HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-02-03, Page 5HENSALL
Hwy 4 South 262.2604
Mrs. Blighton Ferg underwent
brain surgery in Victoria. Hos-
pital last week,
Flowers in the United Church
sanctuary Sunday morning last
were in memory of the late Mrs.
Lorne Webster, placed there by
her family,
Hensall Bantams defeated Sea-
forth Bantams 3-2 in a game at
Seaforth Monday evening. Goal
getters Billy Hoy With 1 and Mur-
ray Walker, 2. Goalie was Johnny
Mrs. Pearl Shaddick of Hay-
field and Mr. Bill Shaddick of
London spent the weekend at
their home.
Miss Cindy Parker visited over
the weekend with her grand-
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Harol d,
Parker and Patsy.
Mrs. Wilbert Dilling who has
been a patient in South Huron
Hospital, Exeter returned home
Pte George Sweeney, returned
to Fort Lennard Worth, Mis-
souri after spending a leave with
relatives and friends at Hensall
and Zurich.
Miss Ann Lawrence of London
was a recent visitor with her
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Hilliard
Mr. Len Geddes of Wingham
visited recently with his brother-
in-law and sister, Mr. & Mrs.
Keith Wonnacott and family.
Mr. & Mrs. William Baker
and family have moved into their
newly erected residence.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bell and
family of Thamesville were re-
cent visitors with Mr. & Mrs.
Wm. H. Bell.
S/Sgt Ronald MacKinnon, Camp
Borden, Mr. & Mrs. William
MacKinnon, London, spent the
weekend with Mrs. Donald Mac-
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Lindsay and
family, Hamilton, were weekend
guests with Mrs. John Henderson
and family.
Miss Sylvia Henderson has ac-
cepted a position on the staff of
the Bank of Montreal, Hensall,
commencing her duties Tuesday,
February 1.
Mrs. James Coleman of
Churchill, Man., Miss Audrey
Coleman of Toronto, Miss Joan
Fianna, Toronto, visited over the
weekend with Mr. & Mrs, James
Sangster and Bradley and Mrs.
Coleman's daughter, Mrs. Larry
Jones a n
n d hr Chris..
will be observed
at Hensall WI February meeting
in 'the Legion Hall Wednesday,
Marshall all of Kirkton, FeMbis9saItri8s: 1M5 p
was a weekend guest with Miss
Ann Mickle,
Mr. ROSS Love, Mrs. Ken Mc-
Kay, Kippen; Mrs. Robert Love,,
London and Mrs. J. H. McEwen,
Hensall visited with Mr, Glenn
Love in Toronto Sunday.
Clerk Earl Campbell and Mrs.
Campbell are vacationing bl
fornia for the monthof February.
Mrs. John Soldan underwent
surgery at St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, Monday of this week,
Stainless Steel Sinks
Wide rim for perfect seal with counter.
Acid and stain resistant.
Complete with basket type strainers.
Undercoated to help muffle sound.
Single bowl ledge back
$1 8 " 20" x 20%2" x 7"
Award winner
S. Thomas Lavender, a native of
Hensall and former SHDHS gra-
duate has been awarded an Ath-
lone Fellowship for post graduate
studies in Great Britain. The a-
ward covers travel, living and
tuition costs for up to two years
and is valued at $5,000. Mr. La-
vender is now with a Niagara
Falls firm of consulting engin-
eers. He plans to study for his
Master's degree at Swansea Uni-
versity College in Wales. lie is
married with one child.
Mrs. L.S. Webster
After a brief illness in Seaforth
Community hospital, Thursday,
Jan. 27, the death occurred of
Mrs. L. Webster, in her 84th
The former Ethel Ada Law-
rence, she was the widow of the
late Lorne Webster, who prede-
ceased her in 1960.
She was born in McKillop town-
ship and after her marriage, lived
on farms near Lucknow, for five
years and the next 35 years
in McKillop coming to Seaforth in
1946 where she has since lived.
She was a member of Northside
United Church, Seaforth, always
taking an active interest there
and in the community. She was a
life member of United Church
She is survived by five daugh-
ters; Mrs. Edward Holland (Mae)
Toronto; Mrs. William Dodds
(Pearl), Seaforth; Mrs. Clendon
Christie (Audrey) Hensall; Mrs.
Robert Watson (Lulu) Seaforth;
Mrs. Eric Richter (Freda) New
Hamburg; five grandchildren,
four great-grandchildren and one
brother, Frederick Lawrence,
Funeral services were held
Saturday, Jan. 29 from G. A.
Whitney Funeral Home. Rev. J. C.
Britton of Norths ide United
Church officiating.
Pallbearers were William
Babcock, Toronto, Donald Dodds,
Seaforth, Fred McGregor,
Brucefield, James Moull, Lon-
don, James Hogg, McKillop, El-
don Kerr, Kippen.
Temporary entombment fol-
lowed in Pioneer Memorial Mau-
Mrs. R. Turner
Funeral services for the late
Mrs. Rebecca Turner, 82, of
Clinton, who passed away Sunday
at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. John Duckworth, Goderich,
were held from the Beattie Fu-
neral Home, Clinton, Tuesday
with burial at Hayfield cemetery.
The former Rebecca Sherritt,
she was the widow of John T.
Surviving are sons, Robert,
Auburn; James and Thomas, both
of Clinton; daughters, Mrs. Edgar
(Annie) Allan, Brucefield; Mrs.
Norman (Mary) Griffiths, Niag-
ara Falls; Mrs. Drew (Kather-
ine) Fowler, London; Mrs. John
(Shirley) Duckworth, Goderich;
brother, Thomas J. Sher rit t,
Hensall; sisters, Mrs. Louise
Spaulding, Florida; Mrs, D. H.
(Dora) Burley, Almonte, Mich.,
Mrs. Leslie (Nona) Caldwell,
Pr miurtC Of
Sales with
Hensall personals
and district news
Mrs, Maude Hedden, Phone 262-2002
Mrs. .Bertha MacGregor, Phone 202-205
Congregational meet
held in new building
Page 5
The congregation of Hensall
United Church sat down to a boun-
tiful dinner prepared by the UCW
in the new Christian Education
building prior to their annual
business meeting Wednesday
evening January 26.
A rousing singsong with vari-
ous members contributing im-
promptu numbers followed with
Mrs. Wm. Fuss at the piano. Mur-
ray Traquair entertained, with
piano instrumentals and Joyce
Flynn delighted with two solo
numbers. This was followed by
a brief devotional period led by
the minister Rev. Harold F. Cur-
rie. Minutes were read and re-
corded by Bill Mickle, clerk of
the congregation. All reports
were reviewed and received as
printed and on hand for all to use.
The Session report was given by
Clerk Walter Spencer.
Howard Scene reported for the
nominating committee. New ap-
pointments to Board of Session
are; Vern Alderdice, Laird Mick-
le, William Mickle, Clarence
Smillie; elected to committee of
stewards, Elgin Rowcliffe, Ross
Corbett, Asa Deeves, and Douglas
Mann; auditors, Victor Pyette
Wed 50 years
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Consitt, Hensall, celebrated their golden wedding
anniversary, Saturday, when friends and relatives gathered to wish
them well. Mrs. Consitt was the former Ethel ?We of Blake. They
have two sons, Roy, Kippen, and Jack, Hensall, and seven grand-
children, They retired to Hensall 10 years ago. photo by Phillips
and Harry Horton; ushers, Wil-
mer Ferguson (head usher), Roy
Brock, Gerald Flynn, Ross Cor-
bett, Cecil Pepper, Eric Mans-
field, Doug Cooper, Grant Mac-
Lean, Douglas Mann, Steve Kyle,
Bruce Horton, David Taylor.
The committee of Stewards
report with James McGregor as
chairman and Mrs. Peter Mc-
Naughton as treasurer showed
that all local commitments have
been met with a balance on hand
as well as the M & M being in-
creased over last year.
The 1966 budget prepared and
presented by Lorne Hay was ac-
cepted by the congregation. The
treasurer's report for the United
Church Women given by Miss
Mary Goodwin showed that the
allocation of $1,400 had been met
as well as contributing to the
building committee, committee of
stewards, Christian Education
committee and the furnishing
funds of both Westminster Col-
lege and the new dining hall at the
Goderich Summer School camp
Mr. Elgin Rowcliffe expressed
appreciation to Miss Mary Good-
win for her untiring efforts in
printing the weekly church bul-
Words and acts of apprecia-
tion to Rev. and Mrs. Currie
were extended by Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Elder on behalf of the
Kerr's Korner
— Continued from page 4
have a great deal of respect for
both Robert Allan and Gordon
Hill, both capable speakers who
have devoted a great deal of
time in attempting to present
their respective positions to the
growers. There are no personali-
ties involved in this question,
only principles. I have listened
to the arguments from both sides,
I have read the price Waterhouse
and Company report and the sub-
sequent study of this.
As an impartial observer, with
no axe to grind with either side,
I have come to the conclusion
that the proposal is wrong. As a
further prediction I say this vote
will fail. It has already cost the
resignation of two top men from
farm commodity groups as well
as, untold dollars and has creat-
ed hard feelings. When it is over
we would like to see a strong
marketing board once more de-
voted to supplying advise rather
than facilities for growers.
just PeeWees win
Hensall Pee Wees defeated
Blyth 7-1 in a WOAA hockey game
here Saturday night at the local
arena scoring five goals in the
third period with Blyth scoring 1.
Hensall goal getters were Billy
Cameron (2); Ricky Parker (2),
Gary Sararas, Doug Mock and
Brian Campbell each scored a
single. W. McDougall had the lone
marker for Blyth.
Next game at Hensall is this
Saturday night Feb. 5 at 7 pm
Mitchell vs Hensall.
1963 FORD 1/2 ton, excellent, sharp.
1949 INTERNATIONAL 1 ton, 202436
Storm hampers
March of Dimes
Battling snow drifts and wea-
ther elements sixteen Kinettes
and volunteers canvassed the vil-
lage of Hensall Monday evening
for the March of Dimes campaign
and collected $191.63, with more
donations to come in. The canvass
lasted one hour. They found the
support and co-operation of the
residents wonderful.
Marching Mother was Mrs.
Grant McGregor; general chair-
man, Mrs. Wm Fuss; finance,
Mrs. John Baker; recruiting,
Mrs. Robt Caldwell; supply and
publicity, Mrs. Harold Caldwell;
This is a project of Hensall
Kinette Club.
except Saturdays
Parade of Values
Mr. Frank L. Forrest was
elected people's warden, and Mr.
E. J. Roberts was re-appointed
rector's warden at the annual
vestry meeting of St. Paul's Ang-
lican Church, Hensall last Sun-
day evening. The meeting was
preceded by a congregational pot-
luck supper.
In his annual report to the
congregation the Rector, the Rev.
J. Philip Gandon, commended
the congregation for meeting
their commitments in full during
1965 to the Diocesan budget, Ang-
lican World Mission, and to the
maintenance of the rectory in
Exeter. At the same time a
considerable amount of work had
been accomplished on the church
building, including the painting
of the church interior.
The meeting accepted with
thanks the gift of a picture —
Raphael's "Madonna and Child".
This picture has hung for many
years over the altar of the Ang-
lican church in Varna. The Varna
Church was recently closed, and
the rector of Hayfield offered
the picture to the Hensall con-
gregation. It was originally a
Elect new officers
for St. Paul's Church
gift of the Aldwinkle family to
Varna, and Mrs. Aldwinkle is
now a member of St. Paul's
Church, Hensall. The p i c tu r e
will hang behind the pulpit.
In other business it was de-
cided to open a 'carpet fund' to
replace the chancel and sanctu-
ary carpeting which is very badly
worn, and has been in place
longer than any of the present
members of the congregation can
remember. Target for the fund
will be $450.00.
Other church officers elected
for 1966 were: treasurer, Mr.
W. 0. Goodwin; Board of Man-
agement, Mr. Jack Henderson,
Mr. R. H. Middleton, Mrs. B. B.
Jackson, Mrs. T. G. Lavender,
Mrs. Mary Taylor, Miss Sylvia
Henderson; lay delegate to Synod,
Mrs. T. G. Lavender; substitute
delegate, Mr. Jack Henderson;
chairman of sidesmen, Mr. Ro-
bert Middleton Jr.
Canadian trappers take more
than four million wild life fur
pelts in a year; squirrel and
muskrat make up about two-
thirds of the total.
1965 FORD V-8 2-door hardtop, loaded.
1965 METEOR 2-door hardtop, V8 au-
tomatic, DEMO
1965 METEOR 4-door sedan, V8 auto-
matic, DEMO
1963 CORVAIR Monza coupe, A59400
1963 CHEVY II convertible, dont' wait
for spring, A51481
1962 CHRYSLER 2 -door hardtop, V8
automatic, power steering, power
brakes, A50125
1962 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan, 6 cyl.
automatic, A51267
1961 CHEVROLET, 2-door automatic,
low mileage, A49779
1961 METEOR 4-door, V8 standard,
1960 PONTIAC station wagon, 4 - door,
6 cyl. standard, 91571X
1960 METEOR Wagon, 6 cyl., 4-door,
standard, 91263X
1960 VOLKSWAGEN, a nifty bug,
1959 METEOR, V8 automatic, 4 - door,
1959 RENAULT 4-door sedan,
what mother needs, A53606
Times-Advocate, February 3, 1966
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Ideal for rec rooms, cottages dens or
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