HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-05-28, Page 3pap.. has hems demenbad as the tear* emrla .t the realm ; bs{ Y is eat eir if we emAa•b.t rightly, orb. deeMW Lis a seeoad rerw.tatioa of the third 1WNs. This is twos tk. more. tboegh it is era eaeocy true aewerthat the Prem r►preaenle, or par Gam,a w.prea.ut.. I the three estates. he b1Ao1a s um the Nate is • feel either uot are at ell or acknowledged as sa evil t•IM i. check 6y swim/sot laws and aafaawdk. Its pee of powers aur dented b, ay written constituuwy and inane are iu w day coutroilei, for the most part, by uo written stature, but uu'y by Its we good atlas. I. ala modes of espressbe, the worn, Polon Pram of our couutr, semally keeps far .*labia the Wands which the tae prescribe p t t agleril, ptacrihes for itaal(• law wbieb an heir Mitburily se%Let or lute. Then is OW • greater power Vader the co.suWuu. 11111111t grip, which is indeed the sourer of Fewer to mach beside cel(. U bet would �ak��r) reettage be without the p.'e•st W silo. Ib �tes.r�1 contury for methudr of i i ueocmg rahl .Fisiou by meow of gnat gatherings ortie pimples under the direction of kagutta amid arormtwas has been perfected. It u a btu h.d which derives its momentum front the m.ltiplicaniou of reports. It is • matter dladieerenee to an orator who or when is his aedietce, provided through repouten he tet addrem all England, 1 he press has thus bwtralised one of the evils of democracy as it Wes known iu tie olden rima. A democratic oasembly 10.01,1 a rabble, a lacked multitude of wire citizens into which the mon quiet and thougbtrul class of people did not dare to venture. In the democratic assemblies every moo in Enjlaud virtually site. W. b.ive good seats, fur we are 0t out torn firesides with the uewspapen in our Ilei. In the quiet of our chosen seats we listen to the cheers, sell the "hear,hear," and the laughter which the speech of the orator evokes, and ae ear) calmly measure the words of the demsgotue. Upon the very manner of public speaking, too, we imagine fiat the system .l uew•paper j�le ring has bad soma effect. If we tee ga by the very imperfect report which w bare of speeches delivered in the Int cea- Wry, orators were then more inflated and in Sanatory in their style than they are ao.,th. moan tory impression which they created was beyond anything we can now conceive, and if u •l.goee is to be judged from its imawdiate Abet they were greeter masters of tt'0 art Chau say we can eek' boast of. If abs ap pun • hard thing to •ay, when ae have such oysters amour us as Lora Derby, Mr Glad Mons, Mr. Bright, aad Mr. Muesli, let us member the other side of the question- In is take into account that oar eonlemporary n est lass orators speak with the fall know- ledge that in cold blood their speeches will be read word for word on the morrow. They kww right well that neck of the bombast which might wifely be addressed to an admir- ia( and hated audience will expose them only to ridicule wee* it is reduced to print. Lateral, a more sober standard of oratory s *has established, to the great gain of our de- liberative aaaemblies, and acting as some cheek upon rhetorical deoegogm.-Tbuue.. The Approach ot Death. The article upon " Death,' in the Neer En- cyclopaedia, has the following: M life approaches extinction, insensibil- ity seporyenes-a numbness, and dapoaition to repose, which dues not admit of the idea of nearing. Even in' those cases when activity of mind remains to the Int, and when ner- vous sensibility would seem ti continue, it s surprising bow often there has been ub.ereed • happy stew of feeling an the approach of death. "If I had sufficient strength to hold the pen,I would write bow easy it is to die,' were the words of the celebrated William Hunter during his last moment. Montague, in or of his etuys, deectibes a incident which left him so senseless that he was taken up for dead. Oa being restored, however, he sacs: "Metbought m life bung on my lips. and I shut my eget to help thrust it out, and took pleasure in /anguishing and letting go." A writer in the Quarterly Re Nag records that • gentleman who Is,l been. reerued from drown ng, declared that be had not experienced the slightest feeling of buffo cation. The stream was transparent, lbw day briiliant,and as he stood upright be could aye the sun shining through the water, with a dreamy eonaciousrrers that hie ryes were being dosed torever. Yet he neither fasted his his fate nor wished to avert it. A sleepy srcu- tion,which soother; and gratified him, made a luxurious bed of watery gra, c." m} A story has been toll of a smart ink. di•n usl 'oho g,d ahead of naruum, by en gaging to bring him a cherry colored cat, for which the showmen bargained to give him an extraragnnt price. 1 he ret was brought. and, when exhibited, proved to be a Mick nue ; the cat seller coolly remarking that 'some cherries are black.' Nem , fliobsrtisellenta. BLANK VOTERS' LISTS For Sale 2t this office. MORTGAGE SALE OF IyANDS_ U Dand tyr' vutue of s Power of Sete e00- 'tEn tamed in a Mortgage made by 1n laws of the Town of l%edeneh in the Co..ty of Heron, Esqu"e, and Jul,. Louise Lewis, hu wdr, (hr the parp,1ee of bernng her dower) to John Maks. d the To*wsbip dOoder,rh in the ssd County .f Harr, Yeomen, default having been made to due payment thereof, WI IA 1317. SOi.I), ON FRIDAY, The Twenty -Sixth day of June, At Twelve of the clock, soon, at the Auction Mart of Messrs. Snail! d' Thom - ion, Kingdon Street, GodericA, TIE FOLLOWING PKOPUTn, rig : Veiny composed el Lot bomber one hooded end eiatr-ee.ee (Int) rowing neater a the Tow. of toed.,,eb, .sores. VIRUS CASH. Deed .aver Power of Sole IS M ew be sere et the Aloe of Me HMS M. C. CAMERON, Relator he Mortgage. Odes .r the nellenen, Ao.r,ah, May MU. A. D. OM, # ew77w17 MONEY TO LEND N improved gess w . pr rest ; else w lbw heeded pewee d town property. J. R. GORDON. rwtewOii $HFnRUT'S SALE OF L&J1 . (IaW Cowries a( Y rose. n( Three W,ita Mame ad sew. B of Fn• . Peens, Wan Tu wet en a Her Maj.s Cent ofm.. C.. Plum .vd (md evidential, Coen ire Ualtd 4101lm e(H. s• sun &are, ad is M dlrsteed awtaanthe Lash wed tsesameas of J seg (*13- aaw.4*a welEeel e( The len* of tthewOe..e., Therm g re.,y tet Ona M�kdI, Bums teimhmh snot and JNt F. ham 1 hese awed n od twia Rsreise d me ,list, nth V r• tees «tb.r1da(h.AIM . esi t the Rath awes( LetThar,. .r. est ail sswase Q.r, e Ons« Wallas Howl thentea, OW part e1 Lm Re Pew, Xmasliersaa. la is M�•atg ig►atreel. m.us biarr V** Au* 4 &sem Alm Lot Mw Mite. la We Tw it& Cstmesse les, sed lett ll.., Mena e.d ]7b.l.st�(0 re *www.. h oeagm.• is de sell`e`r lid i illy. r th. w =ra d V teas.1 ansa ser * m alms la the than Noma . no Tens hist O)ssl•rw. c. Dtrsday the tweeepaah day 4 Moan s.m,es she him of Twelve el* deot,eeem JOIN MAf:tDOI6AI.1), Mune 114 IL If S. leetwom 4 serlPsvelem illus erieh � tMay lea, asp er I7 TR t "` BRT1•ISH AMERIOAN; A atN IVEL7 RAeialilirs e*utsa ri Literature, Science and Art. Nsttwernimapptte the tepistrd attem las whiek kayo teas med. it Canada to establish a Monthly Moamar devoted w Literature trod eldest*, it is seven►eler apparent, Chet moo ea. Ms tet besot the staid of those who hate engaged la the sttderlakiwg. The Canadian Institute at 'bonito, the Natural llratury Society of Montreal, the Literary wad Historical Society of Quebec, hided by the Government dna* they enjoy, regularly pab.Nb their procrediujs, asd 1105 occupy to a greater or le« e:Mut. the neural fields which form the special objects of their incorporation. Hui the public at large are still uttwpplied with a periodical Megalith devoted to general Literature ui Canadian origin gad growth, aunt to &noes divested of uuattrutive technicalities sad adapted to the nyeinmeuu of thine adodo out profess fa. mdarity with its sterner details. It y the derign of the ouivinators of the Britleb AOMrtesa liagsaiee to occupy tea •ith eand endeavor to 'are,re, a want ,krr jewrally telt to exist. In quituriug the pier of a new periodical, it is denirab:s to supply the public with some guar.otre of it character and prospects. It te therefore determined to request iutendiug contributo,s to permit their Dawes to be pubs Isbsd is the prospectus, u amuug those who are willing, not only to give it countenance and support, but to add to W vitality by con- tributing to its pages. Its 5'so tboogM ad- visable to publish the names of those orb° are willing and anxious to encourage the under taking by a liberal subscription to the lint number. Many of the difficulties whicb hate impeded the progress, and ultimately led ty the aban- dusmenl ofa Monthly periodical, similar Its general design to the British American Maga sine, have disappeared, with the advance of the country in populatiuu, wealth and civilize - don; beiptbe originate,' columnar their labors with fu bnghter expectations than their predecessors could bave enjoyed, and they anticipate, without doubt or distrust. the ncceesful progress of the undertaking. The aim of the British Amo:ican Magazine s to encourage British American Literature, to offer an opportunity, lonloesucd by many, fur ginng public and permanent expression to their thoughts, to foster a taste for literary paresis, to precut the marvels of Science iu familiar language, easily understood by Great Britain, and a brief resume of tbe prorrrw of Iiserature,Scierce,Industry and Art,t6rough- out British North Americo. It will be within the province of the Napi- er. ae.tin. to famish rrntigue. of new p.bli ationa, wtettred by prejudues, uationabty, or felts- ious bias• and .h. a pudgiest discussions ofa party character will he absolutely excluded farm it pages, yet descriptive articles relating to oar civil polity nod oar borne institutions, alerting the general interests of the country, will le freely admits. 1. ' Each monthly rue will contain one hun- dred ad twelve pages, of the same .sea Bathe English Monthlies, •huh will form at the close d the year two rulumrs containing 672 pages each. The publishers tope to be able to com- rwesee their awe in April next, and from the success which has already uteudrd their effort W procure subecribrrs, they antieirete that they will be able to present the Smash America Magazine to the public with a subscription list amouuting to 10,000 copies for the brat number. HENRY Yui: LE HIND, M.A., F,R,I:.:1 , [' ed Edam.. Tomato, February, 1863. eel! NEW BOOKS ! "MU i SAINA "Tfb Wadering'sa/a Beauty," by Ern 4.s J•with • aea.wel Portrait of LW Author lits. eI.YR " Darren Mortem," by Hies M. E &alio.. Price e0 Me. �,y " AWp tte, Or the Lady of a msae," by Alrxadr hares, .1441112.. Prier e0 in. Harald d Health." Plies I0e. " V leer or Wakeleld," (roe w edifier).) *5*. " Silvie's Lovers," by Mrs. Gaskell, Eros 5a. Harpet's !deathly, Godey, Leslie end Amoroso'. Foams. Maga-mom Ion, Neat Moan. All the above Received and ter Sale :AT HIISLss'a. MONEY TO LEND. ALARGE some e( nuonty to be lent on im proved farm property at 9 per tout. with the necessary expenses. Apply to LIHERT CHANDLER, r. L. e. Goderich, April 281h, 1163. t wlZ3esa4p.ss MONEY TO LEND! AT • Redwood resums rate of Interest, is say ms fur 1, t, 7, 4 us / ea Ya*. Property or ly, N0 Deposit r.quine down. Ito 1.IMm., deducted from amorist til Loan. And ammo. very unalmalo. Apply to SHADE GOODING. Solicitor Ear.. • Next door to 7fslle e'e Glasgow How G u enrh. 1911. Mar. 1502 . 14 -it MORE MONEY TO LEND AT TEN AND OMC -HALM Pan elfin., in are e er era Mos thea 4000, foray! owe 4v or years, ea uaeaoumberod impound ore pr,.petry. Mortgages drawn fn< ot charge. Apply to oIIADE GOODING, Solicitor, West Street. Oadericb, 110th March. IMO. wyw07 MONEY I• 011investment on remon.ble term.. No cher/4r1, sur Interest nm oda woo.. Patrols will 1..r ,rise,. A pply to SHAW A SiNCLA1R, Solicitor", ,k.•., Guderwh. (iuk,urh, I1t1 Feb.. IoW. .w47-6m•1q EXCHANGE OFFICE American Paper Money Bought, n tie cure of rale vs each.age, Br W. M. SAVAGE, hfonkel Square, Uadrru h. Dec. 15,1'462. •,i30w48 r SAVE TOUR ASHES AND CREASE! Tl.HE HIGHEST era* paid for any esswity d Ashes and Grease at the Soap, Candle add Potash Factory, Oueri,•b. 18. J. WRIGHT A CO. March, 911, 1863. w6-3m$P CAUTION TO TRESPASSERS. NOTICE is hereby torn t6al as person or J.\ peewee Sound Irespuwing upon t1e premuvs of the subscriber, Lot 10. cat. 2nd, 8,.y field Hoed, lioder,rb township, for A+bias or other purpose,., after the dale hereof, will be prosecuted according to leer May. 011, t0C3. COLIN MUNRO. w15 -4t T. B. MONTGOMERY, A LL ASSURING aURGCAL stn ON THE ■1ORAal3A1. WITH PROFITS PLAN Itafire the 13th instant with THE COLONIAL UFE ASSURANCE CO. Will receive TWO voan' tonus a the thrown of fruitst anal- vee. W. M. IRAMSAY, Manager fur Canada. RICHARD HULL, Inspector of •lgenciea. Fur Rates and Pro•p.•rmeae, apply 40 J. D. BLACK, Agent. DR. MACDO CI;.►L1, Medical Referee. ne7.1w I7 tune.) The Oldest, Largest and Cheapest IMPORTING HOUES IN 'VIIIC Tee oCOUNTIES, :O. ALL 5412. "r" Books L Stationery IS THE `SIGNAL' OFFICE, Where Dealers con to wpolnd at LOWEST WHOLESALE RATE*. Cs11 and examine perces. T. J. MOORHOUSE. Mar tAtb, 1863. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDar United Counties of( DYie vow or • W nl of Brace, and ace, } B Vendetm.nr sxpoo•• and to sit : l e'en Peens tweed out of Her Ilejety'scounty Court of the Felted Cone - tire ,.fHuron •dd !Ingot turd to me du ec•rid agaves the Lands ■d tenements „< W111am Rasall. d- mml,tntr Dl lire gond, and chattel. of Jobe Smith, ,kr.s.ed. at the wen of Joseph Coot.1 have wired and taken in Execution all the nicht. title anal interest of the .ad Willem Sewall as suck dmnistntor ,n and to Lot No. one, Peae- tengare Row, ,n tiro Village M Kincardine, is the County of R.uce, ,.nta,mnx halt as acre stn yen ; welch Lads and tenements 1 .►std Mier k" sale el my odes in the Goan How in Ow Town nl (lode,.h.on Tuesday the sixteenth day of low next, •t the hoer of twelve of the Plock, now. JOHN MACDONALD, lh,nI H.& R. By R. POLIOCS, Dopey !Writ Sberi(4 omod. Ooderich, t May lath, 1563. *17 REAL ESTATE SALE BY AUCTION. J. P. $BINE, Auctioneer. THE tt\DERSHINED, t.y virtue. of. Anson of Attorney rew.i is hors by the Heirs •t leer, will ell by Auction AT KNOX'S HOTEL, HARPURHEY, Oa Friday, the 26th day of Jane, 1H63, 1 drier*. r. ■ . LOT Igo- Concession. Township of Ileeetl, of Rwoe. The Aim r led resof me river ll.ilhd,e.suie H.eired Ae7am *0 of Won no clear d swipe ; the sad le •• 4ik .tel taw; h.s • dawn n. des item. t ens kr mei eau eine neeiesewsh the �'ehaw *sly two tales tore the M•.sM rpy Che• of she a jt L. H.R. Twee oe ado.-4ara.tth of the Ferahe. meas. down ; the Bal•ee. prima* be M.wlae e .a0 payable le ow, tee • Seem .s .i.•l- slam wah twar•'•nr the are Ilts.rem dee Imam •Iy, IIMr. A e•ali.ry tele will he glee.. BOVASD CAM wow M.. , tlmprbry. NOTIOI. eon Winn PHK CO-PARTEXISMIP h«etrdo,• et. Lewd want hewasereelAir .....�.. Prieelosarr Jens e�''e'eisssdn pk.elsssM lewd alrewyer, dNasdrd W the whrpteArm men of greemen mew=ADe Awned Mara is MrddusY. the Winsa, a( lewd eeseq., sod s veil .eras ewcy. nal he earned es ►y the em as heady. JOHN DRN;SON. Onmald, 144 alas. IIIA. .lilts 'I,..... 141.4.4 Mee ---Oyer the Weikel Hall, BEGS to inform the Public that he will perform all Operations Ibat are entrusted to bits Inc slrllnl manner. An,6r,a firth asertedon Vulcanised Ilubbr, Gold, Sdcer, ad Continuous ll um -work. Particular elteuti Laid t„ the regulation e: cb,khen's train, and the preservation of tlh salural unes. C)ar,n .Vud.rar sad cul i Vu, E R -straw./ 'r6:Itot`'. CAert. Tr tIrPas. ate.. Stasec CAH1, Steamer 111111 St:: E. V « g3 a CAPT. TRAVERSE, gum, LRAYR eoDF.HICH EVRRY eV Tei, awed Fraley caviar, ,w ibe sore vel alias Tanta for aaaaloo, w Bay t'', mod Caw Ripsaw tat Can Dal Leans Kest Magnum un Monday wed Thursday .nerieiona, and .mer le lune nor Me M.rusg lima for 0.0411.. Fur Vn•,shl or Pomp, (►e•ua wprnu, ... Iatwu), apply 10 *law r 1. 11 It. Co., at Uudrr,rb. or J. N. U ARI)NER A i.A11 EItC,, .w'70eorsl E..t ilk. MOM, Pr.,pr,t est. C J of c w U1 • Z O w. A131) -A GENERAL AS:ORTMENT OF STRAW ;GOODS. C4 O E./ READY-MADE CLOTHING, m p b ;, W J3oc»'FS AND SI8or.1� tti <el C, O •_.ti -GROCERIES: o ag as OHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE: `ate n F� Being importers of Hardware, and hiving all ucquir d fur the trade in the department, goods can is furnished upon the Ioe,at wisps. c a STTMU JOHN V. DETLO & Have fuel received ac _ 'r LARGE & WELL ASSORTED' OF SPEINO AND SUMNER a00D8, Math bamboos betiAlit 1n such Lerma re it a arrant them is stating that they are CHEAP AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN TRADE. l' DRY 7'CDDDS C44..15111 or CLOTHS, TWEEDS FACTORY, OEM% ilklt•l.It1x►o+, Tit Icin-;e !Tainted, [)enl.alha, MOe1tna, Cobourgs, Shawls, Mantles, Parasols, Gloves, Hosiery, and a SPLENDID A96ORTMI:vT OF DRESS GOODS. In fact, almost every thin,, in the D, r I i,t .,1, line, required for the trade. IS 0504? YAalkT\. Worthy the in.pe tion of perchers'. Coemistkag of Sugars, 'lras, Tol.tccoa, tuff„ a, Spice., Pick:es, Ac. -Buyers sill ata ly their iutertat by rxaUtiuia( this drpsrtmeut. The uubse,ihara, thankful fn the very liberal support they Fare bitheno received, beg respectfully .0 solicit a cuntmuation of tbe potrotrage ircordrd them, assuring their patrons athat they will endeavor to eon.u!t their interest in all transactions. JOHN V. DETLOR & SON. 2 Fashionable Clothing! ABRAHAM ShIITII, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Square, Goderich, Has just reeeived from the best market. a large and well assorted stock of CONSI371a;p un, Scotch, Engfieh ane! f'onadiern Trrrdr, TORT MATY ALIO RECEIVED A LOT or PRIOR GOD/H OCH, 21st April, 1843. REMOVAL, S PARKER & CATTLE, HAVE REMOVED TO THE Store formerly occupied by Twomey & Black, 1"A11 So . s' 23I.00I., Where, is Wilkins to their usual heavy ',triply of Drun, Patent Medicines, Le., they hate on hand a largo stock of AGRICULTURAL SEEDS! imported directly from one of the oldest and most reliable houses in Glasgow, Scotland. { uti.dr, af'r. READY—MADE CLOTHING And • variety til Fancy Article -s, such n Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Caps, &C.. Lc. TEAS, COFFEES & TOBACCOES, Which they offer est very low prices. Also. NAT 1NMOMa AND Ia1CZ, 17c i . , For Medical end Family use. ODRRiCH, April 9, '1S3 w•ISu2oyly WHILE he ia th•nktul for the carom/hang NE W GOODS, NEW GOODS IEE hFr) th hu l for Ole nrco r.' from the people of Goderich, he donne to onion„ 1,,. Ileums Met he has secured the laical nupno,- meuu. wbw•h will enable b,n to till any „mer. with .1a -a be may he (noted with d,.putch,and , in a style equal to the Lest. kit- Prompt atienn,.0 will he mod to customer turn"hmg ,herr own golds. A. 8311TH. Guknrh, Aped 31. !ga3. 0512 AT WALLACE'S GLASGOW HOUSE! OH•ANGE OFinige THE S'rEA,1itEtt N. B. -A eminent supply of Tooth Powder tent eel 1an*. Ualy 3J rents ser Sox. 11 r_cfcr,... MANTLES MANTLES ISAAC FREDRICK, ` til WEST, ST.. GODERICH, Next d.lor East of Mr. Stotts' Saddlery, WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY REPAIRED 11r 01111'. NOTICE In the best Style & Warranted. •uo. A Cool. A.aearwr.T nr Gelid & Platted Jewelry, Watrlety, an,. 4, , Cow„on,ly on hand and wornn,M 1,. Ira• np.e.eu'r,l d norms n,er retood.-4. .lodes h. lee Sersember lett •131111 TOWN LOTS FOR SALE 1 mo TOWN OF. GODERICH. T110 nt'ancRnta errant 60 TOWN LOTS F'(ft MALE. WITHIN • few minutes wale south of the M.A.s Sgore. Proms twrw. Long Credit goyim, if desired. Apply to JOHN BLAKE, iluron &rad. .16-31 mac Nth, Ie63 NAIL CONTRACT. TENDERS' .ha.e 6d to the Postmaster (tea- sel, will he rtavlVwd at Quebec until Nom. Ri11DAY, ittk JUNE, 18U, n orth, coereyawre or Hier Mayerv'. Mall, on b (4..Inet. Me amok y,.n, .'n lap cat- iet r mom, ea mud from the le Jolly sett, b.d.arlad H•g•rr'. ('sore. -three times per week, lee► way: Crdsas ar)jtleaen-ower per week, each way; WiyMr sed Mama-threetones per work, each way; Ndsr4 .d Railway Station -112 nimble Trips per week. Prove per Mehl* Trip (to cad ad bo. the St.uo.) t. be Meted. Priam eowwwe metaa,ag nrMT as le esednrne. n( p,gw.r.i Carl.d Ind Nest donee et Toedo may he tie Po.e ebw• m . .etumadosil• aim e(hie OIL aRT (R117IN, P. O. I..pmtior. Ret Agee (a.oa,0r o Odra, 1 Wile Initis i, C. A„ 7th AprN. ta0. {�rs . 411, NOTICE. ATRaCHEN1► erne.IneT7on 6* the t w.mye Meme•, A dlaM, w,rws.-a sod 04harne. wet be hem . the *net Mem.. r rdaetmre. ea TV RAD4 r, J1TIIRua, er 1 simnel Pm��. Leve .ad ached Truant f. them t•isAlps, ed Townes bee ANNA* *0.... '405 see hmend . ettead. F.R. PNITCHAR1II M wN-1 heel t'l.p..oreis'. " B R V C .r' D, ROWAN, Master, 11'iII run as follows, until further notice, weather permitting. LEAVES GODERICH FOR SAUGEEN EVERY Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday, 0T o'c. A. 1..ax. 'I'll it t•r.daty, at 7 A. M. LLA V Fla SAUGEEN FOR GODERICH Even Monday, Tuesday and Saturday, Al C o'i•r. x., enat Fnday, .t 7 0. Callinc at Kincardine. luiterhuroti Elgin ear In way. LEAVES GODERICII for SARNIA Every Wednesday Morning, Al 6 o aiork, and Morn mune evening, le•r- ing `ares et 5 o'clock, p. m. VANEVERY A RCMiIALi" Goderich. 30th April. 1863. *14 SASH AND BLIND FACTORY. The understand has on hand ■ LARGE ASSORTMENT nr SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, ..n Everything required to the Building Line. SEASONED LUMBER ! PINI! ANI, HEMLOCK SiCAN'rI.I TV . CEDAR POSTS, LATH, FLOORING, •50 111 Ortho PLANING DONE TO ORDER. wen. s. GRACE, Peeseisuee _Ori leh, bprrl 5 1. lid men $20,000 TO LOAN. THE •.beaver i, Pineal ..egetwo lasses .pee 90* Sawaan, sant name m he sestl•E. p. . ivy t.elel.eehr brans e... aunt en n neem teaem.•Me Peel e( tarn,", withpow a�p'sif,. •/baa* da whinba- gem r dere mat h, Itkmma M rmeapY.O Mme. lessen of tram 1. 1,•P,. mew.. , 1s reser ewe, If rapwrJ. F. 1dURROwS. Ah .Itn3ni al0ars. G. W. 200 Spring and Summer Mantles! All the pew Myles, from One Dollar. 1-3ONNETS, I3ONNETS! TRIMMED AND PLAiN, Large Sizes, suitable for muddle aged and old Ladies, from 50 Cis. fii i M■ Ml -NS, WOMEN'S *trimmed and Plain, HATS! AND CHILDREN'S, from Twenty fire Cents. DRESS (:ODDS! Is all the mew styles, from tluc York Shilling per yard upward. RIBBONS, FEATHERS AND FLOWERS In endless variety. GENTLEMEN'S GOODS: Tweets, fro. Half a Dollar In Throe Dollars. Tweed and Superfine Suite m.di in the Newest and Heel Styles, 11 estrcu.ly Low Prion. READY — MADE CLOTHING ! FOR THE, MrLLION 1 To suit the times we bete made up A Good' Serviceable TWEED SUIT for $400 AND °THEN CLOTHING IN I'ItOPORTiON. MEN'S HATS & GAPSit BY THE HUNDRED i "Mrs. COMAM AY!) TIES. rr }}fi�tt POT& & anus. ' ORO CERtE&e BLAaSOW ieUam, GODERICH, Apel 20th, I Rn,, t *13 farmers of Hhj Bruce ! Yea ew k. stag,`( reel PURE CLOVER a TIMOTHY SEED Au the lemma 111100410 pare, m W. M. RAVAGE, PnAeee heel ,..e.at Heed...,• M-. DOD. on. mit-e.x NOTICE OF AS`IGNN:ZIT. VOTIVE Ir HF.Oa NLNY OITRR Alemma j \ Moo dh,. a I'low,. am mode se welgeeel 1. ha *. •.d NUto the olden,rad he the hen& etas ,,...lion. AN raw, erde.• w e d . Mos, .anikpe soor seal die and elle do esbt m yew the maw .A W 'M1 MIR A'I : t H A Tp Oeirwht, . sed s0 posh rediated e w deism Mem me reT••5""r to est a the sham epee awe sada ablr ew.wms .e*.m delay sed era ors.. J. i J. RHPA10114.ZR, leuregorPd,rusr, )Ile. tea ew66* a Mat •t JOHN FAIR d Co., r1n,Ta 017.5710. TO run FIRdT AR RIVALS or SPRING GOODS! 4NRl Twat 5.10 JUST OPE3NMID . Goats tot, 7th April, I 90. 1em10 Q01:07r1i1 TCal CABINET WARE! aso CHAIR EMPORIUM, HAMILTON STREET (Nese Door to W. Had. fit . ROBERT W. McKENZIE Maao{mltres and keep ooataatly e. wed • comp eta eeeetl.est ewe kits reit WI, SOr a.s, Cane and Hair -Seated CHAIRS, TABLKi, BEDSTEADS, STANDS, MATTRASSES, COFFINS, Lo., d£c. Particular attention pail to entered work. An he implore none h,1 the Inst wwkmee, mod tees W Ahing but timber metenale, hie (moisture raasut be wrprwa fur quality. Lumber .ad (inner.' produce laked le eoeha•ee or (endure. Owdwieh. Get. Nth. Md. awlaw3A SOHOONER FOR BALE! POR Sam, 1h, sabonwr. "Belk l►a.dury"Care) brie i Retitle, d eel lose, v years ,old te Sprag 1 has • eee„w-be.td, maks. �, J Ogres, and .lamer mesa, ell • plate. Me • lam tad° , Pur fustier par *ears apply se HENRY LA WE. o.e,p•, rah. i3. HIO .w4 -]mega Lob 1C. T, Cos. 14, W. W, Ces. 14, 5 Wawaas . 200 ACRES. THE A BO V R U,TR are oeer.d for sale yen,, Asap, sad et reasons da wor.- Aad tar ;mobile are hereby motioned anoint .ttrliag umber from Om said Lew, or new peados w the ears., as may parties a5adea, will es pro,Miled .raieu, ander Ike roe Rtawt. 2 Vie, Cap. X'NTH, whiA.mke .the alaaliat or %esir.yiee et *abet shaisley i.ptisaa..ot es is dr her 4 .oath.. r« p.tfedaes as to sal.�of or timber, IstAikofturs wllatflIK iQ-, Os 3. a. 00SPaN, 11eRQ., Ood•neb. ()yards.. Mr& a. ors f ewei/t FOR SALE! That drimlb . Masud arm,.Ym how m ibase, tiller e. IECKTON gown, en die illetabele Meal.•11.• • • lbw ranter .t>R w the omit (050, Y well mbeind be • .•M& atom. maid ,.IL_,.. ESI bawl' emIN mea =Inn th• W st wh .. 11 rye sal/ psdldl ratan •F•• hes• whs. mat�m�lp of velem. The Wine la IlbthaABA. Y Ybesellum dlat. PAeosam ellndwIl io rem nee. milers Minh lses.ey, ler, ..Rheas haso•e Viresu...,.hfl IYiL *XA11RRn ANb PROVINCIAL Lead Barresr. G•oo wed ddisdimind a :raw, Oedwu b. ♦ al& A.. Bas, 1)11OVINCTAL LAND SURVEYOR AND 1. CMI Nareer.OMNw. jay I, tat. Jobs thenuadar. plt°VINCtAL LAND SURVEYOR, wad Civil Legherre. tee SOTTIOANX 4 every drasnptiw, and An,hitament Plias wean ted); laud.xanhd wad velem:. ■atnets, lase. a also I.. H. Hardin: t'IiViL ENGINE1ER AND $URY*TOf Vv Land Agent wad Conveyor.", [meanH•o Ito 31. T. Quote.!Oe.. JURSESYMEN, DEALERS se PRL if W (b'-"' Trees, eYi, Re. Va- der promptly mpty weeded to. 11 John CampML. CZENERAL COMMISSION. AGENT, �T Comsiwo.w in Qwa's Sweets, tor name 41/eYiWCoalreasorer, dec. kr. Often' Hes ser. V d[.o.rdiee.U. W . 9s John Kain4., • COMMISSIONER IN THE COURT OP Chiesa's ameh,Cuawwryyp1pppbee, ata A R .try kept of Fans add Tere'Lots for 6•let p04" Nomadlg. for wk, or dc.irtag to piwis.e, n0 playas nail full pas ("elan. ieegaaam., Feb. 70. 1357. as HARDWARE! TH E SUBSCRIBER OFPtlfa FOR Sale, at reduced prams, a large newt - awn of Bar, Rod, Band, and Hoop Iron, CART, BUUSTat, GERM'N dg SPRING $'TEFL, AL. NVILs, Viten, Bellows, Web ea Dies, !Neap awed Head .H.mmra1 rL.OW' MOULeDE1W Spades k Saovea, (rot A da f(',egl,'k•t•a. GLASS, PQtTY, PAEITSf COLOURS, OIL.' Tarp.atsed, IwdrP, Wro.Oh at wad h.., India tar►er Peeking A Belting d Plello.,. and came. eseht t Mah•T1 C,u-cut. Ciredar, Ps, and MgN Saw.; Cabned--Makhy�ts HaMwan CarpMNrr's wed lolete'f 'P1011; It •ektne•, Hours HoeFunl.11egkrKift t Naar: Blimp, Owes and MtsaMlap( Chopping, Broad fit. Hand Aires. From Blood wad other celebrated tankers. Agent for Oirw11 et Co.'s, PLATFORM and C W 1 N TE R•$C,LER. With the /sole Swell d SHELF HARDWAHN IX T1s COU.T1as. P.rrtt••ed from the Mdoalctanm, sad for Sal by W. E. GRACE. Oodenoh, May 1-1, 1463. —.--Sidon Goderich Cabinet Warehouse. 1.111111D.GORDON M Cabinet Maker & Unddetaker, BEGS to asauuwre to the inhabitant of Geed - rich asd wrruudieg t'u,arry that he 1844 ere ea heed at 6s Wan Room., West Street, Goderich, A complete awlonmenl of Furniture of every dM .cnptnue, such a. Tables, Bedsteads, Bureaus, antra, Manrw.e., ate., 'N Hotta Mwlh,turr .nil Imported. wresorwe Ids to min* the shortest note 1, Cade/kb. October. 1862 HENRY GRIST, Deperlaratal & Parliamentary Agri. QUEBEC. ADJUSTS CROWN LAND CLAiMS, Serum. Loved f'otewta 1 Pr rur+r (stomas - axe dolxxixiiile sto mw- ae.M.iuM• from any M Ike Penne Dow1 mess; Takes on Poems 1.M1,wa; Regan ten Trade Mertes sad Dearest Takes ;Mame id M to &1w during flat. pismire thrown t1. Iet,Y/ .... ke., an, parr who are evade un, de el.mwr awe tams w reel Ie smarsd, es mower Na/ tee wee ch, capriole ,d tnvellrwg en Masher,. Rartaaacc..- 4o.. aka. Cenobite,M. L. t:.r N .est.s i Richard Jars, aq euea t Wm. M. WIba, . Slmr•es 1 Ms. Linesv ,te, 6q., n ehmen t . R. Lewin k ems, Toc.si, y Mese. 1. L'.iWg, M. P P., Loadms. Awes.. p.e-psM, as H 1017 O*1 T, 5.s 444, P. o., 4.6.4 .w SHERIFFS 8IALE OF LANDS Unseal C.e0,es M( T artist W e Win ew Home .d Brat.. } Be ms Won hew .orf t To w : j of 14.E M ilestrb Chem °own tithe Veen Commie. of leers ••l b..e, and w ne ,la,55.4 wane rk. Lamb mel tawe- memts w 3.ha O.tAwg, se t1s ems of I.hs.t Ole'. .d•ek, 1 hew Wed w wheel r e0r.uem at the right, Oils sadI•traw,. 5. el the read I. Les,. id .d as vat •emit Owe N.sdred gid dor, in she ♦50fNaq,.� of Alehyvisle . 14 14..,,.wsbth,heNlk,aetadm.f WWI . sd wee user I shad .fissro *0 miswl_e' cf. lethe Cos. Hones its raw Yews Ye a of ea Tamm, the Twenty- ash dee, es AMOY, wad « e t* ►.n 01115.45.04 the ear). JQRN MACWNALD, by 4 !l ebur& M. et ITL Sherint IM leap. Fat.• r .N VALUABLE LANDS 'roar smug off REASOIAILs fifll.S giwn�be" elhu M!.,1 of yea Fes Team, apply • bilAmtasft w101lelp�le lsa*4, lhehrhi . sit /M. MM w 1