HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-06-18, Page 4•rt elm; at ahead devo- m *hut of Ton on tat:,' fermori were prices would rule high, .s nisch ground as they could Itirate. Now, nide (ruin the y Int insects shall assail the wheat, the pal concern in farmiag communirie, is the scarcity of Mlp for Wryest. Through the Waateru portion of Ohio the dry weather retarded the spring crops to • limited extent' bet late mime lave wady awned for the QaosPub, and the prospect u now must en- Oesraxieg• -And a corespondent of the Milwaukee Prwee.si■ adds: Th.. present season has been an uocom 6ae ane for seeding, surd au immure0es.dtk of wheat has be a sown in the Sete. The prospects fur an excellent crop are in- deed o-did very Battering in this vicinity The cool. wet emitter has giero a vigorous root to tie wheat, end it is now et a 6,,e, thriving eowditts iu short, 1 hare never seen it loos beerier at the .eau. of the year. As yet then is no appearance of chinch bug, and ,t is to be toped teat we wit! be exempt from their ravages the prime,4ssason. The prospect for fruit is also good. Apple* prticola-ly, are well set, aud, as we ars be. yoed tie reach of frosts, an sbundaot yield tar be expected. the country, in all rem; eels, is looking' adlarmingly. Accident to Hos. '.1. P• Howland. We (Grebe) regret to learn that the Ilon. W. P. Howland met with so accident, on F. idav last while pursuing hr canvass in the t .wtmsip of Vaughan. -He was driving,• d able Was of spi,ited horses, when. they t ...It fright, and starts,;, broke one of the r ink in the effort to check them the other rein was likewr., bro':et,nud the horses Wing the beyond Mr. Hnwianu's cuatrol started off at fulLspeed. The servant hied )aa a oat of tk/earr;e et tint!, but ea" unab s to stop them. Mr. H Mated, in thus critical situation, sprang out of the carriage alit rise of his life. H. would hare escaped ab.rme(1 bad not the hub of. wheel come in 000Iset u1,1, 1)0 outer ode of bis left kg, tweaking the fibula, or small box, at a point about three inches above the ankle. Mr. Howlasd was able to walk to a ueighboring house. A reemenzer was despatched to his brother. Mr. 11. S. Howland, at Kkinhorz, .bout (nor miles distant, who brought ltr. Seen son with him, when the limb wee placed in• meant, and Mr. Howland conveyjed to the Richmond hill stallion of the Nora ern Itat:- ruad, mod, in charge of him brother, brought to the city on Friday evening. The horses were stopped about three miles from the place •f the accident, wither they nor the carriage being harmed Mr Howland is older the care of Dr. Aikens. At present no unt•yor abbe sympt ons have appeared. and should twee Mie b will speedily recover. Asadales of Birds. There in much mon intellect in birds than people suppose. As matinee of that ours.- rd in a slate quarry b. axing W e frweed, from whom 1 bre W t.sredire. A thrust, ant swat of the expansive propert.w of gunpowder, thought it proper to belid her a.sr as s rd,ge of the q.mrry, im the very COW, of which they were coestsstly blasting tin reek. Al grit she was very mach die ax.mpo.ed by the fragments fyaj in all die .m.. het she woad amt quit her chosen lm y. Sas dose observed that s bell reg A•rI Tis wee "beet to be geed, mod noise, et the se, Ihe workmen ret.r d to mals peieing& L a fee days when she hard the bell, she retard her exposed seentian. esu dove whee the wexb.ew sbelterel thea stent, dropping ekes to their feet. Three she melte amain .til the •gpl000n bad Isismi phos. and then she Stu.rned to her tttmt. The werbaru obeervd the, sort noir rand it se their employers, and it was also teed w visitors who came In vow the irony, The video i seterslly remand a web to wbgl. no ..ries a .(reiwrro of n,is lent; bas se the reek would aur always he reed) to bilasmd Mesa visitors same, the 0411 es *ung honed, a.4 ler a fie tone mteneed 1111 ver purpose. The thrush 0.. demi dew be Awe they need ; M she p'eeeeiwed Nur .hr es t ulnad wHk...d i ietelbsed ytb her press .f kseebegioe; the cosersanne we, tag Awned, whin the WI uta rent, sM wolf wisp over the hake, 1. asss11is .f the eeAeasso111 retreat,t, sad it Oily dal 0(4, dm leek pok7 e sorut0 hereric 'No, an. Initlanito rie an tele Is.MO of ny eggs 1St roar amour swat' Baer !Yds hese a 4re1 d issm in than. psrieedarl7 the Ales Nal d se brae or the Mee tirlib.a- mrd ewiug sesame 1 me for me.' e Jew commenced and said - ye oil.' e merchant raid 'Olive oil.' Penner.' 'Tanner.' The Jew smiled a;ain, and said 'wroao.: And so on till the sixth time, when the merchant said: •Now I will pat, if you can show me how was wrong.' The Jew amid -•You newer maid the thiel word, 'wrong,' pnd accordingly 1 won the het.' The merchant naid,and the Jew had made money as he went along. ugh: himsv'.f . but the Jew, his pocket, mode Tog FerrNnity est RATS. -The Farmers' Gazette (English) ntsertdand proves by 6s ures that one fair of rats will have a progeny and deneendeets amouuleig to no less IbaP 651,050 an three years. An influential cnmmitt• e. consietinz of the archbishops of Centerbury.'Yorkand Arna.h, several of the bishops and other dignitaries of the Church of England. and a large ',umber of laymen, has been formed 1n promote n mis- sion. wish a hiabop at its bead, to the island of Madagascar. The London Society has recently resumed its baron in the :Mena, the Americans are said to be preparing a miisito, and the French Homan Catholics are under- stood to have al,eady meat tea tgimiou- •ries. OYSTER JIEPOT Tc .. fruits, fancy Goods, Tobaccos, or *1.1. at,D0. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS! he, at the CIGAR STORE OF F. NITCHE, bleat Street. Goderieb. Fresh Oysters, &,dices, Lobsters, dc., deep a hand. awed 111 .Lew .U.otl Iin, t lhrui t. Ira e, abets, din. Pumps anted. .clary .■ tmL*ON-.t. bre mamma and Casbras It HENRY DDLD. Aaateriee. Dentin, 30. 1960 to., FOUNIMtY! JED'NM = 4117 Int • STEAM(N • omen. UNCIMAN & CO., f Grist and Flouring !ills, y and Sash Saw -Milia, HIS a BOILS4139 M�ic'�IINES, HORSE POWERS, seising Machines, Wood Saws, MUM, Ca .A1VG1- E'rEaCY1CTGOEVIII, nod Blacksmiths' work done iu a seat sad substantial nisino.r, r deemption made to order. Also, all kinds of machinery repaired on short notice. A large stock of , PB.R,L0II8 AND BOX STOVES, amid, Seger fettles, Wagon and Pipe Boxes. As oar pattens of the above are t approved kind, we would solicit an inspection of our stock before purchasing re, as we are offering the above at the lowest remunerative prices for cash, or or rep• piston Credit. Old metal, Brass, Copper, and all kind. of produce taken in exchange. Owds ieh, October. L865. w39 farmers of Huron and Bruce ! You can be soppdwl with PURE CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEED At the lowest Markel price, by W. 11. SAVAGE, Pn.!nr. and general dealer, Dederick, ck, Ilan h 2-4,1.1143. w8sw74 REAL ESTATE SALE BY AUCTION. - J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. TNF: UN DE RSV NED. by virtue of Power 1 Attorney Ivan* a' hem by toe Ilr,rs at l.e, iv.,I s.0 by Anton AT KNOX'S HOTEL, HARPURHEY, Os Friday, the 26th day of June, 1863, At 1 o: -kirk, r LOT 1!r. 1, Second Conneuon, Township 1 Ilul'ett, Cowan. 1 Ilun's. This hem le mow I& .aIle hanks of raw river M..knd,roulnnie$ tote Itioloa Arra. hely ti wh-0 tie clear of meow; the rel en • deep, rich tome; me • good deremt 1.. the raw -r ; cos hi made moor the mora e.mla"e•ee a the Covey, hoes oay Iwo notes from lir Harpeby Stair, tithe B alt L 11. R. Tearm or 8u...-4he-m.wnh of the Nprehre mreey draw. ; the Belane ..awed be Meteor and payable a one, two mol three ...sal week mens. wits .I.,. -A, tie, erg ,nd.Hn.at dee J.aa. dry, IMI. A mdobn,.y rank will be gives. EDWARD CASs. eta el . 111wrMer, Hein For Sale orto Rent. A G')OR DW ELLIN() H0178* tad I3(N11PRlhi STANft. ea the rum ih,notghhe, les VIlU6E Of KINCARDINE. This is a ,;reel opportunity for partite wring se ispeg. a eat tied ef t.ew..,.. - Teram, nes,-(heawkcnh doers gad the hal..,. es 1 atm! ..nstsam a. -�ALSO- 4)w head sod be Mala dawn 19,000 Ft. OF LUNBE&, Suitable for Cabinet Wert, ! dfrl'y (Pest 4.111 w WII.WAM HOOK I 7110111P,NR., es17 [na.odme, C. W. DIVISION COURTS Times and places to be holden 4 1(114 Tek lElite ColETiO4 or I �� HURON' & BRUCE. lots Division Court. Il ODEI:ICH, Moeda], 8th Jun. Mb Division Court. CLINTON, Toesda7, 16th June. Sial Division Coen. HAnrCRHEY, Wednesday, lith Jane. 11tH Divide's Court. WIW ETEIt, Thursday, 18th Jona, Sib DiViSIM Comet. EXETER, Saturday, 20th June. Ina Division Court. DUNGANNON, Thursday, 2nd July. lib Division Court. MAYFIELD, Friday, 3rd Jaly. lira Division Court. KINCARDINE, Tuedaj, 4th Aum. illb DWI. lion Coati. • RIVERSDALE, Thursday, 6th August. ftb Division Ceon. WALKERTON, Saturday, 8th August. 4tb Divtgoa Court. PAISLEY, Tuesday, lllh August. 941 Division Court. SOUTHAMPTON, Wednesday, 13th May. R. COOPER. A.11.SB. Certified to he a true copy, as .int+red o1 tecord, pursuant to the Statute. D.N. LIr&Ps, ' Clerk of the Peace, lluron ase Bruce. Unice of the Clerk of the Pence, o. ()Wench. 21th May, 1863. .11 SEDT G7A1s P� �,+•� 'SAs. �TP AND MADE TO ORDER, ar .. C. MIcIN'1`OF3I1, OrMite ite the Yarket. All kinds of repairing dense, os ta.5t re • Innately terms we3Tal 1WCOL 'CARDING ! Wit ^: IFI Z I HA I rats. TUE TORONTO COLLEGE, C. W THIS INSTITUTION, located ,n the Montan- we' 1.NN.tr. Tbr.r,o, taw jet been added W BRYANT,' STRATTON at CO'S. chain 1 Coroa.er.•te! College., emuMiebed to Naw York, Brooklyn, Ph*'n4lpha, Anyone, Troy, Budlike, Cteedaad, Derail, Cling. soil St. fume The object of there Colleges is to impart to Young Mee and Lyles Thorough and px rtlee4 imane4ou to I4.ok•kaep.ng, Comrroeal Law, * onnecers! Arnhmetic, Spennnas fkomem P.anoaaxhip, Corresp,naknee, Are., and to ht them for any departuaeit *4' business they may char.. :ehi*n►ipa wed to Canada will entitle the wsdent to complete his .course in any C.lk we a oke .bat,. ant nn verso, without addn onal Omega. The College mope° day and evening. JAMES E. D.tY, ltceinovt PaI,RiraL. Por further infonnetton please call at the Cot- tage, est said for Catalogue and Cocaine, enclsing 'teller camp. Adders.. Be •nT, rm. alt Co. Toronto. Jan. I, 1663. ew24w 10 -IT P1 11E subscriber leg to t• rnrm the Fanners A. ofTen'ndry and me WreakerTuwaAip TOWNSHIP OF IIOWICK: tint ha 'lien' Curdi.g Mill w,I le to operation LANDS FOR SALE! THE billowing Land, .e oiT.•red for sate on very advantageous tenor: ONE - TENTH ONLY! DR. HULL'S LIQUID Aromatic Physic AN •mportant Family Medicine. hbisrit's Sala et Lands. Dein Oweslea i new 1 s wit et M...P a deaf,) a Her ,napyhe Cowell One 1 the tired Ososnes a(tl.Irea and base. . ar sed le e ree.sd aparta see tieadd Lew - men& of lawn seeee, t the Malrq. 1 haw meed •si 1101a u tl eetr ee aI Ms right. t1Y. an Woes 1 t0e rd dda.s. ase. u vel W Les Mmh1. /e. m t� .wain... 10, D. a.. m Mr to w.Lsp 1 is the sw"*g 4 IMO. ewe-'- Mea... roe or 1111; 1116101 k•mi Sad Irk r --� yell oar for analogy easy i�i'IM'+• 1 FOR the caro of diseases of the LIVER AND STOMACH, Indigestion' Bilious affections, Palpitation of the Heart, Costiveness of the Bowels, Sick - Headache, Piles, Jaundice, and all other cases where an opening gentle physic is required. IM table ochres*. o Tendaylhe day w August meat, eu the hear ef Dwshe ad the ...ark. sea. JOHN HACDO1IA A slmrif, M. ♦ a. By S. lbt.Laca, Dopey t1rrr. Dean/ hi Onus. G.d.nd, Itth May, I. wM , THIS MEDICINE CONTAINS NO MERCURY, OK ANY OTHER DELETERIOUS DRUG. BEING VERY PALATABLE. SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS Vaned Coualr of 1111T ar a West et H uns and Bruce. 3 B mof Fin Femme weed w Tu erg; of Hoe klajrty4 Comity Coen the Coned Cocas, .4 Hems sal Bore. and to ase dowsed ageism the Leads aril mew seems 1 Juba Oldtag, at the and of Hebert oma nehock 1 have euarl sad arm m Laeewree all I0. , Ink anal mono. 1 Iha r1 DsMy adsr is W I.ot member lime Herded and Tw.sty- 5. , m the Ythage w Atelmmr ale ea the Comely se Hens, web the beddi. a thews I Which Lands sed lswnra 1 Mall offer far sale atm aloe ie the Cowl Hous I the Towa 1 , w Tweedy the Twenty-6AL day el Aerie, seat, at at the hour a Twelve w Me riot*, eons. JOHN MACDONALD, Sherif H. & L tb S Pua.r.oca, lks).17 Sheriff. Sherd 's dace, Miderrele, lath May. MM. 1 wld rL It will answer tor de rate females, or child's'. It Is amply • helpnate to naton . giving energy and a healthy 5. -lion Intim Stumn-b, the epilog of lite wheaee Ihr body deriver; it. rumor. This Nledrane being very pkasent to the lame. meg lea-unie vie pptiler with thea invalids wbo have been eclrnel with oauseme• Coeur (hl, Ahs", Rhul.grb. he. Whenever ,1leas been tnlrodw.ed it hoe Pet with pn-al 'twee -a, and a likely to supersede ell other nwahentes an • good oma (decal phyma. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAND. dg�F'd iALls OF DIS, Uerse Hem. )77 Y y.nne .11414 Web 1 Wen td tt••m•r t 1) rws•'••r4 nun.day T+ W r t a Iter Mq.ryb C,nat Y, l'varaee lsss. o so .1,en agaowe t� LNL sad arananw 1 Edw.wt Fve emit , Jkays I54y ad *11I Sl.n r r.alfluM*1..un � , mer Mndt*W. sad Jobs sed leo.. 1a lifeaW ad Itis .fli, IoW mad m. .sora u(tke rd Ileesodemm m tar W Lm hu., P..r l0. - nes(• W Clar.m►m Strawy, tome Ypl.lre 1a.*1. i le, IT . H,.tlrfmag 'r•�emad ARre win l.A )4u. h gi.mf mill. d High cruel ; 1 es Ito. il. meth sy, and 1.s pto, Its meth side al Aland wow ; Leas. Nos Mk he meal >r w the 11..04 ar. •toed Caw '• r tb &w 1$sysMalpWe y dhbe., •r.t•�imffheliress.emcb,. se lira,ww►tM bddd+msa Ikae.ue.edad {` whai Lao .ad sr,. msam 1 doll alar lar male M my tin. 11We C.,,I Hawm lbs Ten 1 G m Tvae, iy the Twr i, p-Wsd d.y .I Jut., at u. ku.r a Twelve et that .dumb,.memN *MACDONALD, MACDONALD, Mina, H. k. L Bp 8. Tour ace, Q0 t IF.rdMa'wtaib 0t.. tdMr Sheriff's dale of Lands. Baited Cowers d) Y metes 1 wits ts • Hume read Crum } B FrrriFauna news soy To W ,t : ) Her Mapety'. Comely Caen w the Unwed Comber of Hess sad bee .ad to me dtrected .g ewe toe Leeds and tesemeeta of Wee Bars .nal 0.1.350 Woes at the mut 4 John Kruse, 1 have snarl mad takes is Marrows all the right tale mad stems w thesaid ,Meads■u t. . d to Lots .an ere Eighteen sad N,.eWe. .a *0. 1ne '•0aceer.a South 110. Durham 14+d in the Iowa*, a Brant ad coley 4 truce; w ink I.s& wad tem..wats 1 stud' over fav auk at my Mice a the Coen Howe l. Ilse wwa 1 Gene - net, on Tuesday the Eighteenth day 1 August seat, at the hum of Twelve a the clock, aeua. • JOHN MACDONALD, SA.rit !r. b B. BY S. 1'ofrocs, Deputy Sherif. S6ena'sDies, ()adench.5 I Ilu May, III. i w15 AGENTS : P & CATTLE; I..Jot/DAN, and the trek or Tet rwawHy. n27 rlacalll lent n ntl 00 ml or ruins ,err•T Ano •ret IIILA.a► Ire Nine Equal Annual Instalments, With utterer/ at 6 per tent. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS: South i 7 in 1st con., 50 acres, South i N in lot ten., b0 aerie, South d I l in 241 coo., 100 acres. South S 21 in 3d cot., 100 nen s, North 4 20 in 4h con., 1011 ace+. North 4 21 in 411 cure., 100 acne,, 'North 3 23 iu 4h con., 100 acres. of lbw 13th 04!1.1' nem. when he will Ire prepar- ed to pnnnoey eseci a all L twee of Codon, web ; and having had many jean repent -nap in the loineww, eon h. 4o'loerry Iran of the Fest da•. •np4lia, petrify avmn_ him with their orders ,ray era ow bora:z el wart d„ate ,n neat as. NOY. Pa.,rer. L,a:..loian.'e can Ince their wool cane& a lair to tome We nau.e day. $ He bas a!su for salea w select a.rtmeet Fulled (;Tutt.„Sntuietit, Tweeds, Wince7., Flange:.. ire.. Cutup fur Cask or in ex- change for Woo'. Lou 2 3 and 4 in lith con., 100 acres each. T')WNSHfP OF 011EY: o. 26.ia 1st eon., 100 acres, Lota 34 and 35 in 4 con., 100 acres each, Loa 31 and 32 is 6 eon.. 100 acreseacb, Lot 26 in d con.. 99 acres, Lot 32 in 8 con., 100 acres, o Lou 33 and 34 in 10 con., 100 acres each. TOWNSHIP OF TITR2-BER,RY LUMBER . LEER , ! N. E. 43 to I ¢o0., 50 bur!.. j� Apply to Ceaat.o Woite a,Biq., Goderich, Moo, on loofa Wire stork of Iw00er of all or to +ate owner, .. 11,4.: ill•e,O.k, i ennock, Cheri, AA, Dare- wood. ut THOMAS GALT, Erg., wu.d. de. A. the stork w the largest in the 1'ni- Ton., let* Comities and waterer.. salt Mie, Builders will wa3a do well to call and examine 11. - --- ----•- - Custom Sawi!0i. Gri.tin;:, Carding, kc., SHEMFF'S SALE OF LANDS. all done on the mud nameable teems and on the shortest none. MORTGAGE S A L E I 1'Ite site,, rr hacinr teen M peal a: penrte ie 6tLnc up P est \liu. Lr *ruse• the all who wish OF LANDS_ LDE It and 1 virtue 1• Power of Fele cnn- ana•nl in • 0lo nga;:c male by In Lewitt of the Town .d Cantench ,o IM Comity 1 th.ron, Ermine, and John Lona Lewin, -4,u. sour. (for ,hr prpwe of herring 1.er dower) to John Backe, o* th.e'luwn_Aip 04G,.MMe .n r sed County o1 Home, t e Oman, dondelt hevl.g Lean tussle to due pay, et *0lreot, W1LL 131: P )101), ON FRIDAY, The Twonty-Sixth day of Juno, At twelve oldie deck, noon, at the Ametioo .Hort of .Verers. Swain oh Thom- son, Kingston Street, Gollerieh. THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY, firing romp,r•d .1 Lot number one hundml end emir sever. (Itil) running number ,n the Town o Goderich, sloea+anl. TERMS CAS(I. Did under Power 1 tale is Mon were. Munguge can le mei, el the office of the Police lora. M. C. CAMERON, w*n-.toc Aw Mortgagee. fluke of the P tteim,n, Ooder eb, May *0. A. D. 1'eG. 1 ew-7eil Dissolution of Partnershi THE PARTNEINIexist. IIP heretofore Hm Me wren 10.11,1 Morrie,. and W. N. Roeken of this ph.e, ender the rifle .,a1 gee al Wart.. A Iiank,n,wae dkoiyad s the M by of Aped. 1104. IAmmo.l .-n. d .*. The rW. N. gawks wall rev MI dela. dor Is the sen M, eat .ulkei all JMW dee 1., Ips esu. W tae.. -Jo.,. Cm', reran. 1 T)ONAt.1 )tt.ORISON, (SiMedW. N. RANKIN. 1a ;online* In the above. ere undersigned deem. to Wide his mementos! Irony and 14 pro hegra.ratly. drat n.. .,al o- nt...ar the 1 ..v .rte m the .tM R.n.l, inn* whits paelul hr 'bo •engdeaeer and patn.e.ee ,n the pee. w•pectinlly ••M•Mu s een,muraae. 1,1* neer le the Were. W. N. NANKIN. - Maraud. Is ApA. nat. .13 NOTICE. THR C0-PARTIt#1111111' hann tnfoex. soy 0s4we. leen I1sr.an Preened Lml new ter •d fessege, mod Welles. JteM Mediae*. Preeamee4 bred N eriepw, et .fmrieed w Ila den -per* rrae.tt 1 •green.,n oe the pert M the sal Winsome John isa reetut1 W0..stom tn. bower. et lest mwv.yme ad ..,4eemese wig. shell le megrim( w l7 i0. ,r dmq(de.d. s IN'wraly. JOSS D1127040S. lareen, RIO Apel, I. emlW lo 1721 cern) Mine hr their doxy w& call at ltingham and du l*ut, o'N w•uh PETER FISHER. 33- Orden bT Pug promptly attended to. Wlvansm, 3e1 April, 184:. w11-3m$r DAYS' HOTEL ON THE OR.AVLL LOAD, NEAR WROS.ETSR, THE mhrerib,,, ,, etu•etne ah•eks to to PO'hr for the rx qq Lanni p.taaap }meow - "l °p. h:._,. a. v erh,ss hs hoer arm ie an un6oudrd der-talestht opprti*0Y er •P- pwnw h,. many Mende ad the ;mak p oserally, au'e fret that Ito hinny now geoids "yenem,a del ion rot.,,,. ,o o, we i m .Ae Om W...d there hie tru*t, th.1 by n •e.tper attention to br.ere he midi N,II ferrates .hare of p effeem.. 141"•n. hawluwed tape him. Let no Nap .W "r amber rorert.d'oder .lnnl persuade you lea eke 110.1 that it or ell the sane • hOtber yes p a W"'""4" I.a•ur•e not only . Lw boom we ie that place, 1.1.2 m,b.dmnn by •ay nod that el use elehle, and therefore traveller. pone to Ws'xe Teerwn,e,, WMMnwi, ho , will led " Dare Hotel” on the sun grave* mad, mya .• mile 4- %ool the lour bowel poems to WrosMr, and -.n .1TM ropy., .r„,n,eo intim gods Warty w*k,wnr ninny li nlr of day or .i -5i Otte hoz . lir n,..e .,^nandnrm ea the am enty (('dr bores, perfumpe. ra.vpe.t.) For s veer of the homer ran 11 W.11. nnen, R. Media •ed L. Bot. ton'. New /lap .1 to. ('.'say. LTIns pwovsd 1 as St..ener fr in /ahem /need" CHARLES DAYS, .4.•!, P+e.mr+sr• PIII3LIC NOTICE. • NOTICE IS I1 EllEItY GIVEN *Int rind the Bonk* of women" 1 Owerge Jesup of dm lord, ender ee •zeestien at the .0 t of J. k J. S.•tgmiller• 1*0.iwmt •aid Gen. Jemnp. All 'ening are therefore emu, dieted against '.ding with a other flout the .l'detti;bed. Parties who say paid Gen. bumper riven their MAPS for *aroma d their aeenn,la eiorr'l %'e im my hw'll', •ill he held teapot Oil. for their several MtoSan' liner . Oe., ' JOHN Ye 8f ord t3 i 11.' Sheri,'" Oren", Oerkrieb, 21111 Marsh, 1143. O1E' United Celerities o() DY eir.ne of Three Writs Hume reed Bane, . of Fan Fames, dent To wit : I out ni Her Hamar,. Conn aCortmen fres and County Court of the Untied Couatas 01 Huron and Bruer, and to raw detected spit., the feed. end tenements 04 Jorepla Hil- bit attire rens of The lank 1 Upper Caned.. Tlet.ma. H VaoEeen_ and (deo. Rumhll, flame Elrmbe(h Rugg and Jobe F. Jame, 1 have eddied mid eaten in Eeerut,.nt ■I the right, tote .rad tie tenet of the sad dehrodant on and to the South half 1 Loot No Thar, EW l)rsrenw :•lien. web Geer Meow. Hotel theme.. and pap .f Lei No poor, !loon High 9..ert, w,a roof Norte thoOsoa, no the Value 1 So10arnsts, and Comte of Bee. AM, Lt No. Now, le the Twelfth Commens,and IAA. Noes, Ekren and Twelve is the Thartevet► Con veenn of the rowedlp tri eaee.n, to the sad ninety of Brew; wheat la,d.ad temelaeets 1 Mall a ren Om mak a soyr oiler a the Court Home tie the 1 oma .4 Dairen -h. M T.r•.day s0e twenty-AAh days( Antran mem(, et toe have 1 Twelve of the dick, woe. JOHN MACDONAIJ). Shen/ H. 4 B. By 8. Por.t..r•a, Dewey Sheriff. SbrH's*0re, (folderol' May Nth. Illq. ( reel T 11 P. FOLLOWING PROPERTIES ung It')n. SALE On Very Reasonable Terms ! Birds and FuurRroted Animals Stuffed, Peened .,ml set op In the mets Natural pompon. to order. Cash paid fax all kind* of birds and ren - mals 64 k,, sterling, at Mr. )IrINTO3H'S--Omw stealth. w1110Oaw• IOTB Nog. 117, I18. 119, 110, 136 *4,,n the 4 r..g Vdl•ce 1 K,ve*0 le. en the Canty 1 Brue.. Time Palmer M situated oe the mus ,rad ketones Boweinhne tend Walkerton, the C•aaly Tows 04 Hreoe. Lot Member 44, Swill gar of Morionie' Atomism, a tee Town of K,00ardtse. tad Ler 47, *, 0, 00, 61,52 sod re3, to the Village of Revere. ens ie 76 and 7e, Wee tele 1Ykewia Sheet, ,s the Town of Kiranitee. Can., 1 liner. Lem Newberg 5, 4. 0. es the 14en0 1 the Dine. Lain Mary. Smss*, .e the V Ahem d Keen Gouty .4 Beim. eaataa.ig sae-9,Sner e d e. 1 Mwith, with W e= Ale Lots 0. a mad One the Dona. !ted, sad i oe toe NSM Weed the Drumm nose, M thk Tows O*p .( K iarerhnt, coeuese le stege each. perttally rimer,.. (..h 71 sed 119 ore Mete ride o Helga 71100 stn tb. Tome .w Klecenbe e. Iso pmnn'dan appy so. IRA ,5g Barrister.lee FOR SALE a NOTICE TIM FRONT EIGHTY ACS 1 TS HF.RIIRY GIVEN that wet pesos 7, ' *'04 vee trelimerlpf tri the (*O Lots9. y eking', in the o h W �'- ' 14w Maitland Coni, E. D„ Colborne, Su,•-.,.awanelei midi he l W d MAURICR DALTON, h.doer et Ltrds (,'Isirtp Apply 00 is AMSeed. (moms 1114tiAT i. Anita et Lore M. C. CAMs110N, SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. UenedCwanete of 1()Y r, me w s writ a Hears sad Lew, t D Fier, Femur, died p f to WITS )of Her Majesys Comity Coed a the Comely 1 W eilagts and to mw .o. ,...lad age's. the Lads std memories w James OoMug. . the sot a Franca herr, 1 have mow ad taken ,. Eseaw,on an the right. Id..ad m- oment of Inn sad delrodlal, ,r. and to all that pen 4 Lie "umber tweed -tune is the sorer oda .t the Durham Rod in the lowsahp 4 lineal IS lbs many a Bruce, whit le is ITiay ail brief ata the Eawedr ride 4 the River saugaes, cootatium Ally -bier acme, more or Iee; .1k0 nide sed ....emu I ghee u1., for male at my cotta, ea the Corot Havre, to the Tows of fiedencb, s Tp day, the Eleventh day w ,, Augtet next, at 10.1. of Twelve alba cko'k, noun. JOHN MACDONALD merit', By 8. Pouocs, Deputy Shona. Sh.na''. Ogee, Gudencle, tt 7th May . 1044. ( 11 SHERIFFS SALE 07 LANDS. Untied Cowries o( ) BY - vine 1 • Went ew Hs ad taw, } w Pled Facies, is - To we : ) rated oat 1 Her Msjeety's Court 1 Queen's Beach, and to me dinned, .pine the Weds and tenements 04 John Jami.- wo, deceased, a the Waco( ho .kats in the .d Anse Jalaiews, administrate -ix 1 Me goods and Outlets ■nd *deco a John Jamieao., de. cased, who diel mistake, at the semi ..f John Flemming and W'Weu Robaaw, I have .need and takes to Ezerutw, all the rtgM, title mad t. - term' 0110. sad Uekadant, .a and le pan 1 loot No. 31, Semed('o.aea.on, Towsdlp .4 Me Nil. lop, and County of Huron, witch parcel 1 Lead may be h.cribe a. (utww.:_ewmmen•mg at . point dolma use chain, seveely-nes Lnks fm", the Ea.terh Angle 1 maid Lot, sed ue • course South thirty degree. Went ; thence 8aadb thirty drares Wast. use chai■ futy<gtM and a meaner Lars; donee North thou, degrees Emit, ens cb.,e 60y-e�iii .d a quarter Links; Ocoee ail • meaner l3nkr, n the pace 1 keg g United Counties of) DY virtue of • Writ of Huron and Bru.e, I JD Fedi Facies lamed out To Wit: S1 Her Myefey'. County Court of the Ceded Countess M Hunt. ■ed Bruce and to me directed •gannet the Lands .sl tenements .d Peter Grant and Jomab Omni, at to John 1 and John ii Pare) d hare the curl A Plummet seised sod token in Execueon. all the night, tele ad interest of the said Defendants in and Io that panel or tract of lend, situate. lying and being is the Township of Stanley to the County of Huron .s1 Provnae of Canute, containing by admen.- cement One Acre of find, being part of Lot Number Th,ny,, Int eoa.esion, Township of St• Iry .rd County of Huron, and rommenemg at Me Northeast corner of the ,ad Lot, 0o the LA.na..n Ro.l and forming one per pier,, won - mining (Inc Are, frgmning as akresad ■1 the point of the sad Itortteito rover..40 the W,Id- ingsthereon ere -'e; which Lends and free- men'. ro.- men''. I shat* olrer Ie sate at my .tire in tee ,'oven House at the lame u(Godench, on Tura- I iced out 1 Her Ma)eMr'r Comity Court 1 the day the Ninth day limn, at the hour o Twelve 1 United Counne a Heron and Brae •vel to me cf lb. clock,e..x,n. directed aping the Land. and Tenements 1 JOHN MACDONAT.D, John Leper, at the ad of W ,Ibam Coats, Thomas Sherif, Lae B. By S. Pot u,ce, Deputy Sheriff. Sheriff'. Gine, Dederick, March '5th 1063. w5 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. United C,xmlisl BT vH,wl•Writ l Van Hers ed Brats, Facies i.s*U out 1 Her To Wit: Majesty. Comity Coen o the (I wed Counts 1 How. and there gad to toe directed .pram the Loads n, sed we -meets 1 David Serie, Aad.. kers and Rotten Morrow, al tis mit 1 Thomas Greet gag Edward )(unwell, 1 have weed' sad taken m Elnrutwo, all the right, 011e and newest tithe sad Daral•el, in and to pen 1 Lot No. Th.ny-owe,. the Arm macaws 04 the Township 4 HIoNey, is the Comely 1 Harms •rad Provl.oe 1 Canada sad wbiek ria) 1st k.ow. and dee- enhed se follows : comaenetap u the draw, of ! crane oe s coarse nunh .iw Wipes thirty miseee Weal from the south-eere'y Angle 1 ,mid Lax; 'Ware •+oath eghly degreaa forty nen- rose, Wes three chants, oxleea and u huh link.; Hoare None nine degrees teeny sinew, West one Moue seventeen links; (4esce North eighty degrees fwty .,,ural.., Emit three Chains anima .ed a hall flak., 10 the Luedon Road; theme. South "tee demes thine minutes, late one ebbe reveals,. 'mks, to the place of hygienist, ces. raining by dine suremeat one rood ad meaty pi so* Le.ew,Ih the hued.r.p thereon "meted; W' 1.0 Lead. and 'Uteruses Isbell oiler Lr nab se my Gi.e in the Court Hawn, ,n the Tow. of liodenel, o. Tuesday the Twenty<tgeth day or Joey seat, at the hoer of Twelve of the'eloct, eau. JOHN MACDONALD. • Shand; H.k B. By 11. Pot.wca, Deputy Sheriff. Shwa 's 0*.'.. Godseiele. 24th Med, 1A0. 11 Nunb. ta,nr nee. Eam. owe r0.. My-Nmh SHE re rs BALI. uF LAND S`. des . C Also, pen w Let number Thnty,FtretCwaenooa 1 McKillop a rod Cowry, «,statute( threw acme, more or Ire, know. as Park tote tie 14, Ib and Id, to 1bq Have Surrey of the t ,4*. of H•n rbey and lluumy *Heves. and war As dew•nbed ate Iu1Wws: «eumeaclag at the North- erly A.ft 1 tee sad Lit ; theme Smite owe degree., Em•+, s.ve.ty-Ave Links •tt theoee South thirty demos Wes one chain meager-el/the tied • meant, Links; theme Noahmttjrdrgrees,Wer mrr.ty-eve Lank.; thence North thirty dr -rat., Emit one Cham fiep•<tght and squatter Leeks, W the plate of beg.nn.ng,eoouringR emit thee Awe ef Land, more ,ir ler, with the hurdler. there. erected; which Lands mad tenememe 1 Walt odder fw•ml• et my (*s. is the Court Hors in the Towa 1 (:Wench," Tuesday the Twenty- etgbtb by of JulyIsext, et the hour el Twelve of the tie k, won. J013N MACDONALD, Llbrif,11. is B. Br S. Poreux•[, Deputy :Merit Setoff '. 0Yiae, Giders *, 24th Ann1.143 413 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Ceded Comelier of Hy vnwte 1 Two Writs r•f Huron and Bruce, j Fter, Fames towed out 1 To Wil: ) Her hlapety'r C yCourt 1 the Ceded Connie. 01 Hume and Bruer and to um directed against the Lands and lenemer..4 J McGuire, JamesH•Il mad John McOuie Cneed Coast.. o( DY none 1 • Writ cd Hens sad Bruce, 17 Fier. Faces, weed oat To *b: of Het Majesty's County Court w the 17ented Cannons aileron them, arsad Ba, nod to vee tore ted gesso the Leads sTear- menet 1 s JawMcDowell', at the son a Dani Campbell, 1 have retrad and taken .n Execute -a all the ns ht, tee meal ;verve w the said Defend- eat efen -•at In , rad it, en and Rope*, that renal. panel or tract 04 Land, ..oath, trap sed being m the .rwe Taep w tyktar sny. as County 1es H and l r.,. ce 61 O1an .ad., roetnby a.eur ureueeat a'ae-TbW .4 ,'d an Acre �m m.!, he the same Inure or tem, hems .•ctnp.rrd of pan .•1 IAA Sutra. (14) as the tiro oscrro. w the wtu Tohup 1 Ws the e Ludas Hoed, Le - ruining at the North LN Angle w e Lando. and Barfield Road. and Reath -Esse Aimee or and IAt (161; theme South En hly degme., Tinny minutes Wert, E, bt Lehi end Twenty -Gose thence Links; thee Non*. eine degree. Mtn! ms is Wet he nib and meaty -mer and one-Ih'e Licks ; thence North color degrees, thwey nese- ulna East. wept rade end twenty -her Leeks to the Lreloie Rued; theme Meng and Ik road to e piece 1 s hes toning, reed he b sou,,,s,-Ite otherwise w ox herwise nown ao ler No. 1 •.d the weigh part l Ku 4. Muw.eBorley 'a of pan of the Village o( Beuoefeekl ; witch lend* end teeemeent 11 Aon offer fur sale et rayto th neve e Court Hume Hume the Ton ■ a Gedercb, on Tue dor cyst Tweedy eijahtb day of Jule beet, at the. hour of Twelve a1,M ver the edo.'k, ewe. at the wits ea Robert hunctwan rind Jona P... JOHN M ACDO\ALD, ewe, 1 hale r,xel and '.ken ;. E..eutioa II Bendy, 11. 4 B. the eight, nolo ed lowest of the sad Delendaib, BY 8. Pnt,nra, lh p.,n FAari/. ,n and W Lt 5.0,1.•, Forty -they! ,n the Fine Stent'. (h1t a, lindeisoh, /I Conaeanon, and lot Twenty-two in the Seemed 2410 April, *r63. 1 13 (lomeoine of the Town.hip of Kinkiest, in the Cooney of Reuse, containing One hundred Acres, teak, more w lee; which lands rod tenements 1 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAND, eha11 oder for sale at my .eke in the Court Home in the Townie' wnu (iaden-h. on 'reorder the Twenty-- rooted G ouaien of BY virtue 1 two wnu 0e uret day 1July nest ai the hour 1 Twelve w Moon Brune Seen Fames owed we the .duck, now, Town: 1 Her Majeay'm County JOHN MACDONALD. Court ofthe Untied Counters d Hume end Brom, Sheriff H. ok B nod to me directed again. the Lands sed Tee.- By S. Pol.loca, Deputy Sheriff. mental George Dre•ney, 1111 to mil of Joke V. Sherif" be (lice, Oodeneb, (u Bribe, Samuel Hill Deem •d Woe. Owen, 1310 April. 1663 I 11 1 have weed and taketi m fueeution all the right, title ■saltotems( o4 t0. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAND. rd D.'eedan', in and to I.t No. Four, Block A, to the village 1 Blythe, MrComeel'a Survey, United Coos** of BY vtrtv. 1 ■ writ 1 befog pan or Farm ,t No. the, m t*e loth Venditioni h.:penes and cow -emote 1 Morris, n Oke county i Hero., Huron and Bete, P"^ oowteniu se ann sIf an arm, snow or Me; To wit: "'al.'" wnuol PN" Facts. Akio, Lag No. caw. ,e Week I3, 1 McCoa..'l's Survey .n the and Village a Wl1be, clowning one-h.urth 1 an tate, mon or See; whe•h lamb and tenements 1 Mat, offer for role at my oakene the Cann Bowe in the 'Lowe 1 Hocken/A, on Twain" 10. Elmenth by 1 Auque malt, at the hoar oiTwelve a IM clerk sus. JOHN MACDONALD, F4.-,4, By 8. Pot.,ocs, Deputy Sheriff 80eria'. Wise, C.dench, May 910. 1167. 1 w15 Sheriff's Sale of Lands. United l'onnive; of Y rinse 1 • writ 1 F. Ranee and Sweet H. Ramo, 1 have wage• Red taken to Execution all the meet, tele wed in- terest of the and Detendant, John Leper. ie aid to gouts Numbers Twenty-four and 1weiry-Ihe es the second comcesome of the township of Hal - Mt a the month of Huron, coaalntsg rwo hun- dred acres of Laid. more or les. except Forty sten mold 1u Thomas F. Rama and Samuel H. Reece ; .leo Lm Nembr Tweedy -four to the Huron and Bute, r 4 Fen Facies wed oet thud co.o,sne led towable 1 Hallett, ems - 1 sou : 1 Her Majesty's Cows r! Miele( ale 5lasied .tee 1 lend. naw or kr; (lemon's Plea.. ,ed to vee d;re.*el agates the whim Meds ed meemeats l dealt offer foe eels at Lauda and tenements 04 &beton Moore Janos Adam Red William Little, et the suit 04 ilhwm Lampher.J•seph H.Oberncr, and Jaron S,,...- son, rsecuron of the lel will wed laMantenl 4 Dani.' ]Cerphy.fkoe,owd. 1 here wind and 1a►r an Exec -singe ,11 th. ,right title Rut interest of the earl de....Mna,in mel b Lt number threes the, me the ,meth We it High Sten, on Me Ytlssp1 Seem heonploe ,n the 1 an.ly of Bore with the bu,Nrnee themes, Which Land.. Rod ememeate 1 hall oiler for sale et my nice. ,n the Conn Home, ,n ,►e rows of florin -eh, oa Txmbey the Eerier -mil My 1 Areca nest, at the boar 1 Tewfve orf the tio.t. sone. JOHN MACI)ONALD, Seem& H. k By B. Pou.ore. Deputy Sheriff. Sheriffs Ole, Onderieb, !a0 Mv, 1669. was CASH FOR WOOL AT TES Goderich Wool Factory. THE e.twrnb.e, te efmn,ig thanks te hr ewroi,en Ie um Etersi respeort esion.1 to him oe the Wore C.d*g, Cloth D*mmsg sed Mmelsonmag hemfases, wsM big w owe then so rewire hes bre Ore masse) spend la fl- ing op ever thue is Ins riam eider; sad howdy ee�y.d the ammo of etd emensworker*, be elft far able, Ase NM ear. ser aver .Arm to say sinew we the dew bod•Oln . m .I m ima- ms kwae0aa Petr., m br.Wiwm, reemag Own s Memsee..1* emblem ha os ware Wer tear eater tea rove rey, a Yee attire bort with Th. Mere .metal prise .,r' he red et (rad r cloth for. gasaiMy r pad. Mose Wed. gun Orr Ma and we everit d. THOMAS LOGAN. .deermwo MISS. ab Mn. 101. tKish IbTt SALE! • fl?OS WA,' IseanteeneCemrVi v*0. mgr. mr......54 M tb ttw Y wwa .4.1 .d re a s,tsiM ss ekes 4 __I L .774 (Fedlete► ...mluf r •, W (R 0. mall w M..4i.. _se.Ye 4w m/a•r.d seise The mea eeerim M Pi l mad Aid s..r a mmol .. lei 11 1 was. ebb le IkNlp. r Terme. oppfy se y_tiOiyYa_ MAR my oats ie the Coen Hoer, to the Town of Hod. each, oe Tneiy the Eleventh iy 1 Ammo argt, at the boar .i Twelve 1 the cheek, aooe. JOHN MACDONALD, Nie,O, f• 41. ay S. PM.rnct, Deputy Stena: Shled'. Ogle.. Oderkh.( May 7th, ISIS. S .15 Sheriff's Sale of Lands. United Cooatm d)) DY Tine 1 a Wnt or Hem. sod Brace,) D Pru Fria read To son : 1 Her Majssy. County Cour' 1 the Vaned Caseates ed Hem. and Bete, sed to we dimmed spinet dee Lamb mad Woe - womb 04 Wiliam Berme& at the me of Jobe Welds. .s, l have ended sad take. i. Resee °, al the richt, title and Mimeo* the rid debit& metas and to Lots •wehen Tweedy Lgrbt sed Twenty -Niue, Niue, le the Mewed' Oreseem. 1 the Town.ip nI Bovey se lb Orate 1 Bene, W►teb Lamb .ad tN.me.m 1 ab1* eller Ir mere at ey ogler, to the Carat Home, I" the Toss or Gaderito0, oe Tasty IM EigMeeeth by ol A.guse next, et Inks, o(Twehe os 104 creek, ecce JOHN MACDONALD, ern(H. k L Re 8. Potence, Deputy SHnf, beerarr O1ke,Ooderwm, 1914. May, HIA. WI0 CAUTION. ALL esai )N3 an. hely br*.`Mes 1•� psr- the endows* wear 1 herd, liMeb 0.v. stolen Moan 14e a.0rro0, viI 2 are a swirl uta . sod We. McNally, w, , herbed J. he xne.h me re 1L► o,i.Ier; the able er east' yeas Wee Smith Cdwm. w J.aunry Ir. I0.4 ho ad y rah. Deebary, ihosere, se M1JNa0� IMI.T004 ('moo M *0, MS. le SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. brined Connote Int( vies of a writ e1 Huron and Bence, )} JP Vend,tienet Espp..rnswas to sod : seed out of Her MaiIgssly� . County u.un 1 the lintel Counts. 1 Heron wed Bruce, and to the dtreed against the 1sn!s e nd tenements w John P.ena,o, at the suit of 1 bear M. Thompson, 1 have vied ed taker ,n *aerobe.. all the right, title end wriest 1 the sad d,ri.deet, m ar to lot number Ave et the wreath comes oat Eastern divides M the tows- S hip ow.- Ship et Colborne and menty 1 Heron, a •t11Mag by adinranrswnt one hundred ace.. he 40e same wore or pee. --we► the Wading thereon mooed: winch Were .rad tenements 1 Mall offer b* Palest lay aloe, an the Coen (louse, ,e the tows 1 (F.derwh, s I array. the Ttetielh day et !sae t eat, u the hour l Twelve *the .lock sore. JOHN MACDONALD, Nb.rd, H. d/ B. By a. Psar..ea, y Fbrnt S0rsl4 Oita, ! ash A,. lama f VALUABLE LA B'or area. at 1itEASOAAIILE MINS 0TB 1....la, us is Cos.esrsa lite Tears wt4 SBEBIX?LE OF LANDS. Mailed Comma. et DY r,nn. 1 Tem Writ. Hes dad Braes. } D 1 nevi Peres pew? To wit : ) nm 1 Her Map.sey`. Court 1 Chancery •t T..suet., .d en mm directed against de Lad. ad N•emrM• 1 Jobe Pert ed Jams Cent, . I5. suit 1 W,:h•m Lawlor. I Maya Wiled sed Wive in Emleretino an the tar, folk ad rowel of the end D.:.nmurd, ltd w LM •siker F.et♦-vs,, le the Fonreemo .emeses es dm Tow..dip 4 Hol4,1 m ,he C.00ay re Hetes, ter the 4.01..4 thereon C.= Which Lads .1d +...meta 1 shat4 Ain M sass et my Oire ie the (:..eel Hover oa the Teen 1(�.�•r�� s Tease) the TeeMm Or 1 Mu) ••s+ le . hoe 1 Trive el the rm�,.... JO F�I MACDONALD. Sherif, �g S. Pee.teev, 8b.r.f. •tAenf's l lien., 4., ?.rhr.ley Mb. IMO. { w111P . shevet massa pattered tit Teensy, lbr l ip ef Jed,•. NO. Tie lb.reMboi /dr , ?mirror •sY eta 1.111 .f geed le ~ I.RM TF1daIM1, tom, • . ,vs,essvun FM- O. i t+.weeb. NI. w•,eso,I. mm� Maras, 1,43 •81111114$111' Gr'derteb, 1911 Joa . r. IMO Messese,tea e rv,I ssisleast Gdle1r►.115 M•e. IML ENT= illar aaut ren: D Nummy 6(Y7t11 not Mew DiValloo emir !so. hes neer lbsue86 p ss M ao Lt ani ales 11 *4 the kiln of h.• weilsurw Aa pseOm, .1 W slid )mane Mar, �.11m� is 11111 mala ave de a br .agnea a mr 1W. 1TJa3ANCa HAYS. , (Ioieui. 544 paler hiked Mold ldllm.selg4 ro seg r I0. *0*..glM ga�,�st�ass�a . a J. RLr �f 1, warm dray artarreara rehreary Seth. tee0.