HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-02-17, Page 5V ' FILL YOURS Times-Advocate, February 17, 1906 Ng. 5 Dinettes donate to three groups Hensa ll The liensall, Kinette Club met last Wednesday evening for which Mrs. Robert Caldwell was hos- tess at her home. A letter from the club's adopted daughter in Italy was read, Dona- and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 20272002 Mrs, Bertha MacGregor, Phone 20272025 Hensall WI hold guest night and card party axis of Five Dollars to March of Dimes; Fiye Dollars to Mental Health, and Twenty Five Dollars to the Local Association of Guid- ing were approved. Up to date the total collected for the March of Dimes from their recent canvass and donations amount to $209.00. This was a project of the club. During the social hour Mrs. Harold Honthron entertained with coloured slides of the Carribean cruise which she and her husband took recently. The raffle was won by the hostess Mrs. R, making of posters for Thinking Day which will appear in a.dOwn- town store window during the week of February 22, Enroll as guides Karen Broderick, Kay Davis, Jill Drysdale, Pam Mickle, Ruth Potter and Sheila Sangster made their Guide promise to District. Commissioner Mrs. Thos. Lav- ender and were enrolled as mem- bers of the 1st Hensel], Guide Company. Only one mother of the new Guides was unable to be pres- eat for the ceremony. mrs. Doug Cook supervised the Program convenors were Mrs. Fred Beer, Mrs. James Ben- gough; hostesses, Mrs. Inez Mc- Ewen, Mrs. Jarvis Horton. HENSALL MOTORS L. Hwy 4 South 262.2604 the winners were Mrs, Inez Mc- Ewen, Mrs. Glenn Bell; lone bands, Mrs. 'T. J. Sherritt; cro- kinole, Mrs. Clarence Reid; grapefruit contest, Mrs. J. Fer- guson and Mrs. A. J. Foster. Mrs. R. M. Peck acted as secretary- treasurer for Mrs. James Mc- Allister who was unable to be present. METEOR, COMET, MERCURY The February meeting of Hen- sallW.I. was observed as guest ni- ght attended by fifty including me- mbers and guests who were intro- duced in response to the roll call. The meeting held in the Legion Hall last Wednesday evening fea- tured a brief business meeting presided over by the president Mrs. Beverly Beaton. Members are asked to bring a shower of get well cards for the sick and shut ins to the March meeting. Eleven tables were in play for euchre and one for crokinole and Hensall PeeWees in semi-finals Hensel]. Pee Wees wonthe first game of the semi-finals defeating Zurich '7-0 at Hensall Arena Saturday night. Goals for Hensall were Gary Sararas (3); Rickey Parker (2); Bill Cameron and Larry Fer- guson singles. Gary Clement was outstanding in the net and up to date has seven shut outs to his credit. Monday February '7 in a game at Blyth Hensall defeated Blyth with a score of 5-0. Thursday night in an exhibi- tion game Centralia RCAF Pee Wees vs Hensall Pee Wees were tied with a 5-5 score. Long service employees honored Over 250 guests were on hand to watch the annual presentation of watches to long service employees of General Coach Works of Canada Ltd. (Hensall) held at the Exeter Legion Hall recently, J, K. Geary, plant manager, presented gold watches to 1.7 employees whose service has exceeded 10 years. In all a total of 188 years of service was recognized at this event. Back row left to right, Ray Schwalm, George Varley, Don McKaig, Garnet McClinchey, Don Kyle, Jack Geary (Plant Manager), Len Noakes, Klaas Van Wieren, Gordon Schwalm, Gene Ducharme, Bill Rooseboom; Front row, left to right, Ken Coombs, Garfield Broderick, Ed, Bennewies, Heilke Berends; Absent, Gerald Moir, J. McLellan, tt, Coopmans. Deputy Governor Kinsmen guest The Hensall Kinsmen Club held its dinner meeting Thursday evening and bad as guests Deputy Governor Paul Van Londersele, and Keith Dol, of Delhi, with Gov. Londersele presenting a report on their Kinsmen project. Other guests included Pat Bel- inger, Jack Rutherford, Ken Candler, Ed Taylor, Walt Finnie, of Stratford, who brought up the Raiders Trophy and presented it to the Hensall Club who, in turn, will present it to some other club, and Jim Clark, a guest, and former member, prior to his leaving for Palmerston. Plans for the annual Sham- rock Ball at Hensall Community Centre March 25 were made. The meeting approved donations to the Sick Childrens Hospital, Toronto, Canadian Mental Health, and March of Dimes. Hensall personals son, leave this weekend by car for a three weeks vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle spent Tuesday in Kitchener vis- iting their daughter and son-in- law Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mac- Millan and family. United church elect officers Installation of newly-elected Stewards, Ross Corbett, Mrs. Ron Mock, Douglas Mann and Elgin Rowcliffe, was observed at the morning service in Hen- sail United Church, Sunday Feb- ruary 20 is Thinking Day for Guides and Brownies when they will be guests for the morning worship. The committee of Stewards met recently to elect executive of- ficers and standing committees, Elected as chairman was Wilmer Ferguson ; secretary, Ronald Wareing; treasurer, Mrs. P. L. McNaughton; envelope secretary, Mrs. David Kyle; Church maintenance commit- tee, James McGregor, A s a Dee- yes, Cecil Pepper; representa- tives to manse commitee, Ernie Whitehouse, Elgin Rowcliffe, Murray Traquair; finance com- mittee, Wilmer Ferguson, Mrs. P, L. McNaughton, Jack Drys- dale, Ross Corbett. 1965 METEOR 2-door hardtop, V8 au- tomatic, DEMO 1964 COMET, 2 door hardtop 289 with 225 h.p., sharp, A53173 1963 CHEVROLET, 4-door Belair, clean. Lic. A57840 1963 CHEVY 11 convertible, dont' wait for spring, A51481 1963 VOLKSWAGEN, radio, A74799 1962 CHRYSLER 2 -door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, A50125 1962 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan, 6 cyl. automatic, A51267 1961 CHEVROLET, 2-door automatic, low mileage, A49779 1961 METEOR 4-door, V8 standard, A53038 1960 PONTIAC station wagon, 4 -door, 6 cyl. standard, 91571X 1960 METEOR Wagon, 6 cyl., 4-door, standard, 91263X 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, a nifty bug, A50831 1959 METEOR, V8 automatic, 4 -door, A51300 The Baltimore Oriole Ronda, ten-month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wonna- cott, is a patient receiving treat- ment in Children's War Memorial Hospital, London. Mrs. Pearl Shaddick 01 Hay- field visited last week with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George parker and family. Mr. George Otterhien of Pres- ton visited over the weekend with his father, Mr. William Otter- bien. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Booge- mans of Burlington were weekend visitors with the latter's mother, Mrs. Pearl Passmore. Mrs. Wonnacott of London is visiting with her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wonnacott and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chaffe and sons of Mitchell were recent visitors with Mrs. Chaffe's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett and Al. The World Day of Prayer, will be held at the United Church Friday February 25 at 3 pm with HENSALL YOUTHS interested in forming own the theme “Ye are my witness- es". Chiselhurst, Carmel Pres- byterian and St. Paul's Angli- can Churches will take part in the service, The local association of Girl Guides and Brownies realized $'78 from their candy sale on Saturday In their canvass of the village. Jim Tudor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Tudor, left Thurs- day for Regina, Sask, where he has entered the RCMP training school, Mrs. John Soldan r e turned home Friday from St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where she was a patient for four weeks having undergone surgery. The Hensall Boy Scouts en- joyed a hike and a cookout at St Joseph's Saturday, Feb 12 with their leader Bill Ingram, when Larry ConsItt was inves- ted as a Scout. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Booge- mans, Burlington, were week- end guests with the latter's mo- ther, Mrs. Pearl Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Alderdice, and Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Wil- Teen Town contact 1949 INTERNATIONAL 1 ton, 202436 Kinette Club of Hensall Before Feb. 22 Phone: 262-2327 262-2130 OPEN NITES TIL 9 except Saturdays f019X,W.Nk ,44AX-04* 4 — Continued from page 4 ting around with your wife won- dering whether your son has eloped, has been kidnapped, has become a junkie, is on a drunk, or is lying dead in a ditch. Thus speculating, we took turns. She'd be white with ap- prehension, I'd be red with rage. Then we'd turn red and white simultaneously, she with anger, I with fear. And while we were thus en- gaged, do you know where he was? Wining and dining, playing a Steinway grand piano, in a swank apartment on Park Avenue, New York City, Next night, I phoned his room- mate. Yep, Mr. Smiley, he'd had a card from Hugh. From Green- wich Village. Having a ball. Next stop, Baltimore. This threw the whole family (Kim was in on it too, busting with excitement,) into one of the finest frenzies of rage and relief we've ever enjoyed. Suddenly, I had one of those rare flashes of insight which make people who don't know me think I'm a genius."Baltimorel" I cried. l'Ah-hal Baltimore." I reminded the Old Girl that she had a cousin studying at Johns Hopkins University, Haiti- UCW hold dinner and quilting bee Chiselhurst United Church Wo- men met last Tuesday combining a pot luck dinner and quilting. President Mrs. R. Taylor pre- sided, The devotional with the theme "God promises, we prepare", was led by Mrs. Clarence Cole- man. Missionary prayer was of- fered by Mrs. Torn Brintnell. Business was discussed and it was decided to continue with the quiltings. Further study on"Brazil" was given by Mrs. Percy Harris, Mrs. Jack Brintnell and Mrs. Ben Stoneman. Mrs. George Boa con- tributed a reading. Ground Beef i65.890 Loin Pork Chops lb. 79C Round, Sirloin or T-Bone Steak lb. 89 24 oz. tins Puritan Stews And Quick Dinners 2 for 89C PURE PORK Sausage 550 Talisman — Added Pectin 24 oz. Assorted Jams 2,0r 8V Extra Large, Sunkist #1, size 88 ORANGES doz. 590 wigmummt STORE HOURS—Closed all day every Mon. day. Open till 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednes., day, Thursday and Saturday. Open Friday evening until 9 p.m. more. She said I was crazy, he wouldn't dare go there, and if he had, Cousin Pat would have phoned. I insisted. She called, got Cousin Pat and his wife in jig- time. My wife didn't want to sound like a complete moron and ask if Hugh were there. So she asked gaily, “How is the boy?" (They'd had a baby boy a few months previously.) Cousin Pat retorted, "Yours or mine?" And the Baltimore Oriole, as he is now known inthe family, was in the net. Almost. He came on the line, ""H1 Mom. How are you?" Gay as an oriole. Innocent as a novice nun. When his mother was able to talk, she told him, for 20 minutes, how she was, and what he was. Finally, Kim and I wrested the telephone from her, and I spent 45 seconds telling him to be home 'by the weekend. He was. Large as life, cheer- ful as a cherub. During the week- end, when he wasn't sleeping or eating or skiiing, he regaled us with his tale. He'd caught the urge to travel late Friday night. Struck off at 3 a.m., in ski jacket and jeans. Hitch-hiked. Caught rides with university sutdents, Negro ladies, hillbillies. Arrived New York with 20 cents. Went to coffee-house to keep warm. Ordered coffee. Waiter said, ,,Sixty-five cents." Hugh said, ""I've only got 20." Waiter took it. Read French novel and talked to junkies, students and assorted characters all night. Sold pint of blood in Times Square for $5. Ate. Later phoned gentleman musician he'd met in his summer job on cruise boat, who had foolishly said, Any time you're in New York, look me up." This chap and his wife met the ski-jacketed bum in jeans with warmth, fed him, enjoyed a musi- cal evening together, gave him sleeping quarters, and sent him on his way with $15 cash. Hitch-hiked to Baltimore. Had pleasant evening with Cousin Pat and wife Stephanie. Immediate plans to head for Florida and , visit with friends of ours then meander to New Orleans, where he knows a couple of girls he met at music camp, but foiled by parent& phone call. Returned home with $'7.88, cash. Disgusted with parents' attitude. After all, he'd sent us a card from New York. (We got it the day before he arrived home.) He's back at school, but there's still one thing bothering us. Kim can hardly wait to get started on her first trip. Pr nrf ur s Of Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware DIAL 2622015 HENSALL Betty Crocker B P isquick 2'/2 lb. kg O /19 TableSyrup p 32 oz. 63 Sp onge Monarch 9 oz, Pkgs- Puddings 4/9V Sanitary Napkins Kotex 12,s 3/$1 00 4 4A Supreme Brand 2 lb. poly bag French Fries HENSALL Frontenat Ice Cream y, Gal. 79+ Kraft 2 oz.. pkgs. "DINNERS 4,0,55 VSOM4k..: MITAi.1`.‘ Molting Barley and Bean Contracts BARLEY CONTRACTS BETZE a two rowed high yielding variety Seed & Fertilizer Supplied BEAN SEED QUALITY ONTARIO & MICHIGAN SANILAC & SEAWAY SEED grown from Foundation Stock CONTRACTS Seed & Fertilizer Supplied FERTILIZER Competitive Horriston Fertilizer BAGGED or BULK Available at Hensall E.L. MICKLE & SON LTD HENSALL PHONE 262-2714