Huron Signal, 1863-05-28, Page 2 e M el etllreig to the toad& alq at iha limps of water, as befu.adios, e, fere ggsi ea .uid W do no till the whale Oiejasj, the water get very dirty heists eosepl. dn ieg the rout', 11 a be chug- ' ed. Gee w__hkddbassever tried the expel meat. will probably he prpd.ed at she quantify dirt which all be wombed from the blouse into the water. A carlct can Iva oleaud mattrefbetwaily in Ike way than it ata pos- sibly he dons with• dry broom, es the pani- eMe of dot adhere to the broom instead of rising to fell bask ea the carpet. Thee ie eu danger of injanug even a Isncy carpet. if aka drou of water are thoroughly removed. from Ike broom. Let uo one try who hes Bolus. Ord patio nee. Cees Smarting roc Ilsut..Cerlrginnrga , nes equal to hair is conifer,, without satiety one-third as math, and cork u mum derabte Sham .my other 'materiel in use. 1l aepttnedes all seceselif for "spring bottoms," thereby n avies int ssether way more than its entre ear, sad so far as efeanttnees and coat arc clone .reed, its supermen over all other ase, serials is mer, will be appreci,.ted at onee.- We hare a lady patient who has sept on a "cork bed" fur the last five years, and it is mill as gool as new.-Js.rsa1 of Beryl*. Rica Csece.-A a orvespondent of "Field Note" gives the following :-a Wits visiting the West ladies Wsads, 1 keesme very fond of rice cooked after this fashio. i They boil the rip is the usual .arer..d let it 000l, them adds tittle water eI milk to it, soaking it abort the c.rusiar.cy of oomnroe buckwheat ambo. Add to this • little salt ands heedful of lour, ad bake ou a griddle as you would !tatter and buckwheat. An egg will hely some by making them bake quicker. Try it, housekeepers -1 think you wall 6.4 it an es celigstdish. Any dyspeptic eau eat tar." The cheapest end most nutritious veritable used fur food u bears. Prof. Liebig e that pork and bees form a compound of sit steae.s peculiarly adopted to furnish .If that is necessary to support life. A quart of beams aod a halt pound of pork .ill teed a .mall family fur • day .ithstrengthen. isg food. Four quarts of beans ad two pounds theorised beef, boiled to raga, is fifty yqcarts of water, will furnish a good meal fur fon, ms.. &HUSH POTATOES -This is a formula: - Let each mess be of eqad sise. let the ws ter boil before petting the potatoes is. Whoa dose, pour off the water and matter three or four tablespoonful of salt, oover the pot. with a rouse cloth, arid return it to Use fire for a • short time. Watery potatoes are male mealy by this process. Cices iron Ream Use -To 'hey quantity of glee me common whiskey instesd of water. Pet both together in a bottle, cork tight, atet set it, sway for three or four days, whoa it will be fit for use without the application of twenty grains; balsam of fir and white wax, each one ounce. Melt the balsam and wax, and while cooling, add the acid. Stir until an ointment is forrued Spread the ointment on • piece of kid, and apply to the bunion. - Change once or twice • day. A good remedy for a felon is male ce com- mie soft soap and air sleeked lime, stirred till it is of the eesaisteney of a glazier's putty. Make • leather thitabie, fill it with this com- position, and insert the finger therein; sod, oar informant says, a ewe is certain. This is a domestic application that every housekeeper ase apply promptly. Teufel Seture in an Indian Court of / Jostles. The Mises of Bengal sapplies the follow - rig details of the trogedy briefly mentioned iadate Inure Dews :-" On the 26th ult., a horribly tragical occurrence took place at Reepou, the partieslare of which are as fol- lows: At 10 o clock is the forenoon of that day, a powerfully made man of the Brinjaree urine presented a petition to Lieutenant Fa- ber, the assistant commissiouer, who direeted hist to file hie plaint to court at four p. m. - At the hour named the Min returned and presented hie plaiut. in which be preferred • charge nf assault, by which boosted he had siestruned loss of character, and felt -himself seriously aggrieved. Lieutenant Faber germ an order that the case should be investigated by the Teheeeldar of Droog, and retained Ins petition; but the latter earnestly begged that the case might be tried by Lieutsaant Faber hi ceeelf, who, however, refused to do su, • hoe the man declined to receive beck his petition. Oa this the Mail Moven, or vernacular read. er direcOrd the couple/mint to leave the COart. Finding that entrcaties were of no oho days what M .into Um South the beet' sr Mourry rid et tit ohm• Y ,orueil aloud himself lir • comp .fief that be seas gots, W deaden of course teen of int patterer h- meoM to P tie did go to steep to be aseoasaded wheat he awoke with the sewn that Gerwrrl Hooker had dewrmieed m re - cruse the rivet. harems all the weeps sew me d,rs save Gametal SPA km acted the policy of at once atta:king the enemy, who at that roorenl was moving to drive General Sedf- w ekes corps *crow the river, Osumi Sickles alone sropoa.d a retreat, and his cuuntir prevailed of+awe all the other ,ceps eons laaud.ra. The only escarp sur Hooker is that he had discovered his utter ina4iday to handle • large army, sad moreover .as, par. haps, laboring under a fit of depresasoo, each as often occur to people whose appetite for stimulants are excerpt's.. This repurt,•wbash is mmdouteefly tree, is creating much com- ment bent. It is rumored, in conaeclion with this salter, that Oeoerwl Sickles is to be detached from the Army of the Potomac, and .i11 shortly here leu les dq.wters u Near York to attend to the enrolling of the cow irilpts..' DIaTleoetstisi yrsITOca A oonespnwdeat of tem New York Times, writarg fronttitoaemaa's Station on tem I'7th, asye 1 - Two lire lord', oieers in the Rntish mer vitt, arrived at HeadquarteraZe terday. TMy are Lieut. Crowder, from !re. Itnwrwick, and Lieut. Cul. Lard Amb agar, of the Scotter. Fua.lr-er Owrd', from Montreal. 'They were dissect aid tined by General Hooker, in the afternoon, sled are engaged in seein what hied of material nor army is cospw d o1.- Refote they leave they` will doubtless Ret. more enlarged dea of American int nations, resources, and enters rise than they have hero- tofrre possessed. I em informed that they made a good begin Bing, is this respect yes- terday." Sergeon General Hammond, of the Federal service, has issurd the following order, which we prim, as likely to prove interesting to the medical profession. It is dated Washington, "1. Frorn the reporta of Medical lupe" tots and ths Sanitary reprots to this office, it appears that the admioistration of calomel Juts so frequeutly beett pelted to exesse by military surgeons es to call for prompt stele by ibis office to correct this'abose ; an abuse, theViblericholy effects of which, as officially reported, have exhibited theamelees not. ouly in innumerable rases of profuse salivation, bet in the not unfrequent oecurrence of mer- curial gangrene. It 'egotist irnpnesible any -other meaner to properly restrict the me of this powerful agent, it is directed thast it be struck kora the 'ripply table, turd that no further requisitions for this medicine be at proved by the Medical Director*. This r done with the more cenfidence, as modern pathology has preyed the impropriety of the use of coercury in very many of those dreams in which it was formerly unfailiugly adsuiaio " II. The records of this office having conclusively proved that disease. prevalent in the army may be treated as efficiently without tanar emetic as therewith, and the factor its remaining upon the supply table being • tacit InfitiltiOn to its use, tartar emetic is also struck from the supuly table or the army. resulted from the misuse of both theme agents, in the treatment of &setae, than benefit Irons their proper admihistratiou." •rettas AT FREDERICKS BURG. A correspondent of the Richmond 'In parer' writes from Frederickeburg on the 12111 l'he N.mbern horde has returned to its feed opposite Fredericksburg, but how chang- ed its circumstances I Defiled, Jeri' ited and broken, its humiliated eoudition rannot be eoneocled. Jaunty officers, on gaily caper isoned reeds, are no longer seen careeling over the Stafford Hills. The long lines of regiments, milli glitteriug arms surd flyiuuting colors, have van.shed, and the banging of drums and clangor of trumpets which, before the roust battles, filled the air morning aud everiing, are hero! no more. Huddled be- hind the hills. they tremblingly fear lest the army of Northern Virginia shad, ir. its exul- tation, make a descent upon their demoralised cu Mints and complete the work of deetruc- avai , t man left the Loud, but Bonn after- tMo happily c•mmeneed. Night before net wards retunied, and, notwithstanding an inadent occurred which exhibited their „f nem, rime po icemen nem, nerV0111111014. A party of M11014ipplafta others, lie tuanaged, without being *mired, to walk clon up to the klisl litrean, whom be concealed about hia person. After this, he made an attempt to stab Lieutenant Faber, hat in doing no, fortunately missed his aim, sad fell. He, however, soon recovered him. self, and jumping up, floarished his dagger ie a mut frantic manner. 'fire crowd of pet seas at the time amembled iii the Court House cleared oot as Trickly r they could, bet be - fun they could get away he stabbed one of tharm, who like himself came there with • pe three Limn. Faber and Messrs. Wrotteehy end De Lang followed him, ealliug out to the reeml to disarm him ; bet all to no se every rine wail panic sticken at tCrPrri! ors eeedeet of the assassin. A Madras Sepoy charged hien with his bayonet, bet the Brin- jaree. warded off the blow with his dagger, ad felled the Sepoy to the earth. We ol the policemen hereupon struck him • blow on the heed with a stick, Shen the fel/ow, after rWiag opens the aide of another polimmaa. w happened to costa in his way, stabbed himmilf terries ia Has damsels. At AI jemm- ies, orders were Seed to sham hint down, md • ballet um out Ayoub Iris body villa' wounded the err i this plated him ems pisely gam tie ceates and oft Lima/nut Fakeer asking him what had Weer him to eet m Me mud he rid dose, he replied :Me rapas from the opprieits parry to pre ha.i. rot leas* brig meted net to . ni. yr Al that eoeW be elieited from hi ae he lies *hes in • slaking mass, ad died within e n boar di ' the fee& weed. The polder erre is ripped epee 6 dm O dd is he est a deager; bet the 1161 Mores rod the Wm mem whom lie seethe me sere amenteite ereended. eed dying, if in deed disy he set *ler* desd." dais thm, wham • hey, be de one dey thin seder 11611 Fader Oeseinement, and wird tO In ores alma undue • liar af lesee-peper ism the desk. /What are =tart stid the old seereesen sedelseed theeMetly Leger Alert, this Wear te the threireiseet se dm Irk dans wady vultannin idi he obis As mud es& es inseam am the Am, et she Amok to haul a seine in the riser Dear Knox's Mill. The Yankees concluded that the Rappahannock wart being crossed by the Confederate tinny. end •t once the heavens were illuminated with their rocketry, the picket limes wete doubled, and then. whole crimp Fallen Joe. Itueeeer. was permitted to peas dm night unmolested by the seine haulers. "Spealiing of Hooker reminds us that lir fall is the beeriest of all the unfortunate Generals of the army of the Potomac. None bragged mom high than he, and a future Plutarch will only find Isis perallel aed per- fect prototype in Jolla Pope, his predeces. " The conduet of the enemy i Fredericks- burg, during their recent uccupation. deserves a paragraph. It wee out marked by tne gen- ,•ral destruction is bich reared in December last, but, nevertheless, there wen a thst moo of vaadeliso *ad w saw alined is this city. A of' rivets hoed were se lempitels or their emended Arose Ma dotWallasellt bar AAA that of your eorrenrosekaeg condition in •hich he found it le a fithr Ries - yahoo of the treatment which Altmajligifi.- The rooms wore sacked fuss genet to cellar, and everything dint could be eatee, drank or carried off was ger. The secrete ef the library were tore up and .usimpled seder foot, sad the pictured, segments, ad ere the perfreimeet hum their frames sad destroyed. Ile &mime was all maned Ned diffeted, tied read covered tkes wens ea* Wetted the Seem Dying note ad deed seem lay its eery rem, with here di there • pi6 of amputated limbs. Fifteen or treaty bet from die due, the men of four Camera and • Major gem variety ta the Mailed landscape aregemine of swift sad righteous rote Routine, tleagli • bete and its garden bed boss ear versed into a ehareethease salt graveyard. " The metes deesintles el* theme Week timer, heves ail ids int esah he the anew ef a hoe .440.., sod the stritaz sees op the sedellaillkoref ffstediadebobeegh's noteformas. Am rg Mt priegairti ern stet mad sem so Weehissi, was Mr. JAB. V. aeon, whe volemsered te *is yrs saner Ctleteseilet, le the thsasentesef the hut* he inking stag ef the Mules sad whim the seemay's Ina sr rare r atai. alas Wart He ler moped op hem ramioarmot teed essamitted te the IA/ Curet piss, aad es hie dere INIIL pis* thee....Mis alba &dem* deem atheism is preemie' the austrese et these teems trek the Massed Jells is ram egoo. The Illsonnal illestsertps. of the Nth. IeZEI4-4 edam no 111* nisei will ha hen hem rem 4, tense the pest few days hy esey • S eserism be MA belied is sae saso►le feet ...Si.ereibirristael. Debi whit the aNies it.I-. teas per, TaMi... L,egret, mums them is he .grate of the r+eani espiesteeto the md mob tion desigs der seausi kids P10tSCa an line Lia. std*th,s heeding the Mew York Herald WWateetey Inas eke tolr.ieg:- yThe 7Ytb.me says lie's 'nay at the tits Hard erred wipes him hour oady gamed 50,0.1 seen. Tee 'Marva a.y. Hooker's army at the eases time cumbered 165,000 men. 11 thus spouts that whit male tee this, tide lee's say Hooker was es - able to ebip him iu 410 Snit fight, aro unable le do it with t.ice and. half his 'ember of mea after he got Lu r,iufurcernenla. Ac- e selleg to the Astremints of the 71vi„we and ?Ores Hooter s leases is killed ad eouwded, in the several battle., amounted to only from 17 000 to I8,000, *tech. with the greener' captured by the 'twiny, uunihrniug Ire ur six lloaassd see, wood make she total fuel Ones 29,000 m 21,000. Lem, it is stated by the rete .mh.ritite, teat more than Hooker &4 .e sheet 1.000 non --exceeding half his original fere'. He eo.ld not have been repn forted h, more than from 10,000 to 15,000 mem Thet word leave his whole fore* after bis It.eee-iaclaeli.g the loos of General Jackson, who was a host in himself -from 70.000 to 40,000 meet. Defers this small force Hooker retreated with an army which, &ter all bas lamer, sill numbered 136,000 seen i or shout four to am "f the ermy.- So much for the .em{era• hip and fighting qualities .f the eau lyeI0t.oe.' Srlad. sad sake Aaron Railroad snide Ts vein:. OYomaa ameampassm4T. 001x0 xY?. Dar F.a prerr. (l Dxr 8,30 .. a. CLINTO J ; ... " 9.06 '• RARPURHI}Y" 9.10 to SEAFORT1I a 9.36 " CARR(jNRROOK....a" 9.55 " MITCHELL eel 10.11 " STRATPQZD '*uiI o.50 " Gallia Wise. sTRATFoRb SEAFORTH 44 GODERICH Dar. e. 4.15 " fnanerta al Siraifortl with Greed Tniek Led SI Pens walk Greet weiviere. Doty Stages Hont (soden.* to all pro ot the unounhary_ ceenetry. Poseengert. mach Puna en *Serums' by Vaolivery and Morahan% mammas. lfuton GODEIIICII, C. W., MAY 26,1863. TER NOMINATION. According a Prociansation issued by the Sheriff, the Nomination foe these Counties next, at 12 o'clock, noon. Should a poll be demanded, the election will comment* on the 18th ofJunit. TO THE it Independent Electors; my esediel gsppert. I wit sweat 1 n ese epee the Gosr-Mmt std Peediamset or this emery .unity et sitting is w asawseltiaat ady.ste Oureraiel Hulls* glens asslus ealntt 'flake limes, abs am Binh baa bun as dinasraas to lie property Sam year to yes. Contrib.ti.s go largely to the general rev- enue of the Province, as they de, theiaka+ taste of theme United Counties're)aatly age titled to receive iucrrared Harbour seeota- sodatio., by which the value of their asci. minuet products wouldbe greedy eobar co the one hand, and the Boat et goods ree gained for hums rummies preportioS aWy lessened toe the other. Owing to the great sue of the ao.+titu- eaey, and the titne appointed for the elu- tion being so near at hand, I sill out be able to visit ell parte of the Counties, but will endeavor to ace as eery of it electors as ptamibk. I remain, geotkemen, Your obedient terTait, JAMES DICKSON.,j Trca.asui.e, May 25th, 1013. Thew me ties 10.ff00 te 00,111 ke !>r Tr, Collies wheel r loo, eke per` , Let the le eke tatelk toy he nee heel or M • serene emend este. if .vN" Mirk .f IV t%ripna.- amIgle 1 11 is demigod teat each Com. 'h limed eheeld 4r fully easiness to ens. sig tsadidatp for mural pd seedferk to be yablic Tait Mott t,.ebo,a! % .hes- the nese T Who nes nasion of Cows Berl lit way put n." it iy p finalist of fammiti.. 00.04pars if dere Oradea* Coeedtl; and perwlu pre apt,yy1 to eyes .mmearl4mtaime Of Loepl Superieleu t et . hu arm wbolly emit foe the place. 1 haw Anoint a percou ap- ponied to teat ogles sod keit lar idler year Or, who could net Waif gel third clams smirker for tem ideople teas„' that be voted risiLeazd tree r. any eiek .itrgle'e. Eb. m miry eases are arbkraq and eI* seii•y ed instead or gorily and e OSUJy drying fres the candidate his moil ileatiou they as the absurd attempt w ellml. Members of the beard have mi- llers o-llers kind to do -it le their trines them in accordance with the ads out hos the Council of Pub- trtons, and if thee aro not qualified t them. The main difficulty with the meals to be the enemata okiSmyth* IQ ie in the shape of tenaciously rmlaj to a system of iwtruotic• vklrlly fgporad is our Grammar Stheels..d inert. leg that candidates come up (or 1 should ea dews) to their standard. hi this IM Council Of Public Inys.itutioas are entirely to blame.- leaeey'. Grammar only is ■u41.rird ; Kirk- e . permitted, and you .ill scarcely see r is a Grammar School, and much Ino In loges. The text books usmi in the and the text boor in the (:assess. lad teachers emaaati.g fees them sstlbreed a submit to smother (pit il,j. maiyset ,e y eeenR The mut gad views are entertained in the Colleges. of So4oh I :amp rep j' boob -Ara here reel4. km .. , line Public atrasality, sod why should the Com THE ADMIJISTRATION.1, With reward to the filling rep of cries in the Cabinet, the Globe d yeah.. day rye, they will be immediately >' up by the appointment of the lion. L. 1'. Drummond and a xeailers frogs flail Eastern Townships, -we proems the lion. J. S. Ssnborn,"o/Ar.' too. All three are men dint -rate and great strength will be added 10 tri Administration by the amnion of nuf two of them. " The Cerraptionist Ore baa. much eaereined by the delay is eotap3M. pout( the M ioiaterixl arraogrw to in Lothar Canada Certainly they have a seed right to find fault in *hu matter they have themselves been always so prontp3, so scrupulous in filling epvacanctesi- Do they think people hare forgotte. bow lmug the Solicitor Generalship of Upper Canada wit left vacant, from their iaeb lity to find a mat with a .est in Pa, . meat to accept it a their heeds? Ii0 they think peoplehave f oreotten the. . We are almost daily in receipt of griev- " Item complaint& with regard to irregularity a the delivery of the Signal at various 'oat Offices throughout the equities Some of these epistles are indited ift gen- tlemanly terms, hat the great majority me very unreasonable. We positively itagert, woe for all, that both editions of the Sipa re mailed at the Goderieh post oasis, an regular as the respective hours at publics- oe come round. and if the paper fails to reach ite destination a.s regularly, it nuest through the negligence or over-sigAtt of he master of some iutermediate Acm- e the name of reaaon, how can we be sa- ted to see that the man at Clinton, et lsewbere. mikes up hi. Northers mail correctly, or whether he drops the selige Signals amide for a day or two ? If the head of the Govemtueut would just raise e editor of the Signal to the lionorible d lucrative position of Postmaster eneral, the said editor would put the screws on tho country offices, aud See that everybody got their papers at the proper time , but u such an event is not likely to take plane, we will be under the nixentity, as the nea best thing, of reporting wine of the most flag- rant caste to headqearters. The Pal able revenue from the newspapers serried over the 111TiOnll lines. and it is only just and right that the officials in charge rf even the smalless offices should attend to their duties in a business like nmear.- For our part we have stood the segligasse complained of long etionet, ',and ill • setter which en seriously affects our laborers, we shall feel justified in taking dr Ire beet calculated to erumre promptitude. !fere is a specimen of the more mow able complaints made The letter is fad an esteemed friend in Teeswater. TI.LeilrtTeR, May 214, 1963. OF THE UNIf ED COUNTIES or HURON N D I, In consequence of' the dissolution of Parliament, you are again called upon to I be exercise the elective fronchiee, in ehooeini t a person to reprecent you in the Legi&la. tie° Assembly of thia Province I. pee At the urgent requeet of the Central e tion of many personal friends, I have been induced agoin to offer myself as a Committee of the Reform Association ofl these United Countim, and at the solicita- datefor your suffrages and support in the an approaching contest. During. the two sessions of the Parlia- ment yust concluded, I have endeavoured to pursue a straightforward and indepen- dent course, and to fhlfil the pledges which gave at the time of my election. My views npoa the great questions be fore the country are so well known te you, having been frequently expressed on vari- ous occasions, that I consider it unneceo ry to allude to them at aujlength in With rd to Representation by Po- pulation, may state that, if re-elected, I will, as heretofore, invariably, vote for the adoptioc of that principle, whenever, and by whomsoever introduced. I consider that the carrying of this measure is the most likely means of securing joatice to Upper Canada, and, therefore, any Addle nitration which will make thie • Cabinet question shall receive my support. am stroogly opposed to any further iocrease of the Provincial debt, and will Joss no opportunity of advocating the roost rigid economy ia the public expenditure, always, however, bearing in mind the ne- enmity assail am outlay as may be requir- ed for the develossent of the resouroes of the eountry. I am decidedly averse to the practice, so frequently resorted to by former Administratiom, at spending hab- il Matey without the peerless knowledge sad senetion of Parliament Firmly relying upon the loyalty and pat- riotism et the people of this Provide, I shall support any Arent and monessits arneure white will tend to seeeserge the Volunteer Movement, Ned which may be es stake of defamer. Believing that the property of this Preens@ in, in • great measure, depeadent upon the speedy settlemeet of the earantry, I will advents the sate at the Crown Land" to arreel muter, on may terms I will silvers tie improvement, sod asseadmess, time to tits et oar DIM& Sll,-Our mails arrive Bum Clinton oe Monday's Weasendsy's„ mad Friday's, aad your weekly parr WIN issued on Thursday, we receive it with Mall latest nevi hy Fridait mail„ which is appreciated here, and the met *MOS would probsbly increase the semsber • or your euleseribets in thie seeds. 1110 most of the time swing to Noe aria management, they ire demist' ad leggthise for several days. to the greet those taking the &roil, asel T=1* roar diaad sentare We will particularise one mere, dim st hes received but one numberth bar me* sad seems inclined to thiak Wee If dim retainer mi nur part ftheb, vre 0111116. ia or the cm. The gegar le road with the yard rersleekty, sad We " it, bet it is dee than probe/de k retained Ifir the priers panda et do" wayside *tau* We gip* 1017 seat that meth irreynierity &NW ad* amid mweetnyel and t laws, sad arleavor to get a sisseire paned far epee serseated wild hieth, sod Ihr the mem speedy eitimelien et sleareskient lath Wham, will lend tepees* the best hams' et the Asvisellill* 06•11****. g ied Mingthettiiss demi serve Cp. fie Ammer wk. "so bag heen dried seer, ow log lefarall HafileillailSE in the adawateg tom"' Air ithet feted se wee. - Wittiest drive, awl eil of by permitting but two works ou Grammar Shish ftli• New moo is oisr Colleges The siloy pukes* 'of Otionnon School literature which affects our every day iutercourse with the world --in 'the social circle at our firesides aret-mmetr, the sorter re of langesper- ;Zion that is disgusting to cote of liberal Crodidates under examination are NW they must answer so and so it they expect sei get a certificate twee, making automatons Oft4m• erre probably the eadate, in many dam woaW make the better examiners la all the business that comes before the Coun- ties' Commit 4/keels none equal in imporfance to the apporting of Local Superintendents, and the most careful consideratiou should be gives to the subject by every member, irre- sputios of locality, and know that the y more then one township, unless his who:is Owe is given to the subject and a circuit suffi- cient to occupy tt. Tbia I think would re.alt 6 mach good to our Common School Syn. (TO BE CoNTINUAD ) THE AMERMAN WAIL REPORTED CONFEDERATE LOSSES- VICKSBURG CAPTURED. mat been received at the War Departure t - liferests, May 23.-1 forward the follow- ing, just reveived from Col. Jno. A. Ramillies., " Ririe or VICKSBURG, 3fay 20. -The army of Tennessee Iseded at Pruliusboro on the les of May. We fought the battle a Pre Gen. Bowen, whose loss in killed, wouuded sad prisoners was at least 1,500, and in arta- ' "On the 12th of May, at the battle of Ray. a tom ti00. mood, the Conkderutes were defeated with a I "On the 14th instant we def-assel General i with Wee to the eirmy .1 400, besides im- , muse stores and manufactures, and 17 pieces a of &nailer.. • satsus; of the iidsitltti d Rtes i waisaas M IHMIlribe * if bigi' t ls Ryas Jeeitlit.i- /reg r' eider el Osrral Ripley, Colonel Al. Aad i 6.tt, an w 11th, after the deportees et the honeyed bet, emamrwd the week, ad wp iW tem atmtem.r a :ha as pmd.a.M Yr. La Cost., at weed by Adje- taut Beyiede .ad a dsacreent of oma fe.m Vero thea par ander dI ..,t lie es. anu, lore effected the svieg of them fes pieces of ordoaore with mach tremble. !.t. early the Keokuk W been entirely submerged, and in rouxh w.t.r. The turret bd to be umbulled or enece.ed lied taken off b.fiire the guns could be clung for removal. This was au unpleasant job of game dificulty, the labor being performed under tie water, wbeo the mea ..s smooth, .ud in tie eight time only. There engaged in tem undertaking. going is the small boat of the fort, were sometimes protected from *4.. rig by the presence d oar geabasts i r other time. .,t. Oe goo was raised last week, being removed by the light hears boat. General Ripley himself, .ig befoe last, .ems down tosuperhard tie remoerr &tem mooed goo. Enterprise, .rem with scant mrauei .an as- eomplbh macb." Latest fres Marengo. bait 4.'e.11C1.Co, May) I9tk.-Tho sts.mer Golden Age briar advices from the City tf Mexico r the ltd of May, and Iron Puebla to the 30th of April. Oea.Ortegi s dispatch ec to Oen. Commoefon.tate that on the ni[gyht of the 24th of April, the French expltodad a mine on the block called Si. leimo, occupied by Mexican tnap.. A somber of Mesie.w were `brained itttke ruins, bet the balance re flitted, the French all ■sgbt 6,thting desper- ately. On the morning of the 25th both psrue wee reinforced, and continued the X6 let with the gre.Wt determauios and ferocity, the Mexicana at the des holding their original position. Dries the' coals the French exploded anther mine in the Santa Jena, another fight ensued te, kit- ing seven hours, ten Me:ream remail hag marten of the field, and eapiarittg 130 prime. ere from the 1st Regiment of Freue4 Lueaees. The N rench lett 400 dead oo the field. Since thein tight. the French have kmMt up tem bum berdoaeat of the city, though les. rigorously than before. On the 1st of May President Jaares left the city of Mexico fur Cummoofort'a camp near Puebla, for the purpose of urging im- mediate of enaire operations against the French. .11 Sad Pate of Canadians. torie haa received a letter front one of the party who came down the Fraser late in the 'Posen, and had toe miefurtune to leave three of their companions behind, with nothing but cold and starvation before them. The letter is dated Mouth of Quesnelle, February 9th. it says :-We arrived here • few dap ago in • desperate condition, after one of the very roughest journeys that ever any poor morttls had almost in this world. Poor Thomas is starved and frown to death, and all that are left of the party are Oilbent and I. We got 100 miles above. trort George, end we cauld not get Of it tor three days and two nights, and it snowed and Ooze taut desperately. Thomas (the writer's brotbero Mr. Wright. and Mr. Elston tied their feet stud bands frozen, and we were despatched to Fort George for provisions and assistance. The snow was so deep and travelling through the woards so difficult, that it took us twenty eight cloys to accomplish the task. It e had only ooe meal el provisions. I gut my feet bad frozen, and for fifteen days we had nothing eat -so that when we roaches.] the opposi stde of the river, to the Fort, had to be ea ried to the boat, I was so weak. We cou get no one at toe rod to go to their are same; aod I was so reduced by starvation tha I could not walk. 1 hare no more trate write you, .as the tuan is starting. You Wm. Ketone ' The writer, and his brotli omas, was one ot thou left behir were formerly residents of London, C. It Y wreell aepeerf tom* r edthesse hmelsWaltr . .e ► ettheiete ea Ilea seem itz age erish r wwadivide T lore t tpprute/Rha wig res tearer ewetia ttasey wM She pe1eei,Ma teat me to geide them as isdvideala, end the eo•rsu they le - Mrd to peter r • e iailtry. will be lard bare e tem peblie gets. Ti m it nothis they wish to hide, or ant ashamed of; aid wbea tee prayer tIN errfesylheir emo aslkass will hs r opse sad freak ea, we brier, they will be ..e,ptet.le to the people of Conaria, East ad West. In tem eneetime, w. mer mast that nam of tem ,.mors 1. cireulatbs ate rent eb b-w.4k iaveetioea of tb army. -Qwibre Mertmry. Rot -re Wesiwows.- lir. Itymal i again befogs the elde :es ad ria atrsightfurward goitre in the Hoar points hips out a the best ..d atro.ge.t Ms that could he wheeled by the Reform ps r j as their cssd.dess. The easy hope of tem Coneptionista tisa i. the poaible splittisg ap of est real. Let there be lYsion end etetoq is mare. We oars thus M r. tipoh. int seeking tem sdbses of she elector e a Returner. Mr. Wi Bribe* Y also Ilan ore the Rosea f Them geedeere, if they penis in rewires, excmt( f it to sse tial t y se doles efectual service w the tames of corrupt govetmlreL- Mr. Rymal has dorm nothing that .e ant aware of to forfeit the ooafkle.ce of kis friends ; on the tentrmry, his cores has nee open, manly and ,oasisseat, ad his triumph - oat return would he a samplings* which the electors owe r ria.-Hasrilwa 710w& Harsl.a e. -W. leen by spacial tele gen from Caldonia that Mr. Hareoart was thgpna.iesoes choice of the Reform eoaren- tiod 404 n Cay.ga esterd y. The convw. tion then adjourned AN 3smrdayt when it .ie meet to be.r Mr. Harco.n's deusisw. If he d climes amceptisg tem Mr. Ifavid Thompirn of rndianti .,1l be choice d tem aoorention.-Hamilice 7Tuse.. dtoeident at Qutnbeo-->arrore Leaps of the Neater 1 We ;earn by special telegram from Q.,b. , that on Walneday mewing6 the Hos. Joke Sand6elel Macdonald, and Yr. Sgammon, of Chicago, ret era' a severe acrid..(, oohs to the sp ethug of • tsleehe. i1.ee.. that, r Mr. kl,Dgsdd ad Mr. Scammors (wb it one of the relegates from Chicago on the cad besiege) wee taringg neer Wood,' where they had bene spendingg the evening wish bis Exe lleacy, the driver of the hied ealecbe in which tbey were, ort ler vehicle over a hillock, 'potties it, and throwing the pamengere to the ground with gnat violence. Mr. Macdonald fell 'pen oo. of the wheels, and thus hie fall was to some extemt broken i but lir. Sesmmon appears to have falleor on his heed with great force. The noise occu ioeue by the accident .nicely brought aid,tb, Governor (iteral aadhie family being fore. most iu rendering every a:tivance is their power. Mr. deameson, .ho was speethless, was carried ism the Governor's re sdmoee, and medical .id we,at ones summoned from Quebec. Mr. Macdodd, not bang 'o much hurt, returned bome. Mr. S saamo. wa. considered at ore time to he is a preeari mit eorditio., and still remains at Sprooar Wood, ver 111. The Premier i ernsder.bly brined, and i.oblig-d to area trice .h.le walking. IIe expects, however, to lean for Montreal on Fridy.--Pow Press. loot. and Fantle.. Doctor's Motto -" Patients and loag suf- tY. Heaven could erecute its porno*, jest as easily without great men as without little Id Many women think of notbing but dress. 1- To these the horisou is but the blue crinoline t of creation. t" Th• New Bedford Mercers says there is a "h duck in Bristol. Mut., which ereemeseed :ay er nag in f mit of' teat year, and for 84 days in 4 SUCOSISt011 laid two eggs ruich day. nd it is presumed Messrs. Wiight and Einem were also from the same locality. Unlees some lollies would happen to cross their path. we fear there isrhole hope a the poor fellows so nobless'y abrandoned to the raiser- idosfate awaited diens ever tumieg up Irce. The, e were three brothers ol the Hen- ie's in the party, two of whoa, William and Mort, got gaiety to the Mouth of queninelle " to the 17th of May te fought dm bloody and decisive battle at Baker's Creek, w bleb the entire force of Vieksiturjr, under Gerrend Pen:theatre), wudefeated. with 1110 KAN of 21 pieces of artillery and 4,000 men. On the 17th of May we defeated the same force at the Dig Black River bridge, with the loss of 2,000 men and 17 pieces of artillery. " On the 18th May we invested Vicksburg closely. To day Gen. Steele carried the pits on the north of the city. The ri f the THE SOUTH, Our New Englaud farmers have 110 con- ception of the mites of the Southern people. Let me give you an instance nt the manner in which money accumulates here. A jamas gentleman. whom 1 know near Nsfehe re. rtnn his father. and lourteen hundred acres f wild (ores! land on ihe Mississippi. Ile ook his hands there, and commenced clear g. Thirty axes do vast devastation in a word. As he c,eared he piled up the clot,' timber into tiiewood length, and sold it to prate/ steamers at 82.50 a cord Tbe first ar he took ei 2,000 in cash tor wood alone. bo second yeat'he raised 80 hales of comm. hith he sold at $50 • bele, and he also bold ood to the amount of $14.000 more. The lid year he sold 150 bales of' cotton, and eared by wood 510,000, which with OM 000 Ms cotton sold tor, brought hint an trireme of 518,000. Out of this the expense for feed ing and clothing his third slaves per annum wee less than 51,800. The ynUng inan, not yet twenty ntne„ is now • rich planter, with a hundred slaves, and is noikinr 500 bake of cotton st a crop. -Tile Sunny Sown. army mu on the Missiesippi abUre Vicki- a "P. S.--1 learn further that there are from in 15,000 to 20,000 men in Vicksburg and that Gen. Peoiberton has lost nearly all his field artillery, snd that the cautionadiag at Victim- hurg closed about 2 p. in. on the 20th of re May, Major Gen. Grant has captured nearly T ASEINGTON, Stay 24. -Tho following off*. cial dew!. of the battle of Black River lies " bee. received el Edgio Stantsm, Secretary of War. -The following despatch has been received at three headquartere, and is forwaeded as requested. REAR or Vicesernew, thy 26, 6 A. M. -- tory over the C,onfedershis under Pemberton, .. On the Jackson and Vieksburg road, at Baker's Creek, on the 16th instant. Pere beeline had • must foroiidable position On the the Areal of • wooded hill, over wl.ich the mad press losigitudinally. He hod about 25,000 men. The battle began st 11 a. m., and wee Ce gained et p. m. brunt wir borne by q Remy% division of Ifeelernand's corps, and aa by Logan's end Otorear's division of kiloliter- see's corps Hovey attacked the hill sad es bad the greater part of it till 2 o'clock p. of whets, having lost 1,600 men, he was succeed- Po, -444199.9 YOUMg111111)01001" Mad the President. " Agate." Washington cootopondent of Cincinnati Gazette, wntes as follows Since the report of the Committee on the adduct of the Wu, Geu. MeClellas lied pseud oat, of notice, ma a pmrann of further accounts Dot there is • little story Lout hies, aulhentrellArd by the best partible thority, whieh happily illustrates the Mtn,* the ernes to •hich for eighteen mouths we roily submitted, sad 1 may be pardoned bringing up the desd Geo. eosin to led ie. repeat thst the revalue:mot the truth is math no man will dare dwirme. Liecoln was in the habit of loving fte- at emesaltations with Gas. McClellan, in min semi. to (mhos thane inesserioss Mos. Instead of mediae a mesesager writhed ts awe him, Mr. Leeman seed to go wetly emir to Measles's hesimmetees. Ose hit failed to see hies The Mawr or "Vertter the President wee weit. rah or of his sea--setieg to re het. 'Tien him I me 91 the reaty.ktimay upstart aseteligatf:r. sear y west of ethos swift ed by Gemtral Hoomer's end Gamer Hold's for mielliet was ended in that part of the field. az Iburftatv brit 500 rams Logan operated on treat, so that be was eoespelled to »Vaal by r Ms *et Irak through the woods. Logan last en la kilted and wounded. dm. P We met sheet 2,1100 prisoner se the Mb, air edemering to the is Black, we fierget „ • Glas. Pemberton again at the bridge there, L. EtaNI et &betas eared 3,000 mom prisoners. He buis'i, ht to nfie pies, premed by a dillealt seeps. erred the rifle pots etageillesetly, asmi took dr primed thee Aril ewe err id Prabertion bided his bridge and Vieksherg with say tide de ase see If that he had Wien am, sad it lhar bridges orer the Mg Meek tied thamenieg of the lath, sod sow heti le Zsi by de awry sad erlasio llaa Oars "• 1 . These wee sharp Ilirri iris Walk and lassaasys wpm airy egeSft steartal=Yeallreas' sad herb tbe roper 41811V Irani owl gets vow beat dm , Ira aims Was re. lb ear liplizsarr on elm Imre dr ova itr As *Si be artist reag r. theeirmaery, rear* editor the Viebeleargh Mfg, oath e good stets the lesilleed et a heel et Rely ihriess, vie a hege, hehisamble betel, and the bathes, wee • pewee" etas, with • hese =ritewest presided. yet the lesdierd end et Mid Ake lessee. Primal • sh• head et the alias se dieser, mrid lewd mks mod forth, Set et arising ke rhyesleg mt. 'Res% baled Ira awl mop too jraltLicanasa mad mid has and_ verb= eguasb. use se eZint. NSW allertreeds he mod g skied ghee es she ethic ifs., et altil seem mid se la I sees t ass ebereeineed i(disi sr irk dmiesSente Mem Hans. who is a judge of morals as well as inoury, says that being tender to another inan's wife is not • "legal tender." We ac- cept his opinion- though we Wore no interest in the lineation. .At Ltristol, England, a tavern keeper, unit Mg /Nantes' patriotism, hung out a Imo. .• A sandwich *and • glass of beer for 3d. Bless them both." poem has appeared at Brussels, ander the title " De schoonste Liederen van Robert Burns aft het Schottisch veraalt drior Frans de Coon," accompanied by a sk el eh f the poet's Chloroform r recommended as ercellent for scolding wives. .t husband silo has tried it, Lays 'tio family should be without 'Is yoar Master op f' asked an early visitor of • nobleman's valet. 'Yea, sir,' rejoined the valet, with greet innocence; 'the but. ler and I carrie biro up about three o'. A yeses lady, litho affected a disinclination towards matrimony, wrote on • pane uf genes some verses expressive of' her determinatioe rever to enter into th r holy state. A gentle Man, Alto doubted the lad!'s resolve, wrote underneath 7- " The fair one hose vow these scratchy lines Wrote them on glass-ahe knew they wouW be bryiken." People with long necks enjoy drinking. as the liquor 6 tasted all the wiry delve. 'llushand,1 must have some change to -day.' 'Well, stay at hence, sod take ear* of the children- that will be change enon/h.l A false friend is like • shiedow on &dial. It appears in c:ear weathersthd vanishes as soot, 11 • storm approaches. You weed not talk much. One good re. mark is better than twenty dull or eciasesee What vertable man objectionable se board • ship? A leek. The Mei has esese room in it thee mast people think, if they woeld bet famish the r)- Teen Snobby insulted a Quither ley Hash of • Shaker 'Nay. sot meth bet I ear do • little is that wity.' So he sled Burry by the MAW, sod smarty shook his oat of his bora. to the Timm stating that. • pair composed of chalk, littered oil, sad 'Meese applied lo barns and sestets has, dining a forty years' test, peeved the hest ready. both m to NV from pain end edlactieg speedy rd. 1,,Pairee Carre. -A red mu red 6 iresspes somdiar i• Deer Street Sag wins 16. .16 ed.onad by ane ef a lett dense sereallyireasert Wass tie - Vet mem dews T 'Ten sere I hew Orr Ikea threiel ilk yea T soil Ns sensisms. 'TY se t Mrs% yes emeget Ord the sir Ira, bar as err stit ths . 'Wei she's piety mil. She sass se es hashiss.' albs dlit WIre Idol a bairn ape pus ea gem se get my ern es lest new,' oil rialer lift le tlis 'Aar arse ma a p.0 mamma he bat tioreaga. glom bieseK *hew he gess* YAW his innt&f sr I. ee.sesse..e et the press M .mbar natter, awl the bnseh reeds i. ere. dam by the Wedgy, w Remi umeke a es dinky of pospgsiss the eo.dtnian d the article eo eneueed in oar Ort tail Friday lythe 111 another columns win be foes4 Mr. Diekaos's Address M .41., eQa Having had barely tints !be pt ' it to this issue, we most reserve oar for a future oeenieu. Meanwhile, it speaks for itself. stir Our towasmu,J. B. 8iaolair Mei we aro glad to lea► paased the test ea.m inatios previous to be sworn ht es a b.r. riser, oo Monday last. He win be "eased^ towards tea clsm of the present, enm. i* At Ire annual meeting .f the nus. vocation ed t4 Udeeriity of Vittoria Coiled+ e. t4 13th ins. the degree of B. A. was'onferred upon J. C. Beier reed Robe Shaw of Godcricli, those yemi/gen• tbmea ivies passed the nre,ssary amain. inatiou In a mast creditable manner. Tea Wassatit is nagn1dest; *ad from all parts of the Comas we ban obeering accounts of splendid-lookhtg mope. The bright warm days d tbie week 4n beortgbt out the 4.1' ' s os the trait trees, and oar greeds ppsle, a. thus. dant crop. Altogether, then hat sot bast another ach Spring for many years pact Tus Flan Strietcauma TO Tits 810 - NAL. - We have tie eatiehenlen this week of plates au our subeeripties the name of the first subscriber ist the &ger, more than fifteen years ago. It 6 that of Chas Girvin, Esq., who wig induced to stop the peper about • year since oa dount of irregalarity of the de- livery by post. We hope Mr. G. will not have to complain of the post oars for die next fitter years. THE CILNERATION. The Birthday of Her Majesty our be- loved Queen iras commemorated yesterday by the good people of Goderiela and the neighborhood in 0 most hilarious style. - The town was literally invaded, an 1111- 1111enie concourse of people haeing poured in to enjoy the fun. The first rigid that preseeteti itself to the addrieg crowd was the Calithompie procession, which, at 8 a. te. deed from tome mysterious quarter, and was of mune greeted with • bunt of merriment that lasted for Revere] hours - The e'er of " this magnificent body of men " were thinuer than had been antiei pated, bet, as it was, the whole thing was inexpressibly absurd. First eame the oommaeder-in-chief, decked out in sword and oocked hat, -the latter being about the sise of • lour -barrel, more or tre- llis suite was composed of a lot of moat original warriors, prominent amongst them a nameless individual, decked out ia all the horrible yeraphernalia of Pandemo- nium, ears, forked tail and all. Thie uble gentleman, by the way, Game near having his seek broken, his steed, in the frantic effort to part from such company, throw ing him prone upon the hard ground. -- But why attempt to deecribo anything sce ladierous? Let it suffice to say that the- Calithutupians were followed through the. streets by an immense number of admir- ing people, and that the object evidently aimed at by them, was attained, as the roars of leughter fully proved. At 10 a. m. the Volunteers fired & fry de joie in good style, and then marched doem to the flats for target practice. A fen de joie was also to hare been fired at three o'clock, but the members of the res- pective corpe, as well as the csalithampians, were too much oppressed with the hest and dust of the day to attempt any further ensioerted action. In the afternoon the firemen turned out in full force, and with their engines gaily decked with lags and tvergreens, presented a very pleasing spec- tacle, as they marched throtigh the streets to the music of the band. .• The proemial caned upon the Mayor, who invited them to the Huron Hotel, where, together with a number of vieitors from Saginaw, the firemen were treated in a manner befitting the oocasioa. At this scene a refresh- ment, Mr. Cameron presided with 66 di- al suavity, and in toasts and otherwise succeeded in eliciting loyal empanels from the Goderieb mem, while tbe jovial guests from Saginaw were not forgotten. In a loco and happy speech, Mr. Lewis, of the East Saginaw Courier, respooded to the toast a the President ef the Gaited ject with admirable skill. We should not forget to sate that an excellent band freat Saginaw mired oar owe In di/energies sweet muds darbeg the day on da aquae mad through the preset- * streets. Of all tinsels then is an mei, mei the hest, dust, excitement, degeonetnetian, llirtation, and whiakeydriodery of the friends betook tkieressives to the Seises piss wished kis hoe, the soldiers and fir ' IMEM dried their amostrentents, sad the tired town seat SS the arms of Ki amid Morpheus. II' Mrasectors Reeses.-Dariag the Welded WM rm., the sew middy el Ilr. WM. Oaths Maks, le do Tiller at Teesersee, ba▪ r▪ p, rod,, hararble le my, she elselete Seal area the heel of Mr. llehmedgva wh• wee Sethi seer the Meg% eennionly Many *lab, woo osi IOW arside, , It is MI6 or la all mom Geo smehmi Ilk Mit mud ' tem ors Ira domb sae Vra Soo« 1106 thalesisAall sow maw