HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-03-03, Page 5AitSESMAMAIMINMS Turnovers 2/19 HIGH LINER COD 16 oz. pkg. PEACH, BLUEBERRY, STRAWBERRY RASPBERRY, CHERRY FISH STICKS PKG. 59C HAMS LB. TIN 1.75 SCHNEIDER'S 8 oz. pkg. OPEN NITES TIL 9 except Saturdays Times-Advocate, March 3, 1966 Pa ge 5 Henson and. -district news day. The South Huron girls of Exeter won their semi-final game in the morning and went on to win the finals in the afternoon, making them the senior champions of Huron-Perth, Ann Mickle is a member of the team, Flowers in the United Church Sunday morning last were in memory of the late Jack Faber placed there by his wife and family. Communion Service will be ob. served in the United Church this Sunday morning March 6 at 11 am. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay and family of Hamilton were — please turn to page 7 CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 262-2002 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 Contract Your Bean Acreage At E.L. MICKLE & SON LTD • QUALITY MICHIGAN AND ONTARIO • SANILAC AND SEAWAY SEED • FERTILIZER SUPPLIED • EPTAM AVAILABLE FERTILIZER We Have Bagged or Bulk Harriston Fertilizer Available at Competitive Prices SPRING SEED REGISTERED, CERTIFIED AND COMMERCIAL SPRING SEED AVAILABLE SPECIAL SEED MIXTURES AVAILABLE SEE or CALL E. L. MICKLE & SON LTD. HENSALL PHONE 262-2714 Hensall district Co-op declares '65 dividend The 28th annual meeting of the Hensall District Co-Opera- tive was held Thursday, Febru- ary 24, in the Hensall Arena auditorium. About 75 interested area farmers were present to review the past year's business and to discuss the annual state- ment for the fiscal year. The financial report was given by Lorne Power of UCC, District Office, Chatham, and he review- ed the highlights of the year. The assets of Hensall District Co-op totalled $488,000 at November 30 1965, with sales for the past year totalling $833,000 leaving a net savings of $22,778 to be allotted as patronage returns for 1965. It was decided to declare a divid- end of two and one-quarter per- cent on member puchases. The retiring directors a r e Stanley Mitchell and Jack Kins- man. Two new directors elected to the Board for three year terms were James Drummond, RR 2 Kippen and Elgin Hendrick, RR 1 Dashwood. The guest speaker for the even- ing was Mr. Fred Hamilton, RR 1 Guelph, a former professor from A volunteer The Red Cross Blood Donors Clinic was conducted at RCAF Station Centralia last week. Service and civilian personnel of the base answered the call and 146 pints were delivered. FS J, W, Brownell of the ME Section receives attention from the Red Cross nurses. new duties to commence March 21. He was presented with a plat- form rocker chair by Mr. Clif- ford Pepper on behalf of the Board, staff and members of Hensall Co-op. Mr. Mousseau expressed thanks for the gift and also for the co-operation and support he has received from the Board, Staff and members during the 18 years which he was employed and wished them suc- cess in their future endeavours. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111l III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII the University of Guelph and as well a prominent farmer in the Guelph area. Mr. Hamilton is the Zone 6 director on the UCO Board of Directors and he spoke about the importance of each in- dividual in the co-o perative movement. Mr. Garnet Mousseau, the manager of Hensall District Co- operative, announced that he has accepted the position of manager of United Co-operatives Fertiliz- er Plant at Thamesville with his Hensall personals Mi.1111 11 1111111111111 Illll IIII IIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111 IIIII1111111111111111IIIIIII IIII IIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l1111111111 11111111111111 1 1 11 1 1 11 United Church Women hear youth speakers Mrs. Pearl Passmore spent the weekend with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Boogesman, Burlington. Home Economics and Health meeting of Hensall Women's In- stitute will be held in the Legion Hall, Wednesday, March 9, 8:15. Guest speaker will be Dr. C. Wallace of Zurich. Mr. & Mrs. Laird Mickle at- tended the final Senior Girls' Basketball games of the Second- ary Schools of Huron & Perth Counties held in Stratford Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mac- Gregor visited over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Don Mac- Laren in Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wonna- colt were in Toronto Wednesday attending the automotive show. Mrs. Margaret Henderson is a patient in Souh Huron Hos- pital, Exeter. Mr. John F, Ingram returned to his home after spending sev- eral weeks in South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter. Mrs. Wm. Fink and daughters of Clinton were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fink. Mr. Craig Chapman of Strath- roy spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman and Rod. SZETAWIFASNE Kinettes plan for activities Hensall Kinette Club met Wed- nesday evening February 23 at the home of Mrs. Harold Cald- well, with 100 percent attendance. President Mrs. Wm. Fuss was in the chair. A tentative date was set for Saturday, May '7 for the spring rummage sale which will be held at Hengall Arena. The Kinettes and Kinsmen will visit Ontario Hospital, Goderich, Wed- nesday, March 23, to entertain the patients in the hospital. The club reached their objec- tive of $215 and over, in the recent March of Dimes campaign. A motion was passed to entertain the Kinsmen once a year. The response to organize Teen Town was very gratifying and an announcement will be made shortly. Nominating committee Mrs. Fuss, Mrs. Bob Caldwell, Mrs. Harold Knight, and Mrs. John Baker, were chosen to bring in the new slate of officers for 1966-67. This being Beef night many views were aired, including this outstanding quotation — "A smooth running ship under the capable hand of a good captain. The next meeting March 9 will be past president's night for which Mrs. Wm. Clement will be hostess. 66erceevreed UCW unit four under the con- venership of Mrs. J. Flynn, have completed nine quilts, three for the bale for overseas relief and six custom quilts. Ladies quilting averaged around fifteen a day. Pot luck dinners and afternoon teas was a feature of the quilting. Friends of Mrs. Mary Taylor, members of the bowling team in which she plays, surprised her at her home on the occasion of her 78th birthday and presented her with a floral centerpiece. A social hour was enjoyed. Four bright ambitious little girls Martha and Shirley Roose- boom, 10 and '7 respectively, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Hein Rooseboom, Janie and Margaret Rooseboom, 6 and 8 respectively, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rooseboom, called at the homes in the village on Saturday and collected $10.07 which will be forwarded to the Bunny Bundle, CFPL London. Mrs. R. A. Orr entertained at her home Thursday, February 24 for her granddaughter Barbara Lynn Orr, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Orr, Crediton, who was celebrating her third birth- day. Attending the party were Lori Flynn, John and Judith Mickle. Games were played and lunch served including a birth- day cake. Mrs. Eric Kennedy, who has been visiting with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Karl Haslip and family, of Burlington, is visiting with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Geiger, at Fenelon Falls. 61Witt:MENSWOMSIBUS2 Mrs. Edison Forrest conduc- ted the devotional and used as a theme questions on religion asked by the Young People. Mrs. Victor Pyette gave courtesy re- marks. It was indeed a pleasure to hear from the Voice of Youth today expressed so aptly. Mrs. Harold Currie conduc- ted the business part of the meet- ing. She outlined the dates of the Huron Presbyterial Tuesday, March 22 in Wesley Willis U- nited Church in Clinton and Lon- don Conference March 29 and 30 in Wingham. She expressed a hope that many of the ladies would attend these conferences. The budget outlined by Finance Chairman Mrs. Walter Spencer was read and accepted for 1966. The annual smorgasbord supper was set for Wednesday June 8, and the Snowflake Bazaar No- vember 26. These have been annual projects which the UCW voted to continue. The UCW a- greed to cater to a steward's dinner March 17. "Youth in Action" was the theme of the United Church Wo- men's General meeting. Mal- colm Hiltz of Exeter was guest speaker giving a vivid account of older Boys Parliament and outlining the reactions and thoughts of the young people of today. He left some provocative questions of the centennial, the Indian problems and the War in Vietnam. He advised that the church appoint a youth to the Session rather than let them be dormant for 20 years after accepting them as members. Ann Mickle and Robert Mc- Naughton gave an interesting ac- count of Toc Alpha Conference in Niagara Falls, and told of the Fellowship, discussions and lec- tures they at tended, and the wealth of information derived from this conference. Jane Py- ette and Jim Traquair performed piano solos. Bob Forrest fa- voured with a trumpet solo, and Joyce Flynn, Nancy Kyle and Linda Mock sang a trio. World Day of Prayer observed in Hensall Mrs. H. MacVicar Funeral services for Mrs. El- gie M. MacVicar, 87, were held Thursday from the Denning Brothers Funeral Home, Strath- roy, with burial In Poplar Hill cemetery. Mrs. MacVicar, of Strathmere Lodge, Strathroy, passed away at her home Tues- day, Feb. 22. The former Elgie Zavitz, she was the widow of Hugh MacVicar. She is survived by one son William, Strathroy; two daugh- ters (Vera) Mrs. Robert J. Drys- dale, Hensall; Mrs. Al (Lottie) Beare, Hamilton; half-s iste r, Mrs. George (Etta) Casey, Tor- onto. Thinking Day The 1st Hensall Brownie Pack observed Thinking Day last Tues- day in the form of a birthday party in honor of their founders Lord and Lady Baden Powell. Each Brownie represented a different country and lit a candle for the Brownies of that country. An interesting hour followed when each Brownie told a little about the country she represented. Snowy Owl Mrs. Barrie Jackson was in charge of the Thinking Day project, "Pennies on the March". Over $5.80 was collected In the past six weeks and this money will be sent to the World Friend- ship Fund to help less fortunate Guides and Brownies. The World Day of Prayer ser- vice in Hensall this year was held in the United Church with Mrs. Harold F. Currie as key woman, and leader for Hensall United Church. Other participat- ing churches included St. Pauls Anglican with Mrs. Annie Reid as leader; Carmel Presbyterian with Mrs. Harvey Hyde as lead- er, and Chiselhurst with Mrs. Dick Taylor as leader. The theme of this year's ser- vice "Ye are my Witnesses" was ably presented by Mrs. Har- HENSALL MOTORS LTD Hwy 4 South 262-2604 TANG 31/4 oz. pkq. ORANGE CRYSTALS 2/44c AA, METEOR, COMET, MERCURY JOHNSON & JOHNSON 5 O's Band Aids Reg 89¢ 75 MONARCH PARCHMENT WRAP old Parker of Chiselhurst, Mrs. J. C. Goddard presided at the organ for the musical part of the service and Mrs. Norman Cook and Mrs. Earle Rowe wel- comed all to this service. Ush- ers were Mrs. V. Pyette and Mrs. W. Spencer. Scripture lessons were read by Mrs. Taylor Sr. and Mrs. Robert Bell. Presenting special prayers were: Mrs. R. A. Orr, for women of Africa, Mrs. Tom Brintnell, women of Asia, Mrs. Doyle Talbot, women of Europe, and British Isles and Mrs. James McAllister, women of Latin America. This was not only a service of worship but also a service of giving. The offering taken will be used in many ways: Bibles and testaments in a hundred lan- guages, Christian literature for the blind,. the deaf and the lepers, Tapes for the Voice of the Gos- pel, Radio Station in Ethopia, magazines for Boys and Girls in India and Hong Kong, Hymn books for Mountain tribes in Formosa, Sunday School lessons for Korean children, Books for Vietnam & College Libraries in Africa and Asia and remote villages in Ma- laya and Sudan. COLEMAN'S Canned Margarine 2 ibs 590 PERSONALS Mrs. Erma Lowery of Exeter is assisting in the Drug store during the absence of druggist Mr. Trevor Wilson who with his wife is vacationing. in Florida. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Fuss, Mr. & Mrs. James Hyde, Mr. Don Kyle, of Toronto, who is on the staff of the Bank of Montreal there, left Sunday February 27 by car for a two week's vacation in Flor- ida. Mrs. John Henderson was ad- mitted as a patient to South Huron Hospital Exeter, Thursday even- ing. NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE P ndtiIr tc OH_ Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware DIAL 262-2015 HENSALL FRESH BONELESS PORK BUTTS lb. 69C MINCED HAM lb. 55C BOILING BEEF 35( LOIN PORK CHOPS or HAM STEAK lb. 79C CSTEWING BEEF lb. 59C PORK SAUSAGE IL 5U HENSALL 1965 METEOR 2 door hardtop, bucket seats, Lic. E9559 1965 METEOR 2-door hardtop, V8 au- tomatic, DEMO 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian 4-door, 6 cyl. automatic, A59280 1963 CHEVY II convertible, dont' wait for spring, A51481 1962 CHRYSLER 2 -door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, A50125 1962 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan, 6 cyl. automatic, A51267 1961 METEOR 4-door, V8 standard, A53038 1961 MONARCH 4 door, Lic. A97771 1960 PONTIAC station wagon, 4 - door, 6 cyl. standard, 91571X 1960 METEOR Wagon, 6 cyl., 4-door, standard, 91263X 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, a nifty bug, A50831 1959 METEOR, V8 automatic, 4 -door, A51300 1959 CHEVROLET half ton, long box. 1949 INTERNATIONAL 1 ton, 202436 MIX or MATCH NO, 1 ONTARIO 3-LB. BAGS Carrots & Cooking Onions 2 BAGS 39 ° STORE HOURS closed all day every Monday: open all day Wednesday; open Friday evenings until 9 pm; open Saturday evenings until 10 pm. z::alakucrozawaRisamrazawattrauereammtuea,',.,m;arzateamutinxas: wf 7. •