HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-05-05, Page 15By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE 1.6 Properly for Sale. EXETER Wartime house on corner lot. Priced to sell at $5,000.00. EXETER — Four bedroom home .on Andrew Street, Close to schools, $6,500.00. EXETER — Three bedroom storey located on corner lot. Newly decorated and we can give immediate possession. $11,500.00. EXETER — Large old home with new wiring, new furnace, new kitchen, full dining room, family room, utility room, at- tached carport, located on nice corner lot. $12,500 and we can arrange mortgaging. EXETER — Three bedroom modern home with large kitch- en, oil heat arid attached ga- rage. Enough land.available to qualify for VLA. EXETER — Two bedroom with oil heat and large garage. $6,500 EXETER — Modern three bed- room with full basement and oil heat. Log burning fireplace and wall-to-wall broadloom in living room. $2,500 down pay- ment. EXETER — T h r e e bedroom bungalow with full basement and oil heat, $10,500. EXETER — Commercial block with five apartments and store, all rented. Owner will take a $4,000 down payment and hold mortgage for balance. EXETER — Three building lots in registered subdivision. Each 65'x1251 , $2,000.00 for the bunch. EXETER — Beautiful building lot overlooking the river. $2,000. EXETER — On #4 Highway- 91 acres of land with frame house. $10,000 and vendor will hold a mortgage. FOR RENT — 0 n e bedroom heated apartment on Main St, $60.00 per month, JOHN BURKE Limited Real Estate General Insurance Mortgages Devon Building, 476 Main St. Phone 235.1863 Mlle 17 Property For Rent CREDITON— Exceptionally nice 2-bedroom apartment, available immediately, $55.00 pays every- thing. Phone 234-6301. 7tfnc 2-BEDROOM heated apartment, private entrance, Phone 262- 5080. 21:28:5c NICELY furnished steam heated apartment. Dial 235-2912, Elliot Apts., Main St. 5tfnc 2$ Auction Sales new 2-wheel trailer and many other miscellaneous items. TERMS; Cash, MRS. WILLIAM BORNE?, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 28:5c AVCTION SALE of Household Effects, Car, Piano and Misc. Item On the premises Main Street East, Con. 6 VILLAGE OF CREDITON SATURDAY, MAY 14 at 1:45 p.m. Under instructions received from the administrator we will sell the following: Piano; 4-burner electric stove; Viking refrigerator; 2 oil stove heaters; iron bed, springs and mattresses; 2 dressers; mir- rors; clocks; gas lantern; cook stove; skates; iron bed; wash stand; 3 small tables; large table; lawn mower; 2 electric irons; 4 electric radios; battery radio; china cabinet; buffet; TV stand; picture frames; gal- lon thermos jug; meat grinder; crosscut saw; lawn sprinkler; 5-gal. crock; 15" wheels and tires; 2 lawn chairs; wallpaper; roasting pan; electric tea kettle; construction cap; table lamp; end table; wash tub; large quantity of dishes; bathroom pitcher; scythes; hoes; rakes; tools; fence stretcher; garbage can; wooden box; coal oil lamp; umbrella; car jack; 2 heavy barrels; quantity of wood; trailer hitch; trunk; large horn; 17 inch Rogers Majestic TV, cabinet style; chesterfield and chair; Max- well power lawn mower; elec- tric stove; 3 electric toasters; 6-piece dinette set. 1958 Chevrolet coach in good condition. TERMS: Cash. Estate of the late Eddie Hogan Crediton, phone 234-6282 5:12c Estate AUCTION SALE of Household Effects MAIN STREET, CREDITON WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 at 1:00 p.m. Chesterfield and chair; set- tee and 2 chairs; rocking chairs; fernery; oak dining room table; buffet; 6 chairs; cherry antique bedroom suite; brown iron bed; dresser; bed- ding; pillows; springs; mat- tresses; wooden bed; numerous rugs; braided mats; electric lamps; floor lamps; book shelf; Connor washing machine; stu- dent's desk; pine table; kitchen chairs; Captain's chair; an- tique churn; folding cot; set of Melmac dishes; pedistal; ball rack; lard press; Victrola and records; books; antique chaf- fing dish; bed pillows; camp bed; wardrobe trunk; other trunks; iron kettle; camera equipment; antique dishes; elec- tric appliances; jardiniere; pic- ture frames; quilting frames & clamps; washing machine; stone jugs; crocks; sealers; carpenter tools; stepladder; bench emery; garden tools; General Electric 4-burner stove, like new; Frigidaire refrigera- tor, like new and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash, ESTATE OF THE LATE DR. LULU GAISER HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 5:12c 16 Property For Sale. BARN located at AUSABLE GOLF COURSE, 11 miles east of intersection of Highways 83 and 4, then I/2 mile south 421 x661 , in good condition, TO BE REMOVED FROM PROPERTY PHONE 235.1637 Stine C. V. PICKARD TRUST CERTIFICATES, GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES SEVERAL COMPANIES BEARING 6% INTEREST Please phone us and we will call on you at your convenience. C. V. PICKARD-REAL ESTATE 56 John St. E. Phone Res. 3c 235-0414 CALL 113 AT 1863 HENSALL — T h r e e bedroom modernized home close to Main Street, New oil furnace, new roof and siding. Owner is leav- ing. area and reduced price to $7,000.00, HENSALL — Located on # 4 Highway between Hensall and Exeter. Completely modern 4- bedroom home with large kitch- en, 2 bathrooms, full dining room, wall-to-wall broadloom in living room, large family room with log burning fireplace. All this and a good size barn and implement shed with 8 acres of land. CREDITON — Three bedroom house located on 1 acre of land in the village. Nice garden and some fruit trees. Taxes only $90.00. EXETER — Three bedroom le storey brick on Main St. Two bathrooms and oil heat. $12,900. EXETER — Newer three bed- room brick located two blocks from post office. Fireplace, oil heat, large garage and paved driveway, three rooms recently decorated. EXETER — Older home with three bedrooms on William St. Owner transferred and we can give immediate possession. Priced at $6,500.00. r ill ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1111111.111 iiiiiiiiiiii iiiii iiiiii iiiiiiiiiii !.111I1M11111 iiiiiii I iiiiiiii VIM/ JJJJJ 181111 JJJJJJ WALT-ANN'S SPRING SALE TAILORED-TO- MEASURE SUITS 55% TERYLENE, 45% WOOL COAT AND PANTS $57.50 OR IF YOU PREFER, 2 SUITS FOR $110.00 OUR GUARANTEE - Total Satisfaction or Total Refund TAILORING Main South Exeter 235-0740 111111011111M JJJJJJ JJJJJJ t11111111.11 111111111111 lllll lllll lllll 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllllllllllll 111111/11 Harold Schroeder, Dashwood; Scott's Elevator Ltd., Lucan Harvey Ratz Auto & Farm Supply, Dashwood. HOW TO FEATHER YOUR BANK ACCOUNT Feed your young flock your own home-grown grains fresh-mixed with profit-power/ National Poultry Developer Concentrate ! rich in meat inea1 protein, so it forms a perfect balance with the vegetable nutrients in the grains you supply. Whether you have your own grains or we supply them, we can custom blend the finest fresh-mix you can buy right here at the mill- using National Concentrate, of course. P. S. Ask about National's profit-proven Poultry Grower, a complete feed, plain or medicated. NATIONAL POULTRY DEVELOPER CONCENTRATE (KM A PROL;u1CT OF CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED Lacanis Gift Shop S. Radcliffe 2 27-47 92 Lucan Remember Mother May 8 Just three more days till Mothers' Day Drop in and see our grand display..4 $;A: Nan Armstrong, award-winning corn grower of Bothwell, says AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery, Trac- tor, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises 21 MILES SOUTH OF CREDITON, Yi MILE EAST WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 at 1:30 p,m, Full list will appear in next week's issue. EMMERY GAISER, Prop. WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer Crediton, phone 234-6282 5c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises 55 SIMCOE ST., East, EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MAY 7 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 1322, Town of Exeter, 55 Simcoe St., east, on which is situated a 2-storey frame dwell- ing covered with red asphalt shingles. Main floor: large sun porch, living and dining room, modern kitchen, bedroom, 3- piece bathroom and utility roam. Second floor: 3 large bedrooms with clothes closets. Full -dze basement; also small garage. Dwelling in first class state of repair, TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days, Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid if not previous- ly sold. Inspection invited. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 3- piece chesterfield suite; 2-piece chesterfield suite; daybed; din- ing room table; 12 dining room chairs; 2 leather rockers; 2 oak rockers; centre tables; end tables; antique writing desk; china cabinet; pine chest of drawers; glass cupboard; Phil- co electric radio; drop-leaf ta- ble; crokinole board; Davis sewing machine; Frigidaire re- frigerator; GE washing ma- chine; antique kitchen clock; kitchen stove; Quebec heater; annex stove; 3 wooden bed- steads, springs and mattresses; steel bed, springs & mattress; dressers; commodes; 2 com- plete toilet sets; parlor lamp; coal oil lamps; complete din- ner set; assortment glassware, silverware; antique dishes; kitchen utensils; garden and carpenter tools; vice; lawn mower; quantity chestnut coal; 23 Legal Notices NOTICE 'TO CREDIT In the Estate of John Guinan, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of John Gui- nan, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Hur- on, Labourer, who died on or about the 20th day of Septem - ber 1905, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exe- ter, Ontario, by the 21st day of May 1966, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Boll & Laughton, Solicitors for the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario 5:12:19c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Amelia Desiardine, deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of Amelia Desjardine, late of the Village of Grand Bend, in the County of Lambton, Widow, who died on or about the 19th day of February 1966, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario by the 21st day of May 1966, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario 5:12:19c 25 Auction Sales 17 Properly for Rent ONE UPSTAIR, one first floor apartment, 2 'bedrooms, fur- nished, air conditioned, avail- able now. Phone 235-2405. 5tfnc ONE-BEDROOM apartment, air conditioned, centrally located, reasonable rent, all utilities pro- vided, immediate possession. Phone 235.2234 or 235-2405. 21:28:5e UPSTAIRS apartment, 2-bed- room, stove supplied, all utili- ties paid, private entrance, west on Huron St,,available May 21. Phone 235-427 or 235- 1027. 28*tfne HOUSE — Can be used for two apartments; bathroom, frig and stove in each. Phone 235-0956 or apply 355 Marlborough St. 14tfnc 1-BEDROOM, bright, attractive upstair apartment. Private en- trance, centrally located at 315 Andrew St. Oil heated, frig and stove supplied. Phone 235-0477 mornings or evenings. nine APARTMENT, newly decorated, 3 bedrooms. Apply to Middle- ton's Drug Store, 235-1570; night 262-2510. 7tfnc BACHELOR apartment, fully furnished, centre of town, real nice, $50.00 per month. Phone 235-2912. Elliot Apts., Main St. Stine Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. APARTMENT at Shiplca„ 2 bed- rooms, kitchen and living room, basement hot and cold water. Phone 234-6277 Crediton. 28:5:12c 1-BEDROOM apartment, utilities Paid, available immediately. Phone 235-0332. 28;5* 3-ROOM cottage, oil heat, run- ning water, low rent. Carter's General Store, Clandeboye, Ont. 227-4217. 5nc UPSTAIR apartment, 2 bed- rooms, heat and hot water sup- plied. Apply 70 John St. East. Mine UPSTAIR apartment, 4 rooms, 1 bedroom, furnished or un- furnished, private entrance, available now. Main St. South, Phone 235-1207. 10tfnc 2-BEDROOM apartments, fur- nished or unfurnished, on Main St., Crediton. Private entrances, available immediately. Phone 234-6336 after 5 on week days, anytime on weekends. 16tfnc CLEAN, spacious, 2-bedroom apartment, furnished or unfur- nished, oil furnace, separate entrance. Call at 181 William St. Phone 235-0736 evenings or Saturdays. 25tfnc UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmon's Apt. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 12tfnc 18 For Renl PASTURE for young cattle. George Deelstra, 3 miles east of Centraka. 5:12c FARM, for pasture, 100 acres, on highway 81, 11 miles north of Greenway. Phone 238.2145 Grand Bend. 28:5c FLOOR SANDERS, electric — Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12: 13tfnc 19 For Sale or Rent 2-BEDROOM house, on Main St., Exeter, good yard, vacant June 1. Apply at 32 Victoria St. 5* 21 Property Wanted FOR CASH or rent, modern, brick, 3-bedroom home in Exe- ter or Grand Bend area. Apply Box 353 Meaford, Ont., or dial 538-3680. 5* 22 Notices TENDERS wanted for the job of Custodian for Exeter Sepa- rate School. List of duties can be obtained from the secretary, Mrs, C. Mitteiholtz, 235-1303, Tenders to be submitted not later than May 12, 1966. 5c "No danger of damage from ATRAZINE 65W.. it won't burn the corn or hurt adjacent crops" "What I like about Atrazine," Ivan Armstrong says, "is that it scorns to be foolproof. The only harm from an overdose is to your pocketbook—not to the cornl" Ivan Armstrong grows about 215 acres of corn, He has been twice winner of the Cash Crop Farming Corn Award at the Western Ontario Seed Fair. Atrazine is used post-emergently as an overall application. "Fiesults sire excellent," he says. "On one rented field the weeds wore so thir,k it looked like sod. One application of 4 lips. Atrazine and 1 gallon of oil completely wiped out the weeds and grasses." Atrazine controls weeds when they are small, before they rob corn plants of moisture and nourishment . , and it controls thorn all season long so that harvesting goes faster and easier. !.;tart using Atrazine this year discover how profitable corn production can be. Place your order now, Ask your dealer for an instructional leaflet on Atrazine SSW. flosapren brand of Atraime 015W is available in 5 lb. bags and fl•Intis fmrn farm supply dealers. 1l new TV of aellely MONS Fisons (Canada) Limited, 234 Eglinton Avenue East,toronto12,Ontario , l -E-1 FLAT HEELS, tie styles, colours of Riverbed, Grey HUSH PUPPIES For Corn Root Worm Control , Thimet We Supply - Aldrin — Diazinen i•••••••••=MIMPOIMIIIM, Weed Control FOR ALL FARM CROPS CORN — Atrazine, Oil, Lorox BEANS — Amiben, Eptam SUGAR BEETS — Pyramin, TCA GRAIN — 24D All Chemicals at Competitive Prices Custom Spraying With Hahn Hi-Boy — OVERALL SPRAYING — BAND SPRAYING - DIRECTED POST-EMERGENCE SPRAYING SPRAY TIPS, PUMPS, SCREENS AND OTHER PARTS AND SERVICE AVAILABLE FOR FARM SPRAYERS Interlake Chemical Services Limited Operations and Warehouse: KIPPEN VIEW FARMS KIPPEN, oNTARIO Phone 262.5058 k May 5, 1966 Pogo 15 fvl) on't accept it! Don't accept it!" Mr. & Mrs, Lee Webber at- tended the funeral Monday of the late Mrs. Cecil Smith of Credi- ton at the Hopper-Hockey funeral home Exeter, also the funeral Tuesday of the late Amos Darling. PERSONALS Mrs. Jennie Moore, mr. & Mrs, William Snow and Bob visited recently with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Smith of Bothwell, Mr. ROSS Rowe returned home Friday after haying undergone an operation in Toronto Tues- day. David Etherington returned home to Sarnia Saturday after having spent the past two weeks with his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Archie Etberington while his parents Mr. & Mrs. James Etherington were holidaying in the Carolinas. Miss iviargaret Kernick spent the weekend with Miss Pat Bauer of Mitchell. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Etherington returned to London Monday after having spent the winter months In Florida, They returned to their home in Usborne Township Tuesday. Mr. & Mrs. James Harris and family of Windsor, Mr. & Mrs. Art Harris, Ronnie and Randy of Stratford were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Harris. Mr. & Mrs. Almer Passmore and family, Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Passmore and family attended James St. SundaySchool anniver- sary Sunday and were guests with Mr. & Mrs. Frayne Parsons. Mr. & Mrs. William Cann were Sunday guests with Mr. & mrs. William Jeffery of Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. William Allison, Exeter, were Sunday evening guests of the Canns. Mrs. Gerald Bell, Douglas, Paul and Joanne of liensall spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne. The Sunday School teachers and officers held a meeting Tues- day evening last to plan about the anniversary which is to be held June 19. A Mother's Day service will be held Sunday morning at 11:15 am as a combined service in the auditorium of the church. The rite of baptism will be administ- ered at this time. Mr. & Mrs. John Selves of Ex- eter, Mr. Larry Ratz of Credi- ton, Mr. & Mrs. Lee Webber, Barbara, Marlene and Douglas, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon McCarter were guests Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bern, the occasion being the forty-eighth wedding anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. John Selves. The area of the continental shelf adjoining the earth's land masses equals the area of Africa. Treasure Chest WE CANNOT GUARANTEE • • publication of any advertising received after our deadline. Please remember display advertising must be received by 6 p.m. Monday; classifieds by 6 p.m. Tuesday. Your help is much appreciated. Contract Your Bean Acreage At E.L. MICKLE & SON LTD • QUALITY MICHIGAN AND ONTARIO • SANILAC AND SEAWAY SEED • FERTILIZER SUPPLIED • EPTAM AVAILABLE FERTILIZER We Have Bagged or Bulk Harriston Fertilizer Available at Competitive Prices SPRING SEED REGISTERED, CERTIFIED AND COMMERCIAL SPRING SEED AVAILABLE SPECIAL SEED MIXTURES AVAILABLE SEE or CALL E, 1. MICKLE St SON LTD. HeNsALL PHONE 262.2714 and Paleface. SLIP-ON styles in Riverbed and Grey. Priced at $9.95. "HUSH PUPPIES" with stacked heels slip-on & T-strap styles. HANDBAGS that match perfectly just $9.95. (We have "Hush Puppies" for the rest of the family too) il l i t tl i1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 i 11 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 E.-.- McBRINE LUGGAGE If it's just one piece or a matched sett We have a nice selection. SINGLE PIECES start as low as $9.95. • MATCHED SETS (3 piece) Blue or Ivory. $45.95. E-. SHOE SMYTH'S STORE Home of Savage Shoes for Children ilillifill1111011110111111111111111111111111111010111111111011111111161111110110111011111111111111111111111.11111111111111111R