HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-07-02, Page 2regulating of t, that no parehese 's tight to any inds aboald be atoned by the went unlees it sprit£ to him by the Treaauror that tatasp.bd her paid ap to date upon lends in question. -Carried. Oswmitti1 adjoined until to-mor- s.w I; TDigs - 1'r °7' ri J 7 of obs arb4- tnlesstl)Iwpen ti►QEatiee and Bidd.lph grrui$pii4Wvray was received, red and to the "Ammo Committee, as was ,aito a000sst of Coanty Treanor, ea - loose }o eo.eetion with said arbitestios. J Lehr from the Coast House Koper, Boli% the Cosnc 1 to thane his d.tiss,was nod and refereed to a special eo.mittee"of '1The Report of the Brine Gravel Roads ,Oosmittee was read and referred back to metre• I8epoh* of School Committee rend and 4!Viet.of the Committee appointed to tigpmeal*et the meal* the village of Luck- ' a police village, recommending eseipliesee with the prayer of the petition. lir. Sommerville wee appointed drat retura- trg erieer. *port of the Gravel Rode committee Nates read, *kern it was Moved by Mr. JWYtebra, and seondsd by Mr. Roe, Mlst £5000 be expended en the felbwing Anode: £1000 in Gravelling the Post AI. road, South end ; £1000 in grading ahs Wingham rod, from the end of the t ravel Rod now made at Wing- ' same the new bridge and through Te mbrry be the boundary line of Huron, laatdl'.tbs ad nate that can be op 1 d ; £ 100018 be expended on grading Ms town lit idwme Howick and Tarn - leery, from Day'e Tavern to Belmore; 4I060 to be eapieded from the London lapel to Zurich, in the township of Hay, amid an equal sole on the line between dote . 10 and I 1 8teplaa. Lost on • division 111Y a majority of 3. The Report ms "Idept Sy -Lew No. 6, To authorise the Trees- - IOW* pay over the rapine monies in 'the uoe4seidest Land Fund aeooaat war yMl.ifaEM. Vivid by Mr. Mitatull, seconded by 'i $..g, That the Treasurer be author- raeAtte Maim fres tong+N beepers 30 per mot of the rents aeeraing after 1st of i slant ea their gates in elver at par,nn MM the monthly vents are paid s» Meed by Mr. Piper, span£.£ by Mr. the Reaves of the town be allowed to .:ped the $3000 is boildias a Bayield river, kaowa s . Bridge. --Carried. iters.£ by Mr. Mothers, mended by 4111ti: Dodos, That townships lying dens J MY et rte b uad•., i bd.gr. the UMW O..ntiea have the privilege of In iegAbo w labor s aid line.-Qor7hd liosolbbyy Mr. Kraal, amended ley Mr. This the Gamed greet the es . 40000 to amimias Waive .d mail read in Ike y.briegi.g it the *hies, i •- emeries., Mr. Kama tragtwe of IM most d.etd spathe srd as the bort It war, if s wa.dii, Iba last +Mier of the kid he Mrethee, mad (him 8wite mom Mreapr me he ptw.eeded) he makes behalf tit hh.if, hid wr of W Mewmip, rob 1rd *dila dwuregle %maker 1 m Ily hi smith wan prod y • SisOss ty dr IS. eery to she t.. Wit' • are in receipt iota and regret to the doused that it expr..- i rt hmeee to the validity of „T -Loo, ler rather with souve of the cos,ected with the same, and s woh doubt would hue a t.rodercy to redact Ibe value and otherwise affect Ibe sale et the debentures, e as to involve a considerable Was to the Go. ot Bruce, there- for, ander the circumstances, your own - mitten, after carefully 000sidering time matter, would recommend the Council to repeal mad By -Law, sad that another By - Law be prepared and .deeded with the view of having the same 'shrine/ to the vote of the electors of Brite with u little delay u possible. Your Committee would recommend the following alterations to the mbar : 1st tyat tJte atm of 111000 be inserted in the proposed By -Law to tmpses eye rad between for 6th mad 7th eo.o.sdons of the township of Kieeardtne, and that the sum of 11600 be inserted for the int- permart of tie line between Iota 15 and 16 in the place of $ 1600 in said township of Kioeardise. 2d that the aro of 81000 be ironed to improve the conoe.ion toads in the township elf Caere., and that the sum of, $1750 be inserted to improve the boun- dary line between the township of Car- rick and Cullom in the piece of 112780. 3d that the sum of $2000 be inserted to improve the lino between the 12th and 13th 0000esaions of the township ef Green- ock, and that the mem of $300 be inserted to improve the road leading from the vil- lage of Paisley between the 21st and 22d recessions of the township ot Greenock in place of $800. 4th that the sem of 8300 bo inserted to improve the sideline between lots 30 and 31 in the township of Eldcrelie. 5th that the sem of 8500 be inserted in the By -Law towards building a bridge eros the river Saugeen at the island be- tween the mouth of aid river and the steam saw mill. 6th that the sum of 32100 be inserted to build a bridge acnes the River Saugeen and improve the road between the 8th and 9th ooraemions of the township of Brant in place of the nam of 1600. , All which ie rsryetfally submitted. Wm. BUTTON, Chairman. Mr. Lumsden expressed surprise that the chairman had brought in such a re- port ; as • member of the committee he ken► nothing of tbe new aebe.e which had base recommended. Mr. Hatton explained that Mr. Lour- des ossdee had lett the sitting of committee be- fore the reat..sdafiaun had been adopt- ed. The aase.at to be raised by the proposed By -Law had not been altered, and ell and Mink tbd the imps would be wan eo.vemiiest gar the people Imre* .d. )sir. L...4- t deed drosigly to the eon of premedv, whisk he esenidsad meet Odorless is iM N•daay. The mai. to bad sot bum unb.i1M le the an - aligns, as end. Mr. Sods meld be W reed dopester pat of the repent M Mr. Lotman". Mr. O.y mid It mat snot entre. wrieary the the menmlkle estate set Om whim. fir• Irmo Beams kostsieg anytbisig about it. He W been miry meek arpa.ad w bit eat Ike dimple p.ep.d. Mr. Welker amid thew bit been tae. numb Irkikety mem. tie .moth eat ! lid . *ii *i 1T .. a trisrmsaf Ilselmsel..e n brt• asll oil mewl* .8 deer Momatr- sd when emb madame me the pia* oda .9., *4Isa.iy b r11>l ll'R ..r h .e.M .sb - tthtmlt if . MW Mese Ii II (1Lmi.elleit) Whet wee Ibe .m Ma be he thought it the bed thing be done, alter the adverse von. As the narks. of Mr Conaway,he thought M was the last man who should bring in ehargee of iaoortsiareaoy. Ile [Mr. B.] thought it his duty to try to get justice for his township, not knowing but the re - Fort might be carried, and surely that did not disqualify hint from bringing in a mo- tion of amendment. Mr. Lumsden said as long as he thought there was a majority of the people in favor of the scheme, he was desiromu of support- ing it, bat as tho vote taken had been an adverse one, he considered it bad policy W force it upon the attention of the rate- payers so soon. It would be decidedly the bestpolioy to wait until next meeting at lest. After a few farther remarks, pro and eon, the vote ws taken, with the follewiog result: Far the Report --Messrs. Pinkerton, Howe, McLennan, Lumsden, Millar, Mo- Intyre, Purvis, Batton, A. McIntyre, Mo - Lay, Hunter, Conaway, MAEwa413. Fcr the Motion -Mesa. Penile, Gil- lies, Brocklebank, Walker,Sinelaia, Fisher, Ruby, 7. The Report was then adopted without amendment. At a Wer stage, a By -Law was drawn ap embodying the scheme, with the changes stated in the report. It will be published immediately, and we will take mere to let oar Bram readers know of the days of polling, which are to be tiro. The passing of the Report of the Fi- nance Committee timed the important businer of tbe sesmioo, and on Saturday at 12 o'elock'nau,the Council adjourned until the third Tuesday of December neat. ssullIJe WAR TREWS. Ode erre most romantic incidents of the War km just taken plaoe at Portland, Maine. The capt. of the Confederate .ruiner Taooney or Florida entered that harbor with a captured schooner, cat out the revenaecruieer Caleb Cashing, and boding he was pursued, blew her ap at ea. This was a very daring feat; one, in fact, which smacks of the bold dash of Jackson mad Stuart In the West the Federal are not mak- ing great hemdway. Vicksburg still holds out and Banks ben received another terri- ble repulse at Port Hudson, which, it seems, is provisioned for three mouths and is described u being the strongest place in We world. The invasion of the North still goes on. Gen. Lee appears to have crossed with the .hole of his army to the North side of the Potomac, and advanced upon Harrisburg, the capital of Pentryleania, destroying railway communication and burning splen- did bridges in his course. Harriebere, June 2R, 6 p.m. The Confederates are within three miles of H•rrsburg, and are throning shell.. Our troops are within the iutrencb.tents, and .i11 make a bold stand. 8, p. m. -Tho bridge neer the Su.que►anas se Ods.hi0 is in Sara Tie blawieg s a special despatch to the H.reM from Harrisharg at nine o'clock the waning ,7The enemy degraded the corns der of Mecbuniesbsrg, which was complied Al. oar sentry retreating in good order. Me eua.y pulled down the United Sate gag ..£ rammed the Caefedeveme colon. The taws was eery qqei., most .f the potpie haw - big left The Conferrer mimed emend thereof dinars woe* of props, f eoeseaemmel in by the Goveraniest, eawis$ d ah, gust, he., .t Amour. The enemy a arab was ebre.m of Stieneemows by sees. Thi mown ■ said to he e• mese£ reale, ad ammo le sleek Marsihe g atone and ben aro. Oen. W. F. OEM eemme.i nee forme wawa the 81.q.t pen• der. 718. Co. Moms Gamiest J.bnoe. s divieioa ..teed Choitheeshmrg me Walbn.dep ed Friday, etre saved towards rg. His Odes em rMr elms. 5N.,151 toISA"•.en. lye =MO La..4er, Pa-, W tis Hs Ceesedsean Mw ome of Tort sad bre linen est Adipes ate sea Isis ememer. • ♦ kink s ibesiLrg i mule deans. Oen. M310., . tam Hove ppawed as «Y1 apes tMeFired. e ray ►aver their dateoeo. tam merles am hems Isl. ted aria ee imres e. p s de the .pmea. "Tem y l' w moods£ is he g4y i e zgrf rwe•r$ le SW foss a;yaeet.- ibsss skdkaiirob and re wee in i.iiremesd die Ibex aa.t7, g ...11 TM ee my a es ' ;Mob .iB woe leasee .meet. -... mpe. tlematime los he -` onI s. h10 I knee sees ifined emit ata •.s b7 83,. ey.yts, et el esa+w that 1 weld be 011►MI ` easy to If that my •'-s head Goamick at mei had of Beane. , Trai.or got an le Await. He fel. Albert en the hala- tion* osestipoo amid Broca, mad et 3 an Friday ebonies fasad hie Wor- k hiel1s. a three hose in the township of together with a young man he had Picked ap sear this place, remiss from the edges of his faced much. housing the .ample from the arms of Morpheus, Train- er applied the " derbies " to the wrier of the principal, politely invited his oompan- ire 1a evil to take a asst in the froggy, and before night had the slide tion of seeing them afely homed i. the Oomty gal. A brief omre.po.deas with the polios anthoritis of London by telegraph ensued, and all being plain, the years men were, with the stoles property, trami&rred to London on Monday last The young gentleman thought be was doing • demo thing, bat he is probably eomivineed by this time that his capture wen els eater still. Mr. Stolen got back his sok is safety. wall tat asoyoaes,lmld (the (este we .bower tad pain refresh pow* a desideratum, of Tenpereeee i Bu to give a grand Wm at Farm, sear the Village d help£, on theOth of July nest AccrloN SALL-Mr. A. B. Bww.ma has received inatreetioes to .ell • lot me stock and other property .t David Denk's, Bayfield, on Saturday, I Ith July. FALL WHEAT IN CAIiaklE.-.414. Samuel Shannon of Carrick, Co. Burr, has sent os by Gear a temple of Fd Wheat grown by him. It measures fully five feet five inches, and the bead is w.8 developed. Ile has 14 acres a is --lea like. Well dose, Carrick. DEFERRED ArTIcLES-IncsoE.egmaa of the length of the County ,00aaaas pro- ceedings, several editorial articles, eamom- eications, and refinements aro out of this issue. Amongst these are the Schedule of Convictions and the long; letter of " Union," which will appear next week. Excursion TO Buffalo.-A Special Train will start from Goderich at 4 a. m. on the 4th of July for Buffalo, and we hare no doubt many of our readers will avail themselves of the opportunity offered to visit the dominions of Uncle Sam. The fare for the doable journey is get at the very low figure of 83.00 sir The Owego route is premiss Tay .ree.dul this year. The tripe sae mei very regularly by tie propellers, got IM railway is reeivi.g and dispatching, from day to day, immense quantities of lireeigh freight. The amount of basins already transacted and anticipated, will, we thi.k, largely exceed that of last year -heavy es it was. A New BOAr.-We are glad Nes that the " Canadian," a splendid shame u, has been placed upon the Goderish 4 Saginaw route, the Sabots having hoee removed to the Chicago and GAM' line. The Canadian is described es being decidedly the fastest boat en til L• sir which may be inferred from tie (Set limit she made the run from Detroit N tib place in eleven hours. Bush • wear plying between the wester, tennis= of the B. & L. 11. Railway and the Odlhy .t Salt is all that is required be te.dr lir route • highly popular or. ACCIDENT. -Two boys resp res over yesterday on the atree4aasig moor the Signal Dime, by one of those nudes, • hone naming lee large. The braes Moped upon the head of dun ref tbses-mss d Andrew Dou.ngh - in ieting • .new seep wound. The child mstped w1k bat Y almost miraculously. We ase eeeviesea that an action for dos pr irate help Awl thing to restrain parties ten .Wiper horses to ren loose almost the sMeds mod commons to the imsimihmt ell ger •I I dress's lives and limbs. and Chwblre Ester Fend. MAXIMA Horss, Loddon, 4th June, 1863. 81,-I have new the pleasure to acknow- ledge os behalf of tbe Lord Mayor and Ilan moa House Com.itte the receipt of your etas dated 1Sth May, enclosing a S7g. Frill, vales !12 0 0 being the amount of • further oostriborion Eros the inhabitant' of Oodderieb end atm rkonity. sin aid of the distressed Cotton Operatives 01 the country. I have to .1 =settee, • Mbalf of His Lordabip and the Cdss.ittee, oar sincere thanks for this addi tiara donated' in aid of the Mansion Hose, Lean ++ and Cheshire Belief Fund. Iam, Ste Yours obedtl'y, JOSEPH GIBBS, Is W Cheese Rehr( Secretary, drid. F.WOLFEBSTAN THOMAS, sag, Tema. (diire rrl Cheshire 1 r1 .1 reed ue•eriei Conde tett. Ecrctt-dime Ire wgwMd N nsm- mu.me that a Lesbos wii be dews/ is the Vidal• Comet HJ, OIENf's bMOIR e Moseley evening, are eel wt, kr alwas H. Nine 8.ith, a Idy Time Fleas wad far hags:• Migla .mime es s bnsalt.•- Me " Too Wy," syr d e OEi15 CLseida, " W hags: advasege df mi appearsaee, amid a disc, *thug &beery." Tb - arUr Beare we he." The ,allien-_M- .otber." 1/s. mak fir • gad aMmoi arra, Isar... stink hrr Aar i mtirmo» of any bey heau r .18& I der *MO l7edsii: Te tie Warden and Councillors of the Uotted Oettnttee of Huron and Bruce. A 8wear LATla Dema., -. 404! 7e► why mesasg mem et ear s ins a Red dal mewl int M web M • beautiful little taws, whisk rawly Flaw w., had otaa,d mewl the *wag Mb the Weer of is Nip TM 7.15 award wee the righte and sem& ski* IA 00111.1" 1.m die quiet meats l .!'erwmr"-' Memel" ien dory y , M d wilep Meet 6k. Hs a*Oil y stop leakedbaajktwms Ne111tmMlma !sir•, N mgif/ b What bawd .f the lwub It i THC Repan el Jobs Nanrs, Local Sepertimdesd- eslfor sAe Ibena.Aip. of f oder•ic*, Stas. ky, Tonereafth, Mclillop and Morris. -Jaw, 1863. ilei gm h MIs.IIvo I shish yes am es ewes by her*" • bus l eha ammo is .1i.k weep shot is the teethl/rwo wish V * immilita y.r ape, « dee .net w ee iw ka fakes et wading mend the Olee1 whisk 1 have now deme he ;yen de n. ' ... e ^ old[ allm.•n.* ter useelli.g orpram dr* the roar, W7 An sem i+ whisks .apody enlleiat ger a liealtiaud 1 ..d odes eke men +e a that I her Aerie of try ma giro error a4, it will M debnk met Mamie the year. 11 shooed he resamkated that the easels are doom wade to the whiskies a/ iN-s- Wad .mimes divided is Jab and -.ogees el school seatipies from seek Mama a10p tads w the Chef $rpsriNgde.ti sad .11 mbuot oorrespoadeeos Moeda to It o ast than ha appsreut la allay are that the .bow* pita.s s too little les mesh dales. - When • Seperistesdest hes pswlaesiso.l has, or the profits of a Fars to leak to, perhaps the ssallama of Mary would ate M ea se- renl7 fell, but it is Mama .kaa am hes .o other sans of income. When I sin u ply wafglmetios at the Yaali.g neat Jaouar7, I will take the liberty of dimities the attendee of the Cosoeil a little more to school matters. Alt .hick is napeotlh11y Reported. la,ll'9VE.!<,D,A: AI L THZ CHILDZZZ of TRE BOZDZZ. *TALMO, KENTUCKY. CHAPTEBVHI-IS. ULRIC! atOaUT. (Continued.) Martin Higuby wen at Min :r aldron's bt'i- 41, rine wire Lockwood came up with her, us the march, and greeted him with a look in which there was Mora tram of welcome and but a tritle of geed nature. Although Marys cbernived a pamioa which he ought to have regarded hopeless, the attentions of the borderer so the object dee worship filled him with jealousy of the most maliguaat ki.d. He burned for ms opportunity to humiliate Theodoe and displace ham in the friendly estimation of Judith. Tees lodging grew monger every hour rant it beeat . the aasorbi•g thought of his life. Ile band that this intrepid stranger had already awakened too mach interest in the breast of Mss Wal dross. The sppwition made him miserable and tint him out c f temper. He considered that be had stwng Mears to Judith ; priority of rain, certainly. If a hunter stares • deer is the forest and follows it day after day over many weary miles of wilderness, .hat nght, las another to seep in before bin, shoot dome the panting game and bear it of? No ces- ceirable riebt, according to say and every code of common honor such se is expected am.o.g mankind. • Was he not that hunter T Had be not started the first game that w ever pureaed I Was not the Lockwood this unprincipled interloper elm had started oat of the forest to capture he deer s it rad by worried by Zoog pursuit? The affirmative was plain •.rough -to him. He was being wronged and be would repay that wrong two fold. kin world wake all the punning of hs stun sod level it like the gun of a concealed marksman at Theology Lockwood. It grieved him sorely to remember that it had, singular- ly enough, fallen to the lot of the meddler to rescue Judith from the hard of Nsgls- Of las I have been making a fare..B visit to .oleo of the schools in those townships, the rgssimeedence of which has been tnnaferred M soother; sad if the system at present in °Natios be encouraged, 1 am certan that the ecboo4 will send out many good scholars. All ot erne have not the same dvaotage, bet I believe that every teacher at present employed is (altblul and attentive to his du- ties. Ja Ws a.00d, Mr.William Stuarts school edarb high and, ender his able i.structiou, .rotates the good opinion formerly express. .d. Mr. Leonard Mclanl ot No. 1, and Mr. Cheese Smart of No. 2, are also clever teach- es. Is the to ebianpf Heads Mr. John Sbs. a( Na 1 dservar-dl praise. In Grammar, th paanis' was vary correct, end tbe many moues.- of fine writing well entitle that .eked to the highest d.tinctioe. At Kin- ky, then was a large detnbutiou of pros and rewards, and the teacber, Mr. James Fer- hd good reason to be proud of the pgsi.aeq ot his scholars. Many of the most remeratio and in/nental settlers attended the ..sanaioa, and at the close of the pro- grams 1 had the Wooer of receiving• vote d treks, moved, I Mak, by Mr. waou sad seeosded by Mr. John McMillan ; end or- der the eiresm mess it was very gratify 'ung. I have also again visited Egwo./wffa 8,Mol, sad that ghees me an opportunity of sow noticing the objeetoa mode .gni .s at Int meeting of the f•,w oeti for e.ai c hag the .00itoriml system of taebig. Ism .*sided, however' that those who complain do not exactly s.dsnauad the dvsuge of having •.o or two good .miters in s .stool. The synths is by so mans dmigsed to aper are o,dopers with tie easebnn iute.atae.; it is only be Ind and emit hme, and amble the clene to have sear ayunhwM with the sob- )** of their Mea wire deed op. It .ore - ever gives empley.st to the esho'srf sod the ■ the geese sera for paranoias idling end tr%id, foe .h« a ear is set to the desk to prepare tie Msec., i ..poet very fah good ■ sea.plrhaL Bet the Kg- mesd►dle a►ool is the only one is which i haws teed the eso.iwriel system proy caped a. Farther, tr, itthe may ss par - Wired be tae s previa. repoew, and Wild... -e the m+mplsit agree me land eat ween to support it. Bet i .heath niers In $01 geed inn.. ,Wait.. i. .very school. - Sr. fleeced, tis tsaoh.r a Zp.oadrae wee se ds.* herd to meads w meek te e ai- tIK- the ember sf ..here le eased** big semise as highs let bet the Toiler hams eat. eigaged es 1111,1..01 .set, *eery pupil eel M hoed day by wee r aim ei M teathea de shimmies, if I meats eel, rom. b'bewen .ads spial see of having re gesi • likigt be N mistIew(eg.re-b e pOttt► .00mi.- ✓iss55aste= thewbout dem ,lisae int4141w= Math. iM iR .mNd ao.or •dy t° haenadg• lemwsd ori -sir i Maims et this, also bw that whoa 1 wrM He Tem of Oed► Ask wheel .are that meaty ore neo, then was es ermgb se dome 4r 8..1a&....4 Op peekss, end that at a deme ahs the.e tame Oft amt W hid U dale mmmotr. It i oleo wowndM essminedes of Tareama.1 Irv. Mgr s tin the ohm age *thrift dm row M .ear m *Est of ells wsed.b marl All dem Asn mei oath w resat a hev.p.d7 eNeted It. PPM dew a M MO pet ie thiea tithe ,.. gimmef weddi b dims Ansthrei bee imp A Awl= ka sdlibeg, tat ft i wen z=loare •sy preload "4:i.. ire at w hee.pot Away 1s. the ■ ;y 5 re+» of mil▪ d' + ' T.. lea emob aderme at er los met sYes willhell 1 mer Mew, wkh moans th 1'"' 1 ih wild have allineed assb3.g with of :!8.w of reiti...a. Yew Mee Mem set those* t.rdom, het Weight mo oppik whatae* to main yew Miemakm, Sikh 1 septa" w wit, i seigeosal a fad ► pas. pad mama areas" rhe 1' Mow what Mew t' nods arid Hip by, nrtii.g the pommel of w audile vides* l7i and Oesaeit.g his bend. groat. "1 know .hat I Mao. t• " H its oasis of impudence, go wide it N Neverfail or my Whet. hip sass l a weak heeded girl with los eatorde.a f le laritateisarticalar dos the .enema se ? Wire marsat have 1 is Mr. Lockwood, fiat I .hush be made the stripier 08 jaw nags. lar logic I H Jsioegine the 1 wt8 1stoo obey and with .mliebukm N .ia.ie and dwactive, )]oa dselve veered. Gr 1 1 am tired of w eapan7.r. , se ' Certeidp 1 I ren: go to make room for the Glow without • iiMerj. 0 it s wall to sire ap old friends for ant m skis: soli to give ace's aper else mad gases It over ase'. equals 1 lint w will ma 1 Thi road is long that has so too The well is den that W so bettom. 1 say,* .Mall se 1' s low los tarries. WB,a.7tIies w very the swsotosy. Thr«msing is bettor ter d i..11ittg and whimpering. I have saw before spoken to jus with unkindness or .s verity. 1 have .patted .you ems. I with n ot to islict pais as anode Mena berg. - I have told you -it was my dol -that wire Youdarndn pas never M. Yet yo. persist ou follow me. You repeat the old story day atter, as if repenter world *get the love you sigh for. Now lets part in pesos. Do ns. seek my society.' Ant£ mal .bun me ;Might a l say, e me, rather thee permeatepermeateam thus. TMthere 1 no. be a sun sod cot • child." `«' e' trfell bee it iia s whir • ate. maws. swagoshwaller d r.l..M. C•; Jean t«hAW . OAVTIO1r Ws 11 .Dr cid g1YyT ewrt.w .ad e.. d ai.kr dei me Mb 7 of £spec. lr sm he mom rda:l " Are you sure that you Inc. Martin 11' y r" he eked, riding .tor to the girl sod slowing s face pale with emouos. " Not with drat tact 1 not with Chet ate., e m auntie I Don't look at me agar, 1 prey. There is somsthisg .aleTOaau L. you. merely. Go away -go awn) 1 We ene't M frleni." " You have said it, Mss Judith 1 1t%your own verdict. Don't •,,.pais of it is toms to come. Don't! i bag of yes 1' mph** Mar us,dertin6 a msaaesg look .1 Judith. Yen intend to be dewire . Yee W better roam*. De not he hasty. I week fur roar good. lam ass yoar sassy -far trim at. Do rot make me bold yes is greater--" "Say it -say. I" "Contempt. The woad word opt You have provoked the truth from ma at (.11. - Tal. it, and think of me se sere." "More airs -more un 1r "Thr is insult ; but I .t11 sot had it. - Angry with yore 4 cannot be. That is r . possible." The distance between s is so great Wall you permit me to demount and kens *be bee of your garments, Queen Judith t" re- tamed attamed Martin, mockingly. "I wouH permit no more and prefer mach lea." "It ie vastly well. You are a goddess sod I am • clown. I cost speak to you ander my breath, hat in bind, with downcast yes. But your Brash Canadian is waiting to pay plume. He regarded the as particularly use respectful court to the Empress of Beauty.- fortunaa; it gave him • claim upon the girl's Let me tell you you lure lost a (recd. And kindness, and such claims are always dealer- slut is 001 .11." os to • rival. Hs conduct on ,bat ocesan, too, would erre to cleft Judith'. ears to kis insinuation.-sboud be make any -to the discredit of Mr. Lackeyed. Wring the short tine the latter led bees with the pwaees, it seemed t0 Herby that he had made rapid progress in ealtirat.g the good opinion of Me asitia. Indeed, be ob- served bserved that two or three of the young Adis albs expeditioa were very friend)) towards him ; so much so that it cost him smell trouble to win their .mils and bemiring While the borderer was making Hig.by the subject of toanratios with Philesa, be- fore leaviug camp, Rigsby, in tars, made bis the object of remark with Judith. He began by seyieg that be tbougbt it rather .insular that a stranger should joie them under such interest i" their movemenes. "A fortunate erase for es, 1 think," Judith replied. Perhaps !" rejoined Martin, with a myu terios motion of the bead that made the simple word signify much. "The matter, it appears, is not quite .o clear to your apprehension," aid'Juditk, queetly. A thing is true or it isn't," quoth Martin, gravely. "If a mans whet be seems to be, Mia, hat if be isn't be isn't Now that's what I call logic. I suppose you understand something of logic y" Not much," returned Judith, with a mire•. "If a man is bonen, he u ; and if M ia't he set ('hat'. mon logic." " You are • subtle reasoner, Mr. Higeby. " "I go altogether by logic, became logic s lobe sad nothing else. It wont fail, logic WOOL" "If yon .ill be plainer, possibly i.hall un- derstand you batter." Yoe will or you wont Judging by the past, rm afraid yea wont. More then ono, I've tried to make you undimmed me, bet you couldn't 1're tried to explain to ))ou the elate of myfeelings, bet never siae0sedsd. If you knew, ie W•Idroo-" Martin received • glance from Jdith that made him hesitate and leave the heal period un(1.eb.d. Come sir, whet have roe to ay of Mr. Lockwood. But little at the time-oely that the British hare spies and rent agate L. *very part of the (votary.- "0, oot ry"0, and Mr. Lockwood may be nee ne thea -a spy or • secret agent I i awl eas- ter that this is is a new wiped of the ease.- 11 os•8.thatthisssanewwipeetdtheese.- 11 an assist of Me Brink, he sof coarse se enemy to the peaceful settlements of ]Geo- tacky by the people of the eolosie.." •' Her or lie Met. This is a proposition whieh you meets depute. i don't rat to isjan •aybody'. r•purta• I wodd.'t VI wad • bet V tfellow arida w •'t a BruCasco in., W cover . o." irti. aor." Rigsby stole a took at Judith tees hoer this easeasemenwa wee re. w edvi,..ebet aortas( h hag a 18..Mb held hr quite d. " Thi Y a arias chugs, 16. fishy. I hope yes will make sowhiskeip.taTatmenet at IrIwiwoodd Y h moss ren le the allows eb•t•eM► of • ,y, 1 mono believe." Mogi• s logia, argument s e. a cN,and ■ proof. 1 wish yes to be oleos, Mine M" OMR i hem esllseW the seeded e.l.I_ to Mew w gees, whirl I .hale seas he ship sede. Mf N ha+eve- .aen* be s pia' M is a. if be se, he en mad if M Wet. t" wMtdeer t" "545 deer 1suno w harry or w eM.'t. WNMi i m T We dMs't Cas we tell wire be wee he.? We w'L Our we o whir he mall Mdee y Ws mint Dewe hope whet M aa.amaw the Mar We Mit.-- MesingISlupe with sew das'L You woo its Matsu cam t....m grew mea mire .sed Ma• e mattglsmi limearar sdemo A. he M firaNatrifs why reset alp i55omif is Ir dimmer-. eaelbed Nm. "'MeV, leo op dot damp memo eine u.. Mei ser em der. A mese M rdoneetheldier Webs he emmgnfie..e be init. If he est doh an elk eel Ob. the seam" • lite e se nmee y he's • very privev l F.- ....i.„*.a...errh w «. M ememebe i hands /q, "I have made an enemy -of Martin Rigs- by, doubtlw." "Tire Is no longer any aoeh person s the Martin Higeby you need to lee at llour feet. You dry consider him s dead. 1'6. s the kind of logic you may oro ata.. You may consider him as deed mod buried. Mar- tha artia Higsby, that was wont to abase himself int your feet, is deed and buried " " It rejoices me to bear it. Peace to his rhes r "May your joy be d long eo"tiermeoee r hired Martie. i Inc. .hat I know 1 sad i sty, .e shall see." say was ads awn 1r arIM J ' Geawh1, ler K ria. error Shogis's Bale of iasada, - Sure Omesed lle .Wit DE Ewa a• weds Th ooh n lir iI See nemass eel e Wille meals mm rr}e el Wm0 nit wars mms is 0 die- Ts e Weevil Mar mYiwYtlmemei tlag le• Wi.lrsM ! l.ar.seenSIM- " .a 10. sasrb .Im mrkaz Toolifarostdialaiwowisawi ve•, r rI e/ i hese nae . eltp.ae . •5 Ewe sr Maas amara_ b•esi94d tin. leve .. Wim. em. be seeb i napes w Te•m•P••at Meer Maw•.e •eYi.e thamie isms et `? mowWi twee • si wEms r is hthe i, ft Ile wish. es 'rTm►r Mr TwielyAbli sir a LM ems. JOHN MACINMAID 111.1' la. at as Mm ofTeas. Wins sees b10 r. Treser`im.., • 55as..ttc .sr ler, tam. f wt aura BbOE YOViSD. ' r mal ler, aged is new Climbs, rw seeEvolis e er Th•mpaa, ae rear. Tlo riser w heMs seadeag e r aired apse, en/ plias Oeder•e•. J w 11011, SOIL suet He struck hie span into his horse and dashed to the bead of tbe cavalcade iu a great heat and excitement, and soon the borderer was riding quietly at Judith's side. An interesting query arum in his mind : "lf he intended to make a declaration to Judith, world ever a better time present than the preanit moment t Bat then were many things to dieeoar.ge the purpose. His as graantaaee with her was short. A kw days only had elapsed since he first beheld her. - He was ignorant d arae state of hr feeling.. He had not tbe vanity to think that he had made • particularly favorable mmprensioo upon her heat and imagination. He was quite persuaded that a declaration would be Fear - tare and tend to thwart his views, yet feared delay would prove erjually dangerous. While be was wanting, heartier and trembling, a bolder man woad bear off the prise. While the pondering the delicate subject, considerable clattering and shooting a the rear called his attention L. that direction.- The had entered upon one of those extensive leve peculiar to the country, covered with Ida bashes and vias, with here sad thane. tree. Upon emits( his yes backwards over the keel be a. • Nan on horseback riding with headlong speed upon their trail. He was beat forward in 18. saddle, bnndeking • ride in hie right hard, and now and then coding up an airpereing whoop or yell, the definite intent of which Theodore was at a los to conceive. He win about to make some inquiries of Neverfeil concerning the unexpected pre.entmeut when he hoard Nolan exchum "It is Long Bal r enure al Instr laments round_ LATELT, a the Ovary Foe hawses AM- fold ed Mater, a pen. •armee. aer est mememere. The owe e ems ..rasst1e MUNI of Me Year try ander. at M. &gra oast., .ad as paying fir mss aieertmemeet. May 15518, 170. .wT1wla Dissolution of Partnership. Hg PARTNERSHIP he»bbee emit .g Mas.... woo roars. amid W. la. .. Isamu albs pore., wader the style earl Med Reareds k Beata. Amoteed es the la Ell el Apia, MO. h mesal comsat. Th. owl w. N. r will pay .11.18814.. by the said M, . d eases as dlesdne bathe mow Wa.sf•Je.t: Casreavaa. DONALD mt,sar801g, () w. N. RADE[]:(. In reference to W above, the =darter d10. wl'may krhie .emeemee liiu.d..a the Ms rob. r u 110118 send, ed rlr = fee ewe fF oo.id.•m and psero.ye M the pose. '6=17 . dire. restmw sredike ram a the a r.terrr W. N. RANKIN. Symwl, le Apra, MEL .11 MONEY TO LEND ON. 'pes.as _ per cost am a nw J. 1. CORDON. wombs) MONEY TO LEND ! AT s rarer rale or le1rmd, is ss say mfat 1,201, 4 or a years, a lam Property It1.. Derma ngW.d doers. Ifo imamwd Rola amoaat W Lasa. And charges. wiry ..£situ. Apply to SHADE GOODING. Oelmiter. Ate. Neat door to Wallace's 0lasge. Meaty tawferieh. lath May. IAA. 14.5 4 Yes,' said soother with $ preliminary oath, "its long Bill Piper, era ascus►." "• I ain't parka," nssarlkd N.ve,Gil, "1 new sow mist, or aunt expect to be any tim dais' the unmoor i bet i meal my I sere apnoea to em that *rams . ie the seised had". rd d• him ap and baba him1sp ad all. Base and ,.Mire." ThaleerYunl oda* el seemed he be mead, lee. Wirt weren't i. p wine% worth To Mats gthen mine e *ed ▪ ad mak, with . seek interposed d the same mimes .f hs leis ; bee the latter we" a emeggesend that ase w dimpled te be- iteve Wt they were prireipal objeete err •t mdse. Iii il, L. sadoe.iug bin, see teal ...rally Ober seder the atheism tat de Mir* were the props Aiwa r stash N ion 'wise end from ween to .spas If W lege easels£ b as preps- £ to vas a w.lmes site of ifs sew pewee simimbees et AM POsee hely ; he seed see posially oil hi " Hr's gat sbiers l he ever small 4 gty got the err that m and ll Nolen s he"p k 13s'a)r.t Weedensl Lsg w het181 ie. The body mad Mels te dem het oases. They. bolt pr"M.aer, M mad he's koo.l wader le he How happen M to be lase 1"' nomnied He led a at Perri Talky te se bast b Climb Raw. He Met west b gen, ted thee e"' toter gel be mal W. ttts..ed .Ub a`, bat runiN i M t the mmjstly (*helm i he hap) ees este bit and to. the they west hob M robe earns bled etas ea twywant with by got shwa kit medal M • mar thaw Vh tree him op #r NO MIR mews that Wept eek we* tmbrevide.e M him bus M mot de le ► Nina ad he wales ; ler he is% eras pee *Mei Na/Me wee" _ Ifit the deal Helm he this a 16= amllaIer/le W 1,e"r ~ of W rift. es was greeted veal were. ember of*Oen et el mem dy meta my Moth to Pee W d lied 1KORE MONEY TO LEND ATEN AND ONE -HAIL PMg CENT.. T i.awns wsot lain than WOO, 55t Meorpof* ea swm years, aeeebered oo far'. Ywtgpyee drews fres or •barge. Apply to oHADR GOODIN0, b.lieiss , Wer Goioiek. Oih Mereh. Isar. wOsih1 MONEY L'OK mve.ment es ,..summit terms No r Ce... os c w I5a worm ratan will be . 'Applplemust ases.' SHAW h BINCLAIIR melmeis..., At.., Oca.t+. 1lorlmiela,11M mob.. SOIL e.47•10•$q REINEEMBEK TRg BANK6DPT STOCK TO Da 11011.P OT PUBLIC AUCTION Next 4111 to Mr. JMu'e Drag ,$tale, agra.ctsg Tttia ofl.n.oan mei Awoke. Dry Goods, Clothing, DIIEJEl0leE8. Hardware, Eleetre-plate, AT OW! 1A.OA1re. 781* M.DONALI), veM-mgpwel art a• raw,.• - PENS, res, tis t JUST RECEIVED es a If, 8E. Phtetch, PENS TO SUIT ALL HANDS. weeWt1AI sL i 181, e1rr.A tea whit rom M auxin At b.wie& rale 0.101 100 • a I' STYLUS US Nerobobs ewN M well eel •masted re" herds p.eshrung T. J. MOORI$OU$E. Imus, 1Us. NEW BOOKS ! " The eWya desiree e : seem 1/411 K eame w Demi Maeikea." by iL lemaaa waw *eau "s Ii. _w IV eat Farr" kI manna, 11'rasa »eesa " i r . dereel ' Lek SO fese 1.5 W ' Jll sb Atm' Illesived . esti Ile M •