HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-06-11, Page 1i ''ell .V ,. , . I f. )l I h 1 , Pp WEZ;KLY m3"ITIUNe s - - -- ' -- !I W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor.] "Tho GTO&toet Possible Good to jff tffet Powible Number,'• - --_ . ._ _....: - k` .`' 1 $1.55 PFR ANN. IN ADVANCEI GODERICH, C. W., THURSIDAYa JUNE 11, W3. " IVOLa XVL-NO. l9 - _ - _.-- -_ - - - -----. --- rt Pmttliwl metal .ed aeemo" bit space► eeme of NO.Wfatl. twommMd tart Wand f vice iab Hvq ""road WAR IiEWS. well as laborera,and at which the bandaoot f - _ t r[ as wrath comma• tact. If emit, y e bang TgagaG 'rwlat.tc. sum of 0Y04 was wbesribed. Tb PPovYi■raf•P,- ktlll, Jti►a, art l tisk if you w tat. v , j "Y]) bilin m k 4 was. \eve been in a dimes If MA tchet reach us from thin ing ha, w with mioreoos b anf- s llteelei jj =div; al"9004 Yr Ing eYMM[R AAaAt101m[MT. y tease, o, Ase ym will ■sod M kstw mh Peet b Y tabN {s very little worth er1•ting y ham Mdw-►hill I ko.w Irwin Letlrt io«:hlor 77r Lwaaeites oeetaiwll irnnrte LM palm LAD BOH. &bas ire a aregy worth Aotlsilti, I ay m- before ym•, Going can. WMt feriug Laneahite, sad we dusk it is now' you w -the rog•ly obwe•antd of eorumg t\is oar fm ,b macaw m which they Law This W; I h• i twat tbt I ar■ Ttils wort Gse tb umo:pWtad TM rr of Ne.afan7 ls u , r., a them. There to uolhinp, amid ern )) seeem-ser. Tu M len, t oro er eo■aidsi, . « bre twee . b our dull to do fig &a wg asenfie by /rely weanhip y celebatmd Har 1Gjssty's Ytr1\irt. from Yrel liwv a irs,.[ar from tM fists W ami« sen, rotunrd (soekweed. I ►acrd AOD=RIQ$ - . • .bra . n.:Ia a. m. boa Vicksbu indeed, the diad- r of Ireland, w be ata b0aa w lest. tM w\oio d1.r a d•eidad set 1 dsrw rg- r,oJemen.-' Dred, air, 1 bow it u my brei able abns is ywsdar 1a11ue-mac Sbu 1 it associated witIn stirvkaisuwim of adtweNrw CLINTON .... . 9.Od P"u 10 "a[t 1 y i is the lomat d Ke 1 on b HARPUKHB Y.......... " 9. ivalt d ing news from that distant throu' h adverie deny 1 rsrd a chapter, as ! du emery nicht ed i y the b u tM ♦7 heased, ver uflbpr• r upr Ur vasaw, aetdi te take - bve amt fne man • da bat ha lir than baps _.'! $ eeetitb - pl•asra[ memory a hn diameter Meme palet wougk, v w -as uuuR u d the power ,.set and, ,haw fame bac hew eawesd S"F'OKTH . ° aG g 1 P' d t a, t Do. I .acro • k • '1 r lend d 1i b' of.rtninrl, ren the ave ♦ i h pout a allaYlbet Oraat mi ht bre whi i P y by Ttao.b obsaY b ver f [w 1 d r 1(omra CAItKOV BKOOK........ 9.55 am le ant p ouW ill bo ti s i Mve.'- [ . sn Lis \sed M P►*r p thea, W sfM►y,bwwtss Pe wy rum of •glut Ww aver kin ' etanrag* and cliinsit ... « at lbs city Ween several days before we folbwed b eat to SFr „.j Casio. at the foundry of Die ad sad Prem Aw.ghAr auwb d wrsdra, mad m'sr w TM Mrdenr rsplild with r mach coo ..I yo. all pr■us i.dy tbtis cell mtam," M11'CHEI.L 10.11 ' 9 rJ wet sail vilhjlt tbtroas►• Jesbwe. At 0 a.m. the &=ism wader of ♦.WM recce ttiwl■'s'real► tb bre•wrtT dies. pasure as if nothing ueaarkable bed boar replied N*eerfail ; «but i might As well toll ITRAIVORD .......... Au. 10.50 ' ,,sell% Ww anyhing about it. That the rut the countr lthy fin end i Ks al yt b mind cry. r1 L1 Y Yswamy wsldarbmg Nbsa Ike atidi G.. pied. " rare l2. )5 r. n. bin the on of the Mifeisu ) worthy died; it's dl kra►fuluua fur.►ie Pyr ( aa• ) yo. as cam that I girt over fund of 6o. r u's • • ...• gq s pw I eWl ging • Can If you came road a thap t r appearance, d m iter As MM I two etig4r lake, I err J bad b a the•. "Trail, he is as pW.ve r the brother pled ad pn,t speecbds. smoothness of the GOING Wray. i is [ bsapemto one, is certain, and all AMwal of W .. r u.,. Nr, you can red s pmyrr. You rT t\u yo. woVw n`alia d thdr erdw. Aletr psLK. upon witch be rdu. Are you certur tbt non u Fnxh cad login all over ; and I l►r priearPal stream, wed (fries bhruu.b r !W dsaoy • by atsmm etas prig rel yo. have .taalt with him aQectudly V Miaef that I like o.yt it' ' theta a F'rercb 5TRATFO...........Asn. 2.2Q P. r. aoeoumfa aSrWc in ooufiruling the eW+rwrnt Wt" Cr rete. thew n nil stn rarity of ni&wy e,oioismo. tete* keyways• A domb-mmb•ne" sumwrw betb". " I Can ant to suit twice I it is rOPtg• d I'r awlkd Nererfail, sod 1 dei t •• , , n of Vicksbu aided b Ys. Yoax, Jumo 3. 1 lhtk Dar. 2.50 that thio garriwo B. J n duty mud ink f r tM ' Maewl of Gas bciwga ditdotitaaMid tar tb t This Rash Wd bssbw d vet to Iktil nut w mJ festa■ to strike once. Then d Q e nsuli ' kft Lirerp wl un the 2.t. g* w me object tvi it. It get G ye en me. by CARR N B ....... '• 3.33 ljen. Joke Jpknslun in Onnt'e rear, will sad Qu.enswa. r the 24th, at 8 o'clock, Family tletutiuu ;' Dut, for feu yur skuult heiag t\oir gni ep t■rGew ie puts the Thr ►I[h trs\ast Qsaen dl►. •ran 6sa! ear, low rosej veered it. I haat hide, bac• tam satyr amid raker. some years ago, bin► CAIIKUN BROOK ....... " 3.52 .. J for ret, the name, just ask fur the - Exercise t oa the eei1L me) \t isaestetli. At 1►a mighty new bow a (by am m. aver lo, u the orb that life ry ls. Um OWasa PmPlr .0 [sed amough Iu iagine 3BAROKTfl 4.1:. •. hold oat b the last. a would not ter 7"M 'i Ven ut on"aril ••Cary of Mf+c\es Book.' K nen w come home, before r.• 9.30 the aWetie exewairy Com oseeud ul. the Wh gyq r a waves, n .ser W me . r apt to meet, too, that thin anywrmumo w Iv dmih n the rile, sod mn m " ns to hwr tb at the furtunee ter" amred out oe the 22nd. g ) y roaads rear the driY abed. wM M r . AjW K sedans h for es, It g.peto mkaa, .d CLI TON ... ......... 4.21 meek a a to The Caitod Sulu corvette "Mohiwa" urea w cot ver children end sertaetm K b'1 y shark 1\at ansate us, whew once drmraed,r w creat. Well, perbnpa I've • ksaek ofdoia' CLIVTUV .............. 4.45 .• with rvet t till G tb TW Ay bills became fasvr wall pie rise aerie either b7 wuTei decay ne the eossk4 of me.IAbe" thing* with tolerabls certainty, bat I'm OODERICH . .........Awn 5.30 .t of war bad turned in favor of the Cunfed- ,u at St. 1'ineeot on the 2nd of May. riser; out four -rsr of • prim w ben g eulisood by tM~ d mM Thwliwewe.Iu pewas,Retditsai tamed poauws, ca■ never be called back ewe so r pariet,o,.eger; but there may entces. The trews is eoually u meagre !'he 7Smcs ren thio liuukorr's operations, see; ( lou k ung ell bhu tM J Beed pmawe y - resume is oouuacuon with the corporeat sick, in the world, tbeg t-amurve+" u 19ralRwd .rah Gmnl 'rr,odr end .yuYuKnan on sing.) liven read a chapter, Mary's Brain . At i pm. tht bone tt kro't been al Pana with Great Wewrarn. DA11y Star, o,o from live Rappahanngck. ?roe the di+ Precaldd l t more al it wren yracu.lad•, aid after tha: kneel, wall mind, Aid4ams, the anew mime off w amWberpart Oft" t'nwod., TM sat IM pat► deuemsn., meq keds form. As ioconaistent as it ry neem w IoW ' lot w meet •w. sore's tM t lin rewlteJ iu the ususl miserable fri!ure, aril - Tho ekiit m win won a bmotifd ii+4 m, aNYsw ay Mar. aril awwr os tby glee. sir, 1 would willingiy recall Ar red oi,Idi pf lie Verily, we daa't look for perfeetio■ in tprer,eew r. new b port.t, u the. w,t b 1'anF.lri. Paltion of i>}m• Lee's army, and sundry eclwcU that tluukor ru s, disabled that l'^'rsr from tM ttcenre book." tarn of yl Trttuw Sk y oennl 6 Ad as the ret, ark bright cad ray. tM (*red back to that robust life which be the midst of a crooked and err ener•- ■red Kumba:l'. arwuen. it is b no means ike rob- S'"Itwica's dr•fral wu •n oppurtwre a:elr+s a eskaraw. do y • • weer, ey gods Tr Dir ll geld•. inherited but a few moments • o." ' g fiyirg rumors, J P for re enrsio%. leaving the monocled un the (rswd, l'w tel w do lour Mdtus,' a'ae n!1 Iamr Mr. ltobort Y'Iwu, lid Lem.. TW. little oust m up" thy bdlu.r+ abing play, i taw " drawled an iudi•i4ral in •long-wtiist "T\at state of Inch I eoomive to be the Ice I irtA•a acrd reed ►slack cost, but ,able that that wary and skillful Dicer iu- field clearly ud.esting wmethio !ike a reran roe 1'r tmy hen t hi tM Kveraiae liou.'d creases, Mebow dtdtlmdld d se*akiuw W ret dfwedoss os tM kid g . > 7 --. M our u min ►•.d then IM ,Mat suck 1• universal admintw■. wen the Gist pr.ar at Cwsiganra Ur waw.. Yy as.wry kgitiate outgrowth of a r•dnau.e Will Pbtl- weed C vm Yp to IM Chea T'htl pCnon ver tends as ofleosive ,,,, I I Ili, 'he "I mea no end to In, war but iu-tM Ua tM fullurio dal, tinder Juke ver at Asha Craig oa !'ri1•y, sed rl Eaeser ecu `(ver• Costive w►Ile the bi11o.. wash the trod, osupble mind," relarued t e other, gs,aly, favored wit\ a face satmallat elongrted bl t slow process of exhaustion, either of au or g W rarer may Wars mud W r taker Trnomw t►y Mt math wfficiest warmth to .itoede to hu nun, aril h • aeriroan east of mind which I t O,t tun. If this should Ire the cox, stirring euthwiasm. A few sanctity adbst deeds market, in IM eouuty wen, wMnC the vale of ,ivy. in Ib evaoiog lbre ,as a very tio+ e tiuTes ma be un ed. hu wheat w an aur owner, but hu respara•t. 4irplay of fireworke. whit\ wen kt off fraud sincerity. forbade him to juin in the common, innocent y P whether the war end. with the prereut )ear. wixiae.'s Iustrrcwns pie vex fur{utaw. tM Rud SWd. 'fM mut bewtifi.l tw're A strand. " The ver ben dor col sins with your .lana nt,im of him W draw bads . - - or at the clown of Linculo'd term, or later. Gramma -- s - __-.- - - - lie forgot, it w trv,•. everythin,4a'wat , menu. the projnmme, however, was tM t cc;.- dau rhter, Ithink," amid tM wWdaman, oD tato himself like R turtle into its shell. Hu Elis Duly erasab adds tbv cayspwi n to Fv akar seem wen tbu, .bev yann agar serrm that Judith clun cloetel w Mr f 1 ala,' rstullernw;j ado tM mo.• lamiTiar litbt tiroaerwu. 7'\is eoeirrxrnl tit len 6 T face was smooth acrd solemn, and no nuc e . $LECPIOH I1iTBLLIGHItC a• the fist of !'rderal disufen, Lot uta to Tket It,naw eseardi her eaves wMn mermen aa GUllER1CH 1i. A. d E rJ. ]R63. Lee's inability to follow it up, cad to the fact w"'d' Aul. cl. TCnnii+e,l rut lu gt' M.wr tit►- 'i clock, aril wu herded by the H.wJ ,.vel • fit,Mr. arm, ar.-, stodiurly looked from the could remcauher of having seen iu gnvil)) - t r - t7/yneGcws Isdisr wigw■m wood stoat, object which had formed the subject of n- relaxed b a cheerful amik ; his hair, whleL _ Soeru Wgxrwoarn.-A eorr.paudeut that be d wet nut ho!J •foot mon rued tliau n*t hu Primer, be went to the &'.up. of tM the K"thumpians on foul. Ou w rib iu ( 1 ^ • •••• 1 -- ° hwlrv4 b.oksvikr, "ked for m.I obtained (pr At the nation, acrd while waiting fur 11" I%wo made a bay awe. t't- the g,sve mark' acs loanyg old of a flaxen hue, was parted fray► says : ' Tha work iw 3uuth 11'tntronh oea Mf,re. u, Ibe • Exercise Bunk.' In uddio hr urain, the KdetMrpiam went 1►^mi j, a Moro les the dam d seem old Indras beam, o You ars m i,;ht. We will go, if you PIOOW, b'r fomrehead a the crowe with pircidion, and ' THS M Ellja it LOW RR Cd• un all rilhl. Mara Kym-d and Sexton The Star thinks that vel honest eonfeasnoe way house, the farmer was in wh-tt we all a ra, ivy of dances peculiar to their order. The , w oar oncawprrrmt- if you will allow ee w combed d.iww strai N a acs each side, addin ; MADA. have • reed w leave their claims to the de- of diaaatrr sould be morediguified on the part g f g uHanodrry. How W avmlnenee, Mt moire tore Ma be;inuio; W grow ditty amid five trau 'rhe one °Mina -bar r way plat' besw. such a term ow web • tlim. cad sax- - g ret 5lr anon than sutrment. ur •mets -,l ecu T mtteeially to tM nt►er ludicroa enmbnnes es W, kww towrrl..sat, inch a n(•.nn in Lu t'ei"3 Mardi iu tM diswwer•, tkC crowd _•ren Ani Gees tM war -whoop ae►ri o'er Ay war, skilful aAsir." dawn of a Convention, which u to be held prudeu i .1 bounds sad a s sedy resumption - Wk" beam bed wen the r,Wrr' klyum lay. "I left m friend and core uiow-m of n, ad gen mal ale unnec rich modes• 1Vhlle l.'pdo Canadian furies arc leak- here oo Thursda/ vend whichever of the two of b,e tilitica. boae■b••ld r M hod rwdrad w,rakr, puaa'ml tb.ee efrdn for tM Qunen,tkree (ur tIw Hon. Ali fen ueml AU ked sae ids y o, tion• and ttes*ealy Ili Wi uniuscecmril7 tasked inn a ' his i Irmtion. \Y hat would the wife rl ? Duoald McDonald, will three grew for t\ w bySna• Pew' !' born -arse hdf a wile irersee. 1 will nturu trice, risme u his mea w\ro excited, mud o o' t ado about the abandonment of ,.rce:(vre tM uoainatxa+, rill De elected M• TLr afar thiols Flrmont will here hire e pre Flow .wild LIDO lases rand Inds belw,s. thins signed need ne leeted w pry their w'r for bike and )'win you u coon as practicable." lettio1 himself lack upon hu hr••is aJ•in ; pr►ncipk eco the part of the Kefunn part. rand uuubt. The furl coureutiar met iu j• pu j .c, i ,liunr, W bast than as a bud t• sing thy pawl You will M r red that UouDlq i imag . fhe Alornisg Pw4 seed g," nmww 1'hrma pre ria• rurrtiuiw to the mini sal lids drhe,ye.taen eeeaq! r rkere vane ps eds wLile Rt thin rme time M rubbed his is are the Cartier pointe of the other ecction an lluwilwu le.terd•r, rut nowrurtrd • Mr, wk Ire should out follow ti 11„uker, hul tM pe jed ren'; T• t Arm priueiple put 4 must not neglect to ootid that tM iW. 1'Mt moat be tour animal that ata to,relhea as one a wont when bis digin can T p villa wm dotted with a member of bouul.1'd To c kMst. thew s the pool. lays I just io the edge of the a pen there, with rm cold, or else ke t them ,lets u n his du- ueythbng but easy un the point. This lull _tmuel K^inn, who was defeuted at the lust cannot midrrstfid why Hooker was &:lowed tbew w si.ener. to flo mile .&.,I tha hie es Ab sol but then w•a once, r lted Cae, P Pr''l fa Jrnnmwauwo rrrlo isawrem, .end that hire srehr cad tM pwincipal building* dean t •I g' erect amid ' keno He Iver segrdotdy fb►• PhnLm in •very imtwessire rlenner. Whet in the political storm is tenf,ld mnra e'rcuun, and mill he s,juin. Nu furl cavi be to retreat w easily. did w, uu shall nerutl sd. On rcuchiu mq d with std *verjrreem. See" of the Whoa. trouadiag harp vel woha 1►nlhy lire, lowed baa ester's trail." •anrewt •Aute the urdlMq keel of his fill- elect"d fol South 11'eutworth, and Mr. K"rel ?the pact; who .•A alleg*d to be the Fed• 1 V 7 g se mtet OD Ike Grud Track wen tastrtal ominous to them than open denunciauvO. home, Ire f,arw the trR-th nn set anal the tea 8i Waw took upoa ► ill tar I b t be A Igoar l a Yth Tbt r sl sued Irw+st, sad I am col it he la i.IW tl nasal swan in• dile ken as well ave Aimxlf the trouble of •oine I eel renuiuny regent id tM aromity sal Curk, wad wonky use hr tae; bac he u suave! soryy Art M \ins folluwad." g*' g oC q The llltus of I.uwer Canada du Iwf bc- 1 ' toned out tube wawiudler and hod decamr rcwy o e jawnJ rut. TTrrw s, Ill the dr•c ted co one it attention. No. luta, aY For the •'gnat darkwem11't.od m da.ky wing TM woodsman wbisaed, and the hoist •rful. IieTe that the Ihrou;h • ccvtet.° ted• ' upon Io be *s thio i7 is tie' ptiuirs, all the Irtlewd t sefully a atsutedc. Is trout vera r [Icing cmrid"rad • simple-mi,idad, well- ltepresertaliun Qtiestionis rurthy mo.'s Ihou,;ha (mriu cunceutsted 1'lacedaluterulyexecuxedeyowwsrmw•ehd Arad Mm ; bac hr wrap .AJI to our nrenrorrew wit\ a neigh of rearv4nluuv, came un meaning man, Obed Slinbrsby was u4nal ■I• to be laid on the shelf -hey do not believe WrsT DCa ike.-The Cotuerratiscs in Il is Coli os th tt the tar ces of the u a tk greatcun iu4 Brent-C.wilT wunhi ,. a oil appropriate emblem; 1M odair Pw w .d why. Iib • msag gird ul Lumau eompvr lowed to have bs ono p. and rel, ►red he shirr Ciur:. l.uuism llrtch" Rod '('.wiles +r . the locomotive w. n dreonted wit► iolmhlp agil° lad dapped along throat► tM world, Thus bin, that thane who hue ase long agitated that ll'est f)urham here brou;lt our • Mr, !filo" lull," buu.td Ir,m Enalu,d to the Feat Inds• s, fol Del mate wl Awlain,Artrnn 1o. ho Krum rvergreem. TM wbul• taierltd geaat a .dN Aad if min call thin humble lay of trim "-You unit not expect from me and mine, u a personage ort no slight impurtaace, ties- question are going to lose the first fuvnr- ag4itIst Mr. Munro. T%e writer of thele lines rel cls -strayed by the " .Uabnma;' were ed W have • i reedy in prupwr lima.' 'I'o 'inlhe engineer, Mr. ktic\ard Sailh. N .A• %' ♦aooM6 L raids hole them i cn". sir forester," rid the alder of the two mme, . uncd w exereue a saviu[ influence un then able opportunity of carrying some meat` a.ded • Conservative resident of Wrt Dur- ,hippie) end eoosiped to British whjectd - Juhu, however, the present aplrwed to be colt occurred w mar the festivities or the _ • ldb"aptl♦insi ba bill abrmi: '•filet Courtesy •ad gent'a krepiog that was aural and religious worlds. Obed ws rl - haw what were Mr. Ydne's chances of elec. The Government is called upon lo, cad it is tb" Dull pngxr Ume. lin cam h.t rtt anJ '1+r1• end every one Wemed W enjoy lu ur •-`:bt)IpepbMier lbs .Jbw 6oagka t►rt wave, in yo)rneamwie the kui btsernst of tMolden ptrete to Semaphore quotations u honcho l ore based opal rt-, end hence they are. emu. lie replied that perhaps Air. Alvaro bk l almreii 1 to( nheuFurei mat Anti Slaver rentltw until the ter thin,;d mete c!eaUfror se!vn thoroulibly. The Uommitw ■re A,:a "' IWs seas wisp, above the pux'. grave; ti•se. We err, as lou Fee, sin pie atilfamls, 1'ane to proverbs ; fluoag n, unfortunately,he denouncing ever• man who is suspected of o { T off the ¢tole -moue tid cti still &bout the &ening of credit for IM mow it w►iu-h set I"e.bd tM mnase-a hey awsded u a r.■a•-- seeking ami abiding pia" w a new wuntry ver an inreteratr Herter of the tnw and might die fkfroeen the numtnrttion and the Socuetl, it cans acted that r.urd Brougham g ) whole affair win conducted. Re to s e BoA iettM a .di add wet like first a xeve wbe,e d#^ r u Imm"rcn sod ,Ici..i,.w ac being stinted in the slightest dm ret wlth!)roffing ; that sew the only chance. declined to preside, on the ground That ouch 'bwkl Doing lid dowry algin set m order, +len hope ml" set W Mrd. k Thrilled as to the core. expected variant. That we may bin uwre rt ItetrowMful em ar l Hibl lts. vHu which Lbertflisrn. lllure than this. they declare r course wets metre consistent with the neu- and all m.& ready iremggettwwll fur his filet 1 weh of Ibis eteMfel dr/r 'VWw.a[ r it, sad tbee giant take ; my long a our eras, end make what pro •Fees we can Ter sometimes d'wuactlyd tram obi gnit) of his that if he ptesenl Ministry is sustained I EAst BLAST. -Then are four emra]idatn Tnlity which every one ought to observe ret. urs urn al u'u ri g g*Twocarm lihei mill ttr> Mthepiinrthabitants a( LLwcaa, acv c' ve else. K. 9. rare holt mktnwoeha 11'aldr } soft 1 Nm wAj.et and prottuttd menitoent where M bT- the country and in the approaching; in t►ro field by the Isat aacuunt in thio aouuty, l ith Yrrl ariuevt w not is Session. at each fre check, wen set for the Mads of to bs thankful for Thew blessings we Nott lin y was exptctine tern. Yom were his cnatiune Mr. Finle yo lh. 13uwn, Yr. G. S. W ilk" the household ; an on the table, bride the living in lM midst of peen end peagn ell i • >Wmr Kay 3o., I.63. South Carolina, on my vq w tM \inters alwaTs appusit". It oheu happrired d,ett M Prrliament,andsway/d by le ter i6G,Gaage' - ) n' Chir ran for thio Urks ver won Dl •" Queen `f acs ixbold tM Giber Irtiar of 1M wt'r w adise-the Kinin -tuck -lee of tMCMrokee. 'wed _ a.d 11 r. \1'Ditiou of Onaud•ja \\'hl erre IA•rth ." dean, was lid in reverent trhiuu, the Adiarstror chamle of fortune, CO"abirred haws s applicable to Ithe Icman A in thele II her veli! on -all aware, to be end t ru h• not an Rug •menu be arrived at, so that ural) 1'ha French electoral coalrt win waxing „Cee placedbthe Kinlen l f neut the chairs.' ci,tl twarform. 1 disaaatior, or danulRted by hithithe as eld to tbifor t e tomos t pioneer, moon," u to the theme of reark ; although 1 h one Reform candidate shall ran' warm• The Opposition wudidat" are daily' TM Tads cad lamas havin4 taken their places, H• M. A. 'ha'i`lf '{ti' ® r .. N• then wen Dares .hen M was tulerib 7I iaaslJ inn the duty jumber-rootu of the iDc.Casin . Julio aumlmviced live erne" bl giriog cul ■ .1j.,W .Jilk' 9 {i .LJkr.A • of rare or child that nre■iw to me s Cum• its pryJ in argument, illustration wod reproof. ! plat. The reason assigned fur the roe• I Ctatxror.-Mr. Mfjweblin, the late mem Yervigov, in a letter w the Pietect of the postal, which was inure meludiuus:T sung A CI.11A■ Cua--Newspaper "a& nnI -Oa,- Pi1'M in this girl, who r bl Is meamravene Truly, my friend," added Obed, " rt bet for 1L•afsw, who voted fur the (ioven 4 arae, denounces Thiers u being connected C to this tli ht &crude the burdtr to the lanai ob f parch rc ailcoce of Upper CalWdian rc with Ilia avowed enemies of the Em ror. than, accunlmg to Darold Irie.,d, a wet. Gkell prvvarbrly Ieabpaste r well r vfnuuea THE CHIT RE< of THE BORDER g tintsh eeart rman d Talk vi p.rd tion 1r WY Bowen, and forests, anJ funis ; though I when tbe heart u( man Borth evil, and lhxt forIDcn upon he Vexed Question, i+ that! rent aga:nat luhv A. Mwcdaneld'6 motiuu, The bourse acs act &I 69f. 35c. te,r- He ImMnorendbu tun ouu1este dhl he s1iaAUlra few ys sgq sod tba fullowtu„ u A TAYv[ W [[mTuoRT. pole wish that abe hand been euutert to stay coounaal y. And " rise be rgd Philistines it is only a ruse to gain power, that ec' I hid determtued w run agsiust air. Powell in Polish aff in are unchanged. Em;atr•- longer that a might lure Tch mos lire to sightly, of his paper the tea day: 'Yeaw• behind umil I bad laid the foundation of r ,hat cum" ag itnt the l,ord'a anooulted with Carleton. he fret bk•t Mr. Mclrchliu meals couuuue frequent, and uu dimiuuuwr get reconciled to vibe uoynity of bin position, day morning, at 4.0 •luck p m., a small mnn, C H A P T E K 1. Mme, will the (■diad lrwWw seen rashly the tomahawk fid the spear, they will pen a omplished, farewell to the champion,Mr. toutd hove been erected without opposition m the iuur;cnts. and, rt hbt, Ming will %wgfed bT the female oumod clone hr Smith, with • ►vel iv ■ha settled. A ew hardy adveatunrs hire bone from benne tike smoke, amid their days will Cartier, and his fast friend, John A. Mac• for Renfiew, leads us w think that be will It i. sported that Russia ratted ov 1'rum& head of tM house, all so!emul7 keel/ to the whole of hu trawlers, eomandued aemoic by Tug wRDLRgx. me company, and whom on wilt know, I not be long in the land- They will be driven donald-farewell to Lower Canadian I ■ot attempt Carleton withoat good pruspw ll for mi i1'r yi adm Chambers Aad not done an sot of prayer. swallowing a dose of saickle. The verdict of d.,ebt uut ta good tire• Iowa iemediste ou beton us mod scattered u chaff at tM T' pry (Cuwfiastel.) hwxMl ens Cts of my dwghtry • nosideG winnowing." domirlancy ! Ye do GotetarT;erate. This I ohottra. Mr. A yon has made way for thin,l yet on The King's manage• din►pprvving frvmd hudiibprpeesi ttpuek ieiise kri g hu csmo caws road a }may with Ain d. nth! Though u DMrt , tbe maiden bed sot Isd7 oforocenlric habltry ■red •par, uirkr Slingsby, put the points of hu fingers to- is but a wild statement, compared with like. -f fobs• of their couse awards the Ministers. it is throat ►r a proparst,ry • hem,') then began 1 Hu left a child and sicacomammmN wivm w lantrnt from to G7 from I spot. She caw their witted lad, whom we consider it oar duty to gether, twirled his thumbs and elevated his the terrific denumiationa of ►he French PERTu.-The Canvass fur M r. McFar- believed that the King's meuaze must bring , Attention 1 Eyed front I Shoulder noup I' the cad u( his mnf mrtmmata lam. le dmbb ae atblaic b2,ms meet in • S; a tic ■ rort to befriend mid can fur" chin, 1 matters to a crisis and produce important Godewife (avffo voce :)-' D*sr me 1 are io the midst of life. ease► est► other. SM r. their armA inter '1 In return ror lour frankmeat, 1 will ry, "An you read to risk Tour boil ;n the journals generally, and making due allow• 1 lute is going on bravely, and if he is beat• results• J _ that s sad the least like the minister's ro m.' a ood, usod the muscl is rylenc id gpllrN is thud ;agar nalleed I- wk doom isbed s ecu k work c( scatteri 7'em 1"' inquired Veverfait, once for the eagerness of the Cartier! en it willatot be through any laxity on Hwiiueu forltha weekY\u ben 2d,000 biles. John: -'Ground arms! Prime find load I BaAu?ivvt ono vg CAW MUDII.T mxfliv. pec I gu T r'r with a wtl of the DetDer lip lodicatire of eon- o ns to make plical d tel in cvc Rncurer arms I' T■ca.- Who doubts that birds love y Hma Berra of rapid mouoxs, •whi ling sad ecet- Mt mina I tract Thrt u nut dsgruwd by any Wmpt rga pec Ing ' 7 thin part of his friends. Honest Thomas Un Friday, ander tM' Glugow's" news, lrw/esifs (half rising from her ehxir:)- le evidwd from the Nuforml I■telligenc•r: tering of isaym a sudden sad continuous act oration. If I am not mi.taken, Jou an6 1. My vocation is not to wield the weapon possible way, we think it would be impos-, and his supporters are also straining eTery there was s better demand, and the week'■ , W hat umnsense i+ r' this. Sumuthing has - "A gal I in a thick, t of &Wgini f plate, cumpres ntly a fa atovehe Star me who wa (gover r of a v lahblte of of bomwo warfare ; but verily I will lift op Bible w produce a more conclusive avid nerve, but they beaten to tremble for the decline partially recovered. ceme own 'Ir. lie's either gone grte, or bushes name bis dwelling aGoNiesi o M b.rrwm r . Anon alt this ceased, and the could find n In ml heart to reJret the kind of goy forth W ommits the &mtMe hip and thighi striking refutation of the chargt so often n: salt. Qnery.-Ilow Gan the Lambs 21s lid to 22s ro Wheat rfirmialand ttsru•Ily a no 1 keuim; m. d she gat upon hekkgs. r it's Ykte t w by their lead lain o.d sibso"s hnM-r area putinr, wiped his knife sad re- life loo have chosen. A peaceful residence In this way I &hall do above for ver cause than Rung in our teeth that Upper Canadians!. hell) going astray if their beloved allele shade dearer ; red Westen % to 9s 6d ; JuA■ (mouth loud ruiew, :)-• llrke rvad7, motemenu. At last, erfosity cam en moleb t itp n vett• terrified Inok rt IM tut roe d t can oe M ex eel k IRud iuod w„ Rrry with b.n■en It is wnnen '1'M have thrown overbwrd their long-oberished 1 herd is taken away and sent to Quebec Y yoYlMn IOs 3d nod s wbCon vert firm Present I F-., excited tbat he determined be go. :f be could ', R 1 n'4 wicked ►ie whom no mine parsveth."I T I Hut hs anxious partner applied the 'ire.' uncertain W came of tbo ezeistmmt aaboGt etam of the l Ziet, and rw the form of taxably known to you that Iadiaon are io principles. Some of the IflaaMih jourealt i Electors of Perth, see to it hat Mr. Daly mixed 29s 9d to 30s ; white 30s to 31s per Givin him a anwrt cuff on the side of the them. On eamiei the bodies be f aced F,Nte-owne, lying still• ■nd stained with arms harassing the footsteps sal the wMte (Co -fined on Second loge.) alluded to, neem inclined W receive the' is returned-tn his home and Lambs ! 480 Itis. bmd, she laid the novel devutionalint sprawl- • fennel* throe►, who i wing cam mrught in Wll amtipuu eculore, allowing them few hours of quiet - ' - - I Paovutoxs.-Beef firm for fine -dull for "Tb" have strep r! " sM tan• mat. The lurk u ,on the books of rivers to coming change with r goal a grace as Ing on the flour, mud the chair along v iNn each w way IhN s o cuuW ant egmpa Near - ge rid T I VVILST TORONTO. -Judging from pros- BuTnor. Lard iu good d"m•..dat Gd to I Id. him. by was her tact, I baH-crown isg from TM spectacle runt and giddy. '•Yoe cut off sawsp Dwtmen ; they lie in ambush Dreagins Wltk Tthtte. possible, but by for the greater number, m hlrgRP001., SATI'RIIAY Ev6SISa, Mq 23.- Vr rri r.-' Grt o e resents ow w! lnrde On ndrim • liltl* dist., w Cao - have risked • Irfsstry Ie with the Mldem is fores sad star the etookades of our couo- ent indications, the Hoo, Mr. Robinson P 1 !C g CM mw most werful of Thhe Chickarwa It r ren - the have even bad the boldoer ge t, the strongest terms, announce that asy will be run out b Mr.•John McDonald, a ChanMtulla'Ms rkeoP rrov sions dull but steady Is that an exas min for e w set to nor Marr 1 of thrr\w red with weer ■rd ll'r rattan tha with all tM time Ameri• 1 T Pf•1 wPPr little short of rincalous if you have rtaped to attack thelfuru at :e , aid esu women To. epee duan, w few know innovation will be resisted to the last, and J P T- To lie there on your knee, u. trying to aka other inmeis io their raalM whwb they gore wltboat den rove woundn.^ their deeds are eocb as fill tim beat with bac to prepare a simple toilet with taste. To wWilly and highly taspmtable merchant Produce generally steady. a tole o' our aker. It'n du rrcefu'. Gel 8rw w tM mol►ar tbm b bot can¢, rM alt ge one or two hint darkly at the final resort Luxnox, Srwrdal,Ma7 23. -Connote elne"d T g ' y "1 Mliave, young moan, that 1 aw an. horror and "rrow." M well drtow means, with milt, to wear of bmfBed hfioiaMr the world over. "Far of that city. Many Of hi Conservatives at ova to , Sa AnnMay 2 Steck market r sp wir ye, and yu'll ave if I'If n, tell the Staid the ow~whila ohawriai there ike their labor kum*d-tboagh the strength rad dexterity •' Accounts of this nature bare reached my rich material, made op in gorgeous style, and are forabking the standard of the O i- firmer the advices from America awin bet 0"' to .' sal bve wit\ • soug of pmtisurie. AHor erTcb- ofthe wra,Te was wondrous," replied the een; Mt 1 bare hoped, and still do, that this with all the usual secretories of Ince and jew. better," says Mr. Cartier's special organ, PPne +, g Tell him she did. An explanation took Ing the inlommiag acme ISMi twitchy Wks weodnmmo wit\ •cosmid of auner ell w add to the m Ificence of the n- tion. The election of Mr. McDonald will ter feeling• place, and in course of time John Lot the vale ontieBed tba gemlerm relieved tib pourbkd. I pot to nate of things wilt not long continue. Hen rI +ISn gra "firr better fo t1ontiwafe than to be downs- Lirsoro tv Saturda Evening, tray 23.-dt kww bun ex ted from one clad in the we are at our cam it is a Ging of .ir, bat enl *fleet. Never ver • grater mistake, , ., ba an aalusilion to Toronto ■nd the Re y 0o a ve it ous ai >(as ib ourAe ci M. without t be de few w Mr amt o elp j a ig to. t pec v ' 7 To be well denied i Got to bare wire suited ,ted ,tor' It u x thOO sand pities that I is reported raft the Tnnill n off tete resolved ops tidveoutious mal sat an Erercfw Book. d Mr ed tor; ane bin ebs o&% aai btttrn pWa g■rD of bks f n. Ides rl 1-ou Aa•e fared worm, tf yo. an T forret party. Suaeer to him. to esaAluh s Ro•ting Mrcun off the extsme _ _ du rad w iMac Gael r The amide- bad been m' and at this the arrau tnw of the woods I take you.to w time, Plane mill , article in a such_ a spirit should be engendered in the P" theses, ' 1 . This attire a be a shil- southern point of Cape tad. t\wy weal • etmg of praise. jamelwve • w Caine harrying w ebe spot M.'' 7 people by those whoet duty it is to bring Goxnatt_-\f r. Youaj rya it hie address At the mcetin of the Hritish sad Foreigv AnOtent Cltnputlet In Canada• whsle the Parti s wan standing. " i have passed many rights in the lyres ting attire x a rich milk, sad yet, in either, if to The electors of West Montreal :- AntiSlave Sociiety yesterda , a letter vu - air, the reel arch of the sk bei, r onl it be adapted to the conditions we hare ren- tbem to listen to the voice of reason and of q y ` T i 7 I For wlself, i hop* that •lido pssxd +e.d from Fl r. Adsau thankmglM tbciet71 SnmaglarAeadsofunq,i"stiorrod Phmmiciu Novy al11M wemm■ io.r t3omt\ mw to- C N A P T E K ii. roof til deep under suck tinned, a wowx may be rid t be .ell fires- justice ; and pet nohing u more natural sm ,ne on ive$ me acme claim to the re •u- in Mr. Lincolns name for the eedin nn manufacturs •re re mead w hare been found T g Prot g* linea+. Aa ofiemr et ike Nuior.l to qui bin sometimes been sweet, too, er,iroam, all cad. Where household duties have to be than for men who glory in intolerance t0 inion of true ; but, though far Jail ry fast. SpeecItes were made "Prean- at lteverley, Can■ in can ' ancient amwry while riding tbroogh Waterloo, Ala., stopped Tia cUMP. t err y1 d,,,grn, with bM cborrs of oM wolf Performed, aaA tM can of child,"n derolvee tx t fro ulhen the full measure f T prrtiaao of tM ing syrpathl fur the North, ares hopeful of of the copper ago.' ay it not Turn out. •Iter w aM our irquiriaa Or d tM women form Idleb partly moon IM mistress of the boom a net pec W from offerin; m rrlfrs w rare Tisa parsae who appeared was nlber put Iwickwood followed Waldron into tM cam dna r,tehNy fitted b tb ilg.ro, r anneb what the themselves meso out. N'hat a 1'n a ret Gorenunent I am Muvd to rl thf, tM extincuoo of sl•verl. Rranlutions mnn all that what Pluu tents w mat tram. that the eked forw.a tobacco. He ger her m+.m the ere of It&, but yet kale, Manny ,pox R J e.onprimi g as it dues two gentlemen with adopted, rejoicing rt the various step. taken Atlantic win once a nw•igiii or had been smoking tobaxo (Uuial's bel) bet she mid W ToaMr= and phiaigr generally, the prow which was of considerable air, with • fin in Wl'r w morning little thine the faded ins- terrible thing it would be if an attcwpt an„m I Iwve before laboured in tM nprewn bT The Cnitdl Stats Government in further- navigated; ages before this time, when war sbe wanted a dahaw. • He nfarred Mn t • • lige of funny good rear. Then ver rot the Centro -ether tbe L diWi stile -over resins of •ton prwt..oioae easter. Not\ were made to bull U r Canadian.+ into ,,tion "f ibis city, and who, wish mvselr, weer wore of tM eancipation of the star. of IM like tribe beyond the ocean invaded and over- frioi.d .M cAatrw cab pard ►r p n r w s■uoi of IM skeeter ike Ain garb u which arm* woman were eooking=pine. in bob norm forlorn than to we a would•br I PPt or m o,y yews the adrosete e( a tic Soutbern States, and expressing the grateful• ran alt Libya and other Countrie in wAal acs aroand. T r whole fmmi'y red it, f.on tM sis n ometimes awe is OM wiWnnrem i bat stilt Judith's adventure vas soon told when• 1 1 gereGoed Aarwous holo dobe t n Got i he unanimity of feeling on certain subjects as „Is ch h:is el:ICV bona inaugurated and hu ry two of TM British and Fosiin Anti -Slavery call 1M nld world T' Thia would gra for w mother w a IittM oiild six yeah old. aomg► to show u with wood- opo. sore, of the mer took their rices aril silk d or ■ soiled a d d o w I Mr. Cartier and his pliant tools are dointi solved in so many benefits to the trade of his Soeie/y at being recognized bl the Wasbing explain the similarity ofthe ancient American eemftand the weeabities sad doo m& of the - to the ■pot indicated, to see IM body a Oee or tM anenb o rg*ewix ell !N- at the t moment io Lower Canada' I'ro,incr, and eap"eially of this city -cons- to. Gvveniment u • friend of freedom. temples and I scolia to anti"ret Etyptiah, During the nigh of p,a. o the arro- timtMi Ho eWa ort still keifby and ewrerd then famed C\iekww chief TDey ntareod Pre g Pmt prisinif I.nr, u the Yimlibley now dues, those Braylonian. and ollrer strrctorr. Amd Dl t soldie affected w- -till oi,il bimmlf orwat •■d with dignity. His dam soon with the intelligence that no seep body dies appropriately, awot►er b be eanM d Aad yet, is it tact evident that oar rights tan geutlrmen i think it would be very wrong thin way, tM chronologic of IM Egyptiu whom tMry la their Mor k num t t -Ed&btis M called s1*s ix axpramiw. ludo*4 old be looad, though they had diem•orsd the detaih,the minute ofthe toilet. Thorough are sold b a few men who are read to and very m titin w tits UacmGolnol'AT. lsciunT. - A Indy prisms in Platoi timit, in which tens or t\uo- y laii naval cleanli ane' well -brushed 7 J 1'" . pvl °t t\s •koro^ ok wt ssmawhat dA,iy tel with for po YroAetbl n left Ito. in a ('" t it i'f U'•'-trAl d it Sboa!d no. have a fair chance evsiding ix Hrighlra,. mIs tAe Joaroal,ren•nt- Meds of Iewn wane torted r a can baja- taawatd P TMilkyraed, erre day, aa!- Wood r ■the Peeves pe s per rwt►ra priMtred tit\W by meek mare a sseAl*d 'I Hr wound, ,ben;' rid Loekwoed, "ver hilt, newt ahoee sad noekilp, are r svrwn- aacnfice the idtereste of their own Recuts rel eucee+e sffuided it. Yarn. Dotson etre y owned • pair of beautiful Jays sparrows, nils, and the Greeks were regarded as eon- ed a general allm, ,, hat u the meWniaf taelaatedy, a • lorsj eMitlmliad habit of mid mortal y to a grad rsonal a r the material order to furtber their private ends? Hl,lion ,•Cruel very important lace in tM Ili" wan ike eyes of the family and objeem wiled r of r*text rets. an likal now s . fur a tie @WOOD i or, poaiWl, ne tianmlated daultiwith and f ll inn of the dr*ot ladled, •1eyy .►n p Pst11N 1 of that trord 'I akin i " "Oh," fstr11Amill ; gb may" Gwen i Iv in them even `avdiy Only let us have the same amount of union Uinistn : tM•ir honery of pmrpoel,, iudow" of admiration Io all who rr then. (hr of to be ro0nived a little mils r►apecdutl7 tban d tjm Orel, «te Mil •Ii tkow i'abMa aitis so wpl ast believe in the labor. He Ibe P camping of hs Tow.' p•rticu in Tree peulrlic u•rvice, and rpeei%, for bwai Ilam died. din d:!canr,lbte mate mfumd to bentofal, isomad,iug nor euhfked - = of who are not ail• ' iS add ••Ps rid \Ywldroe, " it would be cram M r d M Ix ill desrad, r t►m dellirre • U Caaadiarutas u muifeet"d 'tri s4ry." zerUy, w ides sed emrgetk a meveaMs, r64*' nGnemem will ori vel ed, ase fol bat -yagm PPs h.ve never been iap■sebod, weal an earl 1 caste the rx,d nffere.l ib, but ken open its pa•rrh, th* utdgmity ..f an : perhatr, tea Talk rend, "just r we stall all nil& , iYmiy, OM wemtomd to dMMg .itA- well to permits him. Womnded as M is \i 7 a by the bfrus, and the wroogn under which knows to m)salf." loc irR wistfully aMwt, amt with sed and Iediw Hronolo ti @ .i11 bb•• 7 1 P°11PIa mist sed utnc+b • e$►ort flight maw necessarily be slow." anwrally she. itself in the tame wbick wi;l 1 1 tart' who an not casil." bet seteclion, no mute, bow small the wet haw beta so laborin mi ht bo rentk pore. sed to to be soldinj r ars. they • are hiss 1 teertud thaw Lib the bay& r be ter armed A WI ear in a buckskin bantingahir,IwM gaiyo g >; Ki,aaTO,.-Tbe - swell Td 7 M bins nfurd w sleep, and alter rariar tM7 Mye been Ay oYr awn awe^iced Mt im- vAlbt a east, a -d tM McAo of a kmetimgJDsifi twat roa in and ver wrndug by the Gve, f bean M A r m htv)eesll le me M ensu and for ever. The change Jobn .1. u r Gin` b Mum a 6t cyan d»viee n huis\ is grief, the lady placed a proving genentioo. -esti/de►, (6og(imb Yd Not Ionai sixes Gni of tM GeW of5oers u f Psmt+aeld we 8 it mdy from it taken ing a long ride by the barns, while Ih. g "tiOg >.' Id u Goss (}ndttWll b ism u niacin g [ bete stall looking glans imide tM Mr. Tbi rw- err.) tM 191► N rODrie rumds mg* eu Macer . b.me II rested o the turned toward aboreing drum 1►b] they waanc M stiritive °K J 7 g t raid To T bnroa of $sew ,s a." iwge, and wrought in • few his horse reeking with (Oman her ►urj owe M on thin in ft is It to my. If it s bs easoti swMi over the minds of men, driven already by hi . "so" i"' be eeid,Is a rsird mewl anzious 14wMew" and replied To his rggwtiou le ► P° 4 e(t T days an "oris cbanyP in tAe erect of tM ttaAi.a-Yox Maass. -A fitx•A on' w ich didwonntsd sed t\vee W Bair to ►it"rvo.t .o low, abod•sw voice : elenoo mad ta tM vast in wbiell they and in both aPctiras of the Pnirince liberal iii nleere, to canvam baa bird. It commented sin losdty, which it llv Stuart hm announeci an le•ur.riom .bieh Yilos rlin[ "Real tem " ••b La anal li e tole*, es be appy -bed ; JGdith T' ave then 'r no shame in woavin i to bout., and to eater upon a wri"n ^f • Tom abs fuller k' but that would M "^gage'!. g t contiawd to do Mt recwiving nn retporiee M saserls ►aa miev r haled ike tit Merits to wren to toeu{ nouT' rsgeisd Mile Y,y mer 1o. 'sed "tb young Worm sill. Ym acs (oiler •n s. .. ►red, abois ►11, it ought to be rem mli*T!y ides vend prinseip{r •re narking heir way af'mcurage. Tbia tsbuwt lir sip, did mol from std ate, it s eontinmly quamilbf prwvwlthedsflgunummn"rmsr.w,t in swell- lac ay *,.d bike no. ek► irpeaky. "lw ase ab•ki-g ebtl base aM abig►t to if yem Get KM it -bet foilerie' sad evorakial that no attiN r good enough fa the twill. into the front nrk. We buil the advent ec'en' " R seT' no it It a attar of nmbs with iu ■bed ,.. in iu anyr r a Goa kmewn r "piuMg." 11a wpfdimtiticr f empklt QgesWabaomur lgd nimM bin few 1' Wbetbox sear f Ym ane ls loo tbi r you'II BRd V Ike tin] it whigb r not gond enough for mere scgusint I of b.tf2r go"rtinment, and join heartily in ,,inch s, her bu o RA r Jokn A., in raesi.wll. Gic at the gleet, AtriHng it with criminal ar • sdmt4ow of indim ewhbn. i■ eMs aided ra eget gmwaiq of fwmSq but uw7 mei. MT y, t►*roRlsoab. Hm ,*M •neve like any ekueo to Meryou with their =M e. the eomrar to bomk, and it is rent vented fro^s ill yr rofrrm whieb is pwinrad over tM ism fund ound of Ia vary PCM, sed won6w Hb a ingkwmw doe," osaabie'd lM groo"d dollsI ling any thought of i setimal yOm- keret :v: f.•It t i tmc IT if bet it exec y j meek in .nmen who. the .r. bin be- p M nss t r an meow for the nod of tb society. it 'r abneh MttW w M canghl aver- Cott' of p I in itwlf M teem m tM lass from tM wax. ) asia entl,tiM a plifirs ttv t"red g ! R Gime look at Ih* w■ts ti wM wed taker Cbiekm"Wa His trait win r 1,. es W drvw4l r some lucky Individuals an, at ► any. air dnteisrant peruertion. What nupllo Ir w min b IM until it narnien (reit in b,wte nuTMmk, cern fully de.e'op•d. W hen ib chloroform - The tMsnlMennt of tM slr+div 11 small evemix Ix mina "sac them ego of th.r 'o F"r0 Alior wSwrt • w'td7 rdt,lolo.ing bis e,Gntrwied e(• y.i.yToi.' Sett velvet ritrp.ab S we want is nor Rigltta ! WP Otinnnt ddirr rived i(tbe u e did .bran the alar ls replaced. - bestow b.. enpH.ntsi, elk► it tardily lees th*re h ra/ttr pndpmmd whM who. w tb`rk of aMp red Cam" a estioo' •t in 1M other pI q_, Mjt sat sM edab• is Isll a thin elsntfe Glr of indiureeklw even tkmir h • rgvsd. o.i r tar Webd terve .r ma* a b wM m apMe, and it vren the veritdt rLeal - n nirrunw1 At the Met awasita Dinntaww ee s m d abov Tb Wem to. btr eemabsea tM le•vrr P eW new irked W • ibis* in moo.. thoe sfsaal i esnhlty i pot Pd f ink, l- all tAr cam b John A.'s - tM free. T1dt Ib rtint hole w be eelAw ' ywn Me that rr YLlsii Show w1s W tet► *p mk mi ki0fa' i + M pea this hsma ml'w lbirdo. \cera yayj ybppsy p, ink like,, 1 Own far °Atan; Pas►rraa YOYf awrtT M CAPTAIT COn[.- CorreArbk tbk othaPwan inrabneb ne tM do.l ria. tawaWNk wit► rho atemi who van obvisanly bar Where`` P'of a Mdw a w lad ►an kmi Wi r We arae and ane man. to camopant wCth ot*wal allrrs t nom rah y b fry . a air. star m law aanwnelnw nM of boua*4ib. 7m T er - - - who Md kdrn works Yerauts an t ebiwj mt Henelolr TO ereM • dist trooabM Mpoorel T pl abomt eem4festi weoi ep ret Tth upon wwb Ira twq m000bg lac three 1 tM dieete Hitt lM Ile of y w tet Parlinn■•wt get i ), + bat w. -"We nowfxwiv. ,b meq» r dmks s ike sect Tyre ver ■wsemg\ of amrerm le tb eoW ovwrgi eve tto d w of tM wwPuiog, and I„ulJin is (wF cmrld tell Ira raw.) stated. m mOmomwt tO IM dkAntod mei to. CR t el cf id ettart fawovwf, cad eW chill hWg mewls of Ibo htaltm eniaatat. Hw ecf dmf p"nOdi t' M peaeplibls, W emit g NO XOIU , THANK TO(T.-- IS hAve th" .hr f at Pivecwnt, the James Cook, who sim killed by the Hawat'an is mnn kryerrY ,'4010l," wan se enaabom pared lb Ouches of Olds, "b tan M anMimliM bad Ibt WbdN b big ,tor that eb Mows otl*wdl to the ..labor mf W faetl to 'wtGtve mere g 1 sheet •laws bow mtPd m tb rev • e/ • W n tMltu is hill i s b . M►d m nam tb naives wbr m bin Aird v efdiwoee end e..e slow Aw Asa M thwom t m,e acerae. " Tu mPlfslefew+s i tit set iism lAd be Mr Aommwe Ohm tb oseml'ws0r of her psi, }ltd romivwd from dliwmt Arm in New a hur.drnd d ,Ilsrs for "-" Y The cam of i1d9 had ba sinwd e-----rrd. vantdd w►eweer tMstMrw hila bang applied.: aim he dtwl know *boa to 1 tali oE~" sew sod then seri al/ thM ex .UTorver fierrrol. IF 1 fW iiiad" tb masuwl rV = abod,se that m e )Golf be eomwddei twy sem, mole een M the brillio.gr or bin bawti York abut a mhtan d t. ,A one Inoger ct bk W cam sad 0200 more bed bang oa%wAbod. A sasw. droab than the eemdkim of ►tit P" Mn.irAetr Pammem -Then mn at A e bila SlWW of bis osaMissamM Ho W attPPtd d leg pbilsn,►vepie. i @wHo M m of • dir do Wesempsblsd ►y ped[w iswarwetiews as to . _ .. _ InS or tM suheeeilreG wWa held a Homalmlu ter e► M MNe ebi hsstW but eve aro. fkrwesd pmrweeirr d hby wine.- Moppiai e - --•r em loth Mead►, while w o.a rsoaved shot a oust m the Hea tland goal. gin soldi.i* miter franTk joy es lbs nwpllors of tib ao^ m hMiptt b how we ave to pbiteb tbea. R e would, amrw.. of b-dsbmwt. There ret w the letb T *BWW d we MW% wise and"bow tb ►ondww. WsolthH tet A M Jem'a PROPaaPT bin Tae fans G etas - The DUtraw Is t2gj*ej. hab or, 1. caw the ante.■ -e if Howeeh l"o.I daa faq b rte Y mpW w ,•Hill seals" are tis pati, diet • to etfwr with Ned i soeilsry, misOh rather krbw, m hs wllmd ^Ceokti Liihtheena,` tMe GOab IM IGth Wwimtet, keno Mab 1M hfd d a tM mPmw tw Lritasw veal bacotaar9od. hMit les ant atkif ~ ted ( ef=bow Tier ill"" bavea" r eilka slow seels••ew did"~ tbagaber ►svP Mtm iesfracltrant sad Warr wsOery. Wr are Riad t^ age ask a tidipAm mf 'M'N bt Ibe a" oppniwfmw merums■t to, 47* sed co. from tM iislrmry Tni.: TMil Paw ad ic, scald mwGagn►s RMM As C sacs tW N sk taoseat bafedieG theta Ylhw tb rabor7 of Gtwain Coen. A p*Nia an amtso.d In ponds sf i,G and feryee" r Mjebb vow awsdhtint•" Thi w waslAti t Tble w ebbs w s I oidmd M haaseiq Lok- be rwlale biim&lt tM are altwd territik wtff ring baaby td lbs mowing vas nalld ter bkb era\ to tab lewrbmim,, and .shit M scan m LfWaMe t\i •w with ib ever tlAe1 absvac dem est. Ave ttbntr wM w hue bwhsa nw l M b fMtratmy m► an,g I Wltbeset vaFoa tasdivad is advw*, we wall crtd bra[! i iter rmjdw Ave tM btt khm ``ting 1 r1 1ttyso vM est esMa wad wGmode miwg ___-- 7 as As spa by femme of brwhiui dal porC the"r To aM heart anetM ad Ia d§ o t hnre he j iMA ,d iretard Itaa tl" r Nw& Mev r*M b farm IM asesmrf fee& sMMwoo..ob he shipped m awsp sea andira Iwm all t W wiM ear s\ t A enTd armhlss Ave !!k tIr wbn joetb oaI eaaivrg tbm esaieaM! be mmgwo\ fM m wnw tai \ im as Pspw sMn d .Ammwbmma Coitilierli m ; ani per- in ransda than rasa@ I Ask pwalsk.W.L ft r er&r hem chs Party ret mitt him -- swum dthis woitatm. wo.1 T1s tlrrww sarro0l sash him Air - A A Was- , mm a Nnt r r= Oo,re="% tie civil cab 6in t aalsldYsr►tear iia aa1M► a I do. agmtama l aft IarW .". TOW LlMimittbata re in womob":ZlM the/ w dslaM Ibis bmtwlt of o.r w"Miwg .as h"M ike Tttttltlgp • iiaiwwa • eeteslw wmmew of tbetep, M 1r dtliessd k.weg/ r fens" rhes Wit\ W dC wm fO P eF aa w ase* si IIAsLr► Mctb Illrs PIM 0 ao. AMiH@tt, a e baring tespafaYap of rakitMi al ttatink ilio S1aP M itY a a jMr M MMai M Lbw wA 7N * y -ai.c whin ti way Y s..w,.hbw. w71K ,-dabs dPrif iv s bM ebl be rss►eifMt es puma W be pen b f41bd b asoma Ar ell tse all" diets bow m w 7o. --K Yn imliwwi, with dr rgMset tM dm Iib s - of afktMttltjJ {p I llnrd r themes and j k wen s cad trwsWt ,,, : p,= ow ,dike s - eb *.wet of As ill"" *s 1 Milraslt ill" • r sf at a0[1r 1 Kw M favelon Mind she aisdtm of aced aabae • path m A" aAbr him 1 b tf>rbA SW Rin wet I 1 ri.borr. Iti■Iw•j■• tied M. P t 'a, M .►■* ben emar- 7Fwwmv W. am wAa amt t WWW m I OWL Ym ssq ne may m 4 bow ,NWd tba M dap b b t ewi." P"'Ra f" p 1 I 1 eewtrlt 1 t. :. „t