGEA GLOXINIA TUBEROUS BEGONIA POTTED ROSE BUSHES BOUTONNIERES CORSAGES 1.00 .75 2.50 & 3.50 3.50 3.00 & 5.00 2.50 & 3.00 1.00 1.80 35 1.50 & 3.00 NICHOLSONI-LUCAN (ROBIN HOOD 25 lb. ALL PURPOSE FLOUR Bog 2.39 YORK SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER .. YORK FANCY FRENCH STYLE WAX OR BEANS GREEN HEINZ TOMA KETCHUP 4 AYLMER CHOICE PEAS & CARROTS 2 AYLMER FANCY CREAM STYLE CORN 2 TOP VALU FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 TOP VALU DOG FOOD 2 FAB Giant Size DETERGENT Pkg. MACLEANS Family Size TOOTHPASTE Tube 79' 69 99' 39° 39° 69° 33° 73° 99° 2-lb. Jar 15-oz. tins 11-oz. btls. 15-oz. tins 15-oz. tins 20-oz. tins 25-oz. tins FRESH, FROM CALIFORNIA, NO. 1 STRAWBERRIES HQ RN ORANGES 2D0m99 HEAD LETTUCE 145 U.S. NO. 1 HAVEL U.S. NO. 1 Ont. Grown Fancy Grade i:1;r14(11;1;IFPLES 59 CUCUMBERS 2F01 33c c ono, Grown, Hannon 617A Hpoi101111 BU LBS Linos& .:1055c All PiiRdi;SNEIIG40, 3.25 FOR MOTHER'S DAY *169 CANADA'S CENTENNIAL TREE ALMEY FLOWERING CRAB . 4" POTTED MUM PLANTS ;1 39 ALL GERANIUM ;„ POPULAR C S OLOIMS,, 49s Wirly Volley of Colon NE , iiiiNATO PUFFS 6 FRASERVALE COD FISH & CHIPS . . . TULIP PARCHMENT MARGARINE . . . 2 1.00 sSA4AP COCKTAIL YORK SLICED CARROTS YORK MIXED VEGETABLES PRODUCER BRAND GOUDA CHEESE KRAFT CHEESE WHIZ 8.0Z, PKG. 24-0Z, 55, PKG, 59 C PKGS. Pk4,, ef 3 S:I. ving Olessai 1.00 2.11b,A 7 $ Poly Be, It 2412, A9,0 Poly Bej .11 30.66. 1.39 10 14.e., 69 Jot SHIRLEY GAY NYLONS Sizes pa ir 81A-11 TOP VALU SALAD DRESSING CLOVER LEAF SOLID WHITE TUNA . a • SHIRLEY GAY CHERRY PIE Family Size 24-oz. Pie 29 39 19' 49' 16-oz. Jar 7-oz, Tin SHIRLEY GAY (Plain, Sugar or Cinnamon) DONUTS PACKAGE OF 12 UNITED CHURCH The UCW held two unit meet- ings during the week, the evening unit Tuesday and the afternoon unit Thursday. Mrs. Robert Stutt was group leader for the former with Mrs. Edward Melanson, as- sisted by Mrs. Cecil Robb, in charge of the worship service. Mrs, Orville Jones entertained with a solo, Mrs, George Paul took the Bible study from ',The Book Nobody Knows". As a money-making project final arrangements were made for Roy Jewell's illustrated talk on Australia and New Zealand. If the Cochrane store is still available an Opportunity Sale will be held June 3 and 4. The afternoon meeting was held in the schoolroom also, Thursday afternoon. In the absence of Mrs. George Paul, Mrs. Sheridan Re- vington was in charge of the wor- ship service and also the study book, esus Christ and the Christian Life". A bale is to be packed the end of May. The Regional Rally will be held at Lieury May 11. As a Thomas Charles Benn Thomas Charles Benn 91, passed away in St. Joseph's Hos- pital London Tuesday, April 26. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Benn, Mr. Benn was born and raised on a farm just east of the village, where he farmed all his life. Mr. Benn was unmarried. He is survived by three brothers, Walter of Olds, Alta., Patrick, Toronto and Joe of Lucan, two sisters Miss Barbara of Lucan, Agnes (Mrs. M. J. Coveny) of Dover Centre. Funeral services were con- ducted Friday, April 29 at 10 am at St. Patrick's Church, Biddulph, with Rev. McQuade of St. Marys officiating owing to the illness of Rev. F. J. Bricklin. Interment was in St. Patrick's cemetery. Pallbearers included Messrs. Norman Coursey, Jack Ryan, Hugh Toohey, Gerry VanBussel, Wes Colley, and Ben Seifried. Flower bearers were Hilton Ro- berts, Wm, Brownlee, Jerry Whelihan, Ross McRoberts and Joe Nagle. Mrs. R. J. Underwood Mrs. Robert John Underwood, 82, passed away in Strathmere Lodge, Strathroy, Tuesday, April 26. Daughter, of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coursey, Mrs. Under- wood was the former, Eleanor Isabelle Coursey (the last mem- ber of a family of six). She was raised on the Coursey Road about three miles south of Lucan. She spent her married life in London. After her husband's death, in 1941, she returned to Lucan and made her home on Alice St., with her aunt, Miss Elizabeth Ryan, for about 15 years. After Miss Ryan's death she returned to Lon- don and did some practical nurs- ing. For the past three years she was a patient at S trathm e re Lodge. Mrs. Underwood has no sur- vivors, other than nieces and nephews. Rev. E. 0, Lancaster of Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, conduct- ed funeral services at the James A. Harris funeral home, London, Friday, April 29, pallbearers included Messrs Tom Coursey (Chesley), Evan Hodgins, Austin Hodgins, Harvey Hodgins, D. A. Ashworth, and Aljoe Culbert (all of Lucan). Those from a distance attend- ing the funeral were Mrs. Lorena McConnell and Kathy of Indiana, Mrs. Clarke Taylor and Allen of Harrow and Tom Coursey of Chesley, Bruce Abbott Bruce Abbott, 51, London, passed away in Victoria Hospital, London, Saturday, April 30. The body rested In the George Logan Funeral Home until 1:30 pm Tuesday, May 3, when the Rev, A. E. C, Pentland BA of Metropolitan United Church, con- ducted funeral services. Inter- ment was in Mt. Pleasant ceme- tery, Pallbearers included Messrs. Bill Kernohan, Jack Thorburn, Ray Garton, Don Abbott, Art Abbott and Art Jones. Besides his wife, the former Cora Harness, Mr. Abbott is survived by thre e daughters, Mabel (Mrs, Warren Flannigan) of London, Luella (Mrs. Larry Ditty) Lucan and Nancy (Mrs. Clare ROSS) London, three broth- ers, Clifford Abbott, RR 1 Lucan, money-making project it was de- cided to make turkey pies, ANGLICAN At the 11 o'clock Sunday ser- vice, the following young people At 3 pm Thursday, April 7 the Rev. Robert Kennedy offi- ciated at a quiet double-ring marriage ceremony in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, uniting in wedlock Patricia Aileen Watson and Edmund George R. Williams of London. The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Thos, A. Watson of Main St., Lucan and the groom is son of Mrs. Marjorie Williams of Toronto and the late Edmund George Williams. The bride chose a white im- ported Italian knit suit, woven with silver lurex thread with milan white straw picture hat, black and white accessories and white orchid corsage. Murray Abbott, Centralia, and Clayton Abbott, Paris, two sis- ters, Madeline (Mrs. Duncan Tin- dall) of Listowel, Amy (Mrs. Amy Brock) of Thorndale, also four grandchildren. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Abbott, Mr. Abbott spent his early life on a farm on con- cession 4, Biddulph about four miles north of Lucan. At the time of his death Mr. Abbott was an employee of the International Water Supply Co. He was a member of the Templer Masonic Lodge at Thorndale. Harvey Haskett Harvey Haskett, 73, formerly of RR 1 Lucan, died suddenly Monday, April 25 at his London home. He lay at rest in the C. Haskett & Son Funeral Home, Lucan, until 2 p.m. Thursday, April 28, when the Rev. E. O. Lancaster of Holy Trinity church conducted funeral services. Pall- bearers included Messrs. Harold Corbett, George Paul, Joe Has- kett, Ray Hodgins, Fred Dobbs and Bill Brownlee. Interment was in St. James Cemetery, Clande- boye. He is survived by his wife, the former Margaret Coleman, three sons, Clayton of Lambeth, Lloyd and Glen of Lucan and two grandchildren. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sam Haskett, he was born on concession 4 Biddulph about two miles north of Lucan. lie later built a new home a short dis- tance north, where his first wife the former Mabel Sceli died, 17 years ago. While on the farm he and his brother, the late Mr. Mitchell Haskett, ran a grocery store in Lucan. This was burned down in 1927, rebuilt and later rented. During World War II Mr. Has- kett worked as a fireman at the Crumlin airport and after the war he sold real estate. In 1952 he moved to London and some years later remarried. He was a member of the Lon- don ,•Golden Age Club". were confirmed, Marlene Butler, Sherry Fisher, Sandra McLellan, Ken Latta, Gloria Arenthals, Marie Cochrane, Karen Grose, Betty Park, Allan McPhee and Mrs. Marien Van Arenthals. Mrs. Douglas Shepherd of Grand Bend, as matron of honor, was her only attendant, wearing a light beige silk linen two-piece suit, a yellow flowered hat, brown accessories and yellow rose cor- sage. The best man was Mr. Douglas Shepherd. Following a wedding breakfast in London the wedding party spent the evening at the bride's home in Lucan, before spending the weekend at their cottage at Grand Bend. The couple will make their home in London. Shower for bride elect A miscellaneous shower was held last Wednesday at the home of Mr. Harold Butler Sr. and Mrs. Margaret Malot t, when some 30 relatives and friends met to honor Miss Annelies Van- der Gaag whose marriage will take place Saturday, May 14. Contests were arranged by Misses Sylvia and Kathy Cann and Linda Blanchard of Exeter. Misses Shelley Kipser and Chris- tine Cann presented the gifts to the bride-elect in a decorated basket. Miss Kathy Cann read the address. Mrs. Malott and Miss Vander Gaag were each presented with a corsage. Explorers hold regular meet The Lucan-C landeboye Ex- plorers held their 17th Expedi- tion in the UC schoolroom last Monday with 32 members and three councellors present. Julie Henderson gave her re- search on Helen Keller and Mary Mohr, on Florida. Mrs. Henderson presented gold stars to Brenda Herbert, Julie Henderson, Judy Froats, Louann Shipway, Helen Simpson, Joan Donaldson, and Nancy Young. A splendid collection of used clothing, knitting needles and wool was brought in for the bale. Mrs. Mohr read a story. Jeanette Barr and Suzanne Bradley had charge of the worship service. May 7 the Explorer rally will be held at First St. Andrew's Church, London. Music festival Mrs. Harold Sturgis, now of London, will be adjudicator for the 11th North Middlesex Music Festival at the LucanCommunity all day and evening, May 11 and 12 with a ''Concert of Stars" Friday evening May 13. Ottawa postpones some build- ing to check inflation - frank ad- mission that government spend- ing can cause inflation. Among those who attended the Roek-11 odgson wedding in the Brinsley UC were Mrs, Eldon Hodgson, Mrs. Harold Cunning- ham, Lucan and Mrs. Lila Beadle, Stratford. Mr, & Mrs. Gordon Kleinfeldt and family of Toronto attended the UC confirmation service Sun- day and were among the 15 family guests entertained by Mr. & Mrs, Harold Butler in honor of their daughter Marlene. Lucan farmers were hard hit by last Wednesday's severe sleet storm. Many were without elec- tricity, heat, water and tele- phones for days. Some managed to milk their cows by hand and then had to feed the milk to the pigs. Those who had relatives in Lucan, ate and slept in the village, Hats astray back today It all started last January at the annual warden's meeting in London when Andrew Murray of Westminster Township took home, by mistake, the hat of Harold Corbett of Lucan and next day boarded a plane for a three month holiday in South America. Meantime inFebruary, Mr. Corbett left for sunny Flor- ida-wearing the Murray hat. Later at aScottish Rite meeting at Byron, Mr, Murray, again by mistake, exchanged the Corbett hat for Roy Weir's hat. Mr. Weir on examining the only hat left, found inside the name and address of Mr. Corbett. Next day he drove to Lucan expecting to pick up his hat but Mr. Corbett had the Murray hat- well the shuffle is now over and each hat is back with its right- ful owner. Mr. Keith Dickson has returned from New York where he attended the American Management sern.. inar;Mr. & Mrs, Charles Corbett returned last Tuesday from a three week plane trip to England where they were guests of the latter's sister Mrs. Robert Coats and Dr, Coats of Woodstock, Fneland. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Graham of Chatham and Mrs. Jack CUM- mins of Toronto were Thursday guests of Mr. & Mrs, Calvin Haskett, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Murray of London were Saturday guests of Mrs. J. R. Murray. Medway students visit Ottawa Between 80 and 90 Medway 4116" and concert and stage band, left London 1:30 pm Sunday April 24 for a trip to Ottawa. They spent the night at the Lord Elgin Hotel and Monday night were billeted with Ottawa students. Monday morning the group visited the mint and toured Hull and in the afternoon the Parlia- ment Buildings, arriving at Hill- crest School about 4 pm to meet the students with whom they were to spend the night. A few went for a tour of the city before the evening dance. Tuesday morning the group entertained at the Hillcrest As- sembly and in the afternoon at the Rideau High School. At 5 pm they boarded the train for London arriving at 2 am. After what seemed a very short sleep, they caught the school bus for another day at Medway School. Medway euchre Last Monday evening, 20 mem- bers of the Medway Euchre Club closed their season with a turkey dinner at the Forester's Lodge, Granton, catered to by the Lodge ladies. At the euchre, which followed, high score prizes went to Mrs. Wilbert Stanley and Mr. Austin Hobbs; lone hand prizes to Mrs., Bertha Hanson and Mr. Elmer Summers and low score prizes to Mrs. Clarence Lewis and Mr. Cliff McRoberts, Lucan chief now at Ayr Chief Constable A. E. Cowan left Saturday to take up his new duties at Ayr with 25 year's experience. He began inIngersoll and spent several years inPalm- erston. He was three years with the Orangeville Police Depart- ment before coming to Lucan in Sept. 1961. By MRS. WM. WALTERS Mrs. Newton Clarke spent a couple of days this past week with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dobbs of Exeter. Mrs, Garnet Miners visited this past week with Mr. & Mrs. Eric Carscadden and Marion of Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. George Frayne of Sunshine Line visited Saturday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mrs. John Coward attended LOBA Grand Lodge at Hamilton this past week. A year is more than 31,000,- 000 seconds long. II IIIIIIIY111111III1f 1111111AI111111111111 1111111111l1111111111114l11{1II Lucan Personal Items l l II l71111t111lI (III Al11N71111118111,1/111111111111111111111111111111p 111111N 11111711111Ny11111HI11171711111nIns Lucan girl wed in London HOUSE OR SERVICE STATION OPEN MOTHER'S DAY 111111111461.141611.1.14161164.111111.1.41.11111•0101.111.11.111110111614.16101111141.1.11. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED GRADE A 2V2-3 lb. AVERAGE ESSEX PACKERS CHEE WEES (CHICKEN WIENERS) 1.16. Cello Pkg.., 9 FROZEN FOOD & DAIRY FEATURES DARLING'S IGA Exeter, Lucan BETTY & ART'S IGA Grand Bend 10-0Z. TINS ALL 11101 ICI1LLI OAT 'MOULIN, NI 14111RVI 1141 ILLONT TO LIMIT QUAOTIllti b NA§TuraitidiviA" fFRYING (HICK CHICKENABASKET. 451 FRYERS17.7:.7" 47c 'has or BACKS 3 390 iii3f iFiRs 491 Era or BREAST 591 951 toTYL"E ROLLS 650 iiiiiriZUSAGEI-:: 65c TOP VALU Assorted Flavours SOFT DRINKS