Huron Signal, 1863-06-18, Page 3VERY LATEST ELECTION NEWS, Special Teleynrplt to SIGNAL at va y agog eight. ryl'howpeun elected for TLldimaod ; McKenzie fot North Oxford ; Brown, elected by a majority of 895 for Smith paford- Rym elected fur South Went- worth. Bonn for East Brant, E. B. Wood elected fur went Brunt, McKellar for Kent. Iu Perth 3lcFarlane is 365 a -head, but Wallace and Elute are to be heard. The Desolation at Freacrickabusg. A recent visit to the city of Fredericka - burgh has give. • more vivid idea than we have hitherto bed of the destructlul and des olatiou to which it has been subjected, and the destitution of Loamy of the pew le who cling to their old homer because they have no others to go to. The extent of their wants may be well imagined ; tut we teat; it may be forgotten that thole wauu continue. Let not the hand of benevolent sympathy weary its its hind ministrations to there, our brethren, who bane been trodden wider the heal of war, and whose fair city has been caught in the furi ow shock of great cuntendnl• armies. We take pleasure in complying with n re- quest to copy from • Lynchburg contempo- rary the following letter til the Mayor of Fredericksburg ; its statements and its ins• plied •ppe•s am as pertinent now as ever. - And slat a burning shame and reproach to the home -staying citizens is contained in these eosin : "Our noble army bar sent us four- fold the amount sernt w from any other source 1'T Truly it would seem that the army contains almost all that is valuable of our population.: The desolation nod ruin which the malls, neat vodslism of our enemies has inflicted upon Fredericksburg is, doubtless, der to the und.uuted and firm fidelity to the southern cause exhibited by our eutire population - man, women, and children -dining the Yan- kee occupation last spring, which, In our then deserted and ,kfeseleae position, convinced them that the South ems in tartest, its Union party a myth, and greatly exasperated them; and well have they done their demon work. - A peaceful, quiet, comfortable community of ass five thousand souls have been stripped of all they powered. and in the midst of winter, turned out of doors. They departed with starve • murmur, leaving their property, their homes. tbeir bonsebold goods, upheld by the comieioaener of their patriotic impulses, and that southern spirit which has learned to endure all things but sabmuaion to the Yankee foe. 1t was • sight, once witnessed never to be forgotten, that lung procession of our de- parting population. Oa every ccanteaance -mragled with the fear, the hopelessness of Vas uncertain future, the sad rrglets-there could be seem the smile of proud defiance, and dida,n. Feeble women forgot their weak - nue, old age renewed its youth, the very 10. frau bushed Reif tears, and all passed out to exile and paierty, a ruined, but an uncon- quered people. Our brave army of Virginia wiunm.ed this exhibition of patriotic fortitude sad its arms were inrint•ible upon the heights of Fredencksburg ; and • constant steam of noble liberality has flowed from its open purse to the fund for the relief of our people. Our brethren of the South have aided aur with their contributions. but oar uoble twiny base trent en four -fold the amount from any other source.- [Richmond Sentinel. girt. At kis reeidaeos, Homo Rad, on the 2ud inst., much respected, Mr. Thomas Bast, formerly of New Bilging, (timber- land, England. 2Crat Abtetrttstutatt. $70Q TO LOAN ON MST -CLASS MORTGAGES. Apply to A Beautiful Picture. The man who stands upon his own soilrwho feels that by the law of civilised nations -he is the rightful ed exclusive owner of the land which he tills, is by the constitution of our nature uncle.... wholesome influence not easily imbibed from any other source. He frets -- other things beim: equal--roorestrongly than any other, the chit, oiler of • man as the lord of an inanimate world. Of this Creat and wonderful sphcue which, fashioned by the hand of Gol,'and upheld by his power, is rot. ling throu:h the heavens a pait of his -bis from the centre to the sky. It is the space on which the generation before moved in its rounds of duties, and be fells himself connect- ed by a link with those who follow him. and to whom be is to transmit • house. Perhaps his farm has come down to him from his father. They have gone to their last home, but the can trace their footsteps over the scenes of his daily labors. The - roof which abelters him was reared by those to whom be owes his being. Some interesting' domestic tradiion is connected with every enclosure. The favorite tree war planted by his father's hand. He sported in boyhood by tl.e brook, which still winds through the meadow. - Through the fields lies the pith to the Village school of earlier days. Ile still hears from the window the voice of the Sabbath bell which called his tath••r to the house of God: end near at hand tithe spot whore his parents laid down to rest. and where, wben his time shall come, he shall be paid ,p his children, thane are feelings of the owner of the soil. Words cannot 'paint them. They flow out of the deep fountain's of the heart, they are the life spring of a fresh, healthy, and generous satioual character, Mormonism in New Jersey. JOHN DAVISON, liarriswr, As,. (Jueei.c., lune Nth. IMO. .weal GREAT SALE u► ) BOOKS ! VTR. JrDD, tis well-known American 111 elwkaalha. llsa.j, t ame.,) with 3u ,'saes of hew Aso., eartrae',ag a SV 11)E %%t l t 1 E'1` 1" ov STANDARD LITERATURE These editions are warranted, and the juileet examination -i. invited. The Auction will open this (Friday) even- ing, and be co ' mid for o few evenings in the Brick Store, OPPOSITE SMAILL,& THOMPSON'S Auction Mart. riudench, lune 12, 1863. sw61 MORTGAGE SALE or n L A N D UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A Power of Sale runteinrd in a Mortgage road., by Daniel Healy of the 'Iowa of G,dere h, In the moldy of Huron, and Marls Healy. ha wile, (for the purpune u( I.rrnng her dower) to Jtor ph Haar of the said town, In the county afier,ud, Demon having been made in due payment thereof, will be sod. ON FRIDAY, Tho IOth day of July, 1863, •t twelve oldie chink, noon, at the Auction Mart of Messrs. Small! viz Thompson, Kingdon Street, Goderich, A correspondent of Inc Newark Daily Ad- vertiser, writing from Ocean County, says that the only Mormon church this side of the (lily of the Amnia and Salt lake exists in that county. Neither is it generally known, he adds, that- ' At one time Mormonism made rapid etndes all over our shore region, large asso- ciations existing at New Egypt, Tomo River, Tuekerton, ke. I have had shown me, near New Egypt, • little school in which Joe Smith harrangued the crowd, and the home of more than one ' prophet' may yet be point- ed out. it was at Tom's River that the church was ntehliabed. Then the tillage was in Monmouth county. t wenty miles from the county seat. Since that date the new county of Ocean hu been established, and the court bows now overlooks the low white building on the opposite side of the river, which has the rare distinction, in our Mormon neighbors' view, of being the only ('hurch and having taught within1oft it the only Bible doctrine. this side of DeMet! The glory of the meet departed a couple or three years ago, when many left this region for the dominions of Hnghaon Young." In a few dsys soother eoropeay, made opof emend tamiliea, will start from Tom's Ater THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY, ria : Al, and ainelllar that certain panel or tract of land a.d prrmlaea. situate, Icing and being in town oI timleneh in the county f Huron, being compared of Lot Two, in the Oodenr'h Office Reserve. containing by adnreourenrrut Twenty perch.-. of 1.•nd, more or le.., and may he des- cribed er cribed es follows, .vn,nieoc,ng at the 'outn-East angle rat the Md Lt; theme due '(M along West street, Sixty-two Lila and a -hall, more or len. to the :Louth -N eui eagle oI the said Lot; thence due north Two dm ins mole or law, to the \one -Writ angle of the mod Lu ; &sore due cam Sixty -Iwo 'ankh ad a Lall, inure or kr, to the Forth -tam angleof the end I.ot ; ``hence due South Ten chains, more or ku, W t1r id. of beginning. Terns Cash, Deed under Power of Sale in 6(o e1gelre• Mortgage can be seen et the OIMe of the. Solicitors. M. C. CAMERON, Bolicitue for Mon Oodertt k, loth J une, A. D., IbS, ("vet wen • REMOVED. TRE SUBSCRIBER would inform the travel- ing public that lie has re,n.n'al to the Tavern formerly occupied by Mn. J. Fa.wdlams, Corner of a infusion and Victoria Streets. w26 JOHN ALLEN. To Boarders. One or two Single gentlemen will be taken as boarders in a quiet, respectable family, near the Square. Apply at this office. n Surgical Instruments Found. T ATEI.T, on the (:runty Line 1.Iwee. Ash- .11.4 - 6eW and dupe, • poet containing Sum - eel instruments. The owner ran ms-en•in the name of the Ander by .pulping at the St ;owl Dike, .o1 on toying teethe advertisement. May 26th, IN63. aw77w16 MONEY TO LEND ONuoproscd farm. at" percent; atm. ■ kw hundred pounds ow town pny.rty. J. 11. GOGDON. A RARE CHANCE! "Who wants a Cheap H omel" FOA SALE, A FARM, in the Township of Howuk. Co. .1 Huron -Leri 24. Con. 14 -cowtn,n,ng 10U acnes, 12 of which are cleared, and a log house on i,. Excellent wheat land, will -watered, and in ■ splendid agriculture! country'. Will he sold VERY LOW FOR CASH. CARD TO THE LADIES 1[88. MITCHELL BSGe ys W ansa to a 1. the trim (f ed mammy a•r dr remade raryieg Loa t Milliner& Dressmaking Business IN ALL ITS WMCMta,, Aad hopes by saris t aRFeiaR tkse slim as chemise w assn • abase dish* d sP' xassame .ONstle re Ids-/ Mew Can. aea2rala4 4 DRESS GOOD!! NO LOMENY •x0 M.A. 'r X. E1 1M. •r REDUCED PRICES! -ALOO- COTTON YARN ! AROBERT BOOTH'S, %Vest `treat, sw69 w l l OOI)E RICH. Lets 1...27, Ca. 14, W..'.26, Cu. 1.1, Wawanosh. 200 ACRES. TILE ABOVE U*TS are offered for sale very cheap, and 011 reasonable terms.- t4tnd the public are hereby cautioned •gaiwst stealinr umber from the end Lots, or tree - passing on the same, u say parties ofendnig will be proceeded against. aider the new Statute .3 Vic., Cap. \\XVII, which makes the stealing or destroying of umber punish- able by imprisonment in the common gaol for 6 months. For particulars u to sale of land or timber, apply m CHARLES WiDDER, ESQ., Oa •' J. B. GORDON,g on th• Godench. (Imdeyieb.M•rcb 6, 1963 fsw234t SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. COU Oa Tarsdaj TIE EQUAUZA Mi eine .n Tilt l tel rented Counts• of 10101' eirtue d a Wnt d Huron and Bruce, j) l Vendome, Exposes 5. - to to w 11 : .led Out art Het Ilewely'• ('unity Court ofthe ('ailed Coltrane* .4 Hero* lad lend aid to r..e (berried as4uW the Lends sad leuementsof Mathew Loam. Thome. Tadd_ sod lueph Welker, et the not of The Bank oft pear ('anode, 1 have aelgal end tetra In F:xeeatlua all the right, tide and ,nterre .4 the hal de -Wed- elns In audio Lots lumber Tt.ny'-two In the first aeneaeeion, Thuty-three .n the .cord comes - eon, anvil Thirty-two ,n the thief . ear-eay.m North M the Durham Road, all in the Township of Brant and County of Brat, containing fatly acro tarh, more or leo; which L.n.L, sol lenr- ineeta I .ell oder torah at my Ogee in the Court 1lnmae in the town of G.nknct on Tueiday the Tweniv-clghth day d July ,.es., a the hour of 1 well a of the clock. trouts. JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff, II. & B. Ry S. Pout.ocs, Deputy Sherif'. Sheriff's (Wirt, Goderich, / w>0 10th Jure, 1963. t SASH AND BLIND 3E'.ACT'C?RY, TF.c tinders: gnr•.1 hu on hand a LARGE ASSORTMENT SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, ax0 Everything required In the Building Une. SEASONED LUMBER! PINE AND HEMLOCK F.3CANTLINC-, CEDAR 'POSTE, LATH, FLOORING AIN ALL frena PLANING DONE TO ORDER. 1911. E. GRAM, Goderirh, April tab, ISS. weft e PLUMBING I For prticul■•e, address A.re %., 12DETFR t3IT-T-T , wlblm Bnntfonl P.O. A N 1✓ W t3'i O C IC or WALL- PAPERS JUST OPENED OUT AT THE SIGNAL OFFICE. -ALrI4)- • 1.•[,..e- AAaiarMMeT or PAPER AND ENVELOPES ww,f.l w1..1. a. ornate AT Very Low Prices for Cash (f} Dealers will find that they can save money, lime and freight 1,y making their perches - es at the MIONA'. OFFI( K. Call and examine' rices. T. J. line 2d, 166x. for 8adt Lake •ty, when only two or three -- ORHOUBE. Mae.ows will be left at the county seat of lleea.. This county, bytway, lies ,- seetly oat W borders of the d "Jersey Pines." Bean W.owar.-A bold robbery wait corn Milted Saturday morning.atSquirea exehange olfiee, Albany, by • hey. Although Mr. *414.5ne was IeOpormily ellen', there were Are Peeves in the other when the theft wee ccr..iund. it occurred while the 30th regi - met news Pring up State Street. Two cassia, mad two taw wOn were repainting to odea, were attroetedN Use mune to the T way es4fasoe to t Dace. While Mr. Haler wits is the Auk in • 100m eennected e ra 11. dies, • 11.11111 bov emend to door awl Slate meet, walked Would W to unter and 9400111 /166e from behind the ems Sander. The alerts and painters could Ili Ulu bees more chem az het from die a ender when U. WA arm ee-r3Md, yet they did sit see the The army sots eet.at d of 1' re. 3 e eed lite bill., add Mew York Bala UAL Oros 11 the Milks Ihr dembeea is a prat. }inti sew het far greater rad MAWart • selfbersleeps nor slumbers ie • people', lean. NEW BOOKS! " The Wandering's of n Beautv," by Mrs. Edwin Imre., with • Heal:I Portrait d the Anther Price *I.00. me " ihirre'll Markham," byII M. B ileed,k,s Price 60 eta. " Annette, or the Lady of Pearls,.' by Alexander hems*, hewn. Pe,,. a0 eta "Herald of Health." Prior 1Re. "Vicar of Wakefield,'.( new edition.) 35e. Silvia a Lovers, ' b, Mil Oweall, Prior Aoh• • Harpet'e Monthly, 0Ddej, Leslie end Po.rs,.'. P,Irh.e Map„uq kw Nest Mel.w0. All the above Received and Inc Sa. AT BoJTI.1B'$. NOTICE. PLUMBER, Kingston Street, GODERICH, Opposite the Hymn /beet. LEAD PIPES! fi CP filed CAP ILL I.F.. Tarots; a, rat of the 'l,a,u Duo Ear Saginaw. RS1'CaNl' liras* East Saginaw on Thur..ky altenw•ona, and vier ,. UMW k. the Meruiag 1 ram Ian Huaa:. For Freight or Pawge, (laving w ,.nr:,.odatwo.), y.1ly to Buffalo at 1.. •t Goat wit, or J. N. GARDNER t L.tR EItItE, aw7CapMu1 • Ear Saginaw, Proprietors. '1'() T 11 RIBBO 1JWEFERDERT ELECTORS HURON & BRUCE. WM. DUNCAN, (1 ATC 0.50011 a pl'Nl'.*N.) VY(Nt1.D reapslfnlly Inform tie mbabit•nta of (l.de,e h anJ .wooly Ih., he ha• tau hand • lar;e meek of Plaine .,,d Summer . BOOTS & SHOES Whir h he is determined to sell at.the norms pn- cep tor Cads. Li- Particular ■Itenl.r.11 and to Callen enol. llemen.l,er the place -Eats Block, West St., two doors from the F;xprets Office. WM. DtMCAN. (3adend63. ..9ane 1.1, INCE Fashionable Clothing -! ABRAHAM SMTTII, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Sgiare, Goderieh, Has just received from the hest markets a large and well assorted stock of 27,,GOODS Cots)STISO or rSrvfrh, EnylisA and Canadian Trrerle, lesti"90. ,fr-: READY-MADE CLOTHING And • rawly d Emory Articles, such as Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Caps, WRILE Len Ibanktnl ('r for enconrag•nr trona[,. he has hitherto 'revise.• fro. the people of t.,aken h, Le deems t. informs L. p.In.M tbal he has wt,r d the latest ,.npruve- meey, which will enable 1,1111 to loll any init•n with which Ise niay be lalo.d with d.sp.t•h,and In • myte equal to the tet. r J. Prompt anent.,. will la- pd to customers tarnishing their own grads. A. SMITH. Coder -eh. Aril 31. 'ep. .12 T. B. MONTGOMERY, fdUBOICAL [ N!I/Sc 1\ ,: I:rT 11119.70. .a GENTL Tweeds, from Half • Dollar to the Newest and 1t READY -MA I e OTHING FOR THE MILLION 1 To suit the times we have male up A Good, Serviceable TWEED SUIT for KM AND OTHER CLOTHING IN PROPORTION. MENS HATS & CAPS BY THE HUNDRED SHIRTS, COLLARS AND TiFS. s 1 ROOTS & SHOE& OROCEI IESt GLASIIOW HOUSE, GODERTCH, April 201h„1R63. w13 SPRING & STJMMER GOODS. JOHN V. DETLOR & SON Have just received a LARGE & WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Which have been bought on such terms ns will warrant them in stating that they arc able to ,1411 as CHEAP AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE TRADE. 111111R V G QJ O .J' D x.1 1/ DDB COS*ISTF5 '00 'CLOTHS) TWEEDS). ACTORY) DENIMS) shir•tingra, '1'icicin40', Prints, DeI4sirn', Muslins, Cobourgs, Shawl%, ' Mantles, Parasols, Gloves, Hosiery, and a SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF .. DRESS GOODS. 1 fact, almost every thing in the Dry 1;nods line, 14; re,I (,r the trudc. ALSO -:1 GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF STRAW GOODS. READY-MADE CLOTHINC ''4e- a• D>;Nerlr -r, t3(,) S ANI) SII<)E S Nee --her ibe Medical Hall, BEGS t. ,.e.n, the r ,' r , ha, he will pert„ro. al Operations that are entrusted to Into ,n • alli,l Danner. Anis,'.• Eeeth ,saatnl.n W -knit ed R.bbr, .S 1, `,11e., and Continuous liue-work. Panc.I.r mtestnon pad to the reeaalioa e: eleel en's arta, amid the preservation of tht weral are CAmem Afel.or, sod dr 11'•-4 Rrarreorw/ T0;14 11. W. -A resem•I .ripply of To..4h Powder hen on band. Liar 363 ee.ta are Kis. 55 Y('T .n for the mnycyave to all pal ow Dueling Harr..... Merl.; .rad Public Buildings. 1trs.kseeen fitted v;. wnh Lead and Zinc Baths,' eS11()W1 12Aa, I Copper Boikrs, Water Tanks, Wash Basins, Sinks, Writ Trays, Water CIesrts, FORCE & CISTERN PUMPS. l10) MIRES, VORTIT of sees Orhourie6 or arise ,wy wsi, Lary r ,ah.. porno, w.6nie .7 wrklra odor,.O + 1 veil nee he wormiwerath. iRA FUI.PORT1. May IMO, tap wilt( The attentod of Parma*, Waren ad 11. 1,,ad ('on,rn,es ,s meted to the wait), a Ilse HYDRAULIC RAM Ry ws.h weer raw M .lord Orr wiener. Time.mode on Par- r tr Ie enneneer ow Shock : to arwwen-. ,w Tbm wl(r.lwg ]leen.e regimes es, riaeriea War, ad will throw • Fray Anwar of roar, by or owls ernes., for the ger reed. Orders pearrt.ly slanged te. aITtanelm: JABIF:I WATSON. Rae 1511*' rsome *1, 10MACR NORTON. lta. wawa Orders tab Wee.. 1112. .4•41. Huron Auction ISart Tee ewwna.m wenn •.,.e ..ante ifs Iriek Stere es Rh gsten Street, owned* Y. 0 4..rw,w, Rio , he the pew Far ef ramie( n. AIICTION ANDm881081 Wood rearnelly mien a dere M rabbi 6nw ye All mire .d abs n ay natal t,r,saty proone SJ ra..M 1e, sad da awry@ pJ over. The Sedwl as be Inners se to Mean /dory Mort. JA ESSWATT JAME%I THOMlSON. llalrrch. Jews In. IPM. Wl Goderich Cabinet Warehouse, Mia::. GORDON11 Cabinet Maker 6 Undertaker, BEr/9hi aase .w le the ,.nralaat• .4 Cade- t./ ad .rr.riiag Cometry, that he Ms .ow w bed at V Warr Kona, West Street, Goderich, A eomplesa aat,nn.awl .dt Faraunrr nt every dr .•rept.., .e.h a Talks, Bedsteads, Berms, Chairs, M.naeme. *r., tit Hone Ma..famwe awl Imported Purwnere rade to tesla ,ed ov .6.5.4 aa. e. W,srm. o tubs•. Oa .1n MONEY TO LEND! A T• as.te.d ren •4 !masa 0'00. ra d■y ma fn. Li] 1t e, x, a er s vvan, es, Paw Property oat (,r Ifs I0, .s 'is .oil sew.. In memo Iern•md Own aseerir .>a 1 ... Ad chirp . wiry •,at..w.. Appy t. SHADS GOODiNG. MArnsr. te., Newt deer t GNe,•w Maim1111110•44. Ma M. . 11N. 14-0 YORE MONET TO LEND AT TEN (51 HALL NEN CENT, ie swam er ea Ins an Man fnr aa? eines en ens bel y, a ws aadr■head rg1wwi farm Mw. fa aur Arnim Apply to °HAMA (IOOM'O, Porker... ass Rene.,. dtd Oib. •h Marv*, that waawei F`' f ,.arrD.e reiseir•I4 am lemma or aewoses. Fatesai gra be mord Apply 1. SHAW 1 WiXCLAIL rid. -w..., ir. . mils..#. GwbrlrO, 1 Hb Feb.. 11163 4.41.41.•1 14 MONEY Worthy the inspection of purchasers. GROCERIES • • Cotuwti'2 of Sugars, Teas, Tobaccos, ('ofees, Spire., 1'e -,.;es. kc. -Buyers will study their interest by ex.u,tiuing this drpartmeut. SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE : Being imposters of Hardware, and having all required fur the trade in this department, goods can be furnished upon the lowest terms. The tubsc,ihers, thankful fot the very liberal support they bare hitherto received, beg respectfully .o',licit a continuation of the patrouo.e accorded them, assuring their patrons that they will endeavor to consult Weir iuteiest 111 all uvnauctious. JOAN V. DETLOR & SON. ooDERiCIH, 21st April, 1863. REMOVAL, PARKER & CATTLE, HATT RI M01 ED TO TIC: ,r Bar, ' o 1, CAST, GERM'N&SP Vises, Hellas, s;t,eks acid Sledge and Hand Hammers, PLOW 11OUL13Se Spades & Snotete, I roe Aelse,Cod Cham; GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, COLOURS, 01L.S, ivpemtiws, Leel Pip, Wrought, Cat and Haw N.4., Trois and Cordage I lndiia Rubber Packing A Belting CHANGE OF TIME. Store formsrly occupied by TWoin y & Black, I'AIIS(E S' I3LOCK, Where, in addition to their Waal heavy supply of Drugs, Patent Medicines, he., they Ute on hand a Iargr stock of AGRICULTURAL SEEDS! Imported directly from one of the oldies and most reliable holes in Glasgow, Scotland. TREY NAVE Ar.t15) RECEIVED A 1.0T Co, 0111.11 TEAS, COFFEES & TOBACCOES Which they otter at very low pliers. .t,+ wINInaa aur LIQUOIt. as, Fee Method sad Family use. OODERiCQ, April e, DOR. wr 13•26yly 9 *20,000 TO LOAN. T111 .,h.o'0.1 r 50 S0.I M warM'ere learia pr.. Noll R4.,. A. ern s..1 u ar77 h. ,11,ayaLk try ,54011.118 a'..,I ,vers 6enns yen M ye.r4 a rn nweI n web r.f 154.54, 5056 prv,kge of rr,rveo a p iTr fnr w), 4 An.• 4.revriA b am, toners M, rr IlleA Us,,wgslil. ICT lawn Pwlner. talrill wM, (ftge..4. (3E0. P. 13liRR()Wf4- (el, 14..w*rw3.oea . U. w. THE STEAMER. -1Y=R Ce B R U C I3 ." D, ROWAN, Master, Will run ate follows, until further notice, weather permitting. LEAVES GODERICH FOR SAUGEEN EV ►:RY Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday, ' 6,,,:. •. 0., .163 'l'laurntelsey, at 7 A. 31. LEA YFA SAUGEEN FOR GODERICH Every Monday, Tuesday and Saturday, AT 4 o.',. r. r., and Frsolnw. at 7 A. M.. Calling at nmcardine, Illyerhal'On and Pt. Elgin oath way. LEAVES GODERICH for SARNIA Every iP(dursdoy Morning, At 6 o'clock, .oil return same evening, leer- ing Sana at b o'clock, VANEVERY k 1LUMIIAI.L. Goderich. 30:h April. 146:1. wI 1 DEPARTMENT or CROWN i.AWM, t) .. 15(1 Map, 1!161. bee ow n h.M foform ta em far Ihrer roes aur 0.4 romener arlp.•.1• or l.easawa nor worksvage Port a r.dripea4 el ay 1st •f PONM. Lead, 'nib. sew Mlhe pamd 1. the .rdt MIM aa.,w. elaMr M Aar Ins. WiL[JAM McDOT•GALt, a TlLel-63,11 0.051 seri•r. CNODI MC78 CABINET WARE! AID CHAIR EMPORIUM, 1-1AM1!.'I'ON STREET Nest Door to I rdf a Rotel. Platoon and Counter &are; Maley , Cc.rrcut. Circular, Po, and Hud Saw., C•biaet-Maker's H.4ware; Cerpeeter'a tad Joiner`, Tow ; Boring Mackie-, How. Purnielunga of all loads; aeon, Doors and Mouldings; Chopping, Broad & Hand Axes, Fran Blond and other celebrated nakdr. Agent for burial a Co.'s PLATPOI(M ad (-OIIYTEB SCALER. With the Largest Stock ce y •s.et ROBERT W. MCKENZIE SHELF HARDWARE 15 ria COe9T110e. Pnc0eaedfrom *0. 3JuiW.e*urera, .1.4 for cal' bT W. E. GRACE. Goderieh, May le, 11163. ♦14.36 ISAAC FREDRICK, ISOFIR1F 4a.cfi,luree an I keeps cteltaally o. and • complete a.aotment .. litl1'e'alhIW, Se•flits, Oane sad aalr-Reeted CHAIRS, TABLES, R}:i)STEAIT,a, STANDS, MATTRASSES, COFFINS, Ac., sic. WESTI ST.. GODERICH, Next door East of Mr. Stotts' Saddlery, IS 14011.0. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY REPAIRED OM +II.IR-r oOTICH. In the best Style & Warranted. • •aro. • •,ba ••... . or (dela* Nitwit Jewelry, Wattles,. kr. tr.. Con.hnlly on bane .,,.I mi. -ranted ,n ht Mrenesered If ..M. Moser refendee. led.neh. 1.1 lre..s.&.r prat 051.0 Pan.eela, ettrrt.e pad to odrnd work. As M empl.yp none hent IM h.s workmen. and ram eah,eg far the age m.tr.k, kr fwnd.re case.* M rrpormi lot guars. Lewder ad bra' pater rind is exrhuge .dt 1.rw rape eloderoeh. /41. 1e-►. ISO •wuw+Jl EXCHANGE OFFICE. /marker' Paper Nosey Bought, el IM normal rY• M .trliasp, By W. M. SAVAGE, *Wiwi arriam, (1hnbeeib. urs. 16, ,Ins ..ewe. thin Fos RALE OR TO LST. Ml. 111111M,i111111M, TYPHON'MD) PARER. Tmwm Md Perk Ler.. Apply a416. Atm•. Mte,Fb.1 Asea. Sureeatlse 1. 1111 JOHN RAWtt$ . SI ALL ASSURING ON TIIF WI.1'li 1'It()1 I'i`i 1'r.AN Before the 2.Mh instant w,lh THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Will receive TWO vear.' &,nos et the Dlv..roa an Profits lea r t s rat. W. M. R.IMSAY, Manager for Canada. RICHARD BULL, Inspector of Agencies. For Rae• and Pnrpn't.rw•, apply to .1. 1). It1.Al'K, .igen. DR. MACDOUGALI, Medical Referee. ,w71w17 Juana HENRY GRIST, Departmental & Parliamentary Agent. QUEBEC, ADJI'STS CROWN LARD CLAIMS, theime Lead Pamela; Prowse ritoi r. - lo a nldanable from any a .6. Prase Deport. Melina ; Take. 0,11 Pntenl.*Ie laerat0*.;{ aerna- ler. Trade Mark• And I)nasin•; Takeo rater M Pc..t. R.1h dnnwg t►H• peerage throng%.10. L.gulanre, hc., for para- wan are ..al&. b oeyole then ewe time to each 1. 0*.. a, r rmwlt- ling to .dens the expense of Mahn to atria R wcw..-Han. Alex. C• M. L,V'. /Creston; Irieheld )u,w., 5.q,a Heroines W.. M. W.t.r, Kee., ylmcne; Wm. l.v.nrnln., Sage Dela wan; 21..ar.. R. Lamle In So., Twain ss5 Hee. J. Cadre, M. P. P., I1.doe. Annear, pre -pod, In HE OLT GRIST, Idea 1144, P.O..Ibeeber. SAVE YOUR ASHES AND CREASE I FIRM P.., rad for rp am 5M7 THIS )H or Aida NM 'be Snap Gass and Petah Pesewy. (hear•W. M. J. WRIGHT a 00. Mark. IN. IMO wWSmeP _ BLANK VOTERS' LITS Fol Sala at t niw- r