The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-02-10, Page 13Lucan Bantams were winners of the Lucan Langford Lumber trophy at the sixth Bantam tournament in Lucan arena Saturday, January 29. In back row, left to right are Carol Nichols (coach) Allan Kraul, Dennis Carty, Jimmie Hearn, Tom Hodgins, Bobby Evans, Bert Yens, Jimmie Nagle, Bruce Haskett, Gary Grudge (manager); second row, David Revington, John Savage, Ricky DeBlock, Mike O'Neil, Jene Seifried (goalie), Gordon Hardy, Bruce Parnell, Jim Macklem; front, holding the trophy two Squirts Cecil Nichols and Randy Kraul. , , photo by Engel Lucan students in show Thursday and Friday the staff and students of Medway High School staged their 16th annual variety show "Medway Meanders Through the East" to a capacity filled auditorium. Lotus ponds, Japanese gard- ens, kimono-clad performers, all added to the oriental them e. Plays, skits, solos and band num- bers highlighted the program. Lucan and district students were well represented in the following departments, concert band, Larry Armstrong, Wendy Elston, Louise Cochrane, David Sandra Abbott, Carol Munn, Nancy Watson, Bob Bobor, Wayne Hodgins, and Tom Kestle. Teahouse of the August Moon, Marilyn Hearn and Nancy Park; skit 12 B, Anne Culbert, Sheila Elston, Dave Parker; skit 12 Des., Linda Ankers, Carol Latta, Larry Lewis, Leroy Maguire and Lynda Young; back stage, Leslie Carling, Harold Herbert and Jim Nace; ushers, JudyDickey, Sher- rie Nace, Susan Shipway and Marilyn Smith; stage crew, David Goddard, Larry Lewis and Jim Parker and photography, Ann Elston and Tony Thewnissen; Jr. Band, Bonnie Bobor, Joyce But- ler, Jane Corbett, Wendy Cron- kite, Wendy Elston, H e a th e r Froats; stage band, David Elston; "Sixteen", Sandra Abbott, Wendy Cronkite, Doris Culbert, Wendy Elston, Jane Crozier, Anne Cul- bert, Sheila Elston, M ar ily n Hearn, Larry Armstrong, Bob Arnold and David Elston; solo, Wendy Elston, accompanied by her sister Sheila; at the Inn of the Lotus Blossom, Nancy Kestle, Larry Armstrong, Bonnie Bobor, Wendy Cronkite, Carol Haskett, GRADE 'A' RKEYS GOVERNMENT ' INSPECTED • FRESH BROILERSV6 • FROZEN A R _E 17-22-LB. AVERAGE ALL PRICES tiFICTIVR US, R.12 INCLUSIVE WE RESERVE THE EIGHT TO Vilir LIAM .N.4kia AUANTITIIS Another New Service by 1 Larry Ditty ... • . -14 a a ;a ao ^ • a • t;, • v„. e ,e{'7•;5,7;;;;;'5.,?;; ;•':>;‘,..4"/ 4 • LUCAN TAXI OPERATING 24 HOURS CALL: 227-4728 REMEMBER IF YOUR WELL RUNS DRY — WE HAUL WATER ALL YEAR ROUND WRECKER SERVICE NAL 24 HOURS 4 Pkgs. 1•00 "ENCYCLOPEDIA of CANADIAN CUISINE" TOP VALU ASSORTED by Jehame Benoit BUY A SECTION A WEEK SECTION NO, 1 SECTION NO. 2-12 BINDER CHOCOLATES 14-1,7.. 79c ONLY 290 ca. ONLY 99 ° ea. ONLY 99 eo. PLUS 25 EXTRA FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS TOP VALU MARASCHINO WITH THE PURCHASE OF BINDER AND EACH SECTION CHERRIES 1F1:7: 79g usx 1 GRAPEFRUIT SHIRLEY GAY NYLONS SIZES 8 1/2 -11 29, Size 96's Pair YORK Peanut iv, oz ice Butter box ler SUNKIST NAVEL, SIZE 163's 45 ORANGES 2 Dot 6P Times-Advocate, February 10, 1966 Page 14 11, 11411410111111101114M1111411011411M114MOM11111,01111111M}411,WASIttittilltittoMOMtlictlifittfi{0,404 4144}tilie414.11 Luccin Personal Items "sum's" . ,,,,1,11I ,,,, ,, mmomio,fil ,,,,,,, Hitoloon ,,,,,,, 1111W1114.11111,HOH1410114141101Et don Horsemanship Club banquet, held in the Moose Hall, London. Mr. Crozier is president of the club. Mrs. Irene Hicks and son of Flint, Mich" were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Harold MerallS. Rev, & Mrs. Harry Donaldson of Seaforth were gtiests of the Rev, & Mrs, G. W, Sach last Tuesday. Mr. & Mrs. Norman lianicala Of Detroit were weekend guests of the latter's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Aljoe Culbert, Sonia Coleen Saunders, two year-old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Saunders of London, is spending a month with her great grandmother, Mrs. A. R. Wilkin- son. Phoo• 2,27,4255 C,017,I$13004sat Miis Una Abbott Mrs. Jane Somerville has re- turned home after spending afew days with relatives and friends in St. Marys, Prospect Hill and At- wood. Mrs. James Bawtenheimer and boys of Sarnia were Sunday pests with Mrs, Bawtenhelmer's par- ents Mr. & Mrs, Cecil Robb of Main St., Lucan. Last Tuesday Rev, G. W. Sach and Mrs. Sheridan Revington at- tended a religious recruiting va- cation meeting in the Ailsa Craig United Church where plans were made for a dinner Feb. 27, in the Parkhill United Church. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Brock of Thorndale were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Don Abbott and Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott. Mrs. Samford Butler of Dor- chester was a Sunday guest of her sister, Mrs. W. R. Wilkinson and family. Mrs, Frank Hardy of Lucan and Mr. & Mrs, Jack Knight of Kin- tore, returned Friday from a three and one-half week holiday in Florida. Mrs. Hardy spent a week with her sister-in-law, Mrs. M elv e Shoebotham of Harriman, Tenn. and then joined the others, Although they enjoyed the trip they were disappointed with the cool weather. Mrs. Earl Atkinson entertain- ed Mr. & Mrs. Don Maguire and family and Mr. & Mrs, Harvey Latta and family last Sunday in honor of Leroy Maguire's birth- day. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hamiltonof London, were Monday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hamilton. Mr, & Mrs. Ron Crozier and Jane, Saturday attended the Lon- Still canvass March of Dimes Mrs. Lloyd Mason, captain of the March of Dimes 1966 cam- paign, reports that she was able to secure 20 village canvassers. Owing to the bad weather, the canvass, which is sponsored by the Legion Auxiliary, is not yet completed but up to date $100 has been handed in. Legion Ladies' Auxiliary meets The Legion Auxiliary meeting was held last Tuesday in the Le- gion Hall and plans were made for catering for a London bowling banquet in May and for the Jr. Farmers Feb. 11. The date for the third Figure Skating Ice Review, under the direction of Mrs. Anna Chapman, was set George, Kimono-clad hostesses Linda Churchill and Jane Gleason, in- troduced the numbers. The cornerstone, for the $35,000 extension to Lucan United Church was laid Sunday by two members of the session, John Park, recording secretary (right) and Wilbert Stanley (left). . , photo by Engel Council will seek better intersection Lucan and, district news Dedicate UC cornerstone Sunday, Feb, 6, was another Red Letter Day in the history of Lucan's 103 year-old Unit ed Church for on that date a corner- stone donated by John B. Pryde of Exeter was laid for the $35,- 000 church extension. Rev. Clarence E. Beacon, BA, chairman of the Middlesex Pres- bytery, speaking on "The Church and its Mission", was the guest speaker at the 11 o'clock service, after which Sr. and Jr. choirs and congregation went outside for a brief cornerstone laying cere- mony, in charge of the pastor, the Rev. G. W. Sach. J. Donald McGugan, the archi- tect and Harry Van Boxmeer, contractor, made the necessary preparations, and two senior members of the session, John park (recording secretary) and Wilbert Stanley laid the stone, after which the chairman of the Presbytery pronounced the bene- diction. Many know school queen When the Dorchester High School chose Eleanor Elsie Fitz- simmons as its representative for the London Free Press Queens' Club Contest, the choice was of particular interest to many in and around Lucan, as Eleanor is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Evan Hodgins of the Coursey Road. When Eleanor was six weeks old, her mother died and Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins took her and raised her until she was 2 1 /2 years old. Eleanor is an 18 year old Grade 12 pupil. She has won the senior girls' track and field champion- ship and is a prefect Girl Guide lieutenant, a member of the Jr. Farmers, plays inter-house bas- ket-ball and volley-ball and is on the track and field team. Her ambition is to be a dental assistant. A product can be small, yet very important in Canada's ex- port picture. The Department of Trade and Commerce cites fountain pens, with 1965 exports of more than $500,000. More Lucan News Page 15 Centralia Farmers Supply Ltd. Grain • Feed • Cement Building Supplies Coal 228-6638 known. Dog tags and licenses were increased to partially cover higher collection costs. Tax for male dogs will now be $2.50 and female $4.50 but kennel licenses will remain $10, Previously the assessor collected the fees onhis rounds but this practice has been discontinued. Elmer E. Summers was ap- pointed building inspector and dog-tax collector at a salary of $275.00. The Road Supervisor was au- thorized to advertise for tenders for crushing and hauling 8000 cu. yds. of gravel with March 1 clos- ing date for tenders, At the meeting of the Biddulph Council, last Tuesday Reeve Wil- son Hodgins and Road Supervisor Douglas Tuttle were authorized to meet with Highway Officers re- garding the improvement of the corner of Concession 6 Biddulph and No. 4 Highway. Tax arrears for 1965 totaling $29,978 will be turned over to the county treasurer for collec- tion. Unpaid 1963 and 64 taxes total $14,326. Action on a Granton police village request for a tax-sharing agreement with the council was deferred for a month to enable Granton to elect a replacement for trustee Henry Wissel who died recently. At present there are only two trustees, Gordon Dann and Fred McDonald, (secre- tary) . It was Mr. Dann who presented the request. The Mu- nicipal Act states that a town- ship may provide a police village with a reduction for special vil- lage projects. Last year no re- duction was agreed upon but late in the year $2100 rebate was voted. A ruling was made that all persons applying for a tile drain- age loan, be required to first have a survey of the proposed drains made by a Department of Agriculture engineer. The school board requested the council to provide asphalt pave- ment from the highway to a point east of the school, but the council felt nothing could be done until the plans for the highway were SCOTTIES (Asst'd Colours) LOL euchre The L.O.L. 493 held an eight table euchre in the Lodge Room last Wed. evening. High score prizes went to Mr. Laurence Becket, & Mrs. Oliver Jacques, lone hand prizes to Mr. Wilfred Millard & Miss Lina Abbott and low score prizes to Mr. Jim Haggit & Mrs. Clarence Davis. Mr. Harry Weber won the box of groceries, The next game will be on Feb. 16. ATTEND CAMP MEETING Mrs. Murray Hodgins attended a Kee-Mo-K.e Camp meeting, at Erskine Unified Church, Lon- don, last Wednesday. AYLMER CANADIAN STYLE p Facial Tissues4 rof400 400 BEANS WITH PORK 8115-:.$1.00 TOP VALU VALENTINE'S CANDY • CINNAMON HEARTS, 7 1/2 -oz. pkg. • GUMS, 101/2-oz. pkg. • JELLY BEANS, 9-ox. pkg. • HEARTS, 5-oz. pkg, MONARCH PARCHMENT IN TOMATO SAUCE HUNT'S TOMATO CATSUP 211-"' SHIRLEY GAY 3 Pikl9135 890 MARGARINE DAVID'S BISCUITS • NEAPOLITAN 10 1/4 -ox. Btls. 24-oz. Family Size Pie APPLE PIE 35c 39c MINUTE MAID ORANGE JUICE 2 6-Z450 Pkgs. • B-B MIX 9 1/2 -ax. • PUFFS 10-ox, McCORMICK'S Crackers or Saltines 2 1-lb. 79c Pkgs. 89e BETTY at ART'S IGA trend Bead DARLING'S IGA Exeter, Lucdn