HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-07-09, Page 24 Oso, Lahr e►
It may rove te
Winos Or. Lea haft his boa queries on
the Mapple_wsk mord penetrated into
eypa tK rlblflrza • 11Wr'yy moove -
cams, that the ad was a bold if not an
toprodest wag._ llnitcd with a long
emir of vier..i Gia arm felt capable
edwaeHil g tansnsMl elives d dlebl. which
'right' eentimia..petltr.ampsetalip•-rla-A►a
army of the Polemic was mesideeed too
teach demoralised to offer more than a
feeble reaistaece. But recent tamale prove
thatthle step was fraught with danger.-
Loatali the offepsive, left his base of
supplies, marched into the enemy's °Pear
try, sad depood.,d uptea hie owe vast
pommies wield avory ciroumstsaoe to ad-
vsing.e In o.0 humble opiwiou he .wade
a mistake in disdaining the power of his
t.ppooe.ts-a titititake which Wellington
end Napukwn. borer{ always careful to
*amid. Repaired be nay have bre; but
Pae ars not prepared le swallow the whole
4 the etnr7 by any myna, arra when the
troth leaks out, it may be found that the
Philadelphia mea have been at their oto
work of exalt oration. Iu foot, after reit
witting the story of Lee's defeat with ■
le. d 20,000 primeness, the despatches as
we road them In Buffalo wound up with
the aaneanocweut that a " report'. wes in
.ireulatien to thatcAuct,and it was plainly
hinted that feller eosirmation was Doom
terry befbel full credasee eaald be given to
the tura The general remark at the
treats of Buffalo was that it " was glorious
:actor -if true." Lees rupulae, or partial
npalae, nppeera to be true, but we must
- wait a day we two before we will be able
to understand the real nature of the dis-
aster. Tho Federals acknowledge an
awful loss of nim and officers, and from
the fact that Meade could not follow up
whatever .ueoos he may have gained, it is
,:nty reasonable to suppose that he was
hut too glad to be left alone in his glory.
Ws call the Clinton Courier to order. It
professes to reflect Northern sentiment
aithie its little sphere) and yet in He
rue of haat week it is guilty of rank,
bloodcurdling disloyalty to its beet friends.
'think of it, the Courier actually says :
'• theissh.cilets ateWashiagton having jnst
performed another of those acts for which
they have become so notorious," i. e., the
dieRraoe of Hooker and Aunties of Meade.
Now, Mr. Lincoln takes avert' active part
in all the operations or the war depart-
epartrant, and consequently, is coo of the
Courier's imbeciles. If an imbecile, his
acts must partake of stupidity, and the
Clintae C,ourier,according to Wheatly, is
guilty of the weakest kind of imbecility in
eode•vosiag to support its imbecile au-
thorities at Washington. Among the bad
effects such outrageous disloyalty may
produce, is the pain it would carry to the
feelings of Irishmen and Canadians enlist-
ed into ruche Sam's army, who are solemn-
ly sworn to support all the authorities
placed over them, from the President
downwards, eves ,rgrrnat all die power of
t' eat Britain and Ireland and Primer.
It would be well fir the (Crier to brush
up its loyalty a L:tlo before it attempts to
convince the Signal that it • is desirable to
throw up its heifer the government of the
" iabeeiles." If oar onntetnpnrary has
any frietr'ls who think there is wane little
spark of c mime sanee is Old Abe and hie
cabinet, they Mould apply the brakes at
onoc, else there'll bo what ho would oall
" a Lentil bustin' up !•'
Magetaas. for July.
Hausa, whisk bat been landed to w by
Me. Moorhi ., akenping ■p iu name nobly
r a tiveiy, interesting, and *meting medium
between the "light " and "heavy" of Amer -
lean literature. Tho engravin;rs are really
besetifal, and the reediag,nutter both varied
and entertainins. For sale at this office.
Goose is out in all the glory of Summer,
Poll -blown and enticing. We recommend the
Jely neraher to our Indy friends. as we are
sure they will find tench in it calculated to
charm them. For'ale here.
The Atlantic Monthly for July has
reached us. This eemmetees the twelfth
edema and contains such a list of onntents
se will entrtle it to marked consideration.
Nathaniel Hawthorne eootributes for it
"Outside Glmtpno of English Poverty."
Oliver Wendell Holmes has written for it
" Iklims of the Suaboam." Robert Owen
disensime• The Claims to Rerrhte or Le-
bor." Professor Agawix offers another
rbiwewt"paper, nn " The flrowth of Cee.
thews." And many ether articles of
equal value with the above are included iu
the preen& neater. The Nagssine is
p.Mused by lfesars. Ticknor and Fields
:. Into.
'her sa w!. T
°four pang awe are
Federal service, and milt
ple symp•tbisiug keeaaly with Yr. Lineola
1- -ilea,-mole..
from Ooderieb and other parts of Canada
are ready to vouch for the correetucr of
oar .tate...&
Made by IIcr M esty's
'thj the United !cines fi# IIurod d
w «
:jos deotitham, 19114.
71imr memos jot, or ar arl n lateen delad ttes► JP
maitreand JosueI teian
owe Timmer whoa
war We us glad to bear that a new
Mwaa►tpat the point °solemnly knows e.
the llig Rills. Mr. Robert Porter will be
the Peat tester,and the office ii celled l'or'-
.r'a Hill. It is proposed to he served semi-
weekly as soon as arrangements can be
made. 'Meantime it will be supplied from
Clinton every Saturday. This will be a
great convenience to the people of the
Tua LO.vozsT WHEAT KT.t LK TIT .-
Mr. Stewart McDougall, of the township
erf Stauley, hes seet as a smile stalk from
a large held of Fall Wheat. From the
rout to the top of head, this immense els.
measures sir feet six iscaas, and it is, we
are told, a very fair average of the whole
Gall. We hope these samples are tokens
of a determination on the part of all our
country subscribers to pay 114 fur the
Siymal coon after harvest.
DoT' Since writing the above we have
received a sample from an la acre field of
Fall wheat on the farm of John Cox, 6th
con., Goderich township, the stems of
which are longer still by at least two
inches. Old farmers declare that in all
their experience they never such a
crop. Surely our harvest peed aro
jGen. Longstreet has nut been kil-
led as reported. He was ally taken pris-
liar Mrs. Massey has succeeded in get-
ting a Bill of Divorce agaiusk her recreant
and guilty husband. She will Is: well rid
of the rascal.
Tis LATEST Joist. -The new organ
of Tom Daly, atatinp in its prospectus that
its mission ha to " elevate the public press
of the l'rovince.'• IIail, mew -burn, light I
with joy we greet thee!
CROPS IN Usborne.-The crops in
thea Township look remarkably well, sel-
dom if ever have we seen a more promis-
ing appearance then at the prexnt time -
it is pleasing to take a drive fur several
milts in a morning and view the extensive
6elde moving with the morning breeze,
and the dewdrops hanging like pearls on
the blades glittering and daneiug before
the rising san,dispLeying all the magnificent
colon of the rainbow. WVhcat, Oats,
Peas, Harley, Potatoes and Hay hare all
the same promising appearance, in fact we
have not heard a single grumbler up to
the present time, and to judge from pre-
ro-sent appearances there will be plenty for
both man and beast the coming winter. -
In the fruit line the same prospcett are
ahead -the yield of currauts is perfectly
enormous. In the Apple, Plum and
Cherry line the egme plentcousnens pre-
vails, all betokening a good time cotaiag.
Tars WHAT NAT. - Thao vermis
that created such an ezcitemint all ofar
the country last year, and not without
mune, have again made their appearance;
in oar midst, they can be seen on the hay
and on the grain, although they aro not
plenty as yet, having made their appear-
ance .n early, we may soon expect them in
shoals; and the excitement will doubtieta
soon become general. It is a pity that we
should be visited by them this season
again, for it is beyond a shadow of n doubt
that they did an immense injury to the
crept last year. '
I'a(waxss us CABORNE.-Dcspite the
hard throes the wheels of ("ogress are still
moving along in this Township large frame
barns aro beim erected on every conces-
sion, and numerous agents ore busy at-
tending to their part of the ba inexs, the
first habitations are likewise fiat disap-
pearing, and neat frame and brick houses
aro hiking the places of the back -wood's
shanty. la fact, we have anis) briek
houses in course of erection th ;t will com-
pare favorably with any in the County. -
And tike .a altogether as a Township, I
doubt if A more progressive one: eau be
found west of Toronto.
TsrraaANez.-Thio gewtrl cruse has a
firm footing in our midst., which will no -
count f it prosperity; in a goal many oases
wo ton often find drunkennefe the curate of
new muniments till a great many get in
volved blood extrication, and have to moll
ort and again encounter the trills and
ofi ii0oo ; and with Ilarper's can be oto- i nigh ire of the backwoods. Neill lag is
Wised alt ibis ease.
ere -
More Horse 5t.aing.
more earential to the prosperity of • aelale-
men than to have a tewtperanee people.
Oce of theme Aoonndrofly borne thieves the rut month it hats been a time of font.
who ars an bushy rgagaa jnst now plying ing --not ■ weak paver without ono or
their Ade in different parts of the prov- perhup two of •h°rm da.otbtratiewrt, fte
the be,e0l of $aaday 8ebeeh, or Orwd
i. e5itc1c 1 spiea4id span of horses from
Ids. iIAi.1; ineheeper of Durham, Can of
ANS, ee Taedey feat, old " sheared " ibr
the Ooaatty of Bt aee,where he was traced,
ea from rare into Hereu, the reseal
him* paned t rum+ Aintnn on Weiler.
illg eight AM, pow sof Constables is
und the telegraph at work,
iiii,Mthly pore to be nabbed.
der well to keep a sharp
flgrlar F 6lratel7
*jt1TIrD.-4a Friday last the
egp.restly abent 10 yeas
bee/ •i Oederileh huber,
bteagl4 ib the surface by the
Mrm.er'" wheel. An ip.set
pe dmaraid M iniwd to
gitelbersol er the Nees*.
Will law balk
Templar's Halle. There are eight or ten
Iottrisbiag Suadsy Mere is this Tows -
ship, together with eight Ledges of Heed
Tempfua. And tale a altogether, mon
elle, physically and spiritually, we are in
a very fair oeaditiiw,.
Lona AJte 8WC[DR. - Thia scram
which Inn often preens .o diameters se
many of the human family has wain eats'
ed vita an q.itrr.at en oar bo iesar-
A flea young toy i• Rater k.o made
the roma etter•pt to soots% Sahebs
widths the pari 2 weeks ries Ind erismpt
was by drimitng iwdaute, fres the lien
of wiieh partial hnneity ensued, est
tram tldlli she wee sot quite re.
erred w116. clic alienated to throw bow
malt f.lb a wupr bat was happily eraght in
the sot betre she took Ur motel leap. -
Nana al Pse ateaM
Dixie Watteau
Archiba'd Chisholm mama
Near V Defy ase.
'r Crabb
Mary McBride ........ MargaretCureuck ....
Alex 91,1E Rellaoe klexander Wallace ....
dreh Cot:knew Franca Manuel
'eorge Mauuel
A'exuder Cochrane ... George Manuel
Arch Co.hruue Francis !Comet ,
Henry Brows
Richard Rivera
Henry Iturneide
John Matthews
Mrs Mary McIntosh .
Bernard Trainer
John Fry
James Srnein
Nrar• slaw/.
Assault ............
Assault ............
Matador injury to
art .. , . gismo,
Assault ........ i
Assault ..........
surge Jost mama Assault ••-•••••••••"
te'.. ......
*melt 30..) olama•,..
`""•'.••..•+--may 1
ohn Shennan ...
Henry Bete; ...
George Wilson
ohn Donoghue........
trcb McLean
Disposing of Liquor on
lido Sabbath
. Aanau. t
Breaking a Waggon:....
kMl'oll mama
Richard Walters
Jamea Susi!! Allan Nickson
Matthew ftadwea m a m a
Alex McLellan
Alex McLellan
Ale tender Merman ...
Henry Web
George Knight
Charles SicKni±ht
Alexander Boyd
Jamas Smell
Jams Adanson
It H+slattern
lie-nard Trainer
W rnerd Trainer
Edward Peekett
James Sullivan
William Core
William Ard
John Ju.lin
William Clark
Sarah Middleton
David Ihekersou
Isaac Jackson
John Stepp
John I'ekett
IMunld McLean
Thomas Woods
Martha McClure
Lachlan McLean
Ilex McLean - - - .
Alex McLellan
E:ugeuo Itelair
krtlmr Stewart
Auguatue Kleiner
James Scott mama. .
Mary Aran Plummer - •IV•E *ncyd dderl
Alex Mcliriau !Drank iwry
Alex Beatty lhankeeeeas
John Burke mama.. lh•nkenneru
Michael KellyDesaltand Vagrancy
John McMillan
Drunk and disorderly
4prtl 4
era 14
. g ILO' SieF )>rtj 00
V 'dD*tl i lliq
V Direr R i,pam
H 1 O'Cw iva'Eaq
heit'r Call Bog
Purvis Esq le ays is Oast
W sad swats Tea days
O6 and sob FTS►
aril 10 .•..
y 11, idea..
el 1, 1863...
Ina 12
A1ri1 38
Drunk • -.- y 6
Petty larceny ........ .y 16
Arnault and battery mama . poll 17
Assault and battery .... April 17
Sell'g lite r without license y 7 mama, . •
Falliag liquor a ithout Ii ay 13
Wages May 16
Assault and battery - ... , 14.
Assault and battery .... May 6
May 26
ay 21
ay 21
May 26
wae*ea ......mama March 4 ... . .
John Johnson mama .-
Robert Ferguson .. DNA sad fi 1°'dedy
Andrew Whiteford - .... Ragas
Thomas Tune Paasiug toll gate in
Asaau: t .. - . .. .
Selling unwholesome
Drunk sod disorderly ...
,ohn Alexander mama. -Assort
William Core Alma-
ialward Monoghan Assault
William Mclean Aasadt sed battery • • a.
Arcb'd McNeil mama.
John Middleton
William Kelly
Thoma Denise
Jasper rasher os Fitraimmotu
Jas's Sustain homes Kneeahaw ..
W I: Gooding .-----I
W F Gooding John Webster mama..
Elias Smith
Elias Smith
Map Lovell
George 11 Murdoch
Edward Gee
James Orr mama...
John McLeod mama..
Margaret Griffin
. , Henry Campbell
........ Nelsoo goes mama
James Taylor
William Fisher
William Hestia
Jaence Watson
James Lack
John Whitfield
John Whitfield Harriet Cox
William lahmt
Drunk. and disorderly
• iAman't
Edelen' Ward
Ralph Kilpainrk Paul Hes
William Tailor 'SIrw.rt Smith
✓ Nicholas D,.yla John Bidwell
Jame. Smu.l James 1'tgg
Mnnl rh Mrlvor ..., .. Adam Rhues •
Mary McBrnk .
arch 25
Aril 9
May 9
y 16
May 30
May 30
ay 30
May 0
y 27
ay 29
sue 2
tine 3
i)jlhractful conduct . April 8
Breaking windows 8
Assault aid battery y 29
Malicious injury to pre.
Coterie and removing March 9
rail timber
°lawfully A maliekteslyMay 29
damaging a dwelling
rnag Liquor without 29
er,..ly uewhing Lampasas. May If
l:rwly.naultidg language. May la
May 28
April 31
-Ware+ April a
Allowing perm'.losnthrw'uApoi
,is farm eo ..,,,,1 pay,ag add
'Break .nal ,len February' t6 • . • •
&-wag him.., qua E.10rt 2, I9et • .. •
34h .J, -toter
..:•pal ........... • Feb'y 25, IMO...
Merck ••••
ar#anA l.umakey ...Awult . .
Alexandre MeK Waimea 1Akaandee Nasmyth ... Assault•
Arch Chisholm
William Gooding.
Alexander Cariboo mama
71 nm.n MrC.guw . ... .
James Lot* • .......
Thomas Shaw
tiaras aad 8pod ......
Matthew Mathews :. ."plonk
Wa:kcr Anderson •... Atasuit
. Hector M• -Kay • Anoult ......... •
. Peter Caumpl.11 mama Ending toll
Role W Conway .•mama
James (lombea
Joseph W.h.oa
Henry f: tinniest= . • . •
Rtehanl (:arbse.
Welborn 11 ave
Joseph Laing
John Kennedy • . • • • •
licary Smith
Bernard Kean
Henry ‘:oak
Wiliam Neville
rl...rer Seale
Ales Mil:reight
Thomas Parker
Jabot, H'vnne
William Wynne
Edward Pollock
Eaten Coulter
Asmuh . m
Evading Tel . • .a ..... •
mamaAn.anit and b.lnei1 I
.'.amu and hatter • • .
Aren't • • •
Thee,temng to shed • • •
Donald McKersie William .9hiplay ...
Thoma. Cala Donald Lemma
Eliza Normo John Wood.
H'dham r -Bowie B•rlliam Mahan.
Allis Wetland ... John Ritchie mama ... .
Thomas Nash JMtn Rale
John Alexander. Jul • Step ..
Andrea Ooral•ok ..•• J Me•hn.i......
John Tenni..'IR den Outhne .
adde► ......Maar Steward .
D.gci.n. Ormond ... Richard nn sun
Lahti Shen John Whaley ....... :
The Queen w. [Ebonies FdwLmmon..
Aawalt and treasured t*
5.•enlug to Tay Waaw • .
171ee Iangu pgee
Ari,-len. /the Pres . • • •
Dna killing sheep •• • •• • •
Assault and resew
5 a viug Maser ••••••
I Waite* •
IThrathem.e l*.$ ap.
s.laein'g Promissory Nuts
Asmelt and berry. . • •
March 118 • .. .
Jews 6
Maw 10
March 7
March25 mama
April Y, .. • • • .
M.y b •
tsar H
Js.sary m .. • •
February R • • •
May le .. •..
hays ... ••
J ace 1
.arch M
why 16
kreMay 26
May 16
Jesse 15
Jose 11
Certified to be • true Copy of all the Lista of
of Huron and hese.
Othrw of the Clark ni the Peery,
Ooderich, 18th June, 1+,43.
ConvictiNt wbirh gma
Disappointment is arargned as the sole
cease ofher eelamitieaa. We do not deem
it pendent at present to enter into the
de8ili.0f the case, thnngh at Acme future
time we may fureiah the reader of the
Sirs! with a tele of " truth stranger
than boos." In the mean time we toy
to Tsang Wira, beware!
Ma W. Yana. -A student of Knox's
College is as pressor preaching ft the
Therm Read, Presbyterian Church, hieh
b at preens% vmemet. He is a young men
of great premium, shad we grabs wises
hie antese h en.pl.nd if he will hero hie
equal amwsg canadiaa Ions eats. Daring
his May assonan as he has aided every
gond star ' Prayer ileesitls , BIM. Chs,
Sunday 'Athol "ad Temporaries Wien
he .pale Maw as far kis Aso & As
Our•gs be se have bony warm hien&
and w.1 -,Miers, wee Al be hippy at•
ways he hear of his pa.rtwity.
AN bared ten (tMta Ihr a thle/ fart
ens edam ions away gotta Seen --
wee h As 6Hit+. of Mid maw Mae
►w, hal M his any bums dolor of W hems
pave oat, and se it Mlppmemd Gore was
one fealine by the wayside, wkirh is
thought would answer his rupees ie ad-
ing him home , tri, wilhcwt thinking
much about what he wee doing, hs elPlul
the harems off his own on. anti harried
the stranger and went on his way sejaim-
mg. Next day he intended to Mora w
animal and render an apttbgy, and
sante the owner, if he weld lad his i
but wrunrhing prove hof kin flora *Ill '
ing the animal en thebye "IIwhat was his surprises till. - dig 1611"w
ing In find a remstable at lkb daft wii a
warrant for his armre lie thread wid'
Sia frayed ►red took the eltilh.t i belt *i•
friend pelied] derasded $I0 11.4416_t.
asitir And dire it awe w11""'""
Doabtlew le will learn wisdom Ur'
POLITIea In Lvasn•11 -Al M
hen, ewer the ..nal asipowsM
hon the plasm where et10dllirlmme !ale'
lag. Hisisettn O.aservdlvas old 'e
en rem alike pleased wig OP
reprartis. Tk6 rastalt iIf.IM.
eMeti.n irk every IiiC!'" ' Biwa
15.k it is withata •
ohm Parris Esq
Min Purvis Fite
Michael Farber Fiq
D Pmraill B4
Michael Fisher Fag ...
D Passel Esq
hires D Pereill Eaq
Mina. Y og Esq ..
Aleut Amstedfag
ohs T Naftd Esq ... .
J V Dealer Kee•
:ohms Gibber Kcq
C Crabb Faq
C Gameron Fite ... .
C Cameros Bsq ....
V Donor Iraq
H Horton 1719.
M C Cameron Faq ....
F B Brown Fog ...
Alas Oihaom Fite
McLellam Fig ..
Donald McLellaa Esq
Donald McLellan Esq
Fred'k Knell &q
William Case Eq
William Case Faq
Caster Willis Fie
WmHRubyE.q ....$6.00
Arcb'd Roy E+q :.00
Two wee&
Forthwith -
20 00 pen 10
I sad toad mama Forthwith
50 coals Forthwith
2 and sods IMay 13
N e Forthwith
lmpris'nm't inCom'a Oaol
for 50 days at hard labor
$5.00 and costa ... .
.00 and arts
$5.00 and cents
00 and costs
50 Wages; 2.45 costs
Christopher C Fig
Chriatophtr Crsbb Fig
Christopher Crabb Esq
Christopher Crabb Eaq
Christopher Crabb Esq
Frederick Wilson Eu .
Jeaeph.Whitehead Esq
Frederick Wilson Esq..
Joseph Whitehead Fite
Joseph Whitehead Faq..
Joseph Whitehead Fist
Joseph Whitehead Esq:
Joe Whitehead Esq
Joseph Whitehead Esq
Jos Whitehead Esq ..
Joseph Whitehead Esq
Isaac Battenbury Faq
Joseph Whitehead Eaq..
Joseph Whttebead Fly
Joseph Whitehead Esq
Jae Torrance Esq m a m a
George Cox Esq
William Piperq
Chrietpber Crabb kiq ..
H. Horton F q
Christ'r Crabb E'aq m a m a
Rubt Gibbons Eel mama
M C Campbell Esq
M C Cameron Pal .. .
Boat Gibbons F:u1
Thomas Adair Esq
Thom' Adair FAR ..
W illiam Mallow Esq ..
Wm Reid Eel
John Logan Faq
John Purvis Esq
Das id Chu k Let
One month in Gaol
81.00 ...
Joseph Whitehead Esq.
Thom Holmes Esq
Chriat'r Corbett Egg
John McRae Fig
John Leckie Fiq 86.00 ...... . •.•. Jame 9
P McDonald Faq
Choir* Burrows P..q$1.00 fine; h_50 eo.Y ... Jane 1
Charles Burrow, Ery • . • bt.so flee; 5.10 was ... isms 1
81.00 and costa
11.00 and costs
o Tse.Ne -oke.
Trews/or .
Township Tre•wner
Township Treasurer
owaship Trerrsaer
Prow -atm
Paid to Constable
E4ght dap
One week
May 12
Three days
Twenty-one days
Twenty-ooa dap
1.00 and cost
d 00 and coats
.00 and costs nevem days
1.00 Ftxthwiti
-„-IOnt week
and coats
and costs
and cot
and coats
1.00 and costs
82.00 and Costs
$2.00 damages and cosh
1 for timber -El for
810 tine -67.05 eat...
Forthwith ....
Ten days
Teo days
Six dap
June 26
Tweaty days
Jon* 4
Caron Wins Err ...
William Case Esq
Color Willis ...... $1.00
M C 'acoon rn' Esq • .. $2.07
Hugh Juhnlon Esq .... $1.00 and mots ....
1lonee Horton EN
M 0 t'ar.en' Lori
H 11 O'Couw"r Faq
J V Detlor Esti
as 0 Cameron Ep
J V Dolor sq
H 5 O'Con..w Err
V Unlit, Esq
John V Dello, Earl
M C Cameron Err r
C Cobb Eaq
M t: Cameron Ear .. .
J V Drum Eaq
Peter Ramsay EN ... .
PB Brown En: mama..
Phoma, Holmes Ess ....
Joseph Whitehead FN
C Corbett Faq
Mn row Esq
W Wilson Esq
Tboma. Holmes Esq
Joha McRae
Thomas Holmes
Joseph Whitehead
Thomas Holmes Fay . - . .
John McRer Ewe
William Wilson Esq .:. $1.00
William Wawa Esq . $1.00
Janos T Conaway F
Malcolm McPherea. boa.. $2.00
William Remelt Esq $6.00
Wdhan, Ronal' Fite . Am
Malcolm McPbeeaoa EN
Alex McCook Fite ......
Jobe McLo Fiiq
William Millar Lee .... $4.00
William Rgnon Eaq
William 8atr.m Faq .... $10.110
Robert Hays Eaq ....... $1.00
Robert Hays Faq
Hobert Hap Keil 61.00
Robert Hays Err
Robert Hays Faq IAO
Robert IIsyy*. E*l.... 05 00
Robert Thaws Odle E' - mamaex9l.tR
Thomas Oidlry F .•..
Wil am Mallorgra Esq. .
Court of Quaver Sermon. .
3115 ani cost, mama
1.00 and cwt m a m a
20 emu* .• m a m a
m a m a 10 C.Dte a
before any Justice or Justices,
Pad down
Paid down
we Tnae.srer
County Treasurer ...
County Treasurer
ty Tasw,r
Complainer Paid forthwith.
Wawano.h Township
County Treasurer (Fine not paid.
C.wtuiiquii bust 7elibi .3CD 1 .W
I. Itil -'i ./(1. 51:17 ')nate
let psY.
M de!• la Gael.
lS drys is Gaol.
.; 7li4`x
Balite 1191 1
• .-Iv...,.:,.t .•r 6,4 .1
.g his. t ••rA an&
.sur.n:a . .,.taro .1
•. r •Aft sq ail
Ming his bra
f sot paid, tweety ors days is Gael.
If mot pad, tee.ty one days is Orel
mot pair twenty days is Geol.
UsherU.Cos. Stat. C., Ci. 166, Trial of *s-
ada oelsedsre,
et yet paid.
f not pais, 8 days a Gad.
Defe hat abrooded, iso property to &Amis.
Or tea Lys in Gaol.
Or Ns days is Gaol.
Or tee dols in Gad.
Or tea drays in Gaol.
Not paid Seat to Gaol 21 da
Not yet pys.
aid ---more time groes,
Booed ever to keep the Peace.
Hord over to beep t1e Prue.
NM yet
Sent to Osol 20 days.
Not yet paid.
Ordered for trial at next Quarter Series.
n default ten days in Gad.
default tea dap is Gael.
la default len tip as Geol.
Not paid. Warraat
Not paid. Warrant
Forthwith mama
Twu,weels .
Forthwith mama
Thirty dap ....
Apr? 25
Forthwith ......
Forthwith mama. .
Tea days ......
February re....
Forthwith ......
Thirty dare ....
Porthwwh ... •
Fortkwoh mama
Ten days
h'gwthwili • - - .
minty Tommie, ...
7 reasarer of Muae•,p.hty
Tow. 7,...,..
Tows Tramrer
Carroty Treasurer ...
County Treasurer • . .
Comity Trews ...
County Tre•.arer ...
County Tressrw ...
fie taty Tr asoew.. .
Township Treasurer
1: minty Treasurer
County Trawrer. - .
county Treasurer .
Plaintiff . - .
Conary Treasurer ....
Pard $1.00 .ed .a eraser at thea flab swam
our balance.
Default 31 days felled.
k m days in Out.
R 10 days is Oaet.
lo default, to be levied by down. if so dos wise,
ve days imprisonment.
ane )aid, it days a Oval.
anobr Meanie disaia..I mad a esasbr.Mew
to sere, by purls( the era ise.wwd.
Noe paid. tea the seowaship.
is ere was disriasd-a sa syrity of t1m lens.
prewN sot caasiierag it proved. Ms How
atter brag for disomrrl-the two 'brow Ar can.
Poria .
M pre. IaeO(•lae'd to keep peso* stir IS
Desed.at to pay novo and amiss lab r I as
ase M Weep pwsa $ a dabs. Gaol.
to rep peace fir lis esatha• jam. ..-,w ;Slut
. inn tea nib tie.r
nee ,-10) bvisA
. w ,e &iw aid
Derbadrat to ria dor and pay ear $i11w 1.'`":4"4"11,
tirY*dM ^ e
Not yen pad no ries.
Bound to torpor., peer 13 math.
Awaamed h rho parties, w payisi lib oasts
h.oroa.-Te he imprisuad s Aa aemrow pd
swamis at bud label..
: oamitted lot wast.( *Iies
as returned by them to that office,
That Arai 5611
lith As exemption of the destruction of) on
8mnaihr'ib'. Host
Oliva RoAo Bnasi4--A public meeting
wan held ie fiddmlph wheat two weeks ago
fox the pane" of freeing • miaow to
gravel the romealrion leading from Itrian's
ereaeway, through the scoter of Iliddalph.-
'f he seeetieg wee well atteeded,and all seemed
1. the fret of spirits r to ave what amneM
tieback oeeld be rd.d,awl (Wherries furtbsr
the mbar. The neestiag sur ' (foIlowed by
areaher is Use ra. liar the purger of etam-
b rag 11 Ihiweg8 Ushawas along the Niate
emenedoe to A. Iiilbset hoerd•p ; all aro
a high spirits at present, sorrel sue deat/t not
that if tansy pamani.7 all was given bet it
wO mieemaf, .ads the gond folks of Rib
WIShS' waft h mosso with reborn. aid
Maas" N thretye Ile eerie li.s
ddire mtndklp le Caan.rb eek, thereby
°peen ept •god reef he Misr and the Mak
gwamlips M hew diesel esessetedestioe wide
she ¢/h* and Lek* Hera. Railway on the
=wed Leedom en the seas. We believe
litetillie very literally takes Won a5.
,male, lid die ..der1R10, been lame we w
vat wgesisbttberapt daas*ar .Y it .m fill dre.glti
et►-1Ai*6fb.aeO.axiMr arthe eJ.M
galenas hales rad 1. C.mpbelL-O*s
from the
Marsh to the Jure
Sa. Pay 1863, for the United Cantle
l) •1J Z.A. 1.r.7 • .: r ; r. , .:: m al w h : /L', • ,e4he:
a no ere- Cad fuel tee see
Clerk of the Pre- on 4t #.430, A en et 1r
Hera ani liar faun{` .•a s oatt14>.e tttilrN
Dsaa Syn¢l, believing you to be ready
et all tires bb lift your vouoe rater soy -
Wag likely to injury the burner men of
Oesderirh, 1 venture to any a few was
about the peddling broken down store.
keepers who are continually bringing is
large amounts & their poetess goods to sell
by potion in our good town, to the great
detriment of regular .aeh•md, who, I an
bowed to say aro, se a general thing, as
moderate in their changes as say as...
able perms meld exjset. WkiYR thassi.g
to the everlasting dewdons of wt ball l
have thought it would be well if Ge
Cowed weafd news to greet aaedonur's
Insane to any penis, anti they haws been
widest ea bust a month, to bring elf itl•
serest veedsa of loakrwps noels raider
the eaterep of raki,', waking than pay
ti.onal sum, or better .tin, bock. Weald
it ale be well to try mametlhissg of the
Tan Mata, M.u.,-wear ray to Mora
that this beat hes mode hr appeeesees very
grimily is the tog wheat deli 1laeghens
Iv emriy. dishy tin asap k i 1. he
(sepal the apMg arbor ow trrP. io In.
gas. Othensi . wan of all seer haw a
art readee .ppe"s.es- Lends. Ness.
/Sir The great Rgaassarriereas h.
NOT CHANORD its rear but will vis
it all the plates at whish It ii advert/ ad
to appear. It WD M hen. as Saturday,
at Kincardine OR the 13th, Walkerton es
re 1411, he. These w Il be se reunion
by the atu.w Brutes bees Saeger, Pat
Right mad IaveAwts. to Kinemdine an
the 1315, reaming after A. day of per-
far.nes, .hr es uprweedented redac-
tion 4
tion. flexr will be ands.
The Warm* awn owe Oases. -Pier ad
pits of A Provisoes we eraiewa as mean
the oast fa..rM. reeve- Dib preewn
of the sopor, rd thiissseeaaiy, we eve
as say, howl to w
ren. ThebN.los/ng=g vases, nthsad
inee, are
es se dirket
esu s
Mara the inks haw deme are. dal et
esrhiaf, bet. Wry des raphe es a .Mihir
ler ien ilia nem ..p1 be
msd5. the
ni.ee premie v*r .d ewd sl.eer sup
Inn , d( 8F 7ti'elq t~si Saw
benswand M gel 1, esi syeit i.0 on
Oa the whole, sat nay i ilwasse=
hem. -None sei
Pcu ram Faat.Wa.y
meeaisf bast r11ir 6
Verse....• tea maws O'rt•MMfr
yerl& Anal* *MN'tg•t
les veasleei ale. Ise ties.
MeaMiMr7Rslb dm len rf Ay
4401 ten.
Pelee& Amid ley a
lin m W mo hast Susentuawr
t. d os sMksg tow. sasl
. e.sts M
DeeMsesNada WA. W.
It is geselailyand with *leak
100 imp hawse eathe mos dohs a'Flaen bass
nada eN d
We love um die Ut ands wane .1
her a vile Mose ode We
V . lianadIs
t1 y alnowsuita sena lillk
b •s Ilea sdlhd
me war =4
anal lime *Wimps iliaad*
•r 1f•
lid Ilglf
Itei= N.
boob yr
Ow Is