HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-04-21, Page 17By MRS. HEBER DAVIS Mrs. Hermon Atkinson and Mark visited with her sister and mother, Mrs. Roy Hawkins and Mrs, Rob Carroll, Science Hill, recently, Miss Heather Davis spent sev- eral days last week with her grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. George McFalls, Centralia. Jeffrey young, Lucan, spent the holidays with his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs, Heber Davis and his cousins Michael Davis, Nancy and Marylou Tindall and Leslie Greenlee. Mrs. 13ob Kelly and daughter were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Jim Barker, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dickins at- tended open house at the fiftieth wedding anniversary for Mr. & Mrs. Percy Stone last Tuesday evening. Mr. & Mrs. Milton Pollock visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Ross Pollock and family of Chat- ham. Mr. & Mrs. Chas, Pillon (the former Ellen Eagleson) of Peter- boro called on a number of rela- tives and friends here last week. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Rock were married recently, They will be living in one of Mr. Joe Horner's houses. Mrs. John Steeper is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Baptismal service will be held in the United Church Sunday at 2:45 pm. Eric and Stewart Brown visited last week with Mr. & Mrs. Ken Larmer of Peterboro, Mr. David Hutchinson of Tor- onto is spending this week at his home here. Misses Charlene and Cynthia Tweddle of Byron visited last week with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Ken Rock. Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Bariteau of Grand Bend visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Carman Wood- burn, Easter visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Brophey were Miss Muriel Fallis of Sarnia, Mr. & Mrs. Claude Fallis of Mount Forest and Mr. Peter Fallis of Toronto, Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Brophey and family, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rinker and family of Lon- don, and Mr. & Mrs. Walter Davis of Byron. Mr. Dawson Woodburn spent last week in Toronto and Lake Couchiching. By MRS. G. HOOPER Mr. & Mrs. Ken Parkinson, Ann and Paul were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Thacker. Cathy and Joy Thacker spent a few days last week with Mr. & Mrs, Marvin Hartwick and family of Ebenezer. Mrs. Ethel Mills of Tavistock was a Sunday guest of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Thomson. Debbie and Linda Grasby of London spent Friday with Mr. & Mrs. Claire Sisson. Mr. & Mrs. David Levy are welcomed to the community. BRIDE-ELECT FETED A miscellaneous shower was held Saturday evening at Metro- politan School to honor Miss Elaine Spence, bride elect of this Saturday. Mrs. Wilmer Harlton acted as chairlady, Mrs. Claire Sis- son was at the piano for com- munity singing, readings were given by Mrs. Lawrence Grasby and Mrs. Gerald Hern, Mrs. Frank Hern and Mrs. B. Rooney conducted contests. Ann Parkin- son favored with a solo and Don na Jones with a piano solo. Miss Helen Harlton read the address. Elaine opened her gifts and thanked all, inviting them to her place after lunch to see her trousseau. "Excellent control of both grasses and broad- leafs." That's the comment of many large, successful growers of soybean and fieldbean crops. Treflan stops weeds before they start to grow by killing the wood seed as it germinates. The result, you get greater yielding crops be- cause there's more nutrients, moisture and light for your crops; less time-consuming harvesting stoppages caused by weeds ; and more efficient use of fertilizer. for dependable weed control that helps you make more profit— contact Shamrock Chemicals Limited, London, Ontario, your exclusive Elanco distributor. Elanco---the company that shirt's its experience mtli you Elanco Products Division of Eli Litly arid Company (Canada) Limited Scarborough, Ontario . Contact your Shamrock Technic& Representative London Phone 458-3652 Call your Superior man, he'll explain the features of the Superior Water Heater Rental Plan. Automagic Temperature Control 25 gallons of hot water per hour , . Clean, fast, low cost . . . Free installation • . . Free automagid fuel delivery . Free service. Now enjoy oceans of hot water 'the modern way'. FOR HEATING, COOKING, DRYING TOO... SUPERIOR IS AUTO MAGICALLY BEST FOR YOU! 4. * gilPeri°1° PROPANE LTD. Monteith Street STRATFORD, Ont. 211.0810 1 Times-Advocate, April 21, 1966 Page 17 25 Auction Sales 16 Property For Sale 25 Auction Sales 17 Property For Rent CLASSES NOW FORMING on Steel, Spanish or Russ GUITARS G uitars Rented for 20 Week Trial No Nigh Pre ssure On Soles ST. PATRICK'S EUCHRE & DANCE The congregation of St. Pat- rick's church sponsored a euchre and dance in the Memorial Arena, Lucan, last Friday evening. Winners in the euchre were Mrs. Raymond Greenlee, Exeter, Mrs. Albert Dickins, Lambeth, Mr, Ivan Stanley, Denfield and Mr. Larry Greenlee, The music was provided by "The Ramblers", 7 ROOM house, bath up and down, hardwood floors, oil heat, fenced lot, garage. 170 Carling St. 24tfnc HENRY PULSIFER INSTRUCTOR PHONE 235-1905 For In formation and Appoint ment C. V. PICKARD STOREY and a half house, 2 or 3 bedrooms. Phone 2354377. 2ltfnc FURNISHED apartment, heated., hot water, in Grand Send. Con- tact I. Stebbins 238-2462, 21* HOUSE — Can be used for two apartments; bathroom, frig and stove in each. Phone 235-0956 or apply 355 Marlborough St. 14tfne UPSTAIRS apartment, 3 rooms with bath, heated and furnished, separate entrance. Phone 235- 1654. 21:28* 1-BEDROOM, bright, attractive upstair apartment. Private en- trance, centrally located at 315 Andrew St, Oil heated, frig and stove supplied. Available May 1. Phone 235-0477 mornings or evenings. 7tfne APARTMENT, newly decorated, 3 bedrooms. Apply to Middle- ton's Drug Store, 235-1570; night 262-2510. 7tfne LOT on Thomas St. 76' x 99'. Phone 2354595. 3;174:21* NEWLY decorated, 2 bedroom home, 3 years old, den or third bedroom, 4-piece bath, extra large living and dining room with wall to - wall carpet and fireplace, full basement. Phone 2354743, 7:14:21c LAND—Approximately 35 acres in goderich Twp., 13 miles from Clinton; clay loam, spring creek. F. E. Powell, 482-3265 Clinton, evenings. 7:14:21c rake; fanning mill; root pulper; electric fencer; iron kettle; log- ging chains; 200 gal. oil tank with stand; Viking electric cream separator; milk pails; strainer; electric brooder; 160 ft. steel cable with pulleys; wheelbarrow; forks; 8 cords of hardwood; ladder; sling ropes; set of chains; rifle; hand spray- ers, etc., etc, CATTLE — 2 Hereford cows recently freshened, calves at foot; part Angus and Holstein cow, milking; 2 Hereford steers rising two years old; 4 yearling steers and heifers. GRAIN & STRAW — 200 bus. choice quality mixed grain; mow loose straw. 2 ducks, 1 drake. HOUSEHOLD EFFECT'S — Mc- Clary cook stove equipped with oil attachment; large space heater; small space heater; 6 chrome chairs; kitchen chairs; 2 cupboards; wardrobe; single bed, springs and mattress; 3 double beds, springs and mat- tress; dressers; commodes; feather ticks; baby bed with mattress; baby buggy; carpet sweeper; dishes; electric iron, toaster, tea kettle; large assort- ment picture frames; 7-day chime clock; new electric train; tricycle; assortment children's toys and many other misc. items, No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS: Cash. ERVIN EGGERT, Proprietor GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 14:21c White Beans Order Your Seed Early CERTIFIED No.1 1250 p.h.w. We Have All Popular Varieties Grown From Foundation Seed Quality and Germination Excellent CONTRACTS AVAILABLE Fertilizer and Eptarn At Competitive Prices COOK BROS. Milling Co. Limited Hensel! 2 62-2605 CENTRAL, heated, furnished, 1-bedroom apartment, 67 John St. E. Phone 235-1185. l0tfnc UPSTAIR apartment, 4 rooms, 1 bedroom, furnished or un- furnished, p r i v a t e entrance, available now. Main St. South. Phone 235.1207. 10tfnc LUCAN — 1-bedroom apartment, heated, stove and frig, modern. Phone 227-4413 after six. 24tfnc 2-BEDROOM apartments, fur- nished or unfurnished, on Main St., Crediton. Private entrances, available immediately. Phone 234-6336 after 5 on week days, anytime on weekends. 16tfne CLEAN, spacious, 2-bedroom apartment, furnished or unfur- nished, oil furnace, separate entrance. Call at 181 William St. Phone 235-0736 evenings or Saturdays. 25tfnc UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmon's Apt. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 12tfnc AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises 55 SIMCOE ST., EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MAY 7 at 1:30 p.m. Complete list in the following issues. MRS. WM. HORNEY, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 21c TRUST CERTIFICATES, GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES SEVERAL COMPANIES BEARING 6"i INTEREST Please phone us and we will call on you at your convenience, C. V. PICKARD-REAL ESTATE 56 John St. E. Phone Res. 3G 235-0414 CALL JB AT 1863 PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Ron Carroll, Ian and Brenda visited with Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Kading, Grand Bend, Sunday, Mr, & Mrs. Harry Noels, For- est, Mr. & Mrs, Howard MacDon- ald, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Mac- Donald and Miss Alice Maines of Watford were guests Saturday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kooy and Clayton. Miss Maines is spending a couple of weeks with her niece and nephew, Mr. & Mrs. M. MacDonald. She is recuperating following eye surg- ery. Mr. & Mrs, Bob Tindall, Mary- lou and Nancy were Sunday guests with Mr, & Mrs. Howard Clarke, Shipka. 18 For Rent Farm Sold CLEARING FARM SALE for MR. BYRON DESJARDINE LOT 12, CON. 13, McGILLIVRAY TWP., 1 mile north of Hensley Road, 5 miles south of Crediton Road, 5 miles north of Ailsa Craig FRIDAY, APRIL 29 at 1:30 Pan. LIVESTOCK; 13 Holstein cows, 7 fresh, others due at sale time; 2 Hereford cows due sale time; 9 yearling calves, crossbreeds; 3 young Calves. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Woods 1-unit milker; Anderson unit; Surge unit, motor, pump and piping for 18 cows; 10 milk cans in good condition; strain- er; 8-can Unleo milk cooler it good condition; Renfrew cream separator. MISC. ARTICLES & FURNI- TURE: Rotary pump with mo- tor; 400 capacity electric brood- er; platform scales; 2 chicken shelters;2 wheeled trailer; din- ing room table, 5 chairs; 5 din- ing chairs; baby buggy; crib; high chair; doll pram; 2 inch Monarch pump with 30 ft of 2 inch hose and clamps and numerous other articles. IMPLEMENTS: Nuffield uni- versal 3 diesel tractor with # 502 New Idea loader; Cock- shutt # 11 grain and fertilizer drill, power lift, in good condi- tion; McCormick 3-point hitch ace bottom 3-furrow plow; Mc- Cormick 8 ft. power lift culti- vator; McCormick 3-point hitch bean scuffler; M.H. bean puller; M.H. 3-point hitch cultivator and scuffler; 2-drum steel roll- er; dump rake; fanning mill; walking plow; McCormick trac- tor manure spreader; 7 ft. Mc- Cormick binder; 21 ft. grain auger, new; Turnco grain box, new; John Deere rubber tired wagon and flat rack; New Idea 1-row corn picker; Fleury Bis- sell disc; Allis Chalmers 5 ft, combine in good condition; AC 5 ft. combine for repairs; Mc- Kee harvester with self unload- ing wagon, self adjusting pipes and hood, 2 years old, in ex- cellent condition. TERMS: Cash. Auctioneers: TOM ROBSON, HUGH FILSON Phone Ilderton 21:28e 50 ACRES, all workable, Hay township on 21 highway, Brook- ston clay and Brady sandy loam. 432-0380, 21c PASTURE — 27 acres choice grass, will pasture 1 head to acre, never failing spring creek, corral for loading and unload- ing, feeders for chop, well fenced. Ross Love, Hensall. 262- 5280. 21* PASTURE S. Deelstra, RR 1 Centralia. 14:21c FLOOR SANDERS, electric — Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12: 13tfnc 20 Wanted To Rent Since 1949, hourly wage rates in manufacturing have risenfast- er in Canada than in the U.S., by 112 percent here compared to 84 percent there. FURNISHED apartment, self contained, for 25-year-old pro- fessional man, by end of May. Apply Box 712 Exeter. 21c TWO BEDROOM bungalow, ga- rage and basement preferred but not necessary. Would con- sider lower half of house. Im- mediate possession. Phone 235- 1331. 10tfnx 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111 .7j." Walter D. Burton INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS •••5 AUTO • FIRE • LIFE (Specializing in Term Insurance) 141 GIDLEY ST. E, 235.0793 ileimmonanimmuinunonionmeininueninniummanuanioniainimmemaninuninunioninig GOOD SMALL house or bunga- low in Exeter or Hensall. Apply Box J E B Exeter Times-Advo- cate. 21* By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL Mr. & Mrs. Roy Scottof Sarnia visited Saturday with Mr. & Mrs. Ray Patterson, Janet Allister of Hamilton spent last week with her grand- parents, Mr. & Mrs. Willis Gill and family. Mr, & Mrs, W. C. Rehkopf and Wendy of Kitchener spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Geo- rge Campbell. Wayne Mitchell of Ailsa Craig spent a few days last week with his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. W. Gill. Mr. & Mrs, Charles Lindsay and Margie of Southampton, Mr. & Mrs. Harvey McTeer of Paisley were weekend guests with Mr. & Mrs. Glen Manley and family. Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Warehouse & Apartment Building, House- hold Furnishings and Misc. Items On the premises in the TOWN OF LUCAN Corner of William and George St., opposite Langford Lumber Yards. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 30 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE— Consists of Lot 76 and 77, Plan 187 on the corner of William and George St. in the town of Lucan con- sisting of large warehouse and apartment building. Main floor: new renovated apartment suitable for living quarters; re- mainder warehouse. S econd floor complete warehouse space. Building of white brick struc- ture in good condition. Inspection invited by contact- ing the auctioneer. Household effects to be listed in following issue. JAMES WEDGE, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 14:21c IIENSALI, — Three bedroom modernized home close to Main Street. New oil furnace, new roof and siding. Owner is leav- ing area and reduced price to $7,000.00. HENSALL — Located on # 4 Highway between Hensall and Exeter. Completely modern 4- bedroom home with large kitch- en, 2 bathrooms, full dining room, wall-to-wall broadloom in living room, large family room with log burning fireplace. All this and a good size barn and implement shed with 8 acres of land. CREDITON — Two bedroom house located in Crediton East. New siding and good size lot. Asking $4,500.00. CRED1TON — Three bedroom house located on 1 acre of land in the village. Nice garden and some fruit trees, Taxes only $90.00. EXETER — Older home on Wil- liam Street. Needs some reno- vating but could be made into a nice family home. $5,000.00. EXETER — Older home with three bedrooms on William St. Owner transferred and we can give immediate possession. Priced at $6,500,00. EXETER — Wartime house on corner lot. Priced to sell at $5000.00, EXETER — Four bedroom home on Andrew Street. Close to schools. $6,500.00. EXETER — Three bedroom 1 storey located on corner lot. Newly decorated and we can give immediate possession, $11,500.00. 21 Notices WILL PACK BALE The UCW afternoon unit met Thursday with twenty-four mem- bers present. Mrs. Elgin Webb conducted an Easter worship program. Miss Jean Kennedy sang a solo ac- companied by her mother, Mrs. Clarke Kennedy at the piano. Mrs. Harold Waiper gave the study book chapter on Brazil. Mrs. Charles Reeves presided for the business. A bale of quilts, blankets and good used, clean clothing will be packed April 20. An invitation to attend ba- zaar at Greenway on April 22 was accepted. Tea was served by Mrs. Man- ford Luther. EXETER — Large old home with new wiring, new furnace, new kitchen, full dining room, family room, utility room, at- . tached 'carport, located on nice • corner lot. $12,500 and we can arrange mortgaging. EXETER — Three bedroom modern home with large kitch- en, oil heat and attached ga- rage. Enough land available to qualify for VLA. EXETER — Two bedroom with oil heat and large garage. $6,500 EXETER — Modern three bed- room with full basement and oil heat. Log burning fireplace and wall-to-wall broadloom in living room. $2,500 down pay- ment. • EXETER — Three bedroom bungalow with full basement • and oil heat. $10,500. EXETER — Commercial block with five apartments and store, all rented. Owner will take a $4,000 down payment and hold mortgage for balance. EXETER — Three building lots in registered subdivision, Each 65'x125'. $2,000.00 for the bunch. EXETER — Beautiful building lot overlooking the river. $2,000. EXETER — On #4 Highway- 91 acres of land with frame house. $10,000 and vendor will hold a mortgage. FOR RENT — 0 n e bedroom heated apartment on Main St. $60.00 per month. PLEASE make other arrange- ments to have your lawns cut. Time will not permit. — Russ Collingwood. 21* 25 Auction Sales Clearing AUCTION SALE Now you can't see a weed for the beans with tithe modern way 9 Staffa —Continued from page 14 Robert Mayer, Joyce, Judy, Jack, Wayne and Brian, Thames Road, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Cole, Jean and Donald, Cromarty and Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Annis, Joan and Calvin, Zion. Mr. & Mrs. Osborne, Monkton, visited Saturday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Philip James and boys. Mrs. Sam Norris and Mr. & Mrs. Bob Norris and family visi- ted Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Cooper McCurdy, Centralia, of Tractors, Combine, Truck, Farm Machinery, Cattle, Grain, Straw, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises EAST HALF OF LOT 40, MeGELLIVRAY TWP. First farm west of Greenway The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 23 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTORS, TRUCK & COM- BINE: M.H. No. 30 row crop tractor fully equipped, in guar- anteed condition; Int. "B" row crop tractor including 2-row scuffler, in good condition; Allis Chalmers model 60 power take-off combine in A-1 condi- tion; 1953 Dodge truck with stock racks, in good condition. FARM MACHINERY — New Holland model 55 side delivery rake on rubber; Int. 32-plate tractor disc; MIL 2-furrow plow on rubber; Otaco Manure spreader; rubber tire wagon and rack; MeDeering Mower; McDeering b i n d e r; 2-wheel trailer; Single scuffler; M.H. bean puller; single plow; dump O (trifluralin, Elanco) JOHN BURKE for just pennies a day! A Superior Water Heater delivers hot water 4 * times faster autornagically.., costs less to operate too! Announce New Dealing Substance: Shrinks Piles AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises 87 GIDLEY, ST., EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 at 1:30 p.m. Dining room chairs; kitchen chairs; end tables; centre ta• bles; electric lamps; oak rock- er; 2 tapestry rockers and chairs; chrome chairs; steel bedstead, springs & mattress; dressers; commodes; roll-away bed; antique kitchen clock; 8- day clock; assortment pillows, bedding, mats; glassware; sil- verware; antique and fancy dishes; kitchen utensils; high chair; violin and case, in new condition; fernery; store dis- play racks; jardiniere; card table; large assortment of car- penter and garden tools; plastic hose; stepladder; quantity ply- wood; numerotis windows and storm windows; roll of wire, etc., etc. TERMS: Cash. HAROLD WITMER, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 14c Limited Real Estate General Insurance Mortgages Devon Building, 476 Main St. Phone 235-1863 211ine 17 Properly For Rent CREDITON— Exceptionally nice 2-bedroom apartment, available immediately, $55.00 pays every- thing. Phone 234•6301. 7tfne 2-BEDROOM heated apartment, private entrance, Phone 262- 5080. 21:28:5c TWO UPSTAIRS apartments, 2 bedrooms in each, furnished, heated, air conditioned, avail- able now, Phone 235-2405. 2ltfnc Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Electric Organ, New 15% ft. Fiberglas Boat and Mitc. Items On the premises 236 ANDREW ST., EXETER, The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY* MAY 4 at 1:30 p.m. Complete list of sale in next week's issue. ART COOPER, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 21e ONE-BEDROOM apartment, air conditioned, centrally located, reasonable rent, all Utilities pro- vided, immediate possession, Phone 235-2234 or 235-240. 21:28:5c Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids and repair damaged tissue, A renowned research institute has found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor- rhoids painlessly it relieves itching and discomfort in minutes and speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissue. In case after case, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction (shrinkage) took place. Most important of all—results Were so thorough that this improve- ment was maintained ever e period of many months. This was accomplished with a new healing Mihail -rice (13io-Dynel which quickly helps heal injured cells and stimulates growth of new tissue, Now Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- ment and suppository form called Preparation H. Ask for it at, all drug Stores. &defection or your money refunded. SHOP At WILSON'S JEWELLERY & GIFTS EXETER PLEASING YOU PLEASES US No item' Ever "Blooins" Unnoticed in the Want.Ads NEW 3-bedreotri house, avail- abra May 1. Phone 235.2473, 21e