HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-06-11, Page 3.. w.'V Pea*a11a Aar Yeas, May IT. ober le • wet el rein is this wastrel, VINO rem haw Set yet eared Berk, bet allt eon retkar week. sew vet: rood, hat wrM4 Mtb ams. yp *bur a largo growth, wry for. mar, mate of the earliest taw i. Wo... Peetemes.dseely sere took well, .d to OHM M g►wer.bte far nitre is the general era..OraP. Inial te'I Prower well, sod is pe aetrot* d to bra r this ave lasmeW is the kyr Isles jest eo.w.eed wrap • putts of jinhigam, wirer burner leads bar to trawl sNllA, teed be rya thin be sever newt s Wiese Of* great Neu look better i. May thea it bar now, sad thee the prospect a 011111 1svor.bbe fur all ether crops Wcn- O A- Olow ge.erally ...demean the Mame opus - km. A late Wlladieg J.Wligewesr eye The prospect fee • largo r^ply of fruit in this section re river fairer 18.0 at pnrut Thus harm dose by the No, , � it s P bias bra eaparrs, sod pother (may of lbit *oak roars arrest rpgp1h, Dell oroPti kris, !whom r kfkMte :La fus praewhich bre oeerehead- pp.c�s abroad are armed up by d a Mork Less ksp►w of Yq 111, sIleUesie; ,Aowodterel permeate are sot r bright as ear were a M robs back, bet • little fare wbMgm in 88. weather would soon give a tan. mid we must hope foe ea early Hartle Ibis8 would brio`` mum cheering emir The what pint has partially ;one � whom t8M, sed lM grored not well cur - lied. Tbs.kg bat r uneven appearance •Oei••uiil, bet the root having got • struugg h old, tear partially wbalthy patches .ould loos improve Belt8 • higher temperature ad • little .los warm -rain. Generally ad.J May wits this pleat adenr.bly,erl the year,b.fore rs,�li 4 osly sem are looked for in all the f.cwud gh jcy, although om the whole we d test mat • promise el se early a harvest r trey re pegeesne.dng, owing, in ear view of the ear, top miry rid nights sod moue Seel Goal. For want o. rein the sowing of halm is procrrtinaled, and a cheage would os this smmmust be very desirable. The week opened with a much lighter tem peret.re, sad all the inditarioes of rain, but the clouds mostly pard sway without leav- ing a 8.0061, Bed on Thursday night there tree another sharp frost. As to the young wheat, rerun 1 ' In bleak situations on meld days it iavariabl7 looks bed, while on d the tens awell-tined Ii�bt and medium wilt tare is yet • very promising plant, aed me- tope •11 the more w from beiug held in check. h a however, very different with the Spring eons, whirl had no autumnal rains to bogie w ith, and unless a speedy change ensues, them stop must be doubtful as to yield. lobe what trade this reek lost its buoyancy, aid Sired dull, both i. London and the country; 4. het, deliveries have coloured free since the improvement in condition, being now •early 50 per art over .hat they we.. Inst year, mach, no doubt, having been previously rQer.d for sale is vele. There re no general es -plaints of the weather from the Cootioenti rind, in looms parts of Germany fine warm raise have tris, mach to the benefit of the trop; bet ries mostly have been well sup - the of. conflict Swan a r e Lamar Pai asaama atafas--'Tia arrant nadir tapir briar e• at le •rase. al.potri if tie dir war gar MjII 9.44 4sit st Mena• "1" l�aatiaa ane order Geer tb reasyl.rl .f i .pee •�aed� • " Beek .f /arse of � -wovahc s..t'wd limbar • lively dr bly o ast down to the reotin igaig int � 0 err •p The •tette. mat :NM4 b•( the errject is still before tM rid d lh•A�ed If all the Presbyterian bodies la Reid llwtk America .ere Gaited, r tbsy og8t to they would make use grand mawti.l sad venerable wordily; .id n hope tint loos, w ane u accomplished. The errs( seder. sat w" occupied a air ddym,Grr.g our report oftha Sr. John Seta ' o. tem Sur of religion i. Mat Church." The re- port i miry drawn, rad • well mo.mnte4d dw•am•0, al�g fwtb els..; uproars' 4 e dseiretius from erre of the I.•di*g .•moss• of the Hoar ; bat it ombodiad moms peag0.t frets, gathered .d ooll•mrd fro* tM leporI. of Presbyteries, s which akaag ••irdver• ata was mans by some d the radar of W Gnat. I. was thought that it wort be iIj.. dicier to pablrh the report r it was read is open Synod w that the Chereb .411 o*i get a rearm ufit.- Massillon Ewwing,7. T *s1 or STaawssaatu *0 Jews - Next after clew cultivatiuu, They want water. If the ,oil is a light, seedy loam, it eau hardly hare too mach water. The pleats are either in full dower or lull beeriest, riper•g from day to day, and they need abundant supplies of moisture. The evaporation io or of these long srrmer day. N *00..50, sad • Loath just is the critical time, often diminishes the strawberry crop or half or earth. Mulching ia of great advantage. r It retains moisten end keeps tin (reit stun. We can only get the largest berries with showier watering. For the flavor we are eomewbet depende.l u pon the w.ohine. In the garde*, watering u eutirely practicable with • kydropult or common watering pot. Owe of the bast tat r0 is to get plant, for a new bed is to start them in • rely small flowerpot, se early r possible. Au old plant is surroneded with Ibex pow, and the runners strike their roots into them, and farm vigoroes plants, which may be transferred to the new beds about tbe let of August. The roots are then perfect, .ted the planta are nut pat bock. Nearly s full crop may be expected from such plants the first ...Loon after the bed u prepared. - Of course old plants that .re - used for prop•gati"j, a mot be expected to do meek alae. Harvest Prospects. Our agricultural news from the various States is now e.peciatly interesting and 6. portant, and there u promises of abundant crop throughout the country, particularly in the grain growing regions. In Pemrylvrss unpropitious weather interfered with the planting of Dorn, but what, or and rte promise a heavy yield. In New Jersey the .beat and (rain crops promise to be very large, espectolly iu the central counties of Somerset, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Bur.ing*oe, Monmouth, and Mercer, iu which the aggre- gate produetiun in peat years hes equalled that the bar. f d l is/seste fes 0Oeetry end America sent the of any districts of umnlRr extent in the coma D..ae market tip maternity, with lame Stele. try. in the southern tier of counties • large Beysm will soon 61d out their mistake wane yield of frmit, especially of peaches esod .p Lars thet the seizureseizureof the Alexandria tp I r convinced the Unionists of British loyalty 0. sad Continua, the weather W bra Favorable at Ksaigeherg, tied the crop erre nal sepported by the Notion of difficulties be- times Eagland and Ari�pn�nbarrenetive, but ben rte amt t. After 'Piles at Deere, the market beer .&shad by the same warlike eyries, esd lS OW sera. Wheat were veld in lea, is antic.plted. n New York, .heat loohs w•11, and other trope promise fair. - Generally speaking, the what harvest is Maryland will be fair, and there is ever niddi- estion of an *band ince of fruit. The yield of fruit in Michigan will be especially large, Sed wheat, on the whole, is excellent. la St Joseph eoret , peppermiat•has been exten- sively plant the yie:d from which, Inst year, realised $37,506 In illinois, the wheat •.s day 4 Vol 4r. ranee, the weeks bar- growth never looked better, and cora and a.w asking to 24,100 qts. tut wbs+gaently fruits are full of promise. Wheat in Itdire Ilan was• calm. With Au weather .od looks fine, and there will be no end to the modee•r email' at Berlte,cereals were firm. grer peach" will .Lao yield gn a .rrous ars • Md of reports ass from (:ulog•e. harvest In Iowa, everything is equally aalis- A rood d.1 of r.iu fell in the neighborhood • rim ea the lit of Her, rad proved MAW besekci.l, though the crop' ere look- ing will before. Bush• es was Mull. Native Must 40.. to 44.. per or. With stocks gradually decreasing at Oalats, holden were moan firm, a•d leas was duiug ii consegueote. Mat so wee firm book there a.d et Ibraia. The weather being dry was leghl7 favorable lot thrashing, and there was no fear for the rood uiou of the new crop. In &onto districts the yurg wheat was safferin , from the drouth. had tin" e rather en Prises at Corte* pI hard ed. Some hard Samara W bat had been exported at 37s. 6d. to ads. per qr., and some soft lbrul at 32'. per qr. for Marseilles. Arrivals sof the new crops were coming in scantily at Ates•odri+, sad browrbt full prices for eon- smmtion. Th. /Relit! was good u well as yield. From .11 this it appears that .bile our .arty Spin; proapecu were gloomy, o*d shots of England, and Europe *eoerelly, wan bright, the reverse is now nearer the tret8.-Nets York Tribsee. Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in Oonneotlon with the Church of Scotland. The anneal session of tbu Synod com- mented on Wednesday morning in St. An- drew's Church. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Principal Leitch, of Queen's Col- isge,from the word, : " Wilt Thou not revive us mein." After the sermon the Synod was oonsutated, sad proceeded to the election of • Meditator, the choice falling upon the Rev. vo n,I)a„/pball, parr Na asaga,Lanett, A von ieff�siiii..hk•p aims r Dr. Ieito the relines Moderator, coupled with the request that kis sermon be then for publication. On .snag the roll, 51 ministers and 16 elders saner to tbelr sesta, • number of mem- . at lasing jet arrived. After the *ppoin1 trent of various oonneittena. the Synod clerk ere beer the -order of business for web day t ill Elatal.l y. The Synod resolved that the m ierisgs should be held daily from a quarter bare arms to or Com half -past two to ivy ••d from west to un o'clock After . w hoa Team, the Synod re -ambled, and the dirk nerd replies received to loyal and other t heirs of let .moo. The miners or the esmm,rioa of the Synod, which au is Tonere hist February, were then read and mitered, after .loch the report of Queen's Collage was read. showing a prosperous state of afar, as regards the College, in several The statute. of the Col- lege l t..1'ma ttod fee re approval, worm seat ri a are dise.mdn• took plats oe this Dr. Leiteb .Lplaised that only O▪ ar maretries is theoloiioa1 audio* moo odmi0se tee e.riderat.o...d to guide ta.mk... V their Armor b read the mows n dm whirr,. e. s erraeolur of .�A� f Is aeeof*a O. a ' {kir. r�hj.gt�•,te Ci agrmttSfrratoioad,, Oao.! Or..s.m .f by ca.r�k . la fad Or .wry dlspaatiw� ►.+ ►«. Arm by w.m.bra of tbm Mar Charts to fn. 1e Crania arra W am. pr0illps as than i. a-MYrd. tint Mt.g takes test the era - rim h Omni be mrliiMory - 155 Marsh 18o,.. Roe. Dr. Cook re m..mmedsd • rare I• W e-rh.lmy s the dmsie0Wity 01 less *_._L*w the seedy of m.�lw H• toe arab tiararim _Lp M *11408,5008,liar w neo time t time 00.4.10 far moral n..apky . d stsimgbpia A dim.wio• afro r w oasis. to sppiat tr*...s hr Q.ser'm (W4 be % wkk h wAer ese4i.riag soma tar was pan rtY twat, *s held .higsgr.m.-t i.v -rived. factory. In Kansas, grams and wheat are highly praised, and the farmers have her encouraged to cultivate more extensively the lately adopted staple, cotton. In Kentucky, the .hat erop is vomiting. A Lebanon letter says that fanners are in good Spirit•, expecting every species of grain to abun- dance." Of fruit. the yield in W tse.$.in is likely to be large. -{New York Espana A Model Dun. Au editor out West thus talks to kis non- paying subscribers and patrons: "Hear us for oar debts, and get ready that you may pay ; trust us Rei are rte ueed, and have regard for oor need, as you have Len lung trusted; acknowledge your iodebtedner, and dire into pm* pockets that you may Promptly fork over. 1f there be any among youone single patron, that doo't owe us something, then to him .e say -step ride, consider yourself a gentleman. If the rest wish to know why we dun them, this is our answer: not that we aro about ourselves, but our creditors do. Would you rather that we went to jail, and you go tree, thee you pay our debts and keep mat mov- ing. As we:agreed, we have worked for you; as we contracted, we have furnished our papers to you. Here are arrangements for Job work, contracts for subscriptions, prom- ises for losg credit, and dons for deferred payment •' Who is,there so green *het he don't take a paper 7- if any, he need not speak, for we don't man him. Who is there w green that be don't advertise T -if any, let him elide; he ain't the chap neither. Who is there so mean that Le don't pay the printer? -it any,Iet him shout; for he's the man we're after. His Daae r Legion, and he's owing us for ora, two, three, four, five, six years -long enough to make us poor, and him rich .t oar expense " Ahmg la`Pear labia .t et Rt Pea trig; Wm g„M,i a .Beer{ l realise. T farsg flail Whine'Garr peon i._ a EEr•'�--y d Garr wit w tried :411alliZehalon=ens. Nalleek mt�!4, oaf, ala sag warrarde agoW blew/Me w few rakingNapas eas 4. v444at 1. sy Ir• kM�I.if. ldt 6 `w.0 -0N.- yf►tVinodgf, a dew or $ brewd, ens girt l •amned Orbra • ii gill. '""" "M110 RV; .04041.8071k. ' " w I or ys UMW " Skit toushr her Mgr to his arta, ed Miry ribbe % as awkward so tiro par Al mall r bat a bur or dory be elver biter, .ed mu/ talks he ham base ..d0i gars it eosinsSleep eosins ors at Irl, with deter el Ear rias mad err, sod he rakes ia tkarocskg .•d gads w pigs ui.s.:ng lies breakfast. A would-be wit Karig greed or ell Na Stele jokes without edea Y lam Ito whir ed. - 'Why you serer nag .hoe I My • good 'Doi't I P re/.ltsd Jerold, 'try illi with *t,b.. 0. the gad Jules, at his raidwoe, Hums Road, township of Godcricb, Ma. June Fre, Ist• M Uellrisw, Co. Wexford, (trend, .god 88 am Wets i iliberttiannents. RARE ONCE ! "Who wants a Cheap Hlmet" FOR SALE, A FARM, i. the Township of Howiek, Co. a( Hero. -Let 112. Co.. 14 -eaalau..g 100 .rats, a of truck aro clean&, W • leg hast oe u. EseeW.t wheat Mi wrr4g .rerm• .dse d, d • dd sodomite's! rwr•try. Wal be sold VERY LOW FOR CASH. A Cr tnrig Caow.-The •es.raey of the following swedes may be vouched foe. Is the ulnad of Ceylon there is to be fbaed a very cunning and sensible crow, somewhat smaller than our native one, kering a glossy beak, and altogether rather an engaging pretty bird. Now, in the yard of the Gower nor of Ceylon, • dog was one day amusing bimself by heaving a boos, the scraps of moat upon which attracted the •naticie of one of the crows. It alighted oe the gro.ud, hopped around the dog and the bone, and evidantly waited tor an opportunity of seising the latter. The deg, however, ver on ho guard, and by certain growls sad probably segry looks, which the bad ooderatood, no doubt, proreted his property. The crow was too essaiag and too baagry to be WSW. He fiew away let soon relented with a com- panion. They hopped up to the dog, when the fresh arrival watched his opportunity sad fa�ve,�� �s sodden poll et the doge tail- Na being u.1d to such an ineelt, he adiedy tamed round io order to au who had takes this liberty with him. The bone was for • morent left enproteeted,and was immediately rad by the Int canning crow, who sew ave) vii► it, joined by his 00 0..on, end ,iombte. W • merry fent upon it. For panleusa-e, •d,reae 8. Z., .Ilrim Brantford P. O. 4 DRESS GOODS ! - Gin . !L r(n 11R Y AR* MgNTI.. I •T REDUCEDPRICES! -A L8O- COTTON YARN! AT ROBERT BOOTH'S, West Street, militia/14 OODE*UCJI. NEW BOOKS ! .1 1- N)E9W li'1`OC`K es " The Wandering's of a Beauty " by Mrs Myr lard, with w Beautiful Portrait or the Authw. Prion $100. " Darrell Markham," by M ire M. E Braddon. Poe. 50 cls. " Annette, or the Lady of Pearl+," by Alexander Doan, Juror. Prow 50 ds. " Herald of Health." Price. 10e. " Vicar of Wakefield," (new edition.) 35e. '' Silvii a Lovers," by Mire. Gaskell, .rex 50c. Harpet'it Monthly Godey, Leslie and P54.110.'a Pashtos Uagauioeefor Next Month. All the above Received and for Sale AT BUTLER'S. MEETING OP COUNTY COUNCIL. THB COUNTIES' COUNCIL for the +r tlwitW Counties of Hume ad' Beene will mea i. the County Court Room,, tlnderich, Oa Tuesday, the 23rd day of June, 10114\1. THE EQUAUZATION COMMITTEE Will nest w THURSDAY, the 1818 nor. D. H. RITCHIE, County Clerk. Oodcrirh, let June, IND. w1831 T. B. MONTGOMERY, SURGICAL - 'fit( wlth the Nlilal The Gab+.a intogrisly may tabs pier ireendsrely •Aar W away. yet • weskitsd• their ' im brim their beide ant 1t is • gees trial, over for • toads. or • riper ago. new w ov.rgtown hoy tort taSet deme Imre law. g well thaw . a Goer. whey sed bank or ring with as amain*, ourranp Nat ia a A. tnoman*s .II ryas spas els., l • se.weo lesk of eo•ngs. To g• 8.amw than girls Sed mar • carr of the mom .rebut as vo% a tire tlotm, sad rt dor sod da► pan 01 bustle •Nissl psl8g tbm i• kb perms, is as esWrsawt of whir A. rya Ina bit.Y hey tat se r fhr r b rearara W M K lays a % or of tb Ob% awl emit ale sal re„ ha may mad • dare tars•1�, Leihw.0 Matsu • e Warn 1h.t the Mali df tb grsle g w nor. non ORM • beaking ( , f8. dee girls Ise lair roe .d pm WI l.1a,yta • Choir MN erd fan LIfIa1�M9+ril1a go de bey who bre U.4 OMR gtatile ''ae•••• ant •n0NAet3Al 'ldeel se, a DIE INT rr1IS 7C, Neo ---Oyer the Medical Ball, 1) 0 aarm mtthe Public dial be will perform .L O,s.mkass that are estreesS to him in skit•.1 waw. Ander. Teeth iasenedas Vulcanised Rab8a. Bold, Silver, and Coadasiose Ouse -work. Partner akseticn paid to rhe rerelatioe or eWreOs Beth, sad W preeavatioa of ter eaters' oars. DST OPP!FBD OUT AT THE MGNAL OFFICE. -w7.rrk- a Wart aerhrwa1T e• PAPER AND ENVELOPES WARMS wu.q,Of sale •1 Very Low Prices for Cash g} prates will nod that the) era new m..sR, 1101 tai IR, hr "I Ykrag t8r 4.aaias- s •118. 818AAL 01044.4. 1MM and reees4aprirw. T. J. MOORHOUSE. Jars ay. /fir CARD TO THE LADIES ][813. MITCHELL B BD8 re pn.:.dly to *asur.re to tae Ladies tel OuJcrub and rinmlJ sole that a•. s e0eyi.g 0. lou Millinery&Dressmaking Business IN ALL ITS *LANCH)d, tied hopes by tenet .untrue .al moderate ckargue to arra a Soo ,at' pubis prosier, Naeunaws-Opprrwu Ike Methods+ New l w- aa,w , hurcb. °.Singh, May Ir, WU. fo.sep, TO THE 1RIDEPEfIERR ELECTORS ,.r HURON & BRUCE. WM. DUNCAN, (LATS 0Ar.a • DUNCAN,) TOIfI.D r•spe.tfully u•fam Use .nM1ia.. of O*Ju,.a•h aid vicinity Chet be has w head • large anti of epreg and summer BOOTS dc. SHOES Wbn,h he w determrncl to eon .* be lower pre , ce. for Coeh. 23' Pnrt cular aneet.on paid to custom nook Hemember the place -Bay's Block, West St., two doors from the Exprere Office. WN. DUNCAN. Oodericb, Jur 1.t, 1063. •w78w1e Fashionable Clothing I CAwg.. Mamma and alt ll r i W.rne,r.d T0:Iilla10, CASH. N. IL -A no•etrt supply of Tooth Powder Writ w b..d. Orly S0 taste ser Box. 11 MONEY TO LEND Oasewr,vrd Anse a 11 per e*nt ; x1.3 s fe. l�,lJebwwdnd pow.da001051 propa4l. J. B. GORDON. bandia] Ts Sabre. Or or two Slagle gentleman will be takes r boasdre is a quiet, r.pa able dry, rat ar to Nara Apply at this Slargio311 Instruments Found. LATELY, w the Crory Lir Meso. Ash - GAO sad Home, a pared rtot•i•lmg d .truer.... The ewer t.m aaa.ria.. t mama ens the .der by spplpag r the Semi ries, sad a putter fort. 5 dwevt.wewt. May 10*0, ter. } sw77.IS For Sale or to Rent ABRAHAM SMITH, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Square, Goderieb, Has just received from the best markets a large and well assorted stock of ODS, NEW AT WALLACE'S 4ASGOWHOUSE! MANTLES MANTLE -S S00 Spring and Summer Mantles! 4411 tb sew styles, from One Dollar. BONNETS, BONNETS! TRIMMED AND PLAIN, gag!' mow• suitable for middle aged and old Ladies, from 50 Cts. Ina* tat' Erg Warr and Plain, HATS! AND CHILDREN'S, from Twenty-five Cents. DRESS Goons! 1. all the sew styles, from One Turk Shilling per year. upward. RIBBONS, FEATHERS AND mins te tledte- variety. GENTLEMEN'S GOODS: Twee* bon Ralf a Dollar to Th*.. Dollars. Tweed and Superfine Suits made in tla Norm and Bast Styles, at extremely Low Prices. READY - MADE CLOTHING ! POR THE MILLION 1 T., suit the times we hove male up A Good. Serviceable TWEED SUIT for $4.00 AND OTHER CLOTHING IN PROPORTION. MEN'S HATS & CAPS BY THE HUNDRED : SHIRTS, COLLARS AND TIES. DO*T5 1 MOM 01100E111M GLASGOW ROUSE, GODEIIICII, April '10th, 13G3. w13 CGUOUS SPRING & SUMMER GOOPS. CONSISTING or .Soodds, Fi.ylisA and Canadian Tercr,l, Vest legs, die.: READY-MADE CLOTHING Anda variety of Firey Article., such s. Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Caps, he., tc. JOHN V. DETLOR & SON Have just rcccived a LARGE & WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, 1 Which have been bought on such terms r will warrant theta in stating that they are (li titt.0 he la thankful far the e.awwr iuic Shit to ae:l as VV 'run'ggrx. he h" h'tt.eru+ ,.r.i..r AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE TRADE. the pnpk ofl.c6 .,.' he dares . hareem hi•' CHEAP pug. that s h" *cue 8 the latest btrptwvr menta. which will enable hen to IN tlaysea re with *hick he may 1. Carr Rldp 0 '0asals.ynaltut shore Beal he triol to cuMum1n fun*iohk.g *bfr .w. gouda. ilkA GOOD DWELLING HOUSE sad Mlpatar STAND. es the mise ehewgbaw, 0 the VUAIR OF KINCARDINE. whiling i..ee(gpae/emd .,pta smysr ity Ih pmrtie0 Teem; ►-OrdrsA e.wo�of e.i ei Weee�^ Is •s�aw-a smd Seat , --.ALSO- Oa W sr in Oda Ana 15,000 Ft. OF LIIS'BBB, SI.iMW Mr O.N6N Wank 1 NW (Pam /•e) to WILLIAM 11001LLIDOE,RIM.. wit k• -.deer, C. W. Garrick, Apnl 4i. !ed. A. SMITH. .12 Goderich Cabinet Warehouse, alikD. GIORDONli'1 Cabinet Maker & Undertaker, EOS to aware to the mhewanta of God -- LI rich sad .ertaun.lone Oe,etrv, that he W now oe earl at ku>l Wan limo..., Weet Street, Goderich, A complete 0.50rnneut rte( Fdrn,tnre ul every dr ar'ptuua, suck as Tables, Bedsteads, Berens, Chairs, nerviness, ire., of Marr Manolrfse and Imported. Purser ode to order on the @boner wake. lidnick. October. Wet .tit MONEY TO LEND! Reduced a Reduorate of loot,a r1 sere fur 1, 2, 3, 4 ter 6 loan, on Parr Property or 1 No Depot rogared do... No row frau amount or Luaa. Ad chase. very moderato. Appy to SHADS GOODING. - Hola-'or. kr.. Next door to Wallace's Grego. Howe Oodench, Imh 0..r. Inf. 14-1 YORE MONEY TO LEND AT TEN AND 044E -HAI.? P.R CLNT., t arms ed .0 ane. the. *U0b he aay are bee d year*, es vereembad amore fare ,pen �Monggages drew. Erre er charge. Apply to GRADE 000DINO, Solicitor, Was Sher. Dederick. 11118 Muni, 1663. weew67 MONEY FOR inve or ea ,,•awns tats. N• edieranor ehsrgedea WOO re rupee. Pamela will be read. Apply to SHAW h SINCLAiR, tbl,1113. 1, 11 eJ,.derit•►, I nh rel,.. lee. REAL ESTATE SALE BY AUCTION. J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. Q' rroffis DF DWI tom ) reline Mr CLOTS, TWEEDS, . FACTORY, ' DENIMS, llAia4ttingfes, 'I`iacicing , .'rintr•t, I)eLninf+, Moslins, Oobourgs, Shawls, Mantles, Parasols, Moires, Hosiery, and a SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS. Ie het, diesel every thing in the Dry Goods line, required for the trade. ALSO -A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF STRAW GOODS. HL UN DRILSIoNED, by vivo of • Pewr. 1. of Afro, ���latr,Oro by His. 0 AT ENOX'S MOTH. NANPU NEY, Oa Friday, the Silk day d Jane, 1863, Y 1 ehesb... S„ LOT , r 1, s.wd c . m...ka9 L mom, o pear. r alum tea a ria hart d m. sr ,wrslmssg ewe 8.080 fatter, cat wtina an sl.- d mows; 1M ad Is •may, Wok loam l an o good dawn - _ t tit , hr Bests, le* hre 10000 lam Rem �rNrmlonl wI 1. a t L H t. Tsar eeisiedbustnAt..-.Oeswwk ♦ be money enrol r 8mumss amxwl by rd poy.lb r res, ewe •d tbr., •reed mooi web the M tmssnorr dr hue w, Iwt. A iuoieery sole w/ be gn•. 1t V W Off. .!A V Ilyda.t, Horprh READY-MADE CLOTHINC, IN 0010T *AR18T1'. BOO T14 A NI) S4II()E S ! Worthy the invective of purch*acn. GROCERIES: Cosawtr•r of Sagas% Tela, Tobaccos, Coffees, Spiess, Pickles, kc. -Buyer will stely their interest by examining this department. SHELF AND !WAVY HARDWARE : hr not sear • 11 -eve JOHN FAIR ens Co., IN rile ATTe11T01 Te r*su FIItST AIRRIVALS �.r SPRING GOON! Nag l..potow of Hader., Saud having all required fur the trade in this deput*.ent, goods ens be tinisald epos the lowest terms. The rubleihsrs, *81.814 for the very liberal support they have hitherto received, beg reseectfu.ly w Writ • to.tite.tioa of the pntrona,(e accorded them, assuring their patrons dist they will odaetir ee emir their interest in all transactions. JOHN V. DETLOR & SON. 3 OODERICH, 31st April, 1863. I REMOVAL. PARKER & CATTLE, MAT1 50140100 TO 7HB water Tr5T VATS JTJBT OPENED_ Gooaatce, 7111 April, 1.. 63. ,MU OP aamr Sort (Y►. areae Beene L. 'r. A. T. ellebaia4d mgr tis, LIOMMOPAM1D YSTSICIAI1prig . tl Varier Story CitLliifiw,,te liter eha A.T. 8eaa. ht sk. 14tsdwol� i. M. dimers I Jou 114 -me. U. 1fr. reef ray. 11w. 'a'8Om. L agaaa• 0.. PHYSICIAN, 8=11, AND C. a,ucrsoa. Bk n$ . A. WORTHENOTollr, PHYbICIAN 80130 BON, will m- tpdr pan,eeywy. w 4wrn of a.d r *' errrtlraampa. the oye Werra ♦a tint. Dec. 16. 4*0. Iww-I1' ATTORNILY-AT-L-LAW SOLICITOR IS O,, .11 Ileum Crvay.esr. ho., Wear an, Ithi Thwraes W.etLer old. (1 �(, ENGINEER AND PROVINCIAL CIV t•.i Itimerm 0faee and 8emtflmer, H..ikesarr. terewieh. v1Y A. le.ok PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR AND Civil tt.gu rbor, Clinton. Jdy I, 'S1. John 11.ruat. p*OVIrCIAL LAND SLIMIITOR C1wi1 Eeg4aesw tat _ats ind every ti. and embattlement eraml S1_Pleas swam ted; Sew mord and ward. ma, 1aal. watf`er L. ]9. linslte, CIViL ENGINEER ARID SURVEYOR Vv L..d Agent sad Coeveyu.rer, Easrdir rlr ' Pi. T. Cueeerd AO Co., j�TU88KEYSER, DEALERS IN FRI-1T 1t,, turd Oreamatal Tree, ahnb, to re. Aran p.o.pfy attracted to. I I Jobe. O.mpt»H. ("INNER COMMISSION AGM Commi rfoewm Q.•-4 S1.r0, wren ,6d.vits,Coeve,aawr fro.dao. 06rwa or, /fillets of giaarrl;se.C.IV. 9:5 John ]Kellie, (iw10 COMMISSIONER IN THE COURT OF kJ Queen's Be.cb, Coar.yewber, loc. A Reg• .try kept of Farm and Town Loft fee Bale; par tis .tong Ira for sale, or dewing to puwes , will pleas send full mit rulers. I)ungonnon.Feb. 30, 1867. adt CHANCE OF TME. Store formerly occupied by Twomey & Black, � PHDINP4' I3LO(JK, en." is mirk' oral heavy *apply of Drags, Patent Yadkin', le., they 8.0 a lard • large stock of GRICUrLTURAL SEEDS! imported diweely from emu of the slim and most reliable houses is Glasgow, Scotland. CURT ■Ari ALIO .6Ct1YZD A 1.07 ort,tart THE S'rEAMEI:t " B R U CD IED ." D, ROWAN, Master, Will rmn as follows, until further notice, weather permitting. LEAVES GOOERICH FOR SAUGEEN 11La7 Madly, Tuesday, and Satariay, t uM. A. 'rhur*fclay, 'at 7 .A. M. LRAM SAUGEE1I FOR GODEBICH Every Meshy, Tuesday lad Saturday, •r 4 oor. n■, W Pro/.e. a 7 A..., Calling at Kincardine, leveretaron teed Pt Elg,e each way. TEAS, OQFFEES & TO ACCOES, ibis' they oor at wry lo. prier. Atuo, MIO7 MEM DRi Lx 'o'co mt.M. res 0.0*1.l Sed Family sr. GODENICH, April S 18SL wet 5.2674, SAVE YOUR ABHES AND OR*AaE! L HN/H EST Pal- pea eke ee eel gwe Tal Aehr w 0 t7. thy, trail. W Meet Pasery, Selm ah 11. J. WW1? 00. MZAE( tOTSBS' LISTS Fee (4.k *1 title nta.• - LEAVEb CODEEIC■ ter SARNU Every Wesiisada, Mornivy, At 0 o'clock, tad- news x5.01 *100(01, kr... nag So.w a e o'clock, p. w. VANEVERY A RUMHALL. Ooderkl With April. 1143 .14 Leta I',t i7, Cie. 14, - W. „',21, Cea.14, . WIWASObh. 200 ACRES. HARDWARE! Prr 'P H B rms., OFFERS ran e.Sale, st rodeos' p., • lore •r.wt- .tof BarRod, Band, and Hoop Iron, CAST, BLISTER, GEBM'N & SPRING STF•EL, .41.23-17 View, Bellows, Stocks and Sledge a.d Had Hammen, PLOW IWOULDFA, tipadest St owre, fnw AZMyCMIC8•-a, GLASS, PUTTY, PINTS, COLOURS, 01LS, T.rpwtras, lead Pipe, Wrought, Cr see Horst Nolo, Twee* and CC•r ktpe 1 ladle Rubber Peeking & Satin I Platform aid Counter Bala i fluky, Cruse -cut. Circular, Pit, and Hod Saw i C.bb,nnt-Maker's Hardware; Ca,peenr's and Joiner's Toole t Boeing Wackier; Hour Furnishings of all Mort park, Blinds, Doors and Northam' Chopping, Broad 4 Hand.Axes, From Blued and other celebrated esker Agra* fee teensy s Co.'. PLATFORM wed 4.011874411 SCALES. With the Largest Stock of THE ABOVE IAJTs are offered for We very cheap, mid on reasonable terms. - And the public w hentby awtiased against steelier umber from the rid Lots, or tree- pesrme w the same, as Ray parties offending we b Moaned against. edea the nee Steers 2217w., Clip. X X X V Ii, whieb makes the gsdiag or destroying of timber penish- atra by lmprlso•.rnt in the common gaol for aalsOs. %•r particulars r to .and ls.d or dellor,ipply to CHARi.ES WiDDKR, ESQ., O• J. 8. CORDON, ESQ. Oodonek. Odmrio8. Mereh a. 1163 Direr DarAarner es (iowa Lane, Quart IUA IiaM lana. MOT' -11 is hereby r... thatIblils11 aiNGS w 0f oarsor paid ut onwglei at on ht of P.gao lr•si, web • view to ere ..ways rag Fused to Br oda aWarpirtrome sow teepees .1 Ober ler. WILLIAM McD000A1J. earn ll -p,,11 Case..srorr. SHELF HARDWARE 1. 1.m 000wrtas. P*ekase1 from the Ms tilerturere, ad IDs 8.1 bF CABINET WARE! sore CHAIR EMPORIUM, HAMILTON MT REFIT Nest Dow se Wdf m Nose. W. E. GRACE. Oderlsb, May 10, ISO. .14.te ALL ASSU RING • • ON TR' WITH PROFITS PLAN Before the 55th hears will THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO. W.d nest TWO year' Boar at the Diner• of Proles UNIT 1101. W. M. RAMSAY, Massager for Oa.adaa RICHARD BULL, lsspector of Agatei•t. For Wates and Pnwpearu1, .9017 le J. A BLACK, Agent. DR. MAC I)OI:OALL, Radial Refer... .0176w17 j...6 ROBZT W. EcKENZIE Maa.mrrrrs sad heap roos.aily oa ear • semplre amertme.l a Hu rent.m, Mr ffar, Oahe and Hair -Seated OHAIBS, T.ABLBB, BIDBT1LD8, STANDS, MATTBASSES, HENRY GRIST, Departmental & Parliamentary ANeid. QUEB3lO, AWUSTS CROWN LAND CL.Ai I 8eassnr Lead Assess. Peewee Maar two vita s81, •seri r1 a Br Pamir Moro oar 4. .,s- la•aM 4 Take. seen titan fee isventi.r! Raps. . Wen Trade Narks .d Dawg.m t Tabs Arno el Private Biel. Jeer, then prsyw tbreark the Legisastere, rte., aur pow Beta we test& to devote their owe tins to seek haw-., or ami liar to mar the surname of eravdneg so Qe•a•s. t.nwaRres-Hoe. xngrlo0 4 Richard Jaw, Les , a6.wrie. t welt. M. W ilea, Ens., Leers* t Wm. Limemaa., ter., Leda ware ; Newm a Low t S.., Tout , , Hes. J. CasMg, M. P. P., Ludas. Aseaue, RIMY OUST, nam bel, P. O., Owli OOPPIN$, r -tetra s.msia mat to 05- .welt. A. h..mplsyo ora bee i ver week_, w or mwN.tg ter Ibi lair emrmmhe hras.Msss rams bms-9medOrquay. - Lamb a e14 awmma► Weed. m. seined te •rensage w hrwwuea Oedema. On. Nth. *51* .w;Swan $20,000 TO LOAN. THE ..harbor ts pepease so .seeress teras span Real Emis fee each war r rev be 10414; trsTmb► *f I•am80-00 weal wee. Sew 'VIVO ins es wrnrW este ef roves. hes resayier aputrw� y-++ea.g woos whale tato. Lear 01 arm rat he transit. Lr Crowe 9*... WO em, tf peorse , 010. 1. BUSRO M a ._44,, ra«A 0 .d.aWSa. w. FOR SALE! ilkThat than, arlmehid Sr.easss brick 'Oro. kora r 1 MEATON YII.I.A,•. Reuss... 800580 Rood...5. • . 0o tssawess wear et els lam. 0.100, Y well adepeed fee a seine . maw wwtwrrl Will he eM sags mini.ewwNMr eittsre =02486b.boar :ISfire nadaPOMOgOr,sa.d merit of IMO, � m.wa•tba9•pMrt, tra6D. F. MiX.ta.5••.•rtier,: i els,: lir. 008554. tab Jassem. MSL. esa}rSI