HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-03-10, Page 12ANIMAL HEALTH NEEDS NIXON ANTI MAST 17 $2 50 HERD PACK $350 POWER PACK $500 3 TUBES 3 TUBES 6 TUBES LIQUID MASTITIS INFUSION 402 SCOUREX TABLETS $1.75 — $100 $4" HUTLEY, DRUG STORE S EXETER 3 DA 235-1070 I Open This Friday Night Why liquid instead of solid Fertilizer? 1. All plant foods are in liquid form, readily available im- mediately. This is a definite advantage in a dry season. Moisture is not required to make plant food available. 2. Ease of application. No lifting or slugging heavy materials. Liquid handled by tank and pump. 3. Speed of applying liquid over solid is extremely important to farmers, with weather an ever present factor in getting fer- tilizer on the ground. 4. Liquid is recognized as the best method of fertilizing hay and, pasture. Response is im- mediate. Announcing a New Method of Liquid Fertilizers Application 111111 Yes! This machine, now being manufactured ri g ht here in Exeter, will apply liquid fertilizer to the soil for any crop. Tests have proven Liquid to be superior in all crops. The simple fact that the plant food is dissolved and in solution gives crops such a quick start, that other crops on dry never do catch up, Arrange now with us to use one of these machines to fertilize your Spring Grain yourself. You'll like this easy way of handling fertilizer, no lifting or slugging heavy dusty materi- als. You'll be amazed at the results next Fall, This machine can also be used for such crops as corn, beans, sugar beets, hay and pasture. You can do it yourself! Or we Custom apply at a very reasonable price. Cann's Mill Are Offering Attractive Grain Contracts 1. We offer Liquid Fertilizer on all Contracts. Growers can apply it themselves. Yields are Higher---Labour is Reduced---Profit is Higher. 2. We supply the best seed available. 3. We Guarantee a minimum price to protect the grower against price drop at harvest time. FOR BARLEY, OATS AND MIXED GRAIN CONTRACTS, SEE US NOW FOR PARTICU LARS. GO LIQUID FOR HIGHER PROFITS CANN'S MILL. 2351782 Exeter 229-6118 Kirkton We take this opportunity to welcome delegates to the Agricultural Conference. While in town, why not drop in and talk your needs over with us SUPER-Q SPECIAL CORN FERTILIZER SPECIALLY FORMULATED TO INCREASE CORN CROP YIELDS UNDER DISTRICT CONDITIONS ALL GRANULAR BRANDS IN STOCK BAGGED OR BULK DISTRIBUTORS FOR: 331/2% AMMONIA NITRATE AQUA AMMONIA 23% NITROGEN SOLUTION WEED SPRAY AMINE; BRUSH KILL ORDER NOW FOR EARLY SPRING APPLICATION READ FERTILIZERS LTD:. . 5. EXETER 235x2774 Fertilizers Page 12 Times-Advocate, March 10, 1966 By MRS, WILLIAM ROHDE Tuesday evening March 1 Mr. & Mrs, Ken Parkinson had as their guests Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Thomson, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Jones, Mr, & Mrs. Jack Youngson, Mr. & Mrs. Max Bilyea, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bryan and Mr. & Mrs. Wm, Sheritt and Mr. & Mrs. James Bryan. MARK 50TH ANNIV FRS AR Y Mr. and Mrs.percyStone were guests of honor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stone and family Wednesday evening last, the occasion being their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lampert, Elyse and Dale of Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stone, Glen, Wayne and Brenda of London. They plan to have open house at a later date. vetch of Strathroy. Mr. & Mrs, Leonard Thacker spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Alex Dobson of Weston, Mr. & Mrs. Morley Waugh of London visited Sunday afternoon with the Thacker family, Mr. & Mrs, Gerald Bryan and family of Prospect Hill were Sunday evening guests of Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Jones. Miss Pegg), Norton and Miss Ruth G. Hooper of Toronto, Miss Veryl Hooper of Woodstock were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. G, H. Hooper and Jeanette and Clare. By MRS. G. HOOFER Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Langford, Walter, Bonnie and Carl were Friday evening guests of Mr. & Mrs. Ken Parkinson. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Thomson, Grant, Sharon and Mary Lou were Saturday evening guests of Mr. Mrs. Laverne McCarter of Zion, r M. & Mrs. Claire Sisson visit- ed Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Fred The United Church Women met Wednesday afternoon in the church basement with Mrs. 13ev Morgan and Mrs. William Row- cliffe as hostesses. Mrs, Reg Hodgert was in Charge of the worship service of which her theme was "Lenten Thoughts". Mrs. Archie Ether- ington and Mrs, William Snow assisted. Mrs. Alvin Cottle gave a reading and a vocal duet was contributed by Miss Doris Flford and Mrs. Donald Bray. Mrs. Ken Duncan presented the topic on Brazil. Mrs. Donald Kernick, presi- dent, took charge. March 22 the annual Presbyterial meeting will be held in Wesley-Willis United Church, Clinton. A bake sale is to be held in Exeter April 2. Fam- ily night is to be held in the church basement Friday evening. March 18. DON' T RISK DISAPPOINTMENT Buy J-M Seeds COMMUNITY NIGHT Thursday evening the regular community night was held in Farquhar Hall with ten tables of euchre in play. Prizes were won for ladies high by Mrs. Roy Pepper; ladies low, Mrs. Alvin Passmore; lone hands, Ross Rowe; men's high, Barry Miller; men's low, Len Hume. Lunch was served by the committee in charge, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hodgert. and be SURE ! Three leaders All roads lead to Seaforth iniiuron County for the 1966 International Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Demonstration October 11 to the 14, Planning for today's "International" is big business with the local committee getting ready many months prior to opening day. Shown are three men who will "steer" the committees, discuss plans at the annual meeting of the Ontario Plowmen's Association held recently in Toronto, (February 21 and 22), left to right; Mr. Gordon McGavin, Walton, a director of the OPA; Mr. Norman Barber, Owen Sound, President of the OPA and Mr. Larry Snider, Exeter, Co-Chairman with Gordon McGavin of the Huron County committee for the 1966 International. It takes a seed expert with world wide connections to buy the right seeds, at the right time, from the right sources, at the right price, So, if you're not an expert, trust Jones, Mac- Naughton to provide you with seeds that will give you com- pletely satisfactory results—they are experts! In fact, seeds—and only seeds — are Jones, MacNaughton's business . . . and they have specialized in seeds for Western Ontario for a great many years. You can be sure of reliable and dependable performance from all Jones, MacNaughton Seeds—true to variety, high in germination and exactly suited to the soils and climate of Western Ontario, Get full value, too, from Jones, MacNaughton's long-time policy of selling the best seeds at the fairest prices. For all your seed needs, order from your local dealer or "Education in Trinidad" PERSONALS Mr, Donald Ballantyne is holi- daying in Florida, The flowers on the communion table Sunday were placed there by the family of the late Arthur Rohde. Mrs. Mort Caswell, Billy and Diane of London visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. AlvinPassmore. HOCKEY PLAY-OFFS Last Saturday hockey play-offs were held at Kirkton. Fullarton and Kirkton played the latter winning 3 to 1. Woodham played Anderson, the former winning. Kirkton then played Woodham, the former winning 5 to 1. Kirk- ton players winning the trophy. Kirkton team consists of boys from Usborne township and sev- eral from this community, name- ly, Grant Hodgert, Jack Mayer, Brian Miller, Glenn Rohde, Den- nis Rowe and Douglas Webber. topic of UCW meeting 'vml•••••V••*t••••••••••. SEED GRAIN CONTRACTS We are now taking contracts for Seed Oats, Barley, Mixed Grain and many other items — at 88c for harvest del- ivery and $1.00 for winter delivery for Oats, on a rough scalped basis only. INQUIRE RE: VARIETIES AND OTHER PRICES Alex M. Stewart & Son Ltd. SEED GRAIN SPECIALISTS AILSA CRAIG ONTARIO By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA Mrs. Norman Tripp, Mrs. Ken Greb, Mrs. Roy Lamport and Mrs. Lorne Hicks arranged the program for the UCW meeting in the schoolroom of the church Thursday evening. Mrs. Tripp opened the meeting with a poem followed by a reading by Mrs. K. Greb, The chapter, "Education in Trinidad", from the studybook was presented by Mrs. Tripp. Musical numbers included piano solos by Barbara Lamport and Mrs. Thompson (mother of Mrs. Tripp) who was a guest at the meeting. Mrs. Greb conducted a game of charades acting out quotations from the Bible, Mrs. Ross McFalls presided for the business when Mrs. Earl Dixon was welcomed into the member- ship of the UCW. Invitations were read and ac- cepted to attend a tea in the Greenway United Church May 4 when Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft of Belgrave, President of Huron Presbyterial, will be the guest speaker; and the Dessert euchre in the Parish Hall, Saintsbury, March 16. The date of the Huron Pres- byterial in Wesley-Willis United Church, Clinton, on March 22 was announced. JONES, MacNAUGHTON SEEDS EXETER CREDITON Phone 235-0363 Phone 234- 6363 taken up residence in their new home in the village. Messrs. S. Molnar, Gaspar Olah and Lewis Tasko attended the funeral of the late Mr. John Bartok in London on Tuesday of last week. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Schroeder were Saturday evening guests at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Hewitt in London. The Huron County Library hook exchange will take place at the library March 16. YPU MEETS Seventeen members of the YPU met in the schoolroom of the church Sunday evening. "Cruci- fixion" was the theme for the worship service conducted by Bill Huxtable and Bruce Hicks. Neil McAllister presided for the business when it was decided that the next meeting would take the form of a bowling party on the evening of March 26. Rev. Guest gave a talk using as his topic "Stewardship". To conclude the meeting contests were enjoyed by all. FATHER HONORED ON 86TH BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dietrich entertained at a birthday party at their home Sunday in honor of Mrs. Dietrich's father, Mr. Joseph Gelinas of Zurich, who was celebrating his 86th birth- day. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gelinas and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. C. J, Tiede, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gelinas, Mr. Claude Gelinas, Leo, Jane and Brenda, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ryan, all of London, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Corriveau of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Mozart Gelinas of Zurich and Mr. and Mrs. Clem McCann of Dashwood, PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Earl Dixon have