The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-02-10, Page 16this Sunday, Wednesday afternoon
and during the evening throughout
the week,
578 Main South Exeter 235-2322
'63 MERCURY 4-door sedan, com-
pletely equipped, A66308
'63 MERCURY METEOR, V8 auto-
matic, radio, 39,000 miles,
'63 GALAXIE 2-door hardto p,
white, red interior, automatic,
radio, A74856
'63 MERCURY 4-door sedan, new
tires, white, V8 automatic, ra-
dio, A62316
1962 FORD 500 Galaxie, power
equipped. Lic. A76288
'60 FALCON 6 cyl. automatic, ra-
dio, A48114
'60 METEOR, 6 cyl., A59517
'59 FORD Tudor, 6 stick, A51170
'59 METEOR 4-door, 6 cyl., stick,
'59 BMC RILEY 1.5, 4-door se-
dan, 4 cyl., 4-on-the-floor,
'55 DODGE Pickup, C73348
Rea. 3.75
‘. 174041.1e1 2021rAgi Pak. . ISA A eiardiAns
410 greitiL
Further Details Next Week
International Harvester Farm Equipment
and Trucks.
Page 16 111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiilletejlenniumellil111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111i1111111 Times-Advocate, February 10, 1966 Council briefs Main Street UC officers
3rd annual carnival
for Centralia Base
By Ann Creech
The third annual International
Winter Carnival will be held at
RCAF Station Centralia, Satur-
day and Suaday, February 17 and
18, 1966,
The carnival will take the form
of an international hockey tourna-
ment and a figure skating show.
The local pee wees, bantams,
squirts and mites hockey teams
of Huron Park and MountCarmel
will compete against four visit-
ing teams from the Detroit,
Michigan area. Approximately
forty hockey players and ac-
companying parents will "in-
vade" Centralia on the Saturday
morning. The cars will arrive by
convoy and will be greeted by
G/C G. F. Ockenden, Mayor A.
Fiske and a drum majorette dis-
play. The afternoon activities
will include four hockey games,
and the skating majorettes will
put on a half time show,
Saturday evening, the Huron
Park Figure Skating Club, spon-
The UCW met their allocation
in 1965 and also donated $200
to the furnishing of Westininster
College, London, It was voted to
purchase a piano for the Sunday
School room.
Rev. H, S. Blitz presided for
the meeting and Jack Doerr acted
as secretary.
At the Main Street Church con-
gregational meetinglast Wednes-
day evening elected to the Ses-
sion were Messrs. Howard Ince,
Ken Johns, Mervin Grainger and
Fred Walters;
Appointed to the committee of
Stewards were Messrs Oscar
Tuckey, C. McDonald, Murray
Neil, Dave Cross, Bruce Shaw,
Fred Walters and Malcolm Hilts.
Trustees elected were Messrs
Jack Doerr, Harold Skinner, Ger-
ald Skinner, Cecil Wilson, Ross
Tuckey, B. W, Tuckey, C. Mc-
Donald and Gordon Baynham.
Let's try
sored by the Huron Park Council
and under the direction of Faye
MacDonald of Brussels, Ontario,
will put on their third annual ice
carnival. Over 100 children,
ranging in ages from 0 to 15
will present a program entitled
"Holiday on Ice". Guest artists
from the London and area will
perform with the club, Huron
park Figure Skating Club is a
member of the Canadian Figure
Skating Association and retain
the services of a qualified pro-
fessional instructor. Show time is
8:00 pm, at the Randall Arena,
No charge for admission,
On Sunday, the hockey finals
will be played off and the visit-
ing teams will leave for the De-
troit area at approximately 3;00
An invitation is extended to all
to enjoy the Winter Carnival and
from the attendance at last year's
carnival, it would be advisable
to get your seat early.
In October, 1965, there were
7,008,000 Canadians with jobs,
an increase of 290,000 from one
year earlier; unemployment to-
talled 171,000, a decrease of 86,-
000 from one year earlier.
Friday, Feb. 4, senior and
junior girls basketball teams
travelled to Listowel for their
games. Seniors won their game
33-17, but Juniors lost their
game 26-25, The boys from Lis-
towel were at SHDHS for their
games. Our Senior boys lost
54-44 and our junior boys also
lost. A very good effort was put
forth by our teams, but in the
future let's try a bit harder!
Tuesday, Feb. 8, senior and
junior girls travelled to Goderich
for games with their girls. Senior
and junior boys basketball teams
from Goderich played their
games at SHDHS.
Friday night (tomorrow), Feb.
11, there is going to be a big
bash at SHDHS. This is in support
of the Panthers, our boys' basket-
ball teams. Basketball games
will commence the evening and
this is to be followed by a dance,
featuring, and GIRLS, take a look
at this! David Lee King and The
Apostles. TI:e admission fee is
75e with a student card and $1.00
without. Absolutely no slacks will
A request from the Depart-
ment of National Defence, RCAF
Station Centralia asking for per-
mission to use Exeter's dumping
area has been referred to com-
mittee for careful study. The
request was brought before coun-
cil Monday evening. The agree-
ment would .be for the disposal
of garbage from married quart-
ers and would amount to about
17 truck loads per week. This
is nearly the amount of garbage
from Exeter which is collected
each week according to guesti-
mates of some councillors.
The Mayor's executive com-
mittee will study a letter from
the Department of Municipal Af-
fairs which indicates a town can
pass a by-law limiting the num-
ber of restaurants and garages
in a town. Members discussed
this question briefly at the last
meeting of council and decided
to write for information in re-
gards to this.
The town solicitor will be con-
sulted to find out whether the
town needs a by-law giving the
fire chief authority or whether
he already has this under terms
of the Fire Marshal's Act. The
question arose when fire chief
Irwin Ford told council last meet-
ing he didn't have any more au-
thority to make inspections than
the average man on the street.
A band committee has been
formed to administer the affairs
of the Exeter Marching Ambas-
sadors. In this way the band can
qualify for a grant. The matter
has been turned over to the RAP
committee who will have auth-
ority to make any grants to this
Members decided to support a
resolution from Goderich council
asking that federal.and provincial
subsidies on the operation and
maintenance of sewage disposal
systems be not less than 5Q per-
cent in view of the fact that these
plants are stopping pollution in
the great lakes,
James Paisley and Hugh Davis
have again been named to repre-
sent Exeter in the Ontario Parks
Association. James Paisley sug-
gested that this is one of the
most worthwhile organizations
operating in the country today.
Councillor C. V. Barrett in-
formed council a decision will
be asked soon as to whether they
wish to join one or both the de-
velopment associations in the
area. Up until last meeting Ex-
eter belonged to only the Mid
Western Ontario Development
Association but decided to join
the Lake Erie Regional Develop-
ment Association because this
is close to this area and has a
highly recommended program.
He told members there is likely
to be an increase in the cost of
MODA and the town will have
to decide whether they wish to
continue membership. He pointed
out this could be a crucial time
for the MODA as it is just start-
ing a new program and the lack of
financial support may cause
Council will have to be more
realistic when setting their bud-
get, is the opinion expressed by
councillor Ted Wright. He pointed
out that every councillor must
realize that prices are increas-
ing and they should be more hon-
est and factual when preparing
estimates for consideration in
the budget. "We all want to
hold the mill rate and we can
price ourselves right out of the
market", he said.
1965 CHEV SUPER SPORT 2-door hardtop. 8 cyl.
automatic, power brakes, power steering, radio
wheel discs. Lic. K61200.
1964 PONTIAC SUPER SPORT 2-door hardtop. 8 cyl
automatic, power brakes, power steering, radio
wheel discs. Lic. A48631.
1963 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-door, 8 cyl. automa-
tic, radio, wheel discs. Lic. A49112.
1963 CHEV BISCAYNE 4-door, 6 cyl. stick. Lic. 2942
1963 CHEV IMPALA 4-door, hardtop, 8 cyl. automatic,
power brakes, power steering, radio, wheel discs.
Lic. A48759.
Our original 12 months or 12,000 mile warranty in writing.
Remember - if you don't buy from TAYLOR you
will pay too much.
be allowed! David Lee King and
The Apostles are a very popular
young group of record artists.
I'm sure no one will want to miss
seeing them and I can assure one
and all that it will be a fun-
packed evening! So let's have
everyone out. The entire shebang
will get off the ground at 6;30
p.m, with the Junior Basketball
Our Senior Prom will be held
April 1, this year. A campaign
for Queen will be held during the
last week of March. This is a
time when all grades participate
in campaigning for their candi-
date for Queen. As the campaign
week and prom draw nearer, I
shall go into more detail on the
As everyone knows, the Lon-
don Free Press sponsors a Queen
and Leader Club each year. These
people are Grade 12 students
who have been chosen by a vote
of all their Grade 12 classmates.
As of yet, we have not submitted
our queen and our leader, but
please keep reading these col-
umns and one day you will see
our choice.
I watched Dick Williams'
"Wingding" on Saturday and quite
enjoyed it. Each week he has
students from different high
schools in the area on, to par-
ticipate in contests and the danc-
ing. It is a good show for teen-
agers. It would be an interesting
job for a group of enterprising
SHDHS students to try to organ-
ize a group from SHDHS for this
See you next week!
The Elimville Youth Fellow-
ship Club were in charge of the
church service Sunday morning
following Christian Youth Week.
Bill Jeffery, president of the
Young People's had charge of the
service. Douglas Rohde read the
scripture and Larry Skinner led
in prayer. Larry Lynn and Clifton
Webber received the offering.
Misses Kathy Hern, Margaret
Johns and Dianne Stone had the
sermon using as their theme
"The Prodigal Son" taken in
three parts, first the boy at
home; second, the boy grows
up and leaves home; third, the
man returns home. The rest of
the members of the Youth Fellow-
ship Club occupied the front pews
of the church.
There will be another euchre
at the hall, Monday evening, Feb.
21 at 8:30 pm.
Some MPs
not working
An article in the Feb 5 issue
of Maclean's Magazine can help
you decide before the next el-
ection whether your member of
parliament is a drone, a hell-
raiser or an effective legislator.
A chart drawn up by Douglas
Fisher, who sat in the Commons
himself until recently, bluntly
tells how to gauge your MP's
worth. And using his own set of
criteria, Fisher names some of
the doers and non-doers.
High on the list of non-doers,
says Fisher, are four men with
virtually no record of activity
in the Commons. They are George
Nixon ( Algoma West ), Todger
Mitchell ( Sudbury ), Jean-
Thomas Richard (Ottawa East)
and Marvin Howe (Wellington-
Unless you live in their riding,
says Fisher, you've probably
never heard of them. Yet Nixon
has been an MP for 25 years,
Richard for 20 and the other
wo for 12 years.
Among the members Fisher
considers effective — men who
are quick, questioning and full of
ideas — are Stanley Knowles
(Winnipeg North Centre), Donald
McDonald (Rosedale, Ontario)
and Clement Vincent (Nicolet-
Yamaska, Quebec).
And then there are the hell-
raisers; men like Frank Howard
(Skeena), Erik Nielsen (Yukon)
and Ralph Cowan (York-Humber).
Zurich phone: 236-4361 Exeter Lot: 235-1800
The annual congregational
meeting of Elimville church was
held Friday commencing with a
pot luck supper.
Rev. Andrew Boa presided
when reports of all organizations
were reviewed indicating activity
and interest in all groups. Wil-
liam Routly, clerk of the Session,
reported 174 resident members.
Howard Johns and Howard Pym
were elected to the Session along
with the other member s, Wm.
Routly, Horace Delbridge, Del-
mer Skinner and Gilbert Johns.
Stewards elected were Lorne
Elford, Lewis Johns, Gordon
Ford and Squire Herdman with
other members Ross Skinner,
John Batten, Franklin Skinner,
Freeman Horne, John Miners
and Mrs. John Batten.
New trustee elected was John
Ridley, with the others, Elson
Lynn, Philip Johns, Harold Bell
and Amos Herdman.
It was agreed to put The Ob-
server in every home of the con-
James Street UC
youth service
In observance of Youth Sunday
at James Street United Church
Sunday morning young people took
the major part of the service.
Misses Jane Southcott and
Mary Jane Sanders, who were
this year's delegates of the
church to the Toc Alpha Youth
Conference at Niagara Falls par-
ticipated with the latter reading
the Scripture lesson and the
former telling of their experi-
ences at Toc Alpha. She told of
the inspiration of over 600 teen-
age delegates working together
for teen-agers and the impact of
the splendid speakers they heard.
Mr. Malcolm Hiltz, member
for Huron of the Older Boys'
parliament held at Queen's Uni-
versity, Kingston, told of the
discussions on proposed bills in
the sessions, the theme of which
was "Where Do I Fit In". He
spoke in his own church, Main
Street United the previous Sun-
day morning.
Misses Brenda Dinney and
Louise McBride sang a duet.
• '0, O.*? 44:0 —I •
We are no longer open Sundays, however we'll be
glad to look after you if you are stuck.
Mrs. Harold Kerslake and baby
daughter returned home Friday
from South Huron Hospital.
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Routly visited
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Don
Willcox and family of Kitchener.
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Pym,
Elaine and Margaret visited Mon-
day with Mr. & Mrs. Bert Lobb
of Clinton.
The Usborne Central School
choir sang three selections at the
service at Elimville Church Sun-
day evening under the leadership
of Mr. Allen Taylor of Exeter.
Rev. Andrew Boa was in charge
assisted by three members of
the CGIT, Miss Debra Hern read-
ing the scripture, Miss Janice
Johns giving the offertory pray-
er and Miss Marlene Stewart
announcing the closing benedic-
tion. The ushers receiving the
offering were Ralph Batten, Ron-
nie Webber, Dennis Brock and
Jimmy Skinner.
Guest speaker for the evening
was Mr. Malcolm Hilts of Ex-
eter, a representative of the
Older Boys' Parliament held at
Kingston. Mrs. Philip Johns at
the piano and Mrs. Freeman
Horne at the organ provided the
music for the service. Miss Ja-
nice Morley assisted the choir on
the piano and Miss Sandra Skin-
ner sang a solo.
The Elimville WI Euchre was
held Monday evening at the hall.
There were nine tables in play.
Winners were: ladies' high,
Mrs. Hazel Coward; gent's high,
Mr. Laverne Skinner; lone hands,
Mr. Grant Skinner; low, Mr. Wm.
Browne; lucky cup, Mr. Alvin
Cooper. Winner of the box of
groceries was Mr. Laverne Skin-
1966 RAMBLER American.. 4 door; 6 automatic. Less than
1,100 miles. Lic. A-57340
1965 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan. Low mileage. Lic. A-48327
1965 GALAXIE 500 sedan. Loaded, 16,000 miles. Lic. A.55750
1964 METEOR, V-8 coach. Automatic, radio. Lic. A-49295
1963 FAIRLANE V-8 sedan. Stick. Lic. A-95049
1961 FORD sedan, 6, automatic. Lic, A-52698
1959 PONTIAC wagon, 6 stick. Lic. X-61745
1961 FALCON sedan, new motor. Lic. A-49468
1958 METEOR sedan, a nice one. Lic. A-50480
1957 CHEVROLET, 2 -door hardtop. V-8 automatic, radio.
Lic. 199862
AND MANY MORE Clare, Veryl and Janette were
Saturday evening guests of Mr.
& Mrs. Wm. Jones.
Conrad Milton Luther, 69, Gor-
rie, formerly of this community,
died in Wingham District Hospital
after a lengthy illness.
He was born in McGillivray
Township and while he was quite
young the family moved to Us-
borne Township. He farmed there
until retiring to Gorrie five years
He is survived by his wife,
the former Madge Doupe, one
daughter, Mrs. Gordon (Anne)
Moir, Gorrie, sisters, Mrs. Her-
bert (Pearl) Bissett, Mrs. Char-
les (Hazel) Jeffery, both of Ex-
eter, Mrs. Gertrude Reede r,
London; one brother George,
The funeral service will be
held Thursday, February 10 at
2 pm at the Hopper-Hockey fu-
neral home, Exeter, conducted
by Rev. R. Sweeney of Gorrie
and Rev. S. E. Lewis of James
Street United Church, Exeter.
Mrs. Z. Gallinger of London
spent the weekend with Mr. &
Mrs. Grant McCorquodale.
Mr. & Mrs. Clare Sisson en-
tertained in honor of their grand-
daughter Debbie Grasby's fourth
birthday Sunday. Their guests
were Mr. & Mrs. Fred Petch.
Mrs. Ethel Marshall, Strathroy,
Debbie's parents, Mr. & Mrs.
Lawrence Grasby and Linda of
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Thacker
visited Wednesday evening with
Orville Langford of Centralia.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Langford
attended the at home at Stratford
Teachers' College Friday even-
Mr. Kenneth Langford attended
the Milk Producers' Convention
in Toronto Tuesday.
Mr. & Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • •
S • • •
• • • •
1964 DODGE, 440 sedan, automatic, radio, black with red
trim. Low mileage. Lic. 778601
1964 CHRYSLER Windsor sedan with all the luxury features
of a truly fine car. Power steering, power brakes,
radio. Balance of 5-50 warranty. Lic. 86628
1964 .PONTIAC Parisienne 2-door hardtop. Power steering,
power brakes, radio, V8. A beauty. Lic. A52311.
1964 PLYMOUTH 4-door station wagon, slant 6 engine, radio.
Balance of 5-50 warranty, Lic. 91023X.
1962 CHEVROLET 2, Nova hardtop, 6 cyl. automatic.
Lie. A49781
• : WHY WAIT in line for your 1966 licence
TRADE TODAY for new Dodge or fine used car with
• • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
1961 FORD pick up, style side, long box. Lic. C-67334
1957 DODGE 500, chassis and cab, 174" w.b. She's OK.
Lic, C-72931
1965 IHC TDS, Drott loader, Still has paint on
the tracks
1964 FORD, 4,000 rowcrop diesel, selecto speed.
Very low hours
1961 PORDSON Super Maio'', in good shape
1956 IHC 400 Diesel
1957 FORD 641 gas, new tires, motor
1960 DEXTA Diesel, live PTO
OLIVER baler, in above average shape
THORO SNOWBLOWER and edger, reg. $489
overhauled $1,550
1962 CHEVROLET BELAIRE sedan, A real honey with
radio and red interior, Lie. A52737.
• 1962 CHRYSLER sedan with radio and full power equipment,
• A local low mileage trade-in. Lie, A50142,
• 1960 DODGE sedan, 6 cyl. standard transmission,
O Real clean. Lie. 2036E
• 1959 CHRYSLER sedan, all power, Lie. A49780. See this one.
235.1250 gh
4; •
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216 Main South, Exeter MOTO 235-1640 EXETER
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