HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-02-17, Page 9Times-Advocate, February 17, )960 Noe 9 Cecil Rowe Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd and Mrs. Isabella Boyd of Walton were Sunday guests with Mrs. Lorne Oke and Allen and Mr. and Mrs. John Oke and Teddy. They all attended the christen- ing of Edward Lorne (Teddy) in James Street United Church Sunday morning. Mr. Roland Wight and daughter Mrs. Gerald Edwards of Thed- ford visited with Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Squire Tuesday. Mr. & Mrs. H. Chittick and Joan of Granton were Sunday visitors with them. Brownies hold Valentine party The First Exeter Brownie Pack held a Valentine party combined with the presentation of badges at the Scout Hall Monday after- noon. District Commissioner, Mrs. Jean Gandon presented Golden Hands to Brownies: D ar I ene Porter, Susan Davis, Kathy Sim- mons and Kathy Fairfield. The Golden Ladder was awarded to Cathy Read; proficiency badges to Kathy Simmons, Kathy Fair- field and Sharon McCaffery. Each Six presented entertain- ment for the Pack. Brown Owl Mrs. Joe Wooden and Tawny Owl Miss Joan Dettmer conducted the Fairy Ring. Plans were made for Thinking Day next week. s, Exeter 235-0212 HEINZ Soups Relishes 16 oz. Jars Guess When you get top value in cleaners and polishers During HOOVER WEEK That's when HOOVER POLISHER • Efficient two-brush design • Powerful long-life motor • Complete with pads ONLY $28.88 Swansons Budget Priced Macaroni and Cheese Spaghetti & Meatballs Wieners and Beans TV DINNERS 390 11 oz DECORATING SPECIAL Spring Tones SUNWORTHY READY PASTED WALLPAPER ONLY PER SINGLE ROLL 69c TWO BEAUTIFUL TEXTURES No Match — Easy-to-Hang • 2 Off Whites • 2 Green Tints • Beige • Rose 6 Blue • Yellow • Turquoise • Pink COLOURS SUITABLE FOR ANY ROOM IN YOUR HOME Free Samples Sent On Request. WHITE PRE-PASTED CEILING PAPER only 590 Single Roll Hundreds of Room Lots SUNWORTHY PRE-PASTED WALLPAPER _Priced to Clear ! Starting at 590 Per Single Roll Textures — Florals Seenies — Stripes Kitchen and Bathroom Designs W. F. Douglas Stationery & School Supplies Wallpaper & Paint St. Marys 128 Queen St. PHONE 284.V40 CLOSED MONDAYS. OPEN 8-6 TUES. THRU, SAT. PRI, TILL 9 P.M. it In the refrigerator, That way it, at least, has a reasonable chance of finding its way Into the ;wen in time to allay the pangs of hun- ger." 1 can; (7 oz) tuna, drained and bro- ken up 2 cups cooked macaroni drained I can condensed cream of celery soup 1 cup grated cheese 4 tbl milk or cream Paprika stir together soup, milk or cream and cheese. Heat together until soup bubbles. Add broken-up tuna pieces. Pour into greased 2 quart casserole in which you have placed cooked macaroni. Sprinkle top lavishly with paprika for color and flavor. Bake In a moderate oven 050 degrees for 30 to 35 min- utes. BEEF AND MACARONI CASSEROLE "This is really a delicious casserole which I usually make the day ahead and refrigerate overnight," said Mrs Monteith. 1 cup small shell macaroni 1 large onion (chopped) 1 clove garlic (chopped) 1/2 green pepper (chopped) 1 lb (or more) lean ground beef 2 eight-oz cans tomato soup 1 small can corn niblets 1/2 cup sharp cheese grated 1 tp chili powder 1 tp salt 1 tp worcestershire sauce Cook macaroni, brown onion, garlic, green pepper and beef in a small amount of fat. Add re- maining ingredients and put into casserole, Cook for 2 hours in 325 to 350 degree oven. Serves 6. Room at the top for educated, talented women is expanding all the time, Indira Nehru Gandhi's election, as India's prime minister is a Spectacul ar example of hew far women have come in a world that apparently is growing more kindly to. women all the time. Feminists are hoping it may usher in a new era of women's advancement. In the big cities of the world women may be independent and Sophisticated but in the rural areas old customs die slowly. In Japan, for example, where women now have virtually the same rights as North American women — at least on paper -- the country wife is still sub- servient to her husband, The United Nations lists 112 countries in which women may vote in all elections and run for office on an equal basis with men. About 80 of these gave the franchise to women after 1945. During the recent March of Dimes campaign when Marching Mothers stepped out of their homes to canvass the community the Hon. Ellen FaircloUgh, fed- eral cabinet minister, Mrs. J. Waldo Monteith, the wife of a e d er al cabinet minister, and Mrs. John Roberts, wife of On- tario's prime minister, offered recipes for the family to prepare for their evening meal or for mother to make ahead and leave the family to heat. They come in handy any time. BAKED BEANS Mrs. Robarts suggested a sim, pie main dish — baked beans: 1 - 16-18 oz can of Pork and Beans 2 tbl brown sugar 1/4 tsp dry mustard catsup and bacon Add the brown sugar and mus- tard to the beans, crisscross ba- con on the top of the beans. Spoon 1/4 cup catsup over the beans. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 min- utes. TUNA CASSEROLE SUPREME Mrs. Fairclough prefaced her recipe thus: "I think that if any of our Marching Mothers are really concerned about whether their husband or family are fed, it would be much better for them to make up the tuna casserole sometime during the day and stick Public speaking contest winners Of the six public speaking winners from grades seven and eight of the Exeter Public School, four of them were winners from previous years. The competition held Tuesday is an annual event sponsored by the Exeter Home and School Association. Grade eight winners standing are: Katherine Hall, first; Claudia Barrett, third; and Sherry Ford, second. Seated are grade seven winners: Jack Darling, second; Danny Laing, third; and Andrea Barrett, first. Judges this year were, Mrs, P. Gandon, Mrs. E. Lewis, Rev. F. E, Rhode, Mrs. A. Murray, Mrs. E. Jackson and Rev, J. C, Boyne. (T-A photo) Verse speaking winners Verse speaking winners announced following competitions at the Exeter Public School Tuesday are shown above. Grade six winners in the back row are: Juliane Palmer, third; Jamie Fulcher, second and Roberta Barrett, first. Grade five students seated are: Debby Higgins, second; Wayne Simpson, third; and Rebecca Fulcher, first. Judges were Mrs. G. Godbolt, Mrs. J. Pryde, Mrs, K. Ottewell, Mrs. Ed. Miller, Mrs. W. Huntley and Rev. R. S. Hiltz. The competition was sponsored by the Exeter Home and School Association. (T-A photo) innitiatrrAVIMPL,NralrillTTMMIIM:i.M.22.MENTIMMOVAI TOWN TOPICS Miss M. Fax H & S speaker Store Detectives Ltd., a private security agency that operates throughout Britain, reported that BC canned salmon was the ar- ticle most often picked up by shoplifters in grocery stores du- ring 1965. A small 7 1/2-ounce can of salmon costs about 75 cents in Britain. Blouses can be ironed in a jiffy without sprinkling. Simply wet a heavy Turkish towel in hot water, wring it out thoroughly and roll the blouse inside the towel. You'll be ready to iron in a few seconds, Irene Carey London spent week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Carey. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Mittle- holtz and boys, Exeter dined on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilf- red Hogan and girls, Mr. and Mrs. John Morrissey and all their families attended their niece's wedding in Detroit last week-end. Miss Maisie Fox was guest speaker at McGillivray Home and School meeting this month. Miss Fox delighted her audience with colored slides of Japan, India, Persia and Africa taken during a world-wide tour. She accompanied her pictures with a commentary that was breezy and informative. Mrs. Donald Scott introduced Miss Fox and she was thanked by Mrs. W. J. Amos. Judy Morgan gave her speech on the Trans Canada Highway. She will represent McGillivray in speaking finals later this season. Carrie Ann Steeper and Judy Morgan entertained with piano selections, Grade 8 class won the attendance banner. The scripture was read by Mr. Irwin McAlpine. Mrs. Giles Thompson and Mrs. Joe Morgan convened the lunch committee of Grade 8 mothers. The Queen's Privy Council for Canada has about seventy memb- ers, chiefly present and former Ministers of the Crown, who re- tain membership for life. Mrs. Louise Craig returned Sunday from Victoria Hospital where she underwent surgery. Sgt and Mrs. A. Horton re- turned to Greenwood, NS after spending a week with the latter's mother, Mrs, V. Hennessey. Mr. and Mrs. Russell pass- more of Halifax visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Passmore and surprised them by entertaining their friends and relatives at their home, Sanders St, on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Ford and family, Grand Bend, Mr. Arthur Ford, Exeter, visited in Milton with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hern and family over the weekend. The men took in the hockey game Saturday evening. Mrs. Ford, who had spent the week in Mil- ton, accompanied them homeSun- day. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ford- ham, Kimberly Anne and Lisa Joanne of Windsor were weekend guests with Mrs. Jean Mair and Mrs. Ferguson. Lisa Joanne was baptized in James Street UC Sunday morn- ing. Sunday guests were Mrs. E. G. Lloyd, Miss Sheila Lloyd and Bill Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lloyd and sons Calvin and Jeff, all of Schomberg and Mr. E. Moore of Palmerston in honor of Mrs. Ferguson's 91st birthday which occurred Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacKen- zie of Lucknow visited with Mrs. Mrs. Pat Sullivan Jr. and new daughter arrived home from hos- pital Monday. This week there were student teachers from Teachers College London at Lady of Mt. Carmel School. Miss Arlene Desjardlne and friend of London, spent week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Des- Jardine. Misses Carolyn and Pe ggy Hall, Rita Hogan and Donna Voi- sin of London visited over week- end at their homes. Miss Theresa, Margaret and Fresh pork is fully cooked when it shows no sign of pink color when cut near the bone. 21/2 — 3 lb. average The Friendly Store That Saves You More Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls Boned and Rolled fresh Pork Butt Whytes Mix or Match • VEGETABLE BEEF • MUSHROOM • CREAM OF CHICKEN • CHICKEN NOODLE Bologna Sliced or Piece Sweet Smoked rindless Devon Bacon 690 lb.690 3 Ibs.1.00 1 lb. pkg. 890 • SWEET MIXED • SWEET RELISH • HOT DOG RELISH • SWEET WAFER • HAMBURG RELISH 10 ounce tins 4 for 69 Premium Fancy PA oz. tins Red Sockeye Salmon 59t CLUB HOUSE Peanut Butter 151 off 2 lb jar 69R SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER 2 pkgs. of 12 ea. Superior Donuts suc7:,;'artartin' Libby's Fancy Quality 48 oz. tins TOMATO JUICE 2 for 694 E. D. Smiths CHERRY PIE FILL 20 oz, Crown Brand CORN SYRUP tins Clover Cream All Flavors Ice Cream y, 001. 79' SUNNY 6 oz. tins Orange Buy 3 tins get 1 free Deal 59 DEEP DISH 111,„59 i Pes Swansons — Beef; Turkey; Chicken Berryland from the heart of B.C. Fancy sliced Strawberries 15 oz. Pkg. 39 2 lbs. PANCAKE MIX Facelle Moclerne— Pink, White or Yellow FACE TISSUES Delsey White or Colored TOILET TISSUE 2 roll pkgs. Dads 2 pkg. deal OATMEAL COOKIES Mother Parker's No Sugar or Milk — Just add Water HOT CHOCOLATE 2 lb. Pkg. Pillsbury—Banana, White, Choc. Fudge, Devils CAKE MIXES Pillsbury Buttermilk or Regular 2 lb, Decanter 2 large Pkgs. 3c off 35 2910 83 39' 2/43 4/$1 490 790 19c 5 for 43 'Ve9eeedea New Texas Carrots 20 oz. cello Juicy Florida Pink or White Grapefruit St. Williams Asst'd Jams 9 oz. jars ST. WILLIAMS ASST'D JAMS 3 /6 90 Critelli 15( off 2 lb. bag READY CUT MACARONI 354, kSUPERIORI RUSSELL ELECTRIC 432 Main South EXETER 235.0505 We Are Open Friday Nights Tilt 9 I