HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-03-24, Page 17Timel-Advocats, March 24, 1966 Pope 17 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of John. Faber, deceased. AU persons having claims against the estate of John. Faber,, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 18th day of February 1966, are required to file particulars of same with Bell •& Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario by the 7th, day of April 1966, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administratrix Exeter, Ontario 24tfnc 24 Tenders Wanted SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD Exeter, Ontario Addition To South Huron District High School SEALED Tenders on a stipu- lated sum basis plainly marked "Tender for addition to South Huron District High School" will be received at the office of the Architects or Secretary- Treasurer of the School Board at the High School, Exeter, On- tario until 3:00 p,m, E.S.T., TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1966 Plans, Specifications and Ten- der Forms may be obtained from the Architects on or after 2 p.m. March 8, 1966 upon de- posit of a cheque in the sum of $100.00 made payable to the Architects. This sum will be re- funded upon return of complete plans and specifications in good condition within seven days of the close of Tender. Separate tenders for mechan- ical and electrical sub-trades will be received until 3:00 p.m. E.S.T., MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1966 at the London Builders Ex- change, 267 Dundas Street, Lon- don, Ontario. Only Tenders de- posited with the Bid Depository will be considered for the me- chanical and electrical sub- trades. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. PAGE & STEELE, Architects #2 St. Clair Avenue West Toronto Ontario 10:17:24c 25 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Under the Innkeeper's Act, R.S.O., 1960, Chapter 189, there will be sold by public auction on the 31st day of March 1966 at 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon at Gerald Schenk's Farm, Cred- iton, the six-year-old pacing mare "BOLD JENNIE" #31771 to pay a board bill owing . by Edward Fitzgerald in the amount of $600.00. The horse is jointly owned by Edward Fitz- gerald of Summerside, P.E.I. and James Muttart. Auctioneer will be Alvin Wal- per, Dashwood. Terms of sale: 10% down, balance when mare is taken. For further information con- tact Jeffery & Jeffery, Bar- risters, 174 King St., London. 434-6881. 24:31c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Choice Holsteins, Truck, Tractors, Combine, Farm Machinery, Grain, Straw, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 8, CON. 3, BIDDULPH TWP. 14 miles east of Exeter on Huron Street, thence 5 miles south or 14 miles east of Centralia, 1/2 mile south The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 25 at 1:00 p.m, HOLSTEIN CATTLE: Cow, carrying fourth calf, due be- fore sale date; cow, fresh four weeks, with calf at foot; cow, carrying second calf, due be- fore sale date; cow, fresh one week, With twin calves at foot; cow, fresh two weeks, with calf at foot; reg. Holstein cow, carrying fourth calf, due sale date; Holstein cow, carrying fourth calf, due before sale date; Holstein cow, recently freshened, calf at foot; cow, fresh three weeks, calf at foot; Holstein heifer, due April 1; Holstein yearling heifer; 4 part Hereford and Holstein yearling heifers; 6 part Hereford and Holstein yearling steers. Cows choice quality and high-produc- ing blood lines, TRACTORS, TRUCK & COM- BINE: Oliver 550 standard trac- tor, hydraulic, fully equipped, only 600 working hrs., in brand new condition; 111-11 22 row crop tractor, hydraulic equipped, in A-1 condition; 1954 Ford half-ton Pick-up truck with stock racks; Allis Chalmers power take-off combine, with grain and bean attachments. FARM MACHINERY; M-H run power lift grain and fer- tilizer drill; New Idea 4-bar side rake; Cockshutt pull-type 4-row bean and corn ecufflet; Oliver team spreader on rub- 25 Auction sales ber; Oliver le-inch bottom 2- furrow plow on 'libber; Bissell 28-plate tractor disc; Cobey heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 16-ft. hay and grain rack;. Mc- Deering binder, 7-ft. cut; M-II 2-furrow breaker plow, 18 inch bottom; McDeering 6-ft, mower; 2-drum steel roller; 3-section lever harrows; 4-section dia- mond harrows; hammermill belt, like new; root pulper; new shallow well electric pump; electric fencers; electric mo- tors; steel and cedar fence posts; insect sprayer; logging chains; assortment of tools; tractor chains; pull-type one- row sugar beet lifter; Muria- nure wheelbarrow; Viking elec- tric cream separator; Burclizzo; Surge 2-unit milking machine, complete with piping for 14 cows; 8 bags International min- eral; quantity of doors and win- dows; 250 feet of •snow fence; step ladder; 2 extension lad- ders; new Mossberg automatic 22 rifle; Moseberg 3-shell 12 gauge shotgun, like new; 3 boxes 12 gauge shells; forks; shovels; counter scales; bar- rels, etc., etc. GRAIN AND STRAW: 300 bus. of Gary oats grown from last year's registered seed; 300 bus. of choice mixed grain and 250 bales of oat straw. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS- China cabinet; bureau; chest of drawers; wardrobe; space sav- er; couch; book shelf; kitchen cabinet, etc.,etc. TERMS: Cash. No reserve, the farm is sold, JOHN SPACEK, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 17:24c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractors, Com- bine, Farm Implements, and Misc. items On the premises N. THAMES ROAD HIBBERT TOWNSHIP, Highway 83 miles east of Farquhar, or 4 miles west of Russeldale. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on THURSDAY, MARCH 24 at 1:00 o'clock VALUABLE TRACTORS AND FARM IMPLEMENTS: Nuffield "D" standard tractor used three seasons, in A-1 condition; Free- man manure loader and snow bucket; Avery tractor includ- ing hydraulic lift scuffler; M.H. 9 ft. power take-off swather; Case No. 65 motor driven com- bine in A-1 condition; M.H. mo- tor driven hay baler; Kongskilde 111 ft. a-point hitch cultivator, used one season; M.H. 13-run grain and fertilizer drill; John Deere 4-bar side delivery rake, recently purchased; M.H. 36- plate tractor disc; M.H. 10 ft. land packer; M.H. No. 11 ma- nure spreader; M.H. bean pull- er; rubber tire wagon & rack; M.H. 6 ft. mower; 32 ft. bale elevator; set diamond harrows; 20 ft. grain auger; Papec 111" hammer mill; 1/2 h.p. electric motor; 1/1 h.p. electric motor; extension ladder; 50 ft. endless belt; quantity electric fence posts; steel water trough; quan- tity planks; team ditching scraper; chains; forks; shovels. Kitchen table & chairs; elec- tric washing machine, etc., etc. No reserve as .the farm is sold. TERMS: Cash, ALBERT PEARCE, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 24c AUCTION SALE of Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 26 at 1:00 p.m. Frigidaire med. size refriger- ator, recently purchased; Clare Jewel kitchen stove; 2-burner electric stove; antique box stove; chrome table and chairs; antique kitchen clock; electric clock; assortment of electric lamps; 2 chesterfield suites; daybed; 2 kitchen cabinets; 2 bureaus; china cabinet; chest of drawers; electric radio; mir- rors; 5 oak bedsteads, springs and mattresses; 2 steel bed- steads; dressers; commodes; toilet set; centre and end ta- bles; hall trees; Axminster rug 10x12; Silovac vacuum cleaner; assortment quilts, comforters, bedding, pillows, mats, drapes; silverware, glassware; antique dishes; kitchen utensils; sau- sage grinder; lawn chairs; pow- er lawn mower; small iron kettle; assortment garden and carpenter tools; 'lantern; wheel- barrow; scythe, hose; crosscut saw ,acid other Misc. items. No reserve. Terms: Caeh. JOHN GALLMAN, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 17:24c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Machinery, Hay and Grain AT LOT 16, CON. 4, TUCKERSMITH TWP, 2 miles east of Kippen or 6 miles south of Seaforth TUESDAY, MARCH 29 at 12:30 sharp CATTLE: Holstein herd of 17 cows and heifers - 3 Holstein cows, due in April, unit bred; 4 Holstein heifers, fresh in Feb. and March; 2 Holstein heifers, due in May; 4 Holstein cows, freshened in Feb. and March; 25 Auction Sales 2 cows, milking, and re-bred; 1 farrow cow; 8 young calves; 4 Holstein heifers under 1 year; 2 yearling heifers (Part Here- ford); 3 grass steers. PIGS: 19 pigs 8 weeks old, 1111PLEMENI'S: All nearly new, in excellent condition - 1962 Fordson Major diesel trac- tor with all hydraulics; C,A. Allis Chalmers tractor complete with manure loader, bean scuf- fler and puller; 3-furrow Oliver hydraulic 14" bottom plow; Marvel grain thrower; Massey Harris grinder; Gehl hammer mill; 70 ft. endless belt; oat roller; Case land packer; New Holland baler; 02 ft. Smoker elevator with motor; bale stook- er; New Idea hay conditioner; 7 ft. New Idea mower; New Holland rake; New Holland power take off spreader; White snow blower; triple K 9 ft. cul- tivator; 9 ft. stiff tooth culti- vator; International 7 ft. com- bine, used one season, com- plete with bean attachments; 4- seetion harrows; Bueler wagon with grain box; new wagon with gravity box; Cockshutt one- way disc; 20 ft, extension hay conveyor; Warner bean cooker, complete; Massey Harris 8 ft. binder used for swathing; gal- vanized trough; f arr owing crate; 3 heat lamps; trailer with racks; extension ladder; 2 fanning mills; 2 sets scales; 2-unit Universal milking ma- chine; 6-can spray milk cooler; 10 milk cans; loading shute; wheelbarrow; electric motor; Stewart electric cattle clippers; 2 cutters; set sleighs; 5 cord hard wood; robes; chains; tools and other articles too numer- ous to mention. HAY AND GRAIN: Quantity baled hay, straw and grain. TERMS: Cash. No reserve, farm sold. JOHN SINCLAIR, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct, GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 17:24c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractors, Truck, Auto, Farm Machinery, House- hold Effects and Misc Items On the premises LOT 16, NORTH EAST BOUNDARY, USBORNE TWP. 5 miles east of Exeter to for- mer Thames Rd. School, thence 11 miles north and le miles east or 21 miles south of Cromarty The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on MONDAY, MARCH 28 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTORS, TRUCK, AUTO: Oliver 88 diesel standard trac- tor in good condition; Oliver 55 diesel 'standard tractor, recent- ly overhauled; V.A.C. Case row crop tractor including scuffler; Reo 3-ton truck with hoist and stock racks; 1956 Studebaker sedan, 25,000 actual mileage, in good condition; John Deere Van Brant 15.eun grain and fertilizer drill in good condition; Bissell 36-plate •tractor disc; M.H. 10 ft. spring tooth cultivator; M.H. stiff tooth cultivator; 10 ft. cul- tipacker; Int. 3-furrow plow; Gehl forage harvester, corn head and hay pick-up; John Deere 2-row 3-point hitch corn planter; John Deere 6 ft. one- way disc; 3-section lever har- rows; 3-drum steel roller; 3- section diamond harrows; 3-pt. hitch 2-row scuffler; power take- off grass seeder; 2 rubber tire wagons and racks; Speed King 24 ft. grain auger on wheels; hammer mill; speed jack; 1200 lbs. Ebersol grain mixer; ham- mer mill belt; Vessot grain grinder with speed jack; Uni- versal 2-unit milking machine; Stewart cattle clippers; 2,000 lb. scales; fanning mill; 8x10 tarp; cattle feeders; sap pans and buckets. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: G.E. washer; Frigidaire 30 inch elec- tric range; 'refrigerator; dining room table, chairs; sideboard; china cabinet; settee with two matching chairs; combination china cabinet and writing desk; coffee table; couch; chime clock; bedroom suite; rocking chairs; foot stools; vacuum cleaner; bird cage; bunk beds; flower stands; high chair; odd chairs; cradle; baby bed; com- mode chair; baby buggy, like new; sterilizer; rug 9x15; bread box and cannister set; enamel cast iron laundry tubs with taps and drain, ideal for milk house. No reserve. TERMS: Cash. JOHN STEWART, Administrator for the estate of the late Almer Stewart GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 17 : 24e Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractors, Com- bine, Farm Machinery, Cat- tle, Hogs, Feed, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 17, CON, 8, STEPHEN TWP. 1 mile west of Crediton, thence 1 mile north, or 5 miles west of Exeter on highway 83, thence 11 miles south. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, MARCH 29 at 1:00 p.m, TRACTORS, COMBINE, FARM MACIIINERYi Case 300 stand- ard tractor completely equip- ped,. hydraulic hitch, in new condition; Allis Chalmers "CA" standard tractor equipped with Allis Chalmers manure leader, 2-row bean scuffler and puller; Case 60 combine equipped with 25 Auction Sales motor and all attachments, in A-1 condition; Int. 46 baler, used two seasons, in brand new condition; McDeering 15- run double disc; power lift grain and fertilizer drill; M-H 4-bar side delivery rake; New Idea 7-ft. power take-off mow- er; Int, 28-plate tractor disc; John Deere tractor spreader; McDeering 8-ft. cultivator; 3- drum steel roller; 3$-ft. hay elevator; 3-section diamond har- rows; 4-section diamond har- rows; McDeering hinder, 7-ft. cut; 2 rubber tire wagons and racks; 150-bushel gravity grain box; 120-bushel grain box; 500- bushel portable granary; 140 ft. hay fork rope; 120-ft, six-inch drive belt; 30-ft. grain auger with four-foot extension; 3 all- steel farrowing crates; Letz grinder; 21 h.p, electric motor; 32-ft. extension ladder; jack-all jack; emery; Surge 2-unit milk- ing machine; Viking electric cream separator; pails; strain- er; chains; forks; shovels, etc. CALTLE: Holstein heifer re- cently freshened, calf at foot; Holstein heifer, second calf, with calf at foot; Hereford cow, second calf, with calf at foot; part Durham and Holstein cow, milking, calf at foot; Hereford heifer, calf at foot; part Ayr- shire and Durham cow, recent- ly freshened, calf at foot; Ayr- shire cow carrying third calf, fresh in three weeks; blue roan cow carrying third calf, due in April; 2 Hereford heifers due sale date; 7 Hereford yearling steers and heifers; 7 Hereford winter calves. Choice stock. HOGS: Yorkshire sow with litter of 13; Yorkshire sow with litter of 8; Yorkshire sow with litter of 6; 11 weaner pigs. FEED: 2,000 bales of choice quality mixed hay; 1,000 bales straw; 100 bushel mixed grain; quantity cob corn, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Dry sink; sewing machine; bed- room suite; davenport; tables; chairs; dishes, etc., etc. TERMS: Cash. No reserve, the farm is sold. ROY SWARTZ, Proprietor DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 24c Farm Sold - Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery, Trucks and Misc. Items, for PARK FARMS LIMITED, LOT 31, CON. 2, BIDDULPH TWP. half mile west of Lucan WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30 at 1:00 p,m. TRUCK: 1965 GMC Y2 ton, heavy duty springs, oversized tires, 8' box (like new). MACHINERY: D 14 Allis Chal- mers tractor with AC manure loader and snow blade; Case LA tractor with lights, good rubber, a real power plant; Ford Jubilee t r a c t o r, fully equipped; 3-furrow Int. Ace bottom plow; 2-furrow IM. Ace bottom plow; Cockshutt No. 11 15-run power lift grain and fer- tilizer drill, on rubber, excel- lent condition; 10 ft. Bissell packer; AC 2-row 3-point corn planter; 2-row AC corn seuf- fler; Rod weeder; Kongskilde 91 ft. cultivator, narrow and wide teeth (new); J D 10 ft. spring tooth cultivator, on rub- ber; 32 plate M & M double disc; Spraymotor sprayer with 14 ft. boom, motor, on rubber; PTO Cobey spreader; New Idea 7 ft. mower; hay windrower; bale stooker; stook lift for load- er; New Holland hay condition- er; New Holland 5-bar side rake on rubber; Int. baler with motor; 36 ft. smoker bale ele- vator, new; set of drag har- rows; wheelbarrow; 2 heavy wagons and flat racks; grain auger with 1/2 h.p. motor; 2- wheeled trailer; root pulper with electric motor; Case ham- mermill; 4 feed bunks; electric fly sprayer; oil burner stove; 4 large steel hog feeders; farm tools; scrap iron; 2-horse trail- er with tandem wheels; Gem 9" oat roller, sump pump and many miscellaneous articles found at a clearing farm sale, TRUCK: 1957 GMC 3-ton truck with hoist, steel floor with good box for grain, etc., also stock racks, loading shute, etc. Excel- lent condition. Everything to be sold with- out reserve as the Park Bros. have sold their farm. HUGH FILSON, TOM ROBSON, Auctioneers Phone 666-0833 or 666.1455 Ilderton 24c Extensive AUCTION SALE of High Quality Registered and Grade Hereford Cattle, Valuable Tractors, Farm Machinery, Hay, Cob Corn, and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 18 and 19, N,B, STEPHEN TWP. Highway 83, li miles east of Dashwood or 5 miles south of Zurich or 6 miles west of Exeter The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30 at 1:00 p.m. CATILE: 17 Hereford cows, due March and April; 4 Here- ford heifers, due March and April; 11 Hereford steers, av- eraging 1050 IN. each; 12 Here- ford yearling heifers; 2 Here- ford steers; reg, Hereford bull- Jaybee Silver Britisher, born Feb. 16, 1962, a top proven sire. This is an extra choice herd of cattle,. TRACTORS AND FARM MA- CHINERY: M-11 No. 44 standard tractor, completely equipped in- eluding 4-row hydeaulie lift scuffler and live power take-off, in condition; tot. 350 stand- 25 Auction Sales and tractor, Completely equip- ped with hydraulic lift 3-furrow snap-on hitch plow; hydraulic post hole digger; Int, manure loader; John Deere 15-run grain and fertilizer drill, on rubber, like new; McDeering No. 46 hay baler; Hergott heavy duty spring tooth cultivator; Int. power take-off No, 125 manure spread- er, used one season; Inms 4- row bean windrower; New Hol- land 5-bar side rake; Int. power take-off 7- ft. mower; int. wheel type 28-plate tractor disc, like new; McDeering fast hitch 2- row corn planter; Little Giant 38-ft. hay elevator; Int. 9-ft. land packer; 3-point hitch scrap- er; 3-drum steel roller; 8-ft. land mulcher; Cobey heavy duty rubber tire wagon; John Deere heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 2 new 16-ft, combina- tion grain and hay racks; Letz grinder; 11 h.p, electric motor, with grinder; heavy duty trac- tor chains; 2-wheel trailer; 20- ft. grain auger; 6 electric mo- tors, various sizes; truck racks; new cattle dehorner; electric clipper; Hornet chain saw; root pulper; quantity new steel roof- ing; Duro pressure pump and tank; snow fence; quantity of mixed lumber; windows and sash; copper wire; concrete blocks; steel pig trough; variety of tools; bolts; galv. piping; plastic hose; tires; hot water tank; 2 bathtubs; toilet set; sinks; air compressors; spray guns; large tool chest. FEED: 1,000 bales of choice mixed hay; quantity silage; 10 ton cob corn. TERMS: Cash. No reserve as the farm is sold. Lunch booth. Plan to attend this outstand- ing sale. MILTON WEBB, Proprietor GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 17:24c Complete DAIRY HERD DISPOSAL Holstein Cows, Dairy Equip- ment and some Yorkshire Pigs FOR HUGH FILSON & SONS, LOT 21, CON. 13, LONDON TOWNSHIP, 2 miles west of Birr, 3 miles north-east of Ilderton THURSDAY, MARCH 31 at 1:30 p.m. 28 MATURE HOLSTEIN COWS: 12 fresh at sale time, balance due shortly, These Hol- stein cows are big, strong ani- mals that have been consist- ently culled by the owners, us- ing D.H.I. records, few pure- bred; 2 springing Holstein heif- ers; 6 yearling Holstein •heifers and steers; 5 purebred reg- istered Holstein calves from Park Bros. herd; 15 B.W.F. calves. MILKING EQUIPMENT: Surge milker, with 3 single units, like new; 20 milk cans; strain- er, etc. PUREBRED YORKSHIRES SOLD AT 1:30 - CATTLE TO FOLLOW. 5 service-age boars; 6 sows, bred one month; few other gilts and boars, younger. TOM ROBSON, Auctioneer 24c Extensive AUCTION SALE of Choice Durham & Here- ford Cattle, Hogs, Tractors, Truck, Combine, Farm Ma- chinery, Swather, Feed and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 8, CON. 9, STEPHEN TWP. miles west of Creditor, thence 1/2 mile south The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 1 at 1:00 p.m. DURHAM AND HEREFORD CATILE: 10 Durham and Here- ford cows, due in March and April; 2 Durham heifers, due before sale date; 11 Hereford and Durham yearling heifers; 5 Durham and Hereford year- ling steers. Cattle all of choice quality. HOGS: 3 part Landrace and York sows, with litters; 7 York- shire sows, recently bred; 14 Landrace and York sows, due in two or three months; pure- bred Lacombe hog; 100 weaner pigs. TRACTORS, TRUCK & COM- BINE: Int. W-4 standard trac- tor, in A-i condition; Int. "A" tractor equipped with 2-row scuffler and bean puller; Int. "H" row crop tractor, equip- ped with 4-row scuffler and ma- nure loader; 1956 Int. 1/2 -ton Bell Telephone truck, in A-1 condition; M-H No. 60 pull-type combine with motor and all at- tachments, FARM MACHINERY: Versa- tile 10-ft. self-propelled swather, like new; Int. 3-furrow plow, on steel; Cockshutt 2-furrow plow, on rubber; Int. power take-off manure spreader; Cockshutt 32- plate tractor disc; Int. 28-plate tractor disc; Case 10-ft. eulti- packer; Mayrath 40-ft, bale ele- vator, equipped with 1 h.p. elec- tric motor; George White heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 150 bushel self-unloading gravity box; 2 heavy duty rubber tire wagons; 2 new 16-ft, grain and hay racks; Cockshutt power lift 15-run grain and fertilizer drill; Cockshutt 4-bar side de- livery rake; let. stiff tooth cul- tivator; M-I1 No. 3 hay baler, with motor; Robey 121-ft. heavy duty spring tooth cultivator, on rubber; 6-section diamond har- rows; Lely t100.1b, cap. fertilizer spreader; Int, electric cream separator; M-H electric cream separator, like new; Universal 2-unit milking machine, with piping for 10 Cows; stainless steel tans; cement miner; snow NO; circular saw; chains; 25 Auction Sales forks; shovels and misc, items. EED: Quantity bey and straw; quantity cob corn; 2 bushel permanent pasture seed; 2Q bushel registered Talbot seed wheat, TERMS: Cash, No reserve as the farm is sold. Lunch booth. WILLIAM J. GAISER, Prop. DALTON FINKBEJNER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 17:24c Farm Sold - Clearing FARM SALE of Truck, Livestock, Feed and Implements FOR MR. CHARLES WILSON, LOT 12, CONCESSION 2, McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP, 1/2 mile north of Brinsley Road, 3 miles north-west of Clande- boye, on FRIDAY, APRIL 1 at 1;00 p.m. TRUCK; 1956 Mercury 1/2 ton truck. LIVESTOCK; 16 big strong Holstein cows of top quality, bred Hereford, some fresh oth- ers due in April and May; 15 Hereford steer calves 600 lbs.; 12 black white face yearling steers and heifers; 2 yearling Hereford beifer s; excellent Hereford bull 4 years. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Surge 2 unit seamless milker, motor, pump and piping for 16 cows; 20- 80 lb. milk cans; Deli Cool 6-can milk cooler; 16 qt. alumi- num pail; electric pail heater. FEED; 1400 bales first and second cutting hay; 250 bales straw; 10 ft. ensilage in 14 ft. silo. IMPLEMENTS: Allis Chalmers D 12 tractor, live PTO. 2 years old; 2 row Allis Chalmers hy- draulic scuffler; Allis manure loader; Allis Chalmers 2 row mounted corn planter; M.H, No. 33 tractor, excellent shape; Int. No. 45 baler; M,H. No. 11 4-bar side rake; New Idea 7 ft, mow- er, 5 years; 2 rubber tired wagons and racks; Int. 10 ft. power lift cultivator on rubber; John Deere 8 ft. spring tooth cultivator; Int. 3 furrow plow, 3 years, on rubber; Oliver ma- nure spreader on rubber; trac- tor chains 12x24; Fleury Bissell 2 furrow plow on rubber; 5-sec- tion harrows; M.H. No. 20A 15 run power lift drill; M.H. 32 plate disc; 2-wheeled trailer with steel box; colony house; John Deere one - way disc, 8 plate; Int. corn sheller; White No. 6 thresher; M.H. 8 ft. bind- er; 2 root pulpers; 32 ft. exten- sion ladder; cedar fence posts; sling ropes; hay fork rope and car; steel water tank; 4 inch tile; good used brick; steel wheelbarrow on rubber and articles too numerous to men- tion. TERMS: Cash. Auctioneers: TOM ROBSON, HUGH FUSON Clerks: Kennedy and Nichols 24c AUCTION SALE of 2-storey Brick Residence, School Supplies and Misc. Items IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH, directly north of Zurich Public School The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 2 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE: 2-storey large white brick residence in the Village of Zurich directly north of the public school to be de- molished one foot below ground level within 60 days from date of sale. Please Note: A bond of $200.00 will be required on day of sale with the understanding that this be returned after destruc- tion of building to the satisfac- tion of school board. In the event this is not completed within set date the money will be forfeited and building resold. ALSO small barn and 150 ft. woven fence and steel posts which will be offered separately. SCHOOL SUPPLIES & MISC. ITEMS include cupboards, large assortment of books, desks, clocks, shelves, blackboards, desk bells, tables, pianos, maps and many misc. items. TERMS: Cash. IAN McALLISTER, Chairman Hay Township School Area ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 17:24:31c Clearing AUCTION SALE of 1962 Dodge Car, Truck, Tractors, Combine, Farm Machinery, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 1, CON. 3, STEPHEN TWP, le miles west Of No. 4 High- way on Mt. Carmel Rd., or miles south of Centralia Airport The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on MONDAY, APRIL 4 at 1:00 Pen. AUTO, TRUCK, TRACTORS & COMBINE: 1962 Dodge sedan with low mileage in guaranteed Al condition; 1047 Chev 1 ton pick-up truck in good condition; Oliver 77 standard tractor in A-1 Condition; Avery tractor equipped with 2-row scuffler & bean puller; Oliver No, 18 com- bine -completely equipped, in good condition; Int. 3-furrow plow on steel; Case 8 ft. spring tooth cultivator; M. M. 8 ft. tractor disc; Ceekshutt grain and fertilizer drill; 3-drum steel roller; Geo. White traetOr spreader; Int. semi mounted power take - off 7 ft. mower; lleadetson manure leader; Geo. 25 401011 Sales White cutting box; M.H. 10 inch grinder; Letz SQX grinder; 4- section diamond harrows; ce- ment mixer; hay rake; buzz saw; Viking electric cream sep- arator; electric brooder; .1rit. 2-row corn planter; wheelbar- row; fence stretcher; quantity new lumber; Cyclone grass seeder; Stewart clippers; tattoo outfit; cutter; extension ladder; barn jack; forks; shovels; sling ropes; wagon, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: En- nis piano and stool, in new condition; 3-piece chesterfield suite; extra large plate glass mirror; 21 inch television, re- cently purchased; 9 cu. ft. re- frigerator; Kelvinator washing machine; wardrobe; beds; dressers; chest of drawers; ex- tension table; commodes; :kitch- en chairs; couch; Raymond sewing machine; walnut drop leaf table; 6 small tables; 2 ferneries; rug 9x12; electric lamps; GE radio; trilight lamp; rotary lawn mower, etc., etc. No reserve, everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash, MRS. GORDON WILSON, Proprietress DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 24;31c AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements FOR GARNET J. TAYLOR, LOT 20, CON. 6, HIBBERT TOWNSHIP li miles west of Staffa and le miles north, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 at 1:00 p.m. CATTLE: 18 good Shorthorn cows, bred Shorthorn, due soon, bred from July 1 on. PIGS: 45 good chunk pigs. IMPLEMENTS: Super W4 tractor, good rubber; B W trac- tor with scuffler, corn planter and fertilizer attachments; S Case tractor; Dion threshing machine 22x38, on steel, with drive belt; 3-furrow McCormick ace bottom plow, on rubber; 2-furrow Massey Harris plow; New Holland 268 Hay Liner baler, 2 yrs. old; 8 ft. Mc-Deer- ing double disc; 8 ft. McCor- mick Deering cultivator on rub- ber; 13-run Cockshutt seed drill; 8 ft, McCormick Deering binder, like new canvas; New Holland 110 bus. ground driven manure spreader; 4 - bar McCormick Deering side rake; Geo. White 32 ft. bale elevator; 2 rubber tired wagons with 16 ft. hay racks; drop head hay loader; 10 in. Cockshutt grain grinder; 30 ft. endless belt; 20 ft. grain auger; set of sleighs; 150 good galvanized sap pails; 2 pans. TERMS: Cash. GARNET J. TAYLOR, Prop. LARRY GARDINER, Auct. 24:31c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable 100-acre Farm, Dairy Cattle, Farm Machin- ery, Tractors, Thresher, Feed, Household Effects & Misc. Items On the premises LOT 2, CON, 3, BIDDULPH TWP. 11 miles east of Centralia, thence 1/4 mile south The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 2 and north half of Lot 3- 150 acres on which is situated 2-story dwelling, covered with aluminum siding. Main Floor: kitchen, large living and dining room, bedroom, 3-piece bath- room, utility room and sun porch. Second Floor: 2-piece bathroom, 4 bedrooms. Full size basement, coal and wood fur- nace. Large barn 110 feet long, good stabling throughout; 2 drive sheds. This is an excep- tional good farm, 8 acres mixed bush, remainder all tillable. Buildings all in first class con- dition. Inspection invited. TERMS of Real Estate: 10 'l on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid, if not previ- ously sold. CATELE: Ayrshire cow, milk- ing, retired; Ayrshire heifer re- cently freshened, calf at foot; Ayrshire cow, carrying fourth calf, due before sale date; Ayr- shire cow carrying third calf, due in April; Holstein cow, milking, carrying third calf; Ayrshire cow, milking, recent- ly freshened; 3 Hereford calves; yearling Hereford steers and heifers. TRACTORS, THRESHER and FARM MACHINERY: John Deere Farmall "A" in good condition; Johri Deere 60 row crop tractor, r e c e n tl y pur- chased; Allis Chalmers "C" row crop tractor; Waterloo 24)(38 thresher on steel, fully equipped; John Deere power take-off mower, 7-ft. cut; John Deere 15-run grain drill; Cock- shutt 3-bar side delivery rake; John Deere 9-foot fertilizer spreader; Gobel 28-plate tree- tor disc; Int. 2-row corn plant- er; 4-row Cockshutt scuffler; 2- row corn scuffler; Cockshutt manure spreader; 3-drum steel roller; 125 foot thresher belt, like new; John Deere spring tooth cultivator on rubber; Int. 3-furrow plow, like new; 6-see- tion diamond harrows; Int, stiff tooth cultivator; Fox ensilage blower, like new; M-II 32-plate double disc; 114-H cutting box with pipes; power take-Off grass eeeder; road grader; walking plow; single scuffler; Lets grinder; M-I-I grinder; propane brooder stove; M-H electric cream separetor, like new; Wood's Milker including 2 units 25 Auction Saks and piping; circular saw; gas pump; blacksmith forge; •quan- tity of new lumber; emery cutter; fanning mill; scrap iron; dump rake; root pulper, FEED: 300 bushel Gary oats grown from last year's reg- seed; 7 tons of cob corn; quan- tity loose hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Side- board; bureau; large size deep freeze; cabinet; chest of draw- ers; rocker; couch; kitchen sink; sewing machine, etc. TERMS: Cash, No reserve, everything will be sold as owner is giving up farming, CHARLIE WEIBERG, Prop, GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 24:31c Estate AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND First. house south of Texaco Service Station The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 9 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Parcel No. 1, consisting of south half of Lot 7, Lake Rd. east, on Highway 21, Stephen Twp., 11 miles north of Grand Bend, 65 acres of land on which is situated a 2-storey frame dwelling, bank barn and drive shed, Land is choice clay loam, all tillable and in good state of cultivation, Inspection invited. Parcel No. 2: Consists of Lot 32, Plan 30, first house south of Texaco garage, in the Vil- - lege of Grand Bend, 2-storey frame dwelling covered with asphalt siding. Main floor - modern kitchen, built-in cup- boards, living and dining room, 2 bedrooms, 3-piece bathroom, utility room and sunporch. Sec- ond floor - 3 bedrooms with clothes closets, full size base- ment, newly installed oil fur- nace; also a soft water cistern. Dwelling conveniently situated and in first class state of re- pairs. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Please Note: Real estate of both properties will be offered for sale at Grand Bend, at 3:30 p.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS- Heintzman piano and bench, in new condition; GE radio and record player; GE radio, like new; McClary medium size re- frigerator, recently purchased; Gurney 4-burner propane gas stove, like new; Duncan Phyfe table and four chairs; chrome kitchen table and chairs; day- bed; 3-piece chesterfield suite; 2-piece chesterfield suite; pole lamp; chrome rocker; plat- form rocker; TV chair; occa- sional chairs; corner china cabi- net; large and small mirrors; centre and end tables; mantel clock; electric lamps; 3-piece wicker se: including settee; rocker and chair; wicker rock- er; mounted deer head; Singer sewing machine; 3 bedsteads, springs and mattresses; mod- ern oak bedsteads; dressers; commodes; vacuum cleaner; GE floor polisher; large assort- ment of dishes; glassware; sil- verware; antique dishes; novel- ties; electric toaster and iron; kitchen utensils; complete set of dishes; blankets; linens; quilts; comforters; hot water tank; propane floor furnace with controls; portable humidifier; quantity of fruit; electric wash- ing machine; step ladders; gal- vanized tubs; garden tools, etc. TERMS: Cash. No reserve, everything will be sold to settle the estate. MELVIN & LEELAND DESJARDINE, Executors for the estate of the late Amelia Desjardine GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 24:31c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises 90 ANDREW ST., EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 16 at 1:30 p.m, REAL ESTATE; Consists of one storey dwelling covered with red asphalt siding. Modern kitchen, dining and living room, 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bathroom, Full size basement, new oil furnace. Dwelling in first class state of repair, Inspection in- vited. TtRMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid, if not sold previously. Complete line of household effects in following issues, MRS. ISABELLA KENNARD, proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 24;31c i11 • i • L i • • • • • • a