HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-03-31, Page 15BELTONE HEARING AID SERVICE CENTRE THURSDAY, APRIL 7 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. PHONE FOR FREE HOME APPOINTMENT SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF HEARING AIDS MIDDLETON'S DRUGS EXETER E.R.Thede Hearing Aid Service Ltd. 88 Queen St. S., Kitchener LYLE BOSS Times-Advocate, March 31, 1966 Page 15: EXETER Ontario Mt. Carmel Mr. & Mrs. Bill Mereer and family, Exeter, spentSunday with Mrs. Kathleen. Houlahan Miss Carolyn and Nora Hall and Miss Jean Melady, London, Mr. & Mrs. Kerr IVIarshall and boys, Peterborough, spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs, John Hall. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hogan and Mary Anne, Exeter, visited Sun- day with Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Hogan and girls. Mrs. Ray Glavin and daughter returned home from St. Joseph's Hospital last Thursday. Rev. Father HasilSullivanCSB of Saskatoon has returned there after visiting a few days with Mrs. Charles Glavin and Mr. Patrick Sullivan Sr. Mr. Sullivan has spent the past few weeks in Texas recuperating after having surgery on his knee. By GORDON MORLEY Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hamilton of Lucan visited Sunday with Mrs. Violet Allison. Mr. Murray Hamilton held a very successful farm sale last Wednesday. Saturday evening visitors were Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Hutchison of Stratford. Some twelve communicants of Brinsley United Church are to become members on Communion Sunday at 12:15 pm April 3. NV egaeir Custom Designing And Refinishing Webster Signs Phone 235-0680 Victoria & Marlborough EXETER RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE WITH yo U R HELP r "AO, By MRS. KEN McKELLAR --,„ sr. • '.46. [ .„ or._ ... ...... ._ .._ ... ,..: , - — — ..„- , - • - • .„iro ,.... i AGA. OA/AS LA 644 .na Ait A .., am% 0 & 4 11. 4 FRIDAY NIGHT 1 , N SPECIAL 7/ Ii7/ w VO ver wr 11.. • LADIES' 3 PIECE LUGGAGE SETS (Wardrobe, Overnite & Vanity) Blue, Ivory & Grey This Friday Night Only 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Special $42.95 (Sold only in sets) Store Will Be Open Friday Nights Until 9 p.m. SHOE SMYTH'S STORE LTD. Home Of Savage Shoes For Children 111111111,11111.10% 4,111 11111••••111•1111111k Selections are before Easter, Tuttitet la Ladies' Wear and Dry Goods Coats Suits Dresses Blouses 4 Hats — Gloves Handbags — Scarves NOW is the time to see them at their best, AND There is still time to order ACT NOW -- AT * WE BUY AT THE RIGHT PRICES WE SELL AT THE RIGHT PRICES UNITED BUYERS STORES OUR 3rd ANNIVERSARY Maxwell House I nstant Coffee 6... Kadana Tea Bags Pickles 140 off FREE 5 lbs. SUGAR with Purchase of 4 Light Bulbs at Regular Price 2 /5 90 100's .97 .69 3/1 6/1 1/1 4111 21.63 3/1 Rose Brand 16 oz. jars Premium Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon 73% oz. tin 2 /1 .49 •89 .49 lb. Schneiders Wieners Natures Best Kernel Corn mo. Aylmer Canadian B eans With Pork 15 oz. tins Minettes Best Choice Tomatoes 20 oz. tins Ellmarr lb. Side Ends Bacon Hamburg or FROZEN FOODS minseat Pies lb. 100% Vegetable Oil 1 lb. prints M argarine Aylmer Fancy Quality J u ice Scotian Gold — Vitaminized p p le J u ice tin Tomato 48 oz. .25 ea, Highliner — Haddock Fish & Chips .69 48 oz. tin OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9 TO 9.00, SATURDAY UNTIL 8.00 BETTY'S MARKET PHONE: 235-1913 EXETER ONT. ..1111 llllll 1111111 lllllllll 1 llllll llll lll lllll For Comfort and Good Looks Elastic Nylon Stockings Pair $12.00; $13.75 and $19.95 Saskatchewan Masons honor former resident Son of former resident is perfecting sounds Telephone 235.1070 Here's a new kind of hobby Murray Prior is at the console of the Wicks organ (top right) which he dismantled and moved from the Playhouse Theatre, Portage la Prairie, to the basement of his home. At left he checks the tone on an electronic organ he built himself while bottom right he joins with his father H. G. Prior, formerly from Exeter, in playing an organ duet. . . . Portage laPrairie Graphic photos UNTLEY Suphose Pair $5.95 DRUG STORE -0 ..111111111111111111111111111 llllllll 11111111111111111111 lllllllllllllllllllllllll 1111111111111.111N111111111111111111 lllllllllllllllll labelled each pipe, valve and part. It was a problem to get the console down the basement stairs and when it came to setting the organ up, the ceiling of the base- ment was much lower than in the cavernous theatre. Painstakingly Murray laid the pipes on their sides and the console was placed beside the console of the first organ he had built. The sound chamber is a maze of pipes and percussion instruments. Here the sounds of "76 trombones" are created with the volume and clarity of a large theatre organ. With the flick of a switch he can swing the instrument over to give cath- edral effect for hymns and an- thems. Murray Prior has an interested pal in his father and they occa- sionally play duets on the two instruments to the delight of their friends. Many in Exeter and community remember when one or more of the Prior family were members of James Street Methodist (now United Church) choir. C. S. MacNaughton, Ontario Minister of Highways learned of the event from a friend in Regina and gathered the details and for- warded them to the T-A with the thought there would still be many in Exeter and area who would re- member Mr. Martin and his fam- ily. Walter Scott, retired because of ill health. After two smashing victories at the polls, in 1917 and 1921, Mr. Martin left the political field and returned to his first love, law. He was successful in this, as indeed he was in everything he attempted, and in 1922 was appointed to the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal. He was appointed chief justice for Saskatchewan in 1941 and held the position until he retired in 1961 at the age of 84. An unusual hobby is that of Murray Prior of Portage la Prairie who spends his spare time perfecting sounds. Murray's father is Herman G. Prior, a native of Exeter and retired businessman of Portage la Prairie. Miss Olive Prior of the Queensway Nursing home, Hensall, is an aunt of Murray's. Since the age of eight years Murray has been interested in electronics. During the war he was a Navy radio operator and is now a technician with Air Canada. From an electronics kit he built his first organ in the basement of his home. Since then he became interest- ed in a Wicks organ that had at one time been used in the Play- house Theatre to provide back- ground music for the various stage performances. After it out- lived its usefulness it stood for- gotten until Murray became in- terested and it is now housed in the basement of the Prior home. It was no mean task to move this mighty instrument but Mur- ray carefully took it apart and SHOP At WILSON'S JEWELLERY & GIFTS EXETER PLEASING YOU PLEASES US A former resident of Exeter who rose to fame in Saskatche- wan has been honored by the Wascana Masonic Lodge. W. M, Martin whose father was a form- er minister of Caven Presby- terian Church was presented with his 50 year jewel and 65 year clasp at special services recent- ly. He has been a Mason for 66 years. Known as the Grand Old Man of Saskatchewan, The Honorable William Melville Martin was Saskatchewan's second premier and fourth chief justice. In reviewing his early years Mr. Martin recalled coming to Exeter when he was six or seven years old. As he was born in 1876 this puts the date at about 1882. Mr. Martin received his ele- mentary education here but be- cause there was no secondary school at the time he was forced to go to Clinton to complete his education. In speaking of Ex- eter Mr. Martin said, "the vil- lage had a well built public school with six or seven qualified teach- ers". He went to Regina in 1903, and worked for the James Bal- four law firm during Regina's hectic early days. He entered the political field in 1908 and was asked to become premier of Saskatchewan in 1916, when Saskatchewan's first premie r, Mr. & Mrs. Otto Walker visited Sunday with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Currie and family at Dorchester. Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gardiner were Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Zurrell of Milverton, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Eggert, Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Knechtel of Rostock. Mr. & Mrs. Roy McCulloch have returned home after visiting for two weeks with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Ro- bert Waddell of Guelph. Word has been received by relatives here of the death of Mrs. William Etty of Regina. Mrs. Etty was the former Mar- garet (Tot) Lamond, daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Lamond and spent her early life in this community. Mr. & Mrs. K. McKellar were guests at the home of their daugh- ter and son-in-law Mr. & Mrs. W. N. Binning and family Mit- chell Sunday evening celebrating their forty-seventh anniversary. Several members of the mis- sionary organizations of Crom- arty church attended the service of Stratford Presbyterial WMS which was held in Knox church, Mitchell, Tuesday. Rev. Dr. J. A. Munro, Toronto, moderator of General Assembly of the Pres- byterian church in Canada was the guest speaker. - 101,1•M•1111.111111Angl• i.3.1M 4