The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-04-14, Page 71. Adjustable height, tublar steel handle, 2. New, easy to use, single action bagging attachment. 3. Exclusive Wind Tunnel housing of cost magnesium — stronger, lighter, rustproof. 4. Height of cut adjustment from !/2" — 3" with finger pressure only. 5. "TRIMIT" blade for edging along sidewalks — while you mow! 6. "AUTO-OILER" exclusive visual oil filler brick messy oil chocks1 7. Now heavy.duty bag — 40% longer wearing. MILT'S MOWER & CYCLE MAIN ST. 235-2940 a a a fl P O eeeN 55 a THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL ‘,51.t2E, ettner,oel---efeeee3eil I DIAMOND RING Reg. $250 199" OTHER DIAMONDS FROM $65.00 UP FOR TRUE DIAMOND VALUES SEE JACK SMITH — JEWELLER — •.•;::,.witis.we v.,6;0:.„, tirvattft:A;k:••:.k.,:•:04r1"6"' %41,41.,,t 5"; \TI,..T a ii WE HAVE THE FEED FOR EVERY NEED EXETER DISTRICT Beside CNR Station 235-2081 a Aft>4:26:44&:,,k . .. . 4eeeeeiteee, Wangt q. antint;414 LONG SUMMER DRIVING AHEAD VISIT YOUR TIRE SERVICE CENTRE Where Dependability Counts NEWBY Tire & Battery Service Main St. N. 235-0330 Matching FLOOR LAMP And TWO TABLE LAMPS 28 88 FlOPPER HOCKEY ete• .555,3 !itm:.„44E4.:<:MAtimmik eetee SPRING SALE s. PLAYTEX FASHION MAGIC With Stretch Straps CROSS-YOUR-HEART With Stretch For Better Uplift, Separation Fit & Comfort $350 Gould & Jory Phone 235.0270 arm irvir • SPRING SPECIALS • Just Arrived — Another International 15 run drill with markers & grass seeder • International, 15 run drill with markers & grass seeder • International, #250 2-row corn planter, runner, seed opener and disc fertilizer opener. Like new Oliver, 2 row corn planter with split boot opener . Good shape • One John Deere four row planter, completely equipped for beets and turnips • One 1951 International Model L-182 truck on 900 tires, 5-speed transmission with 14 ft. body & side racks N.T. MONTE ITH LTD S ALES AND SERVICE MAIN ST. S. EXETER \-,negtgal a al • P 235.2121 P *:A a (;.f. a BUILT BY BEAVER LUMBER Exeter Phone 235-1582 .440%.,404.4 vti e $ ALL TYPES OF BUILDINGS Pole frame, steel clear span truss Or laminated arch. Beaver buildings can be built to suit your farm program. See the plans . visit the Beaver Lumber store or phone the Farm Rep. in your area. • .'iP.M.P4' Engineered Farm Buildings Times-Acivocat*, April 14, 1966 Page 7 Many Easter visitors in Woodham and area By MRS. ROBERT RVNDLE WOODHAM Mr, & Mrs, Gerald Brirttnell, Terri and. Scott with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Rundle and Larry. Mrs. Wilbert Payne and Jim of London with Mrs. Robert Rundle and Jack. By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walper celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary last week with a family dinner at the Dom- inion hotel in Zurich. Guests at the dinner were their son, Donald Walper, Mrs. Walper and son, Mr. & Mrs. Emery Stebbins, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil DesJardine and family. They were presented with a silver tea and coffee service. COMPLETE STUDY OF BRAZIL The UCW evening unit held their meeting last Tuesday eve- ning with a good attendance. Mrs. Carman Lovie led the opening worship. Mrs. Leslie Greenwood sang a solo. Mrs. Harold Walper completed the study book on Brazil. Mrs. Emery DesJardins and Mrs. El- gin Webb read letters from mis- sionaries for prayer. Mrs. Greenwood, unit leader, conducted the business. Mother M. peters of Sarnia will be guest speaker at the May meeting. PERSONALS At the Easter Sunday morning worship service at the Grand Bend United Church twenty-two were received into the member- ship of the church. Mr. Lloyd Baker is a patient at Byron Sanitorium. Mr. & Mrs. Dale Pfile and children and Alan Pfile of Sarnia spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. & Mrs, Herbert Pfile. Mr. & Mrs. Barry Hamilton and Debbie of Ottawa spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Alex Hamilton and Brad- ley. Miss Linda Mason of Cedar Springs is spending this week with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Mason. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Finan and daughter of Estevan, Sask. are visiting with his father, Mr. Earl Finan. Mr. Mrs. Roy Keizer and family of Embro with Mr, & Mrs. Lawrence Beckett and girls Mr. & Mrs. J. C, McAlister and family of Sudbury with Mr. & Mrs. Harry Webber. Mr. .& Mrs. Laverne Rodd and family with Mr. & Mrs. Elmer McLaughlin and family of Kit- chener. Ricky McLaughlin of Kitchener with Wayne Rodd. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Lane and family, Mr, Donald McLachlin and Robert, Mr. & Mrs, James mcLachlin and Mieses Laurel and Dianne Wilcox all of Sernia with Mr, & Mrs. James Mc- Lachlin and family. Michael Lane remained for holidays with Jim- my McLachlin. With Mr. & Mrs. G e or ge Wheeler and David were Rev & Mrs. John Cooke and Jack of Thamesford, Mrs. John Butters, Mr. & Mrs. John Rodd, Pamela and Calvin, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia and Ellen. Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Brine, Mr. & Mrs. Don Brine and Cheryl with Mr. & Mrs. Ross Robinson, Lynn and Dale of Fourth Line. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Allen Lawson of St. Marys, Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Clarke of Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Rohde and Robert of Mit- chell were Saturday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lawson and Ed. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tazier and family of Grimsby have re- cently moved to the farm they purchased from Mr. & Mrs. Ger- ald Lawson. Mr. & Mrs. Roy McCurdy, Jamie and Danny of Kirkton were Sunday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. Ira McCurdy. Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Dobson of Kirkton were Wednesday guests with Mrs. Arthur Hopkins. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Jaques en- joyed the CKSL Coffee Club bus tour to Washington on the week- end. BLACK KNIGHT LODGE The Black Knight Lodge held a euchre in the hall Friday even- ing with prizes for ladies high won by Mrs. Roy Pepper; lone hands, Mrs. Cecil Neil; men's high, Mr. Max Switzer; lone hands, Mr. Archie Levy; draw for a box of groceries, Mr. Roy Pepper; ladles door prize, Mrs. Evan Hodgins. By MRS. ERVIN RADER DASHWOOD The executive was in charge of the April meeting of the Dash- wood WI. Roll call was answered with a safety tip. A reading was given by Mrs. Glen Webb as well as a reading on safety by Mrs. Leonard Schenk. Everyone joined in singing a safety song. The president, Mrs. Syd Baker, took charge for the business. The Officers Conference is to be held at Guelph University in May and the National presi- dent Mrs. Matheson is to be guest speaker. Mrs. J, M. Tie- man was appointed to look after Exeter Fair exhibit for 1966. Plans were made for the District Annual to be held in Dashwood community hall May 19. Mrs. Leonard Schenk reported on the executive meeting held in Hen- sail. The annual reports of the standing committees were given. Mrs. J. M. Tiernan gave the report of the nominating com- mittee and the following officers were elected: Past president, Mrs. Syd Baker; president, Mrs. Glen Webb; vice-presidents, Mrs. Eben Weigand and Mrs. Howard Maier; secretary-trea- surer, Mrs. John Rader; assis- tant, Mrs. Ervin Devine. Convenors of standing commit- tees, Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Milford Merner; Citizenship and Education, Mrs. Emil Becker; Home economics and Health, Mrs. Valentine Beck- er; Historical Research and Cur- rent Events, Mrs. L eonard Schenk; Tweedsmuir History Curator, Mrs. Irvin Rader; Re- solutions, Mrs. Stuart Wolf e; District Director, Mrs. Syd Bak- er; alternate, Mrs. J. M. Tieman; nominating committee and direc- tors, Mrs. Hugh Boyle, Mrs. Emil Becker, and Mrs. Ralph Weber; pianist, Mrs. Ken McCrae; audi- tors, Mrs. Harold Kellerman and Mrs. Harry Hoffman. The offi- cers were installed and lunch served. Special Easter services were held in both the Evangelical UB church and the Lutheran church both Good Friday and Sunday. Sunrise services were held in both churches. In the Lutheran church the Pastor, Rev. Wm. Getz delivered the message and group 1 of the Ladies Aid with Mrs. Harry le ayter convenor served the breakfast. In the EUB church the service was conducted by the Youth Fellowship led by Norma Weigand, Diane Weber, Ricky Gaiser, Bill Hoffman and Douglas Bender. A trio of girls Eleanor Wolfe, Beth Snell and Bonnie Mason sang. The Bethany Sisters Sunday School class serv- ed breakfast. During Sunday School the fol- lowing Youth Fellowship mem- bers brought in self denial boxes, Ronnie Mason, Jim Hoffman and Harold Bender. By MRS, L. EASTER VISITORS Visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Alf Smith and family on Good Friday when Mr. Smith celebrated his birthday were Miss Susan C astat- or and Mr. Chico Okihiro of Alderwood, Mr. Roy Smith of Metro Toronto, Mr. Ron Beaton of Hensall and Mr. Don Mantey of Zurich. S/I, and Mrs. Robert Palmer and family of Downsview and Mr, Calvin Fahrner with Mr. & Mrs. Emmery Fahrner, Mr. & Mrs. Don Mahoney and Kerry of Galt with Mr. & Mrs, Sam King. Miss Judy Lamport of Wind- sor with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Lamport, Mr. Everett Fahrner Good Fri- day with Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Fahrner and family of London. With Mr. Harry Beaver was Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Beaver of Pittsburg, Miss Gertrude Beaver of Detroit and Mr. Howard Beav- er of Hamilton. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hillborn and Cathy, Prescott with Mrs. E. Feist and Nola. Mrs. Hillborn and Cathy remained for the East- er vacation. With Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fink- beiner were Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Finkbeiner and family of Barrie. Mr. & Mrs. Clare English of Oshawa, Miss Ruth Morris and Mrs. Julia Barabas of Toronto with Miss Ella Morlock. Miss Carol Hendrick returned home early in the week after spending Easter weekend in New York. She travelled with a group of students of Wells Academy from London and Kitchener. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hendrick and Pamela of Owen Sound with Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Hendrick. Mr. Albert Gaiser and mem- bers of his family motored to Washington on the weekend. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Cestricher with Mr. Robert Greenwood and family of Don Mills. With Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hill were Mr. & Mrs. Mervyn Webb and family of Clinton and Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jennison and family of Grand Bend and Mr. & Mrs. Allen Pfaff and family. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Preszcator of Kinburn visited with Mr. & Mrs. Hill Saturday evening. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Priestly and girls, Tilbury, with Mr. & Mrs. ..... . ........ .. . . . p,RESZATOR. Lorne Preszcator and boys, Sun- day, PERSONALS Mrs. C. Verkerk spent •a few days last week with Mr. & Mrs. A, Schreuders of Kitchener. Greta Verkerk remained for the Easter vacation. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Zondag, Grand Rapids spent a couple days at the end of the week with Mr. & Mrs. C. Verkerk. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Butler and Don Unterfer, Grand Ole Opry stars of Nashville, Tennessee visited Tuesday with Mr, & Mrs. Allan Becker and family. By GORDON MORLEY The UCW meeting was held in the church basement April 6. Mrs. Bill Fenton opened the meeting with an Easter call to worship and was assisted in the devotional by Mrs. Howard Fent- on and Mrs. Fred Fenton. Mu- sical number was given by Mrs, Douglas Dixon. A paper on Lent was given by Mrs. Jack Hodgson followed by a poem read by Mrs. George Lee. The president Mrs. Jack Hodgson took the chair for the business and it was decided to hold a bazaar and tea Wednes- day afternoon May 25, The church ladies were invited to attend regional rally at Lieury church May 11 and to Greenway United church bazaar April 22 in the afternoon. Mrs. Earl Dixon who recently left and moved to her new home in Centralia was presented with a gossip-bench by the ladies. Group II ladies served lunch and social half hour followed. PERSONALS Sunday visitors with Mrs. Vio- let Allison were Mr. & Mrs. Jim Morley, Edna and Bev, Terry Hodgins, Kathleen Morley and Mrs. Pearl Morley of Lieury. Miss Betty Amos of London and Mr. Ross Amos of Hamilton spent the weekend with their parents Mr. & Mrs. Grant Amos. Confirmation class At an evening service in the Protestant Chapel, Canadian Forces Base Centralia 12 candidates were confirmed in the United Church of Canada by the Base Protestant Chaplain, S/L J. H. McAvany, assisted by elders S/L E. Keasey and FS F. Koch. Candidates con- firmed were: Barbara Arnold, Karon Keasey, Judith Malone, Jewel McAvany, Gloria Senft, Joan Slater, Kathryn Whittington, Judy Whit- tington, Brian Jones, William Malone, Alan Youngash and Ronald Youngash, A reception in honour of the candidates was held by the Guild in the Chapel rooms following the service. Dashwood WI elects officers A B-A-Z-A-A-R OF VALUES kv APRIL 14, 15, 16 22" — 4 Cycle Rotary Mower 24" — 4 H.P. Deluxe Riding Mower 10" Torcan Oscillator Fan Teflon Electric Fry Pan 20" Fan 2 Speed Poison Ivy & Brush Killer 61/2 " Skill Saw Jacuzzi Air Compressor Electric Fence Unit Fencer Battery — 6 Volt Pkg. Plastic Fence Insulator 48" Jackall Jack Fire Extinguisher $ 58.89 $234.99 $ 14.49 $ 15,99 $ 23.99 $ 1.55 $ 33.99 $134.99 $ 11.49 $ 3.99 .64 $ 17.99 $ 11.99 lH