HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-04-21, Page 11(Signed) J. H. DELBRIDGE,
Town of Exeter
Town Of Exeter
In accordance with a resolution adopted by the Exeter
Town Council, I hereby proclaim that
Daylight Saving
Sunday, 1 a.m.
April 24
Sunday 1 a.m., Oct. 30
and I call upon all citizens to observe this
200 - 225 lbs. average
We invite the patronage of those who place importance
on the quality of meat.
JrC exemplary sanitary conditions throughout the store
and the plant assure you of complete wholesomeness of our
food staples.
We place our reputation on every side or quarter of beef
we sell. It's no cheap meat and worth much, much more.
All meat cut to your specifications, wrapped and quick
frozen for your protection.
176 Vittoria St. West
. .. .
Have you tried growing a ter-
rarium? it is a miniature garden
enclosed in glass and this hobby
is gaining in popularity because
terrariums are fun to make and
easy to care for.
Any glass container which lets
light filter through can be used
to make a terrarium. Empty
fish tanks or glass globes do
nicely. As for plants almost any
house plant is suitable. The
plants most commonly used are
African violets, begonia, croton,
ivy, coleus, philodendron, peper-
omia, dracaena and wandering
Here's how to go about it.
First, place a one-inch layer
of gravel, pebbles, broken flower
pots or charcoal in the bottom
of the glass container. Line the
sides of the terrarium with moss,
placing the mossy side against
the glass. Next, prepare a soil
mixture using Neal parts of
garden soil, sand and peat moss.
Fix enough for a layer 1 1/2 to
2 inches deep.
Mount the soil to one side of
the container, making a slope.
Use a long pair of tweezers (tied-
together sticks will do) to put
the plants in place. Don't get any
soil on the leaves if you can
help it. After brushing the leaves,
spray the plants and soil lightly
with water.
Finally cover the container
with a sheet of glass or a piece
of plastic film and place it in
bright light—never indirect sun-
light though, as this May cause
burning of the foliage.
Rhubarb is appearing in the
gardens now. It has been shipped
to the local grocers for some
Weeks, The Ontario Fresh Rhu-
barb Growers' Association have
issued a leaflet of recipes with
colored pictures of the finished
product. It is quite attractive
and may be obtained from the
Ontario Food COUncil, Dept. of
Agriculture, Parliarneht
Here are some of the recipes:
cups fresh rhubarb, diced and
1/2 Cep sugar
tbl water
1 tbl gelatine
1/4 cup cold water
1/4 cup boiling Water'
Tirmos-Adyecats, April 21, 1960
Town Topics
awe.. with Miss Leona Alderson,
Mr. & Mrs. Cyril MeWhirter
and, daughter ,Beth of Willowdale
Spent the weekend with Mr. 4
Mrs. Walter Davis, Sanders St.
Mr. & Mrs. Preston Dearing
entertained at a dinner at the
Hensall Hotel Thursday, April
14 on the occasion of Mr. Dear-
ing's 70th birthday. Guests pre-
sent were Mr. & Mrs. Leo Wit-
mer and family, Woodstock, Mr.
& Mrs, Wes Witmer and Mr. &
Mrs. Gerald Dearing and family.
They all returned to the home
of Gerald Dearing for the eve-
ning, The grandchildrenpresent-
ed Mr, Dearing with a birthday
Mr. & Mrs. Frank MacKenzie
and family, Lucknow, and Mr.
& Mrs. A, W. Rowe and family
of Port Huron visited with Mrs.
Cecil Rowe Sunday,
Announce marriage plans
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Eix, 230 DowsonSt., Waterloo, announce plena
for the marriage of their daughter, Karen Susanne, and Thomas
Edward Plumb, Waterloo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Plumb,
Hillside Cabins, Grand Bend Saturday, May 28 at 8;30 pm at Mount
Zion Lutheran Church, Waterloo.
Trousseau tea
Last Wednesday .afternoon and
evening gra,. Delmer Skinner
entertained at a .trousseau tea
honoring her daughter, Mies ,
Frances Skinner bride of the
following Saturday,
Assisting the hostess and the
bride-to-he in greeting the guests
was. the groom's mother, Mrs.
Alfons Kints. The bride's grand-
mother, Mrs. Edward Johns,
Exeter, and her cousin miss
Brenda Skinner, looted after the
guest hook signed by 130 .guests,
The tea table was centred with
an arrangement of white mums
and pink snapdragons and pink
candles on a lace cloth.
Poop 1.1
for ..bride-elect
TNOng the afternoon and even^
ing the Misses. Gail McBride,
Margaret Johns, Marilyn .0'014S,
Anet Skinner, Shirley Ogees,
a.rb.4r4, Kilgour and VerlaStnith
,assisted in showing the many
wedding gifts, dishes, linen and
Mrs. Maynard Margison a nd
Mrs. goss Skinner, aunts of the
bride, arid Mrs. Rene Yanbru-
waene, sister of the groom,
served tea, sandwiches and
cookies prepared by Mrs Alvin
Felton, Mrs Allen Johns, Mrs
Larne word, Mrs Philip Johns
and Mrs Elson Lynn.
Mr, & Mrs. William Post of
Windsor visited her mother, Mrs.
J. W, Powell, Mr. & Mrs. E.
K o 1p 1 n of London were also
Drs. Victor & Joan Kyle and
three children, Tracey, David
and Andrew of Port Arthur spent
Easter week with Mr. & Mrs.
E. R. Hopper and Mr. & Mrs.
Robert Fletcher and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wein
spent the Easter vacation with
RCMP Comet, 4 Mrs. Douglas
Wein in Inverness, I.S.I
F/L. J. A, & MrS. Cann, Mary
Anne, Kathy and Nancy of Belle-
ville spent part of Easter week
with Mrs. Jean Mair. Mrs. Mair
and the Canns spent a few days
with Mr. & Mrs. E. W, Fordham
in Windsor.
Wayne B a y nh a in and Jim
Coates, students at Waterloo Uni-
versity, finished their first term
exams Thursday and left Satur-
day morning for Sudbury where
they will work for International
Nickel Co, at Copper Cliff for
four months. They will return
to Waterloo in September,
Mr. & Mrs. A. E. Wuerth
accompanied Mr. & Mrs. Roy
Swartz, Crediton, who visited
over last weekend with Mr.
Swartz' brother, Mr. & Mrs.
Jos. Swartz in Detroit. Mr. &
Mrs. Wuerth visited with their
daughter and family, Mr. & Mrs.
R. M. Long, Birmingham, Mich.
Mrs. C. W. Hall of Perth visi-
ted with Miss Greta Harness last
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Alderson and
Mabel spent the weekend in Osh-
Elimville group tour
Times-Advocate plant .
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Morley and
Gary were Sunday visitors with
Kathleen and Gordon Morley.
Lucan Fire Department re-
sponded to a call to a fire at
the farm home of Mr, Jack Tre-
vithick Saturday noon and saved
the house but considerable dam-
age was caused to the upstairs.
Fire is believed caused by a spark
from the chimney.
. . photo by Jack Doerr
Mrs. Ross Skinner, past pre-
sident, conducted the election of
officers. President is Mrs. Gil-
bert Johns; vic e-presidents,
Mrs. Wellington Brock, Mrs.
Theron Creery; secretary-trea-
surer, Mrs. Elsort Lynn; assis-
tant, Mrs. William Morley; dis-
trict director, Mrs. Thomas
Hem; alternate, Mrs. Jackson
Woods; public relations officer,
Mrs. Jud Dykeman; directors,
Mrs. Lorne Johns, Mrs. Bev
Parsons, Mrs. Philip Johns.
Mrs. Harold Bell and Mrs.
Alvin Fulton were in charge of
the program for the evening.
The committee in charge con-
sisted of Mrs. Jackson Woods,
Mrs. Pat Otis, Mrs. Charles
Stephens and Mrs. D. Skinner.
Popular teacher weds
Annual meeting of Elimville
WI was held Wednesday, April
13. Members met at The Exeter
Times Advocate at 8 pm when
they were guided through the
offices and press room by
Messrs. J. M. and Robert South-
The ladies were amazed to see
the many machines necessary to
produce the local weekly as well
as the other material printed by
the local press. Mr. Southcott
stated that with a staff of forty
and the work to be done it is
pretty important that each one
is in his right place doing the
proper job at the right time.
Members returned to Elimville
Hall for their meeting, Mrs.
Gilbert Johns presided. A report
of the District Board meeting
was given by Mrs. Wellington
Brock. It was announced that
the District Annual will be held
May 19 in Dashwood.
Packets for the Cancer can-
vass were distributed among the
Reports from each of the stand-
ing committees were given by the
convenors, indicating a very ac-
tive year.
P Sale
Buy Where You Save
carried white mums and pink
roses. The flower girl, Becky
Turnbull, niece of the groom, was
gowned similarly to the other
Alec Turnbull, RR 1 Dashwood,
was best man for his brother
and ushering guests were John
Buchanan, Detroit, John Hotson,
brother of the bride, and Paul
Hodgins, Parkhill, cousin of the
A reception was held at the
Colonial Hotel, Grand Bend where
the bride's mother received
guests wearing a cocktail-length
dress of rose peau de sole featur-
ing a bodice covered with Chan-
tilly lace and a sheath skirt
strewn with appliques of the same
lace. The groom's mother assist-
ed gowned in a nordic blue sheath
dress of matellasse silk.
For travelling to Newyork and
the eastern States the br i d e
changed to a coral suit with navy
The couple will live at Grand
Prior to her marriage the
bride was feted by her friends
at a miscellaneous shower host-
ed by Miss Mary Gardiner, Kirk-
ton and Miss Nancy Turnbull at
the latter's home, D ash w ood.
Miss Valerie Desjardine also
entertained at a miscellaneous
Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Rufus Turnbull were hosts at a
shower for the couple. This was
followed by a shivaree for the
bride and groom.
PHONE 235-1570 EXETER F--
Miss Margaret Rose Hotson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis
Hotson, Grand Bend, and a mem-
ber of the Exeter Public School
teaching staff, became the bride
of Paul Thomas Turnbull, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Turnbull,
RR 1 Dashwood, at Grand Bend
Gospel Hall, Saturday April 9,
at 5 o'clock. Mr. David Adams
Given in marriage by her fath-
er the bride chose a floor-length
gown of white ligoda ice crepe.
The bodice was highlighted by a
shallow scoop neckline, touched
with a medallion of Chantilly
lace, and long lily point sleeves.
The gently controlled sheath skirt
was touched at the bottom by the
same lace. At the back, a detach-
able full-flowing chapel train
cascaded from a large bow at the
waist forming a bustle. A pearl
queen's crown touched with crys-
tals held her pure silk illusion
finger-tip veil. She carried a bou-
quet of gardenias.
Miss Joanne Hotson was maid
of honor for her sister, and
bridesmaids were Marlynne Mc-
Falls, Lucan, sister of the bride,
Miss Esther Turnbull, London,
sister of the groom, and M iss
Valerie Desjardine, London. The
attendants provided a colorful
background in their floor-length
gowns of fiesta peau de charme
with elbow-length sleeve s and
scoop necklines. The skirts were
controlled semi-sheaths with
extra fullness at the back falling
from tailored bows. They wore
matching petalled he adpieces
touched with cocktail veils. They
Trivitt WA
plan barbecue
The Woman's Auxiliary of Tri-
vitt Memorial Anglican Church
met last Tuesday evening. The
meeting opened with devotionals
followed by the study book "The
World with Power".
A representative from the
"Boyle Fund" committee out-
lined plans for a chicken barbe-
cue supper with a request that
the WA assist in this project.
Delegates were asked to attend
the WA Diocesan meeting in Lon-
don on April 19 and 20. The
Spring Deanery meeting will be
held at St. Paul's Church in Wing-
ham on June 1 commencing with
Holy Communion at 10:00 am.
Monday, May 2, members have
been invited to a UCW meeting at
James Street United Church. In
order to go as a group anyone
wishing to attend is asked to be
at the Parish Hall no later than
7:45 pm.
Mrs. L. Smith
heads sorority
Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Kirkton,
was installed as president of
Beta Sigma Phi Sorority at the
meeting Tuesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Peter Raymond.
Other officers are: vice-pre-
sident, Mrs. Peter Raymond; ex-
tension officer, Mrs. Norman
Amos; recording secretary, Mrs.
Bill Essery; corresponding sec-
retary, Mrs. Robert Chaffe; trea-
surer, Mrs. Robert Fletcher; di-
rector, Mrs. Clayton Smith and
sponsor, Mrs. C, S. MacNaugh-
The program topic was
"Prose" taken by Mrs. Norman
Amos and Mrs. Ted Jones. Mrs.
Jones explained prose as man's
way of expressing himself in
speech or in writing. Mrs. Amos
gave examples such as narration,
description, explanation and
Plans to attend a Founders
Day banquet at the Ivanhoe Rest-
aurant, London Wednesday May4
were finalized. The E x et er
Chapter is joining sister chapters
from Stratford, London, Kitchen-
er and Sarnia. The pledges, who
joined this year s will receive
their ritual of jewels degree.
Assisting the hostess were
Mrs. Jim Hennessey, Mrs. E.
Bileski and Mrs. W. J. Andrew,
1 cup sugar
1 tp grated lemon rind
1 tbl lemon juice
1 tp vanilla
4 egg whites
1/8 tp salt
Cook rhubarb, sugar and 2 tbl
water for 5 minutes. Soak gela-
tine in 1/4 cup cold water, then
dissolve in the boiling water.
Add 1/4 cup sugar and lemon
rind, stir until sugar is dissolved.
Add lemon juice, cooked rhubarb
and vanilla. When well chilled,
beat until frothy.
Whip egg whites until stiff,
adding remaining 1/2 cup sugar
gradually. Fold into beaten gela-
tin mixture. Chill—serves 6 to 8.
2 cups fresh rhubarb, diced, un-
1/2 cup sugar
1 tbl lemon juice
2/3 cups finely chopped celery
1/2 cup water
1/3 cup chopped nuts
1 pkg apple jelly powder
1 pkg (3-oz) cream cheese
Combine rhubarb, sugar and
water. Bring to boil and reduce
heat to low, for 10 minutes.
Dissolve jelly powder in hot rhu-
barb sauce.
Break cream cheese into small
pieces. Mash, add to above and
stir until dissolved. Chill until
mixture begins to thicken. Whip
until light and fluffy, add lemon
juice, celery and chopped nuts.
Turn into mold and chill.
You can remove rust Stains
from a sink or tub by rubbing
them with a little keresene.
When you are creaming butter
and sugar together, it's a good
idea to rinse the bowl with boil-
ing water first, They'll cream
If you are pounding a noisy
typewriter when someone is try-
ing to sleep in the next room,
you'd better put a folded bath
towel tinder it.
Potted plahts in bloom will
carry their flowers for a Much
longer time if they are set on
the floor each night to permit
them to excape the heat of higher
235.0400 5 0 2 Main S.
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