HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-04-28, Page 10OUR THIRD THREE DAYS ONLY —THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SCHNEIDER'S MEATS Red Hots Wieners fb 490 Steak- ettes 590 Asst'd Vac Packs Cold Cuts 4/890 LUNCHEON MEAT • MAC. & CHEESE PORK & DRESSING • MEAT & CHICKEN BOLOGNA • PICKLE & PIMENTO York's Fancy — Mix & Match PEAS 15 °z• 6/ $100 CORN WHOLE KERNEL 14 oz. GREATLY REDUCED Discontinued lines of yard goods to make room for new stock TO CLEAR COUNTER SOILED LADIES AND GIRLS BLOUSES & GLOVES 500 Broken Lines EXQUISITE FORM & GOTHIC BRAS HALF PRICE Maxwell House Reg. Grind COFFEE 1 lb. bag 79 Assorted Lines of Girls' and Boys' Lewis Bread 24 oz. McCormick's — Weston's — Christie's CRACKERS CLOTHING 5/94k 11b.374 REDUCED TO CLEAR AT Low, Low Prices Tasty-Nu Bakery reg. 35.* BUTTER TARTS Oatmeal, Chocolate Chip & Fruit Bar COOKIES CHERRY PIE Reg. 300 2 Pkgs. 57C 2 pkgs. 49t 45t LIMITED OFFER FENCER BATTERIES NO DEALERS 3.59 SHIRLEY BRAID DASHWOOD AND RON PHONE: 3W Ar.afigit,Age.tiabeft,..zAtiNtAiltl*SuAh Telephone 238-2481 Grand Bend London Conference theme of new stamp treicher, president of the local group, Mrs, Merrill James, Mrs. Kenneth McCra e, MrS. Hugh Mrs. Ross Guenther, and Mrs. Gordon Bender, ROLE OF WOMEN IN MINISTRY The quarterly meeting of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League was held with the presi- dent Mrs, Wm. Getz presiding. Rev, Gatz took as his topic, "Preparing for the Ministry". This showed the role of women In the Christian ministry. Mrs. Albert Miller was nom- inated as president for one year. The ladies rolled bandages. Clothes for men and children are still needed, Used devotion books and Sunday School material are also acceptable. The meeting closed with devotions, Queen Victoria March 29, 1867. The London Conference stamp has been steel line intaglio en- graved by the Canadian Bank Note Company, Ottawa, whose fa- cilities will be used to procince twenty-four million of the issue. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY A surprise birthday party was held for Mrs. A. Paul Ducharme at her home in Hay Township Saturday evening. Present be- sides her husband was her four sons and ten daughters. Two daughters were unable to be pre- sent, The evening was spent in danc- ing followed by lunch. Mrs. Du- charme was presented with a gift by her family. CHILDREN BAPTIZED Peter Lloyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller was baptized in Zion Lutheran church with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Miller sponsors. Barbara Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rader was also baptized with Mr. and Mrs. John Rader sponsors. Rev. Wm. Gatz officiated. The London Conference con- vened in the British Capital on the 4th December, 1866, third and final major assembly leading to Confederation, will be commem- orated by the Canada Post Office with a postage stamp to be issued on may 26, 1966, Postmaster General Jean-Pierre CBte' an- nouced today. Of the five-cent denomination, the stamp will be horizontal in format and produced in tones of brown. Prominent in the design are delegates who, at the historic event one hundred years ago, in- cluded John A. Macdonald, Geo- rges Etienne Cartier, Charles Tupper and Samuel Leonard Til- ley, all eventually knighted for services to their country. To the left the stamp pictures the House of Commons area skyline on the far side of the River Thames in London. Weeks of negotiations at the London Conference resulted in final agreement on the British North America Act, later to be approved by the British Govern- ment and given Royal Assent by Area men discuss Centennial plan Ideas for celebrating the 100th birthday of Confederation in 1967 will be exchanged by Centennial planners in the Goderich area at, the Centennial Spring Regional Workshop, to be held May 5 at The Harbour Light Inn. About 100 men and womenpro- minent in Centennial planning in the area have been invited by the Ontario Centennial Planning Branch, Department of Tourism and Information, to participate. Two carloads from Exeter will be in attendance, They will attend sessions at which many aspects of Centennial activities — national, provincial and local — will be discussed. The emphasis, however, will be placed on the programs of in- dividual communities, how they can be expanded, and how prob- lems can be solved. Films and slides illustrating developments in Ontario cities, towns and villages will be shown as part of the 5-hour program, Taking part in the program will be Jack A. Brockie, director of the Ontario Centennial Plan- ning Branch, and other members of the branch. Among subjects to be discuss- ed will be local visits of Con- federation Trains and Confeder- ation Caravans, armed forces ceremonials, athletic programs, community beautification, church participation, community cele- brations, and school programs. An Exeter welcome Mayor Jack Delbridge extends greetings to Butch and Pat Little of Grelton, Ohio, at the SWOSDA jamboree at the Legion Hall Saturday while Bob Mackie of the Exeter Promenader executive looks on. Butch was the guest caller for the big wind-up square dancing Saturday evening. --T-A photo ATTEND RALLY Sunday afternoon the Dashwood Youth Fellowship of the Evan- gelical UB church joined with the youth of the Stratford District for the Spring Rally at Tavistock, Miss Norma Weigand is secre- tary, A program of discussion and a film ((Africa on the Bridge" was shown. Supper was served by Tavis- tock church. ATTENDING CONVENTION Six women from the Evangeli- cal UB church are attending the convention of the Women's So- ciety of World Service at Palmer Rapids, namely, Mrs. Carl Oes- PERSONALS Miss Edna Willert of Mitchell spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Miller and family. A number of ladies from Zion Lutheran church LWML attended the Zone Rally at Wartburg April 19. Mrs. Darlene Schneider, wife of Rev. Delwin Schneider, mis- sionaries home on furlough from the Philippines was guest speak- er. Roy Rader's name was missed among those who journeyed to Ann Arbour last week. Mr. & Mrs. John Pattison and family of Wingham visited with the latter's father, Mr. Sim Wil- lert Sunday. Visitors during the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Miller were Mr. & Mrs. Ken Clarke of Dresden and Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Stade and Sherrie. Mrs. Nellie Hughes returned to Windsor after spending five weeks with her sister, Mrs. Hil- ton Ford. Mrs. Rudolph Miller is a pa- tient In South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mr. Wes Ford and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Vic Wheeler of Neilburg, Sask. spent two weeks with his brother and wife, Mr. & Mrs. Hilton Ford. Mr. Ford had not been to Ontario for fifty years. Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Hilton Ford were Mrs. Rose Ford and Mr. Dan Hall of Detroit, Mich. Fibrinogen is a blood product made from blood plasma. It is one of the clotting factors in the bloodstream. A transfusion of fibrinogen is often needed in cases of uncontrollable bleeding such as haemorrhage during or following childbirth. Will investigate pay changes Changes, particularly taking into account ((extraordinary skills" are likely when a review of armed services' pay is made in October, Defence Minister Hellyer says. The federal government is making a major review of service pay structure and this is impor- tant because the old system ((seems no longer to be suitable," Mr. Hellyer told a press con- ference Saturday. The defence minister said that in some of the highly-skilled trades ((competition in the civil- ian economy is well beyond our reach." "If we are going to keep these people in the forces we are going to have to adjust our pay structure to provide a satisfac- tory level for them." MARK DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY A number of relatives and friends called on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker of Grand Bend Sunday on the occasion of their diamond wedding anniversary which was held at the borne of their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd F ahn- er and Mr. Fahner of Dashwood. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hutchinson spent the weekend with relatives in Grand Rapids. The ladies of the United Church held a successful bazaar and tea last Friday. The May meeting of the UCW will be held in the church Wednesday, May 4, when Mrs. G. Beecroft of Belgrave, the president of Huron Presby- tery UCW will be the guest speak- er. Other neighbouring UC Ws will be guests. Mr, & Mrs. Bill Baker and family of Hensall and Mr. & Mrs. Ron Turner and family visited Sunday with Mr. Lisle Woodburn and Bill. Baptismal service was held in the United Church Sunday when, Mark Steven, son of Mr. & Mrs. Earl Steeper, was baptized. Mr. Ervine Eggert had a sale Saturday. They have bought a house in Exeter and intend to move there later on, having sold their farm to Mr. Carman Wood- burn. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Merner and baby of Toronto are spending the summer with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Eagleson. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hodge of De- troit spent the weekend with Mrs. Albert Pollock. CORN GROWERS for the new fully-proven CORNTROL 862 OIL recommended for 1966 by the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture call CLIFF RUSSELL R.R. 2 Dashwood, Ont. for: • PRODUCTS • SERVICE • ADVICE When you call your Imperial Esso Agent, you call on the total resources of Imperial Oil Elanco—the company that shares its experience with you Elerlee Produete Divition of Eli Lilly and Company (Canada) Limited Scarborough, Ontario, Contact your Shamrock Technical Rep:)tesentotive London "Excellent control of both grasses and broad- leafs.- That's the comment of many large, successful growers of soybean and fieldbean crops. Treflan stops weeds before they start to grow by killing the weed seed as it germinates. The result, you get greater yielding crops be- cause there's more nutrients, moisture and light for your crops; less time-consuming harvesting stoppages caused by weeds ; and more efficient use of fertilizer. For dependable weed control that helps you make more profit— contact Shamrock Chemicals Limited, London, Ontario, your exclusive Elanco distributor. Now you can't see a weed for the beans with E.C. (trifluralin, Elanco) Phone 438.5652 By MRS. ERVIN RADER LONOON LONFLUNLE umirtHiNct LONORLS L. 1866 11. Times-Advocate, April 2$. 1966