HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-03-31, Page 18Page 18 Times-Advocate, March 31, MO :Lucan and, district news CorresPandeott Miss Lino Abbott Lucan-Clandeboye CGIT plan for busy season insions0mN l a II N11IININNINNINII1,M111ENNistissliNsISI11111111111111111111111I1111I11E1111,1111111111t1111111u1111111111111,1 _LO cAN CHURCH NEWS 1111111111111,11111111,1111111111111111,1.111.11/11tn11111111111111,1111 11111111111111l 111111111111I 1l1111l11111 U 1...•.,11111.11111111/11111 IssimissomissussssiNSNISSI l SP ll l INWINNIN ustopiwolskimilissuustitissIsssilonsiossss l s 11111111111111Q Lucan Personal Items 1111111111111111111111,111111110111111111111111111111111/111,1111111111111111111111111.111111111111,,i111111111111111111111111111 iii ii 11111 TREESWEET UNSWEETENED ORANGE JUICE 3 48-oz. Tins GREEN PEAS or YORK FANCY GREEN BEANS SEASONED FRENCH STYLE SHIRLEY GAY 8 10.... Tins $1 '1 3 Pair $ 1 15: $ 6 Tins 1 LIBBY'S FROZEN NYLONS SIZES 3 1/2 -11 CLARK BEANS CHILI ITSAHUCE Ron Potter, supervisor of sales training, for the London Life Insurance Co., London, was the guest speaker at the Lions Club dinner meeting in Holy Trinity Church basement, last Monday evening. The club entertained the members of the House League Hockey teams and their fathers. Mr. Potter, a graduate of the Waterloo College, was a football and basketball player. He coach- ed the East York Argos, the 1964 Senior Canadian Champions and was also coach of the London Lords' Football team in 1965. He spoke on the important part sports play in the life of a boy. H. B. Langford spoke briefly on behalf of the arena board and Reeve Russell Bowman brought greetings from the vil- lage. In appreciation of the many years, Mr. Langford has been interested in sports and of the time, effort and money he has spent, to further sports in the village, he was presented with an James Freeman hydro manager Mr. James Freeman was ap- pointed manager of Lucan Hydro Commission with duties to com- mence officially March 28. Mrs. Donna Freeman is to take over the duties of secretary-treasur- er. Mr. Freeman has had seven- teen years of experience as a line working foreman with the On- tario Hydro. Mr. Freeman will be a valuable asset to the village with his wealth of hydro knowledge. Mr. J, A. Young who has serv- ed so faithfully, holidays, night and day for 15 years will retire from hydro duties. Mrs. M. L. Gibson who has served as sec- retary-treasurer since February 1925 will assist the secretary- treasurer in an advisory capac- ity. WI Euchre The Lucan WI members held their last euchre for this season at the Community Centre last Wednesday night with 11 tables. High score prizes went to Mrs. Rose Atkinson and Mr. Joe Cart- er, lone hand prizes to Mrs. John Park and low score prizes to Mrs. Jim Davis and Mr. Stew- art Park. Mrs. Jane Somerville won the box of groceries and Mrs. Rose Atkinson won the floral log made and donated by Miss Muriel Carl- ing. .11111111111111111111111,1111 llllllllll 11111111111111111111111111,11 Rec news By RAY DOBROSKI Lucan's first annual family night turned out very success- fully and the people in attendance were treated to the best hockey the local boys played all year. The Lucan Squirts shut out Exeter 9-0. The big guns for Lucan were Jeff Park with 4 goals and Allan Van Fleit with 3, Earlier in the day these two teams played a league playoff which Lucan won 4-2. flensall defeated Lucan Pee Wees 1-0 in a fast skating game. The Bantams hosted the Silver Stick Champions from Watford and were defeated 3-I. The lone Lucan scorer was Jim Hearn, During the .Easter holidays the Watford -team will fly to Mexico City for ft few exhibition games, The Lucan Midgets delighted the fans in their hard hitting 3-3 tie with the highly rated St. Marys squad. Lucan goal scorers were Larry Leigh, Andy Hardy and Toni Rush. The locals re- ceived solid goal tending from Jerry Preentan. NEW CROP JAFFA PRODUCT OF ISRAEL ORANGES SIZE 105's DOZ. U.S. NO. 1 HEAD LETTUCE 2Heads 35C RED EMPEROR FANCY GRAPES lb. 29' C ROUND DUIrICER ROAST 59` IMPERIAL ROAST Le, 85c CHUCK STEAK Lb. 790 CROSS CUT ROAST Lb, 79° TAgiD 4 TEEC S P VARIETIES) C Vat' Pat. 79$ TABLE-RITE WIENERS 1pii`gb: 590 TABLE-RITE BOLOGNA Lb. 39$ SIDE BACON ipiLB (6 89c SHAMROCK ..01111ellim• LAMB IN THE BASKET 39' lb. LAMB SHOULDER ROAST CHOPS lb. 59' CANADA'S FINEST PERSONALLY SELECTED RED BRAND BEEF ! BLADE or SHORT RIB ROAST... WIN CASH DAILY ON IGA'S EXCITING NEW QUIZ SHOW: 'I GIVE AWAY" CFPL, Radio CKWW Radio CKNX.TY LONDON WINDSOR WINGHAM DARLING'S IGA Exeter, Lucan BETTY & ART'S IGA SEE THIS WEEK'S HANDBILL FOR MORE OUTSTANDING VALUES ! ! ! PRICES EFFECTIVE' MARCH 30. APRIL 2 INCLUSIVE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES YORK FANCY CREAM CORN STYLE . . 8 10 " $1 Tins 1-lb. Pkgs. "T-:. $1 SHIRLEY GAY Strawberry Pie FREE 24-oz. Family Size 590 Pie With the purchase of one 24.oz. pies- tic Ctner. at the Reg. Price 89. of only One 24-oz. Plastic Ctner. Maple Leaf LIQUID DETERGENT CAKE MIXES 6 MONARCH POUCH PAK ASST'D FLAVOURS 9-oz. $ 1 Pkgs. MONARCH PARCHMENT MARGARINE . . 3 CLARK VEGETABLE SOUP or TOMATO • • • The Lucan-Clandeboye CGIT meeting last Monday night, open- ed with a song game in charge of intermediate leader, Danna. Cul- bert which ended in a tie between Janice Freeman and Jane Hodg- son. It was announced that of the 43 of those going on the bus trip to Toronto, Easter Monday, 16 would be from Ailsa Craig. Stewardship cards were given out and it was decided each member would make a contribu- tion to the Bunny Bundle project. The following committees were named for the May Day Tea to be held in the schoolroom Sat- urday May 7: decoration, Mau- reen Smith, Marilyn Smith, Mari- lyn Hearn, Heather Froats, Carol Haskett and Wendy Cronkit e; posters and tickets, Jane Corbett, Karen Grose, Helen S hip way, Jane Crozier and Nancy Park; program, Janice Freeman, Betty Park, Pat and Grace Smith, Jane Hodgson, Leslie C arlin g, and Marline Butler. The mother and daughter ban- quet was announced for May 20 when the guest speaker will be Honorary Lions Club certificate. Larry Hotson, assisted by El- mer Mosurinjohn, was named to take charge of the March dance and Clarence Haskett and his committee will be in charge of the annual Red Cross drive. Four door prizes were do- nated by the George Young Dry Goods, Wraith and Storey Hard- ware, Radcliffe Drugs and IGA, Mrs. Russell Bowman and Mrs. Cliff Shipley's group of the La- dies Guild catered to the over 90 guests. Bride-elect is honored Carole Davis of George St. bride-elect of April 9, was hon- ored with two more showers over this weekend. Friday night, Mrs. Russell Goddard and Mrs. Royden Her- bert were joint hostesses at a miscellaneous shower held at the bride-elect's home. Mrs. James Lockyer won the flower contest and Mrs. Johnston (grandmother of Miss Davis) won the point contest. Saturday evening Mrs. George Thomson and Miss Judy Thomson were joint hostesses for a kitchen shower at their home. Birthday party at hospital Mrs. Jack Henson of Lucan, who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital for the past two months was happily surprised on her birthday (March 1'7) when a number of Ater family and friends walked into her private room to offer congratulations, and to present her with many birthday gifts. The party was sponsored by her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bond Jr. Mrs. Henson shared her birthday cake and ginger ale with the nurses and patients she knew as well as with all her guests. Plan Holy Week union services The United Church and Pente- costal Holiness Church will hold two union services at 8 pm April 5 and 6. Rev. Duncan Guest will be the guest speaker at the first in the UC. The name of the speaker for the Wednesday ser- vice in the Pentecostal Holiness Church, is yet to be announced. The Anglican Church will hold two services Wednesday and Fri- day night, Former rector on honor roll On the 1966 honor roll of the Mississippi Council for Christian Social Action appears the name of the Rev, J. P. Prest as the uMissionary of the Year". Mr. Prest, commissionary for In- dian Work in the Diocese of Saskatoon, was for a number of years, rector of Holy Trinity Church, Lucan and St. James Church, Clandeboye. School wins $90 prize Maureen Smith and Marline Butler and their mothers, were among those from Miss Matth- ew's School who appeared on the "Act Fast" TV program Sunday March 20 and won $90, Which will go towards the support of an orphan. Mrs. Doreen Poole, education consultant of Children's Psy- chiatric Research Institute. Marline Butler gave a resume of the last two day's trip which she and Maureen Smith and other London art students took to Que- bec. Three lanyard presentations were made to Heather Froats, Carol Haskett and Leslie Carl- ing. The Lenten worship service was taken by Joan Lewis and Jane Hodgson, after which the next chapter in the study book entitled, "To be Lovers", was taken by leader Mrs. Murray Hodgins and by intermediate leader Danna Culbert. Miss Ida Porte Former resident 95 years young Miss Ida Porte, whose father, brother, and herself had charge of the Lucan Post Office for many years, celebrated her 95th birthday in her Toronto apart- ment last week, with her niece Miss Katherine Bawden and two other former Lucan residents, Misses Eva and May Carter, as her guests. In spite of her years, Miss Porte is still enjoying good health and able to go out every day. John Daniel Casey John Daniel Casey '77, passed away in Hotel Dieu Hospital, Windsor, Friday March 25. The body rested in the Janisse Bros. funeral home, Windsor until Mon- day March 28, then to St. Pat- rick's Church Lucan, where re- quiem high mass was sung at 11 am. Interment was in St. Pat- rick's cemetery. He is survived by one son, Owen of Toronto, three daugh- ters Miss Mary Casey of De- troit, Nora (Mrs. Pat Dunlop) of Wallaceburg, Anne (Mrs. T. L. Hennessey) of Trenton, Mich., two brothers Pat Casey of Lon- don, Rev. Edgar B. Casey, OFM Southfield, Mich., one sister, Mrs. Eva Kroger of Cincinnati, Ohio, and 15 grandchildren. His wife, the former Helen McNally, died in 1958. Mr. Casey was a retired farm- er, formerly of Ridgetown, and RR 1 Lucan (Concession 4 Bid- dulph, two miles north of Lucan). He retired from farming in 1960 and moved to Windsor. Mrs. Susanna Bilyea Mrs. Susanna Bilyea, 93, pass- ed away in Strathmere Lodge, Strathroy, Tuesday March 22. Born in London Township Mrs. Bilyea was the former Susanna P arkinson. Before going to Strathmere Lodge, about four weeks ago, she had been living with her daughter, Mrs. Ward of Huntsville. Her husband, the late Mr. Henry Bilyea, predeceased her. Mrs. Bilyea is survived by one son, Wilfred I311yea of London Township, three daughters, Myrtle (Mrs. Leslie Schaeffer, Olive (Mrs. Russell Fisher),both of Detroit and Mae (Mrs. Gar- field Ward) of Huntsville, also ten grandchildren and six great grandchildren, Funeral services were con- ducted by the Rev. John P. Cook of Brya.nston United Church Thursday, March 24 at the C. Haskett and Son funeral home, Lucan, With interment in North NIssouri cemetery. Pallbearers included Messrs Harvey Bilyea, Ray Ward, Bill iledgins, David Flatlet', Alex Mc- Comb and Bob Bilyea. Anglican The postponed March meeting of the Ladles Guild was held in the Parish Hall last Wednesday afternoon, with the new president Mrs. Charles Haggar in the chair. She was assisted in the devotions by Mrs, Harvey Hodgins, Much of the business session was spent in making arrange- ments for the chicken barbecue and the compiling of a recipe book. At the February meeting it was voted to try a chicken bar- becue in lieu of the usual Ham and Strawberry Supper. At Wed- nesday's meeting it was decided to give the barbecuing of the chickens to the Ilderton Lion's Club. As for the recipe book project forms were given out for mem- bers or friends to submit their favorite recipe. These will be collected and compiled into a book. United The UCW held unit meetings in the schoolroom Tuesday even- ing, and Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Thomas Barr, assisted by Mrs. Ivan Stanley, was con- vener of the former. Mrs. George Paul completed the Bible study on the book "The Man Nobody Knows" and at the next meeting will begin study on "The Book That Nobody Knows". Plans were finalized for the Hugh Bremner's illustrated ad- dress on The Far East, Hong Kong and India, to be held in the church, The afternoon meeting began with a 1 o'clock luncheon con- vened by Miss Doris Weir. The mission theme of the worship service "Called to be" was in charge of Mrs. William Froats and Miss Rein Chown. In the absence of Mrs. George Paul, Mrs. G. W, Sach spoke on "The parables of Jesus". Several boxes of hats and jew- elry were delivered to the On- tario Hospital. Several articles of children's clothing have been made for the bale, Of the five quilts recently tied, four will go in the bale and one to a family who was burned out. Eighteen members were present, HI C Three car loads of Lucan- Clandeboye Hi C and CGIT at- tended the folk singing service in the Ailsa Craig UC Sunday evening, when the guest speaker, Don Pettigrew (formerly of Lu- can) spoke on the changes in the Christian way of life. Pentecostal In the absence of Rev. John Sexton, who is visiting his par- ents in North Carolina, the Rev. James Charlwood of Toronto, was the guest speaker at both Sunday services. Flowers in Lucan churches were from the Cancer Society Surprise party Mrs. Richard Dickins of Ex- eter was happily surprised last Wednesday when a number of her relatives sprang a surprise birthday party on her. Guests included Mrs. Bob Coleman and Mrs. Earl Atkinson of Lucan, Mrs. W. W. Garrett and Mrs. Don McTaggart and babe of Lon- don and Mrs. Heber Davis of Saintsbury. Mr. U. P. Stanley, who under- went surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital last Thursday, is mak- ing satisfactory recovery. Mrs. Florence Cunningham of London spent a few days last week with her sister Mrs. W. J. MeFalls, while Mrs. Harold Mc- Falls was visiting her son Larry and family of London. Two former Medway students, Helen Sigsworth and Anne Buch- anan, now students at H. B. Beal, topped the nursing class, with A averages at their recent exams. Mrs. J. P. O'Brien, won aCof- fee Club hamper on the CKSL program last week. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Elson and family spent the weekend in Whit- by, guests of Mr. & Mrs. Wil- liam Westney. Lynne Dobroski, seven-year- old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Ray Dobroski had an abscessed finger operated on, last Wednesday. *2 70 ON DEPOSITS Mrs. Ivan Hearn, teacher 04 Grades 4 and 5, was out of school last week. Mrs. Ross. McRoberts took her room. Mr. Murray Abbott, who has been making his home, with his sob Don and family, since coming out of the hospital, following the August car accident, which killed his wife, moved back to his Cen- tralia home Sunday, with a fam- ily gathering. He has secured a housekeeper and hopes to be able to stay in his own home. A number of Grade 11 and 12 Medway students, went by train last Wednesday to tour the Tor- onto parliament buildings. Mrs. T. A. Hodgins was a weekend guest of Mr. & Mrs. Colin Nugent and family of Lon- don. Mr. & Mrs, John Knight and family of Kintore were Sunday guests of Mrs. Frank Hardy. Oth- er members of the family called during the day. Deposit by Mail Facilities Interest Computed Monthly Write or Telephone Today for Particu- lars After over five weeks In Flor- ida Mr. & Mrs. John Park and Mr, Stewart Park, returned home saturday, March 19. Mr, & Mrs. Ted Howie of Pt, Stanley were Monday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bond. Mrs. Joyce Sovereign of the Joyce Beauty Salon, Lucan, at- tended a hair demonstration at Holiday Inn Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Ross were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Johnston of Atwood. Ivue rr FLOWERS FOR EASTER Easter lilies, mums, hydrangeas and mixed pots. NICHOLSON'S WHITE ROSE (house or service station) Open Good Friday and Easter Sunday Phone 227-4743 ..... j Grand Bend CUBED SQUASH 2 TOP VALU POWDERED DETERGENT 2 14-oz, 490 Poly Bags 2-lb. 88, Pkgs. Training supervisor speaks to Lions Club THE PREMIER TRUST District Office COMPANY 4 2 8 RICHMOND STREET LONDON 434-2716 ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 30 APRIL 2 INCLUSIVE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES _Lr