HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-03-03, Page 11Times-Advocate, March 3, 1966 Par• 11 By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR HELP Applications Immediate applications are requested for sec- retarial and bookkeeping work for the Corporation of the Town of Exeter. Applications should list all qualifications and be directed to E. A. Carscadden, Clerk, The Town Of Exeter. BIG MONEY COMES FROM SAVING LITTLE MONEY REGULARLY Open an account at Victoria and Grey and save a little from every pay! REGULAR SAVING WITH INTEREST COMPOUNDED HALF-YEARLY WILL SOON GROW TO ' BIG MONEY' FOR THE THINGS YOU REALLY WANT OR NEED. We pay 4% on savings 235.0530 EXETER Now you can't see a weed for the beans with romaE C (trifluralin, Elanco) "Excellent control of both grasses and broad- leafs," That's the comment of many large, successful growers of soybean and fieldbean crops, Treflan stops weeds before they start to grow by killing the weed seed as it germinates. The result, you get greater yielding crops be- cause there's more nutrients, moisture and light for your crops ; less time-consuming harvesting stoppages caused by weeds; and more efficient use of fertilizer. For dependable weed control that helps you make more profit— contact Shamrock Chemicals Limited, London, Ontario, your exclusive Elanco distributor. Elanco—the company that shares it, exponent() mill you Elanco Products OiyisiOn of Eh Lilly and Company (Canada) Limited Scarborough, Ontario. Contact your Shamrock Technical Representative London 438.5652 ROUSE — Newly decorated 2- bedroom home, 3 years old. Den (or third, bedroom), 4-Pee. bath, extra large living room and dining room with wall-to- wall carpet and fireplace. Full basement, completely painted. Oil heated. Low down payment. Phone 2351743, 17:24:3* 100 ACRE farm in McGillivray Township. Eighty acres of work- able land, 15 acres bush. Has brick, 4-bedroom house, with oil furnace; barn 50x60,. imple- ment shed, cement silo and plenty water, Apply weekends or after 7 p.m. to Donald Rob- inson, Phone 293-3080, 2:17-3:24c NEARLY NEW 3-bedroom bun- galow on Pryde Blvd., full basement, attached garage, sew- er connected, CMHA financed. Phone 235-2695. 6tfnc 17 Properly For Rent UPPER 5-room apartment, 2 bedrooms, 3 piece bathroom, separate entrance, partly fur- nished or unfurnished, central location, no pets. Phone 235- 1345. 3* SMALL furnished apartment, heat and •hot water supplied at 41 Simcoe St., available now. Private entrance. Phone 235- 2360. 3tfnc HEATED 3-room apartment, nicely furnished or will rent un- furnished. 235-2376. Ed Dorey. 3tfnc 2-BEDROOM 1-floor bungalow, electric heat, April 1. Phone 235-0395, 3c 3-ROOM cottage, central loca- tion, suitable for one or two people. R. E, Balkwill, 47 John St. Furnished if desired. 16tfnc NICELY furnished steam heat- ed, 1-bedroom apartment, cen- tre of town. Elliot Apts., 442 Main St. Phone 235-2912. 17tfric LUCAN — 1-bedroom apartment, heated, stove and frig, modern. Phone 227-4413 after six. 24tfnc 1-BEDROOM apartment, fur- nished or unfurnished, oil heat, all utilities paid, available now. Phone 235-0956 or apply 355 Marlborough St. 23tfnc 2-BEDROOM apartments, fur- nished or unfurnished, on Main St., Crediton. Private entrances, available immediately. Phone 234.6336 after 5 on week days, anytime on weekends. 16tinc MODERN compact apartment, washer and dryer. 176 Sanders East. Phone 235-2012, 18tfnc CLEAN, spacious, 2-bedroom apartment, furnished or unfur- nished, oil furnace, separate entrance. Call at 181 William St. Phone 235-0736 evenings or Saturdays. 25tfnc REDECORATED large country home, all modern conveniences, new oil furnace, 1 mile north of Hensall on #4 Hwy. J. C. Smillie, 262-5141 Hensall. lltfnc UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmon's Apt. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 12tfnc 18 For Rent FLOOR SANDERS, electric — Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tine 20 Wanted To Rent TWO OR THREE bedroom house for April 1. Phone 235-1377. 24tfnc 21 Notices WELDING COURSE at WOODHAM MACHINE SHOP MAR. 1, 8, 9 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. BRING YOUR HELMETS 3c 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of JAMES MUSTARD, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of James Mustard, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Hur- on, who died on or about the 3rd day of November, 1965, are hereby notified to send particu- lars of same to the undersigned at 366 Bay Street, Toronto, on or before the 5th clay of March 1966, after which date the Es- tate will be distributed with re- gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned shall not be liable to any per- son of whose claims they shall not then have notice. DATED at Toronto this 9th day of February, 1966. GUARANTY TRUST Company of Canada By: Bell and Laughton its Solicitors herein. 17:24:3c Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. 24 Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR Street Excavation TOWN OF EXETER Tenders will be received at the Clerk's Office until 3 p.m. March 21, 1966 for the follow- ing: Approximately 5,000 cu. yds, of earth to be excavated and hauled to site at Riverview Park. Price per cu. yd. re- quired for this work under the supervision of Work's Superin- tendent, WORK'S SUPERINTENDENT JAMES PAISLEY 3;10:17c Tenders for Gravel TOWN OF EXETER Tenders will be received at the Clerk's Office until 3 p,m. March 21, 1966 for the follow- ing: Approximately 4,000 cu. yds. granular backfill; Approximately 3,500 cu. yds. granular "B"; Approximately 3,000 cu. yds. granular "A" to be supplied and spread on streets under the supervision of Work's Superintendent, Quote prices on all materials per cu. yd. WORK'S SUPERINTENDENT JAMES PAISLEY 3:1n:17e. 15 Auction Sales Auction Sale Listings Alvin Walper, Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood March 19—Real Estate, Live- stock, Implements. Donald Rob- inson, Prop. March 23 — Farm Machinery, Cattle, Feed. Maurice Coates, Prop. March 24 — Tractors & Farm Implements. Albert Pearce, Prop. March 25 — Tractors, Farm Implements and Feed. John Spacek, Prop. March 26 — Household Ef- fects. John Gellman, Prop. March 29 — Daley Cattle. Leonard Harris, Prop. March 30 — General Farm Sale. Milton Webb, Prop. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractors, Combine, Farm Machinery, Hay, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises, Lot 27, Con. Lake Road East, HAY TOWNSHIP 3 miles north of Grand Bend or 4 miles south of St. Joseph on Highway 21. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 12 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTORS, COMBINE: Int. W-4 standard tractor, in guar- anteed condition; Int. "A" tractor, in Al condition; Case 77 combine with motor, in new condition; Case 9-ft, swather, like new. FARM MACHINERY: Hender- son manure loader for "A" tractor; Int. 3-furrow plow, on rubber; Int. heavy duty spring- tooth cultivator; Int. 28-plate tractor disc; Int. 4-bar side rake; Int, team-drawn manure spreader; McDeering 13 - run grain and fertilizer drill; M-H 51/2 - ft. mower; Fleury - Bissell land packer; 4-section diamond harrows; 3-section diamond har- rows; Vessott grain grinder and belt; tractor umbrella; heat houser for W-4 tractor; flat rack; rubber tire wagon; 150-bushel self-unloading grain box; dual wheel trailer, includ- ing 200-bushel grain box; heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 2 trailers, including stock rack; 2-row bean scuffler with weed- ers; bean puller; set of bean knives; Letz grinder and bag- ger; National one-unit milker; 6 milk cans; milk strainer; Aeroflow 4-can milk cooler; 20- ft, grain auger; 200-gal. gas tank; steel fence posts; jack- all jack; rotary pump; power take - off shaft; tractor tire pump; root pulper; fanning mill; electric fencer; scythe; 1/4 -h.p. motor; bench vise; bucket scraper; colony house; jig saw; pipe wrenches; emery; pig troughs; shovels; forks; logging chains; hay fork rope; tractor chains; Homelite 16- inch, chain saw, equipped with 31/4 -h.p, motor, etc„ etc. HAY: 1000 bales mixed hay. Quantity household effects. No reserve, everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash. RAYMOND KADING, Prop. GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 3:10c Extensive AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Tractors, Auto, Farm Im- plements, Hay, Grain, Household Effects and Misc. On the premises, LOT 15, CON. 1 HAY TOWNS1IIP 11/4 miles south of Ilensall 25 Auction Sales 3% miles north of Exeter, on Highway 4. The undersigned auctioneer received Instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 18 at 12:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Parcel No. I: 100-acre farm, Lot 15, Con. 1, Hay Twp.; 10 acres mixed bush. Remainder all tillable. Fully modernized - storey brick dwelling. Large "L"- shaped barn, completely mo- dernized for beef cattle; silo; 2 drive sheds; garage and poultry house. Buildings are in first class state of repair. Parcel No. 2: 40-acre adjoin- ing farm, Lot 16, Con, 1, Hay Twp., with no buildings. These are exceptionally good farms, well situated. Land all tillable, choice clay loam, high- ly productive and in first class state of cultivation. Inspection invited. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale. Additional 10% in 30 days. Balance to be ar- ranged on or before sale date. Sold subject to a reasonable re- serve bid, Please Note: Farms to be of- fered separately or in one unit. AUTO: 1964 Meteor 4-door sedan, low mileage and in new condition, TRACTORS: Ford diesel 5000 new range standard fully hy- draulic tractor, like new; M-F standard tractor, equipped with loader, Also full line of high class machinery to be listed in next week's issue. Complete list next week. MR'S. BEATRICE FABER, Administrator for the estate of the late John Faber DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 3c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractors, Truck, Forage Harvester Equip- ment, Farm Implements, Hay, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 21, CON. 7, STEPHEN TWP. 5 miles west of Exeter on Hur- on St. or 2i north of Crediton, lei mile west The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTORS AND TRUCK: MH 65 Diesel Standard tractor in guaranteed condition; Cockshutt Standard tractor in good con- dition; 1963 GMC 3/4 ton pick-up truck. FORAGE HARVESTER EQUIPMENT & IMPLEMENTS: Gehl forage harvester with hay attachment; Case forage blow- er; hay crimper; Dearborn corn picker; M H 10-ft. power take-off swather; M F 4-furrow narrow bottom hydraulic plow; 2 forage harvester racks and wagon; MH 8-ft. cultivator; M H 13-run grain and fertilizer drill; Int. No. 10 tractor spread- er; 32-ft. hay elevator; snow blower; 2-drum steel roller; 4- section diamond 'harrows; grain auger; 1 h.p. electric mo- tor; 3/4 h.p. electric motor; Speed bicycle; 200 ft. electric cord; bench vice; heavy sledge; 2-wheel trailer and rack; water trough; grain box; iron kettle; post-hole digger; Jack-All jack; grease gun; chains; wrenches; tools, etc., etc, HAY: 1,000 bales choice hay. Quantity of household effects. TERMS: Cash. No reserve. MARK & ARNOLD WHITNEY, Proprietors DALTON FINIC.BEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 3:10c Extensive AUCTION SALE of High Quality Registered Jerseys, Holsteins & Grade Dairy Cattle, Hogs, Poultry, Hay and Grain, Tractors, Trucks, Forage Harvester Equipment, Farm Imple- ments, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 15, S.E.B., USBORNE TOWNSHIP 1 mile south of Woodham, or 2 miles south of Kirkton, High- way 23 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on MONDAY, MARCH 14 at 12:30 p.m. DAIRY CATTLE: Reg, Hol- stein, milking, rebred carrying fourth call; reg. Holstein, milk- ing, rebred, carrying third calf; reg. Holstein recently freshen- ed, calf at foot; Holstein cow carrying third calf due before sale date; Holstein cow carry- ing second calf due March 18; Ayrshire cow carrying fourth calf due in May; Holstein cow, second calf, recently freshened; Holstein cow carrying third calf due end of March; Holstein heif- er, fresh, calf at foot; Ayrshire cow carrying fourth calf, due before sale date; part Holstein and Jersey cow carrying fourth calf, clue before sale date; Hol- stein cow, milking, rebred. REGISTERED JERSEYS: 10 reg. Jersey cows, milking, all rebred; 5 reg. Jersey cows, re. cently freshened; 6 reg. Jersey heifers due to calf April and May. This is an outstanding herd of dairy cattle sired from high producing blood Hiles fea- turing prominent sires, Branip- ton Thee Acme, Merit! Milestone Radiant and Mack Marin, 10 Hereford steers and heifers rising 2 years old; 6 small calves; 4 reg. Jersey calves; pure bred Jersey bull rising 2 years old; pure bred Holstein bull rising 2 years old. IlOGS: 4 Yorkshire sows due end of March; 16 Yorkshire pigs averaging 75 lbs. each; Yorkshire hog. POULTRY: 50 Leghorn year- ling hens. TRACTORS, TRUCKS, FARM EQUIPMENT: Ford Standard tractor including skyline loader; Oliver 77 standard tractor, re• cently overhauled; MIT 81 trac- tor including scuffler; Avery row crop tractor including 7-ft. mower and bean puller; M M 10-ft. self propelled combine, completely equipped, in good condition; M M power take-off 6 ft. combine completely equip- ped; 'two 1946 Dodge 3-ton trucks with hoist and stock racks; John Deere forage harvester equip- ped with corn and hay pick- ups; also heavy duty motor, like new; 2 Gehl forage har- vesters, self unloading racks & heavy duty wagons, used one season; rubber tire wagon and racks; Otaco rubber tire wag- on; M M 2-row power take off corn picker; John Deere 17-run double disc grain and fertilizer drill; Mil 17-run grain drill; John Deere 4-row corn planter; White hydraulic lift cultivator on rubber; 3-section drag har- rows; Int. 3-furrow plow on rub- ber; Int. 2-furrow plow on rub- ber; 2 sets diamond harrows; MH binder, 8-ft. cut, like new; Int, one-way 7-plate disc; Little Giant 36-ft. hay elevator; Cobey 120 - bushel tractor spreader; Fleury Bisset 32-plate tractor disc; MIT 4-bar side delivery rake; Spraymotor weed sprayer; Wood's 22-can bulk cooler; 2 Universal milking machines, completely eouipped; milk cans; pails; 18-gallon water heater; Letz grain grinder; Case ham- mer mill; grain blower; Lin- coln 180 amp. electric welder; bean cooker; 4 electric motors; colony house 10x12; blacksmith forge and drill; Stewart electric clipper; electric drill; cutter; team bells; antique cider press; grass seeder; incubator; heavy duty vice; chains; forks; shov- els, etc. HAY AND GRAIN: 200 bales mixed hay; 200 bales straw; 200 bushel mixed grain; 18 ton cob corn; 13 bushel of choice alfalfa seed; 10 bushel of treat- ed beans. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Elec- tone television; Kent small elec- tric organ; radio; kitchen cup- boards; settee and chair; kitch- en chairs; sideboard; dishes & antiques. Also a good Collie dog. Plan to attend this outstand- ing sale. TERMS: Cash. No reserve as the farm is sold. Lunch booth. GERALD LAWSON, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 3:10c By MRS. HEBER DAVIS PRAYER SERVICE Wednesday, Feb. 23, the ladies of St. Patrick's church met at the home of Mrs. Jim Barker for the day of prayer service with fifteen ladies present. Mrs. Tom Kooy was at the piano. Mrs. Harry Carroll, WA presi- dent, was first leader. Mrs. Hugh Davis Guild president was sec- ond leader and Mrs. Jack Dick- ins soloist. Mrs. Ron Carroll read the Scripture. Mrs. Heber Davis gave the meditation topic "Ye are my Witnesses". Following the service plans were made for the St. Patrick's tea March 16 in the Parish Hall. A mystery prize donated by Mrs. Hugh Davis was won by Mrs. Tom Kooy. The next meeting will be a quilting at the home of Mrs. Earl Greenlee March 8. Mrs. Lorne Weiberg, who is moving in the near future, was presented with a gift by Mrs. Harry Carroll following the read- ing of an address by Mrs. Tom Kooy. The hostess assisted by Mrs. Maurice MacDonald, Mrs. Heber Davis and Mrs. Earl Greenlee served refreshments. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll are visiting the former's brother, Mr. & Mrs. George Carroll, De- troit. A number of friends from this community attended the funeral of the late Cyril Blommaert from the Haskett funeral home Friday afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis and Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Stanley, Den- field, were guests Thursday evening with Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Garrett, London. Mr. & Mrs. Sam Kingma,Cre- diton, spent Wednesday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Jim Barker, Jeffrey Young, Lucan was a weekend guest with his cousins, Larry and Leslie Greenlee. Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis were guests Wednesday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Herman Powe, Ex- eter and Saturday Mr. & Mrs. Alf Dickins, London and Mr. & Mrs. Albert Dickins, Lambeth, spent the day with the Davis'. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Davis, Cameron, Sharon and Mr. Gote Wennerstraum were S a tu rday evening guests with Mrs. Garnet Isaac and Marjorie, London. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mogk, Bar- bara and John, Guelph, were weekend guests with Mr. & Mrs, Fred Dobbs and Freddie. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dickins were guests Friday evening with Mt. & Mrs. Clarence Davis. Mrs. Harmon Atkinson was hostess recently to the "Hobos". By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN STAFFA Staffa Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Gordon Hoggarth Wednesday afternoon, February 23. There were 16 members and 10 visitors pre- sent, Mrs. Tom Laing presided. She presented an interesting pap- er on the motto-No one is rich enough to be without a neighbour. Guest speaker for the afternoon was Miss Jennie Hogg, a former teacher at Staffa School. She spoke on "This Day 1966" and left everyone present with food for thought, Miss Hogg was Intro- duced by Mrs. Worden and pre- sented with a gift by Mrs. Laing. A special feature of the after- noon was the results of the bulb competition with Mrs. Leonard Strong the judge and Mrs. Gor- don Hoggarth the winner. Roll call was answered by ,(Something I have learned from another coun- tryman". Business was discussed and a committee of three, Mrs. Russell Worden, Mrs. Carter Kerslake and Mrs. Gerald Agar were nam- ed to look into the possibility of assisting with a booth at the Plow- ing Match in October. Members were reminded of the next euchre party to be held in Staffa Hall Friday evening March 4 with Mrs. Glanville's group in charge. Also mentioned was the Food Forum sponsored by the Department of Agriculture to be held at the YWCA in Stratford March 15. Zone official visits auxiliary HENS ALL Zone Commander Mrs. Evelyn Carroll paid her official visit to Hensall Legion Ladies Auxiliary at the meeting Tuesday evening and she spoke on the Auxiliary work. She was introduced by President Mrs. Harold Campbell, who was in the chair, and pre- sented with a gift by past Pre- sident Mrs. Roy Smale. A donation of $10 was voted to Bunny Bundle and it was de- cided to make a canvass for the Red Cross this month. The Aux- iliary will cater to a bonspiel March 19 and two teams willpar- ticipate in a bowling tournament in Walkerton in April. Mrs. John Erb, Zurich, was initiated as a new member and Mrs. Grant McClinchey was transferred from Seaforth to the Hensall branch. Mrs. Grant Bisback won the attendance prize, Mrs. Erb, the guessing contest and Mrs. Gord- on Munn, the mystery prize.Bingo and lunch concluded the meeting which was well attended. Mrs. Robert McCaughey favoured with a reading and Miss Vera Hartibley gave a demonstration on tie-dyeing, the rolled hem and making hats. 4-H CLUB MEETS The fourth meeting of Staffa No. 1 4-H Homemaking Club "Accent on Accessories" was held at the home of Mrs. Joyce Vivian Wednesday, Feb. 23 at 4:30 pm. All members werepre- sent and answered the roll call with their tie-dyed scarf, The secretary's report was given by Mary Barnes. Miss Irene Collins, home economist for Perth County, was present and spoke to the girls on Achievement Day in April. Mrs. Laing gave notes on hats and the "Care of Hats" and Mrs. Taylor gave notes on shoes and their care, The leader demon- strated how to make and join bias material and each girl worked on a sample piece. The girls worked on their hats, cutting them out for the rest of the afternoon. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Taylor's home in two weeks time. PERSONALS Miss Fay Templeman was a Thursday evening guest of Miss Susan Eidt, RR 5 Stratford. Hibbert Township schools No. 1 to 6 pupils and teachers enjoyed a skating party at Mitchell Arena Friday afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Eric Norris, Mac- donald College, Quebec visited Sunday with Mrs. Sam Norris and Mr. & Mrs. Bob Norris and family. Burning Rectal Itch Relieved In Minutes Exclusive Healing Substance Relieves Pain As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids. If you want satisfactory relief from 'Itching Piles'—here's good news. A renowned research laboratory has found a unique healing substance that, promptly relieves the burning itch and pain—actually shrinks hemorrhoids. This substance has been shown to produce a most effec- tive rate of healing. Its germ-killing properties also help prevent infection. In case after case "very striking improvement" was noted, even among cases of long standing. And this improvement was maintained over a period of months! This was accomplished by a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne)— which quickly helps heal injured cells and stimulate growth of new tissue. Now Bio-Dyne is offered in ointment and suppository form called Preparation "II". Ask for it at all drug stores—satisfaction or money refunded. EDITOR SPEAKS TO WI The Grand Bend Women's In- stitute met Thursday afternoon with twenty members and two visitors present. The topic for the meeting was "public Relations" and the guest speaker was Mr. Ken Kerr, edit- or of The Exeter Times-Advo- cate, who gave a very informa- tive talk and was introduced by Mrs. Wellwood Gill and thanked by Mrs. Emery DesJardins. Roll call was I am an Institute member because. The motto "If you have had a kindness shown, it was not given to you alone, pass it on" was given by Mrs. Harold Walper. Miss Gloria Adams sang two solos. Mrs, Roy Morenz presided for the busi- ness. Group 3 is planning a fam- ily night and pot luck supper March 28 to be held in the town hall, Group 1 is quilting; Group 2 are making plans to serve lunch at Mr. Raymond Kading's sale. Lunch was served by Mrs. Elgin Adams, Mrs. Hugh Mor- enz and Mrs. Les Adams. PERSONALS Mrs. Mary Ravelle attended the annual gift show in Toronto last week. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Baird spent the weekend with their daughter Mrs. Carl Vanner and Mr. Vanner at Chatham. Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Rader and Sharon of Dashweoci and Miss Ruthanne Rader of London visit,- ed Sunday with Mr, & Mrs. W. Gill. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Allister, Janet and Kathy of Hamilton spent the weekend with her parents, M. & Mrs. Willis Gill and fam- ily. Mr. & Mrs. W. C, Rehkopf and Wendy of Kitchener visited With her mother, Mrs. George Campbell Sunday, Sunday March 6 a special Young peoples' service will be held in Grand Bend United Church. Guest speaker will be Mr, Malcolm Hiltz of Exeter, district repre- sentative to the older boys' Par- liament. Representative Young people from all youth groups in the congregation will assist in the service. 16 Properly For Sale 25 .Auclion .sa'e' Former teacher speaks at Staffs W I meet APPLICATIONS for position of Custodian Hay Township School Area, Zurich School Applications are requested for the position of Custodian for public school located in Zurich. Ap- plicants should state salary expected. Lowest or any application not necessarily accepted. Duties to commence on or before April 1, 1966. Applications must be sealed and marked "Applica- tions" and in the possession of the Secretary Treasur- er, Robert Westlake, Zurich by 6 pm on Saturday, March 12. Robert Westlake Secretary-treasurer Hay Township School Area, Zurich, Ont.